Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 01, 1903, Image 8
t ''4'' ' STOCK BRANDS. m JultaAL will eiitjlb.li yuur brand, like : tfce (o!!wlug. for t: :ue, prr vr. r.i. !i a.l Otic aj Brand 76 rent. Kvrv rnwT or rattCkJMU 1b Sinux ac ad joining counties bail id advertise llniir brand in TiiUoLU Itluit cin alalva all over the alate. It i timy be the uieaas of in money lor vuu $500 REWhP.D. Pr tbt arrt ami conviction nf any p-.rty t Or pi Ito Htui:n or tgtin:i lint ml tk. Usiujiiiii; ta the niulcrii;tte(l par K. I. J A NUT. -60.-117. -GS uii left hir n left Jaw, Jjj on eft kip uf Cattle. Pusl Office, llewitl, 'SIusjl L'tiuair, Nebraska. o . 'Merses branded GKOKliK SW A VSUN uii Ult shou Press;-Jot irnn 1 '1'Hl'KsiMY. Jan. 1 191):). V. V. Burke, Prop. ENTKKEf) IS 'I'M K IMisr in fUK AT JtAK RIhh.n MSHIS. A-pI.i uMi i l.As HA'tTKH O'KICIAL PAPEK OK SIOUX -COUNTY. One Dollar Per Year. JOIIS T. SNOW. Ul- lelt HUllUt ! del branded on (.'ft shoulder Hl.S ( itttlu FiX on left side Pot (mu A'Mrt-M, Patrick, lumaiieCn. Wyo. JOlLV4A. HANsuN J H. IENSLoW. i Cattle branded on right aide sani a cut. And alo J on riht lilp. Ill UK MKT A SOS. Cattle d saiiu. i-i cut oil eith liruii. tv us that Horses bran led .'. on rl3.1t ! liter or Jaw. Kanireou WhiloKSver, on the. ol'l l).ve Colville ruiu-ll. William, Huntley .urnuaii. P.O. Address; Olrn, N'ebr. PUP Uopsr him cat- lie.. bJtua4 - -i'itlmr id , same tt mi vut. r tl o mil- y , Kv f ftllovri ujf on :cf t f cut t If. J 51 J ESS . UJ till- lU'i; And thU I oi left shW. of h toclc. I oil lft hle anil hip. "Ki-n o!i if it ti n i iii; V:itir. I'oluflli'i' !ttlilri-i Hurrifion, rbraskM. Kl M.WIN. on lift jiiw . :uei ruHKo -lll r ( n-k. Any block brnnilt'l it1 Hbof Iw in jtr:iy U from my ra-iiff, iliiruvrml by a-y ljoly KirihK tue Inliirumtioii w iil be re w:inl'l. Adfji en, 1 1. ltobinion, Nebraska J. iJ rARKk'lt. t HmTr brtiBiled on r'-f-f! Iff t lioul(lfr kihI Cuttle hhio on lf t 3 hip. ?8heep barnde't rV on I nck or i'k of Sheep. . Kaageoa Soldier ( reck mid Whiii- Hiver. Addre. H. Kobinon, Nebraska. DKhrCRKh" I.I V K STOCK t o Branded on left hip or (VUlt and en left flieeV or ilortm KaiiR on Detip ( n etc. Andrew, litwp lYeek Lire "toi k (.,. J. H. Ualbkrt, foreman, itlen, Nebraska, rilARI.KS NEWMAN'. The brand represented in Hum notice and bran(.d any wh re on lelt isdc cattle, and over lap .ut fiom the right ear. Alao tlie eaine brand on left thih ot horneff, belonfr to the UMtlcr-siirncd. Kuage near Eaat Spring'', wiith part lo Mm ronaty. C'baki.k Nk m, Harrtwm. Nebraska. HAMl'KL KNOKi. tattle hramlcd any where on left side of the animal. Range on I'rai- rie 1 o .did Mon me ('ree-ka. Address, Harrison, Nhraka m KKWAHD. will pay $5 00rarj for ench bend f Dave Vo vi I le'a horses brandeiJ neither jaw or llnli turnei Wk- cer 'o John Biser on Kutuiiti: waUr, also tlOO.OO for proof ti cootici any person uniiivviunv iiaiuiiHi ABT of .said horses. W. J. A. Kxt M. Owns t-b r.iliow- imln and uri eiih- i io nsj ? car tie :ihd (,.,r,c--ii I He on b-ftsid" n..r-s on lefL NLiiiilder. ' 'i j I Kan ire on Silver Sprlnux and east o? st.te J line, l'osloftice llairUon Neb. 1 And ('altle brandc'l Adtln-a", liinUrc, Si;braka. fattle r.i-aiided.ljjliWjl.in :eft si Kanire on tiuii r'.l amiiK Water iinr. Addle-.