Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 26, 1903, Image 1

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    Harrison Press -
, "WEZBXUU 26. 1903. ISJ O.
Jake Dom cam io town jmlarda;.
J. tl. Cook wm a Harrison visitor last
Tuesday .
A. B. Kennedy earn up from Craword
Robert Phillips mads a pfoaaantcall
at our oMce Moadey.
Mih Mary Bertleeon went heme ao a
visit Tuesday evening.
Sunday School at 10 o'clock; every
body iovitad. W. U. Datm; Supt.
Litt la Moritz Wilhormsdorfer has baan
aick with the tonsi litis for several day
but ia bettor at this writing.
Schaefsr Bro. shipped a car-load of
cattle to Omaha last Saturday. Nick
auoompaoiad the catllw to Omaha.
Dr. Richards from Crawford was called
to Harrison laat Saturday. Ha mada
aavaral professional calls while bar.
Peter Bourret mada us a pleasant call
Tuaaday and orderad tha Jot'RNAL mat to
his brother at Livingston Wisoonaiu.
Mr. and lint. Oruot Outtiria and sod
Basil left last Saturday night for Wash
ington, D. (., to be gooa indefinitely.
W learn that J. W. Bead received a
kick from one ef hia thorough-bred bulls
that has diitabled lum fur thetime being.
We have a few fl2.50 gent Ulster
over-coats that we are cooing out for
10.00, Now is your chance.
58-tf Lewis Oerlach.
t)r. J. E. Pliinoey received a telegram
last Friday announce ing the sudden ill
ness of hia father at Sewnrd, Nebr. He
and his soo Brownie left for Seward in
Um evening.
Joseph Stataoey was called home by
Ulegraph last Monday, his family hud
been aick all last weak, and tlteir infant
child become dangerousely ill, hem-e the
enesge was sent for VI r Htainney.
Loar Between Finley's saw mill and
Harriaon, a burr off of a wagon skein.
Anyone finding tha same please leave at
Man, teller Bros, and the Under will be
liberally rewarded. J. A. Pbipps.
To all tlaU are indebted to me by act,
or notes past due, take notice that if you
want toga rid of me, call at tlie Com
mercial Buak aad settle at once.
- There will he a Ball given at the Hall
Tuesday evening March 17th, in honor of
St. Patrick. Come everybody as Una
will be the lust dance for this season.
Spectator's fee will be the same as before.
R. C. Ikkh.
The scmtch of a pin may cause the
lose of a limb or even death wlien blood
poisoning renulta from the injury. All
danger of this muy be Avoided, however,
by promptly implying Chamberlain's
Puis Balm. It Is an as ti septic and quick
belling liniment for cuts, bruises aud
bare. For sale by all Druggists.
Card Of Thanks.
We can not express our gratitude with
words to the good people of Harrison for
their klndnes and aid during tha i linens
svnd death of our ana and brother Roy
W will simply say they liave hearts of
Mm. and Mm. B. B. Don and Chilkuk
ate ares lit League.
At th M. E. church avary Sunday
evening at 7:00 o'clock.
Everybody Invited. Sebjcct for March:
The Yeuns Chrtewaa'a taa4fctj Ototiwd
Subject for March 1; Totol AhM nance
tha Only Safe Rule. Dan. I. J-II; I Thee
v. 88; I Petor li. 11.
JorW I. Dat; Leader.
We are glad to say that Andrew Mc
Oinlty, who we reported last week as be
ing seriously hurt from a fall, from a
load of he, Is iro-roving as fast as could
be expected under the circumstance.
Ha can't lie down yet and token but
little nourishment but his rest is fairly
got kJ and as soon at Um soreness lea vss
his shoulder and side he will be at him
self again.
A ws go to press we Mara that Mr.
McOioley Is feeling worse.
