STOCK BBiSOS. Jul L't il' l vw.i- l;tt'. '.i'.'i MlW&Hir, (' W. 1 .r Y r. V wit '.ti -is aran4 kv'-kv r:ir.tiT or kin ftt"H auM wijutttutK counties I advertise tbrir brands m ThkJoUR- tM It rfivuli.tu. )! oer the state- It r S the ui m vjna iikhu'V lor you Press-J(i in 1.1 1 i'',rKAY. M:r 2i iaH C Uurkr, Prop. S500 REWARD. Far the arrest and convict. on ul any jiirty t frail' ' ateaH n - ;r (! f " ;u ri 1 1 it u 1 1 v b r:i n ' 1 us to tlus uud.n. sinned pr r. K. JANIT. 60. 117. or m left hi i' on hip of Cattle. Siimx Coaaty. Hebraska. n left Jaa Pu-t OflUv, Hewitt. eiOKGE SWASSO.V. faille tousled . sw. branded u left side oil If ft shou h.NTEIfKD I.N TflE lirsr KH( K AT IUK KHO SEIIB. AMSCOSl m MATTtR OFFICIAL PAPER OK SIOUX COUNTY. J H i ts 4 I KN-LO .V. Hot KKKT -miNS Ca'.tle brand j J-yV One Dollar Per Year. JOHN T. 1.VOIV. Wors--j bn..Hct ujmr on H'ft nhotU (tip. aim Catti HI on left ttlile FIX Post OlUce. Address, Patrick, I ai-amie Co. vvvo. JOHN A. II ANSON ? mf. range on &Idler Creek. . iur .luck branded as above beini; cstrny HiMfU y range, discovered by umv bslv a"i'ig" dm information trill be rewarded Atfdreaa, Ft. Kobinsou, Nebraska J.B. r.iUKKII. Uf t hmlrtr and nip. on l-,wk or I rfcwor braaded on i '!! wuieon left I Sa harnded . wM Sheep. , : oa Soldier free k and White Kiver. , Address. Ft. Hobinson. Nebraska. DEEPCBEBK LIVE! STOCK Co r""f" Branded an left hip of ( attle I 1 and on left vwH or iIorH's ; mbMS RnnKon Ci'fHR. Addraaa, Deep Crc' k Live stock ',. J.H. IIAI.HBHT, r'on-lll:!!., I.lcn, .Si'braHkii. CHAIU.K-- v KM' .VI AN. w ia oranii rcprcmca ltl T!!3 nollc II J I and bTHtMl iiny wlcre on Lit iitc ' t . 71 I f cattle. iuul im r lnp -ut (loin tin; ITJ rightful-. l Also tlii. mime hrsinil on left thltrli ol Kaage nenr hiwt sirin)f, xumli p.trt fo iStouzeoanty. Ciiaiu ks nkwmx. iliirri.-oii. Ni:br;u.ka Own the fnllow- i-r: viHti rtva on cut ti 1111(1 al: ! till Imrses Moaidi Kane on silver prlrijts and fust o slate line. I'lisiofficc Ilnrriynn Neli. 3 on cut- I I Si -A 'itttl- br.nrfli"! ..,1 ain- Dial l HI I'SH net' emnu K4 rut. And niso" Li on ribt iiip. j i cut on t illi 1 1 r-4 bran t c.l 1 or jftw. Uiiiu'rOM W bifi iaivf-r, ou the ol I)hv? 'iiviil ranch. W iilbuu. HuistV-v SK11- JORDAN'. i'i2 Ilorw'. swirl c it PUP tic braml.-'l t'ithcr niiU. 1 ou fU t. -r Md, of a..i- V . ytl And tolloivil'K on left sl'l of ciitllr. tud thi And till eft suit" of ili mock. on left si in and hip. Khiic on Uiinulng Wtltff. I'ot iiric adiri-," llnrrihon, Nvbranka. Anil Cattle brand. d F side, mid llvrim on ''-"&(, Add re, lSodarf, .Sebra-ka. Cuttlr I'.rHin KaiiL'c ou It nn M AMIS. ill :eft siitB iinjj WaU-r Ad Ires AKale, Ni b. ANDREW CKK1TIA.N dip vv Cattle Vnind I'd on !f t ide bame Hi rut and liorsi-s branded ou left nliotilite , KHUIK Hit Clll ui- th pr.perty or Andrew ( liriitisn au( rantfe tributary to Van Thm.p1 springs ' A'tdrt-K, Klrtley, Wyo. J1KNKV W AUNKKK. SAMt tl. KXOKI. Cattle branded any wncre on left side of the uninial. Unne on Prai rie Ioi; .; ikii Mon roc Creeks. Addrexs, Harri-on. Nebrm-ka KEWAKD. will Tmy i.00 reward for each hend . Of La ve Col vtl It's horses branded .O either jaw or th'.yh lurnei , QtK