Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 26, 1903, Image 8

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    fOTM Ml -IVm
mm0m WW3t
Peruna is recommended by fifty members of
Congress, by Governors, Consuls, Generals,
Majors, Captains, Admirals, Eminent Physicians,
Clergymen, .many hospitals and public institu
tions, and thousands upon thousands of those in
the humbler walks of lite.
A Qnunn of Ownrr-htp
Seventy thousand acres of roal land
Uyortb all the way from I0 to $)) an
acre, aggregating at the lowest figure
2.000,0(10 or $3,0(10,000, says the Hal-
ttmrn T T ...... 1 .1 .. J 1 .1 1 .
wuwiC ji. !, cut; m.vjtetl Jfl tt rjllt-n-
tlon of title which has been raised
within the last few clays In Parks
burg, W. Va. The question is who
owns the bed of the Ohio river the
United Slates, West Virninia or the
owners of the property abutting on
the river? The state of West Vir
ginia has Jurisdiction In criminal
cases over the surface of the Ohio
river, hut the United States owns the
waterway, while the people along
the river hank in many places rkUm
etie land clear across to the Ohio side.
The question arose in connection with
a sale of coal lands a few flays ago,
and unless the legislature enacts
j aoroe law upon the subject it will
probably be carried to the Supreme
nurt of the United States. The
stale borders along the river lor 22f
miles, and the river has a average
width of at least half a mile lor this
distance. Every acre Is underlaid
with eoal, which can be mined by
twaling, and the value of the kind
(br that purpose will he worth ftgwV
Ihg for.
H ocr-phle Hrrord nt Dunbar.
" Lord Cumn grarted facilities for
complete blograpn record of fche iur
fear. Soon the ent ire world may seo
the famous display Just as It was.
TO ACCOM MOli.W I those who are
partial to the use of atomizers In ap
plying liquids Into the mi sal passages
for catarrhal troubles, we prepare
Cream Halm In lliiiil form, known ns
Kly's I.lmil Cr:i.'r! !!:. Price. In-f-'iidiiiK
the spraying tuhe. Is 75 cents.
Druggists or by mail. The liquid em
bodies tho medicinal properties of the
solid preparation. Kly Bros., f War
ren Kt, New York.
Albert Ia, Minn.. March 21. 1001.
Messrs. KLY BKOS.:-I suffered
from n severe cold in the head. I
could not breathe through my tioMrllS
snd was about (lend from want of
sleep. I used your Cream I'.alm and
woke tip with a clear head. I would
not take five dollars for my bottle of
Cream Halm If I could not pet another.
BmM Siaaah'p Kr.rrlTea Iwn.
The steamship Prelsa erossed the
Atlantic in in 9 days 1 honr and
46 minutes, and held the reeord for a
period of no less than ten yean.
Rial by Hi Invention,
Albert Ooelle. of Mendon, Franc,
student of occult sciences, in venial
aicep machine In the shape of a
Elver's helmet. He was suffocated
the second time ho tried It
oaar SsrCtMapoaar ofPlBafnra,"
A bnat of the late Sir Art hnr Stiill
Van Is tc be ecretcd on the Thames
embankment, facing and nearly cpi -ttr
the Havoy theater, the scene of
,a may of the composer's triumphs.
A brilliant and startling spectacle
was witnessed a short time ago in a
Tyrolean valley near Tanneheim. A
violent storm arose suddenly, and
several globes of lightning rolled over
the surface of the lake. Then a col
umn of water arose thirty feet high
from the middle of the lake, and
from Its top Small flashes darted.
The spectacle lasted alioufc throe minutes.
Ilir ahrr rnlfl a Mir.
A steam threshing machine from
Richmond, Ind., arrived, at Ooclo
Syria, tin; other day and created con
siderable stir among the nraive. It
was the first tlrno that such a piece ot
loacuiiieiy ii.ui oeen jijiroriucea mi o
Syria, reports Consul llavndal. its
suecccss was complete, ev n to th.
bruising of straw. Furthermore, fo
the first time In the annals of Syria
an oil motor flour inill has been siar! -ed
there. It came from Indlanapoii
and Is now grinding wheat at Leba
A widow has nothing but words ot
praise for her late husband, but Iff
different with a sleepy wife.
