Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 01, 1903, Image 7

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la 17 Tears Old and Welsh O-tO
Found 111 Strenulh iqtiula That
of rven ilea Stronger than Hit
Father at 12.
Quite the most remarkable feature
ittbe recent meeting and exhibition of
Hie Surf uicn'u Mutual Benefit Associa
tion, held iu Elizabeth City, N. J., was
the appeuiuni-e of Lewis Lewurk. the
"atroujf bfiy'froirr t)umTul county.
Six feet two luetics tall, weighing tH9
pouudH and strong In proportiou, Iw
li attracted universal attention and
rlcl with tuo llfe-euvins drills as an
Young Iyewark in being exhibited by
kin brother, St. Clair, or "Huggins,"
be is loeally known throughout tbb
taiitero coast towns of North Caro-
Una, and his fame has spread from
Norfolk on the north to Albemark
Mum on the sorrlh. Good natnred, a(
early all large people are, Ijewls looks
upon the tour as a lot of fuu.
The lutost thing In human giants was
barn In Currituck connty, North Curo
Haa. Just 17 years ago. U imrents
ire rather Inflow the ordinary trtature
to father weighing only J 30 ponuds
Uk4 his mother lens than 120. When he
ame Into the world Lewis weighed
tghtoeti pounds. At the age of 5 this
bad increased until he weighed 2T0.
When he was 12 years okl he weigh
ed 4!H pounds and it was necessary
for his parents to take him to Nor
folk to find scales large enough to
weigh him. At that time his photo
graph was la ken.
Iu appearance Lewis looks like aoy
other healthy boy, except that he is
txtremely large. Vents of Htrengtb
that would Mugger half a dozen ordi
nary men are tMMfornieil by lw!s with
mac. As a young boy IjCwIh received
rery little schooling, no leather in
fjurrituek country being able to con
trol him. lie can read a little when
the subject Is In print, and he can write
bis name.
When he was 12 years old his fath
er made an effort to correct him. Tor
a lew itioiiicuin ivcm Motto on pun
ishment. Then he grasped his father
by the trousers and lifted hlin high in
the nlr. A quick throw and I,ewark,
enlor, landed thirty feet away. It was
the bint time that Lewis ever was cor
rected by anything stronger than moral
As young Lewark grew up he en
tered heartily Into the work of the
sound and bay men. Here he excelled.
Seines that three men had diflleulty in
handling Lewis took with one hand.
In the duck-shooting season "Hnggins"
awl Lewis wen; shooting partners and
wliUe the strong boy was an excellent
hot It was found more advisable to
hare him sail a boat about picking up
the dead ducks than to trust him In the
mail battery box where the shooter
In the shooting of ducks, for mar
ket the heavy boxes are taken alxiard
battery boats and anchored In desir
able positions. To launch one or to
haul It Into the boat takes the united
effort of three men. Iewls was able
to do this with one hand.
At the surfmen's exhibition at Eliza
beth City Lewis astonished all by haul
up a mirflioiit from the water a
task that usually requires the efforls
of the entire crew of seven Ktrong men.
Again he hauled tin- breeches buoy
shore without trouble o task that re
quires the service of three men.
Despite his criorinoii bulk I-wls Is
as supple as an In. Man and as quick
as a cat. He Is an excellent shot, a
handy sailor of small boats and a good
all-around hunter.
Ho eats in proportion to his size.
Half a dozen cunvusshack ducks are
os nothing to hlin and a doz- n smaller
ducks only make uTnlr meal.
About two years ago It became ncc
fRK.'iry for "Iiti'glns" lo build special
furniture for his big brother's use. A
bedstead and chair of heavy oak three
by four Inches wus made, but In less
than six months the boy had grown so
largo that even these huge bits of fur
niture crumbled under his weight.
Then "stuff" four by six Inches was
used and now even these things are
quite unsafe.
Kindly and true to his fnnilly, Iwls
Is equally kind to his friends, says
the New York Times. When the great
storm of 1KMJ struck the eastern coun
ties of Carolina hardly a boat could
Hve In the terrific seas that swept over
Currltlck bench. Alone Ix-wis put forth
In his boat and rowed against the hur
ricane that raged In order to save Iso
lated families that were threatened
with extinction by th waters. In that
memorable storm, thanks to the boy's
iiertions. not a life was lost In Cur
Huck county.
Borne R-nrtl Thrir Deltr aa the
Only L'njveraul I nfl cure.
