. .. I. -'If o. . til I 1 ) 1 1 Miss Rose Peterson. Secrc.t.irv I'nrL-. dale Tennis Club, Chicago, from experi ence advises all young girls who have pains ana sickness peculiar to their sex, to rely on Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable . ComoouncL - ' many beautiful yo.jnjr p.rls develop into worn, listless anl hopeless women, simply Www tu.noient alt, ntion has not been paid to their physical development. Ko woman is exempt from physical wealine. an.l poH! c pain and young- R1ris ju-.t budding inu; womanhood should be carefully folded physical V ii well its mr,r-.!lT- ' If you know of any ymmsr lady who is si-. nnl nerds motherly i i i wmnr ti iiiio-.t lette w ( i i I is uri- -. ui .wo louniry. no not hesitate about stat-ii" details which one nriy not llic to talk atx,.it, and which mo essential tvt u iuu uiiucouinuin oi iik; case. fibs Hannah E. Hcrshon, Codings- wood, N. J., says: T 11 l.i. T 11 -. . i iiiuii-ia i wouiu wine and toll you tnat, by tollowi:!'' your kind advice. I feel like a new ix-rsori. I waa always thin and delicate. find so weak that I mull hardly do anything. Menstruation was irregular. "I (lied a buttle, nf rr.nr Vm.fi1.1n rv., iK.und and u-gan to f-cl hfttnr right awav. I con limicd its ii.se, and am now well and utrone. and nicntrua( resrularly. I earmot say euouh fur what your medicmo tiid for me." How firs. Pinkham Helned l annic Kumpe. T1pn M-q Pix.-i.-hi... I f,,l il !., ,li. i. , ..... .. m . . .irt , i i .i it, i.T ill y uui y IU write and toll you of tin- Ik n fi; I have derived from your aiiee and the use of IiVli:i i:. IMnKhain'M Vcl'cI able. Cooiiioimil. '! b.. t.:iir. in my hack and womb have all left me. and tuv meriKt ni:il (n.niiir. iu corrected. I am very thankful f tr the jj'M-l advi-e von gave me, and I shall reeoiiiniend your ii!-:di:i:ie to all v. ho siif'.'er froni female weakness " Mis.1 Fannie KrMfK, l'.UJ Chester St., I.i, tie l;( k, Ark. (Dee. !!, l'KKi.) i I.. IMrikham'K Vec;etatilf ('onioi:iid will cure any woman in the bind ivho suffers' from noni!) troubles, inflamma tion of tin ovaries, kidnoy troubles, nervous e liability, nervous inuouuiiuu, uti i uii lui iiij oi uu.iUil a s;ec;al His. Chicken m. After pluekiiijf n fmil enref ully. clean the skin with a wet cloth, remove Hie pin-fpiithers ml sinxe off the hnhn; then wii" the bin) wiih a wet Cloth. ad rat the tlesh in small pieces, sep. arating the bones, but not breaking tliem so fine as to ondunirer flieli- re maining In the soup after m r:i in Inir li. The head and feet are to he skinned and scalded after cutting off the bonk and claws, and the heart, liver 'ami gizzard properly cleaned and iml int., the soup. Allow a riuart and a bint of water to each pound of chicken. ;in! season rather below the insie h. pause the fpinntity of soup will be cs ened by boiling. Cover the soup k. I tie. phice It at one side of the the where it will boil lo uil.v for sevcr.il hours until the meat f;ill. apart; tie- soup will then be ready to strain, re moving the bones, and finish for Me tallic by the addition of some dcli.