Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 26, 1903, Image 4

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    . 11
El Will Afford Much Pleasure to the
Average South.
Roys love the water, and If such a
thing Is poimible, they will upend muuy
Of th'lr happiest hour upon Its shores
r rUJing upon Its (surface.
JVLat boy ha not built himself a
raftf i
. IU-re Ik something that should afford
much pleasure to the average youth,
Whether or n ,t hi; In able to possess a
boat. It Is fulled the catamaran house
boat, and is Intended to serve a mani
fold purpose, It being adaptable alike
a a craft almost as rapid as a row- i
boar, a faft, u floating camp, summer
fishing house and many other things
that will at once present themselves to
bright-minded oy.
Among Its many advantages are the
facts that it Is perfectly safe from over
turning, that It will not crush In when
truck ever so violently by anything
found upon the water, that it may be
propelled much more easily than a raft;
Indeed, with almost as little effort as
boat, and that It Is an Ideal attraction
for boys, whether used stationary, pro
pelled about lakes, ponds and rivers,
used iut an aquatic playhouse, a sum
mer camp, a rainy day fishing house or
any other pleasant line to which It may
be put. Another of Its advantages Is
that Its cost need u it be great, although
It may bi made, very expensive. Hav
ing possessed the proud privilege once
of being a boy himself, the writer Is
aware tluit the average boy Is never
overstocked with money, hence the
tjuc,tiou of cost Is a momentous one.
To build one of these houseboats It
Is Hint ueccusnry to secure two logs.
J.og.s being round should be u-'od in
preference t' s juare beams, although
the latter will answer. They should be
fifteen or more feet In length ami tulte
sound, otherwise they will wntersoak.
First round and point each end, us In
Fig. 1, then with a saw, hammer au.1
chi-seL which are about all the tools
needed, cut out resting places for the
cross pkies, as Indicated at A In Fig. 1.
When this Is done, make your cross
pieces, which will be five lu number,
four feet lu length. The cross pieces
and frame pieces should be two by two
or two by four-Inch lumber. If liossl
ble, make the cross pieces of two by
four and the framework of two by two.
As the rof and floor of your craft is
to be more than four feet In width,
much care should be exercised In put
ting up the framework. Tim general
Idea of this may be secured from Fig.
2. The pieces marked with the letter
A are the cross pieces already referred
to, and should be four feet In length.
The pieces marked "IV should be six
t lu .length, Those marked "C"
thould be eight feet, while those pieces
marked ' It" should be six feet. The
length of the side roof pieces cannot be
designated, as they depend upon the
length of the logs, but If the logs were
fifteen feet lung the side pieces of the
roof should be about seven feet. As
timbers "IV ure two feet longiT than
timbers "A," It will be seen that tim
bers "C" and "IV will not Join timbers
"B" at the ends, but will be a foot from
(hem upon each Hide. Hoard over the
logs, its lu Fig. 3. Let the flooring
boarijp protrude a foot on each side
ver the logs, and your floor will then
4e, like your roof, six feet wide. After
you have put In the fl or, which great
ly strengthens your craft, you should.
If you have not already done so, float
four catamaran, as It will soon he far
too heavy to move.
For the roof you may use boards run
ning lengthwise. If you cannot secure
luch long boards, fasten them on cross
wise, mid cover the whole with t arret!
r builders' paper, secured with laths.
Of course, It may be shingled, or good
ranvas may bp used for a covering.
Cover lu one-half of your frame
work, as lu Fig. .'I. The middle cud of
rour lilt Le cabin muy be left open, with
heavy draperies or curtains, or It may
be boarded up and a door put In, ns In
Ihe rear end I" Fig. 3. The builder
may put In windows In the sides if he
desires. Make a rudder for the stern.
Nearly lu the center of this now neatly
touiulctcd catamaran houseboat place
blocks for your oarlocks. Have them
shout two feet above Ihe flour. Itelng
io wide apart, two may row to advan
tage. Make a rack upon each side of
four little house for your oars and se
cure a luug pole, which you may keep
upon the roof or upon the floor, us one
ttctn prefers to "pole" his craft. -A
hort staff for n pennant or Hag may
lie added. Fpon the pennant lulilals or
I name may be Inscribed, as the ciiln
tnarau In the pictures carries the In
itial "A. It." A little trapdoor in the
renter of the floor will be found eon
lenient for hand line fishing, to shield
ne from tho sun In the day, or to keep
off the dampness at night If pout fish
ing. The toy who owns one of these srafts
may add to Its furnishings as he Is able
from time to time. A little stove, some
folding hnnks, a folding table, cup
Iwards sml shelves will no doubt lie
thought of. The open covered space
will also be thought large enough f r
a hammock, and small seats may be
built wherever convenient.
