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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1903)
Ha JOUPv r-f I.--.. .in. 7 v J7 1 VOL. IX V. HARBISOIT, 2nTIEIB2R;.A.S3I A., TIEiTJSID A.1Z MA.OS 23, 1S03. Ll O. 39 DDT NAL. Ml lVlVlL a r 1 3 V i LOCAL NEWS OF TIIETOWN. La Grippe, La JriiHj. La Grippe. Leslie Crane wan on our Wednesday. streets las' Nels Arnler-ton was in from hi ranch last Monday. Mrs. Ed O'C'onner is able to bo up and around again. Wm. Bourretand wife were Harribon visitors yesterday. ' B, E. Brewster left, last Monday night for Uhorue at Boston. Hay is a precious article just now, and be that has it can binile. Grip, grip, grip, those who haven't got the grip the grip has them. F, W. Clarke has been on the sick list but in able to be out again. Pete Peterson and Sam Leeling up from So,uaw creek Tuesday. Frank Diester becomea a reader of Prehs JoCHN'AL with this issue. Rev. Horton and family are having s tUHSt-l with LaGrippe I his week. MissLillie Oarman went to Lusk Wed nesday, returning the same night. Gottlieb Knori become a reader, the PrbsS-Jiii'RNaL with this issue. of F. E. Jandt, John Pnpp, and Joe Hush were up from Hewitt this week. Mr. Waterman and Mrs. In-Somber were up from Andrews yesterday. Sunday school at 10 o'clr body invited. V. 11. Davis; ek; every Supt. Mrs. L. C, Wright who has been quite sick for the past week is some heller. Joseph llecker orders the PkE-H Jockxal sent lo him at Rat hd rum Idahu. O. R. Anderson arid C. E. A. Kstler re turned to Lusk Tuesday to work, on the hall. Matt flail, Z F. Antrim, and John A Thayer were representing Bodarc. last Monday, .y.,ZimmeaiH!in was in town yestprdny and he reports everythi' g alright down hi wav. John Pfosl is now in M issouii. John Is something like the Irish nans flea tie is hither and yon. M:h (Jniee E. Myers left last Saturday night for Orrmg. Her school dosed on Friday previous. . Chan. Smith, accompanied by his- hro "Jut, left for his ranch at Hewitt the first of the week. Mrs. 8arah Jordan was called to the bedside of her mother who is very ill at her home at Boone Iowa. FohKU.E 1 registered Shorthorn bull also yearling, graded Shorthorn bull. R. L. Km. TO CL ItK A COLD IN ONE DA V. Take LftXKtlve Iro o (Jiiliilno TntileW. All dniKidsI refun'l the money If It fulls to cure. V.. W, Grove' nlgioiture m ou uucli bo I. 5c. Sam Thomas wan in from his rnnch Tuesday, and be repot t'i lots of snow but at he ha plenty of feed it does not worry blni. Mrs. W. II. Phillips left Wednesd..y evening for Buffalo Wyo. She will visit with her si-eter Mrs. A. T. Clark of that ' place. If it's a bilious attack, take Chamber Iain' Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick recovery is certain. For sale by fill Druggists. Chat Unilt was in town Wednesday, lie has been kept pretty busy hauling Imy from Andrews, and is now looking for another cur. John A. Anderson was taken suddenly ill lust Monday with the pleurisy nf the tieart, hut we are glad to say lie is bet ter at this writing. y4 We have a few 12.51 gents Ulster Is OVsr-couts that we are cosing out for Now in y our chance. Lewis Gorlnch. Ws were sorry tlmt we had to leave Oht the Carey Items last wek, but We eoiild not help it,, for we did not receive n correspondence until Wednesday and tlie'i we mt it up as It came in. We fei this wou'l hapn rf i h.. -'' TTr,rT" i rrv 'P r T n M n f llfvlYL Ai U 1 Ulylil ' ,3 's";-'S-'S'!'''S''!',J' Bob Jordan Iris quit working., for. A. Erdman on Indian creek, and is moving onto his mother's place in the valley, a In re he will reside during the summer. Mrs. S. W. Hall who has been visiting with her son Matt returned to her home at Chadron Monday night. Miss Lillie Zimmerman accompanied her, and will remain in Chadron for the next E months. A. H. Bauman, Photographer of Craw ford will be in Harrison next Monday March the 30, and w ill remain until Tues day night March 31st. If you want any