Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 19, 1903, Image 4

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    9 The Call to Prayer
& L
ctAMES Grayson stood at the
jl doorway of his apartment.
' Until that hour be had shared
tbla hoeie with his brother Robert
Now he was leaving in anger that dis
torted his face. There wan hatred in
the heart of James Grayson for this
bll brother whom he had loved.
Robert Grayson stood within the
room wtth an appealing look in his
eyea. "Don't go this" way, Jim," he
aid, "I did not know; I never Raw it,
Jim. I may have been blind but I did
not know; I did not even suspect, Jim,
that your feeling for Helen was deep.
I never wronged you in my life and
I did not tueau it now. Stay, boy. I
can't bear this thing. We have always
ibeen brothers in much more than
, "Stay? I hate you, Itotort Grayson.
You call yourself my brother, and yet
you undermined me in the affecfious
of the only woman I ever loved. I hate
you, and I will hate you to all eterni
ty. You tricked me; you and the wo
man. My hope is that I shall never see
you'alive again."
"Jim " ISut James Grayson had
gone. j
James and Robert Grayson, brothers,
had been companions from their ear
liest boyhood. The elder, James, had
always betn of a grave disposition,
grave to sternness. The younger, Rob
ert, had a disposition like the sunshine.
He was easy going, a believer In all
men and with a love for his grave
brother that filled all of his big heart.
Their father, William Grayson, had
died and left each a fortune. Their
mother they lost when James was 34
and Robert was 10. The brothers had
grown to manhood and each had fallen
In love with Helen Wright. The girl
was an orphan living with a superan
nuated, maiden aunt. Helen taught in
a North Side school. The Graysons
had met her through the medium of
a busimss matter which they jointly
bad transacted for the aunt. James
Grayson's love for the girl was like
his nature, deep yet undemonstrative.
The girl knew what woman doesn't
know when a man is in love with her
but she gave him no encouragement,
though James Grayson's temperament
made him think the lack of demonstra
tion did not mean necessarily lack of
love. He had a certain confidence in
himself that kept him free from the
thought that his love might not be re
turned. Helen Wright held her heart for
Robert Grayson. He wooed her and
won her quickly. He was ignorant of
his brother's feeling, and when be caioe
iu irll the brother that Helen was to
be his wife he knew nothing of the
blow that he was to indict
James Grayson had taken Helen's
kindness to hira as Robert's brother to
mean love. He made himself believe
that I lie girl had led him on, and that
his brother had undermined her affee
tiotH. His nature was oue of which
made hira hold to a fancied wrong as
one that was real, and so be left Rob
ert with anger In bis heart and with
something that was little short of a
curse on bis Hps.
ThU was twelve years ago. Jair
Cnryson left Chicago and weat to 1
rope. He stayed In capital after
ttal. He knew that Robert and llei.L
were married. After the murriage he
bud received letters from both, gentle,
enir ating letters, but James Grayson
bad closed his heart He bud taken
Quired Into It, and had abut the door.
"I hate I lie in both," he aald to himself,
"and bate them I alwaya will."
The years went by. 'James Grayson
Sti'l stayed abroad. Letters came
from Itotort, but they were unopened
and unanswered. One day there reach
ed James Grayson in Ioodon a letter '.
with the address printed la a childish
baud, lie waa puxsled and opened It.
In printed letters Inside the flrat words
which caught, his eye were, "Dear
Uncle Jim." A look that had btea a
stranger to James Grayson's face for
years ws (here for a second. Then
there came aternaeaa again, aad the
Kbit tetter waa crumpled aad thrown
ttatre. .
Cm cay Jaasea Grays raad an
Assertraa newspaper. He looked at
Marfctl au. ' It aMUi'
news of the loss In a mining venture
of every penny of the fortuue of Robert
Grayson, millionaire, Chicago. Cou
pled with it was the stateiueut that
Robert Gravson was ill.
What James Grayson's thoughts were
after reading that announcement he
alone knows. lie paced his room In
the London hotel for hours, and at the
end of what must have been i.s struggle
with himself he was the same unfor
giving man as before.
A year went by. It was now nearly
twelve vears since James Grayson had
seen his brother. Business called the
wanderer to New Orleans. It was an
imperative summons. He hated Amer
ica. In New Orleans be met a man
whom he had known In Chicago. The
man looked upon him as one returned
from the dead, and then blunderingly
spoke, saying: "You know aliout Rob,
of course. He lost his money, saving
only enough to pay his just debts. Then
lie became 111, and 1 hear he is dead."
