Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 16, 1903, Image 3

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    The Harrison Press-Journal
1 .
hat has b ti cut off, and thers
ii ii' did argument atraiust tbs
of ih unmannerly w
Thieves robbed a house of
Worth of wedding presents. What can
tfcay do -with so many clocks?
The president has engaged an Ital
ian fencing master. Kvkleutly he
j to. see tienerai it wuu -
Why not offer a pension to every
able-bodied man who become the
father of more than twelve children?
German law permits the Saxon ex
trown princess to marry again provid
ed she doesn't marry the man she ought
to marry.
Woman under arrest for bigamy de
clares that any girl who marries a
man Is a fool. Is this remorse or sec
ond sight?
' It would, no doubt, be shown, if fig
ures could be obtained, that dyspep
sia has spoiled more good fellows than
marriage has.
The girl who married a cabman, un
der the impression that he was an
English lord, complains that she has
been swindled. She must have a poor
opinion of cabmen.
mannerly appendix
vh. n the iiMumen Ts opened for ills
ens- if oiler organs. If it were Ihus
r- uovi d the n ed of a future operation
muJit i obviated. Hnt It cannot lm
beiii vmI lh.it i lie wmvii-in would per
mit micil h on-deniiiou lo weiuii wilh
tin in. The siirvriNiii who loves his art
always forsets mere profit when hi'
sees an appendix.
It appears that in India they have
eighty-seven ways of giUiug rid of a
lover. The American girl contents
herself with one, and it may be con
densed into three letters (1 I-T.
, Poultney; Bigelow .says his friend
"Bill could whip' us ' before we got
our wind. But surely not without
"Poult's" valuable assistance. And
speaking; of wind ''Poult" doesn't
seem to have any troublegetting his.
.Why this unreasoning I criticism of
the builders of our warships? As Inns
as we keep our navy on laud It is safe
from the enemy, from the treacherous
reef and the perils, of the deep. Hold
back on our ships and save insurance.
A New York man committed suicide
because he was afraid he had Erigut's
disease, but it was found w hen the doc
tors examined him that he didn't have
It and probably never would have been
afflicted with uiv such malady. This
shows how unwise It is to be husty re
garding these i-jtters.
Every time the sun goes down the
population of the Inited States has
been increased by aliout 2.000 souls,
not by means of birth, but by the ar
rival of foreigners, who lielieve that
there Is a better chance to live and
prosper in this country than in Europe.
That means a little city every week.
Annually there is a scare beeause of
this Influx. Some migbty unpromis
ing material reaches the United States,
and some of us feel that there is dan
ger in the peopling of cities with those
who have no conception of American
ways, and who are, in many instances,
too old to learn. Strangely enough, the
great anthracite strike proved that we
can assimilate much faster than we
liad supposed, 'i ue mines were full of
men who were ignorant of the lan
guage and customs of America. The
wages they earned and the foul th.-y
ate were more and better than any
thing they could have hoped for In Eu
rope, where they and their ancestors
had been but little more than slaves.
And vet they were organized by mwi
with whiter skins than theirs; they felt
the longing for more comfort it, more
liberty for their children, and they
stood shoulder to f .boulder with the far
lesser number of Americans, endur-d
hunger and refused to work under the
old conditions. It was a murk pf grow
ing civilization. Then there is another
truth. A good iiuinw of the grown
folks will never become ard'-nt Ameri
cans. You can't shake oft the hah :ts
of the centuries In one generation. Km
the children catch step w llh the Yan
kee ways. If It were not for their
strange names you wouldn't know
whether they were born in Vermont or
Palermo. They live American; they
chase dollars as diligently a lh"
ambitious Yankee, and they even
think American. The total immigra
tion in liRRJ was 73!VJ0. That is 110.
000 more than in V.ml. It represents
an immense amount of Kuroptun op
pression, and it is good' to ku iw that
the plain people of Europe can sua
find hope under the Cag of the United
Uncle Russe'i Sage is back at work
again after his ilLuess with as much
energy as if he was buying a cottage on
monthly payments. Uncle Russell is
one of a considerable number of fit i
tens who have not been impressed with
the disgrace of dying rich,' so graphi
cally set forth by Mr. Carnegie.
