Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 15, 1903, Image 1

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    ! .1
i t
XV. HABBISOIT, ITEBBASKA. TX-5:TTSIDA-ir, JTfl TJA.:K3r 15. 1903. N O. 29
i '
A new coal house was built at the
church this week.
The M'dern Woodmen will have a
supper Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson were
Harrison visitor? last Monday.
Sunday school at 10 o'clock; every
body invited. V. H. Davis; Hupt.
J. II. Wilhermsdorfer, the jeweler,
Ihn added u neat show case to his wall h
ndj.welry department.
Jack Cook was in from Agate Til esdav
and he say they are nj-C to have
a mail route- from Aodrdwsto.Arf.il e.
F. H. Langworthy and family, who
have lieeu viiting in Seward ',,., N'ebr.
tiiuce Christum, returned yesterday.
We have a few i W sent Ulster
over coals tint we are. closing out for
f 10 00. Now is your chance.
59-tf Lenin (ierlach.
C. U. llolhiigswortli has returned from
California, anil spent a few days willi
his family last werk. and he mid Mr.
Jlooper went out lo his ranch last Satur
day. V. A. Hester and Carl Est ler crime
down Iroui Lu.k lat Saturday ev. iit
and tttuved until alter toe V . t ). W .
03ter supM-r, leturiium lo L-nk on the
f(.isn.-ner yeslerd i .
There will b) prc.iciiin
at Flea. an I
IiiitliO next S-inday iimrnuij.', th.- H-ii. at !
10:'d0 A. M , and al 1 1 irriv.ii 1 i In !
mug at 8:00 I'. M
L. W. Hour in; I'a-lor.
Epworth LfMiie Sun tiy -v r 1 1 u. ;
18, ul i:Wl o'clock. Sobj s't, ( :b .;; !
Iroiu Hi Word), Jer. xv. la; Jim. xv. ", :
Acts.xx.3i Kvryou) i,ivi'...-d. i
J. M. Mon-nii; Le.vler. j
Clubbtna Otfet '
While you are thinkni", of subscribin
or your ysvly rilling mattar rcuiai
ber that the Pli.s-JuCltNA!. w.ll tak
uli riplions to auv pa-r ai earth and
uit postage and tune lor joh.
Huiiix county is now without nmn'i
attorney, and will lie nub-.s iim com mi.
Moners apM)inl one. Ttieia.v tii.il wi
jmsseil two ears ao done anay i'i
the ele-;lion ol a county utlorney I -r t.n
swmI other counties of like popul.ili.xi.
The (Jliadror.iau has clianj.'rd d.uids.
Messrs A. M. tdark and E S. Ki. K.-r
puicllitiie; the same. Its name I r un
this time (orih will lie the Ch.ulr.in I s
We predict a bright future for the
jMipcr, and its proprietor, nnd e
will watch lis columns itll interest.
The commission, i s are in ses.ion this
Week, L C Ltwik, E. A. ti g. low, and
lin Jordan being present. Mr. eordau
Hits for the first turn-as a comie i,, ,10111 r
and Hie way ho t-.kes hold cl tilings
t hern Is no quest loll hut w hat tie - p
interests will lie looked alter 111 a
lies. wuy.
We received a communication from
Hewitt this week, but as it ha 1 in n ull e
attached lo It could not publish it. We
are lad to bear from anyone that lb-sues
lo diHcuss the topics ol lheda.. but we
must have the name of the part) willing
audi lel tur, not for pu bin ation but lor
our own protection If the parl y that
wrote this will send us his name we will
jjludly publish his letter luxt week.
Skating has been indulged in by our
jroung people lor Hie past w k on our
treets. We don't think there re mall
towns that i an luiuisii u skating pond as
t o.l V. meut as 1 lal ris HI. tiood place lo
leurn f ir Mother Eirih lieing near the
tire new liegiuuers ll -ed h Wi any fnr id
bie.iking through when their skates he
com utuiiaiiageu'ile and their bodus
-oiim dow ii Willi a thud mid wild no
.-iil paius as to whi' h part hits liisi.