CsUlfsr bMs.
fWlad bids will be received by Um Di
rector for Um construct!" of a school
house in District No. II Hioux County
Neb. until Mitrvli lOili. llrOH PUna and
apuiHontiona are on file with lbs LMrect-
ei u j wki .
or. HIV vwn I ,m miw ripjilt iw
Ctaay raJisMa.
f here AND THEREf
The bast physic. "Onos tried, and you
will always uea Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets," says William A.
Uirard, Pease Vt These Tablets ars the
most prompt, most pleasant and moet
reliable cathartic io use. For sale by all
The members of the Royal Neighbors
will celebrate their anniversary, and
give a supper at the Woodman Hull Fri
day evening Feb. 27th. at 7:30 P. M. all
neighbors, aud their families are cordially
Mrs. E, F, Pontics.
When you feel blue, and that every
thing goes wrong, take a dose of Cham
berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets.
They will cleanse and invorgato your
stomach, regulate your bowels, give you
a relish for your food, and make vou leel
that in this old world is a good place to
live. For sals by all Druggists.
With this issue ends the first year of
our work as publishers of this paper, and
we truly thank our friends for tbeir
liberal patronage, and to our correspond
ent we feel under lasting obligations for
their untiring efforts in furnishing us the
news from their respective neighborhoods
We hope Uiat in years to come ws may
continue to hold the Pans Journal in
the rank that aha has held in the past 14
and one half years.
Roy Dunn, the oldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Benjamin Dunn, died last Sunday
morning Feb. 22 after a lingering illness
of several months. He was born August
11, 1888, and was 18 years, 8 months, and
11 days old. lie never hod been very
strong since he was 4 years old, and God
in His all wins way seen beat to call him
to a home where titers is no pain or
sorrow. Service were conducted by the
Rv. Horton at the residence of Mr. Dunn
nt 2 o'clock P. M. , and the body was laid
away to rest In the Harrison cemetery.
The PBKHa-JoL'IsML extends sympathies
to the bereaved parents and sorrowing
friends. ' , . -
On our visit to Alliance, Mnrslanrf and
other points last week, we found tlie
snow vary deep, aud crusted to such an
extent that it Is almost impossible for
stock to reach the grass. Considerable
loss is reported at different points and it
seems only a question of stock bucking
providence, and we fear that some of our
stockmen will realize that snow sand
wiche can not be relied upon to carry-
stock through tha winter. Wa do not
like to ciironicle such news, but such
are facts and we hope that in tlie future
stockman will be more careful and not
over stock their range, for it is shame
ful to have stock perish for want of food
and shelter.
We were pleased last Sunday night to
listen to Cuptain W. R. Akers of Alli
ance give his lecture on Jerusalem, at
Manila nd in behalf of the Christian en
deavor of that plnce. We have heard
several lectures given on the Holy land
but never have been able to hear one
that could give such a life like presentat
ion of the subject as did Mr. Akers.
There was a large audience, and fn.ro
the attention given by all . present, we
was not the only one present that enjoy
ed It. We learn that this lecture is only
the forerunner of a lecture that hs ia pre
paring on ths Holy land; wall if it it to
be any better than this one was, ws will
wait in anxious suspense until we hear it.
The singing by the Marsland choir was
second to none Uiat we have heard in any
of Um towns that ws havs visited.
Tendency ef tha Times. ...
TtM tendency of medical science is to
ward preventive measures. The best
thought of the world is being givso to
the subject. It Is satisr and better to
prevent than to cure. It has been fully
demonstrated that pneumonia, one of the
moat dangerous diseassa that medical
men have te contend with, can be pre
vented by ths use of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Pneumonia always re
sults from a cold or from an attack of
Influents (grip), and it hat bees observed
that this remedy counteracts 'any tend
ency of these diaeaeea toward pneumonia
This baa baan fully proven in many thou
aods f oaaaa In which this remedy ban
been used during ths grant prsvalenos of
colds and grip in recent years, nod can bs
relied upon with implicit confidence.
