Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 05, 1903, Image 1

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John Popp was in from Hewitt Tues-day.
I. S. Mcintosh
this week.
was up from Hewitt
Killed lay seems to lie in great demand
at inat.
J. R. Hunter was
up from Andrew
Mrs. Mary Holly was up froru Craw
ford Tuesday.
Hon. C. F. Coffee came up from Chad
rou Wednesday,
Jim Bourret was
water yesterday.
up from Running-
Clarence Zimmerman was up
Bodare veterday.
Miss Mary Bertlesou returned from Ft.
Robinson Monday.
John Herman was in from Eckard 8.D.
the firht of the week.
O. W.and V.A.Hester came down from
Lusk Monday evening,
C'hasu Hibblen is building an addition
to Uib blacku.ith shup.
Frank Diester received a car of hay
(rum the ea.il Ibis week.
F. S. Scotland daughter Nellie
io from War-bonnet Tuesday,
Ed Satterlee was up (rom Chadron this
week, visiting old Irieuds in llantsou.
Sunday school at 10 o'clock; every
budy invited. W. 11. Davis; Supl.
Ira Thomas becomes a reader of the
PliKH-i JotRSAl, with tins week's issue.
Curtis Andeittoi) returned to Lu-k Mon
day to resume Ins duties at that place.
Eirne-t Plunney moved bis cattle from
litre to the vailey north of (spring creek.
Andrew McOiuley isubout lite same
at this W i lting as lie w us lit lasl weeks
Mrs. Henry Lmdeiuan was up from
Craw ford tins week, visiting lrnmds in
tins vicinity.
Rt-V. llorton Went lo Like-side, Nebr.
ta-t Tuesday evening, where be will visit
for a lew (lavs.
lr. J. E. Phinney returned home fron
Seward last Sunday. He reports In
father lis being very low.
.'Ian-nee Rauui was up from Bodarc
Monday. Il closed n six months term
of school there last Kiiilay,
T.ikr l.ii ilivi. Hnj i:m iinlnr Tablet. All
oriijcisK r.iM ii in.- ,ii.u.!V If il fun lu
cin-. r.. w.oruvujt sikmuIuio m ok ejcn
There will be no Epworth League
8iciiil Mar, 13. Il is to young to name
this week, but We will name II next et-k
We have a few $13 50 gents Ulstei
over-Coats tb it we are cosing out for
f 10 00, Now is your chance.
M tf Lewis Ourlach.
We received a letter from Joe Ludwig
nil weeK, irom tjiirneL Kansas. Me is
going to move from there lo Dufiburt
To all tbnt are indebted lo me ty act,
Or notes past due, take notice that if you
want to el 'id of me, call at the Com
nmcial Hank and settle at once,
There will be u Bull given at tlie Hall
Tuesday evening March 17lh. in honor of
fit. Patrick. Come everybody us tins
will be the last dune for this wax, m.
HpclaUr'i fee will Im the umi as before,
K C. Irt'NS.
EpworlK Losfue,
At Ule M. E. i bun li every Sunday
evening at 7:00 o'clock.
Kvervtsslv invileil. Subject for March:
The Younj Christian's Standing Ground
Subject lor March H: The Hublmth Imy
for Worship nnd Rest: Ex. xxxi. 15-17;
Maik. 11.27. J. E. hlkimthUJiU; Leader.
Cavil lor bids.
Son led bids wilt h received by the )
rw.tor for the couslrucl ion ol a school
house in District No. 19 Sioux County
J.VI,. until March 10th Wi Plans nnd
is!cjiiiun are on ill with Ibe Direct-
m. The Boaid reeerveg II, e right to re-'
jfii t Ntty or nil bidn. fik bol iiosruv lAsU-
If it's a bilious attack, take Chamlier
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and a
ipnck recovery is certain. For Hale by
all Druggists,
For a bad taste in the mouth take a
few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. Price 2a cents. Warran
ted to cure. For sale by all Druggists.
Liriley Pnddy, who bus been staying
with Uhas, Smith at Hewitt for the past
week, returned home last Saturday.
On his way home he lost his hat, so if
any one linda a lost hat down that way
please return to the owrer.
