; 2 )-uU( jl I ' ... Harrison -Journal. VOL. XV. KAJEMRIBOST, AgK A., TECTTRSH)-A."Z APRIL 16. 1903. 2S3 0.42 LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN. Dr. W . I. SayOMur coming. f HERE AND THERE; Hai-rlaon Nebr. April 7 103. WAimro Employ taent for a woman m v. . I . 1 ri : - I - , -... Ut Friday. Jobs Herman u down from Eckard, , 8. D. Tuesday. Btrniu E. Millar was in eMoodaace at court this week. particular call at the Press-Journal of Mr. and Mrt. Clam Lading were Harri- eea Tim ton Tuaaday . Mr. J. C. Parson U gatbag along a wall aa aaa ba expected; His wrist ia very sore, and may not ba aa uaaful aa yaari gone by, but wa ara aura Mr. Par none ia thankful that it ia oo wornc, for there aaamad danger of blood poisoning at ona Uma. Jacob Forster, from Ardmore 8, D. i was m town Tuaaday, Stuart Sides til down from bia ranch ia Wyo. laat Saturday. F. E. Jaadt and Joe Buab war in from Bawitt tba Brat of tba waak. J. W. Christian waa in from Wn ranch Raw Hide Wednesday. Dr. Saymour will ba in Crawford Nab. May Mtb at OaU City Hotal. W. F. Shepherd mada a pi at our sanctum laat Saturday, t call Charlia Tbomaa and wifa warn in from Old Woman crack laat Friday. B. B. Dunn and family departed for Danvar, Colorado Monday evening. Mr, Dunn movad hara from Danvar but prion, nod not liking thia country aa wall aa Colorado, dacidad to return thara, We are sorry to aaa thcra leave, but frianda mutt part Judge Harrington mada F. B. Jaadt put up for tba coat of witnaaaca, and aspanaa for not coming to tha trial, aod wa think thia a wiaa plan by hia honor, for wa hava too much of thia work, and if I mora that maka it a point t dodge a trial would hava to do thoaama. wedou'i think Uiara would ba many caMa carriad over. Wa had aur usual Eos tar storm Sunday bat ite ataioa ara all fadad now. Jana C. MeneT and Claua Chriatanaan wa ra in from Montroaa Tuaaday. L. Dout waa attending court thia waak. lit reports all wall down bis way. Grto sVeeaewlee as Grant Demand When colds and grip am prevalent tha quickaat and surest remedies ara in grant damaod. Mr. Joseph D. Williams, of McUuff, Va., says that ha waa curwd of a vary daap aod lasting attack of la grippa by using Ctutmbarlain's Cough Remedy aiier trying several other preparation with no affect. For mla by all Druggist "Gentlemen of tha jury," said n la wyar what kind of swaaring baa baan dona in thia case? Hara wa hara a physician, a man who from hia high railing should scorn to tell an untruth, hut what did he testify, gentlemen? I put tha question to him plainly, "Where was he stabbed?" 1 TT U1..-L.: I . . i i Sam Porter and wifa cama down from I -"""""is'J. .-Hire, w oooi son PlaaaaotBidga laat waak and atayad a , uw up men ana a nan io ina lail OI bia medical Una, and an inch above tha Our gonial aod accommodating depot umbilicus. And yal wa hava proved by agent, E. F. Pontius, baa a lay off for unimptachad witnesses tlmt ha was Iatakoad just below Uta railway station." "JCaofaajOfa ' Sunday school at 10 o'clock; a vary body invitad. W. H. Uatm; 8upt. TO CUtt A OOIJD IK OWE DAT. Take Laxative Kro o Quinine Tablets. All druggists refaiMI I be ntouey If It rails to ears. E. W. Qrove's slgnatora w ou esrti aas. see. couple of day. aUty days, aod wall ha nsssrvse K. Tha Hon. Judg J. J. Harrington open ad court Tuesday, and there being a short docket hia honor elaaad it in abort order On our recent visit to ' 'oltoo wood wr found everyone busy, and of a cheerful and hopeful spirit, and wall might tbav J. H. Newlin was down from Pleasant I ba for they hava baan Messed with an Sabre laat Thursday. Ha is going to sail j abundant crop, and