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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1903)
)il ns U1 MOD LH V w aii jour t,. ) WOME eainltig power UISEPTI reatment wi olutely Ire ', but a lar, IK 'HIM fori or tullo! nd coals I Hre chfffon and muc ii roe ir.i OF THE TIMES. ;e selection of inter. E8TINQ ITEMS. ad Criticism Baaed Upoa ipaaataga of the Ijr lllstori- U Newa Notaa. w girlloH telephone In Berlin chew gum. are do cartoonists in Itussla, is going there, go far as we to learn. xireuz gays American surgeons greanive. This is true. Some m even nave progressive appen- tliig parties. Jenkin Lloyd Jones want this P HNKIIfH Tubes. made complete! dyspeptic? His r to MtuiM ot M r k . .. . for young women wbo can uratin uaiuJ'e and cake la alarming, ui fJjnklin MacVeagh thinks the world ttihig to be run by J. I'ierpont Mor- cmpi.ii.n lone. How ridiculously skeptical slain; tut u, loule are. la tin bo ik T jcake walk and coon song have Vptmufd 1ar1s- We"' ttie French ball ' locked us, so the soore may be W 'l about even. CTUKINO COJ deplorable scarcity of old boots lm'b fur fertilizers in France may to the demand for linsu Inre- In the French cities. gie says a nation Is known by oes It makes. Wouldn't It be 'r the people of this country to und now and make Frick a vince anyoajf cParttastern divine has evolved the 10 locml treaM t,iat: 18 '"an's shinty t0 saT I ills, curinll1" ,Dat ralaes 'dm above the nation, ahl Another plimslble theory Is th, and curl Is his ability to say "I won't." oatal will do i.' ""'IcterloloKlHt examined the hem of i. sites Mattl a woman bad worn in London und on It 10,072,000 diesase mi- 7U And yet stubborn women .ss will go right on wearing b In London. Ilinsch finds that Sunday school lire is worse than the yellow- novels. Imi t it strange that so tieojile grow up to be useful citl spite of the terrible things they pass through? jl events the proposal to postpone Iration day till the last Thursday 11 will be a welcome change to ( jge body of ofllce-seekeis, March Ilterly Inclement mouth for haug- unu Department doorsteps ana lug friends of the new admluls- we know whv so many men I flsked fortune and life lu an at itto And the north pole, A Yale atbed h'.itUH tells us that tlie remains of SMOkey and ape ancestors are bur- . .. tfcsTe, that all life began there. sl 1 vin53ire the hunt for ancestors loads as pain'e raye the dai)g(,r8 of tBe frozen It toon1 C0Kt f10'000."10 t,J D0,ify tlie Hf or inula turougn tue meuiuin or fclrbaf that Edward Is emperor of ycerlne xhe same publicity could have it dccJarpij jrjtained absolutely free of charge StfnlDlatf.'ji.pcriiig the intelligence to half tt ladies throughout the Indian and warniug them that it ST eat secret. OS century ago tiiere was no sjuopular woman In the United If J than Jessie Bunion Fremont, ii )ling wife of John G. Fremont. It Republican candidate for the ncy. Her recent death at the 78 years reminds one that great V can occur in the lifetime of a t individual. The annexation of 1 the foundation of a national J party, the abolition of slnv id the expansion of the United Into tbe Paeltlc, to say nothing building of transcontinental ys and the Invention of the elec teranli. all hauuened within her Brued professor at Yale, wbo f Wen the subject of the origin of IDU1VS U1UCU lUieilIKt-Ul LUUlllll, us that all life began at the lc, which had the honor of be home of our simian ancestry. s we were not aware mat lire at the north pole, but we have I iery satisfactory evidence wiih 1 1 last fifty years thai life ends f quickly and satisfactorily, and is enough for our present pur It It Is a glorious Illustration of fiperlorliy or our numan oereiop tiiat as we progressed from nion- tood to manhood we gradually Wad to a more congenial clime, accept, of course, those monkeys persist annually In attempting to lit the homes of their ancestors. lere Is a Russian proverb, lo bo t.. 1. h . .. n-ta If i r . .1 a ' IVve thee like my heart nud I dust like my jacket. Also there is a In Itambaud's history of Russia lit the Russian woman who mar- forelglier, but who wrote buck relatives to say that her bus didn't love her; he never gave lay pliysleal correction, lu An- Mun countries, at least at the at time, this view of the case not hold. The courts are mix- , , o (Ire wife beater an adequate tslon not of their approbation or j mating nut or inair luiiirnnuon a) It. The difficult v Is. IhoitsJi. twhrn you aeud n wife beater ta M you leave nis wire wuiioih uir Tbs Delaware walppug xt at oafliBirad ItMaf u pfl la general. To punish the wife beats lf must rn Imprisoned. But bow can he lie ke)t tj prison while his wife anil children starve? This