Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 26, 1903, Image 7

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    The Iron-Worker's Daughter
1 V J
CHAPTEU VI. (Continued.) led the language Gripp had been answer
Griiio glanced from one to the other. It , ed in.
wax a significant glance he cast upon
Atherton, however. The latter reddened,
then grew pale as he turned to the young
man. A meaning smile illuminated
Gripp'a evil face. Mayherrj. noting it,
marveled what it meant,-but the next
minute Mr. Gripp disappeared.
"Would be avail himself of any infor
mation he may have obtained listening
to you?"
May berry had doubU of Mr. Gripp. He
desired to hear what the puddler thought.
"Would he? Would a cat steal ereara?
Would a dog steal a bone? I believe
Gripp would cheat his own grandmother."
Atherton's tone was tense with exdte
ment ai he added: "But if he does steal
my idea well, he'll never rue it but
"Ia that cae, what you and I must do
is to get to work at once. Like you, I
wouldn't trust Gripp, further than 1 could
throw a church by the teeple."
Then they, too, left the restaurant, and
as they walked on they talked about the
plans for demonstrating the value of Ath
erton's process. Presently Mayberry
"Would it not be as well for us to set
tle on something? Say, for a considera
tion, you give me authority to represent
you or give me the refusal of your pat
ent for so many days. In case I do not
dispose of it to your satisfaction, or suc
fited in interesting men who have means
Jo give the process a thorough trial, then
that will end it."
"That is business-like, too."
"I could show the paper to the perjon
I have in view."
"To be sure. I'll give you any time in
"Say thirty days."
"Or sixty, for that matter. Say sixty
days and done with it."
"Let us step in here. I know these peo
ple very well.
Atherton looked at the sign owr the
door. It read "Mead Bros. & Co."
"I will be obliged to you for a piece
of paper and pen and ink," said Mayberry
to a clerk who occupied the front oliiue,
and who nodded to "Mayberry smilingly.
The clerk passed the articles toward him,
and May-berry hastily penned the pzper
lie deemed necessary to the business in
hand. He finished the writing, passed a
dollar to Atherton, and the last-mentioned
was placing it in his pocket, when Lis
glance followed that of Mayberry's, who
Was gazing curiously at some person in
the inner office.
Atherton's eyes were turned in that
direction also, and be beheld a man talk
ing earnestly to the eldest of the Mead
Brothers. Mr. Mead was nodding slow
ly, but approvingly. The man wtio was
talking to him was speaking earnestly
and rapidly. His back was to the door,
which was opened that instant by one of
the clerks. Mayberry and Atherton could
hear Mr. Mead's response. It was ut
tered in very clear, distinct tones.
"If your invention is what you claim,
you may consider me good at any time
for from twenty to forty thousand to
begin with. Convinre me make me see
through your eyes and I will advance all
that may be required."
"Then I need go no further."
"Not if you desire to do business with
"Precisely. We understand each oth
er. I will csll in to-morrow at any hour
must convenient to you."
"Make it the same as to-day."
"Good day, Mr. Mead."
"Good day."
The man turned and beheld Atherton
and Mayberry looking straight at Lim '
through the door.
It wag Jackson Gripp.
When Mayberry glanced at his compan
ion, Atherton wag deathly pale, and trem
bling. Whether it was with passion
Whether he was trembfing with anger or
fear, or both, Mayberry could not deter
mine. Atherton suddenly bade big young
companion good day, and hastened out of
the office alone.
Mayberry asked himself the second
time that day why Atherton wag excited
hi Gripp's presence. It was plain that he
could not look on Mr. Gripp unmoved.
And now there wag no room to doubt
Mr. Gripp's aim and true character. He
was trying to aell Atherton' process.
More than that. He was dealing with
the very man Mayberry had resolved to
apeak to first concerning the new pro
While Mayberry waa turning these
things over in hia mind, Mr. Gripp passed
out, a,nd turned in the game direction
Atherton had disappeared.
Arthur Mayberry waa at a loss to know
what to do whether to enter and bro.icb
the subject uppermost in hia mind to Mr.
Mead, or call the next day. '
Then, with the Impulge born of youth
and hope, he resolved to determine the
matter then and there. He entered the
inner office, and Inquird if he could have
audience with Mr. Mead. One of the
clerks inclined hia head to the door of Mr.
Mead's private room, and Mayberry en
tered. Mr. Mead greeted him cheerfully.