Justice Sabath says there are too
many babies in the ghetto of Chicago.
He may expect a stinging reproof from
Dr. Shrady, President Eliot, President
Roosevelt, et al. How can any person
have too many children, even though
their nursery is the street, their rattle
it policeman's club and their bedroom
a barrel in an alley?
One of the questions about which
some people are worrying just now Is
Whether John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Is
eligible to heaven. As the problem
presents some difficulties, owing to ra
rous interpretations of the entrance
conditions, to say nothing of the
world's inability ever to learn how it
comes out until too late for any of us
to profit by it, why not quit worrying
about it and turn all that surplus men
tal activity into more practical channels?
Prof. Theodore Mommsen, the Ger
man historian who has just received the
Nobel prize for literature, has written
a note to the New York Independent,
which asked him to give his views on
the best way to advance German-A mer-
, lean rood feeling. "As a German," says
the eminent and venerable author, 'T
am a well-wisher to America, and fully
persuaded that the only hope for the
future la to be found In cordial relations
ind trustful alliance between your great
republic and my country." He adds
tnodMtly that be has not the arrogance
to be! la-re that the words of an old pro
fessor would change anything In their
ictnal stata. Bat every such expression
of opinion makes for peace and good
. Ik London Lancet has taken up an
! artleU published by .Dr.. Howard
' SMf to the Journal of the American
Medical Association on toe important
"Should the Vermiform Ap-
B Bemoved When the Abdo
la Opened for . Disease of Other
a t OraaaaT" This la a question that ought
to ,ht) readily and easily disposed of,
mju m are surprised at the fact that
illtsr Dr. Kaily, or the Lancet should
nMfett tho least doubt about It. Why
asosid Tomlorm appendix ever be
i ' spare when thai la an opportunity to
' -"tmksj whack at Ul The Lancet very
aaks: "A Dr. Robert Abbe as
float the normal aoodz never
Caeca! eoticretloas, Dr. Kelly
: If racn ess be felt the ap
I bo removed, even though
fMoJtny. He considers,
tho ffneaflen whether the ap-
pcat ocfrt HrtWwsys to he removed
srVI sysVaUllUl avt 'penormea near
' t:f 12C tleV ta!W fire rise to
tlX" It fcSoftrd to waste vmlo-
' 'rjci tfjntynei' jo Uko
The assertion of Dr. Shrady concern
ing the low birth rate among Ameri
cans of American ancestry are partly
indorsed by official deiuet!ons which
appear In the reports of the last census.
Volume II part II on population pre
sents tables which indicate that the
rate is consider bly higher among in r
sons of - foreign parentage than it is
among those of native parentage, and
declares that "the changes In the age
constitution of the native elements of
the population are caused piincipally
h- n decrease in the fecundity of n;i
tite-born women of native extraciiuii."
These changes show a di.'llne .in the
proportion of children reported for tU;
first years of life, aud the report adds
that while the loss may lie due in a
measure 'to omissions and misstate
ments, to a slight decrease in the num
ber of marriages for American women
and to the 'postponement of marriage
to a later period in life, all these causes
are of inferior importance to the one
first named. A summary is then given
which shows "that from J&'JO to UtnO
there was an aggregate increase In the
native white population of 10.615.0S8.
or zo.l per cenx; uui auer eiciuuuigi
the children less than 10 years of age
both of whose parents were of foreign
birth, - the numerical increase Ik re
duced to, approximately, l,3t'J,r.K and
the percentage of increase to 10." The
effect of the exclusion is particularly
noticeable In the North Atlantic divi
sion, where the change In pereentntres
is from 20.0 to 9.5. In other parts of
the country this change Is: South At
lantic, 20.5 to 19.0; North Central, 21.1
to 12.8; South Central, 28.9 to 2S.4;
Western. 41.3 to 32.5. We quote the
following on the subject from an arti
cle In the Nineteenth Ceiittihy: "As late
as 1844) th Increase in the population
by reproduction was 28.01, by iiiiniigni
tlon 4.66.' By 1890 tbe Bret had dwin
dled to W 40 and the second had In
creased to 10.46." During tbe latter
part of the decade 1890-1900 there was
a decline of Immigration, and ss fl re
sult the census returns on population
showed "a relatively smaller Increase
than the figures of any previous decade
since the Declaration of Independence."
