Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 16, 1903, Image 6

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Over the River.
Oyer the river they beckon to me
Loved oriel who've passed to the far
ther ide;
The gleam of their snowy robes I see.
But their voices sre drowned in the
rushing tide.
There' oua with ringlets of jiinny gnl j
And eyes the reflection of heaven's
own blue;
lie crossed in the twilight (fray snd cold
And the pale mist hid him from mortal
We ssw not the angels who met him
ice gate or tuo city we could not
Over the river, over the river,
' My brother si nod waiting to welcome
Over the river the boatman pale
, Carried another, the household net;
Her brown curls waved in the gentle
Darling Minnie! I see her yet.
She crossed on her bosom her dimpled
And fearlessly entered the phantom
We watched It glide from the silver
And all our sunshine grew strangely
,We know she is safe on the farther side,
Where all the ransomed and angel
Over the river, the mystic river,
My childhood's idol is waiting for me
For none return from those quiet shores.
Who cross with the boatman cold and
We hear the dip of the golden oars,
And catch a gleam of the snowy sail;
'And lo! they have passed from our
yearning heart;
They cross the stream and are gone for
i aye;
We may not sunder the veil apart
That bides from our vision the gates
i of day;
We only know that their barks no more
May sail with u o er me stormy
; sea
3Tet, somewhere, I know, on the unseen
They watch, and beckon, and wait for
for me.
And I sit and think, when the sunset's
Is flushing river, and hill, and shore,
I shall one day stand by the water cold
' And list for the sound of the boatman's
X shall watch for a gleam of the, flapping
I shall hear the boat a It gains the
i strand:
shall pass from sight, with the boatman
I To the better shore of the spirit land.
J (ball know the loved who have gone
And joyfully sweet will the meeting be,
-When over the river, the peaceful river,
The Angel of Death shall carry me.
.-Nancy Priest Wakefield.
Oft in the Stilly Night.
Oft In the stilly night.
Ere slumber's chain has bound me,
Foiid Memory brings the light
Of other days around rue:
The smile, the tears,
Of boyhood' years,
The words of love then spokeu;
, The eyes that (hone,
Now dimmed and gone,
The cheerful hearts uow broken.
Thus In the stilly night,
Ere slumber's chain has bound me.
Sad Memory brings the light
Of other days around me.
When I remember all
The friends so linked together
I've seen around rne fall, .
Like leaves in wintry weather,
I feel like one
Who treads alone
Some banquet hall deserted,
Whose lights are fled,
Whose garlands dead,
And all but he departed.
Thus in the si illy night.
Ere slumber's chain has bound me.
Had .Memory brill); the light
Of other'days around me.
Thomas Moore,
The Foreman Ho Uurd Work to Keep
Public Off the Haft Pavement.
i Said tlfo foreman of a repair gang
working on Eighth avenue: "People
have an Idea that a foreman lias an
easy time; that all he ban to do Is to
tand around with Ills hand In bis
pocket and swear lit the men at regular
Intervals. Ankle from tin? fart that a
foreman superintends the Job and In
therefore responsible for any mistake,
he baa the duty of polking the strip of
asphalt being; laid down that Is, of
keeping pedestrians and vehicle from
running over It before If bard. The
gang know bow to do II work without
being; eternally cussed at. I could go
to slei-ji, and while they might loaf a
Jlttle the work would be Jmt as well
!dono. Hut If 1 should go away for half
an hour I'd find when I came hack thai
half the population had either walked
vr driven over the new patch.
"You'd suppose that citizen who are
forever complaining alwmt tho condl
jtton of the street would at least not
delay the work; yet they're like chil
dren who want to imkp their finger or
,'tholr fei't Into everything; that looks
'oft. Once In a while a man will come
up to the edge of a fresh strip and dig
but tM Into It to see how soft It Is, I nip
poM. Then he'll try to sinooth the Im
prMrton away, but you can't do that
with Mpha.lt make a hole In It and
you've got to poor In nVire stuff to level
it off. ji
"TIM Inquisitive map Isn't the only
troublesome one. FrWably the man
wbo'a lu a hurry and f ean't like to go
oat of bis way la the t. When we
are working at ctossO where thou
sands of Deoole D4 very hour It
would take a 'fire line to keep them off,
They cut right through the middle with
the air of a small boy with a chip on
hlH shoulder. Women are the hardest
creature to manage. Only a day or two
ago I caught a shopper attempting to
break past me. I spoke to her, as I
thought, very quietly and respectfully.