"1 have called upon a business mat
ter, Mr. Mead. I will occupy aa tittle
of your time as possible."
"If it concerns you, there is nothing
pressing me just now," said Mr. Mead, in
a kindly tone. .
"It is concerning a new process for
niskinf iron."
"Ah! Your own?"
"Oh, no! I am sorry to ray I am t ot
able to invent, or likely to discover, any
thing so valuable as the idea I desire to
Interest yoy in."
"Well 7'
Mr. Mend looked so frank and kindly
that Mayberry, waa induced to speak free
ly a ml at crest Iriiffth. Ho outlined de
scribed all that Atherton proeeaa would'
accomplish. - He waa unable to enter into i
details; that waa left to the practical
man the discoverer of th now process.
Then was something ! Mr. Mead'a
tana -it waa his silent, aooslbly
that pass led the young sua.
"Tbte ia not your 14m, ytM say."
"ft it Idea pnddler Mated A tier
too hag worked at."
"Ar yon a a re it ia hia Idea?"
Mr. Meed wawaUeot Ma harry recall-
"You observej a gentleman here a few
minutes ago'"
"1 did-Mr. Gripp."
"He has the same idea. He professes
to be able to accomplish the same re-
suits in the BHine time;
Mayberry was surprised. Not because
he thought the act foreign to Gripp' dis
position and character; he w as surprised ,
now that his worst apprehensions were
realized. He wag decisive, however. It
was one of the peculiarities of Arthur
Mayberry that whatever he took in hand
he carried out.
"Well, this simpliBeg the situation won
derfully, Mr. Mead. Will you please look
at that?"
He presented for the manufacturer's
inspection the paper Atherton wrote his
signature on in .Mr. Mead's front otlice a
few minutes earlier in the day.
"This is fjuite clear. I understand the
case, I think."
"The idea can't be Mr. Gripp's and Mr.
Atherton's. too?"
"It has been stolen by one from the
"1 confess the same thought has oc
curred to me."
"And because Mr. Gripp has the Srst "
"No. 'ou are wrong. Kcally, I have
no idea who is entitled to the discovery."
"Hut, since Mr. Gripp has been liefore
me, you very naturally ask yourself Low
many more may have an inkling of the
new process Atherton claims."
"Would Mr. Atherton himself be" able
to convince you who has the sole claim?"
"I would have to hear Gripp's story,
"If I could inform you when and where
Mr. Gripp obtained all the information
be possesses on this subject, and the real
discoverer would corroborate every state
ment I make, would you be satisfied?"
"Certainly. Your word would be am
ple, Mr. Mayberry."
"Well, then, it simply resolves iisjlf
into this: I will demonstrate that Mr.
Gripp never dreamed of such a thins ks
this new process until the last hour that
all he knows he learned from a conver
sation between Mr. Atherton and myself
the past hour."
"This puts Gripp in a very bad light
very." "He puts himself in a bad light"
""Yes yes to be sure. Mut it is none
the less disagreeable to think of."
"To a man like you, Mr. Mead, who
has earned all you own by squire,
straightforward dealing, it must be dis
agreeable. I now pronounce Ja kon
Gripp a thief. And in gaud time I will
prove him a thief. Can you give me a
hearing to-morrow?"
"Yes call at least an hour earlier."
Arthur Mayberry walked away, resolv
ed to expose Gripp's rascality. He wes
walking quickly, his mind intent on
Gripp's hardihood and cheek, when he
encountered his fellow-clerk, Parker, acd
two young ladies.
One of the ladies was soon to be Mrs.
Parker, the other was her sister. May
berry saluted the group, and stopped to
exchange greetings, when the young la
dit-s turned tQ look at one of their enn
"Such a pretty girl
"Pretty! she is more than pretty," said
"it sne was only as well dressed as
she might be."
"Dress or no dress," persisted Parker's
aflianced. Miss Bruce. "Nan, if I had
that girl's face and figure, I'd not give a
groat for fine dress. Am I not right, Mr.
Arthur Mayberry blushed furiously.
Ralph Parker laughed.
"Who is it, Mr. Parker. I am dying to
"Well, I don't think Mayberry ever
spoke tn her in big life, but he saved that
young lady's life the other day at the
risk of his own. She is the daughter of
one of the workmen in the mill."
Then they besieged him, woman-like,
until he told them the story.
