Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 19, 1903, Image 3

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Jokes About The Hereafter.
Being Born
Was Always Cheerful, Telling Stories of All Kinds And
Cracking Jokes Till His Last Day
Lincoln, Xeb., March 13.-Gottlieb
Kicgeuiind dropped through the jaws
of t h .scaffold yeslerdav into the
maw of Justice thereto be digested
ai the morbid pleasure of the puulic.
Jlc died like a man or a brute, which
mav be much i he same, and expressed
no more than halfhearted repentance
for the double murder which he com
mitted on tin little farm in Pierce
'. ,!? L'l.- ..- ... i . V...f..Hn
1 o'clock he 'stood alive, grim atid
stolid on the giobet. casting furtive
glances at the horror-stricken speeta
tors grouped around him. A few
moment 8 later lie was cut down a
grewsome corpse with the smell of
'.be tomb upon him.
Gllmpito of l)Nth
At the signal a black masked fig
ure sbot noislcssly through the trap,
br ugbt up with a jerk. and remained
motionless. Mot a muscle of the
sufferer moved after the drop except,
those of the bloodless fingers which
closed as feebly as if clutching the
air. The body turned half round and
was still. The long pointed black cap
covered the mangled neck and bead
which a moment before was set
squarely on two broad shoulders.
The point of the cap rested jauntily
on one side, tiie head was twisted by
the fatal knot until it turned upward
Ut an unnatural angle like that of a
deformed dwarf making a sickly grim
ace for the pleasure of a company.
The cap added to the clownish pos
ture and covered what one might im-
oxaic mj ue ine Kmi ol a murnerer
who thought he had cheated death.
Mucus from the nose slowly seeped
tbrougli the black mask and formed
1 SpCw on the, CiOt h. iSOItie thought
It was blood, but the spectators were
spared this look which the man last
assumed when the gloomy light from
the sky was shut out and he stood on
the terrible abyss. In this way jus
tice was appeased, the verdict of the
court and jury was carried out and a
criminal was removed from tne earth.
With brute force he destroyed two
lives and with brute force ins own
fas taken.
A flor-uiy I.lf
An ignorant young f irmer, Nbgen
flnd (.pent most of the twenty-nine
years of his life at hard labor. lie
married Mrs. IVters, a young widow
with four children, the daughter ot
Albert, Jireyer, The father-in-law
was harsh, the young man had much
of the animal about him and he re
ented the manner In which the old
sian ordered him about, lie thought
3e was treated as a slave. The last
quarrel in the family resulted in the
tld man coming to the farm and tak
ing bis daughter home with him, to
(tether with all her belongings. For
fourteen months Niegenllnd went
from place to (dace like a wanderer
who felt that t lie brand was upon
him. lie brooded over the matter
ind finally returned to the scene,
made efforts to see his scven-months-Old
child, which he had never seen,
was repulsed harshly by the old man,
Bird returned finally with murder in
his heart. He declared he was at
tacked by his father-in-law. a pitch
fork being trie weapon used. When
drivcu into a corner he sbot. to kill.
Then in a frenzy he shot his wife.
With tieridishncss In his heart he
emptied every shot in Ids revolver
Into her body. A stray bullet struck
Ids mother-in-law, indicting a slight
The murderer slept quietly that
night at the house of a neighbor. It
occurred to him to flee but he was
sixm close pressed by a posse of armed
men. lie exchanged shots with his
jut rs tiers but was captured after hav
ing been wounded a dozen times, lie
hail thought to put a bullet through
Ids own brain but found that he had
used ail his cartridges. This In brief
"jt the story of bis crime.
II I t.nnt Day
Nlegenflnd's day without a morrow
was not without Incident. lie re
ceived wiin! Mowers, the death war
rant was read to him. lie had a shoit
conference with bis minister, liev.
George Allenbach. who was invited by
Chaplain (i. W. Martin to administer
lo the spiritual wants of the con
demned man. This was deemed tit
ttng because the prisoner and 1 1 if inin
lister both speak German and the
former was at one t ime a communi
cant of the German Lutheran church,
i Tho minister arrived at the prison
There is no us t tying to bring peace
of mind to the man with an Imagi
nary grievance.
