Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 19, 1903, Image 5

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Need of Leisure.
ij.lili'.W.S need holidays, but
strenuous life, especially for the
only for our physical welfare
to labor for only a reasonable
day. but for the Intellectual welfare of the whole,
nation.-Leisure for cultivating the little" amenities of life
is absolutely necessary. We must have time to study the
rt of playing. We need to take time to read, to study, to
reflect. The highest enjoyments of life come from Intel
lectual associations and accomplishments, but if one has
no time to attend to them he must miss their whole Import.
The uplifting of the laboring classes and the Improvement
of their physical conditions must come through this learen
lug of the whole muss with culture. Without that time to
read and observe what good will all the art museums and
public libraries nnd cheap papers amount to? We have
ail these to-day in abundance, and every year they are
being placed more generally at the disposal of all, but men
and women worn out with drudgery of toll cannot appre
ciate them. Worked up to the full limit of strength and
endurance, wluit cares a man or n woman for si lence, art,
music or literature? There must tlrst be leisure and sur
plus strength enough to make use of these great benefits
conferred by modern civilization. - Ledger Monthly.
Character of a Gentleman.
DR. JOHNSON said that ji mail's real character ould
appear from his pleasures, since no man Is a hypo
crite In his amusements; so Hie character of "the
gentleman will be disclosed by his admirations, and,
and, therefore, a moral philosopher enjoined his
hearers In his lectures to admire the good as a duty: "Love
Innocence, love virtue, love purity of conduct, love that
which If you me rich and great will sanctify the blind for
tune which has made you so, and make men call It Justice;
love that which. If yon are poor, will render your poverty
respectable and make the proudest feel It unjust to laugh
at the meanness of your fortunes; love that whlel will
comfort and adorn you and never quit you; that which
will make your motives habitually great and honorable,
, and light up in an Instant a thousand noble disdains at the
very thought of meanness and fraud."
It Is said that "all honest men, whether counts or cob
blers, are of the same rank, If classed by moral distinc
tions," and as conduct, which Is the true lest of morals, Is
the mark of the gentleman, the possession of money or
place In the world cannot make a gentleman, nor the lack
f them debar any one. however humble his station, from
the ranks of the gentleman. There Is a grace, a beauty of
eondiu t, depending on education, knowledge of the world,
long training and self culture, and Cardinal Newman In
depicting 11 gentleman of this kind, who has had all the
advantages of life, yet dwells on the moral basis as the
tndispi usable quality in lils characterization of the gentle
man; the man who realizes his Ideals in practice and up
piles the Golden Rule to conduct:
"It Is almost a definition of a gentleman to say he Is
esc v:):ft never Inflicts pain. Me ciirefuiiy avoids whatever
may cause a Jar or a jolt in the minds of those with whom
he Is cast all clashing of opinion or collision of feeling, all
restraint or suspicion or gloom or resentment his great
concern being to make every one at ease. He makes light
of favors while he does them, and seems to be receiving
when he Is conferring. He has no ears for slander or gos
sip, la scrupulous In Imputing motives to those who Inter
fere with him, and Interprets everything for the best."
Philadelphia Public U-dger.
Value of Human 1 ife.
A WIFE got $li)0,iH) damages In a new York court for
the death of her husband In the tunnel accident.
The suit was for flit xt, too. It was based on the alle
gation that the man's life hud a cash value to this
amount from the fad that he earned $.'!u.hk) a year
Already In suits caused by this accident damages of J.'Iu.immj
and $:Uhmi had been awarded, but $)hi.(kxi Is said to be
the largest on record. The fact Is well recognized that the
lives of men have a cash value based on the earning capac-
Ahram H. Hewitt, Statesman, Poli
tician kml Manufacturer.
A nut able figure of the metropolis,
w ho ha'! from an humble beginning at
tained national prominence passed
away in the di ath of
AbiHin S. Hewitt.
Mr. Hewitt died at
his home In New
York ofter a brief
Illness and his de
mise marks the cl ,sc
of au Interesting ca
reer. Abrani H t e v e n s j
Hewitt was horn In j
Haverstraw, N. Y
Jul; 31, 1S22, audi
abkam si h:witt. hi early education j
wan acquired in the public schools of.
New York City. At a special cxamlim-l
tlou, be gained a scholarship at Colum-1
bin University and he was graduated
In 1S42 at the head of his class. Ills
life In College was a round of hard
work, all his time, when he was not
studying,, living , lukcu up with teach-,
lug, by which means he supported lilm
self. Aftur his graduation, he remained
at Columbia for a year us an assist
ant luor, acting as professor of uuilhe
uiutlrs. In IM-i, wlille visiting Europe
he studl.il law and was admitted to
the bar the following year. Falling
eyesight led him to relinquish his legal
practice- soon after, and he then end red
Into the business which brought hi 111
bis first prominence.
