Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 16, 1903, Image 2
, . Harrison -J OURN AL. VOL. XV. HJLRRIBOIT, NBBRASK A., THURSDAY, APRIL 16. 1903. 3S3 O. -42 7 K if J ft 7 t 'f ) f LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN. Dr. W. L Seymour coming. J. T. Fittgerald returned from Chicago last Friday. Jobo Hermao wm down from Eckard, 8. D. Tuisday. Herman E. Millar was in attendance at court this weak. Mr. aad Mrs. CUm Leeling were Hsrri- No visitors Tueedey. Jacob Forster, from Ardmore waa in town Tuaaday. 8, D. Stuart Sides waa down from bit ranch ia Wjo. last Baturdar. F. E. Jaadt and Jo Buih war ia from Bawitt tba Brat of tha week. J. W. CbrUtiaa waa in from bia ranch Saw Hid Wedoeadey. Dr. Seymour will ba ia Crawford Nab. May SOtb at Gate City Hotal. W. f, Shepherd mada a pi t call at our sanctum laat Saturday. Charlia Tbomaa and wifa ware ia from Old Woman crack laat Friday. We had eur usual Eaatar storm Sunday bat its stains are all faded bow. Jans C. Mmic and Claus Christenssa we re in from Montrose Tuesday. L. Dout was attending court this waak. lit reports all well down bis way. Sunday school at 10 o'clock; a vary body invited. W. H. Datm; Supt. TO Ut'lt A OOI.D IN OK DAT. Tsks Laxative Rro o Quinine Tablets. All droftisW reran las ruouey If It falls to ears. B. W. Grove's slcneivr ia ou each bos. He. Sam Porter and wifa came down from Pleasant Riders last waak aod stayed a couple of day. Our genial aod accommodating depot acent. K. F. Pontius, baa a lay off for aUty days, od wall ha dsssrvis it. Tha Boa. Judge J. J. Harrington open ad court ToasaUy, and thara being a short docket bis honor elaaad it in short order i, H. Nswitn waa sawn rrom rieasant aura last Thursday, ne is going to sen his interests there, sod move to Harrison. I The visiting attorneys during court I wars: nons. a. w. niae ana Alien w. Fisher of Chadron, aod W. H. Fanning at Crawford. I John R. Howard, from Cottonwood, was in Tuesday to answer roll call as a juror during the term of district court, which convened on that day. 8. ft Seek ley photographer from Valen tine is hare, and is prepared to U abotorrspheat reaaonabla prior, Oiva nm a call. S. 8. Bobxky. These wishing photo buttons will do wall by ordering from ma. Samples in Ma retailer Bras. alo case. A b THtB Droit. ParUee known themeelvea indebted to me, mav call at Commercial Bank or J. H, Lacy's. aod pay up. s Bohwar. Wa ha a few $!S.Sft gents Ulster over Boats that wa are coning out I or 1.0. M-tf Haw ia your chance. Lewis Qarloch. O BLAND BALL. April 17th. at Andrews Hall. Everv body Inelted. Spectators 35 cts. Good Muaie. B. C Dunn. Thara waa a pair of ladle's gauntlets left at tha court houae at the time Mr. Baumaaa of Crawford waa here, and tha owner caa get the aaeaa by calling this oSe. at I Andrew M.Jioley'e familiar fsea was aaes on oar streets on last Monday. Mr. MoDinlsv has had nuita a siaaaaf staving mlow. aai hu snaav frianda ara aHad to I sea htm areaad acom. I if f ildi t - r I Tha greatest aaagar from rolds aad I pip it osair raaalUng la aaaamaala. If rssfirnskls ears ia uaad. however, aad rkaaMbarlaln's Courh Bemedv Uksn. all .sltl k LMt AmonsT tha tans af thosaassss who have oaed this remedy f or Mass diasaam wa ha ra yet la leara 1 1 afaasajrh) aaaahtving raanltad la paasj- , wtJrt shows roaolaaivsly that it taaoarksseravaotivaof that dancaroua laaao. MwHIoart a ed araa attack of tlw gna ia Vsm time than any .rthar i Ha) oMOaaat an I ' For saw brail rVsusgkla, f here and there; Harrison Nebr. April 7 1903. WAjrrtD Employment for a womu, and boy on a Ranch, or for man. woman and boy after tha middle of May. For particulars call at tha Press-Journal