She Jumped a If a horse had suddenly
stuck hlH nose In her fuce. The tongue
lashlng she pave me before au amused
crowd would have made a grease tqot
of any man less hardened than 1 am.
''Don't you speak to rne don't you
dare speak to me,' she cried. 'You have
no right to frighten people, out of their
senses. Vou wouldn't durJtQ lalk 1
my husband like that.'
"It doesn't do much good to put up
barriers of barrels and planks. I've
seen a few lunatics crawl right under
them or vault over them In order to kep
In the straight linn in which they were
going. Of course after we have laid rt
stretch, we always put a fence up, and
take 1t away biter when the asphalt
has thoroughly hardened. Then' tie)
time when he merry truck driver gets
In bis fine work: he whips big horses up
and catches one of the barrels or boxes'
with the hub of his wheel, and down
tumbles the whole business. This la his
Joy and especial care, for, If his truck
bo big enough and heavy enough, he
owns the streets.
"Our troubled are not always with
laying asphalt. Sometimes when we're
chopping out old asphalt we clash with
the 'mini In the street.' Then little
chips bmrlstllng all over with sharp
points fly In every direction, and tht
citizen who feels the sharp sting of an
asphalt crystal seems to lose all control
of his temper. His Hue of reasoning, II
he reasons at all, Is that we are In ten.
tlonally throwing things at him. Bui
be takea It all out In talk and fist shsk-
Ings, and goes off vowing to report tht
"As a sort of dumping ground for thi
bad tempera of people," concluded tht
foreman, according to the New York
Times, "we certainly deserve to bt
given a place with the unotorrnan and
the conductor."
How Roman Pupil of 2,000 Years
Ago Bet Uow ii His Day's Doing;.
Something quite new In the form ol
an exercise book for budding Greek
scholars has made Its appearance la
Germany. Into this "Greek Reader"
have been packed all sors of delightful
and almost unknown specimens of tht
literature of ancient Greece, such at
fables, fairy tales, stories, etc., adapted
for young people. There are also exam
ples of the work done by the pupils ol
the Graeco-Roman schools some twen
ty centuries ago. The following, for In
stance, Is the account of his dally rou
tine work by a Roman schoolboy. lit
"I wake vp before sunrise, leave mj
bed, sit down with my straps and shoet
and put on my shoes. Then water foi
washing Is brought to me. I wash first
my bands, then my face, take oft my
nightcap, put on my undergarment,
anoint and comb my hulr, arrange my
neck cloth, put on a white upper gar
ment and a wrapper. Then I leave my
bedroom, together wllh my tutor and
my maid, salute my father and mother,
and leave the houHe." The mixture ot
Spnrtan abstinence In leaving boms
without a breakfnst and of the alto
gether tin-Spartan luxury of an attend
ant tutor and maid Is suggestive.
The youth goes on to explain, with a
dellclously pedantic air: "I reach th
school, enter and say 'Good-morning,
my teacher. Ho returns the salutation.
My slave hands slates, penbox and pen
cil to me. I sit down 'In my place am)
write, and then I crs out what I hn,v
written. I write from a copy mid show
It to the teacher. lie corrects and
crosses out what Is bad. Then he makes
me reail aloud. Meanwhile the small
boys have to learn their letters and
spell out syllables. One of the bigger
boys reads to them. Others writ
verses and I go In for a spelling coinpc
tltion. Then I decline and analyze
some, verses. When I have done all thlt
I go home to breakfast. I change my
clothes nud then I eat white bread and
olives, cheese, (Igs and nuts and drink
some cold water. After breakfast I go
back to school. I I1nd the teacher rend'
lug aloud, and he sHys, 'Xow we will
begin at the beginning.' "
This schoolboy performance, says the
Westminster Gazette, goes a long way
to show once more that there Is noth
lug new under the sun, not even the
trivial round of the modern schoolboy
An Absent-Minded I'uinicr.
An authore.-s of note was In Naples
and very much tdeslred to know Mo-
rein, the famous painter, but could iiihi
lio one lo net its Intermediary. At Ills)
she resolved to Introduce herself.