with tba ground in hit iateroate thara, and mova to Harrison, good condition to uteri with, they fuel almost assured of another good crop. Tba visiting attorneys during court I We ara glad to note the fact that all ware: Hons. A. W. crttee ana Allan U. seamed grateful to their Creator for hi Fiahar of Chadroa, and W. H. Fanning manifold blessing-, and while tlwir num- PUBLIC SALE. 207 CATTLE 207 The undersigned will sell at public auction at the Hescer place three and a bait miles north of Harrison, Neb., oa April 20, 1903, at 10 o'clock a. n. the following described property, to-wit: 45 Head of cows with calf at foot. 40 Head of diy cows and springers. 60 Head ot two and three year old steers. 23 Head of one year old steers. . 26 Head of one year old heifers. 8 Head of milch cows. 5 Head 2f bulls. ' passed. They were very beautiful. I Tlieae good people undoubtly thirk like Uta old saying. "The way to mans heart is through the stomach, which in one way is vary "true with all kinds of animals, feed them well and sea bow much they like you. Peogt. Professional Cards. B eezes from Glen. came home to spend Carl Bo hers ia working for Mr. Cram blat. May Weber Enntar. Clara Cramblet is down with tba measles. Jimmie aturtad in tfhsu,! lra la.t Mnn. No horses, no household goods, no machinery. Nothing; but day morning. Everybody ia busy with their spring plowing around hara. ORANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all !ga. mailers in Justice, County U( District Courts, and before tba United Slate Land Office. Fire Insnranca written i eslmblr sompaniaa. OTLegal pa Bars oarafatly drown. Hauubor. . Namaaju. C&TTLB TERMS A credit of 12 months will be jfiven at 10 per cent interest with bankable note. FRBB LUNCH. HO LLINGS WORTH & HOOPER. Bob Keel, Auctioneer. Enweeratt league. At tha M E. .-hun'h iivcr.v Si. nil evening at 7 .00 oilo k. Everybody invited Sul'j.c ( i Apul: , Dengav Slgnela. Subject for April It. Pour R( Flags Self Conceit, Prvjudi. Jralnu.ly, Ri-i Ihs Handling of Another's Name. Hi.nl lii. 16; Prov. vi. 84; Phil, it S. W. H 1av; lr. ho The Modem Woodman era tahr by surprise on lust Bolurtiiiy r.il.i in seMthin, t the RiJhI NilNra. ovarpowervd the atntry and n UW ion of the camj., and it did iwt lak' ih V. C, lone to gain his proprr fign-y Hi d tquilibrium when b saw the tm.4t.-i being uncoven-d, and '-he n:ati gwd Huge that tnd to nmlc turn happy. ahh'li I he Ruj hI Niglbnr. know mw how f prepare. All prmenl had an .n. yabla evening, and tba neiglihora are always randy to acquiesce to the Royals, and especially when tliey coma with wall flllod haskata and their bright and jolly face. of Crawford. John R. Howard, from Cottonwood, waa io Tuesday to answer roll call as a juror during the term of district court, which convened on that day. 8. 8 Beak ley photographer from Valen tine Is hara. and is prepared to U nhotocraphs at reasonable prices. Oiva ma a call. 8. 8. Baaxar. These wishing photo but teas will do well by ordering from ma. Samples in Marsteller Bra, atiow case. A atVUS DcajM. Parties known themes! vea Indebted to me, may call at Commercial Bank or J. H, Ucy'a. and pay up. K. Bohwar. bars are not so large as they used to ba, yat tha Sabbath School is still going and with a very good interest, and from the promises of attendance. Union Star & 8. will hava an interesting Sunday Scoool this spring and summer. Tha legislature has passad a law, giv ing tha wife one-hall of the husband's. property in case tha husiauid should die. Tba bill met considerable opposition , and by a very small majority. Gov ernor Mickey signed the bill and it became a law. While there