If good sized logs are used the craft
should support four boys conveniently,
ami with the resources generally avail
able to the average boy, nearly all the
lumber may be procured wlthut cost.
If you cannot at first afford oars, a pole
may be used, and good substitutes for
oars may be made from boards. The
labor of bulldiug Is really very small,
compared with the good results, and It
will be found cheaper and better for
pure enjoyment than any of the boats
of which plans have so often been pub
lished. Montreej. Star,
Opinion Her ma to Be that It Is Be
tween 30 and 40.
There's no mistake about It. To be
young, to be in the first flush of youth,
is no longer fashionable.
The fashionable age now for a wo
man is between 30 and 40. Have not
their majesties, the King and Queen
of Kuglaud, given notice that the
young person Is not to monopolize so
cial attention?
The doctrine of middle age Is being
preached lu Loudon, and from the In
nermost centers of Muyfalr exclusive
uess to the outer circles of bohemlau
ism the women who are the most pop
ular are those who have lived.
It is hard to get at the reason for
this inversion of fancy. Somebody
says It Is because the girls of the
present day are older aud more world
born than the women who have pass
ed the first stage of real youth. "What
ever the real reason, the chief
Interest seems to center about women
who have left the white muslin stae
ami crept out. to the once dreaded
verge of maturity.
The women of whom most Is heard
hare certainly no longer any right
to be considered young. They are
frankly middle-aged, and they seem to
glory In It.
So people seem to have discovered
that the period succve-ding youth is
more desirable than adolescence. 'I he
si range thing Is that It has not been
discovered before, with all the exam
ples that exist lu history. The Wi.meii
of France and Knghind who were
noted for their power ami attractions
readied the zenith of their fclory aftei
you Hi bad flown.
Those who have lived and seen the
world must always have a grealei
power for swaying humanity than
those who are equipped only with the
charm of youth. No one is disposed
to underestimate this charm, fur ll
conies to nil once; and partakes not
only of the sweetness of tho llower,
but also of the evanescence.
Some one has said that "every facf
ought to be beautiful at 40,' and an
other that "no old person has a right
to bo ugly, because she has had all
her life lu which to grow beautiful."
The transfiguration of a pleasant
smile, kindly lightings of the eyes,
restful lines of self-control about the
lips, serenity of the face these things
no fllfsl year or two of goodness
gives. Only habitual graciotisuese
within will give them all.
It Is Interesting to remember In con
nection with this that many of the
Wwiiit-n who have, been famous for
their beauty anil fascination for men
achieved their greatest triumphs be
tween the ages of 30 and 40.
Josephine was XI when she married
Napoleon, and, Judging from the let
ters written by the absent husband
during the early years of their unlou,
she Inspired him with Intense love
and Jealousy. It has been said that
she was the only woman Napoleon
ever really loved.
Mme. Ilccamler was most beautiful
between the ages of 35 and 55, and
Mile. Mars at 45 was at the zenith of
her triumphs. Diane de Poitiers was
3d when she won the heart of Henry
II. The King was half her age, but
bis devotion never changed.
IJIanca Capello was 33 when the
Grand Duke Francis of Florence fell
captive to her charms and made her
his wife, though ho was five years
her Junior. Mme. de Malutenon was
43 when united to Louis, ami Cath
erine II. of Itussla was 33 when she
seized the Umpire of Itussla aud cap
tivated the dashing young General
Orion. I'P to the time of her death,
at tj", she seems to have retained her
powers of bewlichery.
Cleopatra was nearly 40 when Mark
Anthony fell beneath her spell, nnd
the most famous beauty the world has
ever known, Helen f Troy, was long
past 30 when she perpetrated Ihe most
notable elopement on record and set
the Trojan warriors to fighting for her
Ktlilca of a Kin.
A kiss Is a peculiar proposition. Of
no use to one, yet absolute bliss to two.
The small boy gets It for nothing, the
young man has to steal It ami the old
man has to buy It. Tho baby's right,
the lover's privilege, the hypocrite's
mask. To a young girl, faith; to n
married woman, hope, and to an old
maid, charity. Italtlmoro American.
iter A in ll I Inn.
