Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 19, 1903, Image 2
Tbe Harmon Press-Jim! O. C. BUUKIt, fUOflUETOa BABB1SON, NEBRASKA Nebraska Notes Miss Amy E. Krajicek and Coitie V, Cook were married at A rlingtoo. Norfolk !has been selected' as the next meeting place of the state tire men's tournament, which will be hld on July 1, 2, and 3. Warder Beemer of the state peni tentiary has tendered the position of guard toB.L. Fletcher of Tecumsch. Mr. Fletcher has accepted. ; It is reported that the Burlington intend? to build a new depot at Boa rice this spring. Burlington oflicials refuse to t ilk on the subject. Gotlieb Jicobs of Arlington, the young farmer taken to the Fremont hospital four weeks ago to be operat ed upon for appendicitis, died. The Broken Bow Business college which was organized two years ago by C. W. Rousch, has passed into the hands of a corporation composed of the business men of Broken Bow and vicinity. During the month of February twelve farm mortgages amounting to $59,550 were filed with the county clerk of Johnson county, while twen-ty-four'similar mortgages amounting to $41,424.59 were released. The report that 'the Burlington will build an extension to Sioux City by way of Fremont is supported by the fact that a party often surveyors ire working along the line which it Is said the new road will take. It is a current rumor that State Superintendent Fowler will be an ap plicant for the position of superin tendent of the Lincoln schools. The position pays $2,500, which is $500 more than the state position pays. Chadron acauerny,- the western Ne braska Congregational institution of Chadron, with an enrollment of 150 itudents has been closed on account tf an epidemic of measles among the itudents. Five cases are tcportcd at the ladies' dormitory. Charles M. Warren, an old resident ttf Gage county, died at his home in Barnetson of Bright's disease. The fleceased was at one time agent for the Union Pacific at Fairbury, but at the time of his death was engaged lo the banking and mercantile busi ness. After a couple of weeks were spent In djnamiting the ice and dragging the waters of the Nemaha for the body of Jesse Roate, who was sup posed to have been drowned near the home of his sister at Humbolt, news comes that the man has been seen in the eastern part of that county. From what can be learned be placed his cap near the edge of the ice and then disappeared, for the purpose, so he stated, of rinding out whether the folks would look for him. Medicine Never Nature performs the hesvlinur sist her in doing her work In diseases Mine-tenths or the diseasesor man ana oeasi nave meir origin in some form of germs and if allowed to run and multiply form complications. The reason that Liquid Koal prevents all germsdieases and cures them, i.n'css fermentation and inflamma tion have too far developed, is that it contains every aniisepiic and erm!cida known to science. All i;erm diseases such as bog cholera, swine plegue, corn stalk diseases, tut ercolosls. blackleg and numerous others can be prevented by giving Liquid Koal in drink ing water, because they are germ diseases and no germ can live where Liquid Koal reaches it. Liquid Koal is unaffected by the gastric Juices of the stomach, passes through the intestines and from there into the circulation, permeating the whole system and Still retains all Its germiclal properties. Diluted with water, in the proportion of one to one hundred, it makes the best lice killer known. Price of Liquid Koal delivered at your station is as follows: ON QUART CAN St. OO ONI ALLON . 3.00 FIVf ACLONS, S2.T3 in OAU niia"i lTALr wry vxmT Wa, tfca andertlened atncli ratarra m Majhaon County. Nebraska, r aitif front IM 1106 bead of hoc each re-r hive, a tier filr nt unpirtlal trial of lAnwil Koal aaolactarad bj Urn Nation! Medical compn'iy, f Kheidou. Iowa, ind York, Ne- ton ad It to be the HeM Disinfectant, Ourm lMiror ami Appetiser thi ha fcrea oar pleeanr to ne, and we Jointly think that a mn l suindlug In nil own Mafel wbo aoa not try it. Wneo ihi-lr airi-ni mlia ad rise uy aloe rair lo lay aad Would Koal Sm. Ladf, Norfolk, Nehr. IhnmauP Wade, Haul Creek. Nebr. i. B. Melatoan, Kaierlck. Nebr. Wm. Ilawklna, Meadow Oror. Nebr. M. T. Baaaaa, Rmerlek, Nebr. K r Hjinsu, Nt wuian Utore, Nebr. DECEMBER, WW. Wa, tba unnWIfnwl stnr.k rlr anil Urm"Mi jl't'y teitlfy to the merit of UnJ4 Koal ataanfaettired by the National Modiral Co., of nhelilon. Iowa, and Tan, Mabraaka, We liae nawl thia prnduet