Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 02, 1903, Image 2

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    The Harmon Fres-Jjurnai
It never Is the last dollar that wears
a hole In a man's pocket
A little learning is a dangerous thing
when the fellow who has none bucks
against It
- A& Englishman recently paid $1,000
for a hen. They must hare a meat
trust over there, too.
Look out, Mr. Kipling. A little more
talk -of that kind about your wife's rel
ative will rouse Mrs. K.
A woman need not fear that her hus
band Is drifting away as long as she
can get him to button her waist down
the back. '
An infant shot its mother while it
was playing with the trigger of a rifle.
Another argument in favor of the old
tin rattler.
Mankind is adding to the produc
tions of the world each year, but the
numuer of things to be sworn off re
mains about the same.
It is claimed by a St. Louis lady
that she knows 500 women in that city
who gamble. She ought to break away
and try to get into a moral "set."
We all die hard some harder than
others. But the funerals go right
along. No postponement on account
of the weather, political or otherwise.
We have forgotten for the moment
Just who It was that warned us to
avoid entangling alliances, but we
have no doubt that present talk at
Washington makes him uneasy in his
General Miles denies that he told the
Dowager Empress of China she was a
model of virtue. He Is still silent con
cerning the things the dowager said
to him.
J. Pierpont Morgan says his debts
far exceed the value of his chattels.
There is no Immediate necessity, how
ever, for getting up a benefit in Mr.
Morgan's behalf.
The New York Sun is trying to float
a controversy over tbe lines: "Punch,
brothers, punch, punch with care,
punch in the presence of the passen
Jalre." Anything for a little literary
What Is man? Man that is born
of woman la small cabbages and few
in a patch. In infancy he is full of
colic, paregoric and catnip tea, and
in old age be is full of cuss words and
, The ordinary everyday cook, who
never burns the beefsteak and who
always has the meals ready on time,
deserves as many medals as the one
who can Juggle aspic jelly and caper
sauce before a cooking class.
Truly it Is hard for a conscientious
dominie when a presumably immoral
play strikes town. If he Ignores It
the wisest course he still finds him
self particeps crlmlnis; If be de
nounces it he gives it the Jolllest kind
of adrertising.
At a London auction the other day a
lock of hair from the head of the Duke
of Wellington was sold for $20. Let
the heroes go on. There Is still some
entlment In the world, and coal isn't
worth more than Its weight In any
thing else after all.
An Interesting Illustration of the ex
pansion of the Held of American finan
cial Investment Is afforded by the re
port of a large life-insurance company
that its assets Include securities of the
governments of the Argentine Repub
lic. Austria, Brasil, Great Britain, Bul
garia, France, Hungary, Switzerland,
Prussia, Queensland, Russia, Servia,
South Australia, Sweden, Spain, Mex
ico and Wurttemberg.
in respect to promotion from the
i-nk the army is in much better con
dition than the navy. It Is substan
tially correct to say that any American
soldier of Intelligence and energy can
raise himself from the ranks to shoul
der straps, but the treatment of tbe
men by tbe officers is such as to din
courage ambitious but self-respecting
young men from entering tbe army
rltb a view to climbing to the top.
Slgnor des Planches, tbe Italian am
bassador In Washington, says that If
you look Intently at a mirror you will
be cured of seasickness. On bis way
across to ocean be was so sick that
be did not care whether be lived or
not, and even doubted that be was
himself. To reassure himself that it
was really ae who was so wretched be
looked la a mirror and was tastantly
cured. Be ate a substantial breakfast
sod then told bis experience to a Chi
cago woman on deck, and showed her
tbe mirror. "What a fright I am,"
she exclaimed, "and my hat is not on
straight! Just .bold tbe mirror a min
ute till I can arrange It." Her seaatck
aeoe dlsappeart4 as quickly a the
hint seeder's. At any rata, Oat la
wbat be toid tbe reporters.
