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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1903)
MEW' 5 . 4 RRISON OURNAIJ2 VOL. XV. HABBISOIT, JSTBBRASKZA TOUTJRSPA.IT, MARCH 12. 1903. N O. 3T Ha Press v.l LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN. ham Holterfleld was io from Pleasant Ridge Monday. Joe Bush and will Hunter were up from Hewitt last Friday. Kd Hollingsworth was his family this week. visiting witb John Christian wan in Irom his ranch, near Rawhide, this week. The "St Patrick's Hall" supper will be at tlie Commercial Hotel. The town Hoard had a new pump put in the town well this week. Last Saturday was a On day for sale, and a large crowd atteoded. the Robert Neece was in from his ranch, near Marsland, the first of the week. Sunday school at 10 'clock; every body iovited. W. 11. Davis; Supt. L. W. Crone was in from Pleasant Ridgw lust Saturday aod made us a pleasant vihit. Ed O'Oonner and J. H Will.ermsdorfer are putting tip an awning in front of their places of business. We are glad te say that A. McGinley is gradually improving, aad hop for his iimiK-ilhit! recovery soon. TOI'llSE A COM) IHOKK DAY. Tnk rtxt'VM Itro o Quinine THblnts. All lnurliH refund thx mo irv If It fall to uri-. K. W. tirure'a alKimtura Is ou euro box. vftc. County Clerl Kiwm received a tele gram from his son Kalph who resides in X. D. asking him to meet hiiu at Craw ford. We have a few f 1 50 gents Ulster over h that we are cosing out for 10.00. Now is your chance. Lewis Gerloch. 59 tf ('has. Umihenotir was in from the G, T or Orammercy ranch, "Monday. He said tlie snow has about all disappeared down there; It will be the same here the warm weatlier continues. The snow is faxtlv disappearing under the rajs of Old Hoi. and the soft gentle xephvrs from the west. Block mens faces are nun taking on tlieir natural smiles as of yore and we areglxd to see it f'ir this has been a trying winter on slock as well us the sttience of men. ST. PATRICK'S BALL. There :.ilt he a Bull given at the Hall Tuenluy evening h 17th, in honor of St. Patrick. Come everybody as this will lw the last dunce for this season. Spectator's fee will be the same as before. B. C. lX'SM. John Lacy and family arrived Monday evening fro.i Garnet , Kansas. Mr. Lacy purchssed the lumber, feed, and harness Isisiness of E. Rohwc, some time ago, and will soon laks pOMU'ssioii. We wel come Mr Lacv und family back to Harri son, fo we lound tlwm very worthy people while residents of Sioux county ears ago. EpwMth League. At tlie M., F.. church every Sunday evening at 7:00 o'clock. Everybody invited. Subject for March: The Yeufitf Christian's Steading Ground Subject for March 11th: Tlie Young Christian's Pleasures The Recreation of Body, Mind und Soul; I Cor. vi. 19; x. 81 3:1. Okoikie WiixiabU; Leader. Last Saturday was Lenis Larson's IBlh Isrthday, ar.d in tlie evening a large number of his friends and associates gutlwred at his home and surprised him. - lie looked very much surprised. Tlie evening was -njoyed by pluying games. stratna; w.iik'M, X etc., and no doubt Lhiis will long remember his eighteenth bmtsiay. August RiuiiiKrd was up from Mont rose lust Friday. He retried the death nf bis father who died March 4lh. He leavesa wife ami a numlsr of children, besides a host of fi ixisls, to mourn his dmth. Mr. Baumgard was one of our nt respected citizens, and the PRM Jtrt'RNAf, extends sympathies to the be ivuvwl family and friends. We iimlerstsnd some of our bovs, . or young iiieo, have been indulging iu letter writing In the girls, and one has become so low as to write mat let of an obscene nutnre, and swnt it through the mall. We will say this: Tht Uncle Ham Asm ma allow any such mutter logo through his mulls, and if you are caught young niini, you will pay a severs Mnaltyf antf which vou will rightly deserve) Ho k srelui. iHERE AND THERE ir it's bilious fttUch, take Chamber lain's Stomach aad Liver Tablet and a quick recovery is certain. For sal by II Druggist. For a had toaU io the month take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet. Price 35 ctnU. Warran ted to cure. For sale by all Druggists. Julius Burke has been having a tussel for the past week with the measels, but is about all O. K. again. As none of the rest of the family have as yet taken we presume they have run against a hard proposition. "The nicest and pleased test medicine have used for indigestion aod constipation is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets," says Melard F. Craig, of Middle- grove, N. T. "They work like a charm and do not gripe or Have any unpleasant effect." For sale by all druggists. aWwwtk I jxte gsslaj. There will be a hardTirae Soshal at andrewsHall friday evenin. March 18 a Prise foi the best hardTime custum Admisshun of ten