Mr. Hewitt associated himself villi
tils brother-in-law, Peter Cooper, In the
Iron business and his great ability and
faculty for a ready grasp of details
soon placed the firm among the fore
Must In America. The firm was the
first to manufacture Iron girders and
supports to be used In fireproof build
ing slid bridges. At (be outbreak of
the civil war, he went to Eiighiad to
b urn the pnx ss of making gun barrel
Iron, American processes not yielding
satisfactory results, and on returning
lie showed Ilia patriotism by furnishing
the United States government with
material, during the war at a heavy
loss to his Arm. II Introduced many
Ideas Into the manufacture of Iron
which have greatly cbeapead tbt coal
f production and placed American
ftJ2 .
they need also a less
women. It Is not
that we should seek
length of time each
directly to the
Muuiuy. vuue
as this; It Is not
something to do
HE Industrial
uy voluntary
control or
sales last
about ? IO,00i,0)0
Known traveling
principal cities of
among consumers
sumers and divide
nous is in uieir
they offer to the
10 ineir nice vaiue,
and, as such, get
buy shares at an
In market value to
the people. San
i'j snouni
In the
of belief
be said that h11 our
quest Ions of "applied
pathy of the men
trust a religion that
from the practical
HE Postotfice
Civil War.
lfttEJ they
Iron producers at the head In the
world's markets.
Mr. Hewitt took an active interest In
politics in the metropolis. He was
elected to Congress In 1ST t and served
until IHsit. In October of the latter
year, he was the Democratic candidate
for .Mayor of New York, Henry George
and Theodore Hoosevelt being his op
ponents. He was elected after a memo
riable strife and served his term most
ecceptably. Mr. Hewitt was Chair
man of the Democratic National Com
mittee In 1.M7U. He visited the Paris
I'pOHltiiiii fin oiie of the 10 United
States Commissioners appointed for the
Mr. Hewitt was a frequent speaker
on subjects connected with finance,
lubor and the development of national
resources, and the United States geo
logical survey owes Its existence prin
cipally to an address delivered by hlui
In Its favor. In 1K7J. he was elected
president of the American Institute of
Mining Engineers. The plan of Cooper
Union, the society for the advancement
of science and art which bus become
one of the leading organizations In New
York, was devised by a Hoard of Trus
tees of which Mr. Hewitt was the ac
tive head and as Its secretury lie de
voted for over a quarter of u century a
vast amount of time and labor for Its
Retort of .Nearo to .MaKlal rate Creates
.Mirth, and KJrrtlnna Are Neceary.
A case was being tried In a down
town courtroom recently, In which an
Italian and a number of negroes were
witnesses. The negroes wire first
called upon to give their evidence.
With the exception of 11 childish In
clination to wander from the main
point at Issue, a tendency which In at
tempting to curb, afforded the attor
neys In the case nn opportunity for
strenuous effort, their testimony win
finally given to the entire satisfaction
of ull concerned.
Then came the Italian. His first
move brought an expression of dis
may aud perplexity to the faces of his
legal luqusltors. Without prelude or
provocation he began In the most ex
cited manner to pour forth a perfect
torrtut of Italian. Tbt perpleilty of
lty or the individual. A great many men carry life Insur
ance of $Imi,om) and more, but this fact perhaps rests on
another basis, as presumably the Insurance company does
not look at the earning capacity of the men as such, but
considers only generally the question of credit and base
trie insurance onhls pbyskml condition, age and willingness
to undertake the policy. The court case seems to go more
Individual's money-earning capacity as
liseiy me jury a verdict was not so jgre
Improbable that hostility to railroads had
with It. At all events, It establishes the
principle of assessment of a man's life on earning capacity
auu opens, one would think, a very pretty question akin to
the one that Is recognized In freight carriage.- Indianapol
Two Kinds of Trusts.
(rusts ore being fought in Cn-at P.. it i
co-operative organizations under Uh
consumers. There are now about 1.5m)
retail co-operative societies In that country. Their
year exceeded Jli.'.O.tMiO.lMX) In value, and
were divided In profits. While some well
retailers, who have their stores iii the
the United Kingdom, have the benefit of
extensive advertising, the retail stores tinder the direction
of local organizations have made even greater progress. A
combination of consumers may be called a trust, but theri
is a (lirterence between trusts which divide their profits
anti trusts which advance prices to con
profits among a few stockholders. The
defect In the organization of American industrial corpora
excessive capitalization. Were iiie stock
public represented by an Investment equal
me people wotuu oeconie stockholders
their share of the profits. But this pian
would afford promoters no other profit, than' their Invest
ment would entitle them to. There would be no $."i,Ox),(XK)
or $10,000,b00 for the service of promoters. In the course
of time It Is probable that the water will be squeezed out
of these Industrial corporations. If the public refuse to
Inflated valuation shares will depreciate
a point which will attract the dollars of
Francisco Bulletin.
