foFlCSOF THE TIMES. A CHOICE SELECTION OF INTER ESTING ITEMS. Coamrota and Crlticiana Rased Upaa the Happening of the Duj-HUtori-cml and Nawa Notes. Hellet. again, that many a harmless old bachelor would bo a bowling nuis ance ag a married man. Most of those cfiy people who Invest In gel-rlch-ipiIoU wliemcii would prol ubiy laug'.ib hi a farmer who bought a -gold bcirk, A trust ban been formed for the purpose of cornering the mastodon In no The stray Indian arrow heads are sl'.'.'i oiwn to Invldnal enterprise. Now that thi Ixjiidon laundry mi'ii have entered a trust, maybe it will be possible for tlie transatlantic tour ist to get a really white collar there. The only jime the Emperor of China is ever taken Into consideration Is when the empress dowuger makes him sign the iay loll aier she. has put his envelope In her stocking. The next alliance may be formed by the Europtan powers for the pui pose of permanently curing the "nick man." And we may with much propriety in!ort here the scriptural Injunction, "Fbysl clan, heal thyself." The Iowa supremo- court holds the owner of a hive of bees Is responsi ble when a bee hits father on the jjeek and lifts bim about twenty feet Into the air. It I not only a good law but It Is good ethics. Mr. Mitchell recently said a few things which should be Impressed on recalcitrant employers and employes alike. One of them was: "No great strike can aucceed If the American peo ple are opposed to It. If they conclude a strike is right. It will win; If wrong, It will fall." If the disappearance of millions de posited with turf companies, for which no accounting can be made except that one depositor was robbed to pay anoth er, or all depositors were robbed by the managersfl, does not Involve the violation of either State or Federal laws, there Is certainly a deficiency In the laws. ' There has been much heedless rheto ric spilled both here and In Great Brit ain over the ties of blood and birth and language which should array the two great English-speaking peoples In a bard and-fast alliance against the other nations of the world. The true basis of friendship between thera Is Datural, not entiinental. They are held together tot so much by common Ideals and com mon Inheritances as by common ambi tions and common interests. That Merrlmac farce was a bad thing for Hobson. How singular that It should have settled In bis eye! The young man Is deserving of all our sym pathy. There Is no hope In this world for a handsome man who Is a hero. Heroe should be ugly as sin, because their heroism makes them beautiful In the eyes of the emotions! feminine. The man who Is both hero and handsome is taking nndue advantage of the compen sating Influence of nature. The editor of the Medical Record de clares that the average woman of the "smart set" thinks more of a dog than she does of a baby that Is, a baby of her own and he ascribes this mainly to life hi Hats and the demands of so ciety. While the statement In a gen eral way may Ik: open to question, there Is no room for argument when It Is asserted that a woman who liven In a flat' and goo Into society had neither rom nor time for raising much of a family. In Sweden thousands of people are sorrowing. It Is not alone because the crops failed and there Is hunger In thousand of hollies. An old King has laid aside his crown and bis Jewels and the cures of state, and will no longer play the part of father to his people. Why did he do It? Perhaps be was tired of It all. Pomp, cere mony, grand dinners, gaudy clothes seem very line when age has not laid Its heavy hand on a monarch; but when the end of life approaches, ndu billou, fame, ambition, alt become bau bles. King Oscar dignified a throne, and has really loved his people. Were i here more like lilm wearing crowns there would be less unrest In Euroe, ti nd fewer attempts to snuff out royal lives. Today he Is still a giant, a imghty oak. Me stands six feet four inches, lias great shoulders, a great clicxr and a gracious manner. All his tin he has lived simply and cleanly. There are no scandalt attached to lilm. lie has good brains, and has kept them well stirred, lie Is a writer, a poet, a diplomat and a good fellow, lie likes a good story, and can tell one mid laugh as heartily as the next. lie lias mingled with his people ss freely as lias the President of t It United Hlatcs; anil the gap Itctwccn King and commoner. In Sweden and Norway, has been bridged by hearty good fel lowship and sincere trust a result What couldn't such a man do for Eu rope, If hn possessed the ambition of n Napoleon and the wealth of a Nich olas? King Oscar Is 74, and at 74 am bition falters, and the eyes of men Mho are wise are lifted higher tbao throne, 1 ri a search for a