In the meantime Mayberry was making
hig way to a frieud'g office, a young law
yer In whom he could confide, and whose
friendship had been manifested in diver
ways and on numerous occasions.
But liis mind was not occupied alto
gether with Atherton'g new process. Ath
erton's daughter was in the foreground.
Her light step, her bright, beautiful face,
with her wonderful clear eyes, that seem
ed to look through him at a glance, waa
before bim.
' And now, since the Misses Bruce pro
nounced her pretty, be knew it was l-ot
fancy on hia part. He was thinking of
her, of the marvelous manner in which
site escaped a horrible death through bis
iastrumeutality, when, upon crossing a
street, they were brought face to face.
Was it fancy? No. She blushed when
be doffed his hat quickly, saying:
"Miss Atherton."
"Mr. Mayberry."
Then ghe passed on, while the young
man repeated her name to himself.
"Atherton Atherton. That'g as good
as any name in the city sounds as line,
even if ghe Is a puddler's daughter. A
puddler' daughter!" he added mentally.
"Pooh! in a land where a raileutter may
be, has made himself. President, the
daughter of any honest workingman may
become the foremost lady in the country."
Then his pulse quickened as he thought
be would have the pleasure of seeing and
peaking to ber in the evening. He would
hie compelled to see Atherton, to arrange
for their Interview tv it h Mr. Mead on the
morrow. And if there was no one else
why could he not pay his court In this
young girl? Who had a better right? Aye
who had as strong a claim on her?
Then he blushed again, for shame, that
an act of spontaneous simpalhy an act
almost heroic should be by him placed
on the scales, to be weighed nzaint the
lore that comes, and Is, unsmig'it.
He called upon his young friend, who
waa, indeed, more profoundly versed In
the law than many an old practitioner,
and related all that had transpired the
eoaversation Gripp bad evidently over
heard, and th use he had made Immcdl-
ately of the ktwMge be had thus nr-
reptitioasly aeqnired.
"We can make Mr. Gripp sing very
snail," said the young lawyer. "That ia
n easy mailer. Tell your friend the
puddler he need not worry over Mr. Gripp
in the least."
It was not until he was in the Mr-vt
?ain, and alone, that Mayberry sudden
ly remembered his engagement with lis
friend and fellow-clerk, Parker.
"There is but one thing for me to do."
said Mayberry to himself. "I must see
Atherton before supper, or not later than
supper time at the must."
Then he asked himself, as his step
were lightened by the anticipation of an
early meeting with Miss Atherton, if
there was such a rhiup- as love at first
sight, and he pretended to think he wag
a fool; but ail the while he was planning
how he could manage to dress so aa to
look his best, before supper, and yet be
in" time" to "meet his friend Parker and
keep his engagement w'.th that young
"Hang it!" Arthur Mayberry exclaimed
mentally. "Now I know what they mean
when they talk about love and business
being too much to manage at one time."
"Ah! Pray come in."
Was she pleased to see him again so
soon there was notnmg in ner manner
save surprise. The "Ah!" escaped her
lips ere she could control herself.
'My father is not in. I am looking
for him every minute."
Now that he had n good opportunity to
observe her, she was not in the least Hur
ried. He was the one who felt ill at
ease. Mie was calm, composed, auu mic
was the first to siivak again. How easily
she led the conversation.
"What a delight rul day it has been.
"Very. 1 hope you enjoyed it."
"I always do. I don't think anybody
ujoys good weather, or gets more good
out of sunshine, air, a beautiful sky all
that we can see than I do."
'I see you manage to get some good
out of boks."
'I do. 1 can live with bonks but joit
owe something to the world. It isn't at
all necessary to be a bookworm; do you
think it is'"
He said he did not. Then, gradually,
but very naturally, the conversation drift
ed into an exchange of views, of likes and
dislikes, of favorite authors, and then
how strange the sensation was to him. it
was altogether new Arthur Mayberry
discovered be was not as familiar with
the excellencies of several noted authors
as .Miss Atherton. who. however, never
quoted a line. She was so simple, so un
affected. i;iid so genuine in her manner,
that he sajd to himself, "I low this girl
would astotnsu the unices anu ineir set
if they could only hear her."
Fro in which it may be inferred he was
head over heels in love, as indeed he was.
As for Miss Atherton, she regarded him
as one of the handsomest and most intel
ligent and unaffected young men she had
met. And once or twice she remembered
that but for him she would not be sitting
there talking to him.
