Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 09, 1903, Image 2

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    lit Harrison Prcss-Juurnal
Issues of the same paper at the present
jfiie man who forged the name of ) time. Five columns of matter per'aln
Morgan to checks knew now to' j lng to foreign countries are printed
lodge working a blind lead.
Yes, time flies. The first babies who
Were named after G rover Cleveland
are nearly old enough to vote.
The 400 survivors of the Society Is
lands who swam four miles through a
raging sea deserve to be called "The
00." ,
"Eat a lemon" is the advice now be-
hig freely given. If you are despond
ent it will give you something else to
think about
We wonder what that grim and
brave old salt, Admiral Cervera, thinks
f our handling of our naval heroes
By this time?
Be it noted with unfeigned surprise
that it was a Frenchman whose cour
age failed him when his duty called
him to publicly kiss a woman.
"It's the storm that makes the mar
iner," but the $10,000,000 set aside for
K new naval academy indicates that
Uncle Sam's money helps scne.
The doctors having told Xing Ed
Ward that he eats and dr'.nks too
Baui h. the king may feel that he must
Inake a change perhaps of court phy
sicians. John D. Uockefeller, Jr., says he
wes $300,000. Why shouldn't a man
with his wad pay up and find out how
food it feels to be square with the
Foreigners should always remember
Chat this country's attitude with re
gard to the divine right of kings is
the same as that of Ireland concerning
the snakes.
According to a Berlin editor, no Eu
ropean power recognizes the Monroe
doctrine. Speaking precisely, that is
true; but they all respect it, which is
Just as good, and better.
A man thinks he has discovered how
to make a palatible food out of corn
talks. That ought to be easy after
others have succeeded in making shav
Ings and sawdust so pleasant to take.
The Russian army is said to be ready
tor whatever happens in the Balkans.
And the Russian peasant continues to
go stoop-shouldered under the burden
which this constant readiness imposeB.
Baron Avebury is given credit for
coining the new word "manywhere"
la hi latest bok. Perhaps some gray
haired Scotchman who learned the
word on his native heath when he was
a lisping Infant will smile at this.
A New York artist has lauded Tweed
because be had imagination coupled
with dishonesty. We take it for grant
ed that the artist has Imagination, but
twe dislike to infer from bis praise of
dishonesty that he possesses Tweed's
"fln Minnesota a member of the State
Senate has been trying to pans a bill
.Imposing a fine on any. person with a
sjreak heart who indulges in kissing.
St la the fellows with "weak hearts"
who do most of that business, and it
doe not seem fair to select them for
exclusive taxation.
Chicago used to boast of its youth;
but according to the executive commit
tee of lta historical society the city
prill be a hundred years old on Aug. 1,
OB which date In 1803 Lieut. Sweareu
gen established Fort Dearborn at the
mouth of the Chicago river. There is
some historical confusion as to the
date and circumstances of the settle
ment but we all know that modern
Chicago dates ouly from the fire, and
Its achievements since then have been
great enough to satisfy any one.
General Booth of the Salvation army
Cively Announces the purpose of that
ttrprialng organization "to go after
the millionaire of the United States
ad, enroll them as members." They
hero not usually been considered prom
ising revival material, but perhaps the
Sort to reach them baa not been made
fa Jut the right way. The millionaire
aa aa active member of the Salvation
army osjd not be out of place. The
sjaalltioa which have put him In the
feoaltlon ho occupies, or kept him there
ft the formative work In building his
tartan was done by others, are very
iom which it may be assumed
make for success in the kind of
General Booth wants done.
; It bo longer possible to doubt that
Ctffdtjr la the power of the immedl
tt fataro. When the census of 1000
taken the electric motors in use
aawafaetorea la the United state
ttwd only three hundred and tier
1 O a anil bone-power. Hi nee then
CmK It., Katie canal has been
which produce lifty-sevsn
tone-power, and a hundred
1 twaaty thousand horse-power has
adJof to th capacity of the XI
S faZa pat at Canada la treading
cat hosts f th United States,
2 Cacara fans It la building two
to fxataw a aaadred and sixty
ZZZl torn pswsr. and at Saalt
y II pwdaiia twenty thou-
. a to CZaa to Imagine what
i as wO enow.
aai it
C3 fcr sa
I the past five years U the enlarge
j inntnl outlook of the American peo
ple. To realize bow grout this change
is, it Is necessary only to study the
Hies of any large newspaper of a date
previous to the Kpauisb-American war,
and then to compare them with the
now to one printed a few year ago.