cans for the growth of the, cocaine and other stlraulact aeek'ir habit, many paopl look be join' the urufxist. that "unroiMckua n; of el tilal plaasereo," aa be Qulncy calls him, and find that modem l.ft itself is rt sponsible fur such abnor mal conditions. In a state of society where women in their twenties know the meaning of t lie words "anaemia" and "nervous exhaustion," and wh(re they are constantly reminded of the necessity of "building up their tissues," It is not to be wondered at, sy the critics, that deadly drugs are eagerly sought. In the good old times ibe most jaded pleasure lover, the most satiated society lover could be restored to nor mal nerves by simple tonics and home brewed concoctions. Htit now, so deep hstbe. . w.urid acaiiimss,. ho .jwetti- the nervous fatigue resulting from '"seeing life," that one must resort to those "portable ccstaeles," that "bottled peace of mind." that are to be obtained only at the druggist's. Vet, on the other IibimI, If this is an ne of artifi claliiy and morbid Introspection and analysis. It Is also an athletic ape, an ace of outdoor Ideals and high physical standard. One hears constant redlin ings over the Increasing number of drinking women, cocaine fiends, and morphine victims, yet one seldom comes across a person who nuniliers any if these unfortunates among his aciiiaiiitiiuces, whereas everybody con fesses to a large acquaintance with Kport-Ioving women, with croquet fiends and golf victims. It is useless to blind one's sdf to the fact the first mentioned class exist, but It is quite as unnecessary and twice as deplorable to . ufum.e iroin mis Knowledge xne oenei that present-day society Is driving ev erybody to the drug store, there to plead for some bottled panacea for hu man miseries. A coroner's jury fixed the blame for the disastrous wreck of the Philadel phia express of the Central Railroad of New Jersey upon Euglneman Davlsj who died from his Injuries. The jury's finding and Davis' confession bring toj the frout again the old question of ter-, rifle speed of modern passenger trains and safety In operating them. Davis declared that he saw the red light of the block set against hlin, but ex pected It to turn white. Davis bad the reputation of being one of the best englnemen on the road, and his con fession may therefore be taken as evN deuce that the man at the throttle of the express engine of to-day Is accus tomed to taking long chances. This conclusion Is emphasized by the fact that early on the morning following the Pla Infield wreck an englneman on the Chicago & Northwestern Railway ran by two "blocks," over a flaming fusee and a torpedo, only to crash Into another train, thereby causing deat and destruction. The question arisei whether the exigencies of modern rail roadlng necessitate englnemen takln chances. Operating officials would an swer this emphatically In the negative, yet they know that there Is not an im portant railroad systpm In the country on which chances are not taken almost hourly. Competition and fancied pub lic demand have led to excessively fast time In the operation of passenger trains. As the speed Increases so does the danger of operation. Schedules are so arranged that time lost Is diffi cult to regain, and chronically delayed trains mean loss of business and dis charged or disciplined engine crews. Naturally, therefore, the eng neman Is going to strain every nerve to keep on time and avoid the carpet In the gen ernl manager's office. In such constant effort there come times when desire takes the place of prudence. Nlnety- ulne times, perhaps, the white light for a clear track has been shown as the train approached the bridge. I'pon the one hundredth occasion the fog has enveloped the engine In impenetrable mist, or the storm Is beating fiercely against the head windows of the cab, making the detection of signals diffi cult. Speed Is not slackened accord ing to operating rules, chance Is de pended upon, the draw is open, and disaster follows. Not even In the army is discipline of higher order than on American railroads, but It is the ex ception that proves the rule, and the exception that causes the fatal wreck. Fortunately the Introduction of mod ern safoly devices bus reduced rall-j road facilities In a faster degree than increased speed has Increased the dan ger of train operation. Railway man agements, however, should strive to constantly raise th standard of disci-1 pllne and not wink at Infraction of the rules which ninety-nine times out of one hundred result In maintained time schedules but are bound to sooner or later result In a wreck. Col ton ItnlHlnit In ltusia. A. Ahretis, a cotton buyer for a largk firm of cotton manufacturers In Mos cow, Russia, spent, nearly