work done in his line bo sure, and re member these dales. John Ebert from Ardmor was a Harri son visitor last Tuesday. Mr. Ebert says there has been Iota of snow down with him; but he fortified himself by putting up plenty of feed, and therefore he does not fear the storms. A wise plan John. We haven't heard any meadow lurks singing yet this spring but we heard the kill dees chirping with their natural song yesterday morning, and it made us feel as though spring was here sure enough, but we long to hear the meadow larks once again. LVliquerit subscribers will please settle up. We have tried to be lenient, but we can't live on wind, and if our paper don't suit you, or you don't think you get your moneys worth, settle up and stop it. Hut call, and settle or we will lie com- ielled to place ywur account in the hands of an attorn vfor collection. John W. Christian won the prize of t'i 00 in the blue ribimn coffee contest. Well John was lucky for once, and we would not he surprised to hear of him being lucky enough to have some fair damsel to make his coliee, although John is no novice at coliee making. Here is best wishes for a fair damsel. Epworth Leftflvie. At the M. E. church every Sunday evening ut i-.tJOo clock. Evervlwidv invited. Snbict for March: The. Young ChrltMW. Standing Ground Subject for March U Missionary Meet- mg Heroes of Africa Livingstone, Cox, Mackay, Good." Pastor; leader. Well Again. The many friends of John Blount will lie pleased to barn that be has entirely recovered from his attack of rheumatism Ihamlierlain's Pain Balm cured him after the best doctors in the town f Monon Ir.d.) bad failed to gie relief. The prompt relief from pain which this liniment ulf- ords is alone worth many times its cost. For sale by all Druggist. We are in receipt of a copy of the Jef ferson Bible, winch is now owned by the Government, and the publication of which bus been recently ordered by Con gress. Mr Jeflorson has lun clasM-d by some lis a disbeliever; hut we feel, that anyone that will read his bible will soon s'e that he was a true believer in God ami in Jesus Christ as (he Saviour of the world. This book is published by N. D. Thompson Pub. Co. H. W. Cor. & Olive Sis. St. Louis Mo. We note in the Pioneer Grip, Captain W, R. A kern, logical statement as to where he stands on the issues of the mayoralty contest in Alliance. We only wish that all men that run for office would come out in as plain a language and with Ihe earnestness ns does Mr. Akers. The question of saloons and houses of prostitution are allowed to run ' by the consent of the belter element lor! it seems that sditics are more sacred to , a great many than their sons and daugh ters tire, or their religion. We hope that) not only the christian people of Alliance will stand by Mr. Akers, but that all who desire that the moral standing of that town shall be raised and will give him their loyal kupport. Gottlieb Knori was in last Saturday, and comiilained that some smart alecks. had entered his house in h;s absence, anJ ' had thought o do something smart, bnt! in his way of looking at things, and f i the public, generally such conduct should lie punished to the full extent of, the law. They scattered corn, and other . thing ovt,f the floor, punched the eyes ' out u( tome picture on the wall, d ' split open a joint ofns stove pipe, and '' there lieing lire in the stove at the time It might havecnused the lossof his house. ; Gottlieb m one of our quiet citizens, and "i every on has always found u welcome at his house when in need of shelter, but he say this is too much for a joke, ami j the (.nrties are known to him, that did it and they wdl save costs, and trouble by ; coming around and hoiking amends for Ibis act ot depredation. 1 I The snow is disappearing rapidly, but 'e are not gobig to do any bragging, for that pesky groundhog lead us to believe ! 