slth gratifying aiiccemi and ad Viae all t (fa M a trial. ItannuKI oaon evert , ner Nbr faa, Mill. Baa, Kebr. Va. 1aBauL eupleknrtt, Nebr. If roar dealer doe not keep It write us direct A n-page nook on the Diseases of Animals mailed free upon ap fUet,tloo to the National Medical Company, York, Nebr., and taaldoo, Iowa. National Cattle and Sheep Dip Is the best and cheapest Dip for k!1r? off Tick! and Lice and the treatment of Mange, Texas Itch I mD id nneep. it forms a perieci emulsion wiin water ana is Maa to the membranes of the eve. Ifyottriaaler does not keep est few. nATmrui ncniPAi rnnDAriv i ll.illVlUAaVf IflaWWIVMlat Willi MM I 1 YCr KZZXXZXA. CHILDON, IOWA I KANSAS NOTES! The new government building for Emporia Is a-comin' right along. The superintendent of construction lias been appointed. The Hoxie Sentinel says that when a farmer near there was asked which one of his hoys was sick, lie replied: "T don't k now: "I ts one along about the middle. 1 haven't checked 'em up lately." General Funston has been nine times wounded in battle. If he keeps on catching lead in time the little man will be able to pu'l down the scales to quite a respectable and im posing figure. The Lawrence World seems to be quite indignant over what it calls the unfair ruling at the Atchison contest. The other Lawrence papers do not appear to be worrying much over it. If l.ila wants to make Chanute hopping mad she might hint that Chanute's opposition to the electric railway is because of the fear that her people might go to lola to do their trading. The Swedish Mission conference has raised $l.',000 of the $75 000 necessary to establish the new mission college at MePlierson. It is believed that the balance will be made up the com ing summer and fall. "College spirit" resulted in aBaker man getting a cut on his head with a rock while passing tthrough Law rence the other day, on the way to Atchison. "College spirit" Is re sponsible for a wonderful lot of fool ery. Quite a bit of kicking is being done against the legislative prayer prac tice. Have the chaplains anything to say? Marsh Murdock says that once when he expressed his senti ments against legisative prayers, as a state senator, he was looked upon as a heathen. A Dickinson county woman has brought suit for divorce against her husband. The couple live on a fine farm which is the wife's property. The story goes that she gave nim $500 recently and sent him to town to buy horses, lie tilled up in Abilene, went to Junction City In order to Ret bet ter facilities for a big toot, and blew in every cent of the money. Do you blame the wife for instituting divorce proceedings? The follow tng blast from the Beloit Call ought to hold the curly-haired professor for a while: "Professor A. H. Franzrnathes, the curly-headed music and dancing professor who used to hold forth in Beloit, now In Kan sas City, favors us with one of his latest songs. We Ihink it is very pretty, but would appreciate more a remittance of $10.25 which he shows no disposition to pay, and which ac count has been standing on our books agaii)!.i. him for a long time." Healed a Wound rjrocess and medicine can only as healing wounds and throwing off i i; x TEN SAL. KEG. 2.50 OAL 25 GAL. 1-2 SSL., S2.23 GAk SO GAL -ONE L.. 2.00 GAL DKCF.MBF.R 34, 1900 lann in nu.a.na. i nna wnan, fapiennnu, .leor. r. C. Merer. MtanlebnnM. Nebr. (Irn. Kmg.-hergpr. Henaid. Nebr. J KHiK-berrcr.Sr ,0rinanUwn, Nebr it write us direct. Information TOPICS OF THE TI M ES. CHOICE SELECTION OF INTER i ESTINQ ITEMS. Comment and Criticism Baaed Upon j the Happening of the Day UUtori- cat and Neva Note. I If a man always pays ensh he Is en ! tilled to a lot more credit thau be ever ' gets. One kind of happiness Is always In our power the huppinoss that we give to others. It is tbe opinion of experts that the prospects for wireless telegraphy in 1!X3 are a greitt deal brighter than for wireless politics. In a few vears nothing will be in curable except old age. and few of ui would wit-h to have that cured. There Is always a conspiracy on the part of people having necessaries to sell to soak the consumer the limit. Count I-otiyay lanths at the report rliat he deserted his countess. Some Dim are such hands to appreciate Joke. The frown Princess of Saxony Is over 40 years of age. The man with whom (.he eloped Is 23. Guess how It'll turn out. Nothing confers more g nuine and substantia! dignity than the long and faithful performance of duty, no mat ter how bumble. Russell