"The nicest and pleasantest medicine I
have used for indigestion anil constipation
is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets," says Melard F. Craig, of Middle
grove, N. Y. "They work like a charm
and do not gripe or have any unpleasant
effect. " For sale by all druggists.
The singing class met Tuesday evening
after n delay of two weeks. The most of
the members were there, but some were
missing, (probably forgot it was in exist
ancv), but those that were there hadn't
forgot much of what they had learned in
previous meetings, and had the same
musical tones.
The supper given by the Rnval Neigh
bom, at the Hall, last Friday evening,
wm not very largely attended, owing to
the inclemency of the weather; but those
that attended, found a very delicious
supjier prepared, and ate until they could
hold no more. We long for the time to
come when theyjshall have another sup
Itonert ft.eei received a leuer irnm ins
grandmother last week. She was ninety
years old last January 4th, and has re
cently received her second eye sight.
Having witnessed her hand writing, we
acknowledge we never saw any Ix-ller
writing bv so old i person, rind especially
after they bad received their second eye
sight. She is certainly a tine writer.
Well Again.
The many friends of John Blount will
Ih pleased to barn that he has entirely
recovered from his at tack of rheumatism
1 'hamlterlain's Pain Halm cured him af lei
the liest doctors in the town (Monon Ind.)
had failed tu gue relief. The prompt
relief from pain whji h this liniment nil
onts is alone worth many times its cost.
For sale by all I 'rugKists.
Anotherbich w mil Is-gan to blow Ins'
Thursday night and cuntinued for two
days, consequently filling up the oils so
jis to delay the passenger thre,, days
We bad no i,nl from I asl Tlmrsd iv until
Monday , but when it came there whs
j it i t a bulk, and it kept the post -master
busy lor a while. The rotary came up
from ('hiulrnu Saturday, hut went back
from here to clear the track to Omalia
Colds Are Dangnroua.
How often you hear it remarked; "BV
only a cold," anil a lw da i s later learn
that the man s on his Uo k with pneu.
monii. Tins is of such common occurr
mice that a cold, however slight, should
not Iw disregarded. Chiiuilierl im's
('ouirh Remedy counier.cts an v tendency
toward pneumonia, Il always curesand
is pleasant to take. Sold by all
Ye writ, and Con Parsons bad the
pleasure of visiting the intermediate, and
ptimarv departments of tha Harrisriri
school lut Tuesslny, We were well
pleaded to see the children take such an
interest in their work. The schools are
piOKressing nicely. Each pupil tries to
excel bis, or her classmate in work, nral
deportment. This shows the teacher
have solved the problem, of controlling
the children, ami have gained their re
spect and confidence. No teacher
should wish for a better reiamimcnd.it ion
and H.u rison should be proud of her
South Omaha. Nebr, March 4-190:1.
Two da of tics week mm nines n
strong and 10 to 15 c liiher cattle mi.r
ket. Receipts are lighter than expected,
We hope this ts the beginning of n per-
mnnent ntlvtince bul are afraid il is only
temporary. We quote liest beef Hteers
4.00 lo 5 00, gosl 4 00 to 4 .IO, warmed
up f,..10 to 4 00, fair to gmsl 2.H,t to 8 40
i aimers and cutters 1.50 ti 3 50 Choice
stiv kers mid feeders 4.20 to I iO, good 3.
75 io 4 20. Hulls slow sale at 2 00 lo li
70, Veal 4 00 lo 6,50.
Hog receipts light. Market again ad
vancing. Range 6.80 to 7.15, riheep
U-ceipts light. Market 10 to 15 c higher.
5 50- 000 -
0.20-5 40
4 00-5.08
Xyk A. lit ciiaxak Co,
Last .Sunday Raymond Bieser, hccoiu
panied by several of his associates were
having some fun jumping otl' of a cul
vert east of town and as Raymond jump
ed bis feet slipied and he fell on his bead
and shoulders und for a while ha was un
conscious. The other boys brought him
to town, and for a while the Doctor
thought he was very seriously injured,
but he is able to he up now and will
probably be all right in a few days.
His parents were on their way to Col
orado but receiving the telegram of
Raymonds accident they turned back
Breezes from Glen.
Not much happenings here lately.
The snow and blizzards are not new
just plain every day occuranoes.