Thus the fact of a low birth rate seems
to be pretty well established. " Why
there l an averaion for large families
Is another story.- . t -
Youthful FinuucMr Makes Practical
i:e inf l-'allier'a Tcachinua.
lie w as a wise lad, althongh not very
One day bis father, wishing to incul
cate siiifie nuauclnl lessons, oougui
him a toy saving bauk. '; ;' '...
"Now, Willie," he suid. "well start
a bank.
I choose to lie cashier," the ldr.y
answered, 'promptly.; ,'" ", f
'All right," bis fat ht-r replied, til-
ready proud of the boy s knowledge;
you may be cashier and 1 11 UJ the
president. Then Jon and your moTHer
and your two sisters and 1 will all I
depositors. I'll P"t five new nickejs
In to start with. What will you do.'
"I'll put In my seven p-nu'es and
two-cent piece," said the boy. '
His mother dropped in two diiwa
and each of his sisters a nickel, and
the bank was started. ,
During the next two weeks numer
ous deisisiis were made, and nil mu
smoothly. Thin one diy the lailnf
found himself short of change and -ile
tn-,,.1,-,1 ii ,lnie fruiii the baiili for
car fare. The cashier, however, had
mat lileii ut , the rcMi'iliMliilities of
his posh ion, and he detected the short
nru xviihiii mu hour and took what
i -
was left.
The nevt luorn'me the uresideut un
dertook to give the ca.-hler another les- !
son in financiering. , . t , , ,
"Suppose one of ' -the' depositors
wlsln-u to draw t ut soia' nmiey. Wii-
Ue,' he. said, "rt hat. would you tlo7
For answer the boy simply pointed
to the bank, on which this sign was
displayed: ' " ' '
Pavine'it Sii-ipended.
"Why, Vi'ilie, wli.'U docs this mean"
inquired the president.
, "The president," replied the boy. "be
gan drawing out money on the sly,
so the cashier skipped with the rest."
"You don't tman to say that you
have taken nil the money that was in
there, do you?" demanded the presi
dent.' ' s -. .
"Sure," answered the cashier. "You
didn't ever hear of a cashier letting
any other o!fi''er of a bank get ahead
of. him. did vou? Will, I guess not.
He's tho fellow who knows what s go
inir on. and when the other officers
begin fooling with the funds he ju
cleans out the bank every time. That's
where he has the best of It"
"Vr' bnr?" said the president, ad
miringly,' "some day you may be
great tlnniiciir, but first you have
few t!iliii.'H to learn. Never wait for
the -depositors to proseeutu when you
clean out a bauk. Now come with
me to the. woodshed."
i - But the cashier protested.
"If there's no prosecution," he
urged, "and the president will agree
not to tamper' with the cash, I'll see
res ant-r-Lt
KlGNOf-Trlt mil.
co.iti, stits e.i Katl
for aliHiiib of wet worii.1
it is otten mititej ts-t1
" rUdt m bitK oi' iicw
Orawlnc of th Wtntn-n Ccnttnent
Made in the I.aat tentnry.
An entertainment ,f much Interest
from the standpoint of the antiquarian
was given recently at the Marquette
I'ehool, undi.- the liirmlon of Mist
Fanny M. ltucou. the principal, the
I air. nature of 'which a the exhi
bition of ten old mniv of portions of
tie American continent, reports t!w
S't. Louis tJiibe-I leniur-iut. They r
l!ie property of Shf:iey ' "e'iiiensoa of
I'.ok'oii. who Rc.-nred them while tr.iv-
that the bank resumes payment"
It was compromised
Baltimore Sun.
on that basis
. .Not KliailJi'! for the Cure.