Pulpit and the Pew.
iiko to pieau ror a little more courage
pulpit, both In dealing with difficulties
and In dealing with questions of duty
practical conduct. We nre all la
the disappearance of Sunday; em It
congregations have had clear teaching
about the principles on which Sunday observance should
be based and the practical rules which must be kept In
order to secure opportunities of rest and wo ship all
round? Is there not great timidity In treating many other
Christianity." such as the conditions
under which manufactures arc carried on, the rt-spoiisibiii
ties of Investors, and the stewardship of wealth? Thorny
subjects all of them, no doubt, but the penalty for shirking
them Is the Inevitable forfeiture of the respect and sym
who are In earnest, the men who dis
appears in any way to divorce Itself
guidance of life. London Guardian.
Sam's Business Methods.
Department of the United States was
a good deal of an Institution before the
In 1852 its receipts were $0,900,000. In
were $S.200,ooO. Last year they were
$1lM,KiH),(XH). The receipts of the department have
trebled since 1S.H2. They have increased $7)),IXX),0(K) In ten
years, and In the same time the annual deficit has fulleu
from WxxmxX) to J'J.Ooo.ooo. These are big figures on a
big subject. If the abuses In the postal business can be re
formed, no dllllcully will be experienced in making receipts
and expenditures balance. Congress should deal promptly
with postal affairs. They touch the welfare of the people
at many Important points. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
the attorneys was clearly shared by
the presiding magistrate, whose lin
guistic attainments ended with a
knowledge of his mother tongue. He
was completely taken aback, tun I no
plainly did his face express his feelings
that one of the darkles. Immensely
tickled by the oddity of the situation,
bust Into a loud guffaw. Instantly the
Judicial eye was bent upon the offender
with threatening severity, and the mag
isterial voice fairly boomed through the
suddenly quiet room.
"Stand up, sir! Stand up!"
Trembling from the consequence
probably attendant upon his want of
respect, the culprit obeyed amid an Im
pressive silence.
"Mir," asked the Judge, with an omin
ous frown, "can you designate anyone
here who speaks Italian?" Half fright
ened out of his wits by the terrible
possibilities which he Imagined to be
con incut upon his failure to point out
such a person, the darky rolled his eyes
fearfully In the direction of the Italian
and designating the latter with a
trembling forefinger stammered In
tremulous tones:
"Yals, hiiIi, Judge, youah honah, dat
man do.
Order was only restored after three
of the spectators who could not, or
would licit, control their mirth had been
ejected from the crowded courtroom.
An Homo Others lo.
"They say," said Willie's mother, as
they were watching the "Armless
Wonder" wind his watch, write his
name, and do other remarkable things
with his toes, "that he can play the
piano; but I don't see how."
"That's easy, mamma," replied Wil
lie. "He can play by ear."-Youth's
Companion. ,
Trade In 4criiiany.
Trade In Germany has never been
at such a low ebb, and the large towns
are filled with thousands of persons out
of work.
"I have so many things on my mind,"
complained a women to-day, "that my
brain Is beginning to sag In the mid
dle," It Is too bad that people who gossip
a great deal do not occasionally abut
down for lack of fuel.
Americans a a Hula Make the Bast
Lawyers in the World.
At a recent celebration of Forefa
thers' day at Brooklyn President Wood
row Wilson of Princeton responded to
It toast und took occasion to pay a trib
We to the legal acumen of the aver
ige American of intelligence. "The
motive of the forefathers of our na
tion," he said, "was that of religious
faith and dependence. This motive
has becomes national. I do not say
Ihere is no other motive, but this dom
inates and permeates the nation. Be
cause of the motive is the achieve
ment of the American vision of the
Idealistic for public service.
"i believe in the utmost fr lom of
combination In a free country. There
s no people so able to form combina
tions as the American people. We
are born lawyers. There Is no race
that produces a people so capable of
elf-government, because there is tin
Inborn sense of the power of combina
tion always under parliamentary
'I have heard denunciations and the
expression of fear ut the concentra
tion of Interests. The doubts extend
to a plan for u concentration of gov
ernment with a one-iiian head. I should
pity the man who undertook such a
government. The inborn parliamen
tarians and the independence of
thought or the race would make his
lot a hard one. He would need to
place a policeman at the elbow of
every man and 1lien he wouldn't be
sure of the policeman.