Pneumonia oflan rweulta from a slight
coM whoa oo danger It apprehended un
til it is suddenly discovered Uiat them is
fever and difficulty In breathing nod
paint in Um cheat, then It It aonounosd
that the patisnt has oeumonia. Bo on
lbs sxfs aids and take Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy as soon aa the cold m con
tntctod. It always curs. Far amis hgr
Mr. William L. Baldwin died sudden 1
last Saturday morning about half pat
fouro'cleck. Mrs. Baldwin gavs him
adrink of water several times during tin
night, and Um laat time was about four
o'clock, and lator on when she called
him to gat up hs was dead. Hs has been
suffering from a bullet wound received
io Um Civil war, and no doubt this helped
to bring on his death. Mr. Baldwin
came to Sioux County in 18IMU and has
been on of her respected citizens ever
since. .' v .
The pRMB-JouMaL extendi sympathy
to the bereaved wife, and relative.
William L. Baldwin was born July S3
18S4, and died February 21, IMS being
68 yrs. 6 mot., and 26 days old. Mr.
Baldwin enlisted as a Jpri veto ia Comp
any R S7th. Regiment of Iowa Infantry
volunteer on the Wth. day of August 188
and was honorably discharged on the 16th
day of May 1865. The funeral eervioes
wsra held in the M. E. Church laat Sun
lav. Rev. Horton officiating, and the
body was laid to rest in the Harrison
Cemetery uotil tha last roll call which
shall bring us before the one, that shall
judge the quick, aad tha dead.
War Bonnet Topics.
Our school will close next Friday Feb.
27th. will have exercises in afternoon all
are invited to coma.
Mr. Keel, Mr. Zerbstand Mr. Pluokett
visited Urn school Friday, and Mr. Plun
kett delivered a very nice address to tl
scholars. f
I think perhaps we will havs some nice
weather as that sale is over.
Bill Harvey wasat the school some last
week. I guess tie is renewing his youth.
Tom Plunkett visited ths school one
day last week.
Mrs. Belle Dunn and family and bar
brother Jack viaited with Mrs. F. S
Scott and family Sunday. MissOllivette
went home to resume her school in Har
risoo as this school which ths has been
attending closes next Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Keel were at Mr. Burke's
visiting last Saturday.
Oconee Oarretton called at Rcotts
Sunday. .. ,
Wesley Cannon ia staying at Uustove
Sunday school as usual at 2:80 P. M.
Oeorgs Orimm and sons and John Mar
king hauled hay from Um Biehle plaev
Uiis week.
Bodarc Gleanings.
Most of our young people want to
Harrison to attend the dance Friday
evening. We presume they had a good
If tha trround hoK sees his shadow the
second he was lucky from the presen
indications of Um weather he won't live
to see it again poor thing.
Mist Annie Millar cams horns fron
Chudron sick on Friday tinea which time
she has been having a pretty hard siege
with tha meaaels. At present writing
(Tuesday) she it some batter.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown and daughter
Maude were visiting at Mr. U. Ziinnisr-
niani last Thursday.
Mr. Antiim has recently lost three
head of cattla from bl at k leg.
John Serres 1ms lost three head the past
week but tuts ool decided yet Um cause
Ws laarn Uiat along soldisr creek Can
von and vicinitv the loss in cattls has
ktMn varv haavv the oast fsw wsaks
owing to Um cold and scarcity of feed
John EbensDSCher has added shot her
160 acres to his farm.
J. L. Anderson was around Tuesday
exercising a nsw buggy Usui ha has ju.t
MA. C.
Ws havs made arrangements with the
publislMrt of ths Young People's Weekly
one of Um bast periodicals of its crass, to
that we can furnish said paper in connect
ion with Um P rasa-Journal each one year
for the small sum of fl.tt for both papers
or to loose in arrers on subscription who
will pay what Umy owe and IS cents
extra wa will tend Um Young PeoWe's
Weekly one year. Those who have paid
io advance for Um frees-Journal and
want a first class paper for Um young
folks can oonie io on ths deal also, by
paving SS cents extra.