''Here." said the affable agent, 'are
a lot of testimonials and symptom
blanks for our renowned panacea."
The prospective patient aud patron
looked them over.
rioatin? sni-cks before the eyes," he
mused; "I've seen them often. Dull
pains In the back and head that's me
exactly. KiugiiiK in the ears-mine ring
all th" time. Occasional numbness of
the arm or limb mine's numb right
this minute. . Shortness of breath and
feeling of goneness at the pit of the
stomach well. If that Isn t me to a
dot! Couldn't have hit It off better If
the man that got up this had been
watching me for years. I tell you I
lielieve this medicine would be just the
thing for me If It weren't for one ob
stacle that occurs to me as I look at
tids array of testimonials from people
who have been cured." ,
"I don't quite understand," says the
agent. "
"Why, I'm onr Of its class. - I'm
neither nu actor, a statesman nor a
preacher." Judge. , i( , .,
Itevenice Sweet.
James. 4 years old,-bos been naughty
to the point of" evoking a. whipping
from his long-suffering mother, and all
day long a desire for revenge rankled
In his little bosom.
At length bedtime came, and kneel
ing before ber, he Implored a blessing
for each member of the family in
dividually, she alone being conspicu
ous by her absence. , Then, rising from
bis devout posture, the little suppliant
fixed a keenly triumphant look upon
her face, saying, as be turned to climb
Into bed:
"I s'pose you noticed you wasn't In
It" Harper's Magazine.
im,' In AiiH'.iaiia from n trench coil'
:1, and were leaned to Miss ,1'acoii.
Lilit of i hem wer..' made by. I'ow-
all. !: c.'r.i:e to America in as
val t-oYornor to the colonies of Mas-
lcillisens. New Jersey and NWTfi
nrolina, in succession. He retutn-il
F.uijland In lTi'd and obtained a
seat ni tiflribinienf. 1 lie ia-t pttrc oi
is life w.is devoted tit nlitiqtiaiiau
;ttcl!es. These maps were, published
In London in IT'.H. ,
The wber tw uia-m were pubHslsed
i Paris in I'SKI. r one of the Kng
h maps jiives tb.e Ihiriean t.rlirlnal
Slates; uiio of tin; French li.ais sliowt
tpvi-uteeii stars and suvetit-eu States.
iorieof tlie Kimlish maps show Wa-h
i;s'ioti or St. Lous. The French map
lies. There is no Chit-ago on either
of the reap. Cahokla and Ka.skaK!.i
tre on ail of the tiiaps. ' One of the
Id maps irives the United Htatt-s and
tionter'n Hpauish pofsesions, giv.
fmtr oi l paths across the country
-"upiM-r," -mKtiiie, ' -lower, mu
old trading path.". One shows aa j
old wiieon road, where the rauroau i
:iow o-s tliroiiKh Harper's Ferry.
The cudless mountains in fenusyna-
aia are showu, and the moun'aiiiS ia-
he southwestern ' part of the old
'United States," In whb-h there Is n
for borccR." one map shows tliat-
''itUfornla is not an "island." " he
Julf of California seemed ty mate ol'J
California an Island until finally, trav
eling to the head of the gulf, it was
jiscoven-d - that California couitl b
n .ached by land.". Ne.v Albion U
uliown on one of these maps, and Mex
ico stretches north through the pres
ent "United States." On another mar
s marked "the French ascend tho.
Klvcr Missoury thus blu'h." "and the
Mississippi unknown," me waoasn,
n St. Jerome, according to tin
French." Many other Interesting relics were
Idded to tbe exhibition, one of then)
being a copy of the first charter ol
the City of Ste. Oenevieve, Mo., puis
Jshed at Kaskaskia. 111., in It
belongs to the library of the late icn
i.rnl Rosier of that city. A pair o
slippers given by Fierre Laclede ta
Miss Valle, belongs to the same collec
tion. A poem on the . capture of Fort
Kaskaskia In 177$, written by Cap
lain St. Gem, of Ste. C.enevlere, is n w
owned by Mi Cb.iuticey Clemont, a
pupil, who was In charge of the pre
cious collection. Many of tbe pupiil
assisted Miss Bacon In tfie entertain
ment - - - ' '
X lci.bbors.-M rs. T tea r bor n " II a v e
roil a stM-aklnif acquaintance with
that, woman nelif floor'" Mrs Wa-
I'rof. Carntr lAlUto Make HMM
i:niitretoixl br the Simians.