of' Da. , Mr. J. C. Paraona U gettieg along m wall aa ean ba expected; Ui wrist ia very sore, and may not ba a uiaful aa years gone by, but wa are aura Mr. Par eons ia thankful that it is no worm, for wars seemed danger or blood poisoning at one time. B. B. Dunn and family dejartert for Denver, Colorado Monday evening. Mr. Dunn moved hare from Denver last spring, and not liking this oonatry as well as Colorado, decided to ret urn there. We are sorry to sea them leava, but frieods must part. Judge Harrington mada F. E. Jaadt put up for the coat of witnesses, and expense for not coming to tha trial, and wa think this a wiss plan by his honor, for wa have too much of this work, and if mora that make it a point t) dodge n trial rould have to do the seme, wednn'i think there would be many cases carried over. Grla R.eaae4lee aa Great Demand. Whan colds and grip are prevalent the quickest and surest r.udie are in great demand. Mr. Joaenh D. Williams, of McDun, Vs., says that he was cured of a very deep aod lasting attack of la grippe by using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy after trying several other preparations with no effect. For sale by all Druggist "Oentlemen of tha jury," said a lawyer what kind of swearing has been dona in this case? Usre we have a physician, a man who from his high calling should scorn to tail an untruth, hut what did It testify, gentlemen? I put tha question to him plainly, "Where was he stabbedr UnMushingly, his features as cool and placid as marbls, replied that ba wax stabbed an inch and a half to the let t of bis medical line, and an inch above the umbilicus. And yet we have proved by three uoim peached witnesses that ha was stabbed just bstow the railway station. --K&ooeoge. On our rectnt visit to Oottonwood we found everyone busy, nod of a cheerful and hopeful spirit, and well might thav i no ror may nave been Messed with an aounoant crop, and wmi um ground in good conditio a to Urt with, they fuel almost assured of another good crop. We are glad to note the fact that seemed grateful to the-ir Creator for hi manifold blastings, and wluU th ir num hers are not so lanro as thav used to be yat tha Sabbath School is still going and with a vary good interest, and from the promisee of attendanca. Union Star 8. S. will have an interesting Sunday Scoool this spring aod summer. The legislature has passed a law, giv ing the wife one-hall of the husband's. property io case tha husband should die. Tba bill mat considerable opposition, and passed by a very small majority. Gov ernor Mickey signed tha bill and it became a law. While there was much opposi. tioo to the bill by our law makers, we think tha bill a good and just one. Laws are supposed to be mada for the benefit of tha majority and a a believe that the majority of wivea are as raapooaibU for what propertv baa beao accumulated aa ia tha tiuabaad. Evan if she baa not spec ulatsd aad planned as has tha hnhand. ahahaa wed, cared for tha cf.ildran, , looked after the husband's nd childre.' , intareata with uncomplaining fortitude patieoce. Why (Ihm should aha mil ba recognised as tha main beneficiary to that whtch aha has helped to accumulate? Rushville Standard. SEVERE ATTACK OF GRIP. Cured by One Battle af CKsan bee Iain's Ceagfe Remedy. "Whan I had an attack of tba grip last winter (the second one) I art ual cured myself with one bottle of lisnv berlaltTs Cough Remedy," sat s Frank W. Parry, Editor of tha Enterprise, at Shoru villa, N . T. "This is tha honest truth. I at times kept from coughinir myself to pieces hy takings 'aaTtsm'-il of this remedy, ami when tin iitukliina apall would coma on at night I would Uka s doaa and It asaniad that in tha bnafest