Her father was unaccountably delayed,
she said, but the time sped very fast, r lid
it was very agreeable to sit and talk to a
young man who did not use snperlliio-is
words, or laugh jit his own dull jokes, or
weary one with commonplace remarks.
It was a surprise to him when he learn
ed, incidentally, that she was going to the
concert that evening. He was jealou in
an instant. Who could be be? What
sort of a fellow did he lok like? Some
rough, coarse fellow, posibly, not at rll
fit to wait on a girl who displayed such
taste as Miss Atherton revealed. He
was consumed with curiosity. And be
was very careful to conceal the fact that
he was going to the concert. .
The simple truth was that Atherton
was very fond of music. He was devot
ed to music in his youth, and even row
was a member of the church choir, in
which his daughter's voice was accounted
the fiuesi. Auiertou anu uis uaugnter
rarely missed a fine concert or new opera.
But how could Mayberry know this? i
"I fear I may interfere with your iir
rangements if I remain longer," t-aid
Mayberry, rising.
''if you refer to the concert" she smil
ed "I don't think 1 ever required uiore
than fifteen or twenty minutes, at most,
to get ready to go anywhere.-'
Mayberry thought of the long "half
hours" he had sat in sundry parlors, wait
ing the appearance of his lady friends.
They were getting on famously, these two
yet not a word had been uttered that
could possibly indicate their estimate or
appreciation of each other, when suddenly
the door opened and Atherton entered.
As his eyes fell upon Mayberry, his man
ner underwent a change. Instead of wel
coming him, instead of holding out hia
hand, he said in a constrained manner:
"We meet once again."
Mayberry, scarcely knowing what to at
tribute the change to, answered at ran
dom :
"Y'es, twice in the game day."
Then he remembered how much was at
stake, and plunged into the heart of the
"Mr. Atherton, I have made an appoint
ment for to-morrow, when we will call on
Mr. Mead."
"To-morrow." Atherton'g eye waa t.n
his daughter.
"If you cannot go to-morrow, make the
time to suit your own convenience. Your
presence will be absolutely necensary--and
the sooner the better."
Atherton, who was standing, still avert
ed his gane as he replied: "1 don't think
I can go to-morrow." .
Mayberry waited for him to name a
day, but Atherton continued silent, until
his daughter interposed.
"Can vou not fix a day, father, that will
suit you both? Mr. Mayberry has been
wsiting some time to see you."
"I don't know I csn't siy "
The puddler stopped suddenly, and laid
hi bat aside. Mayberry's pride was
touched. Possibly something had caused
the puddler to chsnge his mind. Perhaps
be regretted the terms he had made with
Mayberry. Perhaps he eould do better,
and wished he had not been so precipi
tate. Or possibly other causes were at
work. Mayberry with his usuil dei-tsnu.
cut the knot at once.
"If you have changed your min i idnce
we have talked it over. I will return the
paper yon gave me."
"No, no! I diil not ask you to ret'trn
the paH-r,H said Allierton, in visible dis
hes now.
"That la the very reason I feel I must
return it now, Mr. Atherton," said May
berry as he produced the paper and hand
ed it to Atherton.
Then, as the puddler took It reluctant
ly, Mayberry added coldly, "If at any
time I ran serve you in this matter, you
, may command me."
t ot vry well. Just as you please
iut as you please, answered Atherton
"I wanted time to think, bat since you're
returned it- why that's an end of it."
He spoke in a cold tone alio. May
berry. wboe hand was on the door knob,
bowed to Mis Atherton. said "good even
ing" to her father, and was gone.
When he was outside, be felt like ne
who was stunned. It seemed as though
the world had no longer anything to in
terest him. What had happened to Ather
ton? What did it mean, anyhow? And
Irene! Was this the end of his dream?
Did all love dreams end as abruptly as
this one?
When they were alone, Irene Atherton
turned to her father.
(To be continued.)
Peraiana Deem Blunt Direct Anawet
No self-respecting Persian ever an
swers a questlou by a bold affirmative
or a blunt negative. He always reserves
margin. Wilfrid Sparrow, a tutor
to the Persian royal children, asked
Mirza Suleh, a turbaned linguist, In
regard to a servant, Hajl Isma'U.
"Is be honest?"
Mirza Saleh was busy with the page
of a dictionary.
"Little take care-HaJi Isma'll's
God money Is," said be.
'That Is no answer. 1 want one
word. Is lie holiest?"