'The American has no patience with
inetliciency. We haven't time to put
up with It. I know a great many un
comfortable things are said about our
city governments. It is even custom
ary lor uh when asked about them to
say that we haven't time to discuss
them, but we ought to discuss them
But we ought also to know what th
trouble is and the time will come when
we shall know."
President Wilson then went on to
sny that the broadening education
given by the universities would go
long way to help solve the problems,
If great cold turned our atmosphere
to liquid air it would make a sea thirty-
five feet deep over the surface of the
whole globe.
It Is one of the privileges of Chi
nese commanding otlicers that they
may only be beaten by the hand of
their generals.
The Bushmen, or low-grade Hotten
tots, on the plains of South Africa
have a language which has been de
ciurcu o.v 1 nil. uarmor in lie a Close
approximation to that of the higher
ipes. It consists of hissing, clicking
und grunting sounds.
A watch made entirely of ivory
works, hands and case is the produc
tion of M. Henri Hourlet of Chaux-de
rouus, swiizcriuuu. j lie material em
ployed was taken from a billiard ball.
The watch keeps good time, vuryln
only about a minute a month.
w ii me .waiicriiorn an iron cross was
set up nvently, It was dedicated by
the celebration of mass at, probably,
the highest altitude on record in Eu
rope. The Abbe Carrel climbed to the
top, taking with him the vestments.
the necessary vessels ami an altar
About live years ago a Maine woiiuti,
taking 11 consumptive husband to the
.mountains of Arizona, was shown nn
old abandoned claim by her Indian scr-
ant. She took it, with great dilliculty
.secured .f.'iHl to work It, and before the
ear was out sold It for $."iO.(XK) and a
life Interest.
While Kiver, Ark., is said to be tha
rookedest stream In the United States.
travels one thousand miles In Ira v.
rslng a distance of three hundred, zig
agglng. winding, twisting, curving,
bending Its mazy, tortuous way through
the beautiful Ozark Mountains tlm
Alps of America.
This country Is not the only ona
where unconsidered trifles arc; snapped
up by manufacturers and put to prac
tical use. In China the down of thci
thistle Is gathered and mixed with raw
silk so Ingeniously that even experts
nre deceived when the fabric Is woven.
Is also used to stuff cushions us a
substitute for eiderdown, and a very
good substitute it makes.
Latest in Mini k mull.
Paris has been the home of "black
guard urts and Industries" ever since
the days of Villon, and now, uccording
to the Figaro, the subtle art of black
mail bus been carried to a higher stage
of refinement by the use of the carrier
pigeon. Thus the Inventor: "It Is very
simple; when you have got hold of
some one by the threat of sonsatlonul
revelations, of awkward documents,
or, more simply, when you have stolen
some deeds which you are ready to re
store for a fair consideration, you are
always pretty sure to get caught In go
ing to the poste-ristante to get the re
ply with the cash. With my plan there
are simply no risks. You send the bird
In a basket to your client with a little
aiote to this effect: 'If within twenty
lour hours you do not set the pigeon at
liberty after having fastened under Its
wing ten one thousand franc notes, you
will catch it." " This Is pleasantly called
le vol au vol. "Oh, that I had wings of
11 dove," will 110 longer be regarded as
the sigh of Innocence,
Women take more rapidly to kin; a
bride Is calling ber husband's parents
"mother" and "father" before ber
wedding ring Is warm, but her hus
band never quite gets around to ber
Bunko Game.
-Mrs. Newed "I would like a pound
of your best cheese."
Grocer "Yes, ma'am."
Mrs. Newed (examining it) "Why,
this cheese Is full of holes'"
Grocer "Yes, ma'am. That's the
way it comes."
Mrs. Newed "Well, I don't want any
of It. I'm not going to pay for a pound
of cheese that contains a half pound of
Proof Positive.
She Yes; Dolly loves Jack, and Jack
Is In love with some other girl.
He How do you know?
She Why, I heard her say last night
that he was an Idiot. Illustrated Bijs.
Supply and Demand.
"Say," exclaimed the haggard-looking
man as he dashed into the drug
store, "got any soothing sirup?"
"Sure," answered the druggist.
"What size bottle, please?"
"Bottle be hanged!" rejoined he of
the haggard look. "Gimme a two gal
lon Jug full of the stuff. It's twins."
Another Point of View,
"Do you know," said the young M.
D. who is inclined to talk shop, "that
jiiiiiikhid is subject to more than 3.UOU
"Yes." replied Miss Caustlque, "and
I am also aware of the fact that there
were only three or four on the list
when the doctors began to get their
work In."