"I will go to the ends of tho earth
with you." said the romantic young
"Oh, I am no explorer," retorted the
licautlful young girl. "I'd rather you'd
go as far as a little suburban cottage
with mi!."
oniclal llespmullillliy In t'lilna.
Chinese ollieials are held 'to be guilty
before the Hon of Heaven for Moods,
drouths, famines, fires nnd other nat
ural calamities.
We beard a long lime ago that the
devil Invented the fiddle, but we beard
to-day that he also Invented the pump.
There are an any dont's In life.
The number of laborers required to
niltlvate the tea crop of India is CCC,-
It is estimated that 90 per cent of
he employes of the cigar trust are
emales, and the great majority are
Amalgamated Association of Street
iailway Employes has passed the 00,
100 mark In membership. Five years
tgo It had less I ban 5,000.
Australia has gone farther than any
ther country In the restriction of Im
migration. Its new law shuts out yel
ow labor, Kanakas and East Indians.
The compensation act gives full
rights to Canadian working men to
lue aud collect, this law being far bct
:er for the workers than any similar
aws of the United States,
A system of superannuation for its
miployes Is about to be put into effect
iy the Canadian Pacific Hallway Com
pany. The sum of $i"0.000 has been
lesignated a pension fund.
Thirty-seven labor papers have been
darted in the last twelve months.
There are at present strictly t.n n
nbor papers In the lulled States. !
Ibis Indicates the growth of unionism.
According to statistics published by
:he New Jersey bureau of labor, un
ion carpenters in that State average
FJ.53 a day for fifty-three hours a
neck, and nun union painters $J.13 a
luy and fifty-eight hours.
The new Ali-Ainericau railroad in
Alaska will be 450 miles long, and
viil cost $10.000.ow. The Central V n
'.uchui. cause of the present d lllcu.ty
n South America, cost $Hi.O00,0OO and
s only 110 miles long. The eng n -ef-Iig
dillieultles in Venezuela can hardly.
;e greater than in Alaska. i
The referendum vote of the I'nlted
Brotherhood of Carpenters and Juln
srs on the question of separating the
jlliccs of secretary nnd treasuier has
;;i iii d by a large majority. This
makes Thomas Neale the national
treasurer, as he was elected to the of
fice at the last convention, pending the
result of tho referendum vote.
The supreme court of Ohio decided
Ihe other day that the ehht-hoiir law
was unconstitutional nnd declared it
cull and void. The decision came up
an a test case taken by Ihe city of
Cleveland against a contractor who
built a sewer and violated the law.
Several States have declared laws
limiting the length of the working day
unconstitutional, while others held
them valid. .
The great Itessemer engine, which a
few years ago was the largest In Ihe
world, hns been outdone. Fuel oil Is
the cause of Its losing Its rank. The
uew design Is called the "Shay geared
locomotive." It Is now In use on the
til I'n so extension of the Itock Island.
In the division extending from Alumo
gonlo, N. M., to Cox Canou. fifty one
miles, there is a total elevation of 0,
(100 feet. The grade ranges from
to C'i per cent. The last part Is eon-,
(tied with very heavy curves. Where,
to find an engine which would operate
economically tinder such conditions
would be puzzling alone. To all this(
was auilei, however, me iaci mat me
tater along this part of the line Is
strongly alkali, and the engine must
carry a tank large enough to supply
Itself for the round trip of 102 miles
This locomotive was tried. It weighs
280,000 pounds. It is now hauling
twenty-seven cars, weighing nine tons
each, up the 0.3 per cent grade at an
average speed of five or six miles an
hour, with the same amount of fuel as
two engines had required before tc
do the same work.
Kefer to Germany as "An Open Koe'
an I Criticises Government,
Iludyard Kipling lias written a new
poem, called "The ltowers," In which
lie gives expression to the feeling
against the Itrltlsh alliance with Ger
many against Venezuela. The poena
was printed In the London Times
which from the first has been stronglj
opposed to the alliance. The poem ll
part follows;
Lust night ye swore our voyage wai
Hut seaward still we go;
And ye tell us now of a secret vow
Ye have run tie with an open foe.
That we must lie off a liglitless coast,
And h n u I and buck and veer
Kl the will of the breed that hart
wronged tis most
For a year and a year and a year.
There wns never a shame In chrlstendU
I Tliey laid not to our door;
I 1 m.I . tL-n Ilia -trif.
And anil with tlieni once more.
Th dead they mocked are scarcely cold,
Our wounded lire bleeding yet;
And y tell us now that our strength li
To licli lliem press for a debt.