The Young People's Weekly has reach
ed its marvelous suooeea and attained a
circulation of over 110,000 copies a week
beoauas its coo tests Interest young read
ers. Its popularity extends to thought
ful parents who recognise In it one of the
bast aids in keeping young folks io
healthy touch with ths active world
givleg them a taste for clean, vi
lajiifj. m4 prsatatlaf IratUe ia
avatetaat saaUaaaBBKai-SBBBl
asraa iaaxia
Carey Itemi. "
Mr. Editor: We were too busy to write
items last week, and in consequence your
readers didn't get to hear that it was
lg-eat "horribly" cold down here the fore
part of the week; That there was a baby
girt born at Nick Loyd's oo the 12th mat.
nd another one at C. U. U roves on the
same dattt, and that John and Anton
Mscfcem each marketed a big load of
dreaetd hoge at Crawford etc .. .
The weather ia warmer this week and
everybody Is happy.
Mrs. Mattis Tidd. who has been io
(rawford for several weeks doctoring for
liar health, Is to much improved that she
Wat abls te return this week to her home
on Isdian creek.
Fostsr Spaa as It buying horses to take
back to Wyoming with him; Ha exixcts
to start back overland tome time this
' Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Golden were called
last Thursday to Eldora, Iowa by tha
serious illness of Mrs. G't mother.
Andrews Happenings.
The Bug at Olen better wake up and
Mrs Chris Thrietensen and daughters
Clara and Mabel went to Harrison Friday
morning on Um passenger to visit with
relatives a day or so. They returned
Saturday evening.
Mrs. 8. C D. Burnett went down the
line Friday. It is uncertain when the
will return.
Mrs. 8. E. Jones received word of her
husbands step father's death Saturday.
She left everything and wert up on ths
morning psssenger. Mr. Jones went up
as soon as he could dispose of the mail.
Our sympathy and prayers are with
these people ia their hours of sorrow for
the departed one.
Mr. W, L. Baldwin of Harrison died
last. Saturday morning. Hs had ' been
having serious heart trouble for tome
tiefe and this time he was unable to con
quer it. It was reported that he was up
town the day before and when he reached
home he complained of being tired
iissjrng pains near the heart, tie was
rilled to leave this earth so suddenly
that we should take a warning an-1 pre
pare ourselves to be ready to meet our
Uod at any moment. We trust bs is
with God.
Mr. Jsck Cook came front Um
Friday and called on friends here.
Pearl Shepherd had a birthday Satur
day. She was 11 yean old. Thomas
Jones's was tlie following day. He was
ten years old.
Mr. Wm. DeSomlr and wife took
dinner at Mrs. Hagerman's Sunday.
They tyent a pleasant time there.
Mr. and Mrs. Fall, Pearla Jonas, and
others took dinner at Mrs. D. W. Shsp-
Iwrde last Sunday.
Mrs. D. W, Shepherd visited our school
last Friday afternoon and was well
pleased with the work done there. We
hope she can come again.
We miss Peggy very much when the
fails to report. We hope she won't get
snowed under again like the ground bog
Mrs. 8. E. Jonea returned here Monday
evening on tha passenger.
Pearla Jones misaed school Monday to
help do the work until her mother
Time ia precious this week and owing
to an extra rush in business I will "saw
off" but not on some one else's wood pile.
The western people do not look for the
ground bog but for the bear to see his
shadow, The ground hog is frozen stiff.
The bear wanders around and as the tun
doesn't shins fails to see his shadow.
Thanks to the Hurrison Sun for ths
compliment giveni May bs if hs had
such a warm reporter it would melt some
more of the snow, for I noticed the snow
melting for ths first tims thit winter
when I read ons of my warm items in
his paper. How's that for "Buds and
Blossoms'' in the winter time? Ths
flowers are even blooming here now.
John Dsvie made a trip to Harrison on
last Friday returnlig oa Satnrday. It
takes two days to make the trip to town
from here now.
Francit Dowel baa entirely recovered
from hie sickness, aad was visiting
f needs on the Ridge the first of the week.