'bat. we w re going to have an earlv i spring, and we s;id so, b it we i bank oh hiiiTahv iiiore. won't W&kefvil Children. For a long tim the two year old child of Mr. P. L. McPherson, 59 N. Tenth St., Ilarrisburg, Pa., weuld sleep but Iwo or three hours in the earlv part of the night which made it very hard for her ,iaretits. Her mother concluded that the child had stomach trouble, and gave her half of one of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which cjuited her stomach and she slept the whole night through. Two boxes of these Tablets have effected a permanent cure and she is now well and strong. For sale by all Iruggist.s. Carey Items, Crowded out last week. Ralph Rauni is at home visiting bis parents. This beautiful weather gives one the spring fever. A lie Green wood is do vvn, from Casj.'er for a few days. Eli Sowers is the first to begin putting in a crop this time. He was sowing rye last. week. Our S. S. is in a prosperous condition, A week ago there were 35 in attendance and last Sunday there were 33. Nicholas Lovd, who has been herdinir sheep for the past three or four years thinks he will try fanning this summer. John Rice a fori'er resnlent'of Cotton wood, but now living in Burt County was here last week renewing acquaint ences. About a week ago John Dickey re turned from Wyoming. Tie reports the range near 'nsper very short, anil Ihe loss of stock heavy. Cottonwood population is still on the increase; since sending my last items a I t lb girl arrived nt'the home of Carl M. Lux, and a daughter wrt born to Mr. and Mrs. R bt. Harrison March lit 1 1 . At a special school meeting held in district number fmir it was decided to "'''"''I " wr Hta wm',,v offer to pay them the sum of ffiOO f ir their account against he district, for charts &tc; purchased some year ago. T''ere Ims heeu quite a tumble ill here latelv. Mr. Yaltely slipped anil fell on the ice, thought for a while be bad fnd u red tome ribs. Mr. Careys hor-e fell down with him bruising bis foot consider able, imd last, week John Die key Was thrown by a bucking broncho, nnd wrenched his hack None ol them dangerously hurt, and all are getting belter. Timothy War Bonnet Topics. More snow no news. Carl Zerlist was on the sick list 1st wv-ek. Mr. and Mrs. Merriam went to town Monday. Mr. Valdez lost 3 head of cattle during the storm. Mr. and Nrs. Joe Dunn went up on the divide Sunday. Mr. Gustave Noreisch and daughter Bertha went to town Saturday, Our Sunday school was a failure Sun day on account of cold weather. S S. at Gustave Noreisch's as u-ual next Sunday at 1 P, M. All are invited. Pele Peterson and Miss Mary Leeling were guest of Wobt. Keel last Tuesday. H. H. ut uuf school hoUsH as usual at 9-:t(l I'. M. All are invited, esneciall v ,. . ., ..... j ' Neil Jordan started to town Saturday in a wagon, but when he got to Mr. Bob Keel's be was obliged to borrow a illeigh as there was so much snow. I felt very much slighted when I heard visited Noreisch's S. S. and slighted ours but where there's girls Ihere will be boys and we fail to have any jouug ladies in our S. 8, at present. Bill Harvey had the pleasure of attend ing I he literary at Harrison. He said it was a preuy "uummy anair, anu mm. bleranes at Bodarc two winters ago was far n!:il of it,-whicl, or curse blJ 1 "''k 111 "rUeresi in them. Perhaps the Harrison literary will do belter as it grows older; Every one should try to do their part. Tor It is the only way to succeed, Now Z-kiel you don't n"ed to b ' offend ed at w hat 1 said, I wasn't casting the least, reflection on your poetry J I really did think it was splendid, and as for It ..... .- . , . being u gift I contend tlui!, brigliiness is a gift and there are too few eople gifted with it. Well 1 am not giflrd with poetry brightness but still I him it. 1 think "Buds and BIossoiim" did splem'id last week. PliwuT. REU IT Tlilt :UlH. 