Mirza Saleh closed his eyes In medi
tation, opened them and shook his head,
closed tliem again, and then sat buried
In thought, his fingers on bis eyelids.
By and by he looked up, ba filed.
"One word, sahib?" said he, 88 one
who should assert, "The task Is impos
"Certainly. One word."
He Mint bis eyes for the third time, as
If he would keep the truth from pop
ping out unawares. When be opened
tliem nt last, It was to search for tin;
Knglisli of the word he bud chosen.
When be hud found It bis face broke
into an expansive smile.
"Sab ib," he cried, triumphantly, "de-Ocl-ent'."
"Deficient Is good."
"It is not bad." be replied, lu a tone
of modest pride.
"1 will engage another servant, then,"
said the Lngllshman, laboriously. In
"It bebtar would be, sahib."
The World's Sponge.
Greek and Turkish sponges have teen
known to the trade for hundreds of
years. Syria furnishes perhaps the fin
est quality, and shipments lire made
from Tripoli and l.ntakia to Paris, Lon
don, Trieste, Hamburg, New York and
Piraeus. During the last fifteen years
however, the output lias greatly dhuln
ished, owing to the Introduction by
Greeks of diving apparatus, which
proved ruinous to fishermen and fisher
leu alike. It Is estimated that the an
nual exportation of Syrian sponges at
present hardly exceed $S5.KK) in value,
In the adjoining territorial waters of
Cyprus sponge bods tire being worked
with varying success. Sponges were
exported from that Island In lv.lS to the
amount of f 10.4'Jj, and In ISM) $28,835
worth were shipped. Egypt, Iiarbary,
Crete, Rhodes, Samoa, Calymnos and
other Islands of the Turkish and Greek
archipelagoes also produce sponges for
export. A large share of this trade was
formerly in the hands of merchants
with headquarters in Smyrna and Trl
este, but It Is now centered In London
and Piraeus. The United States anu
ally buys sponges abroad to the amount
of about fDUU.OOO.
The lilow'a Cruse.
The man who is seeking for a perti
nent Illustration is wise if he turns to
the Mible; for there is matter for our
light as well as for our serious argu
ments. The New York Times says that when
J. J. Hill, the president of the Great
Northern, started out from New York
with a party of friends, there was great
curiosity as to the destination and ob
ject of the cruise. The public thought
it had a right to know, but. when It
asked Mr. Hill, he only smiled, and re
plied, vaguely:
"But, Mr. Hill," said one of his Inter
viewers, "do you mean that your cruise
has no definite end? Can't you even
say when It will terminate?"
"No," said Mr. Hill, with a smile.
"This cruise Is Just like the widow's
cruse of oil. It will last Just as long
as It needs to; and It won't be wasted,
HI raw HIkm-o for Horses.
The praiseworthy fashion of provid
ing horses with straw bats as a guard
against the sun Is common, but It Is
doubtful If the Japanese Idea of horse
shoes will ever be generally adopted,
though It may have much to recom
mend It. In that country straw Instead
of Iron Is employed for the purpose.
The shoes are made of ordinary rice
straw, braided very tight and firm,
making a surface the size of the horse's
Imofs and about half an Inch thick.
They cost about two cents a pair.
UnrliM? IiOe,
"What Is 'platonlc friendship.' any
way?" "That's the feeling a young grass
widow and her admirer experience
while they're waiting for her divorce
to be granted." Philadelphia Press.
New Ken llnz of the liino.
"Such sorty clothes ns our minister
was wearing on bis vacation: lild you
see hi in?"
"Yes. and what neckties he affected.
His motto seems to be 'Mest Is the tie
that blinds.'" Philadelphia Presa.
Not an Infliction.
"Don't you think that young man la
ttftllcted with a swelled bead?"
"No," answered Miss Cayenne; "ho'a
not afflicted with it; be enjoys It."
Washington Htar.
The Ideal chaperon la simply oat of
Tomato Soup.
For this soup use one hulf of a can of
:oaiatoea, or one pint of fresh stewed
ouiaioes. If you use the canned goods.
lon't leave the other" bulf In the cau:
pour it in a china bowl, and If con
venient cook it a little before you put
It away. It will keep In a cool place
two or three days. It U said that peo
ple are poisoned by using canned goods.