- Aa"ale, Neb. s. -A III LhsKmiduur I'm urn, AMiUfcW f.'iilsTlAX Cuttle arand ed on !'.ft si'lo hiiiiim a cut and bnr-e branded ou left shonlde same as cut are til property ol Andrew i'irlttun am raiine tributary tu Van Ta-n-l springs. Address, Kir' lev, .Vyo. s diP -I IIKMSY WAHNKKK. 'attic l.r:ind- ,, ed on lrft Hide. linage, on KuDning W aVr Crek. '!'. . Address Ilai'ri'oii, Nebraska WATCHMAKER JEWELER All kinds of GoM and Sih-r work done. Rings mad' to ordt-r. V All work giinrantcod. HARNESS, SADDLES, rv, .j i-"- - - 9.11(1 RANGE GOODS. -.'..llanifsw made to 'order. S;:.ddltjs re-covered.' : : ;juh REMEMBER. Marsteller JBros Handle thkkk of a t;ooi hhaxds ok Sf K iF.S a- auk madk AMKIJICA. Tin: selz sciiwai; snoru'o. In the largest lnamii'actuiv o f .wiicet in lh world And the old reliable line of M. D. WJ.LLKR of- Chicago And F. Mayer and Co. Slim,' of Milwaukee And a full line of Mens', Wonieus', and Children' , Over .Shoes. And we carry a full line of Dry Good-, I)ir-k Coatrf ainl Cajis. Groceries, Hard-Ware, Clour and And a nice line of Xnia. Canflief.. ed Come and get our prices, whi h ', arc always the best in town. MARSTELLER BROS. if' Miie uomiueroiai nm, Cattle brniided IV iff on I ft i!i!p SUCCESSOR to G. W. HESTER, nliDBALEIilNiiv Cut tie branded also. Cattle bra.ided fTf')n Left nip HF.NKY WKISK. rorenmn P. . Address, Glen, Neb Lumber, Duo; Sash, Lime. Coal,.:-WagoriPT 1-1. ie ree branded on riiflit tlnirh and ulderanH branded fB oa rilit Jaw Also, have raea branded -." on Ift t lligil fwitofllca Address, Harrison, Sioux Co, Nebraska J S. TITHE K. riraaded on lef t shoulder of borsc I tntl on Je.ft side of eat tie. An'ltm' onrbtaide Una in MaakJI riiflit "dde of cattle too. (rnilfim Whltn Kiver, near ilen fftat Ofltce address, I'.lcn, Nebraska. ROBICRT r. 5EKCK. on left aide jCattla Branded Mann oa Also cattle branded i ii.Hiler or aide. ' ha n ire on Kiinninf Water. P. o. Addrexa Airate, Nebraska. on left hip BREWSTER Co. rattle Uraad- aa trtat e ear, either teft hie or ea left .ksjeldcr. QEIBHH hranHed with any of aaove brands. arei, J. . A anraaoa , Narriaon, Nebraska. t. T. HEWITT. I A Good Cou jh Medicine. From the Ga&.lt. TtaiwmJit. Av,tralin. I fhi'l L'hiiiiiiierlaiii's ', .'ounli Kymeih w an excellent iiieilicib. I have 'necn sull eriiiK from a Mvere colli fr Hie Insl Un mrinlhs. and it has tlleeted a ure. I have fieat pieasuri' in recoiunii-rKhiij.' i. V. ('. WfjCKNER. Tliis is (he niiiii.i.n of one of our oldest itml must rt.ptctd ' residents. :nd hfis !een voluntarily triven ! io iwid faith that others rmiv trv Hie ; remedy and lie benefited, as was Mr. j wiM Kr.er. 1 (iim reinedv is sold hv all I'riiiruMMs. Riiggies. and 51a Innery of all kinds. Also Wind-.Mills, Towers, Piping. Pumps, and everything in that line. I .'tir-o carry a" large r-tock ff feed, ground and unground. I rnr'.kc a specialty of rt pairing Wind-mille. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. HARRISON. N E 3 Fi A 3 K A . C. F. Cokkkk, President. F. W.Ci..,i!.kk. Cashier ("HAS. C. JaMKSOX. II. S. Cl.Al'.KK. A. McGi.yi.kt Stockmen having use for a .bank at thi- point may rely oi us to handlt; their entire Manking liu.-ineh. .Ye are prepared to take care, of uir trade at all timesifj. THE PIONEER PHARMACY. 1 J Dim j'ist' iSu i nirics, Pnims, Oils, V.'ii ni.slu.-s, lOOlcS find STAl ldXAhY. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. J. I. CVF.lt. RHEUMATISM CURED AT liST. :-.ttl! hramli 9Jfmm 'W N I.KrTBIUi: biress. ;hadroH Nebraskii R. HCN I'Kli. 71 A' SUjck branded i aide or hip. Add res, Kd llather, Koremau i Ilarriso.i. Neb. f'f Good Nvt 'or All Who SiifTi-r With lli umalisin Fret-. To al I n ho hull'er tvilh Khetimntism I will gludly send free lli vtondiirful atory of how my ibolher was i-ured alter years of Hi.llennc;, tiether wnh I he uioet elaborate IreaU.'W on Kheurniilisiti ever p'lhlished. Ni) matter "-hat your form of Klieu mutism is, whether m ule, crunic, mus cular, inftirnniHtorv, delonna.iit , fciatic, neiralgia, roiit, lanibniTo, etc no mat ter how mailt" doctors h.ne f:ned iriyour caw no mutter how many socalied "sure cures" you hive tried I want yon to write to me ni.d lt me tell you how mother was cured. I sim neilher a Doctor nor a Professor Himnlv a nl.tin man of business hut I " I. .... I. .....1 Oil fl'LrCr . ri . i , laMl ween, uno i ler siwiiuinn oj I uur have a CLKf, for Rheumatism, and I; 1 If I I ewila e HaaaWbW Aur ra Toesilay evening and em met lV L. A- Piost and were driven out lo hu comfortable and huspituMe home where we erf five to ei j.iy the fresh air of Hamilton count v and to meet her clever and prospermia jecple. We afa-nt j one day in Aurora nu etii (f many f her j liiis;iies nien, and al-o maih? a short call i on the county ollicers nnd found them a r'h ; wry pleasant, lot of fellows and looking jna strictly after th alfiirs of their county a- do the officer up in old Sioux. ! The weather h is been very cold sinre Ae i arrived here, therefore we have not been a hie to et over to xee Mr, and lira. F. , W. Knott ut this wri'ini: hut will lie " . ' le to r p rl a visit, to them in our next. OCTAVE IIAi:ilI. Cattle tiraneed an a.o'.vn left Kide with Bahv Ru'llhas tieen someuhat croupv over bit on left S'"' " we have been here, ho we have to he careful and iol expoae her too much. There are soiii" v ry nice hnnua here in Hamilton county, and it iW look eu CiMiraifeinsr to see so much rein nnd what; 'ml though js alnut aa. precioua in it is in Harrison. There is hut little snow here hut looks quite ftorniy at t bis anting-. W'e li.ipe .ur fri-nd in old Si.iiix had u rnerrv ("iinstmaa for we n tJi f 2l K.iittrff on Ru- nllK Water, P. O. Address, Marsland, Nebr. Aurora, Nehr. iJee, 27-1902. Ye scrila nnd ife start, d for Aurora Callle blandei! UtAVK V(11 -itlf Mini MIIIP ii f J TC 1m A 1m mtnv of lit' Hor"'w i -, ;r.'I':ii, 111 i M (if.tMlf.l r.M h.iW .LK hti'l H'f i"iildor tioinc us 1'.