'v ' STOCK BRANDS. aM.-nJ brahd . t n-n '"lr"r I advertiaK sir un :it m imtjou)- sift it i.nmMx U fver M"' rtiit1- mj tb awn erf mi: fi'g money lor yon l-,r--js-Joi in ial ('. '. Uurlir, lrop. $500 REWARD. TOT the irtnt and eouvn-lion ot any p.-.rty OT parties mealing or difiguriiisany br:iui n stock belonging to the uiiiieisigned KNTKKKD JNTiUfiPOftTOr-KICK AT HAH RIsONNKIiU. A- shtOSD CLASS MATTLii, OFFICIAL . PAPEK OF SIOUX COUNTY.! I JH.' on I awr-m. -k H One Dollar Per Year. Horse branded or Jaw. fimifco'i IiH'.e Colvilie. n tor.nn.tn. pKASLuW. full if brnU-d on rig.'iv auie Bumf us cnl. And also l on riiit hip. 0:1 rirf'at ho" i'l-T hne River, on th old ttiili. William. Hunt). T P.O. A'l'ln; (ileu, ebr. IMH R K I- T -1 .. t'ttl" brand 1 nmu tin ! hat .i nt on eitlv ft suit- v imi- IliHl I graad F. E. JANPT. 60. 117. S oil left blr m -ti h ip of Cattle. ioii County, Nebraska, a left J Poit m-.-, Hewitt, JOHN T SNOW. E?W And Inltowlngon left ! Hi entile. arm,' mmm: Horses bii.j I'd j!Lt f'l Iff t aWoUl rJ fc tii .iii'.t l on l !t Hlioultier ni4 Cuttle MI on left lle Post Office Address, Patrir'k, I aramle Co. Wyo. GEORGE BW ANSON. JOHN A. HANSON ( tll branded Morse branded F5S1 ii left lle Owns the follow- triKhrnnd onellh ur: on leftslioa l-r. range on Soldier Creek. Also HQ on ct- ..y -tock branded a abve being e.ir . ,Hft,1(1(, 1 from my range, discovered by any body lllirKt on ieft u-i giving me iniormaniwi win h i .;. " ddreaa, rt. Kobinon, Nebrnska J. B. PARKKIl. Moulder. Kance on Silver Spring nnd east of smte line. PoxlofTlce llarrl)n Neb. ASDRKW t'RRlSTlAN i tie ltuii'1."'J m ! vt tl.U on left i le f be slvt it. PUP on i ) 1 hip. eithur nid aioit cut. Kittiffi on i:iiiiit;ii W aler. POal'Jfflce !c.'.Jll'"!l:Ur.'-'Tl, ftVu.'SS- And Cattle brunded xide, and llornes on Iwft Addrema, IVidare, Sebruxka. U MA -ON. Cattle Branded, flange on Kan- Ion left aide ning Water Addrewt Agate, Neb. left alioolder and hip. on backora on riorwa branded on Cuttle Mine on left Hht.- barnded ek of Sheep. Kaiige on Soldier Creek and White River. AMraaa. rt. Kobinson. Nebraska. DKSF CKEKK LIVE STOCK Co paawwiPf Branded en left hip f CRttle t 1 and on left obeeV oi Horse ijBaiJ Range on leep Creek. Andrea, Deep Creek Live Stock Co.. J. II. lUl.HltKT, Koreniau, t;ien, Nebraska. Cattle brand ed on left side itrnti aa cat and bore branded on left hlionlde aame as cul are the prterty of Andrew Chrintinn wic range tributary to Van Tasl Springs. Address, Kirtley, Wyo. J. H. V7ILHERC1SD0RFER, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Gold and Silver work done. Rings made to order All work guaranteed. REMEMBER Marsteller Bros. HANPI.K TU!IKK W A, GOOD K1J A N'DS of SIIOKS AS ABE MADK l AMUKICA. . THE SKC SCJIWAB SHOE CO. Is the l.irKst manufacture of Shoes in the world Ahd ihtf old f eliableii irn of M. B. WKLLEK of Chicago . And F. Majer and Co. Shon of Milwaukee And a full line of Mens', W omens , anu vuuu.Cu Over Shoes, And we carry a full line of Dry Goods, Duck Coats and Caps, Groceries, Hard-Ware, Flour and Feed And a nice line of fancy Candies. Come and get our prices, which are always the best in town. MARSTELLER BROS. HKNRT WARSEKK. CHAKI.RH HEWMAN. I Tho brand reprenented In tills notice and brantf'Hl any wl-tre on left side af cattlH.andevKrlxp'iut from the tilth t eur. Also tbe aame brand on left thigb ot horsm, belouga to the undersigned. Kaage near Kaat SprlagH, iith part fo fllou county. . Chakleb Nkwhn, IlurTixon, Nebraitka BAklUKL KNORI. Cattle branded any where on left side of the animal. Range on Prai rie l og and Mon roe Creeks. Cattle brand ed on left aide. Kange on Running Water Creeek. "P. O. Address HarriRon, Nebraska. Cuttle branded Cattle brand.-d Address. Harrison. Nebraska I Cattle bra.ided BKWARD. will -y 5.00 reward for ea-h head of Le Col villa's horaes branded on either jaw or truth turnetii over ' John liieser on Kunnint water, also 1100.00 for proo( i aNo, HI HARNESS, SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS, Harness made to order. Saddles re-covered. The Commercial Bank.