4k4 times add to tae dlOevKr t
passing aa ImmliTatioa loetiltUoa kCk
The mmmn keen oecrreos
the ar fUmOmti tent.
h u a f til
Some Senators, representing large
business interests, said that labor was
so scaree that they feared the effects
of a curtailment of the stream of im
migration. Senator Elkins of West
Virginia tells of the extraordinary
wages which Italians now command in
that State, in railroad building; the
farmers of the Mississippi valley have
complained much during the last sea
son of their inability to get suitable
help. From many quarters this is the
report. In spite of tbe almost magical
i development of American machinery.
there still remains plenty of downright
hard work, which no sEechaGieal con
trivance has ever relieved. Even in
the operation of railroads, which Is
typical of labor-saving methods, the
pressure of expanding steam has by no
means lifted all the weight from weary
human muscles. A scientific journal
recently pictured each class of railroad
employes as one man, his size varying
according to the number of persons in
the United States in that group. The
man who stood for the general officers
wag a dwarf, representing fewer than
five thousand. The telegrapher was
more than five times as large. The
clerk was still larger, and so on through
conductors and brakemen, station
agents and machinists. Hut tbe giant
of all was the "trackman and laborer,"
for he represented nearly four hundred
and sixty thousand, or two fifths of
all. Who will do the hard work of the
future in this land of universal edu
cation? The children of the Immigrant
soon compete for the highest places in
the country. Must there then be a
constant stream of new immigrants?
This is an interesting question. Doubt
less machinery will do more than it
now does to relieve the strain of the
heaviest toil, but much can be accom
plished by a greater emphasis on the
old American doctrine of the true dig
nity of all labor.
In New York the other day President
Faunce of Brown I'nlverslty praised
the virtues of disadvantages, and de
plored the success and fame and for
tune that came too easily to some
young men. He railed attention to
this fact: Last summer, when 2,500
recruits were -wanted for the navy, the
recruiting officers were instructed, to
go to the country first, because the
boys there learn to do things by hav
ing to do them. Is there anything in
the human line more unpromising than:
the rich man's son. who has a father
so deeply immersed in business that:
he forgets be has children, and a moth
er who says "yes" when she should
say "no," because It is easier? You
3an find those worthless young men by
the score in cities. They can suck
cigarettes and discuss women and
haunt stage doors before they pass
the spanking age. H thrown upon
their own resources, most of them
would be hopeless and helpless. They
have not bad enough adversity. In
the country It is different There, let's
be thankful, the worker is honored and
the shirker despised. Even the lazy
rich are viewed with suspicion. The
boys have to work. Most of them have
to earn a living as soon as they safely
can. Thev do without many tli!ng3
that they cannot afford to buy, and use
their brains instead. On tbe farm you
can find the healthy, tanned, big-mus
cled lad, who is a bit of a carpenter,
knows something about mechanics and
engineering in a crude but practical
way; can plow, dig, reap, doctor sick
animals, mend a harness or break a
colt. Tbe average farmer boy is an all
around lad. He respects all women,
is an ardent if bashful, lover, and
makes a good husband and citizen.
When he comes to the city, if you
study his clotheg and see him gazing
at tbe tops of tall buildings, you sot
him down as green. Tbe chances are
that his head contains more practical
knowledge, tbe kind that can be ex
changed for food and other material
things than can be found in the brains
of those who would sneer at bis awk
wardness and laugh at his speech. It
Is no wonder that the government goes
to tbe farms when it wants stout
hearts and bodies and all-around men,
for the farmers made this great nation
possible, and are to-day, as in the be
ginning, tbe hope of the land.
Borne Confusion of Thought.
Ex-President Cleveland is an omniv
orous newspaper reader. Though a
subscriber to many papers It Is said
that he is always glad to see one more.