-av dumplings, such as batter Makes or egg-barley dumtilings. Kbmr htain. Floors that are stained and oiled are ;asily kept clean. The material co. ts very little, and any one can apply it. for an oak stain, take raw sienna, 'add l little umber to It, and ml.x half n pint Jf linseed oil and one quart of tarpon tine. A tnblcspoonful of .fapan dr.vct put into the turpentine will make it 3ry quickly. A cheap dark brown stain. wnicti Is better for old lloors than a lighter color. Is made bv iiiIxIiil' one- fourth of a pound of pcrmanKaunk- of potash in one quart of water. Apply with an old paint brush, and five tin- floor two coats if one does not make it lark enough. After the floor is stained five It a eoat of boiled linseid oil. It the oiling Is repeated every snrlm- oi fall, your floor will always look well. Hirikeu mm Vou Any I line. .Never know wnen K Jtl or wll,re b.-iekar-he I lrMns?-! pains will strike vou. The Kidneys will go wrong, and when they do, the first warning is generally IhroiiiMi the back, l'u not fall to help the K I (1 n e y s w h e u they're sick. Neglect nn-aiis many serious ills; 'tis only a short step from common backaihe to itheil- niatie pains, urinary I '1,1 IM I ' i n i. in a liise.ise. U oa 11 Kidney Tills cure all ills of the kidneys and bladder. Kead this testimony. It tells of a cure that lasts: .Mr. A. w. i.iiiz. carriaire wood work er, of lnti mil avenue. Sterling, III., says: "After procuring I man's Kidney I'ills in the month or November. 1H!7, I took a course of tin- treatment which Cured me of backache and other annoy ances due to over excited or weakened kidneys. Iliiring the three years which have elapsed, I have had no occasion to retract one word of my statement made at that time. I now unhesitat ingly and emphatically rc-indnrse the claims made for Imnn's Kidney PilN A J'ltKi; TlilAi. of this gnat I id ney medicine which cured .Mr. I.utz will be mailed on application to any part of the Tniicd States. Address Foster M illiitrn Co.. I'.iilTalo. N. V. I-'or sale by all druggists, price 50 cents per box. Mint he HcnllhyTonn. Norfolk, Kneiiiid. litis four centena rians --two tiien and two women. v war Heware of the man w it h a jrrierajiro. We rimy make good. Industry is something the lav man idinirr-s in the other fellow. Kven the crunpar.'it ivelv ober have DO obJ-etloti to I lie gold rure. The bittenst coritroversle are osiially based on triflei. About all that is necessary is to he tide to rise to the occasion. aiO Kinds far IKi- wumiiiniiiujcn nxirtrirmi ihiun. mifill In 1 1, im YL m. - Uoo orourchotci, In onjr in , 'jjl j I ' Ml try inwn WtfiftkAJ for 18 Cenlm PoatoaU . IHWilnlil mum, M "r-. II rmlMlritoM iiiMik tl w Imlm ri4l.fe. ft k.....j!a 1 cluiriuuiK f. wcr aii'I um amlhMsof -liOI, vn-(tlii l'iff-lk-i f2 "'-ml tt Him M. I lr 41rs, InHnuir, he.mr,,, tiprtti" ... win Mm. umiihiU JOHN A. SALTER tf CB CL. . .. m n TkGtniiKTOWEItS POMMEL SLICKER HAS 5f.N ADtRiliED AND 301D fOU A QUAWf R OF A CiNIUCT. I IKE AI L 'SS' QOIHIRGl ItljmsiJf of the btit wteriilj, in tUck ortltow. fully ?uy.ilc.4 m4 o!J j rtkUe dvitr everwhere. IK 10 THE 5IGN OF Hit FISH U I mi io 1.4-nrn. I-eani to laugii. A good laugh Is better than medicine. Learn to at tend m j-jet y to your own business ti very linporant, jioint. I.-arri to tell a Mory. A well told story is as welcome s a sunbeam in a sick room. I-arn the art of saying kind and encouraging things, especially to the yomig. ficam to avoid all l!I-natured re marks, and everything calculated to create friction. Learn to keep your trouble to your self. The world Is loo busy to rare for your ills and sorrows. Learn to stop croaking. If yon rannoi see any nood In this world, keep the had tx: yourself. Learn to hide your aches and pains under a pleasant, smile, "No one r.aryt whether yon have the eai