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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1903)
fl I THE MEN AND WOMEN Who Enjoy the Choicest Product! of the World's Commerce. , -I -'I aawlraae of What la Bra I Mora li aarlaat Ttaaa Wralih Wltfc. oul li. It must be apparent to every one that "ualltjf of the highest ordfr are neces sary to enable the bent of the products of modern commerce to attain permanently lo universal acceptance. However loudly Heralded, they may not hope for world-wide -preemsaenca-atoa-tter meet wmi-Hm- general approval, not of individuals only, but of the many who have the happy faculty of selecting, enjoying and learn ing the r?al worth of the choicest prod uct. Their commendation, consequently, becomes Important to others, since to meet the requirements of the well in formed of all countries the- method of manufacture must be of the most per fect order and the combination the most excellent of its kind. The above Is true tiot of food products only, but is espe cially applicable to medicinal agents and Iter nearly a quarter of a century of srrowtli and general use the excellent remedy. Syrup of Figs, is everywhere accepted, throughout the world, as the best of furihly laxatives. Its quality la due not only to the excellence of the combination of the laxative and carmin ative principles of plants known to act most beneficially on the system and pre sented in the form of a pleasant and re freshing liquid, but also to the method of manulacluie of the California Fig Syrup Co., bleb ensures that uniformi ty anil purity ci in a remedy in tended for family use. Ask any physi cian who la well Informed and he will answer at once that It is an excellent 1aallve. If at ali eminent In his pro fession and has made a special study of laxatives and their effects upon the sys tem he will tpjl ym u i- hst fit family laxatives, because It 7s sim ple and wholesome and cleanses and sweetens the system effectually, when a laxative I? needed, without any un pleasant after-effects. Every well-Informed druft of reputable standing knows that Syrup of Figs j, an cxce). lent laxative and Is Rlad to sell it at the ovular price of fifty cents per bot tle, because It gives general satisfac tion, but one should remember that In order to get the beneficial effects of Byrup of Fiifs It Is necessary to buy the genuine, which Is sold In original pack ages only; th nama of the remedy Syrup of Fies and also the full nama of the Company-California Fig Byrup Co -printed on the front of every package. Universallu Accepted as The Best Family Laxative SYRUP OF FIGS is Recommended bu Manu Millions of ' The Well-Informed Throughout the World Marufactured bu Lotiiavtll, Hr. FOR SALS STALL LEAD1XQ DItUQQISTS. San Francisco. Cal. "w York. W. Y. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE. I y.v n if ' 8nrclla Barlav OHif(xN. Y..1.1 bo rwr cra. Dwi vr-if V'ry w fc( n 20th Contury Oat Th oat rrirTl,prxluelnr JW to aw hue. por tn, The U. S, a. Drrm-nt p3 f Hlx f Sr ( jfcU tlte That Oolden Cat Corn truly a, wrmriPrftiWajitjiy. Macaroni Whaat. Urtrt wLwtt on Mnb for srM, dry, hot illt TtaldR ta but. tmr er. ln trodurvJ by rj a. Ipt. of piltl. QrUmi rerwl food on rth0 hnm. grain uk1 4 mtgninem hay par . xTmt fayfc Victoria Rap maJri it potx-tbl to rnnr btir. h;p cti,iB t ft wttt of bu 1: lb. Ifia- itMjlT froJifle. (tot wtrll wYry wfar. Tfaat 2 a 7 a. Iromus tnrmla tM a4 i'.Mtkn IoiUr 'inn arty the lo m,t worwlrrful frraurn of Wi oHwiry. u ttom um pro (Jrll lk tOIUI Ol bfcf mrj irw ana InUof pMttiniir wbarivir 4(1 ! foutKi. Potatoaa. . fiOMid Dam haxiwt. 10,00 for 100. 1 with yoa to trr oar lTt farm bnr iHfirton4 1 farm MM ropl.M-aroiU KbMt, TlHMlllta. Rtb. ilanl l to rt ttavrti Wtth tmr fTMicMaUotf.ror Mo pootaa. b W ESTERN CANADA Grain Orowlnl. Mixed rarmlnC THE REASON WHY mors want l srown in Mn (Jsimdii in a t.w ,,ort muniij t, W-n sMatlun arowg In (,rft txrtion lo ll.m unnllnbL Thi for t-.r l.o.h-l in fli UndAra lutiAJ uannd. it, ih.Vu erp In lVirm Canada, foa i.r,s;u Tlal. le(-lT,0tt,Ta4 ka. wll '' ' r-le-lln.1. II.. on I. 1T';. "'itr!1 r'm',,",, ') "" aa w Uaa loiimrlnif fn, .n i . i ... , " i . 