The change also manifests iiaelf in the
editorial pages, where public events in
foreign countries aud the purposes and
bearing of foreign policies are discuss
ed With a minuteness which shows
that they possess a genuine interest for
American readers. And it shows itself
again In " the position of the foreign
news the "display" which the edi
tor gives it, and the headings under
which he sets it forth. This enlarged
horizon Is the corollary of the indus
trial and political expansion of the
United States. To build bridges in In
dia and railroads in South America;
to feed an army in Africa and place
one of our own in China; to co-operate
with the great powers of the earth in :i
military expedition, and to contend
with them successfully in diplomacy;
to assume the guardianship of Islands
on the opposite side of the earth and
on the other side of the equator this
is to learn geography, and to learn it
effectively although, it may bo, expen
sively. Nor is the process of educa
tion ended. The cable which will con
nect the old East with the new West
has already touched Honolulu on its
way to Manila. Great steamships are
building for trade with China and
Japan, and others already ply between
Atlantic ports and the West Indies. Re
ciprocity treaties are pending, and
questions of international finportaticf
are under consideration.
He was only ten years of age, but hi
was a hero. While playing on the rail
road at-Madisonville, Ohio, little Mars
Shawbcr was run down by a train and
his lower limbs were crushed into a
pitiable mass of shredded flesh and
bone. The boy's first thought was of
his mother, and he said to those who
tenderly picked him up: "Please don't
take me home. It will worry mamma."
The sorely wounded little fellow knew
his mother bad many worries. She was
a poor woman, and care had made life's
burdens heavy for her to bear. He
knew her anguish would be greater
than bis, and he sought to shield her.
That alone stamped him as a heroic
soul. But there was more. When the
boy awoke to consciousness he was in
bed in the little home. The surgeons
bad done their ghastly work, and there
were pitiable small blotches of blood
on the white counterpane. For the first
time he realized his legs were gone. But
he did not flinch! This lad of tender
years bad kept in his heart a pathetic
secret. He bad mapped out his life's
career, summed up In a resolve to go to
school another year, and then go to
work to "help papa and mamma." Now
be had lost his legs. But that made no
difference. And here was the greater
heroism: Lying in his bed, the strip
ling commander readjusted the scheme
of his campaign. In the battle if life bit
regiments had been flung back by the
enemy, battered, beaten, but unwhlp-
ped! As calmly as Napoleon rearranged
his lines in the teeth of defeat he made
a new alignment of bis forces. Think
ing" it all out, he said: "Never mind.
mamma. 1 will get well and I will n
able to work, for I have my bands left!"
O, ye who murmur when the march li
long, or when a redoubt is to be taken
where is there a braver utterance? Not
that of Cambronne when the Englist
begged him to surrender and he flung
tbe word "Murde!" at them and died
fighting, the last of the old guard; not
Curtius at the bridge nor I.eonldas at
the pass. And then the lad began to
fight death with only a broken sword
and a boyish smile. But the shock had
been too great. Smiling, he died, mur
muring as he went that he would be
able to work, as "he had his band
left" Died, did we say? Can such t
dauntless, tender Bpirit ever die?
The True Nelson Attitude.
In a speech made by Lord Wanvlci
at a banquet In England last fall, he
quoted a letter from Nelson, which was
published to the world for the first
time. It was written to the Lord
Warwick of Nelson's time in reply to
one which suggested a new piece of
armory. The significant phrase in thf
original letter was underlined with a
dash, and is a characteristic of self
revelation. .
Mcrtcn, Sept. 3, 180.r).
My Dear Lord I feel very much
obliged for the favour of your letter,
and although I am not a good Judge
of mechanism, yet I dare say your In
vention for making cannon range their
shots farther than at present will an
swer your expectations, and on shore,
in particular, it will be most usefnl.