waa much oppoei tioa to the bill by our law makers, we think tba bill a good and just ona. Laws ara supposed to ba mada for tha benefit of the majority end e believe that tha majority of wives ara aa reepoonibta for what property has been accumulated as is tha tiusbaad. Evan if she has not spec- Three jury i-sss on tha dockrt and sons of tha vi tried; Setms to us un im, position on tha tat wiyave of the -uiW; Tha summoning of this jury will out the county two or thie hnnired duUnr nith fiothins m-roii'fdid'u ii. :ipiI ,i,,. rs prnae ui hud h t hi- in x : rtii of ourl. Tw jud:- Ih-i try the nt, hihI tiii trie KMvriieya "i t come to trihl (- 1 1 ,.iil juil; i-lmuM liave power to make them act. Tins carrying om caa bv attornrya la-n unm-cSKarv nay nrtnt nil riiix to Ih-m hut not to niu t tin I art biiKy, and Ilia haw other intervste to look nfti r, uiid we hope that, our law inakr nun find some way of n-niHiying this dtlge. No Jeka. fe.pli' who iiuaguu) that tbe act for lh extirpation of prairie dogs was a joke and are reproving tbe legislature for its ieviiy in passing it, live, doubtlese, in tbe cuHtern part of the slate and do not know utiy thing about prairie dogs. Where the prairie dog abounds he is the insidious anddungernua foe of the farmer. He fills the surface full of holes to break tha Wa had a white E-ister here. How aver the anow didn't stay very long, and we were glad to esc it go. Wa were disappointed because Rev Sloan waa unable to be with ui, and hold revival meetings aa we expected. We had a good 8. 8. last 8unduy. even it did storm, also a short Easter service after 8. S. After the programme we received pretty Easter cards colored eggs and candy birds neste full of candy eggs, bo you see we had a nice time any wav. Last Monday April 18 Mr Huntley and Mr. Denslow, started for Crawford, when about two miles east of Olen, the neck yoke came down, and tbe tongue fail, and legs of the cow um and ha eata It succulent gran and alfalfa and crowds friK,XDd ln teHni " thi ' ny Wa baa raw itt.M gents Clatarlted and planned aa has tha husband, over-ooata that we are cosing out for 819.08, )ow ia your chance. Lewis Oerlaoh. Caere taken up t y the t'lulru t Court and dispneed of as follows: F. E. Jandt vs Sioux Co., Ci-ntinii) Sious t 'o. vs Francis A Oshonif ' " ' vs M, Lfn vtu Duinfi-rd ' v Fiorn R. Ft nHr vl al " ' vt Heirn John R, lark et al ' 11 .4 yg ..1 I. I l 14 Thoe. B Snyder vs O. W, Lrake at al Henry Gulkk vs Thus. B. Snyder, Dftvte answer in thirty days Willis H. Pulten vs M. E. Bitcner etal dead ordered oo; the cattle and HlK-pp and in other ways is a most expensive animal to ho inl and lodge The owner of land who cultivates and occupies his farm can easily extirpate the little beast by ohviout method of poisoning him. It tuny In cruel but it is as necesrary as it is to Ntrew indigestible and harmful (.10 vender before lite rats and mice in j our cellar ud garret. It cost littli beyond some diligence, and every provi dent farmer will clear his own premises. But the non-resident spec u later in lands doesn't care and his dogs eat up tlx crops of hlx neighbors. The old crude way waa to offer prem iums for acal of psrdatory animals and vermin. Tha state was thereupon called to pav tlta residt nt of an infested section to clean out their own pasta It never n-orKMi to good advantage because it rHi.llv (-iHoiiriigiHl ihe nurture and pro- tfi iioiioi the j! in oritur to finally secure a maximum of sculps and draw lorney from the state treasury fur Uieni. Both the men received a hard shock, though Mr. Huntley wa still able to go to Mr. Webers for Help. Mr. Weber got his new