- f - -6 Harrison Press -J ournal. VOL. XV. KRIE&ISOISr, 1TBBBASKA; TIEITTIRIDY, JLFKIL 2. 1903. NO. 3? LOCAL NEWS OF , THE TOWN. Dr. W.I. Seymour coming. Jens C, Monday. Meog was in Harrison last George Davis was in Tuesday. from the Ridge Frank Lewis was Tuesday. a Harrison visitor Mr. and Mrs. Neil Jordan were in to wn Tuesday. John Eberspecher was up from j Hat creek Monday. East Millard Thaverand wife were up from Hat-creek Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller were Harri son visitors Tuesday. Albert Hill and wife visitors last Monday. were Harrison John Deuel was in from the Ridge last Monday and Tuesday, Cha. Cammenzind made call at our office Monday. pleasant Irven Zimmerman and wife from the valley Tuesday. were up Clarence and Cleve Zimmerman were up from Bodaro Tuesday. Grant Guthrie and family from Washington yesterday. returned Dr. Seymour will be in Crawford Neb. May 20th at Gate City Holer, J. H. Dunlap becomes a reader of the Prbb-JoCRNaL with this issue. Sunday school at 10 o'clock; every body invited. W. II. Davis; Supt. Nick Schaefer was up from his ranch last Tuesday and reports everything all O. K. Chan, Smith, of Hewitt, becomes a reader of the PliUss JochnaX with this week's issue.,. Mike Jordan, who shipped horses to M'chigao some time ago, returned to Sioux county yesterday. Fcb Sale My stallion Wisdom Jr., aired by imported Clyde, dam seven- eight Shire. R. L. Keel. 1 wil sell at public sale, my household goods m Harrison, April 11 fit 1 o'clock P. M. B B. U.NN. TO CUKE A COLD IS OS E DAY. Tnke I-smttlve Pro o Quinine Tablet. All dru(fiflU rfunrt the. money If ft fall" t cure. E. W. Grove's lmiture is on enrli hat. aflo. There w a lota of excitement in town lat Saturday . Broncho riding, lighting A etc. A etc., but no one was seriously hurt. A. Baumann had quite a rush of business Tuesday, and . be takes away wilh him the likeness of some of our young men and ladies. We have a few (13.50 gents Ulster over-coats that we are coning out for $10.00. Now is your chance. M-tf Lewis Gerlach. C HAND BALL. April 17th. at Andrews Hall. Every body invite. Spectators 25 cts. Good Music R. C. Diss. There will be preaching nt Pleasant Ridge Sunday, April 5th. at 10K)0 o'clock A. M. And at Harrison in the evening L. W. HoRTON j Pastor. ' J. H. Newlin, of Kirtley, Wyo., was an over night visitor in Harrison last Monday nigbt. He made a pleasant call at our sanctum. Coma again Mr. Newlin. Erwonh League. At the M. E. church every 8unday veiling at 70 o'clock. Everybody invited. Subject for March: The Yeun' Christian's Sun4ln- Ground Hubject for April 5. The Danger of In difference. Hag. I. 2; Heb. II. 1-8; Jude I, 20. 81. J. B. Bl'WUt; Liader, , Danger of CoUa en4Crl. '. The greatest danger from cold and grip ia their, resulting in poeuroenia. If reasonable core is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will he avoided Among the tens of tlmusaiids who have iil this remedy for tt'v dwevw we have Vet to loarn of a singl ca having resulted in pneu monia, Hliled u'kvos vnf lus'vely thai it In c - 'erotH disease. It will cure a cold or an attack nf the grip In les time than any other treatment.' It it pleasant and safe to . lake. For sals bj U flrufgiH here AND THEREf TT f T WrW W y tTTtttttttTTtt John Burke has bean confined to his bed with LaGrippe since last Saturday but is now some better, and Emmet is having a seige of the measels, but is get ting alang very welt. Mr. A. McGinley we are glad to say is improving very fast, and was able last Tuesday to walk out to the baru and it is only a question of a few days until big familiar face will be seen on our streets again. J. H. Wilhermsdorfer went for ducks yesterday but as it was the first day of April thev played it on Mr. W. Mr. Horton was in on the deal too, but nary a duck, and knowing both gentlemen well we know there is no hard feeling toward Mr. duck. Mr. J. C. Parsons, while working with his wind mill on last Wednesday morning got his wrist caught in the gearing, asd severed the large artery, and it looked for a while as if Mr. Parsons would bleed to death. Dr. Phinney was away at the time, and Dr. Richards of Crawford was telegraphed for, and arrived about three o'clock in the evening, and dressed it, It will be some time before Mr. Parsons will be able to use his hand, and wrist. Crip Remedlee In Great Demand- Wlien colds and grip are prevalent the quickest and surest remedies are in great demand. Mr. Joseph D. Williams, of McDulT, Va., says that he was cured of a very deep and