- i' i' . W ' ''' ' ' r I 1 A' y : STOCK BRANDS. . ThJ. !kii t-h viiruia'el.I'Vs the followiu, tor v-sO, er voir. fciuli ad He HI limii.t Tf. eeut. r.v-rv farmer or taiiruiiieii t "loiix and adjoining counties Should advertise their brands m ThsJoCB gALns it circulate all over the ltt. It may he t ho mean of saving monev lor you S500 REWARD. Kor the arrest jut (I rnuvK'tion of any party or tmt 'ealinir r dif iguruiK any brands D .tuck belonging to the undersigned par iee; ; V. K. JANUT. Brand 60. H7, - m on left hlf ii left Juw m eft bip or altle, J'ost urtleo, Hewitt, Sioux County, Nebraska. GKOKIjK SIV ANSON. Cattle branded Horses branded ll left side on left niton Mer, range on Feldier Creek. Any stack branded us above being estray edfrom my rsnite, discovered by asy body on giving me !iitiirmnttn will be rewarded. Addiew, r I. Kobtnson, Nebraska J. IJ. fAKKKK. Horses branded on Cattle wiine on left Sheep barnded nek of Sheep. left shoulder and lii p. on 1-ack or 1 l on Hange on .Soldier (Trek HHil White lllver. Address, r t. Uobinxon. Nebraska. DF.KP CKKE 1.1 V K STOCK Co Branded en left liip of Cattle and on left ehee' of Horses Hange on Iteep Creek. Address, Keep Croek Live Stock Co,." J. II. ilAi.BRRT, Foreman, (ilen, Nebraska. i IIAUl.M NEWMAN. mmm Th- lt:ii,l rem-ewnted In till notice INT?? braii?d any srhtreon left aide 'itttle, and over hip -;ut from the iraea ,""'"t rj Al the same brnnd on left thigh ot 'EJ horses, belong to the undersigned. KaHKe ner Hunt Spring, south part to sioux county. Chaklbs Nkwman. Harrison; Nebranka. 1 3 re?si -J c u rn a I I'Hl'wliO . Mar. 12 UrUS. C. V. Burke, Prop. j M. henslow. S.NTKKKO IN TtIR PJST OKriCa" AT HAH BUUR NKBIi. ASSkCOND CLAM MATT KB OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Year. JOHN T. SNOW. Horses bn-s4ed or r?J on left skoul del branded on left shoulder and Cattle plY on left aide Pout Offlee Address, Patrick. lrMite Co. Wyo. JOHN A. HANSON Osrns the follosr Inekrand on eith er: Also HQ on cat tle and horsei cattle on leftside horses on left naoulder. Kanre on Silver fprlncs and east of state line. I'oslofflce Harrison Neh. ANUKKW CflKISTIAN Cattle brand ed on left aide SHlns aa cat and horses branded on left shoulde same aa cut are the property of Andrew Christian am nunc tributary to Van Tassel Springs. Address, ' Klrtlev, Wyo. 1IESBY W ARSFKE. SAMCKI. KNOUI. Cuttle branded any where on left stile of the animal. Range on Prai rie Ho and lon roe Llwkii. Address, HaiTiiion, Nebraska 1" ) KEWAKI. will yny fTi.OO reward for each head of Lave Col ville's horses brand eof on either jaw or thiifh turned over V John Bieser on Running 1 1.., KiA nn rn nn,f t, J I convict any person unlawfully handling any of said horses. i W. J. A, Raih. Horses branded nSK on right thigh anil shoulder and r Branded jj o right Jw AIno, I have Horses ItrandedS on left thigh Post Offlim Address, Harrison, Mioux Co, Nebraska J.S. TL'CKKK. Rranded on let t xhon ldr ol horses ind on left lle of rattle. on right side J 111 And thlM w ' nil on j right side of cattle ton. Itange wa White Ulver, muir (ilen. Post Oflice aiHress, (ilen, Nebraska. KOHKIIT F. NKF.CE. I 'Caitle Branded a f i . J on left Side Range oa on left hip Also rattle branded 'siio jlder or side. Usage on Manning Water. P.O. Address , Agate, Nebraska. ' Cattie brsml "ed Mime aa that "mi eat. either -ft hip or on left Wtoalder. BKFWSI F.rt CO, braxlad with any above brands. AaMteas, J. 4. Aaimawos, . VaeHawii, IMnWaeka. '4. T. MWrTT. tm left tfcfa. ' as -S Cattle brand ed on left side. Kange on IMimlng Water Creeek. "P.O. Address Harrison, Nebranka. Cuttle branded Cuttle branded Cattle bra.ided a on left side also. on left (idi On Left Hip HENKV WE1SK. Foreman P.O. Address, (ilen. Neb . Frwt alag Cvihi aba ' Ore itaa mora than flv tbouaaod toiu of copper aalahau par annual for killing iMacla. aapwclaJly tboae that feed upoa tae ettrrant bush. Bat, Abaraatnr oiarM Uat the best time to eat was, tor a rlcfe aun when ae could got appetite, aa, for a pool bam. whea m aoalg get food. DL Cattle branded on rignv sule same as - cut. And also J oa right nip. BontKKT MINN. Ilonws brand W9M on right shoulder or jaw. Range on White Kiver, on tne om Dave ColviUe .ranch. lllluiii. uuniicy foreman. f.O. Address; (ilen, Nebr. NKIL JOKDAN. t tie 1 PUP I lorses and cat- braiiili-d on either sldi, wime aa on cut. lull.