New skirts
not at afl.
are trimmed little or
Bfr, RMkfrtlir.
The man wlio rs worth a billion
dollars, awarding to Senator Hoar, is
assessed for r4600.ooo personal taxes
im New York. boston Herald.
For Infants and Children.
Fbe Kind Yon Hare Always Boigtt
You have doubtless observed that
the average man puts In so much time
preaching he has but little timo foi
Many a man's financial embarrass,
men, may bo ar ibuted to the fact
that he spent a iui of mony In fy
Ing to get something for nothing.
Fcven Time One.
men s no dew left on the daisies mid
There's no rain left in henven
i vc mud my "seven times" over and
...... .. over .... -
Seven times one are seven.
( am old so old I can write a letter;
My birthday lessons nre done:
iuc ltljui, piny always they know no
They are only one times one.
O Moon! in the night I have seen vna
And shilling so round and low.
You are bright! nh, bright ! but
light is failing:
You are nothing now but a bow
You Moon! have vou done
wrong in heaven,
That (5od has bidden your face?
hope, if you have, you will soon
And shine again in your place.
0 velvet F'.ee! you're n dusty fellow
You've powdered your legs with told.
O brave marRh Mary-buds, rich and yel
Give me your money to hold!
0 Columbine! open your folded wrnpper.
t nere two twin turtle-doves dwel !
O Cuckoo pint! tell mc the purple flap
That hangs in your clear green bell!
And show me your nest, with the young
ones in it
I will nut steal them
t am old! you mav trust me. tinner
1 am seven times
Jean Ingelow.
one to-day.
.Nfart-r Home.
One sweetly solemn thought
Comes to me o er and o'er:
I'm nearer my home to-day
man l ever have been before;
Nearer my Father's h onnp
Where the many mansions be:
Nean r the great white tl
Nearer the crystal sea;
Nearer the bound of life.
Where we lay our burdens do
Nearer leaving the cross,
roarer gaining the crown!
But lying darkly between,
Winding down thronch the nihi
Is the silent, unknown atrenm
That leads us nt length to the light.
Closer mid closer my steps
Come to the dread ahvsm:
"loser Death to tnv lir.s
Tresses the awful chrism.
O, if my mortal feet
Have almost gained the hrmk-
If it bo I am nearer home
Even to day than I think;
Father, perfect my trust:
Lot my spirit feed in death
That her feet are firmlv net
On the rock of a living faith!
Phoebe Gary.
Sends the Following Grand Testimonial
the Merits of Cuticura Remedies In the
Treatment of Humours of the
Blood, Skin and Scalp.
"I wish to give my testimony to
the efficiency of the Cuticura Iteme
dies in what seems to me two some
what remarkable eases. I had a
number of skin tumours small
ones on my arms which had never
given me serious trouble ; but about
two years ago one came on my
throat. At first it was only about as
large as a pinbead, but, as it was in
a position where my collar, if not
just rilit, would irritate it, it soon
becamo very sensitive and began to
grow rapidly, hast spring it was
as lare, if not larger, than a bean.
A little unusual irritation of my
collar started it to swelling, and in
a day or two it was as large as
half an orange. I was very much
alarmed, and was at a loss to de
termine whether it was a carbuncle
or a malignant tumor.
of Tw
Bears Um
N. N. U. NO. S80-9 YORK. NF.B
Jiiat (n Time.