Woolwich Is the only place where such
an experiment can be plainly, tried by
scientific men. On board ship -ur
wish is to get a close as possible to
the enemy. I always endeavour to in
culcate the doctrine, "Get close, and
you will be the TictoT."' ' '
How They ClcJeKj.
. "How did you come to re-elect that
man who was so generally suspected
of Irregular method?"
"Well," answered . Farmer Corntos
sel, "we figured It out and concluded
that he ought to be pretty comfortable
and aatiaaed by this rime.' th' that It
'ud be bettor to let him hang on than
turn tbe offlc orer to some one that
would com In fresh and hungry."
Washington Star.
, Ijoatfoa' Poverty.
Thar ar la London 300,000 banian
beings who bar to subsist on food
that fall far abort at th dietary r
far arlaaa bnsato and 19,000
ha as
iff eSpfe
ASTERTIDE, the oldest church festival, comes down to us from tbe
ancient Hebrews. With them, however, the time wag not associated
with the death and resurrection of Christ, but with the season of the
year when the earth puts forth its freshest blossoms and the revivifi
cation of nature the springing forth of life In the spring.
It is from this that the Easter egg custom springs, and centuries ago, even
before the birth of Christ, colored eggs were given and received by celebrants
of the feast. The egg for all time has been regarded as symbolical of the
spring, when the earth receives from nature Its new life. Not only the
ancient Hebrews, but the ancient Persians, employed the colored eggs In
their celebrations of tbe feast of the solar new year, In March.
The fact that the Anglo-Saxon name of April was Estennonatb Induces
some to believe that Easter is of pure Saxon origin, but Germany, where the
month is called Ostermonath, seems to have a prior claim upon the word.
With the Hebrews the festival was called Pasch, and the name still
lives, with slight alterations, among many nations. Tbe French call the
festival Paques; the Dutch term It Paschen, the Danes Paaske, and the
Swedes Pask. In tbe early days of Christianity the influence of the Jewish
Pasch upon the holy day commemorating the slaying of Christ and His
resurrection was such that It created many bitter dissensions between the
Western and Eastern churches. Finally the' discussions assumed such a
threatening aspect that Polycrates, Bishop of Ephesus. appealed to Victor,
Bishop of Borne, asking for a general council to decide the mucb-vexed
Accordingly, councils met in all tbe countries, as well as at Home, but.
alas, for visions of harmony, they could not aeree. They finally decided to
recognize the day as their respective fathers before them had done, and no
sect should censure the other for a difference of opinion.
Many warm and even bitter discussions still continued on the subject of
Easter celebrations, and it finally led to the great Emperor, Constant Ine, In
325, Issuing an order for the dispute to be settled by the Council of Nice. It
was the momentous theme of the day. In obedience to royal command, 318
bishops and some 2,000 Inferior clerics assembled at Nice In Blthynla.
The first sessions met in the church, and as the council continued its work
the place of meeting was transferred to the Imperial palace, where special
apartments were reserved for this august body. The main trouble was be
tween the Jewish Christians and tbe Gentile Christians.
On the fourteenth day of the first lunar month the Jews observed with
all the solemnity and regard for tbe Mosaic law the Feast of the Passover;
thus they celebrated tbe death of Christ as represented by the Paschal
Lamb. The first Sabbath after the fourteenth flay of the March moon the
Gentile Christians celebrated with Joyous religious services the resurrec
tion of Christ. Neither sect would recognize the other's festive day. and the
Council of Nice was greatly perplexed how best to please all parties.
After continuing their debates, pro and con, for several months, the eccle
siastical dignitaries announced that the bitterly waged war of dispute was
settled. Easter Day was for all time to be the first Sabbath Immediately
following the fourteenth day of the March moon. Uy this arrangement the
world may celebrate Easter, justly called the "Queen of Festivals," n earlv
as March LZ and again It may not arrive until April Z when nearlv the
entire earth Is fragrant with spring buds and blossoms.
Tbe word Easter Is derived from a Pagan goddess of the earlv Teutons
called Ostera. The German word for Easter Is Ostern, but some philologists
maintain that both the German and English words come from the ancient
Saxon word Oster. or Osten, meaning "rising." Ostera, the German goddess
was credited with being the personification of the morning, and of the East,'
and also of the opening year.