- uraad m sniii ns Hist on cut on ei til er side of animal. And following on left side M cattle. tad this m And this on left sale of she stock. on left side and hip. And Cattle branded side, sad Horses u left on left jaw. Address, Bodarc, Nebraska. Range on Knuulng Water. PostOfflce nd(lreHS,;ilarrison, Nebraska. Kit MASON. Cattle Branded Kange on Knn Ion left side ning Water Address Agate, Neb. J. II. WlLHEBDORFEIt, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Gold and Silver work done. Rings made to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS, SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. - Harness made to order. Saddles re-covered. CHARLES H. NEWMAN, SUCCESSOR to G. W.HESTER, DEALER IN Lumber, Doorn, Sash, Lime, Coal, Wagon?, Buggien, and Machinery of all kindtt. Also Wind -Mills, Towers, Piping, Pumps, and everything in that line. I alto carry a large stock of feed, ground and ungronnd. I make a specialty of repairing Wind-mills. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. J. I.KVkK. Cattle branded RHEUMATISM CURED JT LAST. U: Sews For All Who Naffer With Bhi aMatUai Free. To all who suffer with Bheumatism I will gladly asmd free the wonderful story of hosr my mother was cured after years of suffering, tojrelher with the most elaborate treatise oo Bheumatism ever published. No matter what your form of Rheu matism is, whether acute, cronic, mus cular, inflammatory, delormaat, sciatic. nearalgia, gout, lambaifo, ate no mat' ter how many doctors lure failed in your case no matter how many sncalled "sure cures" you have tried I waot yon to write to me and let ma tall you how mother was cured. lam neither a Doctor nor a Professor mm ply a plain man of , business but I have a CUKE for Rbeumalism. and I' want to tall everyone who suffers with Rheumatism all about it. I wish to be clearly understood, aad trust that all who art suffering with this terriMe dsaeass, bowsver apparently beyond the reset) of cure, ' will write to me I his day and I well sand you by return mail this work of mine. I appeal especially to the "chronically itr who are wearied, and discouraged with "doctorine;' and to thorn who have been cant aside aa "in curable." All you hare thought about Bheomatistn amy be wrong. La am toll yon our sgpsrtsaos. Surely, h you have Khsomalawn, or have a aunVha fnend, it will pay you to iavistlgato my offer, anyway, an prove for yowrasif I BkaW. fend aw yasW pootol aarJ will do 1 wiM aMdl you thia wondarfnl If sVavJT t risMantl MaVflHflf N I.KrT.SIDK Po t "t e 4dress. Chad ron Nebraska. J. R. HCNTKg. ' cattle branded as shown In eat, on light side, hip. or shoulder. Also a on left side. Right eat clipped fMO REWARD will be paid forevld-noe eouvletlng any one for running off or In any way tampering with stock having any of the aianre brand or brands, tii Ranch at Andrews, Nebr, . . , Addriss, Harrison Nebr, waaggjaws?' OCTAVK HAKU1S. Cattle branded as 'shown oa left Side with over-bit en left ear. Kange m Hu- 3 nlng Water, P. O. Address, Marsland, Nebr. SHERIFFS' SALE. By virtue of an order ol sale lsnel by the clerk of the dintriet cenrt of Wonx county, Nebrauku, upon a decree rendered in said court In fat or of M. J. O'Conuull plaliitiff, and ugaliiot Adolpli Currae, J!r. Adolpli Carrac his wife hone true chrixtlnu name Is unknown to plaintiff ss dufeudsnls I will on the auth Jay of March A. U. lam" at one o'clock In the nl ternoon of snld day, ut tk cant front door of the Court House of said county, at Hairlson, aell at public suction to the highest bidder for rash In hand the following deicrilwd real estate situated In said county to-wit: Tbe north half (H) of the south-wewt qnsr ter () and tbe north half (H) of the south east quarter ) of section one (l)ln town ship thirty-two (U) north of ra.igr fifty lire (U) west of sixth princiml meridian, to nullify said order of sule in the sum of eight hundred and nine dollars and