Sage declares that he has never paid to have hln chocs shined. He doesn't say whose blacking and brush be lKirrowed. Professor Delltzsoh of Berlin fays that Mopes was a plagiarist. Would that we had more of this quality of plagiarism nowadays. Definite messages have passed be tween President Roosevelt and King Edward by the wireless system. Mar coni does seem to have arrived. It costs I'ncle Sam $1.2.V,ooO a year to run the weather bureau, notwith standing all the information, which Is given gratis by the old inhabitants. Too much wind. Dr. Lyman Abbott says It is too much to ask that newspapers shall always tell the truth, because newspapers do not always know what the truth is. Dr. Abltott might have added that an other reason why some papers should not be asked to tell the truth Is because the request would be only a waste of breath. France has now been t Id, as Russia was a few days ago, that "armed peace" Is making a burden too heavy for the taxpayers to bear much longer. Fully 54 per cent of the resources of France go to support the army and navy. As France Is a republic, her people may deride to reduce this bur den, but for Russia there seems to be no Immediate prospect of relief. When General Grant visited the tomb of Ferdinand and Isabella on his tour around the world he turned to his wife and said, "Julia, that Is how we should lie." Accordingly, arrangements were made in the splendid monument on the bank of the Hudson for the great sol dier and his wife to lie side by side, and when Mrs. Grant died her body was put In the granite sarcophagus prepared for her, where it will remain, beautifully illustrating to the world that those who are joined In life be lieve that the union Is an eternal rather than a temporal one. A prl7.e of fifty pounds for a safe lamp for burning kerosene was offered at the Grocers' Exhibition in London recently. The lamp was to cost only one shilling and three pence, whole sale. The specifics i ions, as t-H forth in a trade review, were sensible and salu tary. Since one of the most serious problems In London Is the protection of drunkards against themselves, the object In view was to find a lamp which, If thrown by a drunken man at his wife, for example, would extin guish Itself. The wife might be in jured, but the children and the house would not be consumed. Max Nordao, wbo poses as sn author ity on tbe future, sees blood spots on tbe moon. In a Vienna paper he has written some dire things that are to happen wben tbe Isthmian canal Is completed. He says there will be a mighty conflict In the I'aclflc. Accord ing to Mr. Nordau's plan, tbe Anglo Saxons are to conquer tbe Germans and French, snd then, crossing over to Asia, fight out tbe final battle with Russia for tbe mastery of that part of the world. Mr. Nordau does a fine Job of word painting, and his story Is full of thrills. But tbe trend of the world Is away from war. That Is true In ev ery civilised country. It was not Very many years ago that nations made war from choice, and eagerly seized pre texts for slaying human beings. Of what ns was a mllltnry establMimcnt, if there was to be no fighting? There are many wars In history with no prin ciple behind them, and their Impelling force was love of conquest and glory. Civilised man no longer slays for the lore of killing. lie Is educating lb! tiger out of his system. In schools, col leges, millions of homes, the great les son of peace Is being Instilled Into the minds of new generations, and the world Is forced away from strife. There will be mors wars. They may it en be great ware between strong na tions; bat tbe peace army la growing tronger every aevr, la Europe and In Tbere art few qeeatiaae that force, and It will be a sorry dsy for America If even a part of Max Nor dau's prognostications should ever come true. Dr. Arthur McDonald, of St. Louis declare that "automobiles, electric cms. telephones and other luxuries of life are responsible for the increase In crime. Insanity and suicide." What? you say. Are not the.se the adjuncts of civilization and is uot civilization a good thing? Yes, but civilization lias its t11s. It is a great mistake to suppose that luxuries and convenu nres add to life. If not judiciously used they subtract from it. Men f'.nd strength In struggle. In so far as the comforts and facilities of modern life limit the natural struggle of mind and body in so far do tlcy enfeeble mind and body. As Dr. McDonald says modern conveniences "put an abnor mal strain upon tbe