Ostera was worshiped very generally In northern Germany, and It Is
believed that the fame of the goddess spread to England, where the Saxons
Joined in worshiping her. Until the begluniiig of the present century court
was paid to Ostera by the kindling of great lionfires and In other wavs, and
even to-day In some of the remote districts where many superstitious' beliefs
are treasured by the peasantry the fame of Ostera still lives.
Nell's Easter Embroidery
WHAT magnificent piece of
embroidery, Nell! I'll giv you
$20 for it" said Angela White,
is rhe bounded into the room where
Nellie Vance ust In a tangle of white and
rold and green silk floss, busily working
Enster lines upon an immense square !
of snowy white linen. And truly, though D'a,prla' w scarf bad coat no amnll
Anela was s connoisseur in srt needle- a-'-'. but she was proud of her tul
rork, the piece of work In question cnt- Tlli" m,,cu b "'d "d would
might have evoked a like exclsmatlon d"' nd lh" h" bsd l common wltb
from one less enthusiastic; for Nellie the othfr K'rl hrT br ot u'l "1
irss so expert needlewoman, and long i ,OTe of finpr' n resolutely put sway
practice, added to an artistic tempera- j from beT " thoughts of accept ins the
sient, had made her s past mistress of i mon ,0T "erself, although she recog
tfae art of embroidery. ' The lilies shone ni""1 ta, ,,ow ' wwM to wear
with a sstlny luster sgsinst the dull her M clothes while tb other girli
tseksTOUM of tb linen snd the delicate
rrse cf the Issves, wltb their perfect
itaadiag, stood oat Is besatlfal coo tr sat
while a Grk border In doll pink sod
cold completed th effect
"Thanks, Aagela," said Nellie, "but I
fe at an to a0 It"
"Tea sOy aser rssposdsd Angela,
"jast think what ye bay with
$20! You could get s handsome spring
cost, or the swellest kind of a hnt for
Easter. Before I'd wear out my eyes
and patience for nothing over such a
glorious piece of work that, to bang
over a church pnlpit! Com, I mnst have
that for an Easter gift to Aunt Mary, In
New York. I'll give you $20 If neces
sary." But Nellie waa obdurate. She bad
thought and planned and dreamed too
long about her Eaater gift to the church
to give it up in a moment. Klie waa not
rich like bv cousin Angela, and even the
,,lon reaplendent In their new spring
Dsys pasted on, and tb last stitch
wss lovingly set In tbe altar cloth, which,
wrapped In pink tissue psper, wss Is Id
csrefolly away la Nellie' bare draw
er. On th Karerdsy b stirs
wa yaateg taiwaga ta
Bridget, the washerwoman, In tesra.
"Why, what is th matter. HrldajftT
site kitelly inijuirt-d. "Are you in any
trouble V . j
"Oh. hud luck to the day I ivrr wai
born, .Miss Nellie,' (Tied Bridget, bunt
ing in lo loud sobs, "and shore I don't
know why it's afther liviu I ara. Wid
me man Tim dowu wid the rheumatism !
and tive childlier to clothe and feed, ar.d j
Wily me two poor handa to depind npon, ,
huu toe run auc nisi wees, uuu uie iu
out a dollar in me pocket, and the land
lord tlirlteiiiti' to turn us out this blissid
d.iy if it's not paid. Och, Imne! Och,
honel" aud the poor woman covered her
face with her bands and sobbed pitifully.
"Who is your landlord, Bridget ?"
'Ipacnn Green, rni.ss."
"And wiiat is the rent!" "' "
"Tin dollars, miss," wailed Bridget.
"Ob, the Blisid Vargin, and how am I
to git tin dollars letwiit now anil to
niorry night? And the childlier wid no
It was only a moment that Nellie hes
itated. Straight to her room she went,
and taking from the drawer the pi-eci""
pink parcel sh walked swiftly to her
cousin Angela's home.
"I've concluded to accept your i ffer,
Angie," ihe suid, a klie threw it Into
her lap. '
"Thought you'd come to your scne,"
said Angela. "S:iy. if you want u hat ten
down to Stewart's and get that Krar
chiffon with the violets, it's a perfW-t
Nellie almost soblted as she hurried
hack toward home, her purse enriched
he 52.1. She made straight for Ie:nvii
"I've come to pay Mrs. O'Eeary's rent.