'Hi' Ktrrt "f MwpiMrs on Fiction, Tlicro Is aKtory (old of a newspapor correspondent who tfliraphcd Ids editor as follows: "Have column story on so-and-so. Shall I send it?" Tin1 c !!tor, mindful of the value Of hmvi; wired Uek: "Send six hun dred words." In a few hours he re ceived another message, from the anxious correspondent, reading: "Can't be told In less than twelve hndrcd." The editor promptly tele graphed haek: "Slory of creation of the world told in six hundred. Try it." And in duo time the corre spondent sent in his story written within the prescribed limits. The condensation of language in the news papers of our time has undoubtedly had a reactionary effect on our liter attire. Our novelists no longer in-' duhre in the elegant efforescense of two chapters In a book where one can take its place, and even the leisurely introductory pajres of Scott, fine as they are, would not he read in a novelist of today, unless, indeed, another Scott should arise. VVbile splitting rails the other day our leading poet severely sprained both his hands, and now he cannot lift a glass of "moonshine" to his lips without assistance. A Maine farmer, after witnessing a football game at I'.runswick, was asked how he liked the contest. This was his answer: "Just let twenty nig hogs out on a soft field any day, and then throw down a peck or so of corn in a saeK, and see Mini go for It, and yoiril know what a game of foot- nan looks like lo a farmer," Care ot the Fret, Many people abuse their feet by confining them In cramped and ill fitting shois. We talk learnedly of the necessity for ventilation, and then we encase the feet in air tlgh coverings, and expect them to bear up the weight of our bodies all day long without a grumble. Or we take pains to have our shoes long enough ana then put on socks or stockings half an Inch too short, and wonder where the corns come f rem. a 1 Aimosu as necessary as tno proper shO'-s Is the proper toilet. At least morning and night the feet should be bathed and then manipulated to keep them smooth and supple. Stockings should be changed very frequently, because the feet, owing to their con iiiii'iiirni ano ine naru wortc Uiev are called upon to do, are nearly ahvavs perspiring. The same pair of shoes should not be worn two days in sue cession. It is an easy matter to have two pairs In use on alternate days, ium is exeenenf economy besides, as it gives the shoes a chance to become pMf.-ctly dry, and consequently they keep in better shape and last longer. living Jim rnt-a 55'. '' ! for nnitcua . . . -1 , 1'iutwa. 1 nr i Baanalt. tpi Jtaw Tnrk I.I fa Bids, Omaaa. iaaauUi.rlMd Casaataa Uotarnunnl AnuL. Music may tie the food of love, but love also manages to find room for largequantltiesof Ice cream and bon bons. a:- iriatnMika LU VOU Mfl DO IT TOO OrertOOO.OOO people are now buy. IDC foods from ua at wholesale prteaa aartnjf 15 10 W percent 00 trcrf. thine thcr use. You can do 1 1 too. Whr not uk us u scad joa our l,mr pace oataiorue f It tells too story. Send l!cntaforlt Uxlujr. I asaaaa. W ilsaaaaaaWa CalBBW aV .afaflal Chicago Tha hotiM that trlls th truth. aVWaasir SOLID FACTS! ill BEACZBS Or TMORWHAL canaoips aAY it ia TKZDCftT IN TK3 IVOSLD AND SAY IT Some people might think that Mrs. Anna Thornton, of Louisville, Ky is a widow In luck, Shelraws four pensions from the government as the widow of four soldieis who served In the War of the Urbellion. .No fraud is charged against her, as each nen- Kion was granted in accordance witli law, Mrs Stanislaw Snvliolskl. of Tole do, Ohio, when slxleen years ol age, gave birth to twins. Three yenrs )at-r she had triplets. The following year she hud a single child. A few weeks ago, at the age of twenty-two she gave birth to four children. Ifer record is ten children in six years. Mo Went Weat nl I'roaperpa, Free)nd. Kan., March 0. One of the in4 properdin farmer In Hnr per Ov-jtjr H -Mr. N. 11. Mend. Horn thirty-f-.iiir yen w uro he left hi home near C'ltrenee, l. Y., and came to Kan in. I (erfi be had thrived splendidly and laiit year harvested over one hun dred and forty acre of wheat alone. Kilt everything bns not gone well with Mr. Mead, for bis health hna not been good for the last few year. lie has suffered a K r eat deal with Kidney and llladder Trouble and could get nothing- to atop It Lately, however, ho baa Improved a great deal and be any a that he hua none of the old aymp toma left and la feeling splendid ik-ahi. He lined Uodd's Kidney nil and tbla remedy earned to work von dera In his caao, lie aaya himself: . "Dodd'a Kidney rills hnve made me well; They are all right and a reliable remedy for Kidney Trouble. They helped me right from the a tart, giving me great relief, and Onally cored roe." liasle has the only zoological gar den in Switzerland. 