question has found at least a temporary answer In New York. Commissioner of Correc tions Hyues has Issued a circular letter to the city imigislrates announcing that a private association bus got to gether a fund for tlie snpport of wives whose husbands have gone to prison on the charge of cruel treatment. The magistrate's path is now made clear. He can send wife ljcatcrs lo prison ami , know that the women and children! left behind will be takeu care of. Tend-, Ing such changes in tlie !sw as will make Tt possible to put prisoners at work and send their wives their wages, i this, plan of private relief seems most desirable. The offense is one that de serves severe punishment. It will never receive such punishment, how ever, until the wife's side of the case Is so handled as to prevent her hus band's Imprisonment from resulting tr her own destitution. Andrew Carnegie told a story on him self the other day. lie said, some years ago he wanted to cross a mountain In Pennsylvania, and a youngster of ruther hardy appearance offered tj take him over for "jO cents. Carnegie thought the price too great, and tjld the boy lie would pay him only 2."j Ct'ittri. AftiT a long urgumeiit, In which each stuck to his price, the youngster won out, and Mr. Carnegie says he allowed the lad to colh-ct the 5 cents, not be cause the trip whs worth It, but because he hud to get on the other side of the in iiinlain. "I predicted thut tbe boy would some day make a fortuue," an d Mr. Carnegie, "and he bus. Ills name Is Charles M. Schwab." The foregoing is a yarn from the New York Sun, pub lished to show the early characteristics of men who atlain to million-dollar sal aries. It shows something else, too a principle. It was appropriate that Car negie and .Schwab should be the char acters of the story, for they both repre sent what Is called success enormous wealth achieved on the line of that principle or personal policy. It Is this principle, or policy, that curses the na tion, and humanity at large. It la the great producer of paupers and thieves. It has Clli-d prisons, lunatic asylums, poorbouses and graves without numln.-r. And to hold this story of Schwab's buc cess up for the emulation of youth is to encourage robbery, selfishness, inhu manity and generul meanness. It is a policy through following which men's souls Income weazened, their lives a mere apology for existence, their leav ing this world a common blessing to their fiJIovv creatures. Get jour fel low mail In a corner and then skin him for all he's worth. This Is the principle. The young man who starts with thid aim, perseveres und has the opportuni ties, will some day be able to till as mauy poorbouses and libraries as can Carnegie and Schwab. These two had the opportunities and were remarka bly adept at tbe skinning. Carnegie had to go over that mountain. Young Schwab had him at a disadvantage and skinned him. Carnegie at once foretold a brIUlant future for the boy who would charge 00 per cent bold-np for what the other follow had to have. What a travesty on Christianity and civillzaliou to hold up as models of suc cess men who make such principles their life principles. Better go through life glviug full value received and wind up a moderate success, than to step oil Into eternity with an unbroken rec ord in the matter of taking unfair ad vantage or your fellows. Eternity Is a long while, and, so far as there Is any evidence, It is to the effect that the opportunities over there are very Impartially distributed. GLOVE-COUNTER PALMISTRY, Character Head Ins; by an Ohaerram ; Young Woman in a Store. "Do I believe In palmistry," repeated the glove-counter salesgirl. " dou't know much about It But Just let a customer hoiu out ner uauu 10 o fitted and I can read her rualu traits of character without ever noticing her fac. "The woman wbo extends her hand with the thumb shut In uuder the fin gers Is ant to want the best gloves In stock at the cheapest price, and la like ly to Und fine flaw or mlsttt In the gloves after It Is on that no one else can see. Reasonable people, with de teiiiiluallon of character, unconscious ly shut the thumb over tbe fingers when the hand Is folded lu reiose. "If a girl puts out her hand to be measured and tbe Augers bend back ward a little and are not overtaperlng at the ends I know that she has a sweet, sunny disposition and is con siderate of others. "Customers with lingers more square than tapering are sure to thank you for your servls after you have fitted them and will aejierally make some comment pleasant to bear. They have good taste, as a rule, and don't select ultra fashionable xhades and styles. "Tbo woman with the fine-tapering Angers has good taste, too. But