James Grayson went his way. He
worked at his business affairs all day,
but In his mind and heart and soul
were the words, "Hob is dead." lie
went to his hotel, and from a recess
in his trunk he took a packet of let
ters, selecting one. It was the last
letter his mother had written to him
when he was a schoolboy. She had
written it Just before her death.
James Grayson read: "You are older
and stronger than Robert' and of a
deeper nature. Look after the boy
when your mother is not here, for she
cannot stay long."
James Grayson paced his room again.
The nest morning he left New Orleans
for Chicago. He reached the city on
Saturday and went direct to the office
of a man who iu the old days was a
friend of the family. James Grayson
was not recognized, for he had changed
much with the years. He did not make
himself known, but asked abruptly, "Is
Robert Grayson dead?"
"No," came the answer, "but "
.Tomes Grayson did not wait to henr
the answer in full. He turned on his
heel and left
Living! The old hate stole back Into
his heart. Dead he could have for
given him, but living never. It was
Sunday morning. Grayson went to
the North Side and walked past the
old familiar places where had played
and lived as a boy and where he had
grown tn manhood. He stood in front
of a gray stone church. He had wor
shipped there with his father and moth
er and Rob. Something stole over
James Grayson at the sight of the old
church. "If I could only pray," he
groaned. He had not seen the inside
of a church for more than twelve years,
but something moved him and he went
in. Fate and the usher led him to the
old pew. He was late. A cherub-faced
choir boy was singing a solo. Was it
fate again? The boy, with a voice like
that of the hermit thrush, was sing
ing: O Tbou, by whom we couie to God,
The life, the truth, the way.
The path of prayer Thyself hast trod;
Lord, teach us how to pray.
James Grayson felt something come
Into bis throat The toy sang on:
Prayer is the contrite sinner's voice,
Returning from bis ways;
While angels in their songs rejoice.
And cry, "Behold, he prays!"
Was It the voice itself or was It the
words? Robert Grayson was on bis
After the service Grayson waited for
the appearance of the boy singer. The
cholrlster came out. His clothes were
neat, but patched and threadbure.
Grayson went to the little fellow and
said. "You did something for me to
daytake this," and he slipped a $10
bill Into the boy's hand
The little fellow looked at It then
Stishcd and smiled, "Papa will get well
bow. He can have what the doctors
"la your father alck?" aaked Grayson
"Yea," aald the boy simply.
"Take me to him." (Jrayaon'a heart
wai warm that morning, though It waa
the flrat bitter cold day of the year.
The lad led hla weat to Market
etreet aad up soma dark etaira Into a
rear room. A asaa waa and tbla lay
upoo a bed la the corner. little wo
ma a atood aaar.
X "T
I J a nun Grayson looked and staggered
back. A light come Into the eyes of
the sick man and a smile Into hie face.
"Jim." he cried, and held out a tbin
"Rob! I am here, thank G&X, KaJ
j not too late to save you."
j And James Grayson was at tlM bed
side and on his knees for the second
time that day iu prayer Chicago Uec
ord Herald.
Household K fleet a Can Be Transported
with Very Little Trouble.
"In these days," said a storage and
van man, "it Is Just as easy to move
from New York to Ixuiduii as from
New York to Hotokcu. Oue'g furni
ture and household - effects - can- be
transmitted across the Atlantic In vans
a easily as across the North River.
"Of course, vans have long been
used here for comparatively long
distance moving by rail and steamboat.
It Is a common thing in summer, for
instance, to see teams on the decks
of boats running to and from this
city. They just run the vans atoard
on their own wheels, and run 'em off
at the other end of the line, and back
in the country, or wherever tliey want
to take tliem.
"The vans used In trans-Atlantic
moving are lift vans. They are really
van todies and can to lifted from their
wheels and swung onto a cur of trans
Krtation by rail or down a hatchway
into a steamer's held.
"At the end of its rail or water
transportation t lie van can as easily to
lifted off the car or out of the steam
er's hold and swung upon the trucks
upon which It Is to be hauled to the
house where the goods are to be put.
"Who are the people that thus cas
uallv onck ijn u'S move serf!,". the At
lantic? Well, they may be foreign
merchants who have been living In
this country, but are now going back.
They may also be Americans who are
going abroad to live.