fifty cents (teovM), Inteiest, cost and urcruing cost, first publication February th-lisw. AI.KXI.OWKY, Sheriff of said county. Week oa Tfgrts Fawgreat. Baayaa took Ilia ataerwt usaav ployad km of Urea yaara to 0aiaft "fllgrlai'i yTagraaa." wklek was writ tea alias aatlraly U Badford Jail, The "Holr War" raaalrad but aaa vaar. r1 2 mi IwiU "wdwBBanBpwayisnBMpdBs kpatwsfuawvf aa Daatel H. Saott at Black. Uver, If. T.. ega Tl; kU aoa, aga M, aad kig graadaast, at fj, war all ' laftiatad tuto tka ataaoak ardar tk saaa eraa. mm rasMtlf. Tka araat la katlavad ka aitkaut - REMEMBER f Marsteller Bros. Handle tukhk ok as oxd kuaxim k SIIOHS -as abk mauk iw AMERICA. THE SELZ SCHWAB KIIOKC'O. CHICAflO Is the largest manufacture of Slices in the world And the old reliable line of M. I. WELLER of Chicago And F. Mayer and Co. Shoe of Milwaukee And a full line of Mens', Women', and Childreim Over Shoen, And we carry a full line of Dry floods, Duck Coatn and Caps, Groceries, Hard-Ware, Flour and Feed And a nice line of fancy Candied Conif. and get our prices, which are alwayn the best in town. MARSTELLER BROS. The Commercial Bank. HARRISON. NEBRASKA. C. F. Cokkke, President. i V. W.Clarkk, Cashier Cmas. C. Jamksox. ; H. 8. Clakkk, A. McGinlkt Stockmen having use for a bank at thi point may rely " us to handle their entire Hanking busines. HrWe are prepared to take care of our trade at all tiines THE PIONEER PHARMACY. UruKgist's Sundries, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Books and Stationary. j 0)) J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. hi the left left sholll- Kft) iiikI Chi. &siiI the lor th I' HANK M TTO. tattle branded lile and name en rl-r 'if hordes. Alxo Koine of the llor-. tie are branded on lile shoMliler mime as diserib slsive biuuid. Adilres, llnrrlMtn, K;linuks. A. I!. KKNStDY. I'nttlejllraiiiled on'KiKht Hip Mionliler P. 0.' Address, Craw ford, Nohr.ioS. 000000eOOeOeeO00 JOB WORK VES! Thk Prkss-Joi rnal does Jol) Work. First Class and Up-To-Date) Xeat, Call in and get our prices on Husiness Cards, Note Heads, -Letter Heads, Envelopes etc. The Press-Journal. i -zznrz w i sr o Baaa Agala Ceiuing in rami Snuff Is coming Into faghljn h-.iJu, aas the Ixodon Dally Chronic ie. with tka early Victorian fashions ru in taking Increases tbe size of the uus j and keeps It In a state of perpetual Ir ritation. Issaseaae Pearl Fused A big pearl baa been found In V.Vat iostralla an Inch and a quarter Id length, of graceful ibape and perfect luster. In the same oyster shell two otker good small pearls were found Wakeful Children. Fora long: tiro- the two year old d,iM of Mr. P. L. M. Plierson, ftfl N. Tenid 8i Harrisburg, Ph , svsnild sleep but two or three hours in tlie rarlv part of llw night whst'h made It very hard for her pnrents. Her mill lair wincluiled llmt the child had stomach trouble, and gave her half of one of I hmbrlin's HtortWh noil Uver Tablets, whU h qiiiled her stomaeh and aha alejit tlie wlmle night through! Two bnxea.f Ihese TalileU have enVted a permanent car and she la now well aikI trMig . For il liv all IVnirfisis To too o Cc!'J b no Bay a, 1 Caf. iVV WV re VV -J Je fj Tib Ora taTaasiyt, caevcrv OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. I' . SKMAl'UKs Jirtrn . Mii.mui, iii Ji. 1mi:tkii:ii ltiS(,uKMMKJI Ki-skhJ. Ili HsrTT, Hep. 1st Hist. I'AVili h. iism icn, kep.lnd H-t. J'ihS J. lioiiissos, r u. rd lilst. W. I.. trks, us. sth IHst. A. (', SIIAM.fcNl:llUKa, fu. fiih IHt. Nkvillk, rii,i,th Dist. T.TK OKHCr'.IIH Kt.HK I. svAiit, (ioieiinor C. IT. nTKRLr.'l.leut, aovernor OWi, W. Mansii, s, erelary ofSUila Cius., Wkskis, Auditor fub. Arets. ' htici kb, Treasurer M. K, roaxkN.supt. I'ublle In.Unetloa fsa . I'sdit, At!)- General UKoH(! roH LKN.i p,. BI Uic lIKHiiMAS, l.lbrsrlsii OCSTV OKKI( ;s W, J. A. lUux, rk J'mx I. lHviS,Treuiirer Alki lwar, sherin 1 wa. j A. Ilna, n,.rk u( iiLHiettourt J. M. Dunks, Snpf.of 'wi liistraeuaa J. It. HMtTrl.L, JmlKn M . J. !( 4, s rLt, A lUrrner )l llrrrisii, suiveyur i at i.o, ( orini,r IMHI)(r MH STV UlaMia.lugr.iu Jsss r. Mtsit, i.i Hi.ti let i.. V l.awis, ;nd Ki.lrl.-t K. A. H,i.u,s, ( ,(,. 7) ( 1 J I-