TU Simlau tani.maue consist of a
few basic words, and there are no nic
eties of grammar, yet It cannot be
"mastered la twenty less. us." Frof.
It. L. ;aruer -who ha .studied inon
keys atid their vocubtilary for four
teen years, admits") hut be still speaks
bS'Uv. He -ao make, hiwtlf .undcr-
kiimwL however, not only In the mulve
land of the t-irilla and chirapMiiZi-. but
In the heart of any menagerie,' where
one might reasonably suppose the pure
acevnt-tif -the- jungle to- have sunryieu
deterioration. Homo very interestin
niwl mu-eessfnl exnerimeuts which he
recently coudii: tud have ben described
in a New Yurk paper. ,
Professor Garner, In the )ireseuce of
John Iover. of the stair or Keepers,
and other officials of the I'bilailelphbi
ZiHihiglcal Gardeus, who vouch for tbe
Incidents that follow, approaching the
ciU'e of a monkey, and said:
Wboo-w'" (Food.)
The nmukey turned in-tantly to its
food truy, which lay In a corner, emp
ty, carried this tray to Mr. tinnier.
ii mi it:. inleii it between the bars tj
him, .'repenting ngaiu aud again tin
word for food. "Whoo-wl"
Golrnr to another cage. Fmfessor
Garner said, "I will
II this monkey
He then calliil
t 'J- 1 -l tl
Thfl Lond-Talklna; Telephone.
A Frenchman has Invented, recently
what he calla the haut-parleur, or lotid
talking telephone. By Its use, a speak
er"s words are transmitted to the other
end of the connection with all of their
original force, and that, too while the
speaker and the listener need not dis
turb thetnselvea to go to the telephone.
That Is, a man may sit In bis easy
chair, puffin away at a cigar, or may
even be in a room adjoining that con
talnlng the transmitter, and talk to
another man at a distance, who" may
be conducting himself similarly, with
as much eas'- and distinctness aa
thonrh thav war conversing 'face to
fac. " "' ';.
., A aUraBK Pavelopaasstt.
Ia th tMclonloc rib bcame a
woman, bat bow Ifs rlhkoaa that be
eoma woman. , .. ., ,
Too may think yva arc Kbt; but
wMktat M giti too ami t times
to kt tt
. The t;ar's Ilevolver.
The young Kmperor of Russia al
ways carries about with blm a small
revolver, fully loaded. It Is one given
to him by his mother soon after tbe
assassination of Alexander II., the
Empress exacting a promise from him
that he would always carry It. While
traveling about in Kurope tbe revolver
is ever in his pocket by day and at
his bedside at night. When he drives
the pistol Is placed In a small pocket
of tbe carriage, so that any Instant be
la able to grasp It. Tbe weapon la six
chambered and of beautiful workman
ship,-London Tlt-BIU.
bash "A speaking acquaintance' I
know her so well that 1 don't.spcak
at all." Vonkers Statesman. ,
A woman isn't,' necessarily fond of
fiction because she listens patiently
to her husband's excuses.
If a fool possesses tact and assur
ance be will' distance the wise guy
who possesses neither. , ' -
Walkliy costumes, dinner and re
rt(nn (rowns of velvet are extreme-
v fashionable. Kot street wear m.n
is the geneially selected uni. wnne
for more dressy robes a variety of
colors, Including Rolden brown, Olive,
blue; and various purple shades, ate
In evidence, thu usual trimmings be-
in deeD cream or lht. yellow lace
and bans of fur, preferably Rray or
brown. ' ' ' !