When she paid her visit she found tho
studio door open, and, pushing a cur.
tain to one side, stood before the art
ist at work, who. looking at her ab
sent-mindedly, said: "These lines scon!
to be all right, what do you think?'1
And to her murmured response wen
on; "lint the eyes or tne nuns lo no
suit me; piny sit down n moment-
yours are Just the thing!" With Im
ward delight the lady sat down and
in ted as model for an hour ami a half,
during which time the writer ami tho
artist tallied as though they had been
friends all their lives, (suddenly Mo
relll stopped, took off his glasses, and
peered nt his handsome- model. "Hut,
cxci! me, who are you?" he asked.
Tho vital question of to-day, accord
ing to the women's journals, Is this:
When I a garment a gown and when
ta It a dress? Those who want to
keep abreast of the times should read
the women's Journal.
A critic l, flrst of all, a Mar. Ha
does not hesitate to tell an untruth tr
make a food point
Hall Calne's "The Eternal City" has
reached a sale of 325,000 copies .
Funk & Wagnnlls Company an
nounces the publication of "The Social
ist ?od tin;. Jti;.jj.cC .by.. Mrs-. Fremont
Older. It Is a novel of Californian life
during the anti-Chinese labor agitation.
The new novel with which Ltn-a
Malet Is to follow her success with
"'The History of Sir Richard Ciilmady"
bus been completed and will soon be
published both In England and this
The monumental "Dictionary of
Slang" upon which W. K. Henley and
John E. Farmer have been working
for some years past Is nlmost finished,
and the final volumes are to be pub
lished at au early date.
E. P. Duttou & Co. have Just pub
lished "The Truth and Error of Chris
tian Science," by M. Carta Sturge, a
Cambridge graduate, with a preface
by Canon Scott Holland. The author
has given the matter very serious
The Century Company Is about to is
sue a book of Action dealing with the
Slighter phase of life at a girls' college,
by Jean Webster, a recent recruit to
jthe ranks of story writers. The Uls
tlnetive quality of her work Is Its spon
tanelty and humor.
Herbert 8. Stone & Co. announce for
early publication a story by a new
writer, called "Brewster's Millions."
The hero Is a New York fellow of good
parts who, to save an Inheritance of
$10,000,000, starts out to spend a for
tune of $1,000,000 In a year.
A nature book of some moments Is
soon to bo Issued by Charles Scrlbner'a
Sons. It Is to be upon "Trees, Shrubs
land Vines of the Northeastern United
fetates," and Its author, II. K. Park
hurst, will give therein a general ac
count and botanical details of the sub
ject, aiming especially to Interest those
readers who have never made a study
ot botany.
The University of Chicago Press
publishes a volume entitled "Assyria n
and Itubylonlan Letters," by Robert
Francis Harper, professor of Semitic
languages and literature In the Univer
sity of Chicago. They cast much
light upon the administrative methods
of the Assyrian government and upon
the practical workings of the state re
liglon, and furnish valuable informa
tion concerning Assyrian and Babylo
nian life and customs.
' Mrs. Ruth McEnery Stuart Is one of
those sincere and unpretentious people
.whose work is often undervalued be
cause It Is left to make Its own place
and select Its readers without blowing
of trumpets and beating of gongs, snyj
the Outlook. In the little group of
writers who deal with real Uilncrs In n
Irenl way In this country she holds a
pecure place. She has various gifts-
skill In characterization, feeling Cor bet
background, a good sense which shines
In well-phrased reflections; but hei
most original gift Is humor unforced,
spontaneous, kindly, full of human
tenderness. The story of Napoleon
Jackson, aptly described In the sub
title as The Gentleman of the Plush
Rocker, Is, in Its way, a little master
piece. It Is a bit of life reproduced
with contagious mirthfulness, with
genuine skill, and with a keenness ol
Insight Into character which commands
our respect while It compels our laugh
ter. A more beguiling story has nol
appeared this season, nor a more real
Unique Geographical Globe.
In the Academy of Sciences at Tsars,
koe Selo may be seen one of the mosl
Inteiestlng relics lu the world. It l!
a geographical globe eleven feet Id
dltin eter, made of copper. It was com
menced In the year K5.VI and was com
pleted ten years later, during tht
reign of Duke Frederick of Holstelu.
Th.i outside represents the earth find
the Interior thp celestial spheres. Thort
Is a door giving access to the interim
of the globe, and In the center Is a
roiiud tnble, which Is so large lhat
twelve persons can easily sit around
It. By means of old fashioned but
trustworthy mechanism the globe can
be made to revolve upon Its axis. Thli
curious relic weighs about three am:
n half tons. Ever since It was mad
It has been regarded as entirely unique
In Its way. and, though Its value foi
geographical purposes Is not sow very
yrcat. It Is still prized by scientists a
n, str.'king evidence of the lutercst
which was taken In geographical mat
(era t'vo and n half centuries ngo.