"With the modern facilities for the
transportation of people and goods ev
erywhere and the very great Increase
in travel there are now many people
who, crossing the Atlantic for a more
or less extended stay, take their house
hold goods with them.
"Of course, there are people moving
In this way all the time from Kurope.
as there are people moving thither
from here, and when we move any
body over we want, of course, a freight
back; we don't want to bring our
vans back empty, and we move some
tody this way.
"Iu some German cities there are
published weekly newspapers, or rath
er extended bulletins, devoted to the
interts of the storage van men. In
those several publications you would
find lists of the vans to to had Iu the
city where the list was published and
other information concerning them. In
cluding the name of the owner of the
van, where It was from. Its cubic ca
pacity, where It would to at disposal
and the name of its agent or the rep
resentative of Its owner, at the point
where this list was published.
"Foreign lift vans come filled with
household effects to American porta
and through the representatives of
their owners here they get return ship
ments, as American vans in Europe,
through their representatives there.
get shipments this way.
"So you see that really In these days
It Is about as easy to move to Kurope
as It would be to move Into the next
block, and there Is lots of trans-Atlantic
moving." Now York Sun.
Young Man Inadvertently Mixed Hiial
nCMK with Mia Social Note.
There is no worse literary style than
that of the ordinary business letter,
which begins, "Yours received and
contents noted. In reply would say
that we received orders for goods 'MKh
ult, and shipped same day following."
When this style gets mixed up wltb
the formal conventlouanity of "socie
ty" correspondence, as related In a
story In the New York Times, the com
bination is funny. A young woman In
Baltimore received this letter:
"Mr. limiiK requests nis compllmenta
to Miss Dash, and requests the picas-
ure of her company at the theater
Thursday evening next.
"Awaiting an early reply, and hop
ing It will to favorable to our propo
sition, we are, yours very truly,
The writer was the junior partner
iu a large manufacturing company.
He had written many letters that day
for the compaay and signed the name
of the firm, and the stereotyped
phrases of commerce ran off his pen
from habit
The lady", however, understood what
had happened, and waa equal to the
occasion. The next day the young man
was astonished to receive this reply:
"Messrs. Blank & Co.: Gentlemen--Your
favor of recent date at hand and
contents noted. In reply will say I ae
( ept the proposition therein made aud
hold the goods ordered subject to yr.
further Instructions. Very respect
fully. MIS.S DA.? II."
Of course it was easy to apologize to
a woman with so much humor as that,
but the young man had to listen for a
long time to the question, "Ifow'a
Name of French Nhlpa.
French ahlpa are usually named
after French provlncea or towna, vic
tories, Ideas or sentiments, but no
French names, excepting those of
great men la their history, are made
use of. German sblpa bear the names
of German livers, porta, posts, states
aad characters la German literature,
Spanish ahlpa art almost larartably
aamsd after their dtlaa or great eom-maaders.
Gambler Won It, bat Carries a Rear
"This scar which you see on the
back of my right hand has a history,
mid whenever I look at It I drift back
mentally to the earlier days of in
life," said the old gambler, "and can-
not suppress a feeling that somehow
men are often forced Into channels
which are not exactly what they would
like. While not altogether smothered
with regrets I feel that this Is true
iu my own case. When I recall the
scries of bright things that have hap
leuel, the moments and hours and
days sH-nt with congenial spirits, the
spicy bits of narrative which have
marked the progress of many evenings
but why mention all theses things
"I am drifting ou to the closing hours
and I guess after all the old man's,
chief delight Is in memories of thlnga
and happenings of the earlier times.
Coming back to the scar on my hand,
I paid rather dearly for It. It Is a
pity that I cannot weave around this
experience a bit of romance which
would heighten the color of the yarn
and give brilliance to the lines. But
this Is simply a gambler's story ami,
while not exactly prosaic. It does not
take on any of that prettier coloring
such as one finds, for instance, In Co
nan Iioyle's story about how the major
lost one of his ears. He gave up his
ear to save a woman. I got the scar
reaching for an ordinary stake in a
game of cards and no large stake nt
"It was many years ago. That fe
verish impulse to gamble was just get
ting into my blood. One night I fell
Into a game with a crowd of men, all
of them but one strangers to me. The
game had not progressed far before I;
became a ware of the fact that I was
playing against two card sharks. Luck
was my way on the last round and
my hand called for the stake. Rut one
of the sharpers was bent oil getting
my last penny, and he threw down a
better hand than mine and one which
I knew lie had faked. A quarrel be
gan and I reached out for the stake,
covering the money with my right
hand. As I did so one of the simpers
whipped out a long bladed knife and
at Jibbed at my hand. The blade pass
ed through my hand and into the table.