' For Weak Ntomaehs. -
"What kind of breakfast food have
yonr Inquired the New-Yorker In the
Boston hotel.
"Wa have pumpkin, custard, apple
and martngae pie," replied tbe waiter,
carefully adjusting bis glaasea. Yonk-
ars Statesman.
About tbt oury woom who bloaUlaa
Ibair balr art artrsaa, or tboao who
bar bon divorced at bmat twto.
to go take a drlnl;
'Ch-cm-y!" '
The monkey gave him an Inquiring
look, then rati to its dish of water and
drank: ' :'' ' '
'Now,-"-, said Professor tJttrurr. "1
will initko tlie sjuud tiiut mc-iiu -a
great peril is at hand. The monkeys,
on hearing this souud, wiil ail show
nlii.-et fris-lit. Aftirward 1 will taim
them with a sound that tie atis til! Is
lie took his stand before a cage
containing fifty .monkeys, some asleep,
some feeding languidly, and others
wandering Idly about. With a sharp,
whistiitc tiote il his voice.' he cried:
"I-ecgV. 1-ecgk! I -regie!"
Instantly nil the monkeys hpgau tu
cry "I ccgk!" In chorus, nnd to !o k
about them with quick, frightened
glances, and to crowd wildly tog'-tioy
in -the cage's farthest corners. Tin;
f,,r tivn or ttiree minutes was in
i"""' , , , .
desiTibable. Then, in a ricn. gij, i.-oo
voice. Profesnor tinnier caHud, "Nwal.,
Nwa'nl" (All is well.)
The monkeys came forth from the
corners where they bad crouched and
jrowded, and after a little uneasy chat
Jei iiig and recoiiiioiterinc. tool; up the
talm thread of their lives again.
About to Propone hen " 'tll '
Siuikr Appeure.1 on tlie Kceiic.
"I.ve is a strange thing," com
mented Charles. "Persons' say that II
endures 'till the stars grow Old,' but
1 know better. There are Circum
stances willed 1 Will gnanune- i
the' most ardent affection ' HuU i evct
bnnied hi a man's Heart. I loved UoMf,
and she knew it. One lovely June day
we set tint awbii-l for tho womli uii
the Jei-sev ulion;. w hich I , liioughi
..nii . tnuko a lilting scene for the
dejiliuatiou I was to make and bet
sweet consent to be mine, .
Ij-t us walk a little." I suggested.
when we reached the woodland paih
,,.,,i.i,.,i ui.n with irreen moss and sel
about with ferns and purple violets.
I took her baud. "Rose, dear," I be
gau.' "
'fhr' she shrieked, "the snake!
-Hun t be frightened. I will kill It,"
I cried, reassuringly.
Hie ran to one side of the road, ut
tering Mule screams, while I snatched
a stick and struck ut the snake. It
darted up my trousers aud wriggled
around my log.
.Horribly frightened lest the venom
, i i t. i i ..ui..
OIIS rep I lit' SIIOUIU HOC 111'-. oir
bed my trousers first I one place and
then in another, dancing frantically
and down to rid myself of that
awful, squirming creature around my
eg. Presently t lie snake dropped lu
hold and slid to the ground. With ter
rible energy I struck It with roy stick,
trembling with nervous dread and ex
citement. 1 . , , i
I turned to Ilone. She was sitting on
the ground, doubled up with helpless
Ob" s!!e cried, tears of mirth roll
Ing down her cheeks, "If you bad only
seen how funny you looked, dancing
around, grabbing for that little green
Knnke!' I didn't mean to laugh,, but
he! he! he'." she wiped her eyes.
f beloed ber on her wheel. The rest
of our ride larked enthusiasm, ana
have ifevef lxn to see Usealnce.
Two hiiroala.
There are two-
serluus s 1 f
mils of kld
ner Ills. Tba
ti r s t signal
comes from
the back with
n time ro us
sches ad
Jains The
grrcml signal
conies in th
kidney ''
1 1 o u s; t h
urine Is thin
and pale or
t o o highly
, :ilored a 0 &
showing "brlck-dust-like" depostL in
nation Is lufreiiueut, too J"Hnent or
excessive. - You should heed these dan
ger signals before chronic computa
tions "set in - r.iabe.es. ' Propsy.