nervous sjtein as compared with the muscular system." Therefore the cry, "Back to Nat lire." Therefore the thousand and one "sys tems'' of niiiKctilnr development, l'ri niordial man found strength In tloin' things for himself. lie had no auto mobile in which to go on a journay. lie walked and built up his musrli a. He had no telephone to convey a mes sage to a friend. He carried it. Our Immediate ancestors had fewer labor saving devices than we. Inheriting strenglh from their ancestors, who had still fewer accommodations, our for bears gave to this generation the phys ical capital upon which It is now do ing business. I toes civilization, then. weaken the race? It depends? If civ ilized man is unable to use rationally the devices of to-day, if he slavishly uses them, neglecting the activities that nature requires, he will go down physically anil mentally. The refine ments of civilization ought not to cause man to forget that he has an animal nature. He (s .more than ani malmuch more. But he is animal at the base, nevertheless. In some respects the most notable ca reer in the history of the national House of Representatives has been that of Galuslm A. Grow, of Pennsyl vania, which is now Hearing a close. Mr. Grow will be eighty years of age next August, and in view of the changes made by (he new apportion ment of districts last year he declined to be a candidate for re-elect Ion. Mr. Grow entered Congress for the first time whin only twenty-eight years old more than half a century ago. He was then the youngest member of the House; he Is to-day the old'-sf member. He has not served continuously; in bis young manhood he was elected six times in succession, and was chosen Speaker of the House for the last of these terms. In bis later years, begin ning with a special election In ISlfl, he has been elected five times In succes sion as Congressman at large from his State. What a stretch of our country's history such a Congressional career spans! Schoolboys, studying American history, think themselves little more than half-way through the ordinary text-books when they reach the "Wll mot Proviso," nnd yet Mr. Grow was the Immediate successor in Congress of David Wilmot, Its author. His first speech and for years bis chief efforts were In favor of the homestead blil, a measure which became a law before the majority of people now living were born. His first three elections to Con gress were as a Free Soil Democrat; since then he bus been a Republican. In appearance Mr. Grow Is a little above medium height and well built; be stands straight and walks with al most youthful vigor.' His face Is pleas ing and Intellectual, snd his thick gray beard Is almost the only evidence of age. It has been bis practice for several years to deliver in each session a set speech, on some one of tbe larger topics of general Interest suggested Ir the President's message. This ye;it he spoke on the relations of lulior and capital. CLEAN CHIMNEY8. (heap Mean Which Any One Can I ae. The tendency of pipes and furnace flues to fill with soot Is so marked that any suggestion of a convenient remedy for that condition is worthy of serious consideration. A corresjiondent of the St. Paul Pioneer Press says that zinc burned In the furnace Is very effective. Just throw upon the fire a handful of zinc filings, or a piece of sheet zinc as large as your band, and It clears away the soot as if by magic. Once a week will suffice. Shut the door quickly after throwing in the sine. Our Informant says bis family has used this method for forty years, and never had occasion to employ a chimney sweep. As tbe Pioneer Press suggests, this remedy Is not expensive. A worn-out zinc washboard will furnish enough of the metal for six or eight occasions. And If yon have to boy sheet zinc, 25 cents' worth may suffice for a single fire all winter. Kvcn when soft coal Is used In hard coal stoves snd furnaces tbe sine will keep them open, so that those who have been unable to secure snlhrnclte will not be seriously Iticon veiilencrd by the change. If this recipe from St, Paul Is all that is claimed for It, the Inconveniences of using soft coal are reduced to a mini mum, and Its cheapness more than com pensatis for being deprived of hard coal. If it will keep the chimneys clean the cost of chimney sweeps, as well as the dangers from fire by burning out, are both avoided. Dea Moines Register and Leader. Charcoal Kph Dally Tboaght. "En' de mostes' dJff'ance Ab sees betwixt er mewl an' some men," said