a year In the United State-i. He purchased an Imj mense consignment of raw cotton foil manufacture In the mills of Moscow, which Is the principal Russian point for the milling of cotton. Mr. Ahrens confesses to the admiration for this country without which few foreign vis itors are allllcted. There Is considerable cotton raised In Asiatic Russia," said Mr. Ahrens to a reporter for the Washington Times, "but It Is not enough for the demand from the mills. Consequently the American market Is drawn upon. At the, present time all the cotton Is shipped to Moscow by water-that Is, It comes most of tho way by water. When the Tnuis-Hilicrlan Hallway Is completed most of It will be shipped by rail. "Russia Is very proud of this new railway, which will entirely revolu tionize conditions In Siberia, which Is a superb forming region. Ou the rail road all the engineers are Russian. Very few Americana or Frenchmen or German are employed." Home men owe more to their wives tbao they ever get paid. FOUND A REVOLVt Possibly a New Lljht on Llllle Case Weapon Drawn From Well David City, Neb., April 9. Then was considerable eyxciternent In the city Monday afternoon when It was rumored that a revolver had been found with which it is possl ble that Harvey Lillic was killed, Upon Investigation it is learned that A. L. Hughes had employed James Clark to clean out an old well that had not been used for several years, the propert. b i 1 1 'occupied by a ten ant. Mr. Clark went to work this morning and as soon as he went down into the well, which had .very little if any water in it, he found a thirty two calibre six shot medium length barrel, rim fire revolver loaded with cat ridges, twrof thera had been shot. The gun is a bright looking one arid compares exactly with the one Mrs. Lillie told the officers that the man held in his hand when he did the shooting, as to being bright and glistenit)g,'J,he well where the re volver was found is about one hun dred feet froin the Llllle residence and at the time of the murder the premis es were occupied by"Arthur Pepper. The Tollicers say that the bullets in the cartidges with which the revol ver is loaded are exactly as those found In Lillie's brain and in the barn three h rid red feet away. Tho revolver is in the possession of Coun ty Attorney Evens, who declines at this time to give any further desctip' tion of it than above stated. The motion for a new trial will bo argued and submitted to Judge Good on April 17, and it is a question of con jecture as to whether or not the rind ing of this revolver will have any effect on the motion for a new trial. NEW LAWS Bills That Have Received Ex ecutive Approval IT. R. 132. by Rouse, appropriating 163,000 of money known as "The Ag ricultural Experiment Station Fund" "The Morrill Fund" and "The Uni versity Cash Fund" for the use and benefit of the state university. II R. 167, by Weborg, joint resolu tion memorializing congress to sub mit an amendment providing for elecetion of United States senators by direct vote of the people. II. It. 100, by Hanna, to provide for five junior normal schools an appro priating 1 10,00 therefore. II. Ii. 27, by Loomis. amending the charier for cities of the second class. If. R. 305, by Weborg, providing for the annextion of territory to cit ies situated in two or mote counties. II. It. 13, by Gregg, fixing compen sationof county superintendents lim iting the same in counties of sparse population. II. It. 23, by Nelson, appropriating HOO.OOO for repairing and rebuilding the Norfolk Insane hospital. II. It. 03, by Wilson, defining pow ers of slate board of health, provid ing for a state health inspector, prescribing- rules for quarantine, etc., and appropriating $0,000 for the pur pose of the act. II. It. 70, by Ttomsey, requiring railroads to grant elevator sites to persons who will expend $3,000 in tho construction thereof. II. R. 102, by Cropsey, appropri ating $100,000 out of the state univer sity funds for the construction of new hti ildings on the state fat in at Linocln. H. R. 136.. by Davis, permitting county treasurers to 'deposit county money in banks outside tho county reducing the rate of interest for county money to 2 per cent; per mitting the state treasurer to depos it money in depository banks at 2 per cent II. R. 00By Wilson, appropriating $28,000 for the Incidental expenses of tho legislature. II. It. 279 Hy Good, transferring $10,000 from the board and clothing fund of Not folk asylum to sumo fund of Lincoln Insane hospital, II. R. 10 By Uavls, to provide for township retnctcrles'ln counties un der township organization. 