Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 19, 1903, Image 7

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    Tlic Grip Leaves Thousands in Its Falli
Weak, ferrous, Dyspeptic, Catarrh Wrecks.
Tired Mother's Touching Story of
Anxiety and Suffering.
Cuticura Brings Blessed Cure to SKin
Tortured Baby and Peace and Rest
to Its Worn Out Mother.
"-Yrr f'n'i
nZ f- lif
ter f fills
like ili li I Hi;,
dyxjlfpsin H,u,
er catarrhal
(titi'nis rt hh
from the tin
the entire Mi
Steilica J i
found iiO renin
Unit equal 1'
V. IS.
man, I'reni
The Hurt
LIKK A KKMdX grip linn rroKsed our
country, leaving behind eore of
pliVKieal wri-ikx.
VirtiiiiH of enmrrh of f henrl, rstnrrh
ef the throat, riiljirrh of the limn?,
ratnrrh of the slniiiiirli, entiirrli of the
kidney, ratnrrh i,i the pelvic oimiik.
are tn he counted by Imnclri da of thou
mmdB. Grip in r'jid'niii -:i r.i. rh, and
now the weds of chronic catarrh n'uhin
the ytetn.
T)ii is f true that few crip milfcrcr
re able (o wake n complete recovery
until they hnvp uwd l'enina.
Never in tlic history of inrdioirtp luis
a remedy received mieli nnipinhliid ami
universal piilncies nn I'prnna.
A New York Aldrrmnn'a Kxprrlrnre.
I Ion. Joseph A. Flinn, nlderiiian Fifth
Ifialrirt. writes from PU 'hriHopher
afreet. New York City, n follow:
"When penlilcnee overtaken r.ur
peode we lake precaution k a nation to
prenerve the citizens iiKiiiunt the dread
"Ia frrippe lias enteri'd thousand of
our Inimea this fall, and 1 noticed that
the people who ii?ed l'ernna were iti'uk
ly restored, while I how? who depended
on doctor' preei-ipti.jns, spent weeks
In recovering, leaving them weak nnd
"I had a slight attack of la jtrippe and
at once took l'ernna, which drove 'he
Zurich hns is streets paved with
Perthshire men possess the largest
and heaviest brains In Scotland, de
clares Prof. Ramsay.
Sweden sent three quarters of the
four million gross boxes of matches
Imported into this country last ear.
It has tieen estimated that of every
100 pounds of food wc eat 14 pounds
are potatoes.
"What Luck!"
MliBY LUNCHKONS ma1r r-arly In a
trm nimmif(. The Wafr Slkrrl Smoknd
lork and Kin. Veal U-af, J'ottrd
Chicken aud UtlmiA vntX Ihmtf to eat.
Arc V. S. Government Inspected
K1 In thc rvniw fnr rmcTgtncra for
upper, itit Mmiwicfi'- for nny time
wivn feu want fcomfthinir wA and want
It quick. You Dimply tarn a kry and
the can i npn. An appetizing lunch la
rrady in ao instant.
Llbby, McNeill & Llbby
ChlcaO. III.. U. . A.
Write tor imt fr hM 'T1m t Mali
(,..! Thing to Kal."
25 cents I
pmr. ivn .
Or fX. OliMpMt food
a Barth for IIimp, SwIim,
nkimllTHliia kal
CWIm Dnr rmn
wm hmi n Mi it mm
wm fht r(4, kt Mli, il
mm. m UMarf nu, IM M. ft
frttila Motto and t Oo. .
Ma MiW 4 I farm
nii.kuf van i h mmn.
Sale 10,000,000
Xi. ML
: .tta . . .... i-T "
a few days
and did not hinder me from
my daily work.
"I should like to fee our Hoard of
Health give it official recognition nnd
liuve it lined Kcncrally nniuiiK our poor
nick people in Greater New I ork."
Joseph A. Flinn.
I. Ij. Wallace, a charter men, her of
the International linrher'n I'nion, writes
from 15 Western avenue, Minneapolis,
"Followinc a severe attack of la irrippe
I Rceined to lie affected liadly all over. I
suffered with a severe hitckaclie, indi
K'eKtion and tiumeroUH ills, fo I could
neither eat nor sleep, and I thought 1
would five up my work, which I could
not afford to do.