Greenland, which we often lliink
Of as being covered witli Ice and snow
will. If we stop to think of the name,
"Greenland" perhaps le us anoth. r
rides of tho place. In Hie northern
IparU of Greenland flowers are very
abundant, and there la considerable
veicUUun. but chiefly of low gowth.
Says He Did Not Know What
Again Ment
at 11 o'clock. lie went direct to the
little d:irk cell under the hospital
where jMegcnlmd has been In solitary
confinement for several months.
Usher George Van Auken unlocked
the Iron door and the "minister
stepped in and shook hands with the
prisoner. They both sat on the bunk
there being hardly room for two in
the cell. A tallow candle on a tiny
I'lHI,. ., C....II rt I. ,.!,. .1
... iv i i.tllKll put ui uwtiai HIVIUU
ing a Bible and some pamphlets and
other books, nestled in a corner as if
they had been s imewhat neglected by
their owner and yet were loath to
part with him. The prisoner smiled
in an uneasy manner. lie looked pale
and acted unnatural, said things
awkwardly and sometimes forced a
laugh. After a short conversation
the prisoner reached to a table and
handed the minister a new whisk
broom of elegant workmanship. This
poor little gift he forced upon the
mirustei who fumbled about ids coat
to Hurt a pocket large enough to hold
it. All the while death was the sub
ject of their thoughts and words.
The minister withdrew through the
slit of a door and Introduced a group
of newspaper men and friends to the
prisoner. He shook hands with each
and had nothing to say until an ac
quaintance came. To hirn he called
out cheerily and laughed.
Ladles OftVr "lovtRr
Next came two Salvation army
women, Knsign Swanson and Lieu
tenant Long. They handed him a
small bunch of white cbrisant.he-
mums and carnations.
"Good bye, Uod bless you," cried
the ensign.
'Good bye," he replied as he took
the flowers.
"We'll meet in heaven." said the
ensign. ;
"Ves," came the answer.
Tho other lady shrank back when
asked if she had anything to say and
passed on with her companion.
"He has been a good prisoner,"
said Guard Ifurke, "and is always
cheerful, telling stories of all kinds
and cracking jokes. Sometimes we
give him an hour or two to take ex
ercise in the yard. Sometimes he
goes to the deputy w arden's office and
talks to who ever is present.
"He usually tells his dreams to his
guards, but last night, be slept more
sound than usual. He went to bed
at, 10. an hour later than usual, and
was not awakened by the whistle
which blows at .0:110. We had to wake
him this morning."
The other day the prisoner and
fiurke talked of religious matters.
The murderer said he did not know
what being lorn again meant. He
did not know how that could be.
The guard told him he did not know
much about it, but explained that it
meant a new spiritual birth.
"John, you come to the telephone
Saturday," said the prisoner, "and I
will tell you about the other world."
Tins was given as a sample of his
joking remarks.
At U:4.'j the death warrant signed
by Judge Boyd of the district court
was read to the prisoner. He took it
to mean that they had come to put
mm lo (leaio. ne wf mm uoiu ne
would not be called for yet awhile.
There" was something said about
lack of time to give him his dinner
before he was hung. Later he was
given a meal and at his request ho
was brought boiled beef and horse
radish with side dishes. He had been
in the habit of drinking beer, but
was never intemperate and on this
Ids last day relused Intoxicating li
quor. As his hands were bound tightly
behind his back he cast furtive
glances rlown upon those about him.
The color of bis face was not per
cept ibiy changed and his coolness was
I mi i ful to behold.
lie drew himself up straight as
the straps were being adjusted,
watched Hi'' guard place a si rap about
bis feet and looked to see bow It was
d( , The black cap was pulled over
his face. This shut out all express
ion, leaving nothing In sight but a
muscular figure clad in black.
Tlit: voice of the minister rang out,
the words in German being "O,
Jesus, thou the Lamb of God for sin
ners slain."
Christ, thou Lamb of God that
taketh away the sins of the world,
have mercy upon us." -
"Give us thy peace, O Jesus," and
at bis signal the (hop fell.