There was a Valentine party at the res
idence of Mr. and Mrs. C.L Christians
the mght of thellth. There were 81 pre
ent besides ths family, and all enjoyed
themselves hugely. A good tiaje
There were garnet, and plays, singing
and instrumental music. The wsathe
bring very cold the guests did Dot 1eprt
until daylight when it was found that
the thermometer marked 80 degrees be
low zero.
Ths Misses Florence and Nellie T. and
Nellie M. Christian visited with ye scribe
and family week ago Sunday. Come
again ladies as our door is always open
to good Christians.
8. Holterfleld is hauling hay from Lo
Wilsons. He Bods plsnty of snow to run
his sled.
A letter from our old friend Did rick
Nelson formerly !of Olen, but now of
Moscow Idaho tells us that lie is doing
well considering the bad luck he had at
Um outset, and ttiat 1m is well satisfied
in his ssw boms.
We see by tne Kansas papers that
they have had a hard winter there, that
the snow covered the ground, and the
thermomeUr registered from 9to 14 de
grees below zero. Well ws can beat
that here. Od the morning of the 14th.
also tha 13th. tha thermometer regint
ered 80 degrees below zero, and during
Um day time did not get above zero.
J. J. Zunbrunnen had a horse killed by
coyotes or wolves a few days ago,
Yes, Buds and Blossoms, ws w mid be
pleased to visit yo ur noted city and if
ever it is convenient to do so, will surely
avail ourselves of the opportunity. Of
course we will need a guide, but we
would prefer a white one. No doubt Mr.
Black is a good old time guide, but the
contrast is too great. No danger of be'
ing kidnapped by one of Andrew's Belles
as we have met on several different
occasions. Why bless you, Bud-i and
Blossoms, we captivated the eyes, and
captured the heart and IV of one of
White River's school mams almost thir
teen years ago. Wheujwe used to range
White creek, Andrews was in an em'
bryotic state, and White River was only
a little brook. At that time several
prominent men resided in and near Aod
rews. There was Lewis of Lewis, and
Clark's expedition in 1804, Russet Sage
Old Duu Tucker came to late etc; Ferris
of the Ferris wheel fame; Bcott of the
war with Mexico: and Mason of the Trent
affair; Nelson the famous English Ad
aural, noted for the battle of Trafalgar,
besides other noted personages. Time of
course has wronght great changes io
Whits River and Andrews and we would
not risk oursslves'at all without a guide
as we might be kidnapped by the Lillie
of the valley. Zexikl.
We ess from the daily papers, t hart he
ladies of Crawford are making somewhat
of a'cmsade against the aalooos, of Uiat
place. We will say that if there is any
one thing that the mothers or our
country should have a right to do it to
protect tbeir hornet from this damnable
curse, the saloon. It is true a grat
many citizens in our towns hold up the
kxn ia a great necessity, in the way of
getting finances for the support of the
public schools We believe we are as
much interested in the education of our
children as the average person, and what
we want is the right and privelege of vot
ing a direct Ui for the support of our
schools. We are sure that if every wife
and mother could have that all seeing
eye so fur ss would pertain to her hus
band that she ought see hiei at all times
and in all placet, there would not be a
saloon left. In our visits to different
towns where the saloon alsment predom
inates, ws Isarn that some of the best
ciUzens as they are called visit houses of
prostitution, aod'place themselves upon
a level with its inmates.
You may wonder dear
readers bow such a thing as this can be
but it is very easyily explained, for it is
these hell -holes of saloons that some of
our good citisans visit, and when their
brain it set on Are by the social drink as
itiscalbd; man then condescends to
humiliate, sndfput to shame the one
that has created him for grand and nobler
purposes. We hope the) 'good mothers
of Crawford will not cease In their efforts
until every saloon in that place is closed
and that their children may bs abls to go
upon the'streeti without having to litten
to languages that would put to shame the
devil himself were it not that it is his
business to tear down the strong, and the
weak. Ths queeUoa has often been put
to us is it right for a christian to dance?,
and our snswsr has always been this; can
you meet your Saviour la the ball-mom
without blushing: and the same rule will
apply to husbands can you not only meet
your Saviour, but your wives in anv
p lace that you may go. We are sure
that if all could adopt this mis there
would be more happier homes, and less
places of degradation. Stand by your
calling christian fathom and mothers and
msy all the mothers that are not christ
ians become our allies that this gn i
i urea, Um saloon may be wiped from o
Utitnce and that the name of Christ, nn
bs upon the lipa of avary oea In the plac
of cufmag,
Buys, Hides, Tallow, Pelts, and Furt,.
