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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1903)
STOCK BRANDS. TllJl'liML will publish your brand. Ilka the following, for tl per Year. Bach ad dlti Hi brauii 7T cent. ievity farmer or rancumeii In (lou and adjoining count Ire should adveM.w their brands lu TmtJ'itu lui. It c.riul. li- all over the xtatf. It be lue mvai.aot mviii iiioi.kv ir you Press-Jotirnal C. C. Burke, Prop. $500 REWARD. For the arrext ami conviction of any party Or pal Men ieuliiiK or ills iifiirimc any brand n dock blM!iflnj( to the uudrifiied par .. Ss; -. F.E.J A HOT. Braudi 60, 117," wr an loft Jaw.Qj on eft hip of Cattle. Font Office, Mewitt, Sioux (Jounlv, Nebraska. UKUKUK 8WANSON. Cattle Uninilfd Horsed branded ii left aide on left suou lder, runifB on 8aldter I1k. Any vtuck bramtwl as above being eatray ed from my range, discovered by ay body a firms' me Information will be rewarded. Add! Ms, Ft. Kobtnson, Nebraska J. B. FARKKK. Hornet branded on Cattle same on left ' Sheep barnded ack of Sheep. left shoulder and hip. on back or 'kanjteOH Soldier Creek and White Kiver. Address, ft. Kobinson. Nebraska. DRKP f'KKEf LIVE STOCK Co Branded on left hip ef tattle and on left cheek of Horses Range on Deep Creek. Address. Ileep Creek Live Stock Co,. J. li. Mai.bicRT, Korrman, (jlen, Nebraska. CIIAIU.RS HEW MAS. I Tim brand represented In this notice mid branded any where on left side cattle, and over-lap ut froai the rlK'it ear. Also the same brand on left thigh ot horses, belongs to the undersigned. flange near East Springs, south part fo Stoux county. Chaklks Nkwmas, HariiMin. Nebraska. B.STKKKD IS TIIK I'0!TOr riCE AT H A it KISON NKHK. ASBKCONP CLASS MATTtK OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. I DL ITtl One Dollar Per Year, JOHN T. SNOW. Horses bn.4eit or on left shoul fdei branded oa left shoulder and Cattle PI Y on left side Post Office Address, Patrick, laruinle Co. Wyo. JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow ing brand on eith er: Also HQ on cat tle and horse rattle on leftside horses on left skoulder. Range on Sliver Spring and east of state line. PostofBCT Harrison Neb. ANDREW (SrlKISTIAK Cattle brand ed on left side same as cut ana horses branded on Ufi tboulde same as cut are the property of Andrew Christian ant range tributary to Van Tassel Springs. Address, Kirtlev, Wyo. J M I ESSLOW., Cattle branded on rignl aide same as cut. And also oa rtgbi blp. ,v Horses brandedtwe on rlat shoulder or jaw. Range on Whlto River, oa the old Dave ColviUe ranch. William. Huntley foreman. P.O. Address; ; Ulen, Nebr. i m ) NEIL JORDAN. Horses and cat- tlM branded nn either sldcaanic as on cut. Mot KKKT A :8. Cattle brand id smiuo as that on cut on eitli er side of an. uial. And following on left aids ef cattle. SB be ind tbia And this I on left ante of she stock. on left side and hip. And Cattle branded side, and Horses on left on left IvVtI jH' Address, Bodarc, Nebraska. Range on linnulug Water. PostOfBe'address,liarrisoii, Nebraska. El) MASON. Cattle Branded, Ml won left side Range On Run I 3 Inlng Water Address Agate, Neb. o s""n msm HESKT WARNEKE. "SAMUEL KNOUI. Cattle branded any where . on left side of the animal. Range on Prai rie Dog jnd Mon roe Creeks. Address, Harrison, Nebraska REWARD. will ity 5.00 reward for ench hnd Of Lav Col vi He's horse brandedT on cither jaw or thiirh turned over to ohn Biewr on Running water, also 100.00 for proof tof convict any person unlawfully haTwTiTug sVDT of aaid horses. W. J. A. Raum. lorses branded IVl! on right thigh I and shoulder and hranded Cf on right Jaw Also, 1 have laCJ rses branded on left thigh Past Oalee Address, Harrison, Sioux Co, Nebraska J S. TUCKER. Branded on left shoulder ot horses -4snd on left sldeofenttle. on right side f And this 17? 