Hand, money and all were pinned to
the table, and until my friends came
to my rescue I was In a helpless con
dition. My friend pulled the knife out
and released me. I got the stake and
the scar which you see on the back of
my hand is only a part of the price,
and a small part at that, which I made
for it. The excitement and novelty of
the experience Intensified the gambling
Impulse which had fevered the blood
and tissue of my nature, Mml uitt,. a
time I have been a helpless and hope
less gambler, enjoying the usual for
tunes of the man who spends his life
in tiiis strangely fascinating world."
New Orleans Times-Democrat
How the I ack woodsman Kept from
Freezing; to Death.
From the "Life and Adventures of
Davy Crockett," as related by himself,
one gathers the Impression that the
sturdy old backwoodsman of Tennes
see was prouder of the nnmber of
bears lie had killed than of the num
ber of votes which he afterward re
ceived for Congress. On one occasion,
during a winter In which he secured
lo5 bears, he devised a novel way to
save himself from freezing.
I managed, he says, to get my bear
out of this crack (an earthquake scam),
afier several hard trials, and then I
lay down and tried to sli-ep. But I
suffered very much from cold, as my
leather breeches and everything else
I had on were wet and frozen. My
fire was bad, ami I couldn't find any
thing that would burn well. I came to
the conclusion that 1 should freeze If
I did not warm myself In some way
by exercise.
I got up and shouted a while, and
then I togan jumping up aud down
wltb all my might, and threw myself
Into all sorts of positions.
But all this wouldn't do, for my
biood was now getting coid and the
chills coming all over me. I was sd
tired, too, that I could hardly walk;
but I thought I would do the best I
could to save my life, and then if I
died, nobody would to to blame.
I went to a tree about two feet
through, with not a limb on It for
thirty feet and I climbed up to the
limbs. Then I locked my arms to
gether around it aud slid down to the
bottom. This made the insldes of my
legs and arms feel mighty warm and
good. I continued tills till daylight
and how often I climbed up my treo
and slid down again I don't know, but
I reckon at least a hundred times.
Tickled Hherlean'a Fancy.
Gen. "Phil" Sheridan waa at . ono
time asked at what little incident did
be laugh the most
"Well," he said, "I do not know, but
I always laugh when I think of the
Irishman and the army mule. I was
riding down the line one day, when I
saw an Irishman mounted on a mule
which was kicking Its legs rather free
ly. The mule finally got Its hoof
caught In the stirrup, when. In the ex
citement, ' the Irishman remarked:
'Well, begorrah, if you're golu' to gel
on, I'll get offr "
Carefully Tra ned.
"Mr. Whitney la a thorough bellevei
In the theory that the training of boraei
can't be carried too far."
"Indeed r
"Yea. Whenever one of the horses li
sick bo la always attended by a trained
aoraa." Cleveland nam ueaier.
Batter not encourage goaalp; nd
a to boay wltb all of as.
How the Boys of Both Arm lea Whiled
Ajr Life in Camp Foraging Ki
periencea, Tlreaome Marchea Thril
ling Scene on the Battle6eld.
I was captured at Atlanta the day
Mcpherson fell. In making a charge
with about a dozen comrades we were
surrounded by Confederates and made
prisoners. We were taken to two or
three places and finally to Auderson
vll! about the 1st of October, 1S04. I
remained there until the latter part
of November. I was out one evening
with a detail of fellow-prisoners, under
a guard, to get wood with which to
cook our scant rations. I had been
subject to occasional spells of sick
headache ever since I could remember,
and Southern prison life did not help
them. I felt deathly sick at starting,
but managed to stagger along with the
others until we got to the place to get
tho wood. Here I gave out entirely,
and I have since been told I looked as
if dead. Two of the guard came up
to me two or three times, and one of
them gave me a punch with his bay
onet which fortunately did not go very
deep. They then left me, thinking I
was dead. I lay there until some time
In the night, when I came to, and af
ter sitting up a little while found the
lllziness gone, but felt terribly weak
and hungry. I was very much confused
at first, but as my head became clearer
the hope of escape entered it, and I
determined to use my little strength
in getting as far from Andersoiivill-'
as possible. So 1 rose to my feet, ai'd
getting a dead stick to lean on, stag
gered into the woods quite a distance.