Duly because the article Is nlloweu to
remain In the can after it has ban
jpened. But about the soup one bc'f
eiin of tomatoes, one pint of water, a
small onion chopped, a bay lf lul "
prig of parsley boiled together for lif
teen minutes. Press through a Hue ol
ander, return to the kettle and add e
reaspooiiful of suit, two of sugar a id
i shake of pepper. Itub together
ablespooiiful of butter and one of ft 'Hi .
and stir Into the soup wueri it lio'.is.
until It thickens. Serve with squnr s
if toasted bread.
Chocolate Creams.
Dissolve two cups of flue foiifcctl .:i
r's sugar in a half cup of s-.r. ft
ipon the lire, and let it boll lap.dly f-i
'.wctity minutes. Turn nut on pl.i-.-t
Hid stir Willi U large spoon till ''.,.
idling at the same time a :ablesioon
till of vanilla extract. When
?reamel, butter the fingers and work
t uj) in small balls. Prepare half
pound of chocolate by Retting it ever a
steamer till united; then tlirnst n loir:
tin into the balls and dip them in :'i
chocolate, laying them upon buttered
Wiper to dry.
Ksmlloncrf I'stas.
Six hard-boiled eggs, otic-four:'.! pins
of cream, butter the size f nil egg.
little parsley chopped fine, one half
tablespoon flour. Mix the cream, but
ter and flour and cook mil 11 thick.
Place in a buttered baking dish alter
nate layers of sliced egg and bread
crumbs seasoned wllli salt and pepper,
until the dish Is filled, having a layer
of crumbs and bits of butter or, the
top. Mix the cnam and parsley to
gether and pour over the whole. Make
n a tpilck oven till brown.
Cream PofTs,
Into a pint of boiling water Mir a
half-pound of butter. Stir until it boils:
put in three-quarters of a pound of
llo.ir, boil for a minute, turn Into a devp
dish and cool. When cold beat into it
first, the wcll-tt hipped yolks and the
stiffened whites of the eggs. Hrop by
the spoonful upon oiled paper ppread in
the bottom of a baking pan and bake
to golden-brown puffs. When cold cut
a slit In the side of each and fill with a
-ream filling.
Cream Toast.
One-half cup cream, one-half cup
milk, one-half teaspoonful salt, a small
lumi) of butter. Melt the butler and
add enough sifted Hour to make It stiff
Hfl !,., ...Ell- (....-. Fl, ?;0U:
slowly over the butter and flour, keep
ing the mixture smooth by stirring.
When thickened, strain and pour over
toast. Serve hot.
Nice Cke.
Meat up fhree eggs to a stiff froth.
put them lu a double boiler, and ctlr
briskly on the stove for eight minutes.
then add slowly three ounces of fine
sugar and quarter of a cup of ground
rice, also flavoring to taste. When
all Is well mixed, pour Into a buttered
pan and bake In a hot oven for twenty
Peanut Ilrittle.
Moll together a cup each of molasses
and brown sugar, a table.spoonful of
vinegar and two tablespoonfuls of but
ter. When a little dropped In cold
water Is brittle add a cup of blanched
peanuts; remove at once from the fire,
add a teasjioonful of baking soda, beat
hard and pour Into buttered pans.
(slowed Pquaba.
Clean, tie down the legs and wings
and put a piece of bacon on the breast
of each bird. Put a few slices of bacon
In the bottom of a kettle and put the
squabs on them; cover with stock and
let them stew gently until tender. Serve
on toast, and pour the stock slightly
blckened around them.
ICrlef KiiKzeatlono,
a little salt will make a delicate,
wholesome supper for children.
If mutton chops are rubbed over
with lemon Juice before broiling, their
flavor will be much Improved.
Kloe cooked In milk Instead of water
has a much richer flavor. It must be
watched closely while cooking, as It
will burn quickly.
To soften hard water add a little
borax. Water llius softened Is whole
"ouie for cooking purposes and Is use
ful In laundry for whitening clothes
and effecting a suring of soap.
A thin flexible slcel knife Is one of
the most useful of kitchen utensils.
This can lie used for many purposes,
for loosening cakes from the tins, for
Icing cakes, scraping dishes or cutting
delicate cakes and puddings whose
lightness would lie qulle ruined by
using a heavy dull knife.
t the pa rafll ii paper, which comes In
the packages of fancy biscuit is saved
and used to wipe the bottom of the
Irons on Ironing day the effect on the
smoothness of the Irons and the tem
per of the maid will be quite notice
able. There Is just a sufficient quan
tity of wax In the paper to make It a
splendid clearer.