Our J tiling bloods whiii In I on th
war palh IheHeda). Aln uta werk ago
John Collet) mid Jrss II II lned the nri ol
iugiliNiii, ami on lat Saturday l.ll
O'Csiiu.or Mini llud Johnson fought a
loiiple of rounds acior l.ng to the ruleo
tt a nninnT
ftirllv used on sin h mviihi on. lJelei. I Is popularit extends lo thought-
Ktit lux ihuiiibs ihsloi ated so the llghl J ful parents Who r. giur.-in it one of lie,
will pusl polled liutil sunt lilture d,.y. j b-sl Hid III lit pin ( oiiirrf folks in
Our sporting wht.nr " ill try 1 hi on j b.tillhy touch wath Ibe in tivt. world.
J i.i i ul when tins light lakes pl.u e and tr 1 giving Ihem tistn for ihnn, vigorous
noil keep our leader, apprised of what U reading, mid presenting truths in llieir
ni, on, mi st aurai ltv loriri.
rr n'VMTrn a
Dox Social.
' There will he a liox Social at the M. E.
church, Friday, J in 2:lr.l, given under
the auspices of the Kpworth Leugue.
Every lady is expected to bring a h ix
with lunch for two. The box s will be
sold for 25 cents each. Come everyone
and hive u good tune.
An Anxiool Moment.
After a Tarkn. pi "her c -i ude his
' few remarks" at a recent fiueral, h
'aid: "An ijir: rf unity will now he
gi veo to pas ar,und tie- hie r." Then ivs
the Hod; 1'ort Journal "quite a number
of dd fellows hi the hack part of the
room wip.-tl away the s mp it h"t ic tears
from their eye-, removed their quids of
tobacco, spat, in tin c-.tr.ier, an I a v. lit- I
The peculiar '-riu'h which indicates
croup, is usually well known to the
mothers of coiipv children. No time
should he lust in the treatment of it, and
for this purpose no medicine h is received
more iinivr.al approval than Chamber
Iain's Coimh IJemedy. Ho not. waste
valuable lime in experiment in"; wiMi un
tried remedies, no matter how li;e-li!v
thoy n'ay be recoiiimei,d"d, but e-ivethis
medicine as direct.'d t-nd all svmptoriis
of croup 1 1 1 'ln klv disappear.
sale by all DruKgis's.
DlslocAted Her Shoulder.
Johanna S-iderlndni, of F--rrru
Mum , fell and dislocated her-le
She h id a Wl's-ini it lii' k
! .,.,,, .,s .,.
I-, but it ua iilti
i .ore ;n,. pruii" i her very
fler .of
j m-tit lotM-d that, he had ecn 'hrillib. r!
P.un I'.ihii :i 1 1 i i t i d lor .-.prams and
soreni-.n, and .lie a-k-d h,ui to bin her a
lHitlleolit, wh.ch b- link It ipiu-kh
r"!i i'-d her a'.d o. anted h"r to sh-ep
which h had not done r ,everal day..
The son w, is ,o much de...ed with the
relief it e:.ve his mot her I ha t be has since
r iinctid' d it t ' many others. For
Sale by nil ; rc-IsMs.
j T't Fp"-. r'h Luigiie at
j me"' 11. g mil v.eck adnp'.-d
itV. eh ' pi I
resojut ion-.
conoemning i lie aci ions oi cerium ones
id our young people lor m scomluct at
b-dli b-ague a'sl
toes ' in . 1 1- r r-'sol
hurch services, ami
d that tli-v would
eiil.ir-e i he I w Ireni lb', tun- for'h,
.lid last Sunday nielli 'le' t,t vi"e presi
dent read lb" law a. it is laid down in
t . Mat u'e I'll winning to ail tb,t ii
ill In- en'oic-d I ) tn letter. It Is too
oi t hat. i bnrcb soi n-t ies ha ve to do Ml'-1-tlcl-esbu!
whenhoi.or i ea-es there Is
nolhlCi; bill tie- i old rigid lev to appeal
to; o no, s and girl, d ni't try' to s--e
whether tin, is a bloir or not unless you
are ready lo pay the penalty.
Rdt.s to Lincoln.
"ii fare, :',:! for round trip to
L'tteolu, llal.-s of sale, J m. IK lo 21
inclusive. IJrlurn limit I, b. li.
Annual .'d-.etiug.;
Coi ii (Irowers Association ,
Sou'li.iist American Short horn llieed
els A.- ic, ill ion,
B "ckeepers Asviol ,1 io'I ol Nebraska..