Charcoal Epb, In oae of bis ruminative mode, "an dat de mewl eemettePce makes kt. ears. Mletab Jarlne." StJStaMft ISfWaV Over ftoO.OOO copies of "David Dur um have lieen sold. It would not ue lurprlslng If it eventually ran up to one million. An illustrated life of Rotx-rt Burlw-n--in is in preparation by his sister-in- law. Miss Harriet Jay, who will as far ks possible cast it into autobiographi cal form. 'Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage ratrh" Is a clever, wholesome story, and is recommended as a "cure for the blues." Pity that tbere are not more stories like it. President Roosevelt's book of essays failed "The Stnnuous Life" has been translated into French under the title Of "I-l Vie Intense," which hits tbe idea pretty closely. Harper & Brothers are bringing out a new edition of the late John Fi.-ke's 'American Political Id'-as." n volume tearing upon the significance of Ameri can development and Its "manifist des tiny." Harper h Brothers announce a re Issue of their players' edition of "Ben Hur," which has forty-eight pictures in tint, made from photographs of the dramatic version of that popular ro mance. Ilcnrik Ibsen, the Norwegian drama tist, was Intended at first for a doctor, and at the age of 10 he had to don a druggist's apron. His ambitions car ried him a little beyond that and he decided to become a doctor and read up for examination at Christians. In the course of his study bo wns read ing "Sallust." nnd the character of Catallne so took his fancy that he wrote a little playing introducing him. This was Ibsen's first dramatic ef fort. Mary E. Wilkhis is a little body, petite and graceful, girlish-looking still, with a pair of piercing blue eyes, snys an exchange. Their steady keenness is positively dissecting nnd disconcert ing. One feels as If be were being read through and through, analyzed, classified, and speared on a hook for further literary refert nee. And yet Mary Wllklns does not look like a lit erary person. She looks like a society glri, "dainty, vivacious, a little past the brief period of budbood, perhaps; but still a girl rather than a woman. She has a most becoming shyness, too or rather reserve. HIS WIT SAVED HIS LIMB. Forceon Wanted to Cut It OfT, bnt Not Where the Patient Dealred. "Man's dry wit will sometimes save him a deal of trouble under circum stances of a most trying nature, and I have an example in mind where It saved a leg and probably the life of a man," said a visitor from Memphis. "Fred Helskel has spent several years in the Philippines as private secretary of Acting Governor Luke B. Wright and Is a wit and wag to the tips of his fingers. He Is full of sunshine, takes the world in good nature and has a keen eye for the funny side of things. It was this happy temperament no doubt which saved Fred's leg and probably his life during a recent siege in Manila. As the result of an insect bite ids blood was badly poisoned, and for a while his life was well-nigh In tbe balancr. His physician. In fart told him as much, and told him there wns but one way out and that was th amputation of bin right lef. lie did not like the prospect of parting with one of his legs and told the physician so with emphasized but polite frank 'liess. "I don't re:illy see any other way out of the diflictilty,' said the doctor. ' '"Do you think It Is absolutely nee essiiry lo cut my It g off, doctor? ask ed Mr. Helskell, bluntly. " 'I do,' was the physician's pointed reply. ' 'Well, doctor,' said Mr. Ilelskell In a grimly humorous vein, 'If you think It absolutely necessary to cut my leg off I want to make one request of you.' " 'I shall be glad to grant It if possi ble,' said the physician. 'What Is It? '"It Is simply this,' said Mr. Hels kell. 'If you think it absolutely neces sary to cut my leg off In order to save my life, I want you to rut It off close up nnder the ear.' The physician concluded that h could not comply with the request. Mr. Helskell recently returned to this coun try with Acting Governor Wright, and he brought his leg with him. It was Just his dry wit thst saved him. The sally dlsrouraged the doctor's ambition to use the knlft and Fred Hekkcll pulled through all right with both leg, and a life that will figure out a good long expectancy on any insurance man's table."