carriage out and took tbe men on to Crawford to the Doctor. Mr. Denslow was on his way to Craw ford to take the train far Uoopr, to attend his sisters wedding. And we ara glad to say, that altho' he had a hard time of it, but he was still able to go to Hooper to sea hia sister married. "Boo." Andrews Happenings. Oh, the "Buds of Springr Mr. and MrsWoi. Fall visited Tom Junes's last Sunday. , Mrs. J. D. Praetor and Mrs. & E. Jones were Harrison vinitors laat Thursday. What at such a time are fortune tell ers, (Mid cows, old maids, histories, broken hrarted bachelors, chronologi and traditions? White river sings carols t lie principle of the prairi dog bill pass- ar.d glees amid it all and tries to cheer ed by the legislature is sound. If tlie up the crowd. land ownt-r tiarUirs prairie (logs and da- The green grass is flaming up on the ciu.es u UKe the necessary measure for hillside, not vellow. but irreen is the J. H. LACY. successor to E. Rob web. DKALXR TS Harness, saddles, range goods, lumber, all kinds of building material. Farm machinery and hard ware. Flour, grain and feed. When in need of anything in my line give ma a call: We will treat you nht. Northwestern LINE ONLY Railroad between Missouri RJvm ami Chios. Direct line to St. Paul MlnneaaaUe- Direct Lin to Black Kills. Apply to nearest awSent far retee. nua fend time curds. New Schedule of Trains. Taking effect Sunday Nov. iff. Wast Bound. East BoundV Morning. Evening. No. 69 Frt.4:15p.m. No, 60, Frt. . . .35 No. 5, P?r. 10:55 No. .Pr. arnvaa, 6:33, departs 7 .Oft Both trains carry passengers. llieir ! struct ion Ui county will do it for him and charge up the expense as a In n on his lund and he has to pay tba county. That is the proper thing to do and there is oo joke about it. State Journal. flame. A symbol of perpetual youth or if green bashful boys. The pines look brighter, greener, more erect and alive than ever; How's that? Spring is here the vear has begun with younger demonstrations and propositions than ever before. Proof The faint silvery warblings are hoard over the partially War Bonnet Topic. The storm prevented ua from holding green and moist prairies from tha And raw frogs, dam builders, song a. 8. Irnnk Scott is working at tha 8 E at pn-aent. Miss Mary Schaefer is working at tba 8 E for Mrs. Grimm. Bill Harvey was working for Mr. Plunkelt a few days last week. Ed and Ben Scott attended the literary Joseph H. Warner vs Root Pomeroy at at Harrison. They report a real good GUARD BALL. April 1?th. at Andrews Hall. Everv bod? invited. BoaoUtore 15 cts. Good Musio. B. C. Dog. !h"j?' 171 c,,iWr,"!B..j1,minF.Monrev.Lor.n,8 interests with uncomplaining fortitude nod patience. Why Ummi should aha not ba recognised as tha main beneficiary to that which aha has helped to accumulate? Bushville Standard. SEVEHE ATTACK OF GRIP. Cvired by Owe Befits of Chemhwrlata's Whan I had an attack of tba grip I laat winter (the second one) I act ually by calling at I cured myself with ooe hot lie of Cham- I bar Iain's Cough Raniady." sat Frank W. Parry, Editor of tha Enterprise, at Andrew MnUiaWy'e familiar face was Shorts villa, N. T. "This is tha honest aan im oar streets on last Monday. Mr. truth., I at times kept from coughins MoOintey has had quite a wage af staving I myself to pieces by taking a laansou'jl Tbare waa pair of ladle's gauntlets left st the court houss at tha time Mr. Baumaan of Crawford was hara, and tha owner can gat lha thia ottos. al. continued Edward Schwarts vs F. E A M V. R. B. t'o f continuad OraatOuthria vs Sioux county, found for county MO -t al, li4Uiui at cost of pbiutilf I has. W. Percy vs W. J. A. Rkihi t