Atlantic City possesses it police
motor car which is used solely for
the conveyance of Intoxicated prison
ers. There Is quite a controversy among
the fruit men of the county over the
condition of the fruit crop, but the
prevailing sentiment locally is that
the last severe cold snap destroyed the
p.!ie,h crop, almost entliely.and.lnjur
ed other frilt to considerable eitcnt
Try to Escape, But Fall Dead to Their Tmlm
-Twenty I wo Dead and Probably
Forty-five Injures,
Olean, M. Y., March 11. A report
from the scene of disaster at 2 o'clock
Tuesday morning says twenty-two
bodies have been taken from the
wreckage. Some of them are burned
beyond lecognition only trunks and
skulls remaining. The last estimate
of the casualties places the number
of dead at twenty-two, and the in
jured at forty-five. Some of the in
jured will die.
Olean, N. Y., March 11. A score
or more people were killed and a large
number were injured by an explosion
of oil near here Monday night. A
freight train on the Erie, made up.
principally of oil tank cars, filled
with oil, broke In two near this city
at 9 o'clock. Two sections of the
train came together with a crash and
one of the oil tanks was demolished.
Fire broke out almost instantly and
the sky was lighted up for miles.
A largo crowd of people left this
city for the scene of the fire. While
they were lined up along the tracks.
terrific explosion occurred. The
(lames communicated auickiv with1
the other tank cars and a second and
third explosion followed each otberj
in rapid succession Sheets of flame.'
shot out in all directions. Scores of
persons were caught within the zone;
Of the fire and enveloped in flames.;
Men and boys ran screaming down;
the tracks wit h their clothing a mass1
of flames. Others fell where they
stood, overcome by the awful heat.
Just how many were killed is nut
known, as many of the bodies were
Sydney Fish, a prominent business
man, returned from the scene of the
fire at midnight. He said:
'I was at t raeieii to the scene of
the fire between 9 :30 and 10 o'clock.
When I was within a quarter of a
mile of the wrecked train there was
a terrific explosion. Flames shot out
wards and upwards for a great dis
tance. 1 saw several persons who
started to run away drop on the rail
way tracks and they never moved
again. Others who had been stand
In close to the wreckage were hurled
through the air for hundreds of feet.
The scene was awful. Half a dozen
young boys ran down the tracks with
their clothing on lire. They resem
bled human torches. 1 could hear
their agonized screams distinctly
from where I stood. They ran some
distance down the track and then
threw themselves to the ground, grov
elling in the ditches In their frantic
efforts to extinguish the flames.
Then they lay still, some of them un
conscious, others dead. 1 do not
know how many wen: killed, but I
counted twenty bodies before 1 came
Word was sent at once to Olean po
lice headquarters by telephone. Every
doctor and ambulance in the city was
summoned Grocery wagons and car
riages of all kinds were pressed into
service and everything possible was
done to bring the In jured without de
lay to the hospitals for treatment.
At Tr,lrl.l,,l.t 111,, lire if lUn I .
Jured arrived at, the hospital. They
were four young boys. Th dr injuries
were frightful. Great patches of flesh
were burned off and hung In shreds
from their bodies.
It will bo dlmVult to ascertain the
names of a great many of the dead
tonight, as their bodies were burned
to ashes In the intense heat. A can
vass is being made of the city as rap
Idly as possible to find out the names
of those missing. There Is great ex
clt'Tiient, In tiie city and the streets
an! thronged with people.
Large ci-owils gathered at the hos
pital and flu; faces of the injured
were anxiously scanned as they were
borne into the bulld'ngon stretchers.
Heart rending scenes were witnessed
when one of the poor, blistered bodies
was recognized by a father or n moth
er or brut her and it was with dilll
culty that persons were restrained
from Invading the operating room.
The number of dead is known to be
at least eighteen, and some estimates
place It as high as twenty-live. Over
two scorj were more or less seriously
Injured. Some of them will die. it
is out of the question to Identify any
Of the bodies recovered,
Bank Cashier Is Clisiiing,
Eureka, Kns.. March 11. -W. r.
Dickerson, cashier of the defunct
Toronto state bank, which was
taken charge of by the state bank ex
aminer on January 24, with liabilities
aggregating $ 10,000 Is misdng. J'lck
tr.on.who was arrested a month ago,
charged with falsifying his state
ments as to tho bank's condition,
was to have bad a preliminary bear
ing her today. He Is out on $2,000
bond, which be raised.
Yousf Mas at Stanton Take His Owl Life
Body Left For Maoy Days.