One of his neighbors, a member of the
Princeton faculty, takes a certain Chi
cago daily, which Mr. Cleveland docs
not subscrile for, and last Jnne at
the time of the annual exodus tbls
nclghlmr suggested that as he, the pro
fessor, was to travel all summer, his
Chicago daily might be sent during
the summer to Gray Gables. Mr. Cleve
land accepted the offer. When they
met agaiu In the fall the professor ask
ed him how be bad enjoyed the paper,
"I didn't see any of them until yes
terday," said Mr. Cleveland.
"Until yesterday?" Inquired the pro
fessor. "Yes, I got tbera all in a large bunch
"What was tbe trouble? Had they
sent them to tbe wrong address?"
"Every one of tbem," said tbe ex
President, with an Interesting twinkle
in bis eye, according to the Saturday
Evening Poet, "was addressed to "Tb
Honorable Orover Cleveland, Gray Ga
bles, Oyster Bay, L. LI"
"Tear boy," said tbe college preat
deal, 'Ibas been Tory wild, tbe wont
boy la bis class la fact"
"Indeed r exclaimed the father, "and
wC yon withdraw bis diploma oa thai
-CX Ml bat It really ehonld he
Eac rtMjtftm "-PhfladeeyUa
Cl cm aaa to witxj fj t
Folrllnir Mirleton Ptalra. -,
It Is often desirable to have th stairs
in the wagon house or barn so arranged
that they may be removed quickly. As
this Is not often practicable, the next
best plan is to bave them so constructed
as to fold up out of the way. A good
method of doing It is shown by the
sketch. In which a shows one side of
the stairs, the dotted lines representing
r taB ...
the various steps. Tbe steps should not
be less than three feet in length and
eight inches wide. The upper end of
tbe lower portion of each side Is hinged
to the side of the building at f, while
the lower1 end is hooked to the floor at
g. A rope, b. is attached to the stairs,
passes over two pulleys, and is there
fastened to a weight, c, which Is just
heavy enough to raise the free end of
tbe stairs up to the ceiling. When the
lower end of the steps Is released the
whole folds up closely against its up
p(T floor and Is entirely out of the
way. Two or three feet of the rope are
allowed to dangle as seen at d. by
which the whole appartus Is again
pulled down Into position. The weight,
e, should slide up and down close to
the siy of tbe building, so as to be en
tirely out of the way. D. E. Smith, In
Farm and Home.
Ilome-Made Carriage Jack,
While tbe heavy jacks used on wag
ons answer very well for the carriage
as well, a lighter Jack, such as is shown
In the Illustration, Is easier to handle.
It will take but a little time to make a
jack of this kind by any one who Is at
all handy with tools. The standard Is
made of Inch-and-a-quarter stuff, three
Inches wide and tapered to two inches;
it Is thirty Inches long. The lifter Is
also one and a quarter Inches thick,
five feet and six incurs long and four
inches wide. Twenty Inches from the
bottom cut a notch and seven inches
above another notch; six Inches further
up bore a hole for a three-elghths-Ineh
Ixilt and bolt the piece on to tbe stand
ard, so It will swing freely. To use the
appliance, place the notched bar under
the axle of the carriage, lifting the
wheel clear from the ground, and the
standard will swing Into place and bold
securely. Easily made and light, such
a jack should be owned by every man
who has a carriage to oil.
Movable Fcncca for Fheep.
It would pay grain farmers to have
a movable fence, or, as tbey are called
In England, hurdles, to Inclose a flock
of sheep where they have taken off
oats, rye or wheat and do not want to
put In another crop at once to keep up
the fertility of the soil, says American
Cultivator. In England they are used
not only for thin, but Wj uflen hn-nk
such fields and sow them to the Eng
lish or flat turnip and then hurdle the
sheep on them to eat tho turnips aft r
they are fairly well grown. This d.iubly
enriches the field, which Is one reason
why tbe fields In England have a heav
ier turf than we often produce here,
and why tbey carry more cattle and
sheep to the acre than we average.
Maaaareasaat of Mp Hloprr.