Broadband, 8. Dak., Ttb. 2,1. Beadle
County has never been so warked ..f
a during the Inst few week. Hvery
one Is talking of the wonderful eas
of C. W. Gray of Broadland. the par
tleulars of which are best told In the
following statement which Mr. Gray
nas just ptittiisned:
I wna dying. I had given up ell
hope. I wna prostrate and a helpless
as a little hnhe. I bad been ailing with
Kidney Trouble for ninny years and If
snally turned to Hright'a disease. AH
medicine bad failed and I was In de
"I ordered one box of Dodd'a Kid
ney Pilla and this first box helped me
ont of bed. I continued the treatment
till now I nm a strong, well man. I
praise Ood for the day when I decided
to use Dodd'a Kidney Pills."
Everybody expected that Mr Oray
would die and bis remarkable recovery
Is regarded aa little abort of a miracle
by all who know how very low he w
Dodd'a Kidney Pills are certainly a
wonderful remedy,
I SIT SSAIV rl miii4 fir "TW York
tttnttt He." Pelltr A Vw Ixlly u rmt
JtllllMl I lM HaiMll la It nlaala. Ka.p
m.ri' LaaMt aMfftM. faaMom norm. eailMn.
ea Jawafe Jr ,Mia - faaiaa. aaaaa par
lata taaX rniHm aiclaaimr far a. la a Vrk
iaS I alaiaB" alaaa to wank atar ikn tk imv
a aria af Ma aaa" Oal imm lx,ilr par fa
aaiij nwwapafivrT mna wafiar
l rraarwwar, paw vara avaaiatf aw
laa Tarfc.
M Malfftr, la 1
hi SirtOKV writ Ilraawraua
M. Laa aaataa, al. Tarr'll kala aaa
3k aaiMM a flat aM aliaal It l.ailaei aaaralfy
lakarfHiM. Taaawai Ml a aMrra, rM aalaral,
WaTClllll IB mtaa mmtaj.
With th old suratr.
St Jacobs Oil
to cur
Lumbago and Sciatica
WMat mm IM. Prlc, BJ. anal jo.
HrartbrrakinK Little ftory
Uvvotcd UU I'eople.
"How's business, Eben?"
Tlie old man was wushlnir at the
sink after his diiy'H work.
"I'ine, Marthy, fine!"
"Docs the store look Just the same,
ith the red Koruiiiuiii In the window?
and, how I'd like to we it with the
sun shining In! linw does It i,.k
Kben did not answer for a moment;
hen lie did his voice shook a bit.
l lie store s never been the
nee you left, Marthy."
V. faint little flush came Into Mar
tha's withered cheek. Is a wife ever
too old to be moved by her husband's
l or years Eben and Martha bad
kept a Uuy notion store; then Martha
fell slek and was taken to the hospital.
That was months ago. She was out
now, but she would never be strong-
never bo partner lu Uii-ir happy little
trade ngnln.
"I can't get over a hankering for a
eight of the store," thought Martha
one forenoon. "If I take it real en refill
I can get down there; 'tlsn't so far.
Eben'Il scold, but he'll be tickled most
ao death."
It took a long time for her to drag
herself downtown, but at last she stood
at the head of tho little street where
tho store was. All of a snddeu she
stopped. Ahead, on the pavement,
Btood Ebon. A tray bung from bis
neck on which were arranged a fw
cards of collar studs, some papers of
pins, and shoelaces. Two or three
holders were In his slinking old hand.
and as ho stood bo called big wares.
. Martha clutched at the wall of the
building. She looked over the way at
tho llltlo atoro. Its windows were fill
ed with fruit, and an Italian name flut
tered on the awning. Then Martha un
derstood. Tho store had gone to pay
her expenses. Hhe turned and hurried
away ns fast as her trembling limbs
would take her.
It will hurt hi m so to have me flad
out!" she thought, and the tears
trickled down her fneo. j
He'a kept a secret from me, and 1TI
keep one from him," she said to her
self. "He sha'n't know that I know."
That night when Eben came la, chill
ed and weary, Martha asked, cheerful
iy, the old question:
"How's business?"
"Itetter'n evor, MarthyP answered
flben. Yoflth's Companion.