Sents at the Dur for unday Cote and bo vied Shirt or silk Gown. hardTime supper Twenty seats. Cum! CumHLadys and jents and Ware yur kaliker Dress and overalls and have a jeouin hardTime. Well Again. The many friends of John Blount will be pleased to Itarn that he has entirely recovered from his attack of rheumatism Chamberlain's Pain Balm cured him after the best doctors in tlie town (Monon Ind. has failed to give relief. The prompt relief from pain which this liniment a If ords is alone worth many times its cost. For sale by all Druggists. CeJds Are Dan gereue. How often you hear it remarked: "It" only a cold," and a few davs later learn that tlie man is on his back with pneu monia. This is of such common occurr ence that a cold, however slight, should not be disregarded. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy counteract any teodeorv toward pneumonia. It always euresand is pleasant to take. Sold by all Druggists. ' The Literary Society met as per ad journment last Monday evening. The program was the best rendered so far. and the literary will continue to prosper as it grows older. More are becoming interested, and the more members we nave tlie more interesting our literary will be, as is generally tlie case. The subject debated on: "Resolved that Women sheuld have equal rights as Man, or slum Id he allowed to vols," was riecid ed by the judges, in favor of the affirm' stive. The subject for debate for nest Monday evening is: Resolved that Art is more becoming to the eye than Nature. Come everybody. On our recent visit to Olen last week we found everything going aleng nicely in the school rooms in districts No. 1 and 19. Miss Cora L Sowers is doing good work, and as this is her first school, too much praise can't be given her, and may site continue in the school work. Miss Elizabeth Harris is doing good work in the scliool room, and we found her in her place in the Sunday School on Sunday. Such teachers as she can't help but be successful and ws know the people of that vicinity will long remember her labors with them. We were pleased to see the Sunday School going on and that it is only an ever-green Sunday Scliool by the faithfulness of a few. The Supt. Mr. CA. Puddy, says there wit) be special exercises on Easter Sunday; so all sliould try and be there. We thank the people of Olen for the kind and generous spirit in which tbey received us while among them. We have made arrangement with the publishers of tlie Young People's Weekly one of the heat periodicals of its class, so tint we can furnish said paper in connect ion with tlie Press-Journal each one year for the ems 1 1 sum of tl.25 for both papers or t-i those in arrers on subscription who will pay what they owe and 33 cents extra w will sen Mm Young reouw s Weekly one year. Tlmee who have paid in advance for Ute Press Journal and want a first class paper for the young folks can com in on the deal also, by paving M orata extra. The Young People's Weekly has reach ed its amrvehxs suooess and attained a circulation of over 110,000 copies ft week because it uooteaU Interest young rend- era. IM papuntmy eawnas 10 inougws- ful parents vhe reeofwJas ia itooeof the best atds ia keeping young folks in healthy tofto with the active work! giving thee ft taste for steaa, vigorouf reading, ftftd ftresssUfts; traUM is We speel a part of last week aloof the Platte valley, and found that a f real iuaav changes have taken place in the past fee? years. There has been but lit tle enow there all winter, and stock have not suffered as tbey nave 00 the higher land. The price of land is, high, and there is a town about every ton miles, so it makes it quite convenient, so far as towns go. We predict a bright future for this valley unless something turns up that will rob them of their abundant supply of water. We were favorably impressed with the town of Mitchell, aod her schools are very good. Her paper, "The Index," is published by Mr. O. B. Mark, and gives list news 10 a brie and concise manner. We found a welcome hand from all, and if we conclude to re- move from Harrison we will be tempted to settle in Mitchell. READ IT THROUGH. TwsuM Spell This Stery te Tell It In the Headline . To use an eighteenth century phrase, this is an "e'er true tale." Having hap- psoea in a sman Virginia town in ine winter of 1903, it is a story very much of the present. Up to a short time ago Mrs. John E. Harmon, of Haifa Station, Va., had no personal knowledge of the rare curative properties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "Last January," she ys, "my baby took a dreadful cold and at one time I feared she would have pneumonia, put one of my neighbors told me now mis remeay nan eurea her uuie boy and I began giving it to my baby at ooce ana n soon carea iter, a nearuiy