Some very good land Is located on
rather steep slopes, but goes as pasture
because tbe owner fears to break It up
and run tbe chance of serious Injury
by washing. Siicb fields, when culti
vated, should be covered with some
thing all tbe time. Rye sown early In
Tall will do mucb to bold tbe sol! dur
ng the season of heavy rain. Tbe
In ml should be kept In sod mnch of tbe
time to supply Tegtsble matter, which
makes tbe toll like a sponge to take up
and bold tbe water. Clover is s grand
crop to fottow a boed crop and rye on
these steep fields.
Tbe Fordae off Pal Baasia.
The forcing of dwarf or buih beans
under glass baa been a farorlte practice
;it certain seasone of the year with most
gardeners, bat the nee of tbe pole or
running varieties la Jost beginning to
receive attention. The pole bean, like
cucumbers, tomatoes trained to one
em. sweet eon, etc most hare plen
ty of bead room or apace above the
!flch or bed kf vtlCJ n toTsJen, and
tonktleaa at.; zi t to m tar.
ing been considered heretofore. The
modern lettuce and cucumber houses
with i be bids directly on the ground
are well adapted for tbls crop. Tbe
soli should be well enriched, contulning
an abundance of available plant food,
preferably a sandy loam composted by
mixing equal parts of rich dark loam,
sand and manure. The beds may be
made directly upon the ground, with
the prepared soli averaging about seven
inches In -'depth. Denver Field and
Grain Food., tioixl and Had.
Among the .hundreds of feeaa iuge
nluusly combined from the ' ground
grains, or containing portions of these
grains left as byproducts In the man
ufacture of malt and spirltuouB liq
uors, of starch, sugar and glucose, of
breakfast foekis or of vegetable oils,
the feeder finds a wide range of puz
zling compounds. I.ed only by his
eye. touch or taste (helpful as these
are to the purchaser who Is guided by
good understanding of principles) he
would find It exceedingly difficult to
make a sure (selection of the feeds best
suited to bis needs. Oat hulls, corn
cobs, coffee hulls, cottonseed hulls and
other materialman very skillfully used
as adulterants, so that In some fee-ds
now for sale the percentage of fiber Is
so great that nearly all the energy rep
resented In tbe food must be used to
masticate the material and pass It
through the animal's bo,dy. Of corn
and oat feeds on the market at least
ten brands examined by the New York
station contained from ten to nearly
sixteen per cent of fiber; while a mix
ture of equal parts of corn and oats
should contain less than six per cent.
Good oats normally contain less than
ten per cent of fiber, while Reveral oat
feeds examined contained from twenty-two
to twenty-nine per cent and
sold for from $20 to $30 or more a ton.
Prices of feeds of ecjual value also
vary remarkably in markets lying side
by side. One dealer In New York sells
a certain brand for $30 ft ton, another
dealer In the same city asks $40. Good
bulletins for those who feel the need
of studying the subject are Nos. 217
of the station at Geneva, N. Y., and S.j
of the station at Amherst, Mass. Some
of the new feeds are desirable, and
some are decided frauds. Fortunately
the States are Investigating so closely
and testing so many samples that It is
possible to size up the various products
at pretty nearly their true feeding val
ue. American Cultivator.
For tbe Farmer.
Six million two hundred thousand
farmers' bulletins on HO different sub
jects were printed for tbe Department
of Agriculture during the past fiscal
year. As there are about six million
farmers, exclusive of agricultural la
borers, In the United States, this is
one pamphlet for each one. If any
farmer did not get his copy, It was be
cause be did not apply for it, for they
are nearly all turned over to the mem
bers of Congress for free distribution.