We had a good Sunday School last
Lord's day. 10:30 is the hour. Every
body is welcome to attend.
Miss May Weber came home Friday
afternoon to spend Saturday and Sunday.
School is doing very nicely in spite of
the bad roads und snow storms.
Mr. J. H. Halbert has returned from
So. Dak. lie was married while there
and brought his wile home with hnn to
live near Glen.
Mr. and Mrs. porter were seen on the
streets of Glen last week.
Mr. Corder has been to Sioux City,
Iowa, and has just returned.
'Twould Spoil This Story to Tell It In
the Headlines.
To use an eighteenth century phrase.
this is an "o'er true tale." Having bap
isned in a small Virginia town lu the
winter of 1902, it is a. story very much
of the present. Up to a short tune ago
Mrs. John E. Harmon, of Melf i Station,
Va., had no peisonal knowledge of the
rare curative properties of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. "Lust January," she
says, "my baby took a dreadful cold and
at, one time I feared she would have
pneumonia, but one of my neighbors told
me how this remedy had cured her little
lvy and I benan giving it to my baby at
once and It soon cured her. I heartily
thank the manufacturers of Chamber
lam's Couuh Remedy for placing so
ifreut a cure within my reach. 1 cannot
recommend it too highly or say too
much in its favor. I hope all who rend
this will trv it and be convinced as I was."
For sale by all Druggists.
We have made arrangements with lb"
piibll-bers of the Youm; People's Weel(i
one of the best periodicals ol its class, so
that we can furnish said aper in miinei t
ion with the 1'iens Journal each one year
for the small sum of (or both papers
or t those in arrrs on subscription who
will pay what thev owe and 2" inn
extra w will send the Yonn PeobleV
Weekly one year. Those who have paid
m advance fur the Press-.J -urrial and
want a HrM class paper for the young
folks can com in on the deal also, b
paving L'.'i cents extra.
The Young People's Weekly has reach
eil its marvelous success nnd attained n
circulation of over '.'10,000 copies a week
Is-cause its contents interest young read
ers. Its popularity extends to thought
fill parents who recognize in it one of the
Is-st, aids in keeping young folks in
healthy touch with the active world
giving' them a taxte for clean, vigorouh
reading, nnd presenting truths in their
most attractive form.
War Bonnet Topics.
I don't suppose any need of Peggy try
ing to keep informed of the happenings
of the week lis War-l'Onnel Sunbeams
have started. But, I will do the I -est I
can to hold niv own.
Mr. Robert Brewster from Boston Mass
Ih looking after bis Interests in lbe-e
parts. He is stopping at the S- E at
They lost a cw at the ranch this week
The llrst one this winter.
Mr. Paul Zerbst has senl for Ins wife
to come home. Tired of batching already
School was out last Friday. Quite a
ntiHilier of visitors for suehn stormy day.
(leorge Uiirrelsnn fas commenced
working for Mr. Reed this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott nnd Jim Merriitrn and
family sient SunOay nt liobt. Keels.
Bill Harvey attended S. S. at Gustavo
Nvreim he's Sunday. j
Clarence Zimmerman ts working at
Ii-otiard 1 Milts, al present,
lrven Zimmerman ni.d wife, nnd sister!
Li 1 1 io were visiting at I mo Is last week.
Mrs, Millnnl Tlmyer was visiting with
her parents last week.
Bob Kf I butchered a cow last. week.
Our S S Is stil! in rug rew every Sun
day n usual at 2:il0 P M. all are invited.
Found: two violins near the S E lust 1
Saturday inoruuig; owner con obtain
same, and all particulars by asking Will
Urimii) or John Marking.
The dance at Mr, Sam Leellngs last
Friday night in honor of ttieir daughter
Came who was marritd to Mr. Millard
Thayer of Bodarc, Inst summer, was de
cided a success not-withstanding the
severe cold night; even Peggy was there
and must say, I never was at a nicer
dance, where they had such good order,
and seemed to enjoy themselves so much
and as tine a supper as 1 ever seen.