- HARRISON. NEBRASKA. DIRECTORS. C. F. Cokkee, Tresident. u i. .vlak.r, u. Chas. C. Jameson. H. S. Clarke, A. McGiklkt Stockinen having use for a bank at thi point may rely oi us to handle their entire Banking busineB. whWf are ure wired to take care of our trade at all time 9 on left side on left (side On I-cft Hip HKNKY W ELSE, Foreman P. O. Addren.. tilen. Neb Colds Are Dangerous. How often vou hear it remarked: "It'it convict any peraon un.awiun, n..uuS ,ly ft cod an( ft f)W atsr )earn guy of said horse. W. J. A. Racm. Horse branded nfU on right thigh and shoulder and branded jfdl on right Jaw that the man is on hi. hack with pneu- monia.. This is of uch common occurr ance that a cold, however slight, should not be disregarded. Chamberlain's Couh Remedy counteract any tendency toward pneumonia, It always curesand i- nUu.un, n lilt. ti all Also, I have t""' ' Urugistll. CHARLES H.NEWr.1AR, SUCCESSOR to G. W. HESTER, DEALER INw Lumber, Doors, Sash, Lime, Coal, Wagons, Buggies, and Machinery of all kinds. Also Wind-Mills, Towers, Piping, Pumps, and everything in that line. I also carry a large stock of feed, ground -and un ground. I make a specialty of repairing Wind -mills. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. J. I.KVKK. ou left thigh Horse branded j Pos Office Add! Harrison, Sionx Co, Xebraaka RHEUMATISM CURED AT LAST. J. 8. Tt'CKER. I Branded on left shoulder ot horses yXiBd on left abUofeattle. 1 I And thU l -wCl. I I It iTj 1 - Tbls ou j j right side of cattle too. Rang on WhIU River, near Glen. Poet Office address, (ilen, Nebraska. -ROBERT r. NEECE Cattle Branded Rang on m on left side Also cattle branded , sbo.ilder or aide. Raaga Rannlns Water. V. o. Add Agate, Kebraaka. BRBW4TEK Co. Caul brand- J) "k ,ad tarn aa that r -1 J .a el, oltker I ' I .M hip r on V -YVI itaftialdr. 11 j iiooi Sewn For All Who Suffer With Kb) maatium Frri. To ail who suffer with Rheumatism I will gladly send free the wonderful on right side tory of how my mother wan cured after year of Buffering, together with the mof t elaborate treatise on Rheumatism ever published. No matter what your form of Rheu matism is, whether acute, cronic, mus cular, inflammatory, delormant, acialic. neuralgia, gout, lamhngo, etc no mat ter how many doctor h.v failed in your case no matter how many gocnlled 'sure cure" you have tried I want yon to writ to me and let me tell you how mother was cured. 1 am neither a Doctor nor a Professor simply a plain man of business but I , have a CUKE for Rheumatism, and 1 i want to tell everyone who suffers with j Rheumatism all about it. I wish to be clearly understood, and trust that all who art suffering with this terrible decease, however apparently beyond the reach of cure, will write to me this day aod I well send yon by return mail this work of mine. I appeal especially Cattle brandol 1 ON l,ErT.SlDK Pot'M e Mdrem. Chadros Wi-brsska. J. K. HUNTER. cattle branded as shown side, hip. or 2 l WA- I shonlder. 7 Wwii--WJb i cut, on AIho a- on left side. Right eai flipped SlOO REWARD will be pild forevldence convicting any one for running off or In any way tampering with stoek having any of the above brand or brands. "llanca at Andrews, Ne6r, r Address, Harrison Nebr, ou left hip OCTAVE HARRIS, Cuttle branded as shown on left side ( with over bit en left ear. Range on Run ning Water, P. O. Addrea. Marsland, Nebr. I iBBonrtaaf Saws frosn Italy. Princess Iolaoda of Italy at the ag( of 7 months U beginning to talk. She and "mamfna" and her rnllah and Italian nurse are quar reling as to whether abt la iueaklng IUllan of English. Bar 11 Refora Itvgln. A burial reform society hag sUrted in a little town In California. One ol .he memberg hat been engaged aa the undertaker, and another aa grave-dig ger. Tbe coffins are to be made by the "ndertaker, and a neat wagon lg to take the place of tbe conventional hearse. The mourners wfll walk to the cemetery, and the total cost of tbe funeral will be about $20. On the oc casion of death, each member of the (rganlzatlon la expected to render the assistance that be can to the family and to attend the funeral. These poo pie foel that fashion and pride gener ally stand la the way of funeral reform and that It Is only by organization of Oils kind that reform can com- THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Drills, Druggist' Sundries, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, BOOkS and STATIONARY. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. 12. F It N K Nt'TTO. A. R, KENNEDY. Cattle branded dde and same on ler if Uornes. Alxo some of the llorws II.. .re brundell Oil aide shonlder iwiine us dewrib- abovc buaitd. on the left left shoiil- m and Cat. nnd the ed lor the Addrewi. llnrriswn. Nebrimkn. CuttleJHrHiidrd 1 on KlfM alt hliuulder P.O. Address, Crawford, 5brak. JOB WORK Neat," 5 VF,S! The Presb-Journal does Job Work. First Class and Up-To-Date. Call in and get our prices on Business Cards, Note Heads, "Letter Heads, Envelopes etc. The Press-Journal. For a bnd taU in the mouth Uk. a few dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet. Pnoe 25 cent. Warran to the to can- "T " 1 "chronically ill" who are wearied, and I discouraged with "doctoring" and to thoa who hav boon cast aside as "in- .BaM I .Uu .k L. - V 4 U I.. , - I M KWIV RIIU iriW,'"i' 'i.wv.... . 1 r r . am i , niw iiavv uwen turn, snnm mm i" II It I I " I curable." All you have thought about hnve ns-d for indigestion and cot,stt,t ion L J LJ LJ LJ LJ iRh.om.tiam maybe wrong L- me " Chamberlain Stomal and liver Tab- tell you our earwriwic. gurelt , if you leu," svs Meiara r.'t w.g, oi ii.. , rv. Bheumatism.orhavea suffe-ioK grove, N. Y. "They work like a rharm fnend, it will pay you to inve-tigaU. mv ar,d do not gripe or hare any unpleasant olTar. anyway, and prove ,, yrif effect," For l. hy all drngi. T. BIW ITT tlu. rl.iinl T make ft.. nil me inn, Pit kraade wtta any of ahoy branda Addr, i. A. Asmssok, I Marrlaon. Nebraska 'ty-5 We have made arraoifements with tlie publn-hers of ttie Young People' Weeklj one of the best periodicals of its chiaa. so that we can furnish said paper it) connect ion with the Pre-Jounial each one year for the small sum of (1.23 for both pnpers or 13 thoso in arrers on subscription wh" will psy what tliey owe and 2! cent extra w will send tlte Young Peohle's Weekly on year. Tlioae who have paid in advance for the Press-Journal and want a first class paper fur the young folks can come In on the deal also, by paving 2ft cents extra. The Young People's Weekly has reach ed it marvelous ucces and attained a circulation of over 210,000 copies a wek because it content interest young re alt er. Its popularity extends to thought. ful parent who recognize in it one of the j ben awls in keeping young folks in , healthy touch with the active world ; giving them a taste for clean, vlgoroui reading, and presenting truths in llieif moat attractive lorm. Ulrlrnledl snf 1 wii! " l'rr ' . . v.ur P'- t )?irflt-t t Jt. Mi I ' it , Vl.-iK K.k.Mf'X.I. in. i ..1 ; f CUrba la L London Is still obliged to Import polyglot clerks for her mercantile house, as tbe English too seldom take the trouble to learn foreign language. A Inklaa "My parent triad bard to kep ma from becoming an actor." Th Vil lain I congratulate tbtm oo their success. London Tlt-Dtu. To Cnro a Geld in Quo Day Laxctivc Ercnio QzZzo rcx R iajwDsjsj, ca every Btatoaf Umwmi Chart, Emperor William baa place In thsj German relchstag building three statis tical naval cbarU designed by him. Trie emperor shows that tbe United Staisa have thirty-ona battle ship, elev.a flrst-claaa cruisers aod taonty-als ar snored cruiser. Isbssmm Magge mi Tlrgta tMsV A pleoa of virgin gold weighing n.lt ounces troy waa pat In. the moltlag pot of tb United sHates aaaay offlc at Helena. Mont, Raamtlattona for It preservation la niggat form havtagj failed berauae ol Uta Impossibility ci an aiaot aaoay. Aa laasaoaaTait Maaai. "W don't want sny mors dupo'ts," is iba sign an Inman (Kan.) bauk hua poatfd on lu front door. Tha owaerg ay thay bar mora money bow tha they can place and don't rare, to ran tha risk of kreptng a lot mora none? which thay oaa't aiaAs ansa tas somatblogv i ' ! , ' ' , .-1 ',' ". 1