There Is hardly a subject In which
fanners are Interested that is not dis
cussed in some one of the various bul
letins. Information Is contained In
ihem about the feeding of farm anl-l
mills, hog cholera, how to kill weeds,
tbe care and feeding of chickens, but
ter inn klnx and the care of milk, tho
vegetable garden, good roads, breeds
of dairy cattle, bread-making, how to
raise apples, rice culture, tomato grow
ing, sugar as food, Insects affecting
tobacco, cotton and grapes; diseimen of
potatoes and apples, how to detect
oleomargarine and renovated butter,
tree-planting on rural school grounds,
tiie Angora goat, and scores of other
It would be difficult to estimate with
any degree of accuracy tbe financial
Itenefit which has accrued to the farm
ers from the perusal of these bulletins.
Such men as believe they must be con
tinually studying to keep abreast of
tbe times and to understand the possi
bilities of their business have been the
most diligent readers of the publica
tions of the Department of Agricul
ture. It Is the benefit which these men
have derived that Justifies tbe contin
ued expenditure of money by the gov
ernment for free education of this
kind, an education almost as necessary
lo national prosperity as that provided
for the children In the public schools.
Dcmiind for Ilomn. "
Kxprcss horse continue In the most
active request In the Chicago and oth
er wholesale horse markets. One reason
for this Is that the forwarding corpora
tions arc doing an Immense business.
In the United Kingdom there Is a short
age of desirable horses of this type.
Farm Notea,
The ctst of weeds to the fanners In
community is enormous compared wltll
certain other expenses. Weeds rob the
soil and entail labor from spring until
fall. If tbe farmers in each community
would unite and determinedly fight
weeds for three years, not allowing a
single one to grow If possible, tbey
would find their expenses greatly re
duced, owing to the cost of production
of weeds and their destruction being re
moved. Cold water will absorb about 34 pet
cent of Its own weight of salt, and boil
ing about 40 per cent. This makes what
Is known as a saturated brine, wblcb
always means all tbe salt that tbe wa
ter will absorb. In ssltlng butter tbe
brine Is seldom made stronger than 3d
or M per cent of salt
Tbe man wbo attempts to produce
several pure-bred varieties of corn on
a small farm will soon And all of bis
varieties mixed. Ordinarily It la Tory
dlfflcolt to keep single variety oa the
quarter section farm, for the reason
that the mi ease wt3 waft noOen aevam
the real from Ce netethara tad. ,
. Cover a four-pound chicken with hot
water and slnrner until tender. Add
to the water f aur onions, a clove of
garlic, chopped Bne. ji stick ef citina
mon, ten whole allspice and cloves
three red Chile peppers, one and a half
teaspoonfuls of salt When the chick
en Is cooked remove It from the pit
and cut Into very small piece's. Strain
the liquor and put the chicken meat
into It. Then add enough yellow meal
to make a thick mush, boiling about
ten minutes. Have ready green corn
from a dozen ears, two pounds of
raisins, seeded; if you desire you ran
also add string beans and peas; put
into the mush and mix. Add one half
teaspoonful of red pepper. ' Fill com
husks with the mixture, tying up se
curely at both ends. When the busks
are filled throw Into hot water and boll
for half an hour. Then serve.
One pound of lean beef lioiled alio
chopped, half-pound of beef suet
minced to a fine powder; two and a
half pounds of apples p'-c!ed, cored
and chopped; op' K)und of seeded nnd
halved raisins; half-pound of cleam-d
Sultana raisins, one pound of citron
cut Into tiny dice, one tablcstooiiful
each of cinnamon and mace, balf-ta
blespoonful each of cloves, allspice am!
salt, half teaspoonful of ground nut
meg, one and a quarter pounds of
brown sugar, a pint each of sherry
and brandy. Mix well and pack down
In a crock or In glass Jars.
Victoria Hnnn.
The Ingredients for this are two eggs
half a cup of powdered sugar, half a
cup of ground rice, half a cup of but
ter, one-quarter pound currants, two
ounces caudied peel. Heat tbe eggs
and sugar together and add tbe but
ter beaten to a cream. Stir In the rice,
currants and candied peel and add as
much flour as will make the mixture
the consistency of biscuit dough. Mold
Into rolls and bake for about half an
hour In a moderately brisk oven. The
buns must be put In the oven as soon
as molded, or they will be heavy.