ache, head ache or rheinnal ism. "Learn to creel your friends with a ftrtille. TlK-y rarry too many frowns in Mielr 0yn heurU to be; Uithered wtt-h any of yours. Christ Ian Life. Honor For f'nlnnlnl Mnora, KiriK Kdward has conferred the title of lord mayor out lie mayors of Melbourne and Sydney in Australia. The turn of the mayors of Montreal and (Quebec and Toronto should come next year. Whole-W heat Itrt-u l. Dissolve a cake of compressed veast In a gill of lukewarm water. Pour iriu J bowl a pint of milk and stir into thi 1 pint of boiling water, add a ti-asnooii ful each of salt and sugar, and when the mixture Is blomiwarm add the (lis kjucu .veast. Mir in a quart of wlioh wheat flour or enough to make a bat trr. Peat for ten minutes, adding to ward the lat enough whole-wheat Sour to iiial.e a dough that can I i neaded. 1 urn upon a thnm-d botnd Hid knead for t-n minutes and set t rise with a lowcl over it. At the end Jf three hours kuend for five minutes, aiake into loaves, knead each of thisi for two minutes and set to rise foi about an hour before baking in a steady )ven Cire of I. am P.uy the best oil. Fill the lamps bv davlight Kamjis should be kept well lilhsl. Never attempt to light a lamp that i jnly partly filled Keep the oil can clos d and In n cool ilaoi Lamps to be carried should be of iietal and have handles See that any hanging lamps vou mnv ...... nave are securely hung "I'll nuyitig lamps select these hi which the end of the burner Is cotisid rably elevated alie the body of th amp. Watch your wicks closely, andeltan hem before thev become to i short. If blll-nitiL' oil gets upon the floor. imother with woolen blankets or rugs 'Klin H III r-me. Poll twelve eggs tifteen minutes Lino n dish with very thin slices of bread and (ill with layer of eggs cut In slices, strewing them with a little grated bread, pepper and salt: rub a quarto'.- of a pound of butter with two tnniespooiirills of flour, put If In n saucepan with a (abb-spoonful of mopped parsley, a little-onion grated, alt, pepper ami half a pint, of milk or cream; when hot pour over the eggs; cover (ho top with grated brendornmb and put it In the r,vcii, fet It heat thor onghly and brown Thousands of Americans for West ern Canada. "There will be tl loima rul-i of A inert. cans coming up here In the spring," was the remark made by a fanner from the vicinity of J.angdon. North Ila kota, when he arrived in Winnipeg, .Mamioiia, tlie capital of Western Can ada, a few days since. He was the advance guard of a large body who t re following him, and he has already In vested in several fanning sections for himself and others anil purposes to take up his permanent abode In ibis country. He went on to say: 'Hun dreds are coming from my district alone. I know this to lie a fact, ror many of them are neighbors of mine. Tbt- chief topic of eon verbal ion with the farmers Is the coming immigra tion In the spring." "The impression general In the part of Dakota where 1 live that farmers can get from 10 to 15 cents more a ttusli-! for wheat on Ihe Amerii-in of the line than on the Canadian has not prevented people from turning tln-ir eyes to i annua as a place lo live in. They know they can get land in this country which is every bit as ferlil as that in Dakota at about one-quarler the price. It Is safe to sav that tin exodus from Dakota into Canada ihis year will exceed tin- expectations of all t a nndlans. The Covernment has established agencies at St. Paul, Minn.; Omaha 'eh KnrooiM Cilv Mo - l -1 IM Indianapolis, Iml.; Milwaukee,.