11. R 40 Iiy Thompson, provides that leases of hind must be In writing to be binding for terms longer than o iO year. II. It. 8 By Perry, extending to three years the requisite course in state university college of law giving Admission to the bar and rub log the requirements of examination to ap plicants for admission at the bar. II. It. I li Hy Gregg, providing that county superintendents shall notify school districts by tho first Monday in July of their duty In sub mitting reports. II. It. il I'.y Douglas, altering procedure In prosecutions for carrying concealed weapon so that on convic tion for a second offense the court may not Impose a (In a arid Imprison ment together, the old law giving the court discretion to Impute both If be desired, PEOPLE TO VOTE CALL FOR A CONSTITUTIONAL! CONVEN TION. DEFER THE ADJOURNMENT WEDNESDAY. 1 A. Id., THE DATE SET REV ENUE BILL FORGOTTEN. ROUSE MAKES DISCOVERY Must Pass H. R, 437, Sevep Mills for Stat Levy, to mtet Appropriations Ptti lti Enforccnienr Revenue Law. Llncoia, April 7. A constitutional nmeiirJuierit will be submitted to the to the electors of the state at tbe general election of M04 calling for a constitutional convention to revise tlie organic law of the state. Tnls "-as decided Monday when in the house the bill by .Senator Hall, of Douglas county previously passed by the senate, went through with a vote of 2 to 2!). The passage of tbe bill came largely as a result of the dash between the house and the sen ate over tbe submission of Individual ametjanients. A deadlock ensued over these measures and the Deed of a constitutional convention was forci bly brought to the attention of the tncmbeis. H is said that the bill went through against the urgent wish t-f the railroad interests of Nebraska. The passage of tbe bill was effected In the bouse only after the matter1 had been fjlly discussed. Represen tative Sweeny, of Webster county, Btarted the movement against the amendments by moving the postpone ment of one of the bills seDt over on Saturday night from the senate call ing fur the submission of aa amend ment. Representative Rouse amend ed the motion by tacking on the otb er bills sent over by the senate and calling for this same thing. The umended motion prevailed by a vote )f 46 to 30. Bills on Passage At the night session the following bills were passed: II. It. 44(1, the claims bill. II. It. 231, appropriating $35,000 for a state exhibit at the St. Louis Exposition. II. It. 164, nppropriattng $5,500 for the payment of the premium on tbe otllclat bund of Wm. Stuefer and Pe ter Morteosen. This was recalled la ter because It was passed premature! ly, It having been read only tbe sec lime. II. R. 303, to realize special assess ments in Omaha. II. R. 224, to prohibit minors under eighteen from using tobacco In pub lic. II. R. 210, To permit the city of Lincoln to make a levy for tbe pur chase of a city hall. In committee of the whole with I'emberton of Gage in the chair, with lightnlDg rapidity the following bills were considered andordored ad vanced to a ililrd readicg. II. It. 401, For the printing of the anoual'report of the state banking board. II. R. 440, For a comisslon to re port on the noundry line oetween Nebraska and Iowa. H. It. 450, For a Nebraska-Mis souri boundary commission. II. It. 413, To legalize oaths hereto fore taken by commissioners of deeds. II. It. 35, Making it unlawful for any one to give or sell tobacco or cig arettes to persons unaer eighteen years of age. II. It. 157, To authorize county boards to audit fees for justices of the peace, constables and sheriffs. 11. K ZoU, amending the compul sory attendance law. II, It. J)4. Providing a penalty for Interfering with hcatigales of Irri gation ditches. II. It. 311, For the abandonment and disorganization of irrigation ditches. II It. 380, To vest power In the S nth Omaha lire and police com mission to license tbe Rale of liquors. II. It. 277, Appropriating $15,000 frou. the temporary university fund for tho CHtablisbing of tn agricul tural cipei imeiit station In the west ern part of t he state. Representative Sears then started the light for tho advancement of S. F, No. 114, the bill fora lolnt resolu tion calling for the submission of the amendment for the constitutional convention. He succeeded by degrees In advancing the bl l through the sifting committee to the head of the general lile The nuue Immediately went Into c mmllte of tho whole to ronsldcr the measure and before the adjournment for noon It had been recommended for passage by the vote of 62 to 27, Klver Keeps Its Dead. Plattsmouth, Neb., April 8 The search for tbe body of William Mo Clcllcn, the brldgcman who whs drowned In tho Missouri river ten days ago, has been given up. T river bottom has been thoroughly dragged and much powder used, bat without results, A portion of tb traveller wblch fell Into