, In nurmali you live with Gautama
Buddha. In India he Is a name, a
Kiemory enshrined at Huddhn fya, an
Influence lost and corrupted In the
great Vedle tide. Hero he Is present
nd active; his finger Is on every lip,
bis glance In every eye; the low sky
la full of him. The people have taken
la erjr Impression. He fell hero upon
n a altitfirltv Hint linve
BIIII'Illi .--..... ...... "
maintained him almost as ha wns.
Every male Btirmnn Is at one time or
snothar his disciple, and thousands of
(beta remain to be his priests, the
rtestj who fire that peaceful amber
ota to city crowds and make lonely
amffron splashes against the vivid land
KM m the tralo goes P"t a monas-
ta the eraalng. uw ima nat
urally abounds sheltered in shrines, the
Image of the teacher and one of the
most revered of these sits in the Ara
kan ipgod.i at Mandalay. As an Item
In a viceroy's program the Arakan pa-,
goda makes no gn at figure, but its di
mensions are great in the hearts of the
people and Hs fame spread very far.
We knew before we arrived that, the
brass Image In the Aial.nn jaodu, '
twelve feet in height, wan brought by
a conquering I'lirmese aj'niy over the
hills from Akyab In the year 1TS1
That was explained In the tour book,
which is complied by the military sec
ret.ll'y OUt Of t lie bleached bones of
Oriental empires. The military secre
tary did not Jiint itv UieJ'jur.book ihjjt
it wns the piety of the King that drew
the Image to Iturmah; Hint is the kin 1
of statement tills author always leaves
to the local historian; but so It is said
In the Inscription. We also learned
that It was made In Ouatania's life
time, toward the end; that he looked
upon It with favor and said: "P.rotlier.
I leave you to bear my features when
I am gone." Once only the figure
spoke, and then the teacher laid si
lence upon it nntil Areemadahya should
come to reveal the new law. Areema
dahya Is not yet come-Iie is passing
his present existence in the form of
a hare but the Payah (Jyee continues
to obey.-Scrlbner's Magazine,
j Short gtorie$j
Iondon Tit-Kits says that a country
parson lately went to preach In an old,
remote parish, one Sunday, when the
aged sexton. In tnking him to the
place, Insinuatingly said: "I hope your
riv'rence won't mind preachin' from
the chancel; ye see, this 1 a quiet
place, and I've got a duck slttin' on
fourteen eggs In the pulpit."
In refusing to grant a private inter
view to a certain politician, who Is
always trying to give him advice and
Information ou important matters of
legislation. President Koosevelt Is said
to have remarked: "It is always most
distressing to me to be obliged to talk
to that man. 1 find myself constancy
expecting hlrn to revert to his arboreal
ancestors, grow a tail, and swing
gracefully from the chandelier without
Interrupting the conversation."
A Briton of the consequential species
once descended on the Hrltish embassy
at Washington demanding to see his
country's representative. "He's not
In," replied Henry Labonrherc, who
was then an attache. "Then I'll wait,
said the Ilrlton jKimpously, seating
himself. At the end of half an hour
came the query: "When er do you
er expect Ixrd Lyons back?' "Oh
In six months or so," said the ever-
obliging Labonchcre; "he left for En
rope this morning. But yon said you'd
wait, yon know, and I did not like to
contradict yon."
"Oentlemen," recently said a German
professor who wns showing to his
students the patients in the asylnm
"this man suffers from delirium tre
mens. He Is n musician. It Is well
known that blowing a brass Instrn
ment affects the lungs and the throat
In such a way as to create a great
thirst, which lias to be allayed by per
slstent. Indulgence In strong drink.
Hence, In course of time, the disease
vou have before yon." Turning to the
patient, the professor asked: "What
Instrument, do you blow?" nnd the an
swer was: "The violoncello."
When Maude Adams was shifted
from "The Little Minister" to "Itomeo
and Juliet," a few years ago, some
people thought the transfer rather
abrupt, and a trltle daring. Miss Ad
ams felt a little trepidation herself.
! Not so Charles Krohman, her manager.
j To him Shakspeare was simply a play
writer like Clyde Fitch, with the ad
vantage that.he did not hnra- s the box
! oMice for royalties. When he went to
I rehearsal one day, he found signs of
! nervousness pervading the company.
I "What's the mutter?" he asked, Iu his
explosive way. It was Shakspeare, the
players replied. Pretty serious nlTair,
you know great name, great play, tra
ditions of the stage, memories of
mighty shades In the minds of the crit
ics, rhythm of blank verse to be ob
served, nnd nil that. "Nonsense!" ex
claimed Frohnian; "