Dill Pickle.
To each gallon of water add a cup
of coarse salt. Wash the cucumbers
and put them into a crock or keg. To
each peck of pickles use four or five
stalks of dill. Put tbe dill on top
of tbe cucumbers and your brine over
all. Lay a white cloth over the top
and then a weight and plate. Tle
pickles must be kept well under the
brine and the cloth must be washed
well, dried and replaced about every
two weeks.
I cotch Broth.
Cover a neck of mutton with cold
water, quarter one turnip and carrot
and .grate one-quarter of each; cut tbe
remaining quarters In small pieces ami
put the whole In the pot with the mut
ton. Add one large onion and half a
small cabbage cut tine. Simmer slow
ly for three hours. Half an hour lie-
fore It Is time to serve add half a cup
of barley, and salt to taste. This
makes ail excellent broth.
Frleil Ojrater.
Drain tbe liquor from large oystert
and pat each dry between the folds of
a clean dish toweL Dip each first in
cracker dust, then in beaten egg and
again In tho salted cracker dust
Spread on fl platter and set on the lee
for several hours before frying them
In very hot butter or salad oil.
Rrief far station.
A temporary relief for a squeaky
door Is to rub lard or butter on the
parts that come in close contact with
each other.
Onions should be kept in a cool, dry
place, but they should never be pkieed
In the Icebox. They will keep well If
put In paper bags and bung up.
Try kerosene on a gas range and see
bow fast It will pat away tbe dirt and
grease. It Is also good to clean tbe
coal range, but In both cases one must
lie- very careful that there Is no heat
In the stove.
Fruit tarts made In the shape of
small pyramids are a novelty In the
confectionery line. They are made by
placing one ring a little smaller than
tbe one beneath It, tbe top one being
very small, bringing the tart almost
to a point ' A little of the fruit which
has been placed Inside during the
building peeps out from the small b,;!
In tbe top ring.
It is sometimes difficult to keep
raisins, figs and dates away from an
noying little ants and roaches, hut tbls
Is easily accomplished by putting tbem
In paper bags that have bees well
brushed over wltb strong borax water
and dried before the fruit Is pot in.
Tbe little pests do not like tbe borax
and will not gnaw through the sack
when thus prepared.
Cream of celery Is quite one ef tbe
best winter soups when nicely made.
Chop the root of celery, add three
quarters of a pint of wsler and half a
teacupful of rice. Dimmer steadily for
balf sn bour. Scald one gill of cream
and balf a teacupful of milk la a
double boiler. Pass rlre and celery
through a hair sieve, keeping hack tbe
water; add this to tbe pulp later; stir
Into tbe hot milk and oook elewly tor
twenty mlnatee. Season vka white
aoppor, salt tad a itpsssn ef lemon
"Hldnrtr ColUs."
Nnthlna will
"lav VOU UP,'
"play yon out,"
"put you to bed"
oulcker than a
kidney cold.
Thousands feel
tbe first effect of
colds In the kid-
nevs: backache,
rheumatic pains, urt
narv disorders, re
tention of the urine.
InfreollPIlt and too I
't-...mT.t nrlnarv dis
charge tell of kidneys out of order.
Dosn's Kidney Pills cure all kiduey
lis from common backache to danger
ius diabetes.
A. T. Kltenour, owner of the wood
rard at liS East Cork street, Winches
ter, Va., says: "Ever since I had la
jrippe I have been a sufferer from kld
ley troubles, which made themselves
ipparent in racking pains through the
eglon of the kidneys and across th
imail of my back. The pains were al
ways severe, and sometimes so sharp
ind biting that they compelled me to
take to my bed. The kidney secretions
furnlshed'further evidence of disorder.