al dirmixaeo M. J. CtXmnall vs Adolph Csrrac et al deed ordered W. Chauncy FMi at al vs Oeo. D. Canon, decrae Wm.J. A. Ra urn vs Chas. W. r rc . dismissed E. Lyon vs W. O Patternon, . ontumed O. Quthrie v J. W, R-ed t l ul, ordr of nsU John Wehar va laador Ru hstein, inl-f ! sale M J. OVonn va French B. Lucbaiwsl, order of sale MJ.O' r.,,i it v . . ., Vo id , Ume. Mias Dorman and Laura Lonn and Addis Keel were guests of Mrs. Fiolav last Monday, Hurrah for Easter storm which means rain oi snow for the next ? Sundays, and thai means good crops this year. hen aod rattlesnakes. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright and baby. Misses. Elsie and Edna Rohwer and Mr. J. M. Stimson attended the dance at Mrs. Chris Christensun's laat Saturday. All of the above, except Mr. Stimson, stayed and visited over Sunday at her home. , They report a good time. Come forth all ye blossoms Start, needs, from tha ground, Ya songs of birds waken For spring is at hand. Ite touch on tha tree tops Its kiss in the air, Makea odors of heaven Mr. Oeo. (Jrlmm went down to Bodarc P"" UP whrn- indoors, and hia many frieods are glad to I of this remedy, and when the mushing ordvrofM'e J. 0 Siiphiv Atv of Print Pltaa deceased, license to aril gruntrd Orsat Outhria vs John W. Uall at at. diemiaasd at plaintiff's cost O. Outhria vs J. W. Hall dismissed at plaiflUffs costs (I QiUhne vatToM. Uaimou si al, di missed at plaintiffs coats lajdagam. I apail would coma on at night I would take s dose and It seemed that in the at Celda aeJ Qvte. I bnafast Interval the oough would pass Tha si as last danger from raids and I oaT and I would go to steep psrfacUy f rat gnn In ahoir raMlting ia ssnnmsnla. If from og sad Its acoompsning pains. rssmnskli ears ia used, however, mm to nay tnat tna remeay a-Men aa a moat OiamharUln's Cough Remedy teken. all agraaahla minirim ih putunn la viry aSnsw srlll ba avoided. Ammtc tha tasa miMly. I had no aJ.-a that it a.uW oi of trtnnasada who hava ftaad this raasady eouM knoei nut the grip, emipiv iwrnum- u. wuturis va i im. narmon wi al, .ua i a HiliititT r.t (i I Ml' til :( . O" Mm " I'll rtl, eti (,.' mJ i.i ilnililifr i1- Ttum. I' Hn; ! sit, J - u,- . d.'t' '.nlr 1 'n til vfis Kuw';l. -r- v A : !', V miifiJate spread iin icimtd Kesati ioaiwtr va Jarry f. Will at sL f at Mae tt-rtn-rs ws hava yet to learn I nao aevrr irii u ror su.n a .'iri -. al a eaartaaMhtvingraenlted In naa but It did, and it swamed with ih M-.n.i w ibrh ahowi eoaolasivalff thoA it attack of coughing tlx rem-.l. ..- u. M it fciaftarkair wvntlva of that aancarwus to not onlv b of b dura"on. I.ji 'w, Assam H will ewra a eoid ar an stuck pms wre Ur l '. , n I had not. of tftft fffp ka Van time than atf .i1he iiaadihcn!intinf ...ia boa I- bfor" Mb) ssMtftfti asl aaie to 1 r. unp n.in oo ma aui'iu. y rwaakbvstl fuliakn, aDVagiata last Saturday, and stayed over night with hr sister Mrs. Matt Hall. John Anderson and his brother went to Crawford last Thursday to attend tha Mason Lodge of whirh they are both menjUrK, Julm Marking ai-iimpaiii.d them to tail i- in the toM'n. We lvarni from parties must ci nicer n.d that Mike Jordan anktd Miss Emma Noristi to krrp house for him, and she aco pted. I kiippoae this is the new way of popping tlw question. Ehl Mike. M-i iog w ork has begun, we have pie s t- lvi! tt(s, Rolarri Kxel and neighbor I o a. luivpi'Wd ii-lroats and supMsa tli' "Hug hen" has got.e io setting, aa 1 era she waa to busv to apprar in the "Sttn" laat week. . I believe Robert KmI ia about tha earliest man for his sine I ever knew, 1 men him going af'-r a lad of asnd on the Biehle pin re al eon up, which lie got it d hnuleri Hnrrivm. Ounie hnck and i ..i in if I..H.I, and was malmig home i mi it, nr. How isihalfora MyV .. 1 . I... I: i.t ; r.v t ixi , i Nnrixlu. ' , s li. n , i,ii! cruit wnsntlwr ti, n : - i! . r v a i-rT'l to ila whole topi uunn' I. .iltr which Ihry held 8 8. and than Easter eggs erf all oviora war Ttiere was a dance Easter eve, arrang ed and prepared by Mrs. Chris Christen sen at her home. It was in honor of her birthday. A large crowd attended The music and dance was enjoyed tha fore lrtf the evening, then cama tha de lightful suppt-r. It was almost beyond description. There wa evert thing the heart could wish for. 1 nevr saw a prettier supper in Sioux Co., and after 1 ate my supper I decided that "looks" and "tastes" wsnt together. It was sweat as a sweet h en rt sweetened with white sugar mixed with powdered silver and seed diamonds. I tell you it diden't take long to dispose of it I There were 41 present. Thty set S tables anil had ampin upply for all. We are all glad that she had a birthday and wish to thank Mrs, Chris Chrtstensen and family for the kind enter tninui. nt and treat given us; We cherish your friendship and wish that all your tears ba filled ith htppinesn. 'Bona anD Blossoms." Carkwaad Osaka tha Bast. Caitu ot corkwood weight only 10 pounds and a similar caik of hard wood weighs SO pounds. These cVs. rr.lrh war recently Inverted b;: a reiKont of Algeria, sre tiou conduct ors cf bast nil cold, aod tba stavej do not warn. ANDREW PROGRAMME. FOR APRIL 84th. 130 P. M. Greeting ....Lilian E Hsrri Welcome psarl Shepherd "Song of the Ross" By the school Becitetion Clara ChriHiiMa " Ray Ititgetmsn " Bridie .tones Rec "The Dutchman's Kad.raie' Eva Proctor "Tha Spanish Caveliar"..Lrgn PmiIs. Recitation "Ain't He Cute" 1 homos Jones " Roy Hageruikiu 8olo "Will there bo any Stare" 8l u-d BeciUtion "Only tba,, Baby"' Ptarla Jones Dialogue "Auntie Dolefui's Visit' Eva Proctor and Mahal ChriaUiihr.n Song. ..."Tba Footsteps on lha bum" By School Dialogue.." Pearla and tha Postm-iter Pearla Jones and Clara Christen" n Recitation ...."No Baby in the H,n" Mabel hristensen Trio "Three Birds".... By Eva Pro-torfc Mabel Chriatenaen and Birdia Joaea. Dialogus ."Clara CI iriJ wmhi' Eva Proctor and Thomas Jon.s. Rec. ...."An Old Man's Story" Hetct-d. Song ...."Croquet" ....By uldur pupil "Five Little Sunflowers" ' "A 8hght Mistake".... Eva ProcUr and Miss Harris "Exercise in Music".. By the School Deaf and Dumb Soog . .Eliaaheth Harris Song .."Fairy Moonlight ..i.By NcIiaoI Dialogue "How fine cured Him"' Eva Proctor, Thomas and Pearla Jones. Re Mrs. 8. E. Jon-e. " D. W. Hhapherp, Song ....By older pupils. Rec. Edward Marshall Dialogue "Oeod Night" Smaller pupfla Parting Song ........By School) In Ona Aora af Q round la dining an acre of tround a tnnis 111,000 spadefuls of earth. anf tha sail movad daring tha work walgbst U tons. Fakirs Have laay Thlm Tha aatlvas of India sever allow a. fakir of ' whom thara are I.M0jBih who Mra by begging to starve. Materials In Preneh Prtoawa. Tha number of motorists gtttieg. Into trouble) with Ua rraaah polloa ka so large that tha rules of prison lite are having t be highly spaclallsedL their regard. Complaints of out raged dignity os tha pari of Im prisoned motorists hava beoome so, free. neat that the rtalatar of tha la-, tarter has lea nod a bow rafuloUea, tar tba asalwjv haajaflt of smjrtavedt voteiia of the) saw taeemotten. Per-. -soni Imprlaoaad far bran eh of motor car reajvatttoss sra to raerdi eraiy as "aactuaA peraoas." are to. have ha right 1" lad thair awo SMd,. to bo oaly llrfcth learahad. te aa- Uw "daaaha," aM la H ",i i -