she Is formal and seldom considerate. I never expvet such a one to thank me for having tried to please her. And she seldom does, taking It as a mutter of course, I suppose, that a sales per son's duly Is to please and that she Is paid to do so. "Kroui looking at a customer's band I ess tell whether she will want her gloviai to draw ou and off easily or try to wear them so tight that she could hardly turn a door kuob, lift her skirts, or otherwise use her bunds with them oa. Fewer women want their slreM floras tight tmw than ued lo be tlie case. But a good many still pr slat In wearing their evening and f nil dr gloves a quarter slse amallar tha , tliejr should be." New fork Bun. LITTLE TOWN ALMOST BURNT OUT Shots as4 Stores Destroyed st Sarlaffield. Neb, -Whole Business District Wiped Out Springfield, Neb., March 21. Fire early Thursday destroyed every place of business In this vlllluge, entailing a loss of rAOOO. Ten stores and shops were burned, the largest loss being that of W, M. Kreck. dry goods and groceries and warehouse, $20,000. Spearman's hank building and a number of smaller structures were also badlr damaged. Tbe town has no protection. The blaze started in Bates drug store and is supposed to have been Of incen ilary origin. Springfleld Is a small town In Sarpy county, through which runs the Mis souri Pacific railroad. Among the burned buildings was that of the tel ephone exchange. Killed By a Woman. Buffalo, N. Y., March 21. -Superintendent of Police Hull said today that his opinion as to who killed Ed win L. Durdick had not been chang ed at any time since the murder. "I believe a woman killed Purdick" he declared, "and I suspect the same woman now that I did the day of the murder. I believe Mr. Cusack and the district attorney are of quite the same opinion." The foregoing statement was made by the superintendent In an Inter view denying a published reportutcb quoted hkn as saying: "It looks more like Pennell's job than at any time since the murder." Former District Attorney Thomas Penney said loday: "Not a dollar of Mr. Pennell's life insurance will go to Mrs. Iiurdick." Mr, Penney made this statement in view of the publication of a re port that only $25,000 of tlie enor mous insurance carried by Mr. Pen ;nell was made payable to his estate. The circumstances have given rlue to surmises that Mrs. Hurdick might be ,'the chief bcnellciary. ', The general manager of a New York insurance company, confirmed the statement of Mr. Penncll. "Mr. Penneli has $30 000 life insurance in our company," he .said, "and this is 'made payable to his estate. From all I have heard I believe that the 'rest of his life insurance will be found to be payable to his estate or to his family.' The Stranger Died Alone. Grand Island, Neb., March 21. At five o'clock this afternoon the dead bod? of a neat appearing man was found in bis room at the Union res taurant. The man had come to the Testaurant late last night. At 9 ,'o'clock this morning a chambermaid about to make the room noticed a man in bed. and presumed he was sleeping. Late this afternoon the maid went to the room and noticed that the man was in exactly the same position. An Investigation proved that he was flead. In a letter written to "My dear wife" and addressed to Mrs. O. L. Erlckson, the writer said he had had a fall and hurt his side, but expected he would be better In the morning. He is believed lo be a liveryman and ii'itll recently in business at lis g h. Ills death-was undoubtedly due lu natural causes. Cash to the amount of $25 was found in his clothes. Caught Between Two Trains. rhilllpsdale, R. I., March 21. Three women were Instantly killed and a fourth was probably fatally in jured while walking from I'awtucket to this place on the tracks of the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad today. The victims in try ing to avoid a train were struck by an engine on another track. May Not Be a Suicide, Beatrice, Neb., March 21 Br D. A. Walden returned tonight from Iloag. where he had an autopsy on the remains of Paul Schindler, who was f und dead there last night. Coroner Walden considered the cir cumstances very suspicious. The opening was laruer than would be made by a 22 ralibar bullet, the rllle did not, appear lo have been used and It was lying under the foot 1 the bed covered with a blanket. Schlnd ler's iKidy lay In the door about half way outside. The range of the bullet was almost directly downward from the left shoulder, piercing the lungs and heart. The celling of the shanty where he lived Is so low that no one of his height could bold the rifle In the position nceeemary to inflict such a wound. The head of the bed was flush with the