'England! Hie coldest May in GO years. Belgium's population by the limi census is 6,T9f),9!)0. Warsaw, Kussia. is going to have a statue of Chopin. Italy makes eight millions a year out of foreign visitors. There are about 10,000 murders a year in the United States. What a boom It would bo for milli ners should women ever break into politics and bet hats on the elections 1 A London publication, In comment ing upon technical diseases, asserts that the two most prevalent literary maladies are ' writer's cramn nnrl swelled head. The unfortunate thing about, writer's cramp is that. It Is never cured The unfortunate thino- alKiut swelled head Is that it never kills. HAVE A PLAQUE OF BEAR& Why Didn't the 1'reaiclent Go to Ytl Iswalone fark to Hunt them? When President Hoosevelt appreci ates the real significance of the annual report of Secretary of the Interior llitcheock that -part of it relating to the plague of hears hi Yellowstone Park ii Is possible that there will be a scene between the cabinet offirer and his chief. It is considered dowuiiclit lueer In official circles that the Heere tary or the Interior should allow tlio President to go bear hunting away down la Mixsiw.sippi, wiiere the bca run rrora sirangirs, when right out in tiie -iroverrmteut'g-- own domain tiif bears are so tame they will take pie out Of the hand. If Mr, Hitchcock Is seen looking pale and distraught withhi the next few days it will he known that the Presi dent's eye has lighted on those fetch ing paragraphs in which the faets about the Yellowstone Park hears aro told, says the New York World: "The bears have Increased hi mira uers unu conunue 10 oe a great source of interest to tourist m, as they can be seen nt any time during the season around the garbage piles at the various hotels and camps. They are perfectly harmless as long as they are Jet almie. but if fed and petted they lose ail fear of human beings and are liable to do considerable damage to property at the hotels and camp kitchens mid are alwo liable to frighten tourists by following them with the expectation of being fed. The black and brown hears are the most friendly ami consequently Rive the most trouble. Three of them became such a nuisance during the past sum mer that It became necessary to liavn them killed. "It is diltictilt to make some of the tourists in t lie park realize that Ihe hears are wild and that it is dangerous to trifle with them. The possibility of injury to some one was anticipated, and on Aug. 8, V.XK!, a circular was issued by the acting superintendent of tlio park and posted at all the hotels and permanent camps absolutely prohibit ing the interference with or molesta tion of bears or any other wild ani mals In the park, and also forbidding any one to feed them except at Hie reg ular garbage piles. A violation of the instructions con tained in tills circular resulted In t lie serious injury of a tourist, from Ilail. Mich. Mince this accident barriers have been put up at ail of the garbage tides, and signs indicating the danger of ap proaching too near the bears have beet; posted." - PRESIDENT FULLER OF THE JEWELERS' ASSOCIATION Threatens With Loss of Hearing, Smell and Sight From the Ravages of Catarrh. Pe ru na Cured Him. Had Strange Delusion. Initiation pranks of a secret society almost caused the death of William Iiorkln of l.'U Sonlli Twenty-Komih street, who hud a most thrilling cane- Hence early vesterdav inoriiiiiL' nfter Ing made a member of one of these orgiiaiiiatioiis. Iiolng a newly elected member. Dor- kin was put through tlte ordeals. Ac. ordiug to him, a large balloon was at tached to ills shoulders mid he was put in a room with a high ceiling. The rope attached to the balloon was cut lo-se, and Iiorkln was carried to tlm ei!;ng time and again. Dorkln afterward left the hail, which Is Nil uated near Tliii I v-nim h and Mar- ct streets, mid started a!ou for home After walking some distance lie whs with the Idea that the balloon was. still attached to liiui and was car rying him high into tut! air. He start- it on a run across Walnut street br.