inanR tne manufacturers of Cliamher- loin's Couh Remedy for placing so great a cure within my reach. . I cannot recommend it too highly or say too much in its favor. I hope all who read this will try it and be convinced as I was." For sale by all Druggists. Editor of Press-Joiirsal: Having read your recent article, com mentinii on the action of the ladies of Crawford, concerning this serious prob lem the saloon; I wish to congratulate vou for the noble stand you have taken for their encouragement, and also for so bravely exposing list awful and direful influence of tin saloon.' As you state a great roaoy citizens uphold the aaloou on account of financial support for the schools, but if we observe closely, that element is usually that so isalled honor able class, who tho,' they may not be habitual imbibers, are not too noble to enter these dens of iniquity and mingli with the rough element, where they would he abashed if their actions were disclosed to their wives. We admire men who will stand boldly and firmly for the right, and upon these the rights and prosperity of our nation rests. We pray and hope that the rising generation, who have learned through science, the evils of intoxicants, aad besides can see the results of expense and misery, will profit by the sad experience, and rise up in a srlid phalanx against this horrible Demon Intemperance, and wrest from him this power he has swayed for centuries But we must not sit idly dreaming, awaiting this happy time, while the Monster slays his millions, but . t... 1 awake as the wives and daughters of Crawford are doing, and help to forward the good work. I extend mv heartfelt thanks to the editor and also sincerest interest and encouragement to the ladies of Crawford, in their earnest endeavor. May God in his wisdom strengthen them and crown their efforts with success. A sealous Wyoming Friend of Temper ance. 8. If some ef our good Wyoming Republican editors would choose nobler topics than censuring Christianity and magnifying slander, the world would be wiser and better. Breezes from Glen. Fine weatlier here at present. Miss E. R, Harris visited her sister Lilian last Suturday, Supt. J. B. Burke came to Olen Thurs day, and visited the schools here. He visited school No. 1 on Friday, and came back to Olen Saturday morning. There was a dance last Friday eve, at Mr. Franklins place. Those present re pordi good time. We bad a good 8. 8. last Lords day. Mr. Burke wss with us, and took the place of Mr. Puddy, who was unable to attend. Mr. Shipley was at Olen Saturday. He says that they are all getting along as well as usual over his war. Mr. and Mrs. John Fry were visiting at Mr, Puddy last Saturday and Sunday. Supt, Burke reports that our school Is doing very nicely, lie gave us good talk which we appreciated very much. Mr. M. J. Weber helped butcher ft hog for Mr. Lars Peterson last week, Mr. Shipley and Mr. OeaOllmore took Io the city of Harrison last Saturday, Mr. aad Mrs. Adam -visited at Mr. Hotchkin Colo. March 4th. 1908. When we read of howling blizzards, uid the mercury dropping to 0o below zero. We feel that we are very comfortable if our winter does seem to last a long time. Our Ueoember snow has not gone yet, but it is a going, and tlie air feels quite I spring like, and balmly; though only I four days ago it was 80 be low zero. Nearly as cold as we have had it this winter. Still no wind, and I think Clio will have to visit us, and enjoy the heavenly calm, with us. We are told that the wind blows in the spring, but we have not seen it yet. We are begin ng to see spring mud however, and it is both deeper, and sticker than any thing Sioux Co. has to show. We suspect it will be worse, instead of better as the frost has hardly begua to come out of the ground. Roy whose experience has been limited to north-west Nebraska, groans as he makes his daily trips to school. He will doubtless know more of the nature of mud before spring is over It is raining tonight which sounds more spring like. Last Sunday we got to Sun- day-scheol again, after three months absence; first on account of Mr. Rice s sickness, and then because our team was awav. The friendly greetings made us feel quite at home; and have realized that Christians are the same in Colorado as 111 Nebraska, and can not fail to be at home among them. The meeting of tlie Womans Missionary society of Box Butte Prebytery is to be held at Hridge port April 17th. Members of Bodarc and Union Star Society please take notice it jg hoped that Mrs. Wells of Chicago I wi he nresent to imsiKt in t.ha m,in,ru and can testify, that she is well worth hearing. Mrs. Bandy can not come now oui may visit ine cnurclies in the sum mer. Emma. L. Rice z In Wyoming. X 040HO000004000 Roy Zumbrunnen. and Francis Ueuel are breaking horses