door. Dr. Walden, sr. .said that he was unable to find the bullet, that he re moved everylhliiK from the viscera and searched and re-scarchod but no b diet could be found. He did not nllerupl tn explain tills strange fea ture The inquest will be continued. Prlaoners Saved Sheriff. Walnut Uidge, Ark,, March 21. fiheiiff James E. McCall. lu company with his wife and baby und hiving In charge two prisoners, while at tempting to cross the swollen Black river was thrown Into tbe water by the overturning of the skiff. The baby was drowned but the sheriff and his wife were saved through the aid of the prisoners wliu afterward went un attended to the count jail and knocked for admission, DEAD BY SCORES HURRICANE OP fAWFUL FURY SOUTH SEAS. IN THE ISLANDS ARE DEVASTATED LOSS OF LIFE BELIEVED TO BE FUm SIX HUNDRED. NATIVES MAIN VICTIMS I tor si st Its Helfht Jsausry U. 1 5 ssd Itf.aad Details Just Received- Urf eat Need of Prompt Relief. Papeete, March 4 (via Sao Fran cisco) March 18. The latest intelli gence relative to tbe hurricane in Tuamotu. or Lower Archipelago, In dicates that the fatalities will num ber 800. The loss of property will be one-half million dollars. Itelief meas ures have been instituted. The hurricane and high water last ed during January 14, 15 and 16. At Uikuera, 377 deaths occurred, in most Instances among visitors from Other islands who were there during the diving season. One hundred and forty-two deaths are reported from six other small islands. On the awful night of January 15, when in the darkness and a driving tlwnrxiir of rain that stung their faces andTiaked bodies, the parents tied their little children to their backs and sought safety. Over their beads rolled the mighty wave, and ivben the surges retreated tbe infants md half drowned boys and girls luccumbed. The father and mother would vainly endeavor to retain the :orpses of their dead, and at length bad to abandon them. They tied heniselves to cocoanut trees, and tome at last fell with them. Others tscaped, clinging to trees temporarily ind at other times able to catch hold )f something else, and so between the breakers reached safety after many hours of hardship. Messrs. Chedleld and Allen, elders )f the Mormon church, and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, of the Latter Day Saints' mission, in a report to the United States consul give grewsotno ietalls of the disaster. The Gilberts ost. one shelter when a cocoanut tree lull, but secured another in a high itump uf a booran tree. The water, which had all but sub- tierged them completely, now only eached their feet. The wind threat- inedto tear them from their position tgain and again, and so these Amer- ans passed that awful night. In the Doming the scene of horror that met ihelr eyes on every side was harder io nlure than the terrors of the nigh'. Corpses.frightfully mutilated, ivere strewn about, and there were Jving beings with unsightly wounds, n some instances only one of a fam ily survived. The story of fatality in Morakau, alncty-tive out of a hundred inhabi lants perished, is likewise extremely id, and so also with regard to the ither islands where death occurred. U is likely that one-fifth of the en lire population of the Tuamotu group luccumbed. To aid the injured a iemporary bosiptal was constructed ind D. Urunati, acting administra tor of the group rendered medical aid. From I he debris were secuied tins containing foods uffs. but naturally th re was a scarcity of such as was not spoiled. Of the sixty-six sail boa is all but one or two bad been totally destroyed and these could not he sent to Tahiti, a distance of near ly 400 miles. About 1,000 survivors were in danger of starvation or per ishing from thirst or disease. Shel terless, nude, weak and discouraged, 1 , bn l be to wood red at that a few of the natives became looters of their neighbor's goods. However, on the whole, the order was commendable. It is to the lasting credit of tbe Americans that the first relief from thirst came from them in the sug g ,'sLiou to distill water. The French administrator was at first skeptical, but finally allowed' them to proceed with their experiment. After a long search Mr. Gilbert's party secured two tanks and some frames of an iron bed for tubes, and erected a plant. With this primitive machinery 200 gallons of fresh water were distilled dally for some time. Supplies amounting to twenty tons sent rrom San Francisco ana carried free by the steamship Mari posa, have been transferred to the V . neb ffunbaot Zelee to be trans ported to the destitute natives. The merchants hero have lost heavily through the Insolvency of numerous creditors who perished in the gale, 'j he merchants sa Ihelr