'nil ou U rlgbl side of cattle too. JRangeun White River, nearOlrn. Post Office adaresa, len, Nebraska. Cattl Branded . Range ROBERT r.NEECE. on left side on left hip Alan eattle branded nboaMeror side. Kaageen tanning Water. P.O. Address Agate, sebraska. BREWSTER Co. Cattle brand tt same as that a eat, either Ml hip or on toft stiouldcr. htandnw wltk mmf at above brands arrtaoa, Nebraska. . UflTf. a ift sMa. Cattle brand ed on left side. Range on Running Water Creeek. sTP. O. Address Ilarrtson, Nebraska. Cattle brnnded Cattle branded Cattle bra.ided 1 On left side EN!) on left p side 0n Left mp HENKT WE1SE, Foreman P. O. Adarcsk, Glen, Neb J. H. WILHEUDORFER, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Gold and Silver work done. " Rings Wade to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS, SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harnefs made to order. Saddles re-covered. A Mother's Recommendation. I have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy for a number of years and have no heaitnncy in saying that it is the best remedy for caught, colds and croup I have ever used in my family. I liava not words to express my confidence in this remedy. Mrs. J. A. Mooke, North Star, Mich. For sale by all Druggists. CHARLES 1 TOO JH, SUCCESSOR to G.W.HESTER, DEALER IN Lumber, Doors,' Sash, Lime, Coal, Wagons, Buggies, and Machinery of all kinds. Also Wind-Mills, Towers, Piping, Pumps, and everything in that line. I alfo carry a large stock of feed, ground and unground. I make a specialty of repairing Wind-miils. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. j. i.evKR. Cattle branded RHEUMATISM CURED AT LAST. Mood Sew For All Wlia Suffer With Bu nmatlM Fmt. To ail who suffer with Rheumatism I will gladly send free the wonderful story of bow my mother was cured after year of suffering, together with tlte most elaborate treatise on' Bheumaliam ever published. No matter what your form of Rheu matism in, whether acute, crooic, mus cular, inflammatory, delormant, sciatic. neuralgia, gout, lambao, etc do mat ter how many doctors have failed in your case no matter how many aocalled sure cures" you hare tried I want yon to write to me and let me tell you how mother was cured. 1 am neither a Doctor nor a Professor mmpiv a plain man of business but I have a CURE for Rheumatism, and I want to tell everyone who suffers with J Rheumatism all about it. I wish to be clearly understood, and trust that all who are suffering with this terrible dsnsaae, however apparently beyond the reach of cure, will write to roe this day and I well send you by return mail this work of mine. I appeal especially to the chronically ill" who are wearied, and discouraged with "doctoring" and to those who have been cast aside as 'Mo curable." All you have thought about Rheumatism may be wrong. Let me toll you our exrwHenos, Surely, it you have Rheumatism, or have a eunVlnp fnead, it will my you to veetfte my offer, aay way, ana- prove for yourself elaJma Iasake. Sewd mo your address today postal oarj will do ad I will mail you tMa wnadsrfel rtorv. If you have aay friends suffering wttfe thiinOsw ae esatssr where local ed, swad ma tMr addreea, aad I will aasUI tfasai a enwy. Mr adariai is IM I K.rT.8IDK Hot"!'- e Mrfresn. Cbadron Knbraska, J. R. IICNTKR. Cattle branded as shown in cut, on right side, hip, or boulder. Also a on left side. Rife-lit eai cIlpiaM SWO RCWAUD will be paid forevldnnce con vlct Inn sny one for ruinilny tiff or is any way tauiprrlns; with stock huvlns; aay of the above brand or brands. Raucn at Andrews, Hebr, Addrrss.'lli rrlson Hebr, r sTee4 Csstfns PkUassbrssssa Sir William McDonald, the donor of the gift of M,000 for the establish ment ot aa agricultural college at Ouelph, la Ontario, has already dis bursed vast fortunes for philanthropic ends la Canada. uctavc 11 a Kim. Cattle branded as shown uu left side with over -bit ew left war. Range on Ras nlng Water, 1 1 war. S I P. O. Address, Marsland. Jlebr. I I & v ii; ? " V 0 , II II Will Wet Fiees st ChUdtee. Lady Henry Somerset Is deeply grieved over the attitude of the House of Commons towards the children's Mil. which would prevent little child ren trout going into public homes, ATM FOR THI POOR. ef a ayslesa frwvssl isiaseal ta nUaeMaasta. So successful has been the work of the pubUc baths association of Phila delphia, whose Initial eatabllshnseat son Oaekill street, between Fourth aad fifth streets, that It will In a few months be la p costIon of a new aad la some respects much better building, dedicated to the same beneficial pur poses. A lota 24i57 feet at 711 Wood street has been purchased by the a oct sUon for 11,171 and probably la March Us work of construction will be begun. It to hoped thst It will be completed by the middle of Juae. Tbs public bath aad wash house la Oasklll street wss opened nearly four years ago. At the sad of Its third year 106.141 batks had been taken there. This year the number of baths will be fully l!,M0. or more