Tho King' Perquisites.
There are many perquisites to tht
crown of England. The King Is en
titled, for Instance, to every sturgeon
brought to hind In the United King
dom. One of them, caught In tin.'
Thames, was on the table at Queen
Victoria's wedding banquet. The King
should receive too every year from
diver persons a tablecloth worth three
shilling, two white doves, two whltt
hares, a catapult, a pound of cumin
sed, a horse and a halter, a pair of
scarlet hose, a currycomb, a pair ol
tongs, a crossbar, a coat of gray fur
a nightcap, a falcon, two knives, i
lance worth eight shilling, and a sil
ver needle from hi tailor,
Malls In China.
China has decided to establish a gen
eral poatofflce and to turn over thr
administration of It to the marine cua
to ma service, uodtr Sir Robert Hart
18 Emtomails
Shall We fly by 1904
HE United States Commissioner
that in his opinion one of the
progress to be dealt with In
aerial navigation. Experience,
onstrated Its practicability;"
prediction that when the dillictilries
way are overcome, American brains will
This assumption may be rather far
be confessed that the greatest advance
tion has not been scored by a citizen of the United States,
but by a young Brazilian, Santos-Dumont. But the head
of the Patent Office doubtless has In inind the numerous
applications for patents for flying devices which have been
made by Yankee Inventors, and it may be that sooner or
later, the nation which has done so much to forward use
ful Invention will succeed In solving this problem also.
At any rate, a generation which
Atlantic messages exchanged without
should not be unduly skeptical regardiug future achieve
ments. Whether really useful flying machines are de
vised by Americans or foreigners Is a
possibility that within the next twelve months some ma
terial advance may be made toward their construction Is
one of the phases which promises to add to the interest of
life during that period. Philadelphia
When Should a Man
OT, When should a young
man or a middle-aged man
ical edition of man marry? but, When should
a man marry? Marriage presumes youth. The
bride particularly is never
may have white hair, but, bless
violet undor the snow that tells the
with six children who Is going to marry the widow with
five may seem mentally superannuated,
Matrimony despises calendars and age distinctions. All
people about to marry are young and that ends the flrst
part of the discussion.
Now the second part is more prosaic. General Corbln
still pleads that army officers should not marry too early.
Ixive, he Intimates, cannot thrive on a lieutenant's pay. A
bishop stands before a conference in the South and says
preachers should avoid early marriages. In four recent
articles we have read rich men advise the Juniors to go
Blow on the matrimonial market. So It runs. Some of
these, advice-givers married early, and when brought to
book by that fact, think they save themselves by declaring
that conditions nowadays are different. But It Is a million
to a cancelled stamp that If they had It to do over again
under modern conditions they would be ahead of their flrst
records. When should a man marry? About half past
after he falls In love. Baltimore Herald.
The Proper Use of Leisure.
I ME, as somebody has said, Is
made of, and we ought to
count of how we spend It.
the leisure time of most
should not be wasted In Idleness, but should
be turned to use: Every man and woman ought to read
some good book for an hour or two hours each day. Hav
ing resolved to do this, a man ought to make It a aolemn
duty, as It were a religious office, to stick to his resolution.
How aa Indiana Girl Surprised
Young Man in Chicago.
At the athletic club the other night
this was George Ado's contribution to
the stories that went around the table:
"Dear papa struck a gas well down
On the Indiana farm," said he, "and
Maybelle and mother came to Chicago
to see life. The first night dear May-
belle went Into society she made good
with a young fellow who was home
from college for the holidays. His
father owned four or Ave banks and a
w railroads, and he was the catch
of the season. He had his name down
on Maybellc's dance card so often that
all the other girls began to talk about
her. About the time they began to
call for carriages Archibald said he
wanted to call at her hotel the follow
ing night.
' I must ask mamma first,' said she.
Mamma said she was foolish to grab
him and hold him tight. Wise mamma
had sized him up as a catch. Maybelle
had u scheme, though, and told him he
mustn't call for two days.
"Then Maybelle hunted up her dear
st Indiana friend, and asked what
she ought to do to make herself solid
with Archibald. Maybelle was a little
shy on polite conversation and she
wanted pointers.