Stale Hoard of .A.mcu! ! ure
N'.-bri.iv.l J .l II V lll-'l.'s As.oCI.it mil .
Stall Sa'l.e lh.,ll I, -or I, I w ,i
Fine Slock lire, d'-i's A..-'Ci i lion . .
Nebra-ka Veterinary .M' d i al
A ssociat ion . , . ,
I ttiroe J' fey lir. id-rs A ...mm latioi,.
S ure ! aruiei s liislHnl-
Kiate i'oiillry A.soeiation
Nebia-ka Shu k tiroweis Aocj,ition I
Agriculture St ii.lents Asui-ait ion
K'-y a i' aha S u. I; I how er A ssocmt ,nti
Nebraska Irii.iioa .soiant ion .
Fanie "s Mu I ual insurance Company,
E. F. 1'oM.l.H; Agl.
We I nve m id- .irraiigeiiu-iitt with the
pllhh hers o the YiMin,' IVople's Weekly
one ol :ho b'-st periodicals l.f us cla.s, sn
thai, we i all furu.-li said Jiper m nonnecl
lou with the l1' e.s-Jouriiai each one year
for thsn..ili Mint of '.l.L'l ha both paper'
or t lhoe ni iirrer on suhst riptioii who
will pay whit they i. we and 2a cents
elr:l w will r-e i,tt ihe Yi ung VnAiHft
Weekly oin' year. Tim" ho have p ud
mvanc.t for the Pre Journal and
want a lirsl clas (ns!r for I he youn
f., Iks can l ion" in on llie deal also, by
paving i'x ents extra,
The Young Peopbr's Weekly has reach
ed Its IlliirVclnil Mil ces, nnd litlmnell a
cin-uUtion of over '.MO.OOO i-opieH a week '
liel .ilise III. COUlcnts llltf rest oung rend
Ovster Supper.
On lust Tuesday night the Woodmen
of the World held their annual nysler
supper, and I here w as a large crowd in j
attendance ;inl eVeryoHe sis-med toefijov
themselves. The tables were laden wit I) ,
turkey, chicken, cake, pie, .u,d every- j
thing that was good, and oysters in aboil
! dance. Sovereign J. K. Mirsteller look
ed after the oy slers and I lie coll'ee, and
they that, have nartakeii id SoV. M.us-
teller.. -...ilnn.r k.....v ii.- M.e,,,. .,f ii,..
insUrs and coll'ee.
".Alter supp-r games of all kinds were
plaw-d and aicueral social time was had
Ml .lliiurni. ,s , v e ,-; n , J.'i ,l i I J, l e- e I , (
1 1. 1 K-d ler favored th (.'amp and it.fi
v isi t o rs Willi .mil" line s elect i, ms nl voca
mil. i'
and I he i.iul.l will he lorn,' remeiii
red by nil that ere present.
South Omaha, N.-hr. dan. ll.-llld!.
The cut i le market last week showed it
piod liealinv tone until l-'nd iv, when, in
swnp ilhy with ( 'hi.-ao, where receipts
I were he;iv', price. .liiniied oT here 1U
, to 1.1 c. U'e hi heVn m t hlli like h.-av
j e- J
) r ipts w ill hrinrf a fun ' n-r .1 -i'l in u in
j t he nin rket. Tv n da s 1 les 'a eek hnn;
ll.i.OilH in ' hicarfo and a lower marker
hut our in n'lo't. is fully steady.
We quote b- s' lieef stl- -rs 5 IK) to ."1,0(1
L'ood -I Tit) lo .YOO. I,ir -I M() I.. I. Id; cho.c,
co s ;i. id to IS To, od I s"i i,i :i ;i;i, i-.m -m
is and cutters 1 7 to I ."id Slocker
and feeders steady ; ood '.To lo
lair ' I'O lo I! lid. Hulls 'J.ad to -(.(III; veal
1 (id to (I (Id.
lion's are strong and hilnr. Prices
ramie from (l ea to fi .150
Sheep i'.-e.pls 1 1 , 1 l ; prices strong.
No f'-edirs.
Ionhs (Id ."i.liO
Y.-arbns 1 "id 5.(11)
'.Vclh. i s t Z't A.:w
I'.a.rs :i 'Jo --I.U0
NVK & l't!i;llA4S '(.).