N'entli nil tlie (burn of nil mankind
Tlint use upon the sens,
Was thero no other Meet to find
Tli tit ye stride hands with these?
Of evil times tlint men could choose,
On evil fnle to fall,
Whnt brooding judgment let you looss
To pick the worm of all?
In sight of pence, from tha narrow seas,
O'er hnlf the world to run,
tVltli a cli toiled crew to lenrie snew
With the Untb snd (h SliiDisbMI
Afoalzlsf Trolley Acc its At Newrk, N. J.
tigioe Hits l! bcuirtly.
Newark, N. J., Feb. 20. A fast
express on tlie Lackawanna railroad
cut through a trolley car crowded
with school children at the Clifton
avenue crossing Thursday. Eight of
the children were killed and a score
or more of them injured. The mo
tornian of the car, who stuck to his
post, will die, and the engineer of the
express was so badly hurt that theie
is little hope of his recovery.
Both the express and the. trolley
were on the steep grades going" at
right angles. The express was sig
nalled and the. crossing gates were
lowered, while the trolley car was
half way down the hill. The motor
man shut oil the power and applied
the brakes, but almost Immediately
the car began to slip along the icy
It gained tremendous momentum
and at the bottom of the hill crashed
through the gates, directly in the
track of the oncoming train. The lo
comotive ploughed its way through
the trolley, throwing the children in
every direction.
The accident happened within three
blocks of tin; high school building,
and in the car at tlie time were
nearly 100 pupils. As many as thirty
others had managed to throw them
selves from the car before the crash
came. The trolley was one of the
specials which every day bring I he
children 10 school. It had more than
its ordinary loud Thursday, owing to
the cold. It contained every child
that could squeeze inside, and others
stood on tin-rear platform. Because
this car had ) m so crowded many
who were wait ing for it before the
hill was reached could not get on,
although some climbed on Ihe front
plat form with the motornian.
A score or more children were com
pelled to walk, as they followed the
car afoot. They say I hat when the
car was still less than half way down
the hill the railroad gates began to
1 rop.
I'eter Brady. Ihe inolonnati. prompt
ly shut olT the power and applied ihe
brakes. The speed of the car was
ch 'eked, but, it continued to move,
s'owly down the incline. There was
n ) thought of daiieer. 'I hen it began
to move faster and faster.
The lee-covered rails offered no hold
for. the wheels and although Brady
jammed his htake harder and then
swung in reverse, Ihe momentum of
the car grew at every yard and the
car shot down toward the railroad.
When it was right at the gales the
express came i nl o view. Warned by
the cries of those afoot and by their
own sense of danger those on the
platforms began to throw themselves
oft into the snow, and as tlie car sped
along tlie few remaining feet toward
the rails perhaps one-third escaped
death injury in this way, but there
was no time for those within the ear
to do more than crush toward the
r 'ar door.
Tlie gates were swept aside and
before the cracking of the gales died
out came the crash. For thirty sec
onds before Ihe air was lllleti with
frantic cries of thos - who saw death
dashing down upon them.
Tlie wreck of tlie trolley ear was
complete. The pilot of the engine
struck It almost in the center and
turned it partly aroui d and then the
ponderous engine cut it in two. The
upper part of the trolley was reduced
to fragments under Ihe drivers of the
locomotive. One-half of the car was
thrown to one side and lay on the
tracks. The other section was hurled
some distance away. In every direc
tion lay the Injured and dead. The
ermine was brought to a standstill
and from the train and from near by
houses men rushed to the rescue. The
s jeetaele was appalling and many who
started to work had to give up un
nerved. Within five minutes as many dead
liodles had been laid side by side in
the snow alongside the 1 rack. One
of the bodles.that. of a girl, was found
a block beyond. It had been carried
there on the pilot of the engine.
Load after load of the Injured wen;
sent away in patrol wagons and am
bulances. Wilhin a short time there
was not an Injured person near the
S !ene of the wreck and the dead
were on their way to the morgue.
Brldfe Worker Dies.
riattsmoulh, Neb.. Feb. 20. --Will-lam
It. Webb, tin! bridge workman
who fell a distance of sixty feet Tues
day afternoon, died the same night.
The unfortunate man never regnlnctl
consciousness from the time of ihe
accident until his death. This was
Die II rut fill ;i 1 accident w liicli'lias oc
curred since-work on the Burlington's
new bridge commenced. A n itiquel
over tin' remains, was held this after
noon. The Jury found Unit the acci
dent was an unavoidable one.