lasting attack of la grippe by using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy after trying several other preparations with no elf act. For s-ile by all Druggists The petit jury as drawn by the sheriff and clerk of the district court are viz: W. H. Wright, W. H. Phill.ps, J. L. Anderson, J. A. Bogart, Sam Thomas, John Herni al, John Henry, M. W. Jdd ings, W, R, Harris, John II. Howard, Jacob Forster, Jens 0. Meng, M. J. Bolter, Louis LteBock, W. U Hoy t, -John fiber specher, Leonard Dout, Anton Meckem, J. B. Burke, Adam Baumgard. Charles Umphenour, Clem Leeling, N. L. Tipton, and Peter Hanson. The riding contest that was to take place last Saturday., between Gtorge Hill andMike Carroll Jr., failed to come off. but we had some riding anyhow. George and Clyde Rugen had a riding con test, George taking the money. George also rodu another horse for a purse of 2.50. Peter Schaefer showed us that he was in that business by ruoning his thumbs up his horse's neck. The horse bucked for a while and then ran for the lawyer' oflice. and finding him away from home, broke a panel out of the door, and that ended the circus. Bellevue (College again sends greeting to the schools of Sioux county and offers a scholarship of $100 to the young man or yonng woman in the eighth grade classes who shall stand first in scholar ship at the eighth grade examinations. The value of the scholarship shall be $25.00 per college year for each of four years, to lie applied upon the expense of the student in any department of Belle vue College. The scholarship is not transferable. This should be an encouragement to the eighth grade classes. Some one will win the scholarship and why not try and be the winner yourself. Bellevue College is one of the leading Colleges of Nebraska, and this is a line opportunity for some one in the eighth grade. Conrad Parsons, Co. Supt. Bodarc Gleanings. i Everything indicates that spring is at last here. Larks and Robins make (he air sing, and the wild geese are returning to their northern home. Clio and Mrs. Ra-e have our sympathy in their siege of mud. We hare all we ooed in Sioux, Co. this year, and some to spare, but there is the cheering reflection that about tlie last of June tha dust aud i sand will be flying sky high and we would then gladly welcome some of the mud and wet we are now groaning over, Clarence Raum was around the valley Sunday and Monday calling on friends and acquaintance in this vicinity. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Farbar who have been here in the employ of C. F, Coffee for the past aix mouths, have grown tired of dreary old Sioiis Co. W in. Miller took ' thorn to Harrison Tuesday whorn tlicy took Ue vast boui.d train the same oven-; ing for their destination in Iowa. Mtss Annie Milfnr, and Mrs Farher eriovod i.!.-ir,t visit with Mrs. ?. I Sunday School next Sunday at 10 o'clock as usual, If. A. C. AUCTION SUE The undersigned will sell at public auction the following described property at his place 1 mile and a half sou h-west ef the Five Points, on Tuesday April 14 1903, at 10 o'clock A. M: 2 young horses I bull 7 3 yr. old steers 6 2 yr. old steers 5 yearling steers 86 cows II yearling heifers Farming implements, household good: and other articles too numerous to ment ion. TEEMS of sale All sums under fS!J cash, all suras over $35 six months time on approved note, bearing 8 per cant interest. FRED STEMMER. Beyond All Comparisons. One of the many factors contributing to the remarkably rapid and solid growth of St. Louis is the marvelous develop ment of the Southwest and other tarri tory tributary to that city in all lines of trade. In 1901 there wilt be held the greatest World's Fair in the world. The presidential campaign will also take place. To keep informed with the whole world you should subscribe at once for that peer of newspapers. The Twice-a- week 8t. Louis Republic. It is indispen sable to the farmer, merchant or profess ional man. Its telegraphic and cable service excels that of any other paper. It prints the news fully; not imaginative occurrences, but domestic and worldwide facts. It is Democratic in politics, but distinctly a national newspaper and family journal. The subscription price of f 1.00 gives you two papers each week 101 papers in a year. SEVERE ATTACK OF GRIP. Cured by One Bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. , 'When I had an attack of the grip last winter (the second one) I actually cured myself with one bottle of ('bans berlain's Cough Remedy." says Frank W. Perry, Editor of the