" 'He's a college man, and I must be
areft.l what 1 talk about," she de
l.ircd. "'History Is always a good topic,'
said her friend. 'I'nt In all vour time
from now until to-morrow night read
lug some history. English history is a
".Maybelle got an English history and
never let loose of It for two days and
must of both nights, and by the time
Archibald was due she could tell the
date of everything from the rclgu of
Alfred the (J rent to the Boer war and
back again,
"Well, Mr. Archibald called. May
belle was n trllle disappointed when, in
stead ff putting on a lot of dog, he
seized Iht hand and shook It like any
ordinary person, without assuming the
expected abstracted air and running
his fingers through his hair. In fact,
he started right In giving Maybelle her
own bunch of talk about what a pretty
dress she had on, and how he liked
her dancing, and regretted that she
did not have him call the previous night
us well, and a lot of the regular line
that she would have enjoyad down
"Hut Maybelle had not read English
history without an object, and she
never budged even whan the atranfflt
uold got Archibald' conversation for
a minute. Hut Archibald got bis aec
uiit wind pretty quick and continued
he hot air until suddenly be was all
of Patents declares
chief problems in
the coming years Is
he asserts, has "dem
and he ventures the
that stand in the
do the work.
- fetched, for it must
made In this direc
has Just seen trans-
the medium of wires
minor matter. The
man or an old
or any astronom
old. The groom
your soul, It's the
season. The widower
but who can soy?
cases therefore
the stuff that life is
keep a strict ac
more probable of
The evening is
men, and leisure
powder, a six per
"Then came Maybclle's chance. She
had listened for twelve and a half mln
utes to Archibald's commonplace, and
now she was going to show him that
she knew a thing or two. So In the
middle of a painful silence she gazed
eonquerlngly at Archibald and ex
claimed: "Wasn't that awful about Mary,
Queen of Scots?'
"Archibald started, stared, and stam
mered: "'Why! What about her?'
" 'My goodness! - Didn't you know
that the poor thing had her bead cut
oft'' asked Maybelle proudly.
"And then Archibald asked for Ice
water." Chicago Inter Ocean.
He I Sagacious and Quick-Witted in
Manv Hespects.
"The plantation mule has a curious
and interesting way of calling out the
time of day," said a man from Mis
slppi to the New Orleans Times-Democrat,
"and wltli men who have spent
any considerable length of time on a
big plantation in any section of this
country south of Mason and Dixon's
line I suppose the observation is very
common. Mules are wonderfully saga
cious and quick-witted In some re
spects. They are particularly apt In
aiming things which have to do with
bodily comfort; such things, for In
stance, as relates to feed time, water
ing time, and so forth. But the par
ticular thing I had In mind was the
habit of mules along about turning
in time at the noon hour, and In the
evening. They have a way of tell
ing the time, and when more than
one mule Is to be found In the field,
they have a way of calling out to
each other. They bray at each other.
(ne curious fact In connection wllh
the habit Is that they are never be
hind time with their braying. At the
noon hour they never wait until the
time for the dinner horn to sound.
They call out to each other, and In n
short while you will be certain to hear
the horn blow. As a rule they nre only
a few minutes ahead of time with their
braying, which shows how accurately
they reason with respect to the time of
tho day. This habit furnishes a pari
of the music of the big plantation,
and It may be said lhat the mule Is
the leader of the farm orchestra,
for the negroes Invariably follow the
first call of the mule with a halloo pe
culiar to the negro farm hand, and the
sound Is taken up again and again un
til every mule and every negro on tho
place has Joined In the strange orches
tration. You can Imagine what thla
means on a plantation containing thou
sands of seres, and where many mules
and many nagroM are sea tiered over a
vast cultivated plateau. It la an in
Nothing should be permitted to Interfere with his reading
If, on any day, he must be otherwise employed during,
his reading hour, let him make it up at some other time
in the same day. And if he cannot read the full time to
day, let him make up for it to-morrow. Perseverance will
make reading a habit and a pleasure. The keenest pleas,
ures of life are drawn from books, and a man that has
the reading hubit would rather have it than fifty thousand
dollars. . . . The expression "killing time," la abhor,
rent. Why should we wish to kill time? Time is given
us for a purpose. We ought to make the most of it The
man who says he has nothing to do is Ignorant or negligent
of his duty to himself the duty of making himself a better,
wiser, broader-minded man day by day. Killing time is
Intellectual and moral suicide. Moments are precious.