- Wis.; wausau, w is. ; netroit, Sault Sto. Marie and Marquette, Mich.; Toledo, Ohio- W'utertovvn. Si 11 i:r:in.l l.'o.-! N. D., and Croat Falls, Mont., and the suggestion is mane mat oy addressing any of these, who are the authorised agents of the liovernmeiit, it will be to the advantage of the reader, who will be given the fullest and most au thentic information regarding the re sults of mixed farming, dairying, ranching and grain-raising, and also supply in forma I ion as to freight and passenger rales, etc.. etc. Town Willi Short Nnmp. The shortest iritne pnw.ss.-d by any town or villa.M- in Croat Prilain is Oa, llir- name of a village in Lslay, cJ - of the Skin and Blood Should Be$n NOW MiiIiim t nr Itiici- ;( ourno. Lorlin will shortly possess a motor oar race course !t,:s yards long. Cornrd Herf Hmxh. Put In a large frrlne-nnn oni nunc or butler; when hot add four onnrps of rw'atoes and six ounces of enrnd heff, bot.i rut In tlireeslxtoenf lis of an inch square. Season with popper and nrttnif and fry. slowly Inclining the pan so that the hash assumes the shape of an omelet. When n fin color drain f.ff the hotter, and turn If on to a long dish the same as an ome let. King r.itwnrfl a l.lnunlnt. Klri(f Kdward Is able to speak Nln duslanl, and durliiK tile coronation he addressed the Indians in their na tive language when they wete review ed at Hueklrighain palace. A 1 our t'oriifirrii right. Jim and Iou Kmlzer, of near Tarls, killed a bald eagle under unusual cir cumstances a few days ano. It t t. -irked a IlKlurkey. While itand the turkey were finhtlnff. sotno crows at tacked the eagle. The emtio ching to the turkey with lis talons while it beat off Mm crows with its hack and wings. The contest was Kclting In teresting when one of the 8mlr.eni fired Into the fluttering hunch and ! 1 1 ml th 4nflln It mottaiiMil bi.t-1 i.trrrnrM tm It prepared for mlTrrrni Ir m niwl ratarih wlia dm at fifnlMTln airmrlnf thaftf ad imm brain a All lha twallnf aad MMhlng pfpaa U of Rraam Maim ar ratal a aa Is tha nw piaparallna. H aat ao irj p Uaa taaratlaaai . Clioco titc Caramel. Put together In a norcelaln-llnod auocpnn two pounds of brown mnmr a half iiound of good chocolate broken int hits, and n cup of cold water. Itoll unlll a little dropped In cold w. tor hardens; stir In two tenspoorifuls or vanilla and two tablesimonfuls of butter, turn Into buttered pans and tit Into squares. I.rnion Itnltrr tanre, i'ut a large tahlesptKinful of corn maroh, two heaping ta lib-spoonfuls of granulated sugar, n pinch of salt, th rated rind of a lemon and the Juice of an ounce of butter and the yolks of two eggs In a saucepan and bent them toKclucr until smooth and light; then udd quickly a pint of boiling water; and cook until It begins lo thicken. TatTr A nnlra. Make a thick sirup of sugar and s cry lit Lie water. Do not ailr wlitu lulling. When it thread, take oft the Are and In Are minutes 1Id tha annhu la It Mh paper to drip aad dry. In llonnr of Do Wet, One of the new engines for the Oa pe railway Is to be christened Do Wet. BLOOD HUMOURS, Skin Humours, Scalp Humours, Bab Humours and every kind of Humour from J'implcs to Scrofula, with i'remature Loss of Hair, may now be speedily, permanently and economically cured by Cuticura Resolvent, greatest of Blood and Skin Purifiers, assisted by the external use of Cuticura Ointment and Cuticura