to John Biewr on Runnitit .water, also $100.00 for proof t .Convict any person unlawfully handling . toy of said tiorss. W. J. A. Rai m. jaoriMM omnaeii iyj un rint ttiijfh nnd shoulder and FZ1 randeil Vl o ri(?ht Jaw AIho, I have ' attic brand- ed on left ide. I:ane (n liuuiiS'it; WkIit ('reeek. Si "!. (). Address llarriMin, Nebraska. Cuttle branded Cattle branded Cattle bra.ided Kl -O. on left de ""' On lft Hip HENRY WKI-E, yorewan P. O. AdIris, Glen, Neb J M W HERMSDQBF WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kincLs of GoM and Silver work done. Kings made to order. All work tnuinuiU'cd. HARNESS, SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. Saddles re-eovrcd. MEMBER Marsteller Bros Handle thrkk of as good brands of SHOES as are madi ih AMERICA. THE SELZ SCHWAB SHOE CO. CHICAGO Is the, largest manufacture of Shoen in the world " And the old reliable low of 31. -li -WKLLER of Chicago And F. Mayer and Co. Shoe of Milwaukee And a full line of Mens', Woniens', and Children' Over Shoes, And we carry a full line of Dry Goods, Duck Coats and Caps, Groceries, Hard-Ware, Flour and Feed And a nice Hue of fancy Candies. Coine and get our prices, which are always the best in town. MARSTELLER BROS. The Commercial Bank.- HARRISON. NEBRASKA. DIRECTORS. C. F. Cokkkk, 'resident. . F. W.Clarkk, Cashier Chas. C. Jamkso.v. II. S. Ci.akkk, A. McGinlky Stockmen having use for a bank at this point niay rely 01 us to handle their entire Hanking busmen. tWe are prepared to take care of our trade at all tiniest mi omen branded i on left thltfli Pout Oftleti AddresM, Harrison, Sionx Co, Nebraxkii J R. TICK EH. tlranded on lef t shonlder of horacii litnil on left lde of cuttle. ... TM ox And this (S3 on right aide rlirlit side of cattle too. . Jkai( on Wliih! Ittver, nnr (.leu. f. , Poat Ofltoe addreiw, (ilen, Nebraaka. t3Mtl Branded Range on ROBERT f. SEECE. on left aide on left Iiip . Atao rattle branded oukler or nldr. '' ttannlnK Water. P. o. Addreaa A Kate, Ktbraaka. , .. BKKWSTKK Co. ; "mi brand- J i Colds Are I inleroul. j How oUen you barit remarked: "It's! only a cold," and a few days later learn that the man Ik on Inn back with pneu- I monia. This is of audi common occurr- j ance that a cold, however iKht, should i not be diM-eguiUed. t 'h iiiilierKi'i's : t'outrh Remedy oxiun'eracts any tendenr-v j toward pneumonia, It alwaya t-iueKj.rid I n pieaRant to take. Sold hy all ! I'nitrihU. mm SUCCESSOR to G. W. HESTER, -DEALER INtjw LumbiM1, Doors. Sash, Lime, Coal, W'agfns, Ibiggies. and Machinery of all kinds. Also Wind-Mil!:, Towers, Piping, Pumps, and everything in that line. I also carry a large stock of feed, ground and unground. I make a specialty of repairing Wind-mills, Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. 2 5 S S V i o THE PIONEER PHARMACY. in 0) Drums, Druggist's Sundries, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, LSOOkS and STATIONARY. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. iO- " Ch O 0000 0-0 1 -GOO0 -0OK0 00sc .evek. Cattle brandc WW N LEFT SIDE tlWHanad altk anjr vt a bo re brand. t 1tM, J. j, Aamaaon . - Marrlapn, Metmwk. . T. mum, mm taft (Ma. MZZnsk, KMrtm, Mknato. RHEUMATISM CUREOAT LAST. Uitoi Sew For All W'!