Had Mis Hand Trimm-d
Kearney, Neb., Feb. 20. Albert
Oraveley, living Iwelve miles north
of the city met with a terrible acci
dent yesterday morning. He was
working with a corn sheller, when
his right hand was caught In the
machinery and terribly mangled. He
c-ime In the rltv In huvfl the ililored
member dressed, when It was found
necessary to have all the lingers on
the hnntl Amputated. The operation
took place Unlay.
Pssscafers sod Crew Below at the Tine, sal
No Opportunity For Escape-Oaly SU
Norfolk, Va., Feb. 18. A cyclone
struck the passenger steamer Olive
which plies between Franklin, Va.,
ind Edenton, N. C, at 9:30 o'clock
Tuesday night and sent her to the
Dottem of the Chowan river, off
IVoodley's pier, between Mount I'leas
int and Oliver's Wharf.
Seventeen people are known to have
Deen drowned arid others who were
rescued are in a serious condition.
The whirlwind when it struck the
Olive caused her to go over on her
Beam's end, and when she righted it
(vasoulyto sink on account of the
water she had taken.
A majority of the passengers and
;rew were below at the, time, and had
ao opportunity to reach the pilot
house of the vessel. This point was
Lhe only portion left above water,
md in it, from the time of the acci
dent until G o'clock in the morning,
Capt. George II. Withy and live others
stood waist deep in water.
At G o'clock Wednesday morning
the river steamt-.r Pet tit hove, in sight
md rescued the almost frozen sur
vivors. The Olive was a small single screw
steamer owned by J. A. Prcflow of
Franklin, Va., and has been plying
fjetween North Carolina and Virginia
'or several years.
A Strange Dls pp?arance.
Fairbury, Neb., Feb. 18. The vil
lage of Steele City, in the southeast
corner vf this county, is somewhat
xeitco over lhe mysterious disap
pearance of S. II. Ho!I' 'rt, a citlzer ")f
nine prominence, and a former mer
shant. of that place. Some, months
sitic." IIotTert traded his stock of gen
eral merchandise for a farm in Ante
.ope county, and 1m l made one trip
there to look at the land. Upon his
return lie expressed himself as well
pleased with the acquisition and sig
nified an intention of moving there
t some future time. About tlie first
jf the month he came to Fairbury in
jompany with another citizen of that
place on a business mission, expect
ing to return the, same evening, but
has not been seen since. His com
panion says that when he separated
from him in Fairbury he was expect
ing to join him again at the train
upon his return, lloffert wore a suit
of work clothes the day he disap
peared, and all his best wearing ap
parel was left behind, together with
his books containing about a hun
dred dollars worth of accounts. His
wife died several years ago, but he
had three chilrdeti, a girl seventeen
and two boys aged respectively twelve
an 1 fourteen, who are left almost
destitute. He was treasurer of the
local order of Modern Wtxidmen and
had alKmt seventy dollars belonging
to that order in his custody. Abso
lutely nothing has been heard of him
since his disappearance, and while
many rumors are rife they are simply
Find Missing Hail Pouch.
Indianapolis, Feb. IS. The missing
mail M)uch containing money, checks,
money and draft, amounting to SiiO,
000, that has caused the postofllce de
partment so much concern bas been
found and is now safely boused in the
office of tlie superitiendent of mails
here. Tlie missing jkiucIi arrived
here from Cincinnati.
How the pouch reached Cincinnati
is a quest Ion yet to be settled. The
mystery has been partly cleared, local
ofllclals believe, by tlie appearance of
the pouch. It Is not it leather pouch,
such as is used in conveying valuable
mail. Th'! government Is suffering
from a short age of leather pouches,
and It recently converted a lot of
cloth bags into first class mail
pouche'. The converted pouches are
caught at the neck with a leather
The I henry Is that the pouch, in
this Instance, lost, its destination tag
nnd I he mail clerks mistook the pouch
to be one containing other empty
pouches that were being sent back to
the Cincinnati olllce where empty
bags are slon-d. Tho pouch probably
went to th" Cincinnati storage room
nnd lay th re unopened. It Is be
lieved tin; contents are Intact.
Boy Hunter Kilted.
Taylor, Xcb., Feb. 18. Cyrus Kel
ley, aged fourteen, was out. hunting
n-ar the home of his half-brother,
Jerry Kelley on the Loup, Garfield
county line Monday. The gun hf
cnrrled was discharged accldentallj
while the boy was opening a pasttirt
gate, the charge striking him on th'
right side of the cbln nnd ranging
through the head. Death was In
statitaneous and his fact and hca1
i were terribly mangled.