"Doe of my customers who was greatly
helped by l'eruna advised tnc to try it,
and I procured a bottle the same day. 1
used it faithfully ntol felt n marked im
provement. During the next two months
I took live bottles, anil then felt splen
did. Now my head is clear, :ny nerves
toady. I enjoy food, and rest well, l'e
runa has been worth H dollar n dose to
nie." D. I j. Wallace.
Mr. O.
II. Terry, Atchison, Kansas,
after repealed trials of your
I ernna and .Manalin, 1 give
this as my expression of the wonderful
Keep an eye on the man who boasts
of his honesty.
Tove in a cottage doesn't have a
Janitor to contend with.
It takes a cold snap to get the drop
on a thermometer.
There are 22 400 more females than
males in Cornwall, England.
Fifty university students are as
sisting with the extra work at Glas
gow post olllce.
Capsicum Vaseline
Put Up In Collapsible Tubes.
A Su) stitutf for and 8urirr to Muutard or any
OthT )rtt r, umj will not UinterUie mot delH'HW
ktn. Tb min HlUviriK and cumtivp huiUiU-m of
litis arll'-le an woinUrful. It will U)u ibe uoth
a'tie at vnw, ahI rmve tjcadai-tie auU ctaUt'Ji.
Wit rwvMitni"iid it as the Iiibih mrctxttrnal
erur.Ur-irriunt kn wn, alni ai an pxtruai rvuje
dy for itn in cIiknl an i V iua h aud all
rfiumau( nura!j:ii: and ouiy wjiniilaiuu.
A tnai will pMve what w rlnlm f'r It, and i
will b found lo m invulualle in ttt hout- hold.
littuy iK-.p e ay "It la ln bt of al your prep
Prti 15 wnti, at all drtiRcfiti, or other dealer,
or by vndiitic tbti amount to u 1Q poUtf ttampt
wo will iid you a tube by mull.
No article should be af-tid by the publlo nn
lest the (Mine ijirriti our Intjel, as otherwise tt it
Dot Kuuiue.
I "r jireei ' rw V.rk CMy.
flaMlnw WmH tHminl-
. aliMlMlil MUfiJaW
mmniUmoturmr m irtm wnna.
$25,'KK) BEWAS.D
111 t tld to anron "ho
Kl dlabfl ova Lb la ataoamant.
DariiiM W. L. DoukIm
a tha U tint m n u f ar tu n-r
M call bar cheaper and
Enxlue bla ihcxm at a
iwai nost tlian other cein
, Mrna, whirh eriall liim
, 10 ll unoM mr s.i.m buu
. 3.00 emial in every
a-ay to tlinw aold elun
abera fur 4 ami $5.00.
Tha IViuvtaa aarrat pro-
laaa tJ lannlnv tha bottom
ie prnliu?aa ahatv
MinnMluihM! mnra flamlltla aad will Wl
nft than mar othar 1 Annii ta tha world.
Tbalaa hava mara thaa doublad tha raat ftrar
E which provaa tta aujiarlorltr. why Dot
t w. I IKniala ahrM a trial and aave monav.
lairrraaa lint Halm: B.l, :,!
la )- tiwinMi,!..: a.l.ax ,.
A(aKrnaA.4A4l'',ain FmirYnir.
Worth M.OO Comparod with Othar Makaa.
TU tmporlti ani Amtrlran leathm. Htyft
Prnitit Calf, tn.im.l, Bm Calf, Calf, Hid Hit, Coram
Oolt, an Nallonal Kangaroo, fatl Color t yltU
Panflaa t Tha (anutna hava W. U IX)OOLJ
I viyilvQ t uraa and prloa aUnivwl em buttum
I J teal fc awali. (Da, tMlra. Illul. (alalot fret.
W. la. Mnaui, Hlil HTU!, MAM
Boxes a Year.
disease out of my aystcm in
V '"taw
""hi WSBJaW
From I
V. r.
' llurimj i
the recent
(I ewic,
via ini inj i
million vie-'1
thus or man .
'.he rfficuni''
nf J'emna in'
ijvickl'j re
lief in a thix
initially awl,
its after
licit has Item'
the. talk of lhA
irrinpnt." I
results of your very valuable medicine in
Us eflects in my case alter repeal irm..-.