-o Suffer With Kb iimatiMii Free. To all who tin tier with RheumatiHTj I will Kl;ully Hend free the wonderful wtory of how my mother wan cured after yearn of milfenneT, together with the moft elaborate treatise on Rheumatism ever pnbliahed. No matter what your form of Rlieu mativni in, whether acute, cronic, miiH cular, inflammatory, delormant., aciatic, neuralgia, gout, laiiibatfo, etc no mat ter how many d-tors have failed in your case no matter how many Koeulled "sure curea" you have tried I want yon j to write to me and let me tell you how i mother was cum). 1 nm neither a I lot-tor nor a Professor imply a plain man of huainena hut 1 1 have a CUKE for Rheumatism, and I want to tell everyone who auffern with Rheumatism all about it. I wish to lie clearly understood, and trust that all who are aiiflerin)? with thi terrihle deneaae, however apparently beyond the reach of cure, will write to ma thin day and I well aend you by return mail thia work of mine. I apwal especially to the "chronically ill" who are wearied, and diacouraKed with "doctoring-" and to thoaa who hnva been cast aide as "m curabla." All you have thought about. RttcunMitiani may be wronr. Let me tall yon our experience. Surely, if you hava Rheunjatiaro, or have ft auffe'ing lo t e 1 4lrei. C'liadrOH NehrUa. J. K. HI'NTEK Cuttle branded 'TPVrJry, an shown In KHEIlII-rs' WALK. l'-v virtue if an orer d -tle Issued by the clerk i-f tin- d -tricl ce.url id Mum county, 'ebrn-k;i, upon a (ti i-ree rendered m s.'iid court in fawn- of M.J, i'oiinell pI'.iliitirT. and j'Kaiui.t Adolph Carrae, ilrs. Adijiplt (:.i) rc hi wile whose true chri-tiiui iiitine is unkiiOMii tij j!:, In t ; rT as dcfcndanU I wlil on the Sjth Say of Marcli A. l. I' at one o'clock In the al ternooii of sail day, at tin- east fnait door of the oui t IIihim- ul aid coiiniy, at llarrli-on, wll at public a u tion to the IiiKlicl bidder tor rash in band the following de.crbed real t-itatc lliiateit In nd coiiutv to wlt: The north h ilf (H o the outh west ijnar- rUp'ied j m,i,rU'r ) "f s-ctloii one (I) In town- , ; mini iniujf iwii(,i:; imriii 01 rii.ijfi- niiv-nv., $100 REWARD IM Is- P-id forev.d-nce . ,W) wt llf ,,, , UwrMM. to convict..,,, y o..e fr run. Ir.iC on" or In MilMy mM onl,.r of Mi). , Ui, wiih (), ",,1""f ""i Hundred and i. Ine dollars and Hftv cents irsos.-VM, In tei-est, ciM nnd ncei iiir.s ; Eirt piibilcatiou Kebru iry Jijth 1 l.l. cnt, on riifht side, hip. H! NK Nino. Cattle branded r.ide imd aauie en der if horsea. Also smik of the Hordes tie ,.re .r iimP d on side hi.Hlder smie as deci tb lllwit'e baalld. Ill this left eit shiiul- iiiii! Cut. and till ed lor the Addre, Harrison, Nebraska. A. II. KENNEDY. fattle-lfrandcd on liiftit Ilia slioillder P.O. Address, Craw lord, Neliraska. jC-0-Os(0't-CsKsOKsaK0a S T A TV TTT TX TT t s 5 VES! 6 III II II w u n v shoulder. v Also a on left side. Illttht eat any sc.y t.