Andrews Happcniops.
Mrs, C. It. ,i.-"l .i.-nt down tie- liti.
I, c-t. Sa'urdav n.gbt on 111" Ham. It :..
uncertain Alien sh? will r.,-tnr:i,
Mi.s I 1 1 rln J. ines is now taking up )i h
grado work liM.viti.tr Ii .isocd the Kin gi'ad
last ter n.
Mr. and Mrs. 1 ). So.ni.er wi-r visit, .rs
it M-s ' hr. ' 'hri-.'e!i.oi, las, S ilurday
Mr. Win Fall wa a visitor at, llarri-
.,, :,., Sum-day. II.. went to hav-
I uri,,i. ,.i i.e..., .in ii.,.
ni ul with bun.
Mr. Hilly Mann is ri- ivrmg slowly
We hop,! be will soon be well ngam.
1'eirl i MivJire-s stayed over ni la
withi'lini 'hri.ieu.eii while her folk,
weal to . lawl oid.
There w ere on! v a few priseut. nf, S.
School last Sunday owing lo (he ...y.-re
coldness of I he d i v ; ! ,o w e ver I he Icon
w us read and a. I le-re were only a few
there w as iy one cla.s The .., ,., , r.
had a irood e'.ofi. and (iod has sod "li
f.-w i.i e! toctle-r in my name vill he
wiM' ii, em and hl.-ss thorn " When vve
thii'k how much He h is done for Us we
oiiL-ht to lie g'l nl to .ieiid an hour or t wo
singing hisjir u s-'s and s( n 1 , in.r )ns word
I'rav that we may keep t,,s work a go
ing, and wih your help and prayers it
will be n success.
The aU.ve premise is broad enoo
Ii I
that all may lie I, , .., ,( if tli -,rn on!;
w dhng to rec-ivo it. Even fa'ber nnd
rilnllliT III vV-'l'V r,i:ltiiimit s!cm( I see
Ihn' there is a Sun lav school and make
II more prom lean nnd inter.-s' mg by be
ing a part of i. It j, true that the
w rather has been unfavorable lor Sum In y
! Ii'mh in the country nnd we lee ur
lb.it p-ople ;it Andr.'-V feel lb- neetl of
a Sunday school and we lr;,t the few
that live tu-ar '!iou:rh will lake such an
interest in tie- work that as soon as the
Went ber periods the u.(.ph. Iroui the
country will find a warm welcome nnd
era. add t hei'-i ri tigt h and presence in
ke.-p'i g the Masters work a g" c,',
War Bonnet Topics.
The coldest wea'ber of ihestnisoii has
l-'tl Ibe past WH-k.
It was lo cold for Sunday hcIumi', nnly
a f.w present.
Mike Itulll eg was dow n from ' inning
he n ports cull le d ing from slarviilion
and want of water, he says horses are
also hi hail condition,
Mr Paul Zerhsi has been up In Wyo,
l,lMl w""k lo ,kl"- lir,"p sl",,k
Tom Pliinkelt has left, these pari to
in k lor I'e't-r Pt leron. I Co I tonwootl, A mos Price wim the pur
WilliiivlSadieOrimm w, on the ck ' r,",w'P' """''"'';" i'-u f'J..(W.
h-l lasl wet k loosing wo days of school f, F. (hd lni U at h nil" tu: tin lh-Mn-M
Nellie Scott, taught w-l'col nlie fl.'pp-d -le ep all, I then spnlll II c A li- (,
day lust week. Miss barman beiitji . Vmitui fiicmls nnd relatives in lo va
under I he weather.
j Sunday s"ho d every Sunday at tl
' rciajence of Oustave- Noreisch. All a
invited to attend. At 10 o'clock A.M.
Mrs Jack Finley went to Harrison last
Sat urd.iy and rod-j the go .it so hu.v .she
is a. ltoa Neighbor mdeiej,
- lratidpa Lynns has been staying at
- ltl Keels lor the iiiist week, and vis. t.-
ing unit old Iriends and neighbors.
i uey visiieu at .tiki ..leiruims last rt'l-
T, ....... . .
j day and returned to llamsoii Saturday
1 am afraid be found the atmosphere
I ""u'il U"r,'rKl rr'" be just can.-.
j liill Harvvys smiling features are seen
once mm among us, Ji.il has no wile
I ,. (,,idien to welcoum him Imme hut In.
j many Iriends and tieie,hl.ors will be f-lail
to have him with tiiem nam.