Interval Ute cough would pass off sod I would go to sleep perfectly fraa from oaugh sod Its acoompsniog pains. To my that lite remedy aMd aa a moat agreeable em-pnm is putiinv vrr mikl v. I had no k? that it would oi (could knock out the gnr, s.mplv iminiw rauJ w-ver ini n rnr su.ii ..ir( 'f ' . but ll die, ana it srnin wiin t. -.n.i oitatk of coughisg ttw rm-i c tu-d i to not onlv b of bs dura'ton. h.it -he. paras were fir n i nan n need the content of ,..ie bo.U- bef..r sir, ur'f r..n oia ua aai-iu. rw-s:ei.y aMtoajflstf PUBLIC SALE. 207 CATTLE 207 The uodertig-ned will sell at public auction at the Hescer place three and a half miles north of Harrison, Neb., on April 20, 1903, at 10 o'clock a. m. the folloying described property, to-wit: ii Head of cows with calf at foot. 40 Head of dty cows and springers. 60 Head ot two and three year old steers. 23 Head of one year old steers. 26 Head of one year old heifers. 8 Head of milch cows. 5 Head :f bulls. ' No horses, no household goods, no machinery. Nothing but cattle. TERMS. A credit of 12 months will be bankable note. FRBB LUNCH. HOtXINGSWORTH 4 HOOPER. Bob Keel, Auctioneer. EawarMt Loagve. At the M E. church vt SmhIiiv evening at 7 .-00 oV lin k. Everybndy invited. 8ulj.c U i Apul: . Danger Signals. . ' Subject for April It. Four Rtt Flacs Self f'onceit, Prejudk. Jealously, Rv' k- le-is Handling of Another's Name Hi.rn. sii. IB; frov. vi. M; mil. u a. W. H. DAtr; I!d-r. The Modern Woodmen ern tahtn bv surprise on last Sfluroti) i.iI.i rti n seosidn, 1 the Rt.vmI NtiliWr. who overpowered the ntry and ik.W p'.KSess- ion of the cam., and it did not take ihtt V. C, lone to gain his proper rlijrfty aiid equilibrium when to saw the lw.iW.'H being unco vend, ami l. n:aii gvod icings that tend to nmk' imn happy, uhh'h I he Royul Nrigl'borx l.uow how ell how f prepare AM present had an n- yabla evening, and tha neighbors are always ready to acquiesce to the Royals, and especially when they come with wel HIM baskets and their bright and jolly faces. Three jury cases on tha ducket and aooaof tbevi tried; Setms tn us un mj pnaitioa on tba tat pyara of the iutttW Tha summoning of this jury will cut the count v two or thie h"nlre1 di.H;.s ith nothing m-ron-pl V)-". :ii"l i ! v.i.. espenmi tt he hild nt tic lit X. '"fill ut court. The jud:-e s-. lire ! iry tlw caw, and uheii i-v H'1triies won't: come totrn.l we t.liiok tin jmle etmuld: liave power to make ttieiu act. TIhh carrying ovi cases bv attorneys a lien I unnesrarv n'v seeni all riKliI to lh-m hut not to mn that are tinny, aod ll.at haw other interests lo look itfter, mid j we hope that our law makers may find soma way of remedying this di'dge. I'ases taken up ly tha Uixirict Cuitrl and disposed of as follows: F. E. Jandt vs Sious Co , Continued Sioux t'o. vs Fntncis A Oslx-inn- ' " " vs M.Liifhvi'. Oun.fcrd " ' v Flora R. Ft .r el al " , " vi Heirs John R. lark et al " Thos. B. Snyder vs O. VT, Leake et al ' Henry On lick vs Thoa B. Snyder, Dftte answer in thirty days Willis H. Fullen vs M. E. Bittner et al dead ordered Joaenh U. Warner vs Robt. Pomeroy at al. continued Edward 8 warts vs F. E. V M. V. R. R. Co , continued OrantOuthrie vs Stous county, found for county . . F Mvr( r, R a ,iinnil ,.