Enterprise, at Shortsville, N . Y. "This is the honest truth. I at times kept from roughing myself to pieces by takiag a teaspeoifuj of this rumedy, and w lien the coujihtOK' spell would come on at night I would take a dose and It seemed that in the briefest interval the cough would pass off and I would go to sleep rfectly free from coiifjh and its accompaning pains To say that the remedy acted as a most agreeable surprise is putting is very mildly. I bad no idea that it would or could knock out the grip, simply because I had never tried it for such a purpose, but it did, and it seemed with the second attack of coughing the remedy caused it to not onlv be of less duration, but the pains were far less severe, and I bad not used the contents of one bottle before Mr. Grip had bid me adieu." For sale by all Druggists. The Junior Normal bill is now a law, and we are to have Junior Normals at Alliance, McCok,and Valentine and two other places to be chosen later. The question is now up to the different County Supts. and teachers, whether this venture will prove a success or not We consider this the grandest chance that has ever been offered to the teachers of the Northwest, and to these that are thinking of preparing to teach, There is no doubt but what the Superintendents will find shirkers from this, the same as County Institute work, but if every Co. Supt. will lie firm, the children of this North-west will have better teachers and the tax payers will feel more like raising the wages than to lower them as the case has been heretofore. County Supts. and teachers take hold of this matter with a vim that will mean nothing less than success, and success will be your reward War Bonnet Topics. Mr, Roht. Brewster left last week for bis home in the east. Bill Harveys sale went off fairly well. Some things sold good, some cheap; He had Clyde Ragan for clerk Jess Craw ford the best auctioneer, and a keg of Craw- for,i'H it besr. Bill has rented his place, so no show for matrimony. Jack Finley wss down last Friday and got a loud of potatoes some he bought at the sale. The danoe at Mr. Joe Dunns, who live at present on Andrew Knori's place, was well attended, and enjoyed by all who were there. A delicious supper was furnished nt 1? nVlork. fencing wss indulged in until 5-oVlork in the morning. t.a and Frd Hcba.ifer ,tr hnuhmx C(,rn from Bill Hnrvev's pl this week. Mr, and Mrs. Scott spmit Rnivisy on the divide wlih Mrs. Belle Dunn and family. Mss O'u'vcUe Duoo and her cousin Nellie S.iott came put Saturday and stay ed over bunday at tlie home of the former. There was quite a crowd at Gustave Noreiscb's Sunday School; 39 in number. That is pretty good I think, a little ahead of ours. I suppose it was in honor of theirdaughler Euima who just arri ved liome from Douglas where she has been working for the past six months. John Anderson is able to be around again; He was at the 8 E the fore part of the week. George Orimm and John Marking are feeding 200 bead of cattle on the Biehle place at present. Sam Knori bad the misfortune to break his buggy as he was going from the dance bad roads the cause, still some folk want more roads when they don't work what they have so they can be traveled Mont Bnrke and Archie Davis were visiting with Arthur Dunn Sunday. Mr. Dunlap, who is now living on the Dr. Phinney place on Spring creek, ha rented Bill Harvey's place and will move on it in the near future. There will be a dance at Frank Hub bard's on the Lindeman place nextFridav night, April 3rd. Music furnished by Frank Scott. All are invited to come and have a good time. We were very sorry to hear that Mr, Burle was sick and prevented him from coming out to our S. S. as he intended Hope he is better. 8. S. at Gustave Noreisch's as usual next Sunday at 1 o'clock. Come one and all. S. 8. nt our school house as usual at 2:30 P. M. All are invited. lama little afraid I vrill have to throw up mv job as some get mad if I report they work on 8unday, some if insinuate their wife builds the fires and some even when I fail to put Mr. when I mention their names through these columns, so now what shall I do? What say Ye? Pkooy. We are aorrv Peggy, that some don' appreciate your kind effort, but remem Issr the lowly Najarene went. about heal ing the sick and the blind, rvhd doing good every wav, and -the world, .was not satisfied until it had kicked Him out and part of the kickers are here yeJL so don't be discouraged but send us the news. Ed. In Wyoming. fO40O0OaOK00044' Well, well, March went out on a run or at least