-h;". ind when he reached the cent' 1 ;,e jumped upon the railing and fell over board. The crew of the police tag 'King, hm itiicnortti a lew yarns aivav. ard the splash and saw Dorkiu strug gling in ihe water. Deck Hand Dever 1 o'ti in a !i:il r"i !i ree;ci Dorkln, .';o n.o- remove-! ! -tl. polyclinic .s, i. 1 Ph. huh iphla I iityilier. 1 xJ I t GTtKAT many remedies to temporarily relieve catarrh hnve been devised from time to time, ueh hh sprays, sinifTs, creams and other local npplical inns, but, us a rule, the medical profession has little or no euthutiinsm in the treatment of catarrh. It in generally pronounced by tliein to be incurable. It therefore created in medical circles when Dr. 1 le rf limn announced that he hud devised a com pound which would cure catarrh per manently. The remedy was mimed Peruna find in short time hecnie known to thousands of catarrh sufferers north, south, ea.-d and west. . betters testifying to the fact that Pe runa is a radical cure for catarrh began to pour in from nil direciions. 1 1 liouHanus et such letters are on fill. n as troubled with catarrh of the head for many years. It affected my Senae Of Stnpll. hpnrlntr atttl alrth t a great sensation t ,.. ' ..?. ... a . when Dr. Il.o lman ; VCL '1 'I . w outwrs M nt use ui iutai applications 10 relieve me but to no purpose, until my atten tion was called to the wonderful effects ol Peruna. "1 must say that I met with most surprising and satisfactory results. Peruna took hold of the complaint and drove It entirely out of my system. "Although well alonir toward the allotted span ot man's life I am pleased In the ofllce of The Peruna Medicine i i as a chl,d ve' the results, and foel like Her. Yj. StHhenvoll. Pella. VVk writes: "1 feel obliged to extend yon iny personal thanks for. my complete res toration. All through the winter I suf fered from throat and lung trouble, but recovered my entire health hy the use of your excellent remedy. Peruna." The following letter from a prominent gentleman of I, oh Angeles is a case in point: Mr. J. W. Fuller, President of the Jewelers Association of Los Angeles, Cnl., tins been in business in that" citv for seventeen years out of the forty-live that he has been engaged in business nneormng hi experience with Peru-ia he (-ays: a young man again." W. Fuller. Such letters as the above are not used for publication except by the written permission of the writer. A pamphht iiUeil with such Jotters will he sent, to any address free. This book should he read by all who doubt the curaiiilily of catarrh. If you do not receive prompt and ualis factory remits from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving 11 full statement of your case, ami he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Adilresa Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium Culumhus, O. ' in- win How? Br toothlnc and aubdutac tha pain, that's Iba war St Jacobs Oil! Cmt Neuralgia Price, tSe. 4n1 Oc. D011114 n 1,11'le lliiii-cir, ".My word, l-'il.tiooille," said a wat ollice clerk to a colleague who sat st the next desk, "Just look at that work man on the roof of that building over the way." W lint S the matter Avith him: quired Fie,, glancing through the (low at the Individual Indicated. Matter," retorted the other, "why ve been watching that lazy beggar for the last twenty-live minutes ami he hasn't done a stroke of work ail the lime." t the precise moment at which the above conversation occurred a P.riiish worklngman was addressing his "mate." "S'y. Hill," he remarked In 11 tone of deep disgust, "d'ye see that 'ere loatin' war ofils chirk In that room down there? S', If Hi ain't bin a-watehln 'Jm fur nigh on arf a bower, an' the bloomer's done nothln' but stare limit 6' the' winder the 'ole blessed tjuie. That's the sort o' chap as we pya taxes ter keep:" London Express. Capsicum Vaseline Put Up In Collapsible Tubes. A Substitute for jiikI SujM-rir u MustitrJ or any ether r, an.) will not 1 hKler tilt- nnwt (jeh(!it Rklll. '1 III' pHin Hiliivnig Hinl iMiniOve qllulltleH of tins nrtieli- uri- won.ii-rful. 11 n. step i; teolli arhe at niii-e, and n-lit-ve lii-ntliK-tjt; ana at-mtu-it. We reedinummj 11 art th beatau naff stextenml counter-irrititiit kti wn, nine h aa i-xlriiitl rfm dy tor piiiiin in tin' chest tin 1 st inwh ami aa rheumatic, neuntliOe. ami umity eaiiilaiiiu. A trial will pMv whiu w ehuai Tor it, nnj It will 1m found lo ht liivelioi Oif in tii housi-liol'l. Mjiiiy poiie uy "H n ti, t.Hi of h,1 your poia rutiiam." 