Stanton. JS'eb., March 10. Johi
Groeshinzer, a young unmarried mai
about thirty-five years of age, com
mitted suicide supixisedly last Tues
dur "e took a small rope, tied Ji
aoout a spike driven in the wall, tle
it about his neck and simply knell
down bearing his weight upon tin
rope. His feet were on the floor when
tiie b dy was discovered on Friday
and his bent knees almost touching.
He had apparently made no struggh
as his cap was on his head and hii
clothing was not at all disarranged,
He -was an industrious young -mar
and no case was known for the act.
The eoriieoner's Jury completed theii
investigations Saturday forenoon and
returned a verdict in conformity witb
the foregoing statement.
Was Late to Church.
Valley, Neb., March 10. Miss Katt
Whitmore, daughter of W. O. Whit
more of this place, on Sunday estab
lished a reputation for pluck and
nerve that entitle her to be phced
alongside of western heroines who in
lime of emergency prove themselves
able to come out of a perilous posi
tion as handily as one of the sterner
sex. Her reputation was gained in
dandling a team of runaway horses.
Miss Wliitiruire lives with her par
ents about a mile west of here, and
)n Sunday morning she started for
town driving a team of spirited
aorses. She intended getting two
poiing lady acquaintances and taking
them to Fremont to attend church.
Vs she was about to stop in front
)f a house for one of her friends the
lorses became frightened at some
thing and started out at a headlong
rait on the road to Waterloo.
The team was too strong for Miss
rVhitmore to stop, and she was un
tblo to check their speed In any de
tree. She did not lose her presence
)f mind, however, but kept the
iquines in the middle of the road
Several men saw the team start of
md three or four of them jumped
into horses and started after th
iwiftly disappearing rig. Telephone
nessages were sent out to farmers
long the road notifying them of tin
unaway, and a moment or two late:
;hey saw Miss Whitmore and tin
cam fly past. The men on horseback
vere unable to catch up with her
The dispatcher's orders transmittei
ver the telephone resulted, however,
n giving her aclear right of way and
hr three miles the horses carried her
diead a a furious pace Having ex
pended so much of their energy, they
iccame more docile and she finally
ueceeded in stopping them. She
.urned them about, drove back, to
Galley, got her friends and went on
o Fremont with tho same team, but
oo late to attend church.
Found Dead in Mis Cabin.
Lead, S. D. , March 10. The body
if John H. McKinley was found on
;hc bunk of bis cabin, near the LTnion
ihaft in Whitetail gulch, three miles
ib'jve Lfad; a bullet hole in the tera
ile. He had kilied himself several
lours previously for the body was cold
md rigid. On the bed was a Colt's
evolver of 44 calibre, with which be
lad inflicted the fatal wound. In
.he walls of the cabin were several
Juliet holes and several lights had
icen broken out of the windows by
tullets, indicating that he had pa--.sed
levcral hours practicing with the
veapon before turning it on himself,
tlclvinley had not been seen for over
1 day and neighbors suposed he had
tone away on a visit. Up to a short
hue ago he was employed as hoisting
mgineer bv the Horseshoe Mining
ompany. He was thirty-live years
ild, and left two sisters In this part
JIcKinley, teaching school at Nemo,
ind the other, Mrs. James Sumrner
rille, at Cmitral City. An Inquest
.vas held over the remains by the
orotier, the theory of suicide being
thoroughly established and the act
attributed to despondency.
Dashes Down the Incline.
Fall River, Mass., March 10. A
mow plow which was being trans
ferred from one section of tho Old
olony street railway to another be
:ame unmanageable at the top of a
iteep hill, in this clly today, and,
lashing down the Incline crashed In
to two cars loaded with passengers.
Both the passenger cars were almost
:ompetely demolished and five par
lous sustained bruises and floh
wounds enough to necessitate their
being carried to a hospital. A dozi n
Others were bruised and cut by glas
or splinters. The accident was cairn d
by the breaking of a brake bio k on
Mie snow plow.
Brick-Makers on a Strike.
St. Louis. Mo., March 10. Pun
iuant to the action taken yesterday
between three and four thousand
union men of the allied brick making
trades struck today to enforce d
mands for a recognition of theii
union, for an eight hour day and a f,
percent Increase in wages. It is pre
dieted by labor leaders that before
tho pnd of the week double that num
ber of men In various building trades
depending on the brick makers will
go out In sympathy, should the
Ulka remain ouvit tied.