as we write these items all the draws and ditches were running full o( water. On last Sunday the thermometer got a hump on itself, anil reached the 88 mark. Goodness how we did transpire. Mrs, J. D. Williams was quite sir last week. Dr. Phinnev was sent for but being out of town, the Lusk doctor was called, by wire, who came out. We ha vent heard how she is getting along but hope for the better. The meadow larks arrived here the night of the 24th and the next morning a few weie to lm seen, but were looking as f thev were sorry for it. Three blackbirds visited the Ridge a few days ago, but did nottarrv long. Robins we don't have as they are seldom seen above 4000 feet. Harry Daugherty was doing business across the line in Nebr. on last Saturday A bnunoing boy came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams one day last week. Stuart Sides lost SO head of cattle dur ing the last storm. . J. A. Rice has moved into the canon and is busv sawing when the weather permits. While in Harrison on lust Monday night we attended the literary there, and must say that the programme was very good, Buds and Bloss ms showed us how "Ruby Played" which was the best thing we had heard in years, we laughed until our sides ached. Yes. Buds and Blossoms tht's all right. Your town is well represented, hut your seasons are all Fall. Here we have eight months winter and four months late in fall. Now here comes meek, little Peggy with an ailogy. Don't worry Peggy, we don't take offense at anything our sisters of the Press may say, we know it is givt and take in fun. Why, did you notice whftt our old friend ''Uncalled us. Just plain "Zek." Ys Buns and Blos soms giivn us a nice poem Don't tell bsr so, but we congrattila'o tbe PraM Journal in having so lively a correspond ent from A ndrows. Mr, Editor- Pleas "Xcuw" Idti 1(1 tiny i R.4 it IN oti! a ns for send- years ago, but aa w ii.v biu anltnl for , It again will tend it In with a little change to rail the time. Ode (Owed) To March. Old March, we're glad to see you go. With your zeroes, and storms blizzards and snow. You tarried too long for any good. You used all our feed, and burned all our wood. Our cattle you starved, and some you froze. And out on the prairie you turned up their toes. Their bones the coyotes soon will bare. A gbasty reminder of "March on a tear. Our chickens too, have lost their toes. By your zeroes and storms, and bliz zards and snows. And now must roost upon the ground, For the want of toe, the toles to clasp around. And some are dead, they didn't die warm. The roof of the hen house their bodies adorn. There they will stay till rain, and sun Will cause us to swear at the havoc you've done. . Well March you've gone, we're glad to know. That April will melt the four feet of snow. Thats lain on the ground since December two. And uncover the bones, grim reminders of you. Zekiel. CENTRAL CITY BREEZES. Last Wedqesday was so warm and springlike, but it turned colder during the nightnd in the morning it was rain ing and timed to sleet so everything had a crystal covering which looked very Drettv. The sun shone briirhtlv Fridav . - rj J J so sparkles tike diamonds glistened from every bush and tree. The roads are get ting quite passable but this new addition of moisture hasgiven them a "back set The students have baen conducting two good litsrary societies this year and are known as the Athenian and Spartan's. They gave a contest Friday night which was a graud treat. Contrary to expect- ions the Spartans gained by seven poiuts. They treated us to recitations, origioal .-.tones, essays, orations aad a debute. The judges came from St. Paul, Clarkes and Marquette, so no farors would be shown. The literary has been a grand success, and has brought forth before un known lalent. People that have had to move this spring are glad they moved the second of March wben the roads were good. I only counted 35 loads of house hold goods pass here on the 2nd. That ras been the banner day fwr moving. A elter from Mrs. Phebe J. Taylor (ne Olinger) last week informs us their barn was destroyed by fire recently with irness and h".y. Fortunately the horses were out of the barn or they would have been burned too. Mrs. Taylor seems to enjoy the calm of Colo, as well as Mrs. Rice does. J. guess the blessings are pretty evenly scattered if we but count them. Did you ever hear of a shower of birds? Such a wooder struck our city one evening last winter. It was very cold and the hi nls seemed to be unable to fly above the tree tops and wires, so fluttered to