Heacoii," said -he. "Will you pl.a"
give me receipt V
The deacon looked somewhat nhnshi-J.
and niutterititf st.Tiethin
"heavy ex pen sea and h;ird times." made
out the receipt which Nellie accepted,
and thanking him hurried on to the near
est grocery, where she ordered a hill of
groceries to he delivered at Tim
O'l.e.'iry's that cause dllie clerk to open
his eyes in mild nstoiiitdimciit. She re
served ?." of the nn;ney for a final call,
which she paid to their own family phy
sician, who, lifter likening to Nellie's
story, promised to look after Tiro until
he was able lo go to work again.
Eight people were happy that night,
and as Nellie stopped at the 0'I"ary'a
next morning on her way to church and
saw the children's happy faces and heard
the heartfelt thanks of the lionet wom
an and her helpless husband already bet
ter from the little encouragement that
had brightened their apparently hopeless
prospects, she was more than repaid for
her sacrifice.
Her cousin Angela's look of astonish
ment and disgust ns she entered lie
church posing airily in her pew arrayed
in au imported gown and artistic hat.
had no terrors for her. and as the beau
tiful notes of the Easter anthem row
and swelled around her and she inhaled
the perfume of the liliea which drifted
i ACCErT yoi-n OfFER, akgie."
to her from the altar, she bowed bet
bead upon her hand in silent prayer at
peace with all the world. Cincinnat
The White Idly a Hyinbol.
Of the many epecien of liliea grown
throughout the world the white lily of
the Orient has the oldest history na a
cultivated flower. Its origin is Buppime-l
to be in China, but long before tbe days
wheu nnnalihts took cognizance of the
cultivation of flowers it whs coiunun
throughout western Asin and Greece. It
is the lily generally referred to In the
Hebrew Scriptures, although commenta
tors say that "the lilies of the field"
spoken of by Jesus in the icruion on the
mount were the red anemones, with
which nil the hills of Galilee are dotted
in the spring. In heathen Asia the white
lily was the emblem of purity. The
Greeks bad a myth that it sprang from
the milk of Hern, queen of the gods, with
whom the Unman Juno was nfterwird
identified. The Greeks sbo held the lily
to be the hiylieKt type of purity. In the
early centuries of the Christian era the
new religion made this idea a little mors
sublime, and the lily became the symbol 1
of heavenly purity. Thus the lily is fit
tingly associated with the Krister cere
monies. 1'ittshurg Iiispatch.
Symbol or the Kaxler Kgjt.
When the nations of the went, or Ka
rope, were converted to Christianity, the
sentiment of the egg was universally ae-
eepted as a suggestive symbol of their
faith in the risen Savior, and it has ever
since remained the most favored iiftir
of the Kaster fertivities all over the con
tinent. 1 he children, who rule the heart
and home of mankind, are doubtless re
sponsible for the keeping slive of this
old custom, for they love and demand the
visit of the rabbit, with his nest of beau
tiful eggs, on the (lad Easter mom, Just
aa they love and lone for the conilns of
dear Bants on Christmas eve.
'Floater In Early Kngland.
The Saxons snd Angles celebrated the
time aa sacred to the Goddess Ost ira,
and some part of ber worship, taken over
by the more austere Christiana, survives
still In the springtime festivals, especial
ly in the countries of northern Europe.
For s Ions time the Christian Eaater was
an eight-day thanksgiving, spproilmat
ing tbe time devoted by the psgans to
their celebration. It wss sfterwsrd cut
down to three dsrs, then to two snd
finally dwindled to s single day, commem
orative of the resurrection.
A is ugh, to be Joyous, mnst flow from
Joyous heart, for without kindness
there can b no true joy-Oarlyl.
Tbcre la no tyrant I'k castom, and
rraodom wirtr lta ad'cl ar not
rsstotod. Bvs.
Spf aina
What a Woman Kajs Aliont Wrstcrn
C uii.kI.i.
Although many iim h h:ie written to
this p.ipcr regarding the prosp.-i M f
Western CaniMbi. and it gre;it pol
liilities, It may im! be miiiilerest !n' to
give the experience of a woman Mi
ller, written to Mr. M. V. Mi lmo s. the
1-,'ciit of 'the Government at lo-troit.