Then, as the moon was past full, and
now getting pretty well toward the
West, I determined to guide myself
by It to keep from going In a circle.
So, going very slowly, I kept on until
daybreak, when I again dropped, this
time from exhaustion. I lay about
an hour, when I again rose and went
slowly on, chewing twigs as I went,
to try to stop the gna wings of hunger,
until I came to a creek, not very wide,
but deep, with a strong current. After
bathing my head and face I followed
its course a while, to find means to
cross it. for the weather was quite
cool, and I shivered in my rage. While
keeping along the stream I found a
yine with wild grapes tliHt had bung
on it and dried. I commenced eattiig
them, and while doing xo, I heard a
sound that fairly frooze the little blood
left in my veins with terror. It was
the distant bay of bloodhound
They hud gone to look for my body,
and not finding any, had realized that
I had given them the slip, and were
flow in pursuit. Aii this flashed
through my mind as 1 stood there,
fairly perspiring In my terror.
Then, wltb the strength of despair,
'I rushed to the stream, ran along the
bank until I found a small dry log
which I managed to get Into the water
and sprang in after it. It seemed to
chill me to the bone; but It was my
only chance of life, and I clung to the
log and floated down stream for a
while; then, when I came to a broader
place where the water was not so deep,
I let it go and worked across to the
other bank. This would have been
easy enough when 1 wus myself. I.ut
now I was so weak that It was hard
work. But 1 got there at last and was
about to land In a thick bunch of
hushes close by the edge when they
were parted by a large bony-looking
man, who must have tocn over six
feet in height and who seemed to be
all bone ami sinew, without a pound
of waste flesh on his frame. I start "d
and gave It up for lost, but lie said:
"Well, toy, I guess you have give them
the slip over at that rebel hell-hole"
pointing In the direction of the pris
'mui pen), "and If you want a friend I
am yer man; but hurry or the hell
hounds will ketch ye. (Jo to that log
thar with the end in the water and I'll
git ye on my back and tote ye awiy
wild as directed and he took me on his
shoulders and started off at a rapid
pace through the woods. And there
'was need of haste.for the fearful yelps
of the bounds could be beard coming
perilously near. IU also gave me his
coat which he had removed to wrap
around my shivering tody, and hur
ried on while I clung to him, feeling
more dead than alive. Now It sounds
like a large tale that one man could
take another on his back and carry
hlm any distance, but he was a power-
tui man ana i was always small, never
'weighing 1WJ pounds In my life, and
do not suppose I weighed more than
120. Well, we kept on until we must
.have gone five or six inllea, he carry
ing ine uiost of the time. We heard no
more sounds of pursuit after getting
away from the creek, and my new
friend chuckled and said, "They've gin
ye tip. boy; they think yer drowned."
Then he turned up a di-cp hollow and
came to bilge rocks, with n kind of
half-cavern at one side of one of them.
Here be Mopped, and said: "Ilyar'a
whar 1 roost when I'm In these parts.
Now, take oft them wet rags and lay
down thar" (pointing to a pile of dry
grass and leaves and a couple of blan
kets), "and wrap up In the blankets
and sleep, for yer safe." He then gave
me a little food and drink; giving ,ne
a revolver, he told uic If any one hap
pened to find me to shoot and, taking
another pistol and bis gun, be left me,
telling me not to to uneasy, and when
be returned be brought me some cloth
and and some fresh-cooked provisions,
which seemed to put new life Into me.
Ha told ma that be bad been scouting
around that morning for game, and
' aad gone to the creek, and bearing the
distant bay of bloodhound bad wtt
ed developments, and. having eeea roe
enter the water, had run down along
the bank to assist If possible. Ami .