the ground, quivering and died. In the morning they laid on the ground as thick as the W-. that was rovided for the children of Isreal; one man gathered almost a bushel in his yard They were a strange bird, neither a snow bird nor an english sparrow. Where did they come Irom, where were they going and why did they die, no one can tell We did not know when we sent our last terns of the appointment of Mr. Conrad f arsons to Mil Mr. Burke s vacancy, so xtend congratulations now and wish him success. Once in a while we do not get our paper till Monday, last week it came Friday, but usually on Saturday so we can think about our friends and talk them over Saturday night. If any of your "ears get to burning" too badly we will desist. We hope Mr. Burke's new field of labor will give him an oppor tunity to do a good work among the ttle hoys as he meets them. What can he done, whal must be done, to check the awful habit of cigarette smoking among boys. It Is nothing short of a crime seems to me to sell cigaretts to a boy. It is awful to see a bright boy. some mothers darling, lead to destruct ion through the awful habit. How can fathers tolerate such an evil. If it can be suppressed by the ballot why is it not one. If men will permit in indulging vice and intemporale habit we can't help it but by all means let us save the ; boys if we possibly can. We are glad ' Burke dos not hsndls vice with lives on, we wisn uuu "ijod npeod in s chosen work. Ma reh 30 Clio. Ilunjan'i Work n "Pllnrliu'i rrnjjr.M Uunyan took the oLuorwIho nnera- '.-I 'f trs yftirs to flilsh trn almost entlrelf In Bedford JaiL the "Holr War" required, hut one rear. Professional Car; J. S. PEINNEY. U. D PbylscUn and Hargeen. ail calls given prompt iUmi Office in Drug store. -HARBISON - MEBKASKa. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to u!i matters in Justice, County and Di. Courts, and before the United 1 ; Land Office. Fire Insurance written in i-e! companies, ty Legal paperlcarefully drawn. Harrison, - Nebr aw North-Wester LINE V. R. R. j, to and from the F. E. M. the BLACK HILL DEAD WOOD AND HOT SFK1SU3, - . SOUTH DAKOTA. J. H. LACY. SUCCESSOR tO E. ROHWr-Ji DEALER in Harness, saddles, range goods, lumber, all kinds oi building material. ( Farm machinery and Is;;: :7 ware. Flour, grain and feed When in need of anything in my , give me a call; We will treat you vvbt. F. E. & M. V. R. R. Time Tabl New Schedule of Trains. Taking effect Sunday Nor. 28. West Bound. East Bound. Morning, Evening. ' No. 68 Frt.4:15p.in. I No. 60, Fit. ...2;SS' No. 5, Psgr. 10:55 No. 4,Psirr. srnve j 6:35, departs 7 Both trains carry passengers. Breezes from Glen. March is going out quite pk around here. Clara Mortenson visited Zora, an.: A :3 a Puddy last Saturday, and Sunday. Elizabeth Harris visited her Aih.ti i& Andrews last Saturday. We expect Rev. Sloan to be with us tt hold meetings rrom the 8th to the ijinf frf April at the Qleu Church. We i-. like for all to come, aud enjoy tii.se. meetings with us that can. We had a good Sunday School ist Lords day. Mr. and Mrs. Mortenson visited Mr. . d Mrs. Adamnons last Sunday, The "Glen Sunlets" seem to think that the "Breezes from Glen"' are pitt'.y strong. We know that they m. ot very large but Oh my I how they ti-a in. The "Bug" has just waked up once u,m since the deep snow has gone, auu ii green grass has begun to grow, i.u enjoying these tine days very much. May Weber was home last Frida;, i m.d until Sunday afternoon. There has been a good deal of lev. p i , l spring calves around bete. Roy Wubur is getting to be quite hunter. He killed one coyote aoden; pl ed another. The Hsh car came up last Saturday u ci restocked the stream from Ft. RolmiM.r. to Andrews. School in Dist. No. 2 began last X.'oo day nioroiug, the 80 th of March. Tliuir former teacher, Mr. A. Johnson, is wi(li them once more. The roads are getting good once more, perhaps that it why we have riom oem Una week. But tbis is all. "Bra " Aeaertsml OMee Mite William MUUkan, Sr., edK of th Fayette eousty, Ohio, Herald, Is us oldeat newspaper editor In the Unit V State. He waa twice a member of tu' lndtaaa WcUlatnra and was siso a member of tk Ohio legltlaturo ttt'd prmt4 aM pushed tbrotifh th praaaat law nculatlnc tba rati for Ugal paMItloii In newspaper. , Clot F'rr,lo- Honry Trulan. who was defcater; In the race for mayor r Pulruft. at.l demand a recount, the innjority oi m opponent, Mayor Hugo, helm six votes. Two years hgo Mr. Ii'.ii; bent lit rri hy rfi v . mayoralty raw. '; : ao4 waa 4atata4 bj 'Jufff awiit. f