First, it cured me ot enronic urm-
chitis of fifteen years' standing by intuit
two bottles of l'crunu in January, JtJ-.
and no return of it. . . .
"After I was cured of bronchitis 1 haJ
la grippe every winter for several win
ters. Hut, through the use of l'eruna.
it got gradually weaker in its severity,
until it dwindled down to a mere stupor
for two or three days. Now the stupor
does not trouble me any more." O. II
A CoriEi-essman's Kiperience.
Houe of Representatives,
Washington, D. O.
l'eruna Medicine Co., Columbus. Ohio:
(Jentleinen "I am more than satisfied
with l'eruna, and liml it to be an excel
lent remedy for the grip and catarrh. I
have used it in my family and they all
join me in recommending it as an excel
lent remedy."
Very respectfully,
(leorge II. White.
If yon do not receive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of IVruun.
write at once to Dr. Hartinan. giving a
full statement of your case, and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartmnn, President ol
The Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus, ().
There is no us trying to bring peace
of mind to the man with an Imagi
nary grievance.
Vienna just now is suffering from
a dust plague, the low temperature
rendering it impossible to water the
streets with safety.
Some men have a way of looking at
a woman which brings on an attack
of nervousness that cannot be con
trolled. A Fellow Feeling
Marnootli-RantinKtnn And yet
tlu-re should be a bond of sympathy
brtwrn us and tlic police.
Ills Lout! 1 hk Man How so?
Macliooth-RantinKton Why, we
both have our critics who don't do a
thing but roast s.- -Nr-w York World.
Many School Clill In n Are) Sickly.
Mother Gr.iy'a S'. t I'o viiT fm
Children, ust'l by Muthcr ir i.v. n ruu---In
Ohildren'i Home, New York, I'-rtvik np
Colda In 24 lionra, rure Cotistipatiou.
Kereriahneea, llendnrlie, Sfmiincli Troii
hlea, Teething Ulaordrr. move and rei;
nlate the bowela mid Itcstroy Wormx.
Sold by ail d ni(rair n or by moil, 25c.
Sample mailed KltKH. Addrcaa Allen S.
Olm.ted. U Uoy, N. 7.
Medicine as a profession for womer.
is constantly growing in popularity
In London. Women now holding
medical degrees In Great Xiritain num
ber more than 500.
All Tired Oat.
The trenry, worn
out, all-tired feel
itiffH come to every
body wlip taxes the
When the Kid
neys nre over-worked
they fall to per
form the dtillcH na
ture hns provided
for them to do.
When the Kid
neys fall danger-
ous diseases quick
ly follow. Urinary
ilsorders, dlnbetes,
dropsy, rheuma
tism, TtrlRht's ilis-
fnse. Doiiii'h Kidney Pill euro all
tldney and blndder ills. Head the fol
owlng cuse:
Veteran Joshua Heller of 700 South
iV ii hint street, Urhnna, III., says: "In
:he fall of lMil after gettlnR Ioan'
Sidney Tills at C'liiinlnnhiiin Ilros.'
Irug store In (hiiinpalun snd takln n
oursn of tho Ireiitment I told the read
irs of tills paper that they had relieved
ue of kidney trouble, disposed of a
a me back with pa I it ncrons my loins
Hit beneath the shoulder blades. Dur
ni the Interval v'hh'h has elapsed I
lave had occasion to resort to Doan's
Kidney 11 1 Is when I noticed warnings
f nn attack. On eneli and every ccca
ilon the results obtained were just ns
iiitlsfactory as when the pills were
lrst broiiKht to my notice. I Just as
mipbatleally endorse the prejinratlon
-dav as I did over two years as-o.''
A KHEH TltlAI.. of this great kidney
nedlelne which cured Mr. Heller will
) mailed on application to any part
it the United States. Medical advice
tree. Strictly confidential. Address
rofttcr-Mllhurn Co., HutTnlo, N. Y. For
tale by all drugflata, price DO cents
m box.
t-alt C'odliHli (howiler.
Witsh one pint of salt codfisTniroken'
into flakes and put to soak over nilit.
Cut half a pound of salt pork into dice,
fry crisp and brown, and in the fat
fry two onions chopped into fine dice.