" lily friends tried to persuade me
to consult my physician ; but dread
ing1 that he would insist in using
the knife, I would not consent to
go. Instead I got a small bottle of
Cuticura Resolvent and a box of Cu
ticura Ointment. I took the former
according to directions, and spread
a thick layer of the Ointment on a
linen cloth and placed it on the
swelling. On renewing1 it I would
bathe my neck in very warm water
and Cuticura Soap. In a few days
the Cuticura Ointment had drawn
the swelling to a head, when it
broke. Every morning1 it was opened
with a large sterilized needle,
squeezed and bathed, and fresh
Ointment put on. Pus and blood,
and a yellow, cheesy, tumorous
matter came out. In about three or
four weeks' time this treatment
completely eliminated boil and
tumor. The soreness that bad ex-
CUTIOL'RA REMEDIES are nM throughout Ihn nvllliort world. PRICES: Cntlcur JleiolTnt, 600. pal
bottle On the form of ("hocolats Coaled I1U, 35u. jwr vial ol oi,i'iitlcuraOlntmenl,S0c. per boi.and Cuticnra
So&p2(c. pr cake. Send for the great work, " llumomi of the Blood. Skin and H.alp, and How to Cara
Them," M I'aKei. 800 l)n, wild llhulratiotn. Testimonials, and Direction! In all lanirnaKU, Including
Japanese and fhlneaa. Ilrltleh Ir imt. zves Charterhouse Sij., London, E. O. rreneh Depot, I Rna da la
Pali. Pans. Anstralllan Depot, It. Towna & to., Eydncy. l'urtta Daco AND Chkuical CoaeoaaTloa,
Sole proprietors Knton. . .
tended down into my chest was all
pone, and my neck now seems to be
perfectly well.
"About five or six yeara ago my
sister bad a similar experience. She
had two large lumps come under
her right arm, the result of a sprain.
They grew rapidly, and' our physi
cian wanted to cut them out. I
would not listen to it, and che tried
the Cuticura 'Remedies (as I did a
few months apo) v. ith magical effect
In six weeks' t' ne. the lumps had
entirely di-sappeuj cd,and have never
" 1 have great faith in the Cuticura
Remedies, and I believe they might
be as efficacious in similar cases
with other people, and thua save
much suffering, and perhaps life. I
have derived so much benefit from
the use of them myself that I am
constantly advising
others to use them. Re
cently I recommended
tnem to an office boy for
his father, who wa dis
abled with salt rheum.
The man's feet were
swollen to an enormous
size, and be had not
worked for six weeks.
Two bottles of Cuticura
Resolvent and two boxes
of Cuticura Ointmerjt
worked a perfect core.
You never saw a more
grateful man inyourlife.
I am very much in
terested in another case
whers 1 have recom
meri'Jad Cuticura just
now. My housemaid's
mother has a goitre
which had reached a
very dangerous point.
The doctors told her
that nothing could be
done ; that she could live
only two or three weeks,
and that sbe would die
of strangulation. She
was confined to her bed.
and was unable to speak, when her
daughter, at my suggestion, tried
the effect of the Cuticura Ointment
and Cuticura Resolvent. Strange to
say, she was very shortly relieved of
the most distressing symptoms. The
swelling seemed to be exteriorized,
and she is now able to be around
her house, and can talk as well aa
" It seems to me that I have pretty
good grounds for believing that
Cuticura Remedies will prove suc
cessful in the most distressing forms
of blood and skin humours, and if
you wish to use my testimonial as
herein indicated, I am willing that
yon should do so, with the further
privilege of revealing my name and
address to such persons as may wish
to substantiate the above state
ments by persona) letter to me.'1
Chicago, Nov. 12, 1902.
i'Tffy mutes, ropresentnUvcs '
various deaf find dumb sorb-lies, re
cently held a conference in Chariicrs.
France. The chairman railed I lie
assemblage to order by pn tendiiij,' to
ring a bell, and speeches were made
in the deaf and dumb alphabet.
It is the rule in Abyssinia that tin-
wife is boss of the ranch. The bouse,
with all its contents, belong to lici,
and if the husband offends her she
turns him out until he is fully re
pentant ami makes amends.