.., if hn had not been there I
should never have been able to make
my escape. But to make tue sio.y
short, I stayed with him over three
weeks, he getting our f.od cooked
somewhere In the vicinity, I "ever
knew where; he also brought me some
books to read to pass away the time,
as he was gone a great deal; and ut
.i i f three week I was strong
enough to travel, and we started to find
Shern.au again, traveling mosu, v,
night ami hiding by day, and my guide
aiwavs seemed to know where to find
hiding places "J how t0 Kpt uI,;nty
of food for us. a-.J after a long, tedi
ous spell of tramping, we, finally
reached the army at Savannah. There
I found that nearly all of my regi
ment had been captured at about the
same time I made my escape. Those
who were left had been assigned to the
Tenth Iowa Infantry, so I was put in
with the rest and marched northward
with them; took part In the grand re
view at Washington, and was then
sent home, after 1-elng In the army
three years and four months. I never
aaw or heard of my good friend after
we got safe into Savannah. I would
give you Ills name and business and
what'led him to It, but it would t.iko
too much time to write It now -American
An Incident at Gcttjrahuric.
Tlie Incident which I am about tt
relate occurred on the second day of
the battle of Gettysburg.
I belonged to the Ninth Keglment
Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteers, and
In the same company with me were
William W. Jeffery, Isaac N. McMunu
(afterwards Captain). M. Copland. J.
Porter and J. Itlgdon. 1 mention this
as they were eoiuiecWd with the affair
which I am about to relate.
We were lying behind a stone wall
and the firing had almost ceased on
our part of the line. There was a lull
In the battle at this point, although it
was raging furiously both to the right
and left. In front of our lines a great
many rebel wounded were lying, call
ing for help and begging plteously for
water. The Colonel of our regiment
rode along and asked who would vol
unteer to go out and give aid to the
wounded. A dozen men. or more. In
stantly consented to go, the men
named above being of the number. Tho
rebels were wlililng speaking dista ice,
and they were asked If our men would
be unmolested If they should go out
and bring In or give water to the
suffering Confederates. They agreed
that t'nion soldiers would certainly
be unmolested If our men would take
care of their wounded. The party im
mediately started out and one man
had been carried In behind the stone
wall. Another wounded Confederate
I was being lifted from th ground when
a volley was opened on the humane
Union soldiers, and 1. N. McMunn waa
shot through the head, the bullet car
rying away his upper Jaw. The Con
federate wounded were Instantly drop
ped, and two of McMunn's comrades
seized him and hurried him off the
field. Another soldier. William W. Jef.
fery, hud raised a wounded Conf.Hler
ate and was giving him a drink from
his canteen when the volley came. Of
course the p.xir Confederate wounded
man got no more water from t)i
I'nlou soldier, for he speedily made his
way. with his comrade, to a place of
The Confederates untutored nmny
honorable men In their ranks, hut Uie
affair above related Is considered one
of the most despicable ou record, and
some l.'iilon soldiers are loath to be
lieve the truth of It. Mr. McMiinii, af
ter a great, deal of suffering, recovered,
and, with the aid of an artificial roof
in his mouth, he speaks almost as well
as he did before he received tlid
wound, lie Is now a prominent man
In the city of Pittsburg.- II. K. M., iu
American Tribune.
H i nil-Priced Valor.
One of the Generals on Tld Hits stut
was interviewed regarding his feel
ings on filtering his first battle. Aftei
some hesitancy, he loosened his tongue
and made the following statement:
"Well, 1 was not the least bit daunt
ed. I was stubbornly pale, and my
pulse was much too high for a well
man, though the surgeon wouldn't be
lieve It. I was perfectly undismayed,
and didn't know whether to disperse
myself or retire in a solid body. Not
a shiver of cowardice passed over my
military system, though I trembled foi
my country with heroic firmness and
resolution. Though I felt certain that
the enemy would direct their Are upon
nie, aud wished the craw-fish bole wers
larger, 1 was not scared In the least,
and only wanted to get behind a tree
to steady my aim. If I wished my
self at home It waa only for the pur
pose of settling a few debts 1 owed
before I should be killed and lill a
brave soldier's grave. I thought of
my' chances of never becoming Presi
dent, and reflected with Spartan Intro,
piility that our country would need
strong men at the helm, and with no
chance of getting through the rear
lines, I nerved myself for the fray,
When the enemy fired the first volley
I didn't feel It at all, for I was knock
ed setisehtiH by an 1H pound rarinon'a
roar, ntnl was carried brilliantly from
the field. Such valor was scarce, aud
commanded a high price during the
war." lirigadler General.
II was between twilight and randl
light, the gentle half hour when the
kind old Rand Man steals up the stain
of bouses where children are; whea
rustic lovers stroll wltb alow and quiet
steps down country lanes, aad old
bachelors are loneliest and dream as
things that might bare beea. "The
Two VinreTela."