(wl lf )(;lillllfl now et l has. W. Percj vs IV. J. A. Riuui . y el dicaiiwMto M. J. Ctkinnall vs Adolph Carrac et al deed ordered W. t hauncy Phips at al vs Quo. D. Caoon, decree Wro. J. A. Riu m vs (."has. W', Percv. dismisend E. Lvon v W. O Patterson, unturned O. Oillhne v J. W. Reed et ul, order of mla John Weber vs lsador Ru hsteiu, orih'i l sale M J. O'OonnHI vs Francis E. Lockwoisl, onler of sale M. J. fl' ... . i! v. Vy ni ordrroi t- i'e J. O S.iipl iy Aiv nf r'r.r4 I'Ua,) g deceased, iiornaa to sell graoled Grant Guthrie vs John W. Halt at al. dismissed at plaintiffs oosta O. Oulhrie v J. W. Hall d.smhsed at plaintiffs casta (I Oulhrie vsOsse. Usimoii et al, dis misMsl at plalnlilTs costs O. (luthrie vs Cha. Iliiruion ul al, dis ;il a I in bit iff. rtwts (. t;iri ' 's O" ' Wm " il, sit hi' etii.' liiitiir ' i1. Thus. I' Hn; ; vs v' - "ii' d. t" .riler 1 "i 1 1 Vels Row"'. -Ik v A ''I i.Kiidal Spread tn e:od Iffgvrt Bobwor vs Jerry F. Will at al. given at 10 per cent interest with No Jake. Pe.tplc who uuuKiue that the act for the. exnr(Kition or prairie dogs was a joke and are reproving the legislature for it levity in passing it, live, doubtless, in the eastern part of I he slate and do not know n) tl:ing about prairie dogs. Where the prairie dug abounds he is the insidious and dangerous foe of the farmer. He (Ills the surface full of boles to break tha legs of the cow pony and he eats the suo u lent grasc and alfalfa and crowds out the cattle and sheep and in other ways is a most expensive animal lo bo;nl and lodge The owner of land wtto cultivates and occupies his farm can easily extirpate the little beast by the ohvout method of poisoning him ll tuny be cruel but it is as necesrary as it is to atrevv indigestible and harmful l,io vender before tha rats and mice in jour ccilar :nd garret. It cost littl beyond some diligence, and awry provi dent farmer will clear his own premises. Bui the non-resident speculator in lands doesn't care and his doga eat up the crops of his neighbors. The old crude way was to offer prsoi iunis for scal uf perdatory animals and vermin. The state waa thereupon called to pav litr resident of an infested section to clean our their owe pests. It never worked to good ndvantage because it rellv encoiiragett the nurture and oro- leciioo oi i he pehts in order to finally secure a maximum of sculps and draw inrnoy from the state treasury for them f he principle of the prairie dog bill pass ed by the legislature is sound. If tl land owner harbora prairie dogs and de- ciitiit lo take the necessan measure for their destruction the count' will do it for liim and charge up the expense aa lien on his laud aiai he has lo pay the county. That is the proper thing to do and there is oo joke about it. State Journal. War Bonnet Topics. The storm prevented S. 8. us from holding I rank Scott is working at tha 8 E at present. Miss Mary Schaefer is working at ths 8 E ror Mrs. Grimm. Rill Harvey was working for Mr. Plunkett a few days last week, Ed and Ben Scott attended the literary at Harrison. They report a real good time. Miss Dorman and Laura Lona and Addia Keel were guests of Mrs. Fiolev last Monday. Hurrah for Easter storm which means rain oi snow for the uext 7 Sundays, and thai means good crops this year. Mrs Geo. Grimm went down to Bodarc Inst Saturday, and stayed over night with her sister Mrs. Matt Hall. John Anderson and his brother went to Crawford last Thursday to attend the Mason Lodge of which they ara both niemUrtt, Jnhn Marking acci'mpaimd I hero to take in the to(l. Wa Ivarned from parties most concer ned Ilia I Mike Jordan asked Mias Emma N'lrisii to keep house for him, and she Mcc.pled, 1 kiippoae this is the nsw way of popping the quest ion. Eh! Miks. Mpi log work bus begun, we have plsst I P"! ti , Robvrl Keel and neighbor i n. af. loive si.wd iheiroats and suppose th" "Kigti lieu" hss got.e lo setting, as 1 sea sh was lo busv to apprsr in the "Sun" last week. , I believe Robert Keel is about tha earliest, man for his sise T ever knew, 1 seen him going after a had of send on ' the Biehle pl. ie nt sun up, which lagt i d hnulrri v ffarHson. enn.e