They .danced until 7 o'clock next morn
ing; Ihey were all them for supper, and
most of them for breakfast. Mr. and
Mrs. Lecluig are surely liberal entertain
ers, and all woo were there will long Ire
member, and wish another one of ham's
girts would soon tie up; w Inch I txpect
will in the near future. Flue music was
luroisheu by beams orchestra, if i was
as bright as Zekiel I would have written
Una up in poetry, because there were
Su.uhs, Johnsons, und Browns; Even
Grandpa Thomas was there uud d'inced
like a boy.
Andrews Happenings.
Mr. Butler was in our burg last Thurs
Mrs. Mountain Shep (an Indian), mid
son James staved over night at Mis. S E
Jones last Thursday. She went to)Agate
to work for J. H. Cook. She has a per
mit lo work 0 months. She has worked
for Mrs, Cook before, and needs uo reco
inei.UaUon. Mr Carl Boebrs called at Mrs. S. E.
Jc neb's last Sunday evening. His violin
music, was iipprecialed by all.
Mr. Chris Cbristensen 's pet cow has
been very sick. We hope by tins time it
is well.
El Marshall, (from Harrison) began to
work tor Mr, Shepherd last week'A'e wel
come bis smiling face and happy heart in
our midst
Mr. llarrv Ilughsou nnd sister Nellie
stayed over night al Mrs, S.L. Jones Sal-
ur.lav, They came up to attend the dance
at Mr Hughes, but when informed that it
wa post puned they had a good lime uny
how w lib their ft lends.
Mr. Eil ward
Marshall visited this
school Monday.
Mis. S. E. Sone? and Mrs, Hagerman
went to llanisoii Monday on business.
Mrs. DeSomls-r visited our ( hoolMoii
day, and we enjoyed her visit, and sle
lep'irts a good school.
The snow plow came, up Monday. Tin
trains have been obtained, and the suo
plow , sum men aion lue line uie hej.i
ry busy.
A Letter.
The following is a letter to W. H
sin ith liom June Smith and we wen
granted the privilege to publish it.
S'uuksack, Wash., IVb. 15, l'J.)2
K. 1-;. and W. li. Smith, Harrinn
Scb. Dear Friends and famlies
L have been intt tiding to write von
i letter ever since we came here am
now wiil Uo no but Hi make it a tarn
iy letter. We are very well pleascu
with our new location and are doing
belter than when. In Harrison. Wi
are cosily located in a uouuie iwi
story building, ')4x.)0. (We own tia
liuililing.) J be opera hall Oi'iuim -
the whole of the upper part. The M
V. A. camp meets there twice ;
month, and I rent one stoic loom be-
w ro you can see I am making a
pielty good tliiifif besides my liiihiiu ss,
l carry two or three iinies as large a
block as in Il.ini-oii, have a Land
hard wax niaehi, e so 1 do not I ny a;ii
factory made goods. I have bouglii
seventy-five s;des ot leather, so yot.
sec I must do HO'ne business. I kee
a man working in the shop Smuck
seem to be well pleased with then
move. They live about thiee quar
ter, of a mile rorth and have a very
pretty place. We uid have a tei
acre tract out a little further bin
found it very inconvenient to attend
to business, so sold il at a good profit
Property i advancing In price quite
rapidly as is also 'ju-inesb him.ses tr
Nookisack. Father and mother cpem
the winter heie but returned to W,i
Iia walla, They liked it rial well
here, This Is a very thickly settled
country. I an sending out circular.
and I got a list of 414 natj.es, head of
famlies, within six or seven miles.
We Co to Whatcom quite often where
I one ran always bee laige ships am!
I steamboats. J never tire al looking
; at the water. Enid Is quite a bli;
! uirl now. We semi a photograph o!
j her tor Craudp t and Grandma Su it'n
I No .2. hen we came he ic over a
j year ago there was one general ston ,
(in.' meat market, n hotel and tin
.station agent. Now we have t.o
' gchirii t'torei;, one gtocerv and mei.t
market, one liainita and shoe slijp,
one druij and dry food t Btote, one a
gon and itnpliment bouse with black
smith bhop, one barbtr shop, one
lurniture ana racket store, real
estate am' insurance agent and " also
station agent. There has been seven
buildititjti built since wecaine. There
is four two story building's (store) and
one two story hotel, last not used but
is to be repaired in the spring, one
four stoty hotel which cost $0,000.