loss Is ruoro Uian half a million dollars. Long Ride on Horseback. Cheyenne. Wyo., March 17. L Trcsldent lioosovelt carries out nis j t nt, tr any. or bis respmisi iin.v plan to ride horesback from Laramie, J-t the explosion of the slv-inch gun ". , , ..!... It irrct of 'he battleship Massucliu- touieyenne uunug iu"' Troop A. W. N. O, or tnts place, win be detailed to escort him. A cowb j escort will also probably be provided. The fifty-seven mile run from Lara mie to this place Is tilled with point! of interest, Including some verf rug ged scenery. FOR THE FARMERS Elevstor Site BUI Will Pass Both Houses-1 House Approves s Measurs Lincoln, Neb., March 18 .The legislature Tuesday did some impor tant wotk, showing that It intends to pass a bill to require railroads to give the privileges desired by farmers' elevator companies. It forestalled the senate which was to act on a bill of the same nature introduced by a populist member, Senator Brady of Boone, and took up tbe bill intro duced by Representative Ramsey. Early in the session it was apparent that a bill of this character would bs passed. The elevator combine has kept men constantly on the scene,; but those wbo sought to bead off thei bill ran up against a stono wall. Pe titions and requests came to the members every day for such legisla tion. No member was able to go to his home without hearing of the de sire of the people. The railroads long ago decided to keep their hands off. In fact they have troubles of their own of a more serious nature. It is believed that the railroads would be glad to escape from the continual at tempted dictation of the elevator trust and this bill will make escape possible. The house by almost unanimous vote agreed to the Ramsey elevator bill, II. R. No. 70, in committee of the whole. The original bill was substituted for the committee amend ment and the provision was added that elevators to be built undei the act must represent an investmert of 2,000 The two important sections of the i bill as agreed upon and as it will pass tbe house, are as follows: "Sections 1 of article 5, chapter 72, of the compiled statutes of Nebraska, is amended as follows: Sec. 1. Every railroad corpora tion shall give to all persons and as sociations reasonable and equal terms for transportation of any mer chandise or other property of everj kind and description, upon any rail road owned or operated by such corpo ration within this state and for ter minal handling, the use of the depot and other buildings and grounds of such corporation, and at any point where its railroad shall connect with any other railroad, reasonable and eiual terms and facilities of inter change and shall promptly forward merchandise consigned or directed to be sent over another road connecting with lis road according to the direc tions therein or accomp:.ying the same; and every railroad company or corporation operating a railroad li the state of Nebraska shall afford equal facilities to all persons or asso ciations wbo desire to erect or operate or who are engaged in operating grain elevatorsor in handling or shipping grain at or contiguous to any sta tion of its road and shall supply sidt t acks and switch connections a shall supply cars and all facilities for erecting elevators and for handling and shipping grain to all persons so electing or operating such elevate t or handling and shipping grain with out favoritism or discrimination ir any respect whatever. Provided how ever, that any elevator hereafter cor . structed, the construction of whicl shall cost not less than $2,00v. The standing committee amend ment to II. R. No. 70, which waj turned down, is as follows; "Section 1. Every railroad corpo ration shall give to all persons and associations reasonable and equa terms for tbe transferring of any mer chandise or other property of even kind and description upon any rail road owned or operated by such cor poratiou within this state, and every railroad company or corporation operating a railroad in the state ol Nebraska shall afford equal faclli'et to all persons or associations the may erect and operate grain elec tors at any station of its road and shall supply side tracks, switch con nections cars and all facilities foi erecting and operating such elevat- rs without favoritism or discrimination 1 1 any respect whatever. Provided however, that this act shall not ap ply to any elevator hereafter to be constructed the cost of the construc tion of which shall bo less than M.000." The Hose Turned on Them. , Parkersburg, W, Va., March 18. The Baltimore & Ohio railroad, claiming tbe right under an ordi nance adopted In 1852 brought a force of men into town before daylight to day and began to lay a track for ft vo blocks over one of the principal Btreets or the city. The lire department was called out and poured such a stream of water on the rn -n th: 1 1 hey had to aband.m jthe o . a ciash occurred between JMa.'O Vandervoort. who Is iittoiiu y itor Lite Kaliimore & Ohio, and tb city council. Wort man is I xonerMed Washlnifton, March 18. The court which frlud litis. gn 11. K. Wort man at I'ensacola, Kla., lo determine the ' sett, olf t u 'bra, by which nine men lo t their lives, rendi red a verdict of not guilty. Commander Winslow, who acted as Judge adv icatc of th. court, reached Wash.ngton lodav with the llndlngs. Tbe record wi 1 be reviewed by th.