the river and wblcb floated down tbe stream for one distance, has beeo located and brought back. MAPS OF AMERICA. Drawing! of the Western Confluent Made in the 1-aat Century. An entertainment of much interest from tlie standpoint of tlie antlijuariau was given recently at tlie Marquette School, under the direction of Miss Fanny M. Iiaeou, the principal, tlie main nature of which was the exhi bition of ten old maps of portions of the American continent, reports the St. Louis (Jlobe-Itomoerat. Thev are the property of Sidney Cieinensou of Iioston, who secured them while trav eling in Australia from a French con Mil, a ml were loa lied to Miss liarun. Eight of them were made by I'ovv liall, who came to America in 175,'i as royal governor to the colouien of Mas sachusetts, New Jersey and South Carolina, in Kiiccession. He returned to England in 1701 and obtained a seat in parliament. The last part of his life was devoted to antiquarian studies. These maps were published in London In 1794. The other two maps: were published In I'nris In 18IKJ. One of the Eng lish maps gives the thirteen original States; one of the French maps shows seventeen stars and seventeen States. None of the English maps show Wash ington or St. Lous. The French map does. There is no Chicago on either of the maps. Cahokia and Kaskaskia are on all of the maps. One of the old maps gives the United States and bordering Spanish possessions, gives the four old paths across the country "upper," "middle," "lower," and "old trading path." One shows an old wagon road, where the railroad now goes through Harper's Ferry. The endless mountains In Pennsylva nia are shown, and the mountains In the southwestern part of the old "Lnited States," In which there is a "gap for horses." One map shows that California is not an "island." Th Gulf of California seemed to make old California an Island until finally, trav eling to the head of the gulf, It waa discovered that California could ba "reached by land." New Albion iij shown on one of these maps, and Mex leo stretches north through the pres ent "United States." On another map Is marked "the French ascend thd River Missoury thus high," "and tha Mississippi unknown," "the Wabash, or St. Jerome, according to tb.6 French." Many other Interesting relics were added to the exhibition, one of thein being a copy of tlie first charter of tlie City of Ste. Genevieve, Mo., pub lished at Kaskaskia, 111., in 1842. It belongs to the library of the late Gen eral Itozier of that city. A pair ol slippers given by IMerre Laclede to Miss Valle, belongs to the same collec tion. A iKiem on the capture of Fort Kaskaskia in 1778, written by Cap tain St. Gem, of Ste. Genevieve, Is now owned by Miss Chauncey Clemont, a pupil, who was in charge of the pre cious collection. Many of the pupilj assisted Miss Bacon In the entertain ment. Jonea Liked the Girls. "Yes, It Is a pretty good cigar," salt, Brown as he held It up and looked a It critically. "Jones bought it, but 11 he thinks he bought my silence wltlj It he is mistaken, as the story Is to good to keep. Jones, as you know, considers himself a great ladles' man, although he Is old enough to know better. I was walking with lilm this afternoon and he could talk of noth ing but his 'latest. Suddenly hy ex claimed: " "Ity Jove, there she Is now, acrosi the street! Isn't she a peach? "Off came his hat with a flourish exposing his bald pate to the cold wind, and an Idiotic grin spread ovej his features. "Much to my surprise, for she dii not look like a girl who would Indulgi In a street flirtation, she waved he; hand, hesitated a moment and thei started to cross the street where wt were. '"They can't resist me," said th beaming Jones. 'Excuse ine, old man . see you later ta-ta!' . "Hat in hand and grinning like I monkey," continued Brown, necordlnj to the Detroit Free Press, "Jones ap proaehed tlie young lady, who sudden ly stopped, looked startled for a mo ment and then gased: " 'Good gracious! Pardon me I mis took you for ruy grandfather.' " ! "Itiit Wash Little liang Out" Ho Then everything Is fixed and wt can be married In May, can't we? . She There Is only one thing I havi not spoken of, and mamma Insisted (tlint I must. ; lie Cerlainly, my angel. What ii It? Bid me go through any trial foi your dear sake and I'll do It. Ask foi the Golden Fleece, and If such a thin) Is In existence I'll get It-aye, evet though I must swim the seas, climb tin loftiest peaks, or search In the fuming craters of mighty volcanoes, I'll do It She-It lsu't much, my denr. Mam ma said I tnuHk nsk you how much yoi intended to allow mo a week for pit money. Ho Um-er- how much ore pins s paper now? Tit-Bits. Orink from the CIoikIh, The means by which sea bird: quench their thirst when far out ai sea Is described by nn old skipper, win tells how he has seen birds nt sen, fin from any land that could furnish then water, hovering around and under I storm cloud, clattering like ducks ot a hot day at a pond, and drinking It the drops of rain as they fell. Thej will smell a rain squnll lno miles dls tant, or even farther off, and scud foi It with almost Inconceivable swiftness . Borrowed noisy oftan cause a toU loss of msmerjr. cHebraska Notes Winter wheat is exceptionally finel and this section lias never bad liner prospects for a small grain crop. Fire last night at 11:30 destroyed the slaughter bouse and packing( plant ot B F. llofflefinger at liertime t vo m les south of Beatiice. The losai was Jlooo with .')00 insurance. The funeral of F rank -Beun'ler was held this morning from St. Mary',8 Catholic chuich at Nebraska City. Tiie Kev. Father McKenna officiated. Interment was at the Catholic ceme tery southwest of the city. The marriage ceremony connecting the lives of Mr. Oscar Hirlb of Grand1 Hapids,Mich.tiind Miss Loiett Blanch' Frantz of l-niverslty Place was sol emnized by Dr. II. Rowlands yester day afternoon at the parsonage. They will reside in Grand ltipi'ls. A body of Burlington surveyors are, riming a line south from Arlington o.i the east side of the Elkbom river, on the proposed toad from AsMandi to Sioux City. The route has been-, surveyed before and is reported to be the most feasible one to be found. Ross E. Mullison charged with shooting John H'eidner, Saturday evening at Fremont was bound over to the district court in the sum ot $1,500. He was unable to furnish bond. The shooting occured during a, drunken brawl. Mullison plead not guilty. The 11-year-old daughter of Mr.and Mrs. FA Armstrong, living in South Beatrice, was fatally burned this af ternoon while playing with a bonfire. Portions of the child's body were lit erally cooked and the attending phy sicians are of the opinion that the; little.sufferer cannot possibly recover. George Stein of Alliance, Nebr.,bas come to Denver in quest of his wife and 9-year-old son, who forsook him last month on account of his admon ishment to his wife's sister, whom be adopted. Stein is frantic with grief at the breaking up of his home. For days he has been wandering about the city in quest of his loved ones making an almost house to house can vass. Stein is positive that his wife came to Denver. She has a sister,' Mrs. Clark Runyan, living'at 3348 Walnut street, but no information aa to Mrs. Steins whereabouts can be obtained from her. Stein's story of his wife's desertion is that he waa married to Mary Haskins eleven years ago. For several years after the marriage tbe couple lived in Denver. Only eighteen months ago Stein moved his family to Alliance, bought a cozy little home and enjoyed the esteem of the newly found towns men until liis adopted ward began to make trouble. Western Nebraska farmers may take heart. The Iloldrege Citizen makes pleasant promises for this year's crops after the following fashion: "Our crop prediction from our crop report er is very favorable for this season. There will be a better corn crop than wheat if signs do not fail. There will be some rain in August and Sep tember which will be appreciated all corn fields. It predicts a good heavy crop in 1904, as every other"4'! has been heavy and every "1" light for the past seventy years and all know that last "1" was not heavy and he predicts that there will bo no failure until 1910. Bear this in mind and see if It comes true." Thilander W. of the old est" Methodist ministers of the west, known throughout Nebraska as Elder Howe, died at his residence, 100 D. Lincoln, after suffering for two years from a paralytic stroke and a weak ness, due to old age. Mr. Howe was 85 years of age. Fifty years of bis career were spent in the cast. Thir ty years ago he moved to Leach Lake. Minn. .where for three years he acted, for the Ind an agency and as volun teer missionary. Alter a brief pas torate in Minneapolis he came to Ne braska, serving as pastor for tho Methodist church at Friend for sev eral years. Twenty two years ago he became pasor of the Trinity Metho dist church at Lincoln. Mr. Howe has been promihelly identified with various charitable institutions in the west. For twelve years he was Chap lin ,nf the state penitentiary. De-, ceased loaves four children The Hat tie Creek school Iioard me last evening and elected the follow ing teachers for the ensuing year: 'rof. T. A. McCarthy.princpal; MlM Oertrudc Wade, assistant principal! Miss Grace Montrose, grammsr; Mlaa Mollle Taylor, Intermediate; Mtet Agnes Oarberry of Nor folk, Nebr., primary; Miss Eileen Ouraa, ward school. - . -A. ". V ,'',