Jtrlghfa disease. Take Loan s Kidney
I'll), in t one nnd tlie cure i-
J. F. Waluwright. of
Tieiies A W'n In wrlght. pa
..ir..,.... fiilaskl. Va.. shi:
or five times a year for the past fe
years I have suffered with severe at
tacks 0.' pain in my back, caused from
kidney trouble. Kuring these spel.s I
was in sm h misery from the eflns;...t
.aiu and aching that It was almost
Impossible for me to stoop or straight
en and it really seemed as If th
small of my nac nan
At time I also had difficulty
with the kidney secietio.ir. ' -
discolored, irregular and scahl.ng, and
1 was also neatly dl-U'eed w..h
headaches and dint . ' ' " H
, . -.. mmen fed remedies, till!
IIU llioei io (...,.,....
t never found anything
norm's Kidney Pills.
of them I had au utta
iiox of them, in
11,.. tic m ot
i Inters and
SO SllCcessi HI
Whou I heard
k aud proctireU
a iev u.iys
mi iii una ijincuesi
.,.oi,le ultl, the kidney secretions was
ted and my -- "
1 generally. I have every c,u!i
hi Iioim's Kidney Pills."
FltF.K TKfAL or this grflt sin
medicine which cured Mr. WhSii-
wiil be HW lied to any part oi
the Lnited .states oU application, .w
dress Fi-slcr .Miil '.trn Co.. ItuffaK
V., For sjiie by ell aruggisis. iic-
&U cents per
Nottiing succeeds like tbe of!k
Jiolder win) is bi-iown succes.sor.
A woman's bmvery nlwuys crop
n(tt w li.-ii she has a mouse in a trap.
Tin: barbel's luca.ofa tiilber !
man who sh.rn.-s liitnscif.
Some men who act "tin hog ail
their lives 'haven't anyblriR to si, -v.
(ot it cxcctA llic, iii-w ill of tl.
tieigijti'rs. liicygo News.
I'!pir.i is just now -vcty stylish i
J'aris. 'I'll'' licliDcss atn! suud bie "--of
the M iitLwil.il that lu.ter ul hoi '
that Irish poplin posncssa-s, have
iiKide il ii f.Uijlilu Willi woniett lOr
(fent-rati-Hts. 1'ale piuk ami blue aie
the P.in.i nne a lav.-ru? cotuis .
poplin, and tbe style of make i.
tl'o.ible skirt. ' verv fiid ami bii!--a'outnl
tlie feet. A s;(-di, au imir
Uidic-u and ctupe de cbtne an: k"'ti
ally added as cinbciiisiiiiients o :
t ieticll IHOdiMl s.
Bi.ht la Ih Family Kllchaaa.
Th l.dic. have a chamiHOD triter-leO
1. .V,. lll.r,n.nl of flUlilf COOk.
urMim in rish hss Ix-en aonmeo vj
n vu PmI rhi rmin or id i omum
v, ... - - r . .. i l. .
Cereal Co., Ltd.. to tie oiitriomFu u.
now and JulT DCXl iu 73") con
priws to stlmulsts family cooki to better
service. . . .
T .... hnrnxf TA Tr flieSt, Slid
m.iutn' In noirrr bbcoits, ck, etc.
...a tmttm poITm. Poaium aud tea is Ike
winttrt- ' I ... .
The (Iris sre to compets In ths prP
.r.iinn of ood. evervdsr diahes snil Ir
.eiieral enokerv. " Probsbly Grsp NtUs
and Poatntn Coffee will corns iu for some
(font inn liiciitentallv. bat tli teat will
be conducted ancler th daily direction of
ii.. hoiinewife and 73."i cooka will wis
varying " prlw fr" $WO.OO down to
f.'itlO, no one is rejuiru iu i i'"i
whatever to enter this contest and each
winner will receive s Isrg certifies) or
diploma wilh the bl( i'ostam seal lo
gilt s badge of distinction snack to bt
soa(bt sftsr. Particulars can h had by
Mlek. -
A Vi-oran i situry. -
Path. N. V.. April lo.- -The first "
s'e!- r;i l "ii of the Commandant .- '
(irioiis n hu condiict of. the Sold:- ;' -'
and S4iics' Home here Is the li'-r, i
of tie- m 1-raris. Kidney Troubles i.
the most comuion cause of iiil'ie it .
very few of the old men escaping llei
in Mono form or other.