-New Orlean Tlmea Demoefar. Woman with Kiifrlnerring Ability Two mines In tbe Empire district In Clear Creek county, Colorado, which are classed as good paying ones, ire owned by women. One of them be longs to two Boston stcnogrspbers, who went to Colorsdo on a vacation tonr, bought a prospect, began to work It themselves snd eventually developed It Into one of the best producers of low. grade ore in the dlstrlce. In the same district a Colorado woman csn be seen superintending the timbering, blasting and all the operations of a working mine of which she Is the owner, Kaer. Lady Von look like a bud drinker Tramp No, ma'am, tbal v the Hn meal Woman's BeflclM. So says Ars. Josie Irwin, of 325 So. College St., Nashilie, Tenn., of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Never in the history of medicine has tbe demand for ono particular remedy for female diseases equalled tl-at ft' tained by Lydi:. K. IMnkham s Vegetable Compound, ami never during the lifetime of this wonder. ul medicine has the demand for it U-en so great as it is to-day. From the Atlantic to the Pacific, and throughout the length and breadth of this great continent come the glad tidings of woman's sufferings relieved by it. &ud thousands npo" thouwind of letters are pouring in from grateful women saying that it will and posi tively does cure the worst forma of female complaints. Mrs. Pinlthiim Invites all wo men who are puzzled aleut their health to write Iicrat Lynn, Mass., for advice. Such corre. spoiidenec is seen by v omen only, and no charge Is made. Ferfmriril llttlr. Delicately scented hair is one f t the latest of feminine fads. It or iginated on the stage, but it Is be eominlg a common practice ilha!l women who wish to make themselves attractive. A small atomizer is tilled with a powerful perfume. and for this the carnation odors are usually em ployed. and the hair is lightly sprayed with (be strong essence. This is don just before the hair Is dressed for evening, and the scent dings to it ail the next twenty-four hours. He Mean It. New Herlin, III-. March HJ.Mr. Frank Newton of this place KneiT" verv tarnestly and emphatically when aHk'ed by any of his many friend the reason for the very noticeable Improve ment In his health. For a long time over two years he has been suffering a great deal with pains in his back and an all over feel ing of illness and weakness. His appe tite failed him and he grew gradually weaker and weaker till he was very mui'ii run down. A friend recommended Dodd's Kid ney Fills and Mr. Newton began to take two at a dose, three times a day. lu a very short time he noticed an Im provement; the pains left his back ami lie could eat better. He kept on im proving and now he says; "Ves, bid I! 1 am a different man and Dodd's Kidney Fill did it all. I cannot tell you how much better I feel. I am a new man and Dodd's Kidney Fills deserve all the credit." Hie soil of Cuba is extremely fruit ful. Cabbages there are so large that heads weighing twenty pounds each are common. All vegetables do well. KI.Y'8 I.1QCID CRKa.M BALM Is prepared for sufferer from naaai catarrh wbo are used to an atomiwr in spraying the iliyesKoi membrane. All the healing arel auothitig properties of Cream Kalui are retained la the new preparation. It doe not dry up lb "etTetiocs. I'rice, ia cliuling sprayinit lu lie. "o rl. At drug- sists' sr Ely "res., M wirrm Near York, nail it Radishes may be eaten from four teen to eighteen days after sowing, lettuce in five weeks after sowing, An electrician in Vienna has In vented an electrical machine for ex tracting teeth. It is a peculiarity tf the horse to arise on its forelegs first, while the cow first arises on Its hlndlegs. The mild weather In Chicago in duced many of the resident to re move their storm windows, under the Impression that spring had ceme. Then the early porch-climbers bflan sh citing up, and reaped a harvartof family Jewels. r. Wlnalev-a SOOTH 10 STBCP tnt rklUtraa Uatiilnr. aofMa IS r'tnu, mtiu-aa laSaiMUo illajr pal, rajraa wta rolltr. far aoitla. "AIL FAI1 IN A feW HMF I MSCIOfMflSfirafAlS A IN A WFT T1MP niii n mi in il. i Rwember this whenxj buy VSfct Mkatker C InfKinf anJ UL . ai.. iwn rvn H nunc TOWiR on the button. This ujn and this nunc have stool for the BC5T durind iixty-nvm ytm of increuind xles. Ifour dealtr will not Juppfywi writ for free oteJooue of block or .yellow wax. proof oiled co6t, ikkeri, aultv haU 44 horse ooodt for all kindi of mat a.. , A. J. TOWED CO THS . . a. sorrow, mail, a i a. lieu TOWtB CANADIAN CO. Toauaro, CAM. "oai fiTt frraaannarcmi m mm or aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tl. N.U. RO. 583-12 YCXX,E2) l)e gt3i$1 wfCaMVt Nsitt t m tllag i Baltimore