They are not to be thrown away. There is always some
thing to do. San Francisco Bulletin.
HE University of Chicago will hardly regret
its decision to separate the sexes in their pur
suit of their studies. They have hitherto min
gled In tliis great Western institution of learn.
Ing, but with Jan. 1 the "segregation" system went
into operation, and women students henceforth will ba
guaranteed freedom to enjoy all the privileges of the uni
versity. The new plan will, it Is said, permit co-Instruction
only in those courses offered to Junior college students for
which the registration Is not sufficiently large to warrant
division on an economical basis. For example, at the
present time one-third of all the courses offered to Junior
college students, roughly speaking, will be offered to men, ,
one-third to women, and one-third will be open to both
men and women. As students Increase, the number ot
courses retained as co-Instructional will be diminished. The
plan makes necessary the provision of separate classrooms
and laboratories, and Implies that officers of Instruction
shall divide their time with approximate equality between
men and women. This seems like a sensible reform. Co.
Instruction Is all right, probably, In kindergartens and pri
mary academies, but when young men and women have
attained the age and the habit of thought of university
students it looks like an axiomatic proposition that each
sex will give the curriculum better attention when ths
other sex Is not around. Pittsburg Press.
The Risks of Shaving.
N spite of the fact that those who use the razor frequent
ly cut themselves yet It is rarely that anything more se
rious than a cut follows, the slight wound generally heall
ing quickly, and tho risk of septicaemia arising In thi.
way would seem to be almost nil. In the majority of
it is clear that the razor blade must b4
clean I. e., free from septic matter which'
may be attributed to the fact that probably It is dipped
into hot or sterilized water before its use, or else that thff
soap lather Is antiseptic. The latter explanation seems thtf
the two. The amount of soap rubbed
on the skin Is considerable if the shaving is to be In any
degree comfortable, and soap has considerable antiseptlJ
cent solution being sufficient to destroy
the typhoid bacillus. ... In a word, soap in the opera
tion of shaving not only facilitates the process but playd
the same valuable role when the shaver is unlucky enough
to cut himself as does the antiseptic in surgery. London
spiring sort of thing to the man no(
familiar with plantation life, but a,
man long accustomed to it become!
dead to the sounds, and scarcely noi
tices them. The point I had in mind)
however, was the shrewdness, and
good sound sense of the .mule with
respect to matters immediately con.
ccniing his welfare and comfort Ha
is a wond'T in some respects and is
not to be judged by the dullness of his
Indian Smoke Signals.
The traveler on the American plaitu,
soon learned the significance of the
spires of smoke that he sometimes saw
rising from a distant ridge or hill, and
that he might see answered from q
different direction. It was the signal,
talk of the Indians across miles of in.
tervening ground a signal used Iq
rallying the warriors for an attack, ot
warning them for a retreat If that
seemed advisable. The Indian had a
way of sending up the smoke in rings
or puffs, knowing that such a smoke
column would at once be noticed and
understood os n signal, and not mls
taken for the smoke of some camp-
lire. He made the rings by repeatedly
covering the little lire with his blan
ket. The column of ascending amoks
rings said to every Indian within thir
ty miles. "Look out, there Is an enemy
near!" Three columns close toeethet
meant danger. One column merely
meant attention.' Two meant "Oamn
at this place." To any one who has
traveled the plains the usefulness of
this long-distance telephone Is at once
apparent. Sometimes at night the
seltler or the traveler saw flcry lines
crossing the sky, shooting up and fall.
Ing. He might gues (hat thees were
signals of the Indians, but unless he
were experienced ho might not ba
able to Interpret tho signals. One firs
nrrow, an arrow prepared by treating
the head of the shaft with gunpowder,
and flue bark, meant the same as the
column of smoke puffs-"An enemy la
near." Two arrows meant "Danger."
Three arrows said Imperatively, "Thla
danger Is great." Several arrows said,
"The enemy are too many for us."
Her Idea of It.
"Mr. Geezer Intends to have a nunv
her of literary evening," said Mrs.
Teimpot to Mrs. Ilojack.
"What Is her Idea of literary STen
Ing?" "Well, she' to give a Ben-Hnr pro
gressive euchre followed by a Long
fellow ping pong." Detroit Free Preaav,
The story writers have much ta say
about "rebelllou curia" escaplaf frem
the pins and combs a girl was ta hold
them. Out of the books, when a carl
escapes, It meana It la a tmngiat ea
and that tt fell off.
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