to ride and drive. Mr. aod Mrs. Jaeies Petty arrived home, from eastern Nebraska, about two weeks ago. Cb.rrFoote is working for Bllley Ber- gren, near liik. Uar! seems to l quite a rustler for a boy of his age, thirteen. Yes spring can not be more than 90 das off, as we have seen more men, and teams stiring around in the last ten days than has been ou the road since Dec 1st. Chris Christian brought his cattle home from his ranch in Albany Co. tlie first of this week. He had lost quite a n'imber with a. disease resembling spinnl menin gilis, and thought it best to move them. Mr. Church Sr. and son Hial, sold their cattle, 225 head to C. B. Hollingsworth and his brotherinlaw, C'has. Hooper. They moved them during the blizzard of two weeks ago and lost several head on the road. rjn last Sunday the thermometer rose tov,, nfMl tU ,oow noftoned quite a bit; m ril;u-es water stood in ouddles. but it is ' ' hard to tell what may yet come as at the present writing the indications are favorable for more snow. Epli Boy Irs is visiting somewhat, but it is hard to keep truck of him as some say he is in Iowu, while others ssy that he is in Mot Springs 8, D. Report has it that lie has married one of Dakota's fair scliool mams a few days ayo, hut 011r correspondent won't vouch for the truth of the report. Perhaps by the time this is in print he will te at home, and can speak for himself. Miss Amy Christian will close her school in the west school-house on Wed nesday of this week, and her sister, Flor ence M. will close her school In the east school the next day, Thursday, They are planning an entertainment to be held in, the W. O. W. Hull on Thursday niyht the 12inl. We predict an enjoyable time as we hear they have a good pro gramme arranged. No Peggy don't you think it. It isn't brightness its a gift. We're sorry that you re not gifted that way; Still were very glad of it. Nit we have no Jonsss Bros nee, nor Johnsings nor Smiths, never had 'em. The worst we've got is Boi(yHes on the Foots that Freeze. Now if Ihe rest of the "8utibcams' hop onto us we'll call on our old friends M. A. C. ond Clio to take our part; that what Scott to be done. Lsn Christian kilted an ermine i ns day lust week. This is the first one we have ever seen in this part. This peculiar little animal is one of the few that poas- 1 the property of changing its color to suit the season. In summer it is a red dish brown and is then known us the stoat but in winter it changes to a pure bite with the exception of the tip of its tail which ia a jet black. It is then known as Hi ermiist, It fur is vary valuable. A it Is used for trimming tit cloaks or gowo worn by judge, 7JDUEL. Andrews Happenings. Mrs, CrisChristensen went to Cra ford last Wednesday aod came back Thursday evening. 8everal of the young people here spent Wednesday eveninir latt iu singing and visiting at Mrs Shepherds. Mr. E. Hughes gave a dance last Satur day night Tlie stars and moon shone very bright The music afforded great uelight And the supper was "wut of sight" Miss Elizabeth Harris, from Glen, visited her sister and friends here Satur day. She came and returned on the passenger. Her visit, though brief, was enjoyed by all. 1 There was a dance at Mr. Elmer Hugh es last Saturday evening. A large crowd attended. The music, dance, and supper was enjoyed by all present. I did not attend, but sUte what was reported of it. Please Mr. Zekiel we did not say Mr. Bert Black was a darkey. I suppose you inferred it from his name: but yeu must remember a man's name may be Black and his color white in Andrews. By what yoa wrote 1 infer that it is Leap Year on the Ridge. How's that, is And rews be In ml the limes? Mr. George Baldwin left for Omaha last Friday evening where he will under go a treatment for his eyes. His mother relatives, and friends were at the trai here to bid him good-by and wish him success. We hope tie will return with renewed eye sight Mrs. Baldwin is en joying a very pleasant visit with her son Tom Junes und family. Mr. Tom Plunkett, from War Bonnet, was a welcome visitor at Mr. Tom Jones' last week. He came Sunday morning and staved and visited school Monday lie spoke very high I v of the work that was done while here and thought the school should be complimented for the good order and interest shown in each recitation. We know vie have a good scliool here and that thorough work being done in all the common branches, and high school studies as well. You scarcely ever llnd a school where one teaclier teaches so many difficult studies as she does here withvut extra pay. The 9Lh aud 10th grade studies that are being taught here are viz: Rhetoric, general history, algebra, (elementary and ad vane ed,) natural philosophy, boiat.y & etc. so you may know that tlie teacher is kept busy. We