hnck and t ii, if-' l.tml. Hi d wss making homa MM rli r Hoe, is that for a '.V i .. . I Nori-Ji- "4-I-I-' il whs l.athor !, a. ! er veil lo llw hole lobi I'guii' i .iller which they held 8 8. aad than Easier eg af aUoolora war passed. They were very beautiful. These good people undoubtly thirk like the old Buying. "Tlie way to mans heart is through the stomach, which in one way is very true with all kinds of animals, feed them well and see bow much they like you. Piggy. B.eezes from Glen. Carl Bohers is working for Mr. Cra ta blet. May Weber came home to spend Easter. Clara Cramblst is down with the measles. Jimmie started in school liere last Moo- day morning. Everybody is busy with their spring plowing around here. We had a white Easter here. How ever the snow didu't stay very long, aod we were glad to see it go. We were disappointed because Rev. Sloan was unable to be with ui, and hold revival meetings as we expected. We had a good S. S. last Sunday, even it did storm, also a short Easter service after 8, S. After the programme we received pretty Easter cards colored eggs and candy birds nests full of candy eggs. So you see we had a nice time any way. Last Monday April 13 Mr Huntley aod Mr. Deoslow, started for Crawford, when about two miles east of Glen, the neck yoke came down, and tha tongue fell, and frightened the team so they ran away. Both the men received a hard shock, though Mr. Huntley was still able to go to Mr. Webers for help. Mr. Weber got his new carriage out and took the men on to Crawford to the Doctor. Mr. Denslow was on his way to Craw ford to take the train for Hooper, to attend his sistsrs wedding. Aod we ara glad to my, that altho' he had a hard time ol it, but he was still able to jco to Hooper to see his sister married. BUG." Andrews Happeniogs. Oh, the "Buds of Spring!" Mr. aad Mrs.Wm. Fall visited Tom Junes's last Sunday- Mrs. J. D. Praetor and Mrs. S. E. Jones were Harrison visitors laat Thursday, What at such a time are fortune tell ik, dud cows, old maids, histories, broken hearted bachelors, chronologies and traditions? While river sings carols ar.d glees amid it all and tries to cheer up the crowd. The green grass is flaming up on the hillside, not yellow, but green is the flame. A symbol of perpetual youth or if green bashful boys. Ths pines look brighter, greener, more erect and alive than ever; How's that? Spring is here the year has begun with younger demonstrations and propositions than ever before. Proof The faint silvery warblings ara hoard over the partially green and moist prairies from the And raw frogs, dam builders, song hens and rattlesnakes. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright and baby, Misses. Elsta and Edna Rohwer and Mr. M. Stimson attended the dance at Mrs. Chris Christcnsen's last Saturday. All of the above, except Mr. Stimson, tayed and visited over Sunduv at her home. , They report a Bood time. Come forth all ye blossoms Start, seeds, from the ground, Yo songs of birds waken For spring is al hsiid. Its touch on tha tree tops Its kiss in the air, Makes odors of heaven Spring up everywhere. There was a dance Easter ave, arrang ed and prepared by Mrs. Chris Christen sen at her home. It was in honor of her birthday. A large crowd attended The music and dance was enjoyed tha fore lrt af the evening, then came tha de lightful supper. It was almost beyond description. There wae even thing the hesrt could wish for. 1 never saw a prettier supper in Sioux Co. , and after 1 ate mv supper I decided that "looks" and ''tastes" wsnt together. It was sweet as a sweetheart sweetened with white sugar mixed with powdered silver and seed diamonds. I tell you it didan't take long lo