Soap. Thousands of the world's best people have found instant relief and speedy cure by the use of Cuticura Resolvent, Ointment and Soap in the most torturing and disfiurm-; of ITCHING, BURN ING, and SCALY HUMOURS, ECZEMAS, RASHES, ITCH IN GS and INFLAMMATIONS. Thousands o. Tired, Fretted Mothers, of Skin-Tortured and Disfigured B.ibics, of all acs and conditions, have certified to almost miraculous cures by the Cuticura Remedies when the best medical skill has failed to relieve, much less cure. Cuticura Treatment is local and constitutional complete and perfect, pure, sweet and wholesome. Bathe the affected surfaces with Cuticura Soap and I lot Water to cleanse the skin of Crusts and Scales and So ten the Thickened Cuticle, dry without hard rubbing, and apply Cuticura Ointment freely to allay Itching, Irritation, and Inflammation, and Soothe and Heal, and lastly take. Cuticura Resolvent to Cool and Cleanse the Blood, and put every function in a state of healthy activity. To those who have suffered Ions and hopelessly from Humours of the Blood, Skin and Scalp, and who have lost faith in doctors, medicines, and all things human, Cuticura Remedies appeal with a force hardly to be realized. Every hope, every expectation awakened by them has been more than fulfilled. More great cures of Simple, Scrofulous, and Hereditary Humours are daily made by them than by all other Blood and Skin Remedies combined, a single set being often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases when all else fails. Ct'TlliatA HEMKDIES re 1.0W thn.uzliciit the rlvill,,.,1 world. I-lllCKS: Cittleurn H,.. WH. &0-. per U.ttle (in tin- form of Clo-oliop f.,i,., ps. 2.V. ,,rr Ti, , ,;n, Ciilli-ura Oihim. nt. ,r bo,. ,l Cml. uia Soup. 2.V. prr .-nkc. S. Mil for 1 he sivat w-iik. "llii:iior of the llloo.l, Ski. :ohI S.alp. n,l l,v lo ( n- TM-m." ill Sao Din- "-"""- niii.riillo,,. Tilliiioiili,l. a, Hire. -lloim In nil anaM:o;.-i., in, In.tai Japi- nil ebi,.f.,.. BrttWi n.-pol. ..), Oh irt.-ra-S.,., I.oilon. K. r .- , i,,.,,,,, R tMe tie li I'.-iii. 1-ariH. Ailalrnllun P. i,,l. It. Tomi. ,t Co., Swlurr. I'OTTKl- I iHP(; A ) 1'lf VIM tOAL CoKt'OKA'riO.N, Solf -i,rl. lr. I;.,l.,n. tl. S. A -noiino ( lirln an St li lire. PrracihriR on Christian Science at Norwich, England, Dean Lefroy re ferred to its teachings as "raving nonsense." Tltno from Muon lo Mon. The time from new moon to new moon Is twenty-nine days, twelve hours, forty-four minutes and two and eighty-seven hundredths seconds Throitich and Through. Krw Bedford. Mass.. Mureti 't HA First strf-et, this city, IIvos a very happy man. IDs name is 1'lrle l .1' I'tiM. sour and he eertalnly lias gissl reason to feel pUd ami proud. Mr. I,vase(ir has I n sick for n lonr time with ff-oei'iil tvfiiilfiMtu, ti,. ii a sore ptla In his back. At the last be goi fo rrry ima mat lie could not walk without treat misery. Now he iu wi.m and In spaklng of this wonderful cnange in Dim he says: "I believe It to he inv lnt o roll everyliody how I was cured. 1 v no wen mai i count not stoop. In fact, I was unable to wall; wllhoui groa-1 pain. I began taklnr Dodd's Klloiv i-:iu and nflcr a two months' tre.-ihnent I am well and sound again. 'Dodd's Kidney Pills are n Cn,l.u,.ot remedy. 