are proud that our school is making such advancement and feel thai when the pupils are put to test ttiat they can cope with anyone the same grade elsewhere. Buds and Blossoms, War Bonnet Topics. Paul Zerbst has a. very sick cow. Fred Witt visited at Noreisches Sunday Guss'e Noreish went to Harrison Sat urday. Tom Plunkett went to Harrison last Monday. V Nels Anderson went to Harrison Mon day last. Jack Finley trupued a coyote, and shot it on the divide. Paul Ztrbsl hauled wood for his mother last week. Mr. Grimm and daughter Sadie went to Harrison Saturday. John Plunkett and Ben Finley visited with Ben and Ed Scott Sunday. Frank 8cott'hs been duinfc some work on his claim east of here this week. - Earnest Lyons, and John Dieckman were hauling sand 1 10111 these parts last week. Jack Finley has been hauling sun flowers from llw.Uerlacli place the past week. Thanks to Buds and Blossoms. 1 didn't suppose Peggy was ef so much im portance. Nellie Scott went to Harrison Sutur day to stay w ith Mrs. Fii.grald, and go to school. Frank Scott and sons, have lieen ('hop ing cord wood for John Anderson the past week. Where "oh where" is Warbonnet sun beams? they were as scarce last week as real Sunbeams. Will and Joe Grimm were hunting some calves Friday that hod strayed from the 8 E. Geo, Grimm was at Scot Is Sunday, and had his hair clipped. I guess he thinks spring has come. Mr. ami Mrs. Jkiut, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson and Mr, imd Mrs. F. S, Scott visited at the S- E Sunday. . j Bimdsy school as usual. We are in ' hope our superintendent w ill Im Uick lie fore long as our assistant may Uavu us any time.. W. R. SMITH Buys, Hides, Tallow, Pelts, and Furs,. and will pay highest market pnee. Leave at Marsteller Bros, or at myr residence east of schoor-house. Professional Cards. J. E. PHINNEY. M. D Pbytsrlan attd Snrgeoi. All calls given prouipt attention Oltk-e in Drug Store. -HARK1SON KHBKABKA. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law.v Prompt attention given to all. legate, matters in Justice, County and District. Courts, and before the United Slate Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliable companies. ClTLegal papers caref ully drawa. Hakkison. - Nebraska. North-Wes tern- LINE F. E.. M. V. R. R. ig. the best to and from the BLACK HILLS,. UEADWOOD AND HOT SfltlKUs,. SOUTH DAKOTA. F. E. & M. V. R. R. Time Table, New Schedule of Trains. Taking effect Sunday Nov. 23.1 West Bound. East Bound.. Morning. Evening. No. 59 No. 60, Frt. ...2:3K No. 5, Psgr. 10:55 No. 4. Psgr. arrives- I 6:35, depart 7.0 Both trains carry passengers Bill Harvey attended 8. S. at Gustave--Noreisohes lust Sunday ; He acted as superintendent on that occasion. Miss Darman former teacher here is-. visiting at Mr. Keels at present. She is in hopes of obtaining a spring. term of school. Robt. Keel was up on the ridge - Mon day, and he says the snow is frightful he says he got his horse down io the drifts, several times. Tom Plunkett went to Andrews Satur day. Some may wonder what attraction but when vou stop to think "Buds and' Blossoms" are to be seen there , such, weather as this you will no longer wonder. Mr. Dunn from the ridge drove 200 heud of cattle down to the valley to ;An- drew Knoris, where he has bought TlOOn Ions of feed at f 12. a ton. He is going. to feed it out right on the place. Soman of the cattle are pretty poor. Peooy. Bodarc Gleanings. John Coffee went to Chadrou to spend! a few weeks. Sanford Hill is recovering from at severe attack of rhenmatism. Looking for news in this locality is. ke looking for a needle in a haystack. George Wickershum is expected in a few days to look after his interests here.. Arthur and Minnie Miller, after a. tus sel with the measels are both able to Is. out. Clarence Zim merman is helping Dicks- Farberat the Coffee ranch during John's-. absence. Jimmy Wilson is very busy just now. lealing death and misery among the prairie dogs. There will be 8. S. at the Bodiire- Church next Sunday March, 15th, at Iff. o'clock sharp. Frank Duryple of the Lickett ranch ret urned on Friday evening with his bride- and was greeted by a surprise p-irtv. Mrs. (iummerie went, to Adelia Mon day to take the train for Hllworth, where she will visit for a few weeks. Mrs.Sanfori Hill is enjoying a visik. with her brother and nephew lioni Miss ouri. We have not learned' Uw gentle mans name. Miss LillieZsntmerman Hosed' a six; aioulhs term of school In theBsuihworthi district Friday Feb. J7th, The children, enjoyed ft treat, and a goerJroud time the last half day Through the kindness ef their teacher Clarence Raura, the pupils of UN B a rot soiiool enjoyed ft graphophon enter tainment at the tchool-hou Monday evening. It was pronounced Dae bjs iiiu who attended M. A. ti. J t . I