and will pay highest market price. ,
Leave at Mars teller Bros.- or at my
residence east of school-house.
Professional Cards.
Pbylsclan and Surgeon. '
411 calls given prompt attention.
O0ce In Drug Store. -UUtKlBOH
Prompt attention given to all lega.
matters in Justice, County and District:
Courts, and before the United Slate
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written ia reliable
taTTLegal papers carefully drawn...
V. R. R.
F. E. M.
is tne best.
to and from the
F. E. & M. V. R, R. Time Table,
New Schedule of Trains. :
Taking effect Sunday Nov. 28.'
West Bound, East Bound:.
Morning. Evening.
No. 59 Frt4 :15p.m. No. 60, Frt 2:35
No. 5, Purr. 11:55 No. 4. Purr, arrives
6:35, departs 7: 004
Both trains carry passengers.
It is unseat for us to keep - silence so-v.
long, but prisoners are deprived of niny
liberties, and such we have been for some
time, but are glad to bs able to get i.t
again, and get ready to make guru n.
when the robins return. We note il.iiti
Sioux County has had its share of bliz
zards cold and snow, and late reports ure
that heavy snows are doing much dam
age in the northwest now. Trains h-
been delayed, and the lust two.Pi.hs-
Journals have failed to reach us. tte
hope the loss of cattle is cot as great as.
reported. We have not had much snow
but cold; boo it makes us shiver Io tliirikt
about it 17o below zero ii think is i he-
coldest here. The weather has bun.
quite mild for a ifew days. There lma
been a great deal of sickness here tin,
winter, the doctor calls the prevuiling-
coniplaint "Uripp". Weak eyes, i.iii.
hard coughs has been as common as ilia
cold, and for a while some of tne Lrs..
hardly had time te eat or sleep. Wet
have had a hospital since Jan. 8th., hut.
all are belter now, but .Bessie will i,ot
go back to school ugain this year. W hn
we read Mr. Rice's lust letter I thought.
how perfectly heavenly to live where
the wind does not blow all the time..
One of the professors that was here m
the college two years ago ,said ttifcre it.
just one sign that never fails in Nebraska,
aod that is if the sun sets in the west the
wind is sure to blow the next day and it..
has seemed almost true sometimea for we
have pleoty of dry blizzards. The-
ground-hog saw his shadow and we hux.
had our coldest weather since, Feb. 2nd.. '
We are a little fearful for the wimur
wheal crop. Central City of course it
trying to get the stale Normal but we,
think it will Jh , located larlher went.
Interesting meetings have been cairitd
oo in IheUifferehl churches this wind r
wiui good results aod at this time time.
are but four unconverted students io toe.
college. Weare.glad lo learn of the
iulerest taken in H. S. work in Sioux Co..
and wish Mr. Burke success in hit new
branch of tbt woi k . Tlie hope of our
nation it in the rising generation and if
wo can only make honest men of all the
nnocent little boys the victory is ours.
What about the girls, oh to long at we
can't vote we are not worth i r uniti.gc
you ate, but if every little girlioas into
just such a true woman as she mihi to
be this world would be to full of- latppy
ho nis there would be no room left !op
the devil to sneak around aod get io hit
dreadful work.
lee lag fee Jews,?"
Oie of the London wait end clubs
recently advertised for a secretary aud.
had the extraordinary number oC
1JO0 atflleaate. Among tnem
AM IvJm at Cnree or tout ataer j