Put in the soup pot a layer of flaked
fish and a layer of thinly sliced raw
potatoes. Sprinkle with onion, fried
pork, adil a dash of flour and pepper.
Cover with a layer of split crackers.
Continue In this order (ill the fish aud
one quart of sliced potatoes have been
used, 'Over this pour two quarts of
milk and allow the chowder to simmer
very gently for one hour.
Graham .Mnflinl.
For twelve innflitis there will be re
quired half a pint of graham, half a
pint of Hiiiir. one generous tahb spoon
ful of sugar, one tablespoonful of but
ter, half a teaspoonful of salt, one tea
spoonful and a half of linking powder,
one egg. and two gills and a half of
'milk. Mix the dry ingredients and rub
through a sieve. Turn the bran from
the sieve Into tho mixture. Beat the
'egg till light and add the milk to it.
Stir this Into the dry mixture. Add
the butter, melted, and beat well for
half a minute. Hake In buttered muf
fin pans for half an hour in a moder
ately hot oven.
Reception Kolla.
Scald one cup milk, add one table
spoonful sugar, one-qunrter cup of but
ter and one-half teaspoon salt. When
lukewarm add one yeast cake dis
solved In three tablespoonfnls luke
warm water and one and one-half cups
bread flour. Cover and let rise, then
add yolks of two eggs and floor to
knead. Let rise, shape, again let rise,
and bake In a hot oven.
Io p- Overs.
Sift Into a bowl one cupful of flout
and a sallspoonfnl of salt. 'Heat one
egg very light, add to it one cupful of
sweet milk. Stir this gradually so that
It will not be lumpy, into the flour,
give It two or three vigorous beatings
land pour It Into healed gem pans that
have been well greased. Fill them
about half full anil bnke them in a
very quick oven.
CmlSsh with Vegetables.
Freshen codfish and cut It In chops
about three by six Inches in size. Tut
Into hot water and set on the stove
.where it will barely simmer. Rolling
hardens the fiber of fish as it does of
meat. When the fish Is perfectly ten
der, drain, pour over It a butter sauce
anil serve for dinner with mashed po
tatoes, beet pickles nnd boiled car
rots. CreameJ Ovatera.
Clean and parboil one pint oysters
Iiraln and reserve liquor for making
sauce. Melt three and one-half table
spoonfuls butter, add five tablespoon
fills flour and pour on gradually oyster
liquor and milk or cream to make one
. i 1 one-half cups liquid. Sctisi n with
suit, pepper and celery sal:. Ib lunt
oysters In sauce.
Indian Menl Pone.
Prepare this as a hasty pudding, and
then thin It with hot milk to a creamy
consistency, and it can be served with
tt d'sh of crip. hot pirk scraps cut
very miiiiII. Try It before you decide
Hint you will not like it. Small dice
of blend fried like doughnuts are good
who it.
Frnit Punch,
Pour one cup strong tea over one cup
sugar. Add three-quarters cup orange
Juice, one-third cup lemon Juice, one
pint ginger ale. and one pint Apolll
narls. Strain into punch bowl over a
large piece of Ice and garnish with
slices of orange.
Caramel Cake Froatlna;.
Holl together a half cup of sugar,
three-quarters of a cup of cream and
a tablespoonful of butter until It
threads, then beat In four tablespoon
fuls of caramel (burnt sugar) and va
nilla to flavor. Fill and cover the
cakes with this.
Yankee Hrown Bread.
One quart corn meal, one quart rye
meal (not flour), one enp of molasses,
one-half cup of yeast; wet soft with
warm water and allow it to rise throe
hours. Hake in a very slow oven, or,
what la better, steam It for Ove hours.
Worked Hnth Ware.
"That sermon," remarked the parson,
after the benediction had been pro
nounced, "was the result of great men
tal effort on my part. It's preparation
kept nie awake nearly two-thirds of
the night."
"Queer what contrary effects a ser
mon will hare on people," replied the
old deacon. "I observed that the de
livery of the one you speak of pnt
nearly two-thirds of the congregation
to sleep,"
Ilia Little Scheme,
Kcntt "I am going to open an en
gagement In Sernutou next week."
ltoxy "I guess you'll do your best."
Kcntt "No, my worst. Then maybe
they'll tnrow coal at mo."