-imperifg of tile almve braii'l or brands Italic at Andrews, Nebr, Addrms, Harrison Kebr, 1 1 zzl - v: i ii X IAVE IIAItHIS ( (at tie branacil i as alma n on j left fide with j over bit en left ear. Hange on Run- 1 nliiK Water, I I I'. O. Addr, Marsl uid, Nebr. AI.KS UWHY, hherift of aald county. For a bad taste in the mouth take a ' few doe of Clianiberlaiii' Ktonnu-li aud Liver Tablet. Price 25 Cent. Warrnn-1 ted to cure. For sale by all Pru'ist, 'The nicest and pleaaantest medicine I hava iial for indigestion and const it ton i ("hamla-rlain'a Stomach and Liver Tat) leta," aava Melard F. (.tif, of Middle- Ifmve, N. Y. "Tliey work like a charm friend, it will pay ymj to inveatirate m rrt do not grip or have an unpltiunint offer, anyway, and prove for yourself affect." For aale by all drmrtfista. theaa claima I make. Send ma your , Jl )) I ?y ,. a?ll-an V'-,f 'l- rV-- Tick Pkws-Jol-rxal does Job Work. Neat, S First Class and Up-To-Date. 5 S Call in and get our prices on HusinesH Cards, Note S I T'51fl-l .Tt f er I f5)ilsi l-'.ti vlnt wa elc Tha Press-Journal. 3sKeov0CivOiK0OOiX W -Vf 1 I? T. "S TW "X r 1 SI Jim We have made arranK-ements with the publishers of the Yountf People' Weekly One of the liest periodical of itaclasa. mi that we can furnish aaid paper in connect ion with the Prens.-Journ.-il each one year for tliesiiiiill sum of f 1.25 for both piirs or ti those in arrera ou aubnenption who will pay what they own and 25 cents extra w will aend the Yomiff Peoble'a Weekly one year. Those who have paid I i in advance for the Preaa-Jcuirual aud i WM, who at the ag of 12 succeeded want a lirst clasa paper for the young i 10 nn earldom, two vUcountlea and f.dkacnncfime in on the deal also, by i two baronies, without no much a Willing to Rlitlga. "Do you think you had better nt another piece of pie?" asked the neighbor lady, who had already glvm little Bobble one piece for running an errand. "Yes, Dia am," replied Hobble, promptly. "I will If you wish me to." Kothlaa to Hoppoisl Hit tl(aitr. Among the peera who have Inherited barren titles Is the young Earl of 8ea- r.viiiK 23 rent extra, The Young People' Weekly lias reach, exl its iiiiirveloos siic.ces and attained a circulation of over 210,000 copia a week because Ita contents Interest young rend er. Ita iKipiiinritv extend to thought ful parents who recognize m it onof the hem uid in keeping young folk in l.u..lll.u u L. i , ... erueen bnahels to tbe acre. It coat htm gtviugtriemataateior clean, vigorou, j , acr, to ihe .,.r'i mala ui uieir pay (round rent. meat attractive form. tingle acra of laud to maluUlo bla iiSiuuaa. -i - m m '" . -. r fak Maaay ItaUlag roaeera. A. L. Scbaeffer of Edgar County, Ill. boU, laat year harvested the largrat crop of popcorn ever gathered In tag world. From hit 10! acres he had 1,804 buahelg, a yield of a little over aav. today a postal carj will do ad I will iMkll yon this wonderful flOff . If yon bar any friend sufferiiar with Owtiaaatlsm aosatwr where lorat 4, saoi . pm thvir addraas, and I will Ipajil Mm a oo, Mv aaViraaa la To Cnrq q Cold in Quo Bay Tt3 Lcrctivo LTCzio grno rcxa L TwoDtyt. ca everv Aratf Aksiv ik Navy. It Is not yt decided who tball heal the coiomlaalon which may p.aj.j, be sent to Europe In behalf of th 1 1. Ionia fair. Admiral Dewey t 0j h!iier rank that, Lieutenant a..a Mileg, but the army baa always ,. j preference oner the navy lcaw it retted HrsL X r ti st