- Judge udvocute. NEBRASKA George Henderson of Bostwlck, OMt 3f the best known men in Nuckolls sounty, dropped dead one day last week in front of his house. Wayne Methodist church has so eighteen hundred dollar pipe organ, the gift of Mrs. J. H. Plngrejr of Wayne. Henry Ferren died at his bom near Smartvtlie of dropsy. Mr: Fer- ren bad been a resident of Johnson county for more than twenty yeats. John Armstrong, of Nebraska Oltf, charged with stealing 172 from bl father, was bound over to the Sep tember term of the district court la tbe sum of 500. Omaha Passenger No. 12 raa into the rear end of a freight train about three miles west of Minden, severely injuring Traveling Engineer O. A. Dixon of McCook. The way car and one freight car were consumed by Are. The wreck was due to the heavy fog. The supreme court dismissed the appeal of Bishop Ilonacum against F ither Murphy of the Seward Catho lic church, and aflirmed the decision of tbe lower court, enjoining the bishop from interfering with the priest in the conduct of his charge. Six cars loaded with coal, enroute to Beatrice from Manhattan, Kansas., jumped the track at Taylor's Siding a few miles south of Blue Springs. The truck was completely torn up for about fifty yards. The accident was due to a rail spreading. No casual!' ties occurred. The coroner's inquest over the hodj of the dead fireman, II iyes, killed is the Gilmore wreck, which has been in session at Papillian for the past few days, was finished. The verdict of (he jury was death by accident. This clears Operator Second and places the blame on no one. Mr. Miller, who has been the agent for the Burlington in Tecumseb fot the past fourteen years, has been granted an extended leave of absence and will locate on bis farm neai Blaesburg. la. Mr. Mliller's health has been ailing for some time. J. D, Poe, formerly of Firth, has been names as Miller's successor. The party of surveyors whe have, been at wok o i tbe northern sectios of the Burlington link from Ashland, to Sioux City. Ia, arrived at Homei and will pitch their tents and retrials, for two weeks. The party working at Pender has been compelled t ,abandon woik, owing to the htgl water. The regulgar annual insitate of the teachers of Cass and Sarpy cotmtiei will be held In Plattsmouth, begin uing A u ust 17. Tl'ose to assist In the worn are: Former State Super int .ndeut L. I). Harvey of Wisconsin S .periutendent James M. Canghlii of Wilkesi a.f , Pa., and Frank M. McMi.rray ol JSurmal, 111. The north bound train on tfce B. A M. In ra Atchison was wrecked about two miles south of Nebraska City, and as a result twelve freight can are completely wrecked. Brakcmai S. T. Jenstii was pinned down nndei a car and badly maneled. He wai taken to th.) . Neals hospital at Ne braska City, wuere he died. Mrs. Warren Brlttan of Callaway, is suffering from a severe case ol blood poisoning. Oie of her fingen had been burned an she wore a mtt ten while the ringer was sore. Th r -d lining of tbo mitten poisoned the barn. At the present time one ol her arms and the entire right 4dc o her boi y are swollen. Light hope ol 1 er recovc y Is entertained. Otto Ilallstein, the 17 year old soi o ucorge Ilallstein, was found dead ,i a railroad crossing one and a ball miles east of Seward, ne had been tj a dance at Bee and was return tna home alone, and it is supposed that the fast fr.ight on the II. & M., which passess Seward about 4 o'clock in the niurninr, struckhlmas hs, was crosslngg the track. The bnggy was broken into pieces and the team writ home, about eight miles The bod was not found until Leonard ji.ills ien, an older brother, drovs from home to find out what the Last weeks delegates from Jfnm boldt, Dawson, Porter, Nemaha and Salem telephone lines met in Hum boldt and resolved to associate them selves under the name of the lilebard son County Mutual Telephone eein pany. Ollleeis were elected as fol lows: Crush of Salem, president; look: of Spenser, vice piesident; HniMl of Forter.treasurer; Page of DtWMB, secretary.