1'rien ia. m-iiJ. nt a'S driiy'ihts, or other deaien, er hy M'uiiiiiK this aim, a ut to us 111 inuuige utimipj we will send you a mi. ,j nuol. No! should tm invnjitcd hy the pilhlie. nn-I(-h the wune Carrie our iiiln'l, ua otherwise it U not Kfuulue. CHEESKbROLiOII MaNUFACIDRINU CO, 17 Elite Street, New York Uly. Profane parrots are kept in stock by a dealer in birds in this city. He also advertises "a large variety of semi-religious parrots." The most profane bird in his collection he Is willing to sell for $200. He enthusi astically extols this bird's popularity hy the declaration that "She's a corker 1" Mr. Window's SOOTHING SYKUP tor ohllilren tfetblntf. noOrn Dm ifnmn, rudiici-ii Infliini&Uon allay pain, rurt-s wind i odic. 2.V hultle. When an editor strikes a would-be writer over the head with a literary cluli, it fretiently happens that liter ature runs in that num's head ever after, Iilessings in disguise may bo al! right, but it looks as if there were a screw loose somewhere when good tilings arc forced to sail under false colors. JUNR TINT BUTTER COLOR makes top of the market butter. A man turns 112,000 spadefuls of earth in digging an acre of ground, and the soil he has moved during bis work weighs 850 tons. THE TEST OF GOLD. A Vtust Number of Kidney Suffering People, Cured by boan'a Kidney Pills I ay but for the Free Trial they would Mill be In Agony. Thla means Uolden Merit at your Command to Test. Klneil lVc I,au(hliiK. One of the leaders In the movement for the amelioration of the conditions of working women tells n rather inter esting story of North country factories. In oik! factory n bed wan alwnya kept ready in case of accident ; nnother was known to the niwllcal studenls by the name of "the lauhter liouae;" and In another wan found ft slnnding rulo of a flno for every employe who presumed to laugh In work hours. Undpr the condition which prevailed In the fac tory, the Investigator was not mir prlsed to find thnt the penalty was ael dnm Imposed. any- , vv Whore Mlie Kiillml. "I don't think much of Venus, era " ' '' " '.'TooJnunodoKirj , -', ? t "Oh, It Isn't thnfj Imt he f rtldift bring up Cupid to have a proper ( peet tot pareutal utborlt)r,"rr tt. CoLUMnusCiTT, Ia., Feb. 10, 1003. I received the sample package of Item's Kidney Pills and took them according lo directions. They did mo so much good, I procured a 50 cent box at tlio drug store and have been greatly benefited. I had the backache so bud I could hardly walk j also had urinary troubles, that caused me to get up two and three times of a night. I am all right now. Loug may Donn's P1U prosper. m Yours truly, A. C. Site. and tbo . Severe and long atanding cases should Uk advantage, of free .Medical Advice. Grand KArms, Man., Feb. 17, 1903. 1 received the trial puckago of Doan'g Kid Bey I'illa promptly and can truly say they are all and even more than recommended, I suffered continually with ft severe pain to the back, which the pill entirely over came, and I km able In work, which would Dot have been poaaihlu but for Donn'g Kidney Pills. Mrs. J. A, flcni.AXB, 855 ftucbsnan St, Grand Itaplds, Mich, Aching backs are eased. Hip, back loin pains overcome. Swelling of itinos una oropsy signs vunlsh. They correct urine with brick dust scili meat, high colored, pain in passing, drib bling, frequency, bed wetting. Dunn's Kidney Pilla remove calculi and gravel. Relieve heart palpitation, sleeplessness, headache, nervousness, dizziness. FRCE-MALEO WITH PUBLIC APPROVAL. . , T?f", "" m. J mall, wtthoot ebarva, trial box Uoana Kldaaa Illkt Nama. I'oat oB) ca sta! (Oat ant g-1""! SattaS HaaaaaS waO m raatar fcilWia Da., Saaaia, M. V.)