An Awfnl Jul I.
He (bashfully) May I er kiss your
baby alster?
8ho (In disgust) Oh, I suppose ao
If you are too cowardly to tackle a girl
nearer jour own alia.
It is no wonder that Mrs. Helena Rath was taken sick.
Single-handed, she did all the housework and washed, cooked and
mended for her husband, Hans, and their six children. After a
plucky fijjht to keep on her feet, Mrs. Rath had to yield, and early
in 1902 she took to her bed. What followed she told to a visitor,
who called at her tidy home, No. 821 Tenth Ave., New York City.
"I hired a girl to mind the chil
dren and to do whatever else she
could. I couldn't stay in bed lonff.
Sick as I was. it was easier for me.
to crawl around than to lie and
worry about my little ones. So
I g-ot up after a few days, and let
the girl go. I bad noticed that she
had sores on her face, hands and
arms, but I paid no attention to that
until Charlie, myonngeKt, began to
pick and scratch himself, lie was
then ten months old, and the pi rl
had paid more attention to him than
to any of the. others. Charlie was fret
ful and cross, but as he was cutting
teeth, I didn't think much of that.
Even when a ra.'h broke out on his
face I wasn't frightened, because,
everybody knows that that is quite
common with teething babies. Sev
eral of my others had it when little,
and I thought nothing about it.
" But the rash on Charlie's poor
little face spread to his neck, chest,
and back. I had never seen any
thing uite like it before. The skin
rose in little lumps, and matter
came out. My baby's skin was hot,
and how he did suffer I He wouldn't
eat, and night after night I walked
the floor with him, weak as I was.
Often I bad to stop because I felt
faint and my back throbbed with
pain. But the worst pain of all was
to see my poor little boy burning
with those nasty sores.
"I believed he had caught some
disease from the girl, but some of
the neighbors said he had eczema,
and that is not catching, they told
me. Yes, I gave him medicine, and
put salves and things on him. I
don't think "they were ell useless.
Once in a while the itching seemed
to let up a bit, but there was not
much change for the better until a
lady across the street asked me why
I didn't try the Cuticura Remedies.
I told. her I bad no faith in those,
things you read about in the papers.
She said she didn't want me to go
on faith nor even to spend any
money at first. he gave me some
Cuticura Ointment I think the
box was about half full and a
Diece of Cuticura Soap. I followed
The agonizing, itching, and burning of the skin as in eczema ;
the frightful scaling, as in psoriasis ; the loss of hair, and crusting
of the scalp, as in scallcd head ; the facial disfigurements, as in
pimples and ringworm ; the awful suffering of infants, and anxiety
of worn-out parents, as in milk crust, tetter and salt rheum, all
demand a remedy of almost superhuman virtues to successfully
cope with them. That Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent
are such stands proven beyond all doubt. No statement is made
regarding them that is not justified by the strongest evidence.
The purity and sweetness, the power to afford immediate relief,
the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, the absolute safety
and great economy have made them the standard skin cures, blood
purifiers and humour remedies of the civilized world.
ri'TK'tTKA RKMKPII'S nrr unlit tlirmighnnt tlio Hviliwd world. PRICES: Cntii-iiraTtnnolT.
nt., rum. ,!T 1k.H,Ih (in U' f'inii ') I:t Omtcil i'ills, 'I'ic per vinl of l ; Cuticura
l ; ii I nioitt . .vx-. per l-'.x.Hiiil Culii'imi Sorip. '.'.V. per tuI'M. Send tor tlie prent work," Humours
of tin- lilooil. Skin, unit Si-ulp, anil I low to 'urn Them." 4 liagw. 300 IMn-a, with Illustrations,
T'-"llinoiii!ilK ttiid Kirt'i tioiis in nil liiiipiiairi's. inoiu'lind .liipannw nnd Cliinew. British Depot,
27 a('h:irlcrhoiisc So., London, V.. l'"ii'n.-li I li-wit, r. Hue lie In I'aix, PariH. Ausl ralian Dejnot,
prietors, Ronton, V, H. A.
IXiii't, get discouraged. Even to
the oyster there comes an opening
when least expected. .
A Texas rutin with seven wives has
just been sent to the penitentiary.
Occasionally the law helps a man
out fif a bad set ape.