dispose of it I There were 41 present. Thsy set 5 tables ami had artiplu upply for all. We nr all glad that ihs hud a birthday and wish to thank Mrs Chris Christanssn and family for the kind enter tainni) nt and treat given us; We cherish your friendship and wish that all your tears be Oiled ith hippiiiess. "Bum ahd Bloswoio." Cerkweod Casks tha Stat. Casks of corkwood weight only 19 pounds aod a similar cask of hard wood weight U pounds. These ciVs. rnlrta ware recently Invai.tei b. a rel'lpnt of Algeria, are non f.i-.nd.'ot-ors of bast and cold, aod tie stavci do oot wars. Professional Cards. GS ANT GUTHRIE. l Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all !ga, matters in Justice, County aut Uiatrict Courts, and before the United Bute Land Office. Fire Insnranca written ia raliabU sompanies. taTLegal papers carefully dmwn. Hakmson. - Nebraska, J. H. LACY. SUCCESSOR tO E. ROHWER. DEALER IN Harness, saddles, range goods, lumber, all kinds of building material. Farm machinery and hard- ware. .Hour. Mam and feed. When in need of anything in my line give ma a call: Wa will treat you runt. Vnt Northwestern LINE ONLY 9UBS ,BRgC3E ILallroad between Missouri Rjver and Chlceae. Direct line to St. Paul Mlnneasaile- Direct Line to Blaek Hills. Apply to nearest avgent far rates, maaav atn4 time caLrds. New Schedule of Trains. Taking effect Sunday Nov. 2. Wast Bound. East HoiinoV Morning. Evening. No. 60 Frt.4:15p.m. No. 60, Frt. . . .98 No. 5, Psgr. li:55 No. 4.Psgr. arrivea 6:35, departs 7.00 Both trains carry passenger. ANDREW PROGRAM MF;. FOX APRIL 24lh. 7:30 P. M. Greeting Lilian E Harri Welcome pearl Shepherd "Song Of the Rose" By the fcbool Rocitatioo Clara Chriinea " v Ray HuKtoian " Bridie .lonea Rac ...."The Dutchman's had.kate' Eva Proctor "The Spanish Caveli8r"..Lrgr Pwpils Recitation "Ain't He Cute" 1 ho mas Jones " Roy lbifcvriui.il. Solo "Will there bo any Stars" Selected Recitation "Only tiie baby" Ptarla Jones Dialogue "Auntie Doleful' Visit' Eva Proctor and Mabel UhriKKiiM.o Song "The Footsteps on tha butirs" By School Dialogue.." Pearla and tha Postnasstar'' Pearla Jones and Clara Chriliu..i Recitation ...."No Baby in the IJ..,i" Mabel ' hristensan : Trio "Three Birds".... Bv Eva Proetor. Mabel Christensen and Birdia Joaes. Dialogue "Clara Christ wW bva Proctor and Thomas Joins. Rec. ...."An Old Man's Story" Selected- Song "Croqust" By older niipila "Five Little Sunflowers" " "A Slight Mistake".... Eva Procter and Miss Harris "Exercise in Music" By the Sellout Deaf and Dumb Song . .Elisabeth Harris Song .."Fairy Moonlig ht .By School Dialogue "How She cured, Him' Eva Proctor, Thomas and Pearla Jones. Rec Mrs. S. E, Jone " D. W. Shepherp, Song By older pupils. Rec Edward Marshals Dialogue "Good Night" Smaller pupil PartiogSong ...By School) In One Acre af Oraund lo dicflnt aa acre af tround a tnrsa 113,000 spadefuls of earth, sat tba tall moved doriag tba work valgbat lie tooa. Fakirs Have Easy Thin Tha natives of India oavar allow a fakir of " whom there are t.t00jDia who Ura by bagging to starra Metadata In French The number at motorists getting, lata trouble with Ua rtaaah aoiloe km so large that the rules of prison me tre having as be sigoly apeciallsadi la thatr regard. Complaints of out raged dlgaity oa the port et la prlsoaed motorists bate become so, freqaeat that the arfaiaser of the In terior has leaned a. saw ragulatiea, far tba exelestv aaaedt of aggrieved! votaries of the bow leoemotJen. Per- sons Imprlsoaed far braaeh af motor' ear ragalatteM are to bt refardi-t merely as "aectwed perauea." are to. have he right t" lad tkelr own food., to b oaly sllrl,tly ssacsaad. to aa-. Ua "deashet" tad ta be t ,.1. J i. ''