1 will always praise them for their wonderful euro of mv case Tlo.v cured me through and throneli l n.i. as strong and able a man now as I ever wn. Miulmn l-alll'a Tall--"an. Madairiee I'at.ti, it is said, preserves as a talisman the boots she wore at her debut over forty years ago. .law Looioly Socket-!! The human jaw is very loosely sock eted in the skull, so that it is often dislocated by t lie mere act of yawn ing. Sometimes it is hard to disti nguisb netweon envy and emulation. New I'ki- l-'or l':i-ci rirlly. The first electrical lire engine run with power secured by tapping street railway or electric light, wires is in successful use in Koiicn. France. $mRr WESTERN Cn2fijP '" attrartlna mot attention thu aw lag I " oilier dminot la ilia world thi'. tin vAiir or the world." TIIR I.AI OF SlXSIIIXK.t TaeNATI IIALFI I lino tl;Ol.MtsrrTOB Arra nn4-r Crop In 1 t02-t,RRT,BRft 1 Ida m 1 11(1 a 1 1 7,Ui(il,r64 llvkl. . . .. r , ...i.r , iirr.omilUI. I Tinnp 0(1114 Inii MhLmiI;(,,m1 fori Mii-KlnH ll.n frtlU vol. H ftiitnri.oit ro I u f n 1 1 . ftird k ellmirfA utvtn u llumralrni liin-r 111 all m Ur.l nlUrlrU. Srel for AHiu and olhr lltonilDra to Rnporla laotlnoc of Immlte-ntion. Oonwa, OiinMdA. or M W. V, BninMt, W Nw York Lifa lllda., Omaha w't.. tM an'lioriErl Ciinfelmn tlnarnni--nt r' - I.I mH nli- T-wi -ut -i-'ttrai. -l-ti.. '. , anil, a .,,mri-i,t riimtnll. and a clltnalo Iwiir-d ami iidMiiHt wHHon of -rriml h. I, .! of I All Arm Frre, Hi onlf chnrira anir,. lllo a to (Ihurchea, Mclioula, au. 1U Arl-nnirr in ,r-at llrltnln. nie agricultural returns of real Britain for l!X2 show that the total under crops and grass was r.2..!K7.76f. acres, a decrease of 20.-130 romimied with IK)L r0U CAN DO IT TOO Mtknj Mohool ChtMrm Ar Htokly. Mft.hnP (lpwm Wnr, 1 1 - (Jillflrpfi, un-pd j Mother Orny, n nnrnp In CI.IUun. Iff K . m. miuirii noma, !(- lorn, nrpiik up l 1! noun, rare Constipation, . i Mr : . ' ",rnu"enp, nronincii i rttl hlM. laaihinf Duorder, move anil rea ills fa tha bowtlt nnrl Deatror Worm. Sold by all driifglatii or by mall, a. Sijnipla Bi;lld FKKB AddreM Alkra B. Olmatod, U tUf, N. T. V! J Ovor 2.000,000 neotiio Bre now liny hiff g-oodti from ns nt mhoit-siilc prlwa saying l& lo n perrr-nt on ercry tlilnu they nun. Yoa enn do 1 1 Uio. Why not tsk ua to acrid jrou our 1,011(1 pau'S catalogue t il tclln the Mtory. Send in r-enw ror It today. Ileal Tlnin to Wo k. Tolstoy believes that tl c best time for literary woik Is between !) a. rn. and :i p. in., and he seldom writes at other times. cm moo Tim house that toll thn truth. S2.50 Bbl. POTATOES! Lar-rr-at aro-arraafa-a P-afataaala AfHtl 7 S."Haral S. Varkrr" alaalr' Kar. Ir W laaaaala a rlrla.af f f ka. par a. I'rlrra lrt.a. WaaiiaalkarallUaliaaaaaaiplaar Taaalaw.Kpaita. Mamr-oalW at,ak. par Slaat ( lataa, ala ,a-a IMM af aa ixnlaaa. N A. ALli atraxm U CraaaaTw la. if What Luck!" I.HinV I.I1NCIIKONH made rrarly In a J'-W manivil. 'J fie Wnli r Slm-il Smoked Ue-I, n.i and lit ana. Vo.-il lx.nl. 1-ottnl fhkkcn, an.l folsot t-,.l tliiiiK to cat. Arc U. 8. Covcrnment Inspecled K.-op la th- htne tor enier-tnelea f,,r siii.iHTK, for ".in fill, li, -h t,,r any I im,i wh. n voim.ml Mem.-t hitiu u"t and w.int II onlr.H. V,,n simply turn lo v un,l thoi-.in laoi-. n. An apprl iini, Ian, h ia r.-ady in- .in instant. Libhy, McMcill 6, Llbby Chlcato, III., I. 8 A. f Write for our fn-- tH,l(tH "ITow to Make liood '1 liingu to KM." GREGORY'S -SEEDS IcVih nrl rnllttKlai tnr 4ft ffMit-a Mmm OaUUomia frm. i. t. N. tJaaaarf AGENTS WaNTEDiSSf.'g.gy-' ia, I at- raasaratfaara Ul mtr Maefali oar -vTwratni mmm nam mm III "a ar aiaaat rafaaia I rlavartiia K i. . n WnrSMrWrWrVSMSWVW I,-Uw2