. ' I,, .i .
Iilrar'i RapVaIlSlfaPpT SPFLTZ
fl'" Klek,afJaawaaalA4e7w vh:it I. Itl
71X00,000 Customers V
f rRsnitetl nwnrd of any Mlvtitui on rrl H,
I ilJM fH wo rA rrnrLnif curt lor mor. We 1
I by Jury nt, tjmmon mid henr I-
I thtt unpreneclcn led offer.
01O.OO for 10c.
fwoirn, worth f .( to uny AM
wMit twiiM f f.nner or irjirdfiiir to J$3f
Vtim w" ninny firm minplfg, Aw
V2LT.stnti, He-tnllM Hurley, Rnrmu,jfJBf
MB,ft,,ti.,poliiJy wnnlt JQSM
Xlsv fiooo to net s. ufart with, Jm
m X.attW non ns-ni rrt of nut 10c JJvw
aav. with StnmmffZsi alu, 60.
Ha, to Halaw.afc.aitffyHit Jt, on0K
Tlr- adjutant or marabout, a tall
bird iii' India, of the stork species,
will swallow a bare or .1 cat whole.
1 1 si: nils live foot high antl tho ex
panse of wings is nearly fifteen feet
Cold drinks an; bad for the difrcs
t ii'ii : therefore, the police of Berlin
have issued an order forbidding hotel
keepers and others to sell beverages
below a certain temperature.
as the
Is withouf
lu olden times, when a knight en-.
It re.l a company of ladies,he removed
his helmet, to it tiii-atc that he son
sidered himself among friends, and
that there was no need to protect
himself. This practice has survived
in t he custom of raising the hat when
saluting a lady.
Trust worthy statisticians dcelars
that, theie are 2.ri0,0oo,(KH) Mohamme
dans In the world. The Christian
population is put at il," 000,000, but
the Increase of Islaiuis more rapid
than that of the combined Christian
Those who doubt, who think because other Kidney Remedies do them
no Rood, who feci discouraged, they profit most by the Tree Trial
Of Doan's Kidney Pilla. the wondrous results stamp Do n merit.
A loafer Is uevcr able to reaUss that
l busy man has anything to do.
Aching backs are cased. Iliii, back, and
loin pains overcome. (Swelling of the
limbs ami dropsy signs vanish.
They correct urino with brick dust scdl
tnent, high colored, excessive, puln In puns
Ing, dribbling, frequency, bed wetting.
Donn's Kidney Tills dissolve and remove
calculi anil gravel. Ilelieve heart palpita
tion, sleeplessness, heailnche, nervousness.
8ai,km, Ind., Feb. 5, 1!H)3 " I received
the Iriiil package of Doan's Kidney 1'illn
and I must confess they tiki mc wonderful
g ood. It seems strange to any that 1 bad
tried several kinds of kidney medicines
without doing me any good. 1 had back
ache, pain in my bladder and scalding
urine, and tho sample package sent mc
topped it all in s few days, and with the
package I am now using from our drug
store 1 expert to kc cured permanently. It
It wonderful, but sure and certain the med
Icine does its work. I was in constant
misery untH I commenced the use of
Doan's KMoey Pills "-VuAn. R Coos,
P. O. Bos M, Balem, Wsshlnglit Co., III.
Houtii Hahtonvii.i.k. Im., f Feb. 8,
ltKHt. " I received the iilil pitckaga ot
Doan's Kidney s J'llls and have bought
seventl boxes of my drutrriKi. They hsva
done mi! much good 1 whs hardly abls
to do any work until I begun taking them;
now I can work all d.iy nnd my back does
not. get the least bit tired " limn Ukat.
Faraa-Mn.Mnia Co., Baffalo, N. T.,
I'Kmmii anntl ma by mall, wtUitnrt ehanrn.
trial bo! Ixjana Kldmy I'llla
Poai offlee
M p mm a aillaa mm iUJi', '-