When a gentleman becomes engaged
to a lady in Russia he is expected to
send a present to her every day. This
custom makes long engagements ex
pensive, consequently they are the
Over 1000,000 people are now bay-
Inc cooaa from na at wboieaaie
price aavlDf 15 to 40 percent on every
thlnf tber nae, You can do It too.
Wbr not ask ua vo send yon our l.ooo-
pa-eoaulofuer-It telle toe smit. Send
IK cent for tt today.
The home that. till the tnitb.
(tpwirila of lOO.mt) AmarleM
h muimI In WMtaru OanaAs
during lh tMtS rrs. Thai ua
(lonlnntml. hp and prMroia
ana I tirw la room Ml I for ni I II ion!
Wonilarful JlalH of Whaul au4
otliar graina. HaatOraRlng Lanai
on lha Oontlnanl. MnB-ltlUcAnl
Urn at a, planu of walar and fnal. Ooof anhoia
aaaallaat eharohaa and aplasdid railway faollluaa,
Free Homestead of 160 Acres, Free
be only eharia balnc 110 for entry. Hon o the
S luln for an Allnaiind utliar liieratnra, aa aell at
j.MtS,tanlvii ou reituoad riuiwnr ratea, OW.
Mpertnieutlenl of Inning' atton, OtUiwa. Can.. Of tf
WJV. Reanett, Wl Mew York Life Bill., Omehe
Mob., the autkutlwd Canadian Uoverament acaat
a aunntfloeer. Ma .aaaa men i
A. UUUUnM. La Oeaaia, W ta.
Lara; eat gmornrntn petataMta Aatorwa, M
fnjL"Kerel UwT.r.r-1e.ietar'aker.
blfrtortaeyMdaf fdfk.. are.
Brtebonn, lie "math aree hfok and aaeayleof 1
Teaeta, (Mite. Mearanl Wheat, f ka. aw f
f laa eaHaea.
the directions, bathing Charlie and
putting that nice Ointment on the
" I wouldn't have believed that
my baby would have been cured by
a little thing like that. Not all of a
sudden, mind you. Little by little,
but so surely. Charlie and 1 both
got more peace by day, and more
sleep by night. The tores sort of
dried up and went away. I shall
never forget one blessed night when
I went to led with Charlie beside
me. as soon as I got the supper
dishes out of the way and the older
children undressed ; when I woke
up the sun was streaming in. For
the first time in six months I had
slept through the night without a
" Yes, that fat little boy by the
window is Charlie, and his skin is
as white as a snow flake, thanks to
the Cuticura Remedies. 1 think
everybody should know about the
Soap and also the Ointment, and if
it is going to help other mothers
with sick babies, go ahead and pub
lish what I have told you."
A man's thoughts are his own and
it often pays to hold on to them.
There was once a man who admit
ted there were others as smart as
himself but he died before the flood.
When a woman delves Into theolo
gy she evolves wonderful combina
tions of fact and fancy.
Nothing annoys the youth with a
bunch of keys at the end of his watch
chain like being asked what time it
Tht l,ult.i ...8 Dog.
O, the bulldog on the mat, and the
burglar in the hall; as the burglar
spies the doctor's tools the bulldog
near doth crawl.
O, the oursglar swipes the instru-,
ments and the bulldnc's on hlsfectt.i
and the burglar feeli t.he bulldog'!
teeth snap in his trousers' seat.
0,thc bulldog's at tlic"pants,"and
he's got a rare good grip, and the
burglar swears beneath his breath as
he feels the garment rip.
O, the burglar pulls like sixty, lmti
the bulldog stands his ground till thai
burglar's bitten trousers seat coma
off with an awful sound.
O, the burglar's o'er the, fence, and
the bulldog's at the door, but the
doctor's finest instruments are gone
O, the bulldog's "T)oc" McDon-
otigh's, and they both live at Mon
flalr.hut none, knows who the bruglar,
is Unit left, his "pants". seat there. I
New York World.
fast to light and washing.
The unexpected happens much lest
frequently than the expected falls to'
In damp or marshy districts It II
said that the rating of raw onions III
a preventive of nirilnrlnl complaint.!
Under a thick coating of snow the'
earth is usually nine or ten degrees
warmer than tbe air imroedl.telf
above tbe mow.