Filing the Hlame.
Police Judge "Jaggsby, this is the
fifth time you have been up before
me charged with being drunk and dis
orderly." Jaggsby "That's right,
but it ain't my fault."
Police Judge "Whose
Jaggsby "The police's.'
your honor;
fault is It,
"I wish I could remember what It
was my wife told me to bring home
this evening."
"Why didn't you make a memoran
dum of It?"
"Confound It, I did! I wrote it on
my cuff when I started from home,
but the cuff Is all one color now."
Mixed as to Lees.
'Irst Old Soldier Yes, my left leg
was iert nil right, but my right leg
was left on the battlefield.
Second Old Soldier Say, Comrade,
what leg are you talking about?
An Opportune Time.
He - I've decided to speak to your
father to-night.
She- Oh, who told you so?
He Told uie what?
She -That he sprained his ankle
Poor Oirll
' Poor Clara!"
"Why pity Clara?"
"She married a genius."
More the Merrier.
Nell -"There Is nothing more delight
ful than the knowledge that a man
Is In love with you."
Bess "oh, 1 don't know. What's
the matter with the knowledge that
two or three men ore In love with
lie-1 shall tell the world that you
have rejected me.
She What! And give me a reputa
tion for so much wisdom?
The lanae of It.
"Your husband's face wears a ha
bitual frown."
"Well, lie's iu the theater orchestra
and the man the soubrettea smile at."
'54 J3o
The Professor.
" The doctor "A queer case of Inaan
ity came under my notice the other
day. The fellow is perfectly sane so
long as anybody is looking at him, but
raves violently when his friends quit
watching him."
The professor "IFmph ! Out 0
sight, out of mind."
Facta in theCaae.
"I believe in a man telling his wifa
Just what he thinks."
"Yes, of course. But they tell me)
that since your marriage you have)
been afraid to think."
Love and Lovera.
Love Is Indeed a paradox.
Lovers? As to these.
.Some think they an a pair of duck1.
And some a pair of geese!
Look ins in Wrong Place.
"Is lie a young man of brains?" in
quired an old gentleman respecting a
swell youth.
"Well, really," replied the daughter
"I have had 110 opportunity of Judging.
I never met him anywhere except la
A Cad Munch.
I could only share the
sorrows of magazine
"Ah! If
'Sorrows? Why, do they have
"Do they? Don't they? Every let
ter I get from any one of then
breathes regret!" Baltimore News.
Uncle Reuben Sara:
"Dar am heaps of people who an
alius lamentin' de wickedness of de
world, but I am not one of 'em. When
I sot down an' remember dat my hen
roost has only bin robbed twice in
twenty y'ars I am surprised dat man
kind Is as good as it is."
Breakinir It Gently.
The Dootor-My poor boyl I'll tell
you the worst! You'll be well Just at
time school opens again!
The Soubrette "Yes, the great trage
diau says lie is going to play in the
alms asylum for charity."
The Comedian "Well, he Is used to
playing before poor houses."
One Consolation.
Hewitt After all I've spent on that
girl her father chased me out of the
Jewelt Well, you had a run for your
Where the Obligation Lay
The Patient Of course, doctor, if my
appendix has got to come out, that
settles it.
The Doctor No. Y'ou settle It.
"Your husband Is a great flirt."
"Indeed; has lie been amusing him
self with you?"
What He Waa Doctor Of.
Tommy Flggjam-What makes peo
ple call Reverend Longwynde "doc
tor?" What did he ever cure any
body of?
Paw Figgjam He's cured many m
person of a supposedly hopeless caae
of insomnia.
She-Didn't I tell you yon couldn't
hug me?
He Forewarned is forearmed.
More Practical.
Cyrus I see yeotir darter la glrtln
pretty spry aroiin' that thar artist who
can draw landscape.
Silas Yeas, but he ain't worth hla
salt on a farm. I'd rather she'd marry
some one who could draw water.
Hon lit fill HwcetneM.
She-Wnsn't It a lovely honeymoon
darling? 1
He Oh, wasn't it, sweetlel
She-My only regret is that It aiay
never happen again.
Ilia l.xperience.
Wcderly- 'That old adage about mai
rylng In haste and repenting at leis
ure Is the rankest kind of nonsense."
Singleton "Because why?"
Wederly-"Becuuse a married man
has no leisure."
A Onod Illnatratloa.
Teacher You say that heat expands
and cold contracts most substaaecs.
Give an Illustration, please.
Smart Pupll-We bars tha leaurast
days In summer and tb nhortsat la