-tM- v-ty" 'l tor in' A'-'ir"". i Inn it!) . NiJr;k:. A ) ;bt !"( A. r.. K t VM to . iice'i-.r in. led , ''-' 4 on 'U.Ktit :l.n I l a a I r I.. N'ehr f O 0 f0- CHOOJ-0OKi l CtW r0 0- O- Ot-C ry. o !JO- 3 I I li K s 11 mi 5 B 8 I if I LI 11 i v'ES!-'Thk Pkkss-Joi-knai. di.es Firi-t Class ainl Up-To-I)ate. Job Ii'eat, Call in and get our prices on 1'u-dncHs Cards, Note Heads, Lvtler Heads, I--nvdopen etc. u Pi es8-J.iirnal. f O0OCH-0OO0 OOKO)fr00'K3 WCK 2OeC0 1 ... iv r..-,4 t.m ,i... I I... I. ...1 : .. t. 4 .... 1 1 ...... A L . . .i.' nvsuiiii nfliiii' i tu in.- Minn, c" Mini s . 1 ci'-siiii iiiP" mi iar, want, to tell everjone who suffers wit h J ... . n. ... . ... . I llnallv found ouraelvea. after ll Con, e won I aav whell.r e have fell ilea yelled out "all uloard,'' in a coach I ratelv i.i love with Hamilton fount v crowded to almost aufTi cation, hut, atill I until we visit Merrick Co , for we rnitrht it. was a relief compared with ti e station I have to po hack on our llrst love. We 'if .- ea left aide. H Mimm, Knmn, Jfebraaka. iC3tKAL 11.00 Rhenuiatisni all about it. I wish tola clearly understood, and trust that nil who are sutferinK with this terrihl desease, however apparently beyond the. reach of cure, will write to me this day and J well send you by return mail this work of mine. I aiaal especially to th chronically ill" who are wearied, nnd discouraged with "doitorini;" and to those who have been cast aside, as "in curable." All you have thought shout Rheumatism may be wronif. Let me tell you our experience. Surely, if you have Rheumatism, or have a aurtVinic friend, it will iy you to inveti(rate my offer, anyway, and prove for yourself tbesa claims I make. Rend me your addre today a postal tarj will do and I will mail you this wonderful torr. If you Imve any friends a uttering with Rheumat ism no matter where locat ed, aend me their ad drew, and I will mail them a flopv. My address is VICTOR 8 A IN BOLT1, MIoornHeld, lad. are sure Mr. I'f.mt made no mistake tlioliirh when he settled here, anil if we wereenvioua we miyht. envy linn his home. We will (jive more of our visit next wet-k Editor. we had juat left, for here there was no tobacco smoke or spit that llU.d the wailing room mi that you cnulon t Ket a ib-nt breath of air without jroniff out sule, and the tobacco apit was so thick thai the ladies present hud t ! more careful of their skirt than were th -y on the s' reels, but such ia life I.i the far west, and we sometimes wonder wby thre are not more Carrie Nations. II.4CIIIK arrived at Alliance we .mt mine of our paswnper and jrairw-d about 3 for every 2 we Irtst, so we hadn't jcone very far until standing room was at a prem ium, and we thought if everv train irninir I S.te.'