'T would Spall TM Story to Tell It In the Headlines. To use an eigo -eeiilii century phrase, this is an "o'er true tale," Having hap pened in a smVll Virginia town in the winter of 1U0J, it is a story very much of the present. Up to a short time ago Mrs. John E. ll-irnion, of Melf v Station, Va , hail no personal knowledge of the rare curative properties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "Last January," she says, "my baby took a dreadful cold and at one time i leari-d she would have pneumonia., but one of my neighbors told me how tins remedy had cured her little boy and I liegaicgtving it to my baby at once and it. soiui cuied her. I heartily thank tjie miyiufacturers of Chamber lam's Cough Remedy for placing so great a cure within mv reach, I cannot recommend it too highly or say too much in its favor. I hope all who read this will try it and be convinced as I was." For sale by all Druggists,, Beyond All Comparisons. One of the many factors contributing to the remarkably rapid and solid growth ol St.. Louis is the marvelous develop ment of the Southwest, and other terri- toiy tributary lo that city in all lines of trade. In 1U04 there will be held the greatest World's lair m the world. The presidential 'campaign will also take place. To keep informed with the whole world you should subscribe at once for that peer of newspapers. The Twice a week St. Louis Republic. It is in.h.speie 8tble to tlie farmer, merchant or profess ional man. Its telegraphic and cable service excels that of any other paper. It prints the neWs fully; not imaginative occurrences, but domestic and worldwide facts. It is Democratic in politics, but distinctly a national newspaper aud family journal. Hie subscription price of 1.00 gives you two papers each week 104 papers in a year, BREEZES FROM ENTRAL CJTY. The meadow larks and robiusevidently tlniik spring has arn Veil, and it did seem so a lew days ago, but it is tod cool this morning to be out picking strawberries or setting out tomato planks. The for mer snow hs all disappeared, but the ground was covered with a pure white slieel (hi I .'iXor. cr, ltdid not last long however. Mud- oh the depth and quality of that article no one tries to laihoin. Drays have stopped work and the city appears Lo lie one vast mud bole, wagons sink in to the bulis. Men that Have lived here for thirty years, say they never saw lli mud as deep as now. Tne i'lutte has been on a frolic and has done pre'ty thorough work, knocking out b idges. V ood river was high, the lown of Alda was covered with three feet of water. Workmen saved the R. R. bridge by the use ot dynamite to move the ice. The mile wagon linage went out at both ends. The bridges were Ukeii at Colum bus, Eullertoii and Palmer, so lliey have bud lo resort lo lerry boats as a means of 1 1 ossiiig. We are wondering if Mrs. Hue can beat tint hind story by this time, and what, kind of weather will Zek have to report. Rn e and wheat lields are looking green ti ml the blue grass and clover are green as soon us 'bey shed the winter blanket. Glad litxlarc. S. S. is active again aud hope they will have an a ill numbers and interest, and be a happy surprise for the waudeivrs when they ret lire. F, W, is busy these d:iys working on the Friend's parsonage. The Presbyterians are enlargeuig their church to accomodate its increasing member ship. I believe they have tidiied 34 new members this winter. The hick are im proving and I guess a few favorable day s will loose the grip of the grippe, as not many new cases are reported. The j Indus of C. C. haye provided a "Rest Kisim" which is a helpful addition to the city. Country people or travelers will liud it a place lo rest and brush up a htlle or wail as is often the case lie I ore tune to leave town, aud mothers have a clean place free from tobacco smoke w here their babes can sleep While they are shopping. We think the women of Merrick Co. q uite energetic and progress ive. The fountain was procured through their i-ll'ots, and perhaps if they had set out to secure the Normal, there would be