than 1.000 a weak, la December 1.100 baths were takes, 1,471 la the tret Ifteea days. Tbs ruamt Baths asaodatloa does act consider Its work a charity la the slmsglvlag seawe. it herievm baths can be had by Us poor at a mJalmum riot; that they are mors apsreeUted aad tkerefore are more regularly taksa aad do mors good than those whloh coat nothing ta the nersoa hearties. tke puMIs baths offer what tkc city free baths do not twlvaey aad hs mm af hot water aad of sutov ara, togethor with aa am pis suoply at osp aad towela. It has eost about mm a year to malatala the OaaMO sVeet haUlag ssUbrUkmoat, says tka rklUdelphia Times, aad the softsU at the sad af 1N0 wss M per coat, aartag ataadlly liiriasii dm Uw atom) an REMEMBER Marsteller Bros. Handle three of as good brands of .SHOES as are made ik AMERICA. THE SELZ SCHWAB SHOE CO. CHICAGO Is the'largeet manufacture of Slioes in the world And the old reliable line of M. 1. WKLLER of Chicugo And F. Mayer and Co. Shoe of Milwaukee And a full line of Mens', Womens', and Childreua' Over Shoes, And we carry a full line of Dry Goods, Duck Coats and Capa, Groceries, Hard-Ware, Flour and Feed And a nice line of Xinaa. Candies. Come and get our prices, which are always the bent in town. MARSTELLER BROS. The Commercial Bank:- HARRISON. NEBRASKA. DIRECTORS. C. F. Cokkek, President. i.. F. W.Clarke, Cashier Chas. C. Jameson. H. S. Clarkk, A. -McGinlkt Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely oa us to handle their entire Banking businea. We are prr pared to take care of our trade at all timese. Tui? r3TnTr?p puapmapv Druijs, Drugist'js Sundries, Paints. Oils, Varnishes, Books and STATIONARY. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. i oeooeooooeooo ni.VSK NI'TO. Cattle liranrtil ifda ami snnift eti ilcr it horses. Aiwi Mjine of th HcrM iilioHidcr Miin as tlMiib atioT bHiinil. mi the left J iHt shuul nnri i "Ht. mi'l the h1 tor III Addremi, IlHrr14fi ScbrAHkn. 1. R. KKN5EDY. " Kla-tt Ills T. O. AJrtrcM, CrawruM, Ssliraska. Caltlc'llraiKlrd VES! -The Press-Joi rnal does Job Work. Neat, First ClasH'and Up-To-Date. Call in and get our prices on Business Cards, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes etc. The Press-Journal. 00CwO0 SHERIFFS' BALE. Iiy Tlrtne of sn order ol sals IssnM by the clrrk of.tbe aislrlrf ceurt or mum rntlnlv. Irhnukii. HMin a'dwnrra rnf1nrKi1 n said court In favor of M. J, 0 ( otinrll plaintiff, and sK'inst Adolph Cnrrar, Mrs. Adolph Carrac his wife wnusa true christian Is nnknowajto slslstlir as,drfadanl I will on the tOtli 1 if of Mnrah A. U Ian -. on o'clock In tbealUrnson oTsald day, at tan east front door of ths t'uurtilouss of said courujr, at Harrison, sclOt "public auction to ths lilf ht biddsr for cash la lisnd ths followlnv drscrlbcd rsal estate sltnatM In said county to-wlt: Ths north half m ol ths south west qasf lr and the north hlf ()ot the south wist quarter ( It ) of seel kin one ( I ) In tow n blp;thlrt two (tt) north ofrauira Bfly Bve () west of slits principal meridian, to satisfy said order of sals In ths sum nf ik hunilrrd and alas dollars, snd flrtv l swesni), inisres, rant snd seeming cost rirst puuiieeiio7sbruai7 atth-ltW. A1.KX JXIWRT. Rheria'or:said countf. ae of tae rosea at tae eooiiai roaatloa, aotk for aaara aa4 peer tea, will be nvaae at relreteea la ea4 of relret aa4 tr1raaa4 wlU raa U'a far laoUM of aralaa. Moeteea Waal, awtag airaadr. na ? A4 taaW . take year Httla wtre avar wlU rawf Pmr... -Ia4ew. I ui mm U uy l OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. V . KENATOtt JoStril If. ClUS H. IMKTKKH Elmkb J. Hi kkutt, hp. 1st Diet, luvili !t. Mkkcbb, k"p. tud I )l.t. Ji)"! J. Itoiiixsos, Ynm. Ird Hist. Wm. l hrkK, rus. 4th Ul.t. A. ('. XHAI.I.KSRKBUBN, Kus. &lh Dlst. wkvillic, rus.Mh nist. bTatk orricr.B KXBA P. BAVAOB, iotmor C. V. STBKI.K, Limit, aovernor OKI, W. Maksh, Hcrflary of Huts Cmas. Wmtox, Auditor rub. An ta. HTBuraK, Trc.. .iiri r wa. K, rowLkH.Dipt. I'nbllc InsUsrllaw rsAa M. I'aotT, Al!r nral I.komub rowi.t,( ,n pn, ,ttdiM w- UE IIBBUMAN, Librarian tWIITY orruttut J. A. RaCm, Clerk Jm I. lurii.Troasarer alii Lower, HhcriA Tu t ' KU"' c""k n'-Wetra-r, ,' ". supl.of rsblle Instruetle J. II. BABTII.L, JudtS U.J. oroKi.L, AtUirnsy M. NurriMu, Mirvsyor fT lcri, Coronnr HOARD Of OOUSTT COMMtse Jss C. HBso, 1st IHetrlet RACWlr; XHumiM, law. i-o mwis, tnd r.istTHn A. RlSaUlW, 4r4 llMBf ,t 1 , . fs .., mmt.