.l f.mt,mtmmm. Ml wascarrytn out M d.urv peopleaa' w this one, and none coiuitii; back, ft i ridpro a Knihoppr dnrlng a debate would not take very long to depopulate I in tne nate Ike other day. TbU I west, but w will aoon find out howlth" hlfhart form of senator court maoyare going at. Wa arrived at!M now" t ' ' ' Senalor ta4e to beltver Addraaa. Fenator Henry Cabot Lodipe he beeii riOin and baa arretted the Invitation to deliver the annual address to thi fradufiOin clane ot the Yale law aehoo at the commencement neat June. OFFICIAL DiRECTODY. C S. .j.N.-j-oltH Josr.rn It, Mii.lakh ( Has. ii. liii.THicii l UM,KKs-mi:S Ht.xra J. IlciiKi ir, llep 1st tilst. luril) li. Mr.KCKK, kep.ind lit. JoiiN J. Hobinsos, Eiis. ."r t out. Vi M. I.. STA HU, KlIK eil (list. A. C. hHAl I KsSKKil k, Klin. Mil IMst. Wit. NrriLi-r, Kua.i Hi liist STATE OKM( EtC4 Esa P. SAVAor, i;oeimor C. y. STvr.l.t, I, lent. Aovernor liK, W. M (Msll, s..cli larv of state HAa. WrjiToa, Auditor fab. Aects. Wm. STrcmil, Treaa-trer Wtl. K. EOWUKS, sip i nhiii- tiisljn, t.o KeHK S. Plioi T, At y i.ener.it l.lonot EoWi;R,Cin. pub. lauds and bld I. KM IlKBbMtN, Librarian CWNTV OfEP EIC Wm. J. A. ITAt-w. Clerk Jonn I, Ixvia, Treasurer Ai.kx U.war, Sheiirt 1 WM. J. A. Rvt, Clei k of Dislrlct i onrt J. II. IUes, Supl. of Piilillr liistruciinn J. II. II BTV.I.I., Judge M. J. Il'l ossr.l.l., AtlnriiMj M. Kt.'rriso, surveyor Pat I.act, Coioner board or fvn'HTr couMissios!:r;s jRSt f. lo, l.t IM-trlct l C I.kwis, 2nd Ei.irlel t. A. Rieai.nw, ri Ktarrlet. ' '.(baVM made arr.n.u. fnents w,i, t, .ol,i,.,, f the Yom,tf C, ,., !e's Wee.:, one l the la-sl , ... r loll lc, . ,, lU fc that ue.ao f inc-h ., ,d , ;,rer , onn.i . ion wui, II, . , , ,,), one year lor 'he-,,,1,1, .,,, of Jl a.", lor hotl, paper, or t . !,...,. , r, Hli!.s r,pi,.,n p.v !,..) H,ev oe and 2.1 ..i, . Mr., ,vii ., ,Hj ,l e Yooi,t- IVol.l.'a vie. l.n t.lr. T h,avep4 "' "'"' ' I-. IVe.a J-mrnal and ....( ., ii,,. ,,s. ,,,,.r ,r )nwig b lHsco,,,,,,,.. ,,i tl, ,j..u hf piv in.' '.( c. n's elr.i. 1 e YoMbi.' IVi p.r, We. klr ha. i (. ".I us ,.,,,., M), ,inulmti i ll' o(. ,i:., ,, ,,,,. , iUr - "I "Her-., lounjread. "'- 1'- l-f".l;...l.t - Ve,, !, , tltucht. lul p. i.iu, il'lir,,,slll,,, ln l-a a,', , ,ee',,c ,(,ff f, . 1. I . I. . 'm ii. aiMiv l. Ii , ,1,. I'l I'll! I 1 ... , . .... .... ,,, ,lw ).,! i an re.ii'ot ' t,r , .. . . . ' TiiT-.a , t Mvtr oi. ht ntiraciive ,,im tve world. Vik'OKW a lllndni W.tisr ..f rie;11w .'-itatii Khoiii Gho.-.h tbe o.ilt Hiiirtoo v.ilo.. ,f Knsl.h flet0n. . a fellow of the Rr,y;i A!rn:)omlrl flMy, and bowed ,uh aplliuria for finl work that the ne xir4 Chief tintlre farrtoHtly -'vhef) him to prM. ct l (be Euall.ii bar. r h. . .. . V ,;. f. Mr