They were off color. Irregular and pain
ful of passage. Added lo this thcro
was an annoying weakness. The news
aper advertisements of Doan's Kidney
fills attracted my attention, and I pro
:urcd a box of that remedy at Franck
P.aker & Sons' drug store. The relief
experienced was magical. The pill
ifted me from my bed of sickness,
placed me on my feet, and made me a
sell man. I can work as well as ever.
Doan's Kidney Pills, I believe, save.1
my life. They are a great remedy to
Hop kidney troubles resulting from
A Fit EE TRIAL of this great kid
oey medicine which cured Mr. Rlse
nour will be mailed lo any part of th
United Stntes on application. Addn-sj
Koster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Foi
wle by all druggists, price 50 cents pel
.v A. ..ultatU. Ait .j4tn4 AUar
AiAt-Aix yttwA ord our
aua.oi Msrmanrxt Khf1 f ka
ei-.K? -M- TWP PI .M
There &r irv&ny itruUtiora
N rVa avtswam tr-ten nAff4h
v I v 1'L.rv vii wi snw
. Tnail ta bOSTOM MAS1.0 a. A.
It la Blacad lota thm mnirtli.
praads ovar Uu nratbrene
tea II iDaorbea. B!iefii!m
aadUta, It U aot Irjring, doas
MM produca saeazlnf .
Dragjtas, M cu. or by s!L
Many School Children Are Hicklf.
Mother Griv'i Sweet Powdc-rs for
rhildrrn, used by Mother Cray, a nursa
a Children's Home, Nw York, Break up
ldt in 24 hours, cure C'onntlpntion,
PeTerUhness, Ileadsche, Stomach Trou
lei, Teething Disorders, more snd re
aliit the bowels and Destroy Worms.
Sold by all droKglsts or by mail, ic.
Sample mailed Fit EE. Addresa Alk-u S.
3lmted, Le Itoy, N. T.
The Cone'uoimi He IU ni h- l.
The dog bad been chasing his own
tall for a quaretr of an hour.
"Papa," qnotb Willie, "what kind
A a dog is that?"
"A watch dog, my son," responded
;be parent.
Willie pondered a moment.
'Well," be inally observed, "from
tbe lenrtn of time It takes Mm to
find hlniwir up I think be mmt be
i Waterbury wabch dog." Town and
Wolfckia nakes the best parchment
tor ban)oa.
It Is estimated that, between tb
3ges of twenty and thirty a man losea
3ti an averse only five and one-half
davs a year from illness; but bftween
Sfly and sixty he lows twenty days
Mosquitoes are so numerous near
the coast of liornco that the streams
of that region arc In summer often
innavigable. The insects swarm Id
ucb dense clouds that vision Is ob
ttiurted. One Answer Tor All.
Lancaster, N, Y., March 30. rsb
master Hemers Is still In receipt pf
many letters asking If bis cure baa held
It will be remembered that some
tine ago the particulars of Mr. Item-
ers' esse wro relished In these col
umns. He hart been very low with
Dlubetes. Physicians could do nothing
to ssve him and he grew wore and
worse till someone recommended
Dodd's Kldaty Fills. A treatment of
this remedy wss begun and when eight
boxes bad bean taken Mr. Renters bo
tan to see sn Improvement which con
tinued as the treatment proceeded tit)
be wss completely restored.
He has since enjoyed perfect health
and la as robust tnd sble a maa ae any
la Lancaster. Interviewed tbe otner
day, be ssld:
"Many people wrote to me wbea the
story of my case wss first printed and
some write to me yet, asking If tbe
cure wae only temporary and a tbe
diabetes bss returned. I bare only one
answer te everybody. Three years see
I wae Terr lew mV Diabetes. The
beet abysleiiae failed to help me aa4
Dodd's Kid sty Pills cared me. I a
well aed swesaj and bare not baa! e
Mffkteat return ef tae old renbaX"
li V 1
K 1 Vc.
i 1
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