Of course tbe vomrailcs do a mu !i
ss pussiliie for themselves" and one of
the most popular mid Useful re Ii-
employed is lodd's Kidney Pills wbe !t
seem to be almost Infallible In ease.,
of Kldtiev Ueralgerneiits. Imbed,
there are iuuoiig.tiie veterans several
who cluim to owe their lives to Podd's
Kidney Pills.
For liislaiice. A. K. Ayers, who cairK
to the liouie from Mltineapolls. Minn,
was L'lveu up by four doctors In that
cltv. lie had Prlgb-l's disease and nev
er 'cxiwcled to live through It, but his
life was saved and ton nitiun restored
bv Podd's Kliluey Pills.
His extierlence 1ms made the remedy
very popular among th men, and no
one who has used Podd's Kidney Pills
for any Kidney Trouble has been a s
appointed. "' '
A Pmalmiatic View.
"There are numerous opportunities
for a young man In this country," re
marked, the student pf political ccon
yes," r pUdd the Norwood phlloso-
oher. "csiK-clally If lie's Inclined to
make a fool of himself,"
. ' ' Of I m pot-Sin on. i
"What do you consider the great cs
sent Is I of a flying machine'"
. And after much . deliberation the
asrlal nnvlizntor rcnllod:
"A good parachute." Washington
Htar. , .
A Blralsht Tip. ,
"I have," said the youth, "sn oppor
tnnlty to marry a grass widow with
ill kinds of money. What would you
idvlse me to do?"
"Itcinemlier tbe old ndflke klkiut
staking bay while the sun shines,"
Uhejrlnaj Inatractluna. .
Editor The Pittsburg story ia not
clear. In fact, tbe whole plot Is tec
Writer Well, sir yon toM
in local atmosphere.
ItaWrraoNsi '" mnsmlltm
mm nrntmHwrue aa Ihm sswWaC
825,000 REWABJ)
Ul ha wmlt to an rm wh
Su dlasioTS una atataiou
Becauss W. L. Douglas
aa can tiuy cheaper and
rod una bis aboes at a
ktwai cml tlmn oth7 con-,
Mma whtrti ciiaIiImi Vi 1 m
to Mill llior for SH.fiO Slid
13.00 fiintl in every
s-ay to tliow aoM c ivv
vtier tor H ami f.-hUI.
TlkA fanuaLu sasaf rut tim 1
$mm of tatmintf in txKtom prwliKX abo
iui-t y pur iMihir ; mors flslU wtu wm
kn-.rr ihn mny otsr i:nfm in h world.
Tarn t hv mora tu-ui avuni'Hi ui p ww
i zrn n
aa mnr tutt daubKHl thai
vfilrli ntnVM Lu auravlorllv. i
tin W. L. Doualaa abaaa a 141 I aiul n,ODr.
A (Bin of SS,aS,Ka.t In FaarYw.
ISJerth tV0O Oomssirad with Other SSaka.
Tht btn Imttorim m Hwm.ni Inthtrt. Mayfe
M4 oalf, I ixiaaf. mail, tar, riti ut.
roar cwof ifint
mH fit lomml Ktuifum.
Cannes: "ZLTZTrt:
tktm t . s&r. arfrc .'. rviialosAaa
W. 1. SMlVOIAa. BSfaHtatTUSi. IB.
I mil
You can bay oi ns st whole
Sale prices and mc money.
Our 1,000-pigs catalofue tella
tba story. Wt U1 sand it upon
recaipt of U ctata, Yonr aeighbors
trade with na why not yon 7