Nebraska Notes.
Quarrymen have found what is beJ
leved to be a very rich deposit of
le d in a stone quarry, a few miles
south of Bameston, in Cage county.'
The ore exists in abundant quantities
ill over Cage county.
Charles L. Sharp of Fapillion, whoj
bas been serving a sentence in thai -lenitentiary
for robbing a Iiock Is-'
land car, has been paroled by Gover-1
ior Mickey. Sharp's daughter wrot
l letter to Govrenor Savage before
Stte-expiration of iisterui( askir.g tb -pardon
of her father. It was refused.'
The seventeenth annual session of
the North Nebraksa Teachers' aaw
nation will be held at Columbus,1
commencing Wednesday, April 1, and
Mintinuing throuhout the week.!
lioards of education are requested to
50 arrange the spring vacations tha
teachers may be able to attend.
A. D. Beemer, recently appointed'
warden of the state penitentiary, has
a'cen charge of that institution. II
will make no change among the em
ployees at this time. It will be tha
duty of the new warden to take
charge of the hanging of Gottleib
Neigentiend, who was convicted of
murdering his wife and mother-in-law.
The father and sister of Ann
Bardin have joined Fay Smith, her
sweetheart, in searching for her.
leardin has had the police assisting
in the search for his daughter, but
no trace of her has been found sine
she left the Boyd hotel at Lincoln
with J. B. Goby, with whom sho
Mrs. Stratton, wife of Thomas H..I
Slratton, manager of the Aetna In
surance company's oflices at Lincoln,
while on her way to the theater
suffered an attack of apoplexy. Throw
ing up her hands she screamed and
fell to the sidewalk. She was carried
Into a house near by and died in a.
few minutes.
The Rev. E. E. Wilson, pastor of
the Methodist Episcopal church of
Oakland, will leave shortly for Portot
Ilico, where he will be a missionary
under the Methodist Episcopal Miss-
ionary board of New York City. Mr.i
Wilson was a missionary in South'
America prior to location at Oakland..
His successor will be selected by El-j
tier Jennings of Omaha.
Samuel Nichols, an aged citizen of
Keneasw, bas been advised by letter
from Anrdew Carnegie, that he is to
be pensioned at $411 monthly. In ttial
letter was pay for the entire year of
1902. Mr. JS'ichois, who is now 71
rears of age, came to this country;
from Yorkshire,England,on the samas
day that Carnegie did. They met in
New York and in search cf employ
ment went to Pittsburg, where Car
negie took to the steel mills and
Nichols to the coal mines. Nichols
came west thirty years ago and toolc
up a homestead in Adams county.
Mr. Nichols is going east on a visit.
S.. II. lloffert, a proi'nnent citizen
of Steele Cily, has mysterioulsy dis
appeared. A short time ago Ilofferti
traded his stock of general merchan-'
disc for an Antelope county farm,
and said he was going to move there.
He came to Fairbury early this month,'
in company with a citizen of Steel
City. He intended to retrun that
night, but has uot been seen si nee.
ne is a widower, and leaves a daugbJ
ter of 17 and two younger boys almost
destitute. '
How an abscess in the Fallo
pian Tubes of Mrs. Hollinger
was removed without a surgical
"I had an abscess In my side la
the fallopian tube (the fallopiaA
tube is a connection of tlie ovaries
I suffered untold misery and was)
so weak I could scarcely got around.
Tho sharp burning pains low down
in my side were terrible. My physi
cian said there was no help for m,
unless I would go to the hospital
and bo operated on. I thought
before that I would try LydU K.
Plnkhnin's Vegetable Compound
which, forttuiately, I did, and it has
made me a stout, healthy woman.
My advioe to all women who suffer
with any kind of female trouble ll
to commence taking Lydla 15.
IMnklinin's Vegetable Compound
at once." Mrs. Ira S. HoLuxanu
Stilvideo, Ohio.-ioooww ifwitMHt
atow Itttir prmlng prmriMMM Mmf tpimt4.
It would seem by this state
:nent that women would
time nnd ranch sickness If tberr
would ret Lydla K. PlnkbaaV
Vegetable Compound at onea
and also write to Mrs. Plnkhaa
at Lynn, Mass for spactal aoV
rloe. It is free and always kola.
No ot her person ran pre sac
helpful iMivu-e as nr. rial
to wo?h:j " ure sic.