Work is very plentiful and ? man
never need to be Sole. Men in tke
nulls and timber get from two to six
dollars a day. Of course the high
wages are to men that are experts in
their line. $250 is the general wages.
Team work- is four collars a day. but
hay is high. Loose hay is generally
eight or ten dollar a ton and baileu
twelve or fourteen Living is cheap
er here than in Sioux county. We
have but little cold weather, freezes
a little ana have had three light
sno.v storms this winter but it did not
stay on twenty-four hours. We have
rains here in the winter instead of
snow. Sometimes it rains for a week
and then will be beautiful for as long.
One t h i n er in the winter in that vou
are not safe to go for the day with
out an umbrella as you can never tell
when it will rain. The clouds will
gradually slip up and it will com
mtuce to drizzle before you realize
that there has been a ckan,?e. Tak
ing it all together I like the climate
much better than any place I was
ever in. No hot weather, thunder,
lightening or hail. This is a great
Iruit country. Butter and egs are
always high Land sells from ten to
one hundred aud lifty dollars an acre,
according to its condition as to clear
ing. The 'ranches'' range here are
in size from Hve to forty acres. Of
course there are a few that haye a
hundred and sixty, but a- this coun
try is all heavy timbered, there is no
advantage in having over lorty acres.
Laura and baby both oeml love and
we both send regaids to all inquiring
friends. Write whenever couvenient.
Your friend June.
Thousands Front Ail Over the Conn
try JlSnke I'llRrl motes to the Little
Vlllaite Kneh Year Tlie Story That
Is Handed Uovrn by Tradition,
There is no s;xit in all Mexico as
Ueuriy beloved as the little town of
Guadalupe, which Is two and a half
miles north of the City of Mexico.
The liitlo village has otiy 3,001) souls.
but m::i;y uon- thousands visit the
place on certain !ays in the year wheu
pilgriiiuigis are made to the holy
shrine of Cuudnluno.
The 1st of Jnnunry aud t'uc 12th of
each month ihe faithful visit this puce
und toll up the hill on which it if f.ald
that the virgin Guadalupe nppoiircd to
Juan Diego, un Indian boy.
According to tradition, nan was
trudging over the hill of Tcpeyac on
his way to the city on jlu morning of
Dee. U, 1";;1, mid as Le renched the
ensteru slope of the hill he hciirS
sounds like music. Ho stopped to lis
t:m, ii nd nt. that moment u cloud ap
peared find In the midst of ft a beauti
ful lady. She told him to go to tin
bishop In her name end to tell him thai
it w-jih her wish lint u church should
bo built on that npnt, where ehe woulc
ulwnvs b found to give aid to nil lu
trouble. .Tunn Dlrgo hurried to tfu-bb-hop
with the story of the virgin, bul
no attention wus paid to it. Upon his
rotum home the l,-ily i:ppenrod ngnln
In the siinip spot nnd urged Jiinn to go
ngnln lo tlin bishop.
The following dny wns the K.ibbnth,
ond niter mnvs Juan .mind the bishop
nnd repeated the message one more.
The bish 'p told him to bring a sign
from the virgin .Jiinn saw the virgin
Hgnln upn-i his return home, nnd she I
promised to give hltn n sign, which she
did on Dee. 12 ns he wns going to con
fession. Hi passed this time nenr the
loot of the hill, where she nppenred ;
ouco more, nun wu.ie ill conversation
with Juan she ntnnipdl her foot by j
wry or cnipnasis, ant water tiowoci nt I
ouch from th" dry, barren hillside, uti.l
tuo holy wells marl; that spot today.
The ylrgln then told Juan to climb to
the summit of Unit barren rocky hill
and he would Ond roses growing there,
which he wns to gather nnd curry In
his "tlliun" to the bishop. Juau did as
he wns told and found the loveliest
roses growing Just where she had told
him to search for them. He gathered
thetu all and placed theui lu his "til-
mil," n sort of blanket
When he arrived at the house of the
bishop and opened the bin u ket, the
ror.es fell to the floor, and a picture In
colors nppeurcd on the blanket repre
senting the virgin as she had appeared
to Juan. The bishop fell on his knees
In prayer and arose with a promise to
build a chnpel on the spot the virgin
bad designated.