CMcot Locsie Property Pje4f"!l on Loss
Security-Creditors Hold Sack For
From flOO lo (500
I jmboldt, Neb., March 9. Con
siderable excitement was caused in
this city Saturday afternoon among
the crowd of customers in the First
National bank when as a farmer
stepped up to the teller's window and
handed In a check for one hundred
dollars, the maker of the note who
had accompanied him into the build
ing, called to tha cashier not to pay
the check for the reason that it had
been obtained under duress, stating
that the holder of the paper had
threatened to take his life if the
check were not forthcoming and had
enforced his demands with a wicked
looking knife. The man accused of
the offense was at once taken in
charge by the otliccrs of the city on a
charge of drunkenness, and locked up
until a definite plan of prosecution
has been arranged. The story as told
by Dr. J. L. Gaudy, the well known
physician and land owner, who gave
the note, is quite blood-curdling and
is about as follows: For the past
season one of the doctor's farms near
this city has been leased by Fred
Kenter, a middle aged farmer, and
the doctor not being thoroughly sat
isfied with him as a tenant had ar
ranged to have the place occupied by
another party for the coming season.
To this end lie notified Kenter several
months ago to look elsewhere for a
farm, but this the latter failed to do,
and when the first of March came
was still in possession of tho Gandy
farm. After vainly endeavoring to
persuade the farmer to vacate Gandy
sought the aid of a local firm of at
torneys and after much delay Kenter
agreed to vacate for the sum of $50,
and to this the owner agreed, the
money to be paid after possession had
been given. Things seemed to be all
satisfactory until this afternoon when
the farmer having vacated carno into
town for his money. This was paid
by the attorneys and a receipt given,
the farmer departing apparently sat
isfied with his bargain Later, hav
ln filled up on liquor, he dropped In
to the ofliceof the doctor and finding
him alone, demanded one hundred
dollars more, stating that he had
been caused considerable trouble, and
the doctor being a man of wealth,
could easily afford to spare the
amount. The latter attempted to
protest that the proceedings were
unusual when the farmer drew a dan
gerous looking knife and punctuating
his remarks with prof.inity remarked
that he meant business, and if the
doctor did not sit down and at once
write him out a check he would cut
his throat. Seeing that the man was
half cra.y and doubtless meant every
word he said, the threatened man
thought it best to adopt conciliatory
measures and drew up and signed tho
check as directed, handing it over to
the farmer, Intending to stop pay
rn nt by telephone.
Kenter, however, feared something
to this kind, and taking Gandy by
the arm gave him to understand that
he was to accompany him to the bank
and see that the check was paid. Ar
riving at the bank door the doctor
again attempted to elude the vigilant
captor and notify the bank president
but the farmer balked his design by
muttering to him that he had better
stay outside the railing. However,
there being several other parties in
the room Gandy made the facts
known as stated above and not only
saved his coin but escaped Injury as
well. Kenter when drinking is gen
erally recognized as a dangerous char
acter, and it is claimed the above
assault was the second one for yes
terday. Earlier In the day ho was
accompanied to the residence of his
mother (recently deceased) by Ed
wardwin Samuelson, son of the pres
ident of the First National bank,
bolh going for the purpose of taking
an inventory of the, personal property
of the deceased, the same being re
quired by tin! probate court. While
thowoik was going on Kenter asked
young Samuelson to take a drink of
whiskey with him, and upon the
lat ter declining, flew Into a rage, de
claring that he would kill him then
and there.
Killed in a Drunken Row,
Hutchinson, Kas., March, 9. Len
Lewis shot and killed Haum Hatch,
a negro, during a drunken row be
cause Hatch had assumed the role of
protector to Lewis' wife. Mrs. Ema
line Hatch, wife of the dead man In
a spirit of revenge, later set fire to a
wagon belonging to Lewis, in which
John Towers, another drunked revel
er, was sleeping. Powers waa fatally
burned before he awoke from hl
Govtraor Mickey literposes His Veto ail Pr
toses a Substitute Blll-Retj First TkM
Work or the Revenue Bill Progressist Witi
DeUberirion-Proceedfiiis is Both Houses.