Mike Kulliii; was wending n,s way to
! Wyoming Sunday with a big load ol pro
visions md feed. He surely had a. hard
flip as it ftai severe cold.
F. 8. Scott was over on Hat -creek on
bimness last week. lie stayed over
night with Cr.i v 1 oi d liros. and report.,
every thing nourishing- at. the mill .
Sunday school as usual at our school
lii.u.' at '2:'M o'clock F. id. Come one
and all.
Last Thursday evening a numb er ol
Iriends and relitiv-e.s fathered at the
home of .Mr. Frank Hubbard, a being his
wiles ytlin. birthday. l'hey enjoyed
tie'n. selves w.l b games & e( c, until the
wee hours of morning; All report a yood
Carey Items .
Miss Ivy Sease came home
'hadrou A..adt:inv Aloudav.
from the
H ovd lark is spending
the holidays
Willi tin- ISpea..' la u.l y.
Walton S ..vers is I101111 again Hi in
j o.ni'is lo iroin iio.vn his claim, and rare
i lor Ins I, ilber's c atlj 111! rest ol the
i'l n- entertainment given at the church
last 1'iic-da ' eVe if a.il SU.'C-:.. I'd u'e
was a fa. i' MZ-'.I I'i'owd, and all seemed to
el'j 'V tlaniselves..
-y i t' a number ,. fitet..ir, gathered at
I ho iidol h I loin;: ( enjoy a bountiful d. li
ner, and siend the lirst dav ol the New
Year Among those present were the
laaiilie.ol Me.sr-.. Evers in add Parks.
There was a dance at Anton Kratz's
lasl h ill. ul iiirht; Not many were pie
ent b a t ai I seem -d lo enj ly da. icing as
Ihey kept it up until alter day light
Sunday morning.
Jan. ." h ihi 'i.'vy I'.O was moved
lloin the as, deuce ol i '. J . (irove to file
re.ideiicre of Anion Kri'z it went on
horse-hack w-ith tli,: new post unstress
Mr.. Mary Krat. in the saddle. AsS.vin
antha would say "Ctrey I'.O. on horse
hack look-il rather uiieck."' ihiring the
i short tune il has b en established tlnnk
all have come to realize that, II Is a grc.l
jOeiiela. to the tieigidii r hood hut we
should also r-tini'iubcr, it is a nuisance to
, the postmistress and Hiiatic tally there is
I nothing in it, (or that, reason we should i
j show our appre. i.tlion of h -r kindness by
I niaibng our let ters at I he home oil ice and
not carry litem to Crawford where Un
cancel la t inn I ieu eti l s no one.
The ' hadrou Ac
irleiny young folk rv
,ch i d woik today.
lurneil to their
M. aidav .
The weather is verv ini'd. snow almost
gone We had nor lirst ram this year
ia-t Saturday night.
Our items set'in to he out of luck late
ly. Two weeks a..:o they were not print
ed lltld last Week own i! to 1 he cnnfussiittl
of the change in Ibe olli 'e 1 h-y lulled to
eel in I he mail sack and laid over until
rtat iirtlav.
Clin, drove returned from a lw-o
wi-ek visit in btwi Inst Tuesday; While
t In re he a i tended n f nu I V
: i
repoilsn ve. y ph a-anl time, l ot
.i. i
I'1 '
oWii we.ahi r is colder than Nebrriska
Iist Wedijesdiy u la ! del I vei ing men t .
in Crawford Anion Meck.-ui met wiilC
ipiite n serious i I, t. In 1. 1 1 ptingj
Uterus then .St M. R. II track near
the section bouse In leaui nnd wngoi. :
were sirm k hv eh pusher as it was r-
turning from !! Imont, The wagon and j
bnrii.ess were d- inoiahzed. both horses!
i. jiired, out. so Irnllv it, hail-to U. killed. I
' J .
Alili.llinlvie.iiii.il be Inn, I. on- f,-,
I .' J I"" "
the wagon. j
Before ret iniiinr to his home
S' uart ihcoseil of hts farm on I.iith-
lino MY.