Bishop Zuumrraga set about to build
the church, nnd when It wns completed
the "tllmn" was placed nlwre the altar
In a frame of gold nnd silver.
That little chapel has since been ro
jlnwedbf the niiignlniviit cliurcji tfa
Buys, Hides, Tallow, Peltn, and Furs,
and will pay highest - market price.
Leave at Marsteller Bros: or at my
residence east of school-house.
Professional Cards-
PJiyisciaii nad Snr,?eo.
All culls given prompt uttentloB
Otllce in lnig Store.
Prompt attention given to all legsu.
matters in Justice, County and Districts
Courts, and before the United State
Land Otlice.
Fire Insurance written, in rehaW-
CSTLegal papers carefully-drawa..
Hakkison, - Nebhajuca-
E. M. V. R. R. is the bwfc
to and from the
F. E. & M. V. R. R. Time Table.
New Schedule of Trains.
Taking ell'ect Sunday Nov. 23.
West Bound. East Bound.
Morning, Eveniug.
No. 09 Frl.4:irp.tn. No. 60, Frt. ...2:35,
No. 5, Psgr. lb:55 Ji'o. 4. Psgr. arrives.
6:35, departs 7:00.
Both trains carry passengers.
rxn today. There are also two other
churches to mark the spot ou which
the roses were gathered on the summit
nnd at the holy well where the virgin
lust appeared to Juan. This miracle was
recognized in 10ti3, nnd in 1754 It was
fully sanctioned and confirmed by a
pnprJ bull. Enter, In 1824. congress do-
creed Dee. 12 to be n national holiday.
Hidalgo took n picture of Gtiadulup
for his standard, around which rallied
the first army of the revolutionists,
and the happy issue that her assistance
gave to that war endeared her still
more to the people. This picture on,
the "tilma" is a wonderful piece of
work. Artists from all over the world
have examined it nnd have testified;
that It Is of no known style of painting.
The Indian garment of "ixtll fiber is of
a coarse weave. The picture appears
on both sides of the cloth nnd Is as.
bright :is new. although said to be over
3iK) years old. The Church of Nuwtra
Senoia de Guadalupe, in which this
marvelous picture hangs. Is said by ex
perts to be one of the richest nnd hand
somest on e::nh today. Its treasures
cau be counted by millions. It was
dedicated May 1. 1T0!, and Is 184 feet
Ioiik by 122 feet wide. It has a vaulted
roof, supported by Corinthian columns.
The whole Is surmounted by n dome,
the lantern of which is 125 feet above
the floor. The building cost $1,181.0(10,
The Jewels, gold und silver plate and
other rich belongings uearly all belong
to the government end are estimated,
at $2.iiO(.0UO more.
The church possesses a very costly
crown foe the virgin. It Is of solid
gold nnd weighs many pounds. There
ore six shields on the crown for tlio
six archbishops of Mexico, und they
are ull surroundis by diamonds. There,
nre a number of angels, each bavlug an
Immense ruby on the breast, while the
rest of the surface of the crown Is cov
ered with sapphires und emeralds. This
crown Is surmounted by the Mexican
eugle, holding uloft
a large dliimoud
The poor pilgrims are uot able, many
of them, to form un Idea of the rich.:
ness of this church, with Its commun
ion in 11 nnd balustrades from the.
sanctuary to the choir of solid silver.
They .-ire three feet high, with a top
molding a foot wide und n still more
massive base. The sacred vessels are
all of pure gold embedded with pre
cious stones. The choir has some Que
earrings done In ebony and imihngr.L.v.
The Quest Is a basso relievo iino.e the
its lis, Illustrating the lltuu.v of thn
Artists were brought from Trtnce te
pnlnt the frescoes on the walls, nnd tbv
paintings nnd statues were the work nt
the best European artists nm sculp,
tors. The organ lu Itself n-pn's 'itts
email fortune. Clevi b nd Putin fU
Champion Organ Hlawar
The champion orgin b o-joiv'" p Ifit
of service, has been found to b !!
yoi-cild Joibua Savall, wuu w.tLo it a
biu;;!i absence has pumped the orn.tn,
of Plymouth church Id Brooklyn f
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