a better prospect of getting it, but we don't need it as much us some other places do. I Llo. In Wyoming. Snow, huow, snow, nolhirg but snow: Say Mr. Editor you will sure have to excuse us for our short comings this week, as this neighborhood is suffering from a snow blockade. No mail since Tuesday of last week, as no one from here has lieen able to get to the post olllce. H liegan snowing and blowing the tiight of the 17th and up to this time, theltfrd, it Is still at It. Friincis Deuel sold his farm last week, to Andrew Christian, so that Francis is ow a free mah. There was a dance at the hall on St. Patiick's night, but we understand that the dancers were few. those who were there report u good time. I ted - is getting scarce, and if tulx weather keeps up lbri-e months longer there will be a great loss of cattle on the Ridge. Oscar Hatchet was cutting around on the Ridge last week. We understand that he cut the ligu re 8 at the dance, the 17th. ' The entertainment in the ball, at the close of the tw. schools, on Thursday night, the 12t!i inst. was a grand success. Misses Florence and Amy Christian are both good teachers, and can get up a good entertainment. They have given good satisfaction in our schools, and should be employed for the next term. When we have good and iried teachers at home it is not business lo employ strangers in our schools aud send them away from home. We hope they will teach our schools the next term. Our schools are to begin April 13lh, so the board has decided. No, Buds and Blossoms, we did not say that Mr. Black was a "darkey"; Because a river is named While, is it a sigu that it flows with milk and honey? We only meant the contrast in names was loo great. Uh hiih, Its leap year here all ol the tune; You must remember that in Wyoming women have equal rights with men. this is a woman's rights slate; They can vote at all elections, holdollice and are assessed two dollars poll tax same as a man. You had better move into Wyoming and vote for Roosevelt in 11104. ZtKIliL. COMMISSIONER'S PROCEEDINGS. Harrison Sioux Co. March 10 11)03. The county commissioners met as per adjournment. Present commissioners: Lewis, Uigelow, Jordan and Wm, J. A. Raum county clerk. . The wllicial bond of San ford Hill Sold ler Rebel commissioner was examined aud on motion approved. The following claims agamst. Sioux Co. uete taken up, examined and on motion allowed. ivl. U. Jordan, lumber 22.86 Sujii Thomas, overseer of highways 20 00 J. F. Deisler, refund of taxes t. lj On motiou Geo, Weber was appointed road overseer for road Dist. No. 12. Ou t motion the resignation of J. B. Burke, county Supt. was accepted. Ou motion Conrad Parsons was ap- pouiteu county Supt. of Public Instruct ion. The Board proceeded to ascertaiu the information necessary in order to select the names of persons from which to draw a petit jury to serve at the April 1003 term of the district court. The names of all who were drawn as jurors for the past two years were first obtained. The abstract ol votes cast at the last general election was found to be 303, which number divided by sixty, the number of persons required by law to be listed lor jury purposes, it was found that one person could lie listed for each (ive electors lound in each precinct. The following list of persons eligible for jurors was then selected from the several precincts: Andrews S, Caiicst linage, Frank Deisler, Elmer Hughs, W, H. Phillips and Frank Lewis. Antelope 2. John llermau and Clem Ijeeling. Bowen 12, J. B. Burke, A. J. Bogart, Chas. Caiomenziiid, W. II. Davis. W. L lloy t, Frank Nutlo, W. L. Tipton, Chas. Urn pheiiour, Frank Wright, Oscar Ward, W. B. Wright and Otto 'lieUe. Coltonwood 5, John Spease, Henry Fricke, John H. Howard, Robert Pouirov and Anton Meckem. Hat-cri'ek 7, J. L. Anderson, John Eberspecher, Louis Dehock, Albert Hill, John Huies, Bernard Haas and F. M. Hall. Montrose 7, Harry Asliton, Jens .'