In Wyoming. 5
Well we'll try again. It seems that
our Hems either get snow-bound, and are
delayed until after press day, or fail to
reach their destination at all.
As these items are being written on
Saturday night. Hicks lirst January storm
is 011 lime. It is raining, something un
Usual for tins month, but will no doubt
turn to snow, and a bhz.asd will loilow
of course.
Several from the Itnl rfu mi rle the
to Harrison last, week; a, took two
to get there and back so we hear.
Mrs. George Davis was taken very sick
l he lirst, o last week. ) Phiuney was
called, anil at Ibis writing; she is slowly
Rjv. Horton accoiiiiirinieJ by Prof.
Sliuison I'.inie out to the ndgo last S itu r
day and returned home after services on
How about, that, telephone line fr.jin
here lo I Iarrison. Now is a good lime
loagilale the question while everyone is
shut in and hungry for new. Iroui town.
Miss Jennie Kir'Jey, a former resident
ol l his part, but now ,f I loi-Spnngs S. It
visited several days with friends here
last week. She lei t lor her home on
Thursday's tram.
We learn that, Harry Foncher lias
bought the Charles Thomas honie-slead
in the S. W. pail of the settlemenl
i 'olisideraliuii l7U0.0). ( .'heap enough.
The Arkaiis.w fever has struck this
part of the umveise and several are
badly all'iu.ttd by a. If there were laud
buyers though to buy out all who want
to go, Arkansas would get a lot of
good cil.i.ens Iroui Wyoming,
We weiegreaily pained to read of the
tragic deal h of an old and tried neighbor
au I need ol ours wli. wun hi daughter
was Hilled o a way Iivighi near the
litllle loan nl li.iy.ud lowaouroid home
lor years b lore coining lo S.oux County
in 1S0. John ljuli'y .mil la lighter Nellie
were struck and iiisU.dly killed by a
train at. a crossing about, i ol a mile cast
of the town a f.'A days ago. For several
years w.j iiv.-d just a..r i.., Lie: road Irom
air. ciill'v ami knew luiu to be a frit.inl
Indeed and liawj good r.- isou to feel sad
to hear of Ins tragic dj.i'.h .
it .veins that Converse County is
going lo put a snec, ul lax on the hacu
elors. nnd try to ihscour ige single bless-
edui ss here. Wekimw of two single
men who were taxed two polls eacb.
Also one man wlio ow n no real estate
nor improvements Mill had to pay lax on
rsoll Ui) improvements.
Hie above Hems 'itb written for lasl
weeks issue tint faded to get lo tin; P. O.
Last Sal unlay night was the coldest of
the winter so lai. T h I hei momt It r
n gisleied about, ;J degrees below zero on
Sunday luoriung bin a strong wind made
It very cold.
We am glad to note tiiat Mr. and Mr.,.
Ilial Church arrived home last. week.
Mi's. Cbuich'.s mother did not come
with Ihem as was expected on ecconnt
ol sickness.
Although we have had a long ami
Very severe winter we have not. heard ol
itn serious loss of call le in our settle
ment but evny one Is w. itching with
anxious ey e lor the snow to nke lis
d'-pari ure.
As i e scribe has not been awav from
boiiie lor six weeks it is very hard to col
lect, news.
Wen re glatl know I hat, Mr. and Mrs.
l'n:S Jiil lrNAI. Ii.nl an eujunhle visit
with Iricnd., in eastern Nebraska mid
Wiis able lo call on Clio and family.
1'lnrincew nf flr. f.ontn.
St. Louts this yoar Blumls upon hr
ovn finoiit lal basis wltli refpr(rirr) to
isonry to rnov;) weidern cropp; in
re-t-nr wnrdu her hnnkerfl nrr risking
no favnts of New York. Tho world's ,
fair otiRhl to witness tho fart that St.
IMild is the financial center nf the
Stoat central west.. St. Ixjuls Star.