Jld Chief In.i.Ud that It
Power that Hoiated Him.
"I was a clerk in the trader's stw
it the Pawnee agency for three f
four years." .aid a Ketrolt grocer to
ither day, "and, of course, I had
rood chance to study the Indian,
mere was a chief named Ix'anlnz
Free who never smiled or laughed.
He bad no curiosity. He had no In
.erest In anything belonging '
white lnau-uot even whisky. He wa
the nearest thing to a stone man you
ould find, and his Imperturbability
rcxed me. I made up my mind one
Jay . to arouse blm or perish.
"The chief used to come down to
:he store every morning and alt 00 an
tmpty barrel on the porch. I put half
i pound of powder under that barrel and
ne summer's morning Leaning Tree)
took up his usual roost. I waited
ibout fifteen minutes and then fired
Ihe fuw. Ten minutes later there
s-as an explosion that sent the chief
twenty feet high and ten rods away,
4,il of course, there was a rush from
every side to lenrn what had hap
pened. "The old thai) must have felt his
hair curl and been greatly mystified,
out be got up without the slightest ls
jf dignity and when asked to explain
he struck his breast and replied:
"'Heap lightning- heap strike lirap
in up, but no heap hurt me! Let mors
thunder come..
"His dignity was a good thing rot
me," said the ex-trader, according
the Detroit Free Press. "There was
in Investigation, and tiny would have
made it hot for me. but when the of
ficers questioned Leaning Tree In
proudly answered:
No powder -no blow tip. Light
ning -thunder eattli'juake- big wind.
t'.ut was 1 a child to be afraid? Mar
red humph! Powder humph!' "
Tlie automobile 1ms been applied to a
wide variety of uses since It became
jopular In America, but It is believed
hat the city of Cleveland has the only
me which is used s nn animal nnibu
ance. Ir. W. 11. Staniforth. of that
:lty, has nn Infirmary for clogs and
als and makes a specialty of their
rCHtnieti!. For some lime past be has
isvd au auto especially designed for
tukliig patients to and from his bospl-
tal. The rear portion Is similar la d
lgn to the ordinary runabout, but the
front portion has been enlarged to sus-
talu a platform containing a wooden
jase, which Is divided Into upper and
:tWP t-'t l,i,I llift ,,.! t..t-tif.r, Kl,rt
- - 1 ( I J - 1
ased for cats and the lower portion for
logs. The sides of the case have allts
protected by wire to admit the air,
whllt; each eoiitflins a dish, of watery
The portion for the dogs is divided also
Into two sections, so that three or four
;aniue patients can be tal-"n at a time.
The accompanying Illustration shows
the doctor making his rounds In the au
tomobile, with his two pet bulldogs,
who usually accompany bltn.
Betrayed a Woeful Ignorance as a
Foclal Uneen.
Bhe looked like "the real thing."
The women lu the corridor, who were
also becomingly groomed, looked after
her enviously as she swished rhythmic
ally past them Into the reception rovio
at the end of the hall and the men
supplemented this attention with ad
miring tiods and softly modulated
The dozen people already gathered
in the reception room reading and
talking were likewise visibly Impress
ed with the general excellence of her
manner and appearance and every one
of them would have leeu willing to
take oath tt there wasn't a kink
la up-to-dau life that she wag not
familiar with.
My mid by the charming creature
began to give evidence of an uueasl
ness that went a little ways toward
dispelling the Illusion. She looked
ioubtfully ubout lis If seeking some
thing she wauted badly, but didn't
know bow t get. Presently alio spied
a little bluck knob far up on the wall
near tlm door and she stood up on
her tiptoes and turned It gingerly. In
an tustaat darkness had settled upon
the face of the reception room and all
who sat therein.
"0-o-oh!" squealed the women and
"Thieve!" ejaculated the men. The
npolhcslH of grace and culture wailed
loudest of all.
"What bus happened?" ghe rrbvl.
"You've turned off r).e elwtrlc
lights," said a porter who had rushed
'u to prevent a possible crime. "What
JId you want?"
"I wauted to call a bell boy sobbe
Ihe apothoosis, according to the Now
Tork Times. "I thought that waa the)
P-"I'e aatlced meat chlldrea pr.
fer chocolate candy ta an atbar klaaV
I wonder why that lar
Ma-"Dubtlesa because It aaka
their hands and face dirtier thaa aar
Mbtr klnd."-Phlladelphla Preen.