. Muiig, Adam Baumgnrd, August Mailer Jr, M. J. Gay hart, Peter Hansen and John Henry. Running-water 2, Fred Betcheii and John II. Bieser. Sheep creek 2, Chas. Grewell mid W. R Hams. Snake-cruek 2, M. W, hidings and Joseph Raymond. Sugar Loaf 4, Andrew Pro cunier, M. J. Boiler, Dune Eliert and Jacob Foster. White River 5, John Blomberg, Reman F. Crainblel, James T. Mason. George Sahiisoo and Henry Olbncht. Warbonuel 5, Henry Dieck iiianii, Leonard Daut, Wm. Harvey, Rols-rt Keel anu Sam Thomas. Whistle creek 2, W. L. Asbbrook and i). W. I lamnker. Ou motion the county Treasurer is instructed to refund to Frank Diester iKH taxes paid under protest and illegal ly assessed against 1 1 i in. On motion Board adjourned until Mar. 17th 1003, Wm. J, A. Raum, Co. Clerk. Harrison Sioux Co. Nebr. Mar. 17-HW3. Board met as per adjournment. Pres ent commissioners Iewis, Bigelow, Jor dan and Wm. J. A. Raum Co. Clerk. On motion Board adjourned wi'hout a day. Win. J. A. Raum. ' A. McOlnlcy we are glad fctill improving. lo say W. R. SMITH Buys, Hides, Tallow, Pelts, ami Furs, and will pay highest market prrce. Leave at Marsteller Bros, oral my residence east of school-house. Professional Card J. E. PHINNEY. M. I) Phyiscian ami Snrgooa. All calls given prompt attention Olllce in Driitf store. -HARBISON - NEBRASKA. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legat matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United Statu Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliable sonipanies. ICJTLegal papers carefully drawui. Hakrison. - Nebraska. North-Western LINE F. E. M. V. R. R, is to and from the th beat. BLACK HILLS, DEAD WOOD ANU HOT SflUN(,;. SOUTH DAKOTA. J, H. LACY. SUCCESSOR tO E. KOHWEE. DEALER IN Harness, saddles, raDge goods, lumber, all kinds of building material. Farm machinery and hard ware. Flour, grain and feed. When in need of anything in my hue give me a call; We will treat you nghC F. E. & M. V. R. R. Time Table. New Schedule of Trains.. Taking effect Sunday Nov. 2tf: West Bound, East Bound". Morning. Evening. No. 58 Frt.4:l.")p,m, No. 60, Frl. ...2::l.V No. 5, Psgr. 10:55 No. 4, Psgr. arrives. I t):tto, departs :oQ. Both trains carry passengers. Bodarc Gleanings. Last VVednesdjy the suow dectiuled and the wiud came, and behold e ni having another winter in the valley, J, L. Andeason moved his family inlo the Bunge house the lirstof last n I;., Jim intends to work lor himself, heie, alter. Jimmy Wilson wag a pleasant ciilae last 1 iicsday. He is having good succi s. in killing those prairie dogs. Cleve Zimmerman is on the sick l.sU this week with an attack of LaGripp... Mrs. Hall who Ims been visiting lots the past week with her son F. M. It. ill returned to Chadron Monday evening accompanied by MissLillie. Zimnieimi i., Z. F. Antrim and family visited wnlv Mr. and Mrs, Plnpps last Sunday, A number of Robin redbreasts m,u, their appearance in the valley just bc--fo e t e storm. Those few warm Sun-. ny nays deceived them. They thought, il time lor the hoppers to be out. George Wikeiham iirrivtd h(ie about t wo weeks brought wilt him a young man from S. D. the t have been batching for the past week and e presume by this lime betb are, thinking strongly of home sweet home, and mothers cooking. Mr. and Mrs. John Thayer, Clarenc and Lillie Zinimepman Annie and Arthur Miller took dinner with Mr. und Mrs. Irven Zimmerman last Sunday. IPe learn from the Prerh, Journal of the appointment of Cosard Persons an, successor to J. B. Burke. We h,iv known Cou for a number of years no.t believe him to be an honorable iu.d ob serving young nan and we wisb Im success in bia new Held of Uulsr. M. A.C. lavtt AseertcM Malice. Dlabop William B. Derrick ot Ner York, who U oter the 800, Afjlci: Methodist churches Id Peuaiyitfan..-i Now York, New Jertey and the N-r, England atatee, will deliver the sal mon at the three hundred aod IB.) third anniversary of the Huguenot church In OanUrbtirr.. Ean4. ta Wis . 't