A rr.at Dlffcr.nr..
r)r. Vnmaflor,, a noted prnfr-R.-or ftf
fj.-rrk, Is very fond of flowf.ru, and
pon. p days ago on returning from h In
coUoRe dutlon, ho found 111 his front
,fml pr-Htlferotm calf belonrtlng tl a
"'e'nnor. I lie no, im gave cnase, ami
IV, nnlmul .li,ert I nil" Q vA Oin ftour
l"" V
pit, and In another Instant crashed
Ihroiifh tho glfis.s rover nnd mixed
i.h tho pot's nnd plants below. Whot, 1
(mother prof'-Kfor passed a fow n;ln
btos Inter, ho rnld ginvtdy: "I do
not understand, Drv Vnrnadoo, why
you ribjort no seriously to having a
modest cowslip ftrlrV.I to yr.tir One col
lortlon of plants." The doctor's
frowning fnco rclnxcl. "Ah. Panlmrn,"
he retorfcil, "you r.oi, ih!i wan c.niy a
rort.Mc.s IrUruih."
W. li. SMITH
Buys, Hides, Tallow, Felts, and Furs,,
and will j,av highest market price.
Leave at M irsteller Bros, or at my
residence east of school-house.
Professional Cards-
J. E. PillNNEY, M. 1)
Phyisciaii ami Stirtfetia.
All eulla given prompt iittenUon
Ollh-e in lij'uB Store.
Prompt attention given to all lejrai
matters in Justice, C'oi!'ity and District
Courts, and before the United State
Is-uid Office.
Fire Insurance written " in reliabU
5s" Lepi 1 pape rs ca re f u 1 1 y drawn.
lUltiUSloN. - N'liUUASKA.
M. V. 11. R.
is the beet
, to and from the
F. E. & 41. V. K. K, Time Table.
New Schedule of Trains.
Titkmg ell'ect Sunday Nov. 23.
West Bound,
No. 50, Fi t 0;0.
East Bound.
No, 00, Fct 2:3-5
No. 5, Psgr. lliuVi
No. 4, Psgr. arrives
I 0:35, departs 7:00
Both trains carry passengers.
Dealer in;
Harness, Saddles,
Lumber, Grain,
Doors, Sash
Presiding Eltler Schainahorn occupied
He- M. E pnljiil Inst Sunday morning
and evening, and preached t.vo good
sermons. In ibe ..lorning his serniou
was much in the nature of a new year's
message, ;md his remarks on the salt of
the earth .. a.le considerable impression,
especially when he empuasized the rubb
ing in pari. The burden of his task was
christian progress, and he made It strong
ly applicable lo the new year. The
w.uld, as a whole, was better to day
Ihau , estcrila , and the christian in the
new ea- shoual resoive to be better
than he was last year. We did not hear
the Sunday night, sermon, but a member
ol the church tonl us, he had a message
lorevenone. K-v Sciiauiah urn's days
are drawing shorter, and one cannot
think of las kindly fine and rugged
character w iihoiii, admiration. Hu rep
resents a l pe ol preacher tin. t is dying
on I , and is without doubt one of the
most pictuiv.sipie characters in Sheridan
County. lie ought he compared to
Baxter and some of 1 rumwelfs Ironsides
who we.v soldiers in I he Civil War and
afterwards became soldier of Christ.
Ihesunieii were not University men,
Ihey were native burn pieachers, like the
i "Ushers of men," and conviction was
I deep in their character. Brol her Schiitn-
ahoi n is v. n limit, ii shadow ol dcubf, the
born preacher we have
"earn, aim w e ituve n, ,ird a lew. He can
I'reacu a practical sermon nnd drive
I . .. I ... . ,
home ii simple message to any but a
heart of stone, and he st mils for all that
is pure upright and noble in the land.--Ruslivdle
Ftrlk. Ainnni Ant.
Certain kinds of hlark ants have lit
Un yrllnw ants which do mozt of tholf
work for thorn. Once in a whllo these
little yellow follows will go on strike,
nnd tho "blacks" try to force them
l,Rck,, w',r bf tUn 40tt ,hcl; f"
ri.nr.li if bni JnAft nnl .t.,..J it..
sr.pidy. If Hint does not succeed tlioj
will stlack the strlkors In force or
n.iiko a rail and y,ct another sang oj
"yellows" Into tho colony. Hut the
newcomers as a ruin Join the strlkttrs.
The strike ends by the "yellows" es
caping and founding a colony for
lhrtrrnlv(-ei, or t.i.ey give In and settl
down to work naln.
, 4 , . . - '
. ,C, ...