Governor Mickey vetoed S. F. 29,
providing for the payment of fees to
the commissioner of public lands and
buildings. Governor Mickey stated
bis objections to the bill to be that
the measure was unconstitutional in
that it provided for the payment of
fees to the commissioner, while the
constitution provides for payment of
all fees to the state treasurer. He
expressed his approval of the Intent
of the bill and submitted the draft
of a bill identical except the provi
sion for payment of fees.
Warner of Dakota moved that S. F.
304, recommended by the governor,
be read a first time. This was done.
'Mrs. Louise Bowser will not get
the $2,000 asked of the state for the
erection of a sod bouse at the Louisi
ana Purchase exposition. The senate
indefinitely postponed the bill this
IT. II. 119, providing for the re
ports of teachers and county superin
tendents, was passed.
II. It. 167, a joint resolution mem
orializing congress to pass a bill for
the election of United States sena
tors by popular vote, was passed.
Committees reported as follows:
S. Fs 10U-101, provid ng for a grand
jury system, was recommended for
indefinite postponement. The report
was concurred in and the bill was
placed on general flJe.
S. F. 14G, providing for the erection
of grain elevators and warehouses,
was placed on general file.
S. F. 240, defining cultivated lands,,
placed on general file.
S F. 2,'J2, indefinitely postponed.
The seriate went into committee of
the whole with Brown of Keya Paha
in the chair. The committee made
the following report:
S F. 191, appropriating $2,000 to
Mrs. Louise Bowser with which to
pay part of the expense of the erec
tion of a sod house at the Louisiana
Purhase exposition, indefinitely post
poned. S. F. G8, an act defining the bound
aries of the state in certain cases, or
dered engrossed.
S. F. 110. an act '0 provide for the
establishment of a public road to and
from lands surrounded or shut out
from a road, ordered engrossed.
S. F. 147, an act for opening and
maintaing roads to bridges across
streams separating two counties,
amended and ordered engrossed.
Nelson of Douglas renewed his mo
tion to have a committee appointed
to act on the Scars statement looking
to an investigation of ex-State Treas
urer Steufer's method of handling
school bonds, and Speaker Mockett
named these members: Warner of
Lancaster. Meradith of York, Man
gold of Douglas, Davis of Buffalo,
Fishback of Clay.
At the request of Kennedy of Doug
las the house went into committee of
the whole to consider, first, II. It.271
by Riggs of Douglas, providing a re
duction in the number of South
Omaha School board members from
nine to five. The, committee recom
mended the bill for passage.
The house, met in afternoon session
at 1 :.K instead of 2 o'clock. It took
up Ii. H. 344, the revenue hilt, in
committee of the whole. The first
provision of the bill considered was
that fixing the, time of assessment.
The original bill named February 1
and the standing house revenue com
mittee, ptoposed to change thin to
April 1. Thompson of Merrick or
dered an amendment to fix March 1
as the time. After a spirited debate
the committee amendment for April
1 carried by an overwhelming vote.
An amendment bv Uelson of Doug
las was adopted making taxes on real
properly a first lien from and inchid
ing the first day of October of tho
year in which tney are levied until
the same are paid.
A commit tec amendment waa
adopted making sect'on 20 read:
"Personal property, except such as is
required in ibis chapter to he levied
and assessed otherwis-.s.iall be listed
and assessed in the county, percinct
township, city, village and school
district where the owner resides, ex
cept that property having a loi al sites
like lumber yards, grain elevators,
etc.. shall be assessed at the piaccs
of sites," etc.
A communication was read from
the governor submit ting a bill giv
ing the secretary of state perpetual
right, to sign paving petitions, tho
general purpose 01 the bill being to
validite the paving of ttrcets sur
rounding the eapltol building, for
which Hie anpropr'aflon hill sets out
$10,000 lo defray tho state's portion
of this expense.
The prime object of this bIH la to
provide for the rcravlng of the atresia
on the east and south sides of tha
capitol grounds, Sixteenth street bf
tween II. and K streets 1 nd II street
between Fourteenth and Sixteenth,
The afternoon session adjeareet)
at 5 o'clcok, the order being nigh
session to begin at ?:3u. ,