Mich. If the render wishes to get
further information regarding Yt
ein Cniwol.'i it may be obtained by
writing i.ny of the agent of the Gov
ernment wboM" name i :itt;i' !ied to the
sdvertlM'itient appearing elsewhere in
thin paper.
The following is the letter referred
llillilown, Alberta, Keb. 5. 1 1.1.
Hear Sir I have been here now
Hourly five years, and thought I would
w rite you a woman's Impression of
Western ".-iri:iiI.i in Alberta. There
tire several ranchers in tHis district
who, in addition to taking can- of their
rattle, carry on fanning us well. Their
herds of cattle number from bsi to
if'Ki or .'!l hind, and live out all win
ter without any shelter than the pop
lar bluffs, and they come In in tbe
Hiring in good order. Most of the
ranchers f 1 their cattle part of the
time, nliou! this time of the year, but
I have Keen the finest fat cattle I ever
saw that never got a peck of grain
only fattened on the grass, you see I
have lentil, d to talk farm since I
came here farming is the greatest
business here. 1 know several in this
district who never worked a d.iy on
the farm till they caine here, and have
done well and are getting well off.
I think this will be the garden of
the Northwest some day, and that day
not very f;ir distant. There has beeu
a great change since we came here,
and there uill be a greater rhsnxe in
tbe next :ive years. The winiers are
all anyone could wish for. We have
very little snow, and the climate U ftne
and healthy. Last (tummer wn wet,
but not to an extent to damage -'roo.
which were a large average yield, and
the bay was immense and farmers
wore a broad smile accordingly.
We have good schools: the Govern
ment pays 70 per cent of the expense
of education, whh b is a great boon in
a new country. Of course, churches of
different denominations follow the set
tlements. Summer ph-nlcs and winter
concerts are nil well attended, and as
much, or rt ore. enjoyed as In the East.
Who would not prefer the pure air cf
this climate with Its broad acres of
fine farms, Its rippllm: streams, its
beautiful lakes, lta millions of wild
flowers, Its groves of wild fruit of ex
quisite flavor, Its streams and lakes
teeming with fish and its prairies and
bluffs with game, to the crowded nnil
Stiff (state of nuclei y In the Kast? I
wotilij like to go home for a visit some
time, but not to go there lo live, even
lr presented with the best farm In
Michigan. Heautiful Alberts, I will
never leave It. And my verdict Is only
a repetition 0f sllwho have settled lii
this country. This year, I tlieve, will
add many thousands to our population.
And if the young men, and old men
also, knew bow easy they could make
a home free of all incumbrance in this
country, thousands more would havn
settled here. I would sooner havo im
acres here than any farm wbtre I
came fnuu In Michigan; but the people
in the East are coming to a knnwhd.:e
of this country, ami us they do. f)ey
will come West In thousands. All wile
ter people hnve been arrhlng hi Al
berta, ami 1 suppose in other parts t n
well, wbieh Is iliinniiil, so we expect
a great rush when the weather getit
We have no cord famine here; coal
cat! be boo-lil In the to-.wis for ?2 to
ncciirdiug In d!t3tii'e from the
mines, and many haul their own coal
from the mines, getting It there for 00
cents to a dollar a ton,
Very truly yours.
(Signed! Mltsi. jnl M'EACriLAN.
I'rof. TImoiiI of .Home believes he
has tliesovered a kciuib for corlnR
Money refunded for each package
Tbr; chronic borrower seldom pays
a man back In bis own coin.
n. Wis.!,., OooTimo STlltr for cMMrxi
Mr pals, cans tui rIUs. I
Onions should be kept in a cool, dry
plsce, but they should never be placed
In tbe loebos. They will keep well If
put lo paper Imga snd bung up.
It Is sometimes difficult to keep
raisins, Cgs and date away from an
noying little ants and roacbm, nu( tj)i0
la easily accomplished by putting tlwcn
In paper bag that bare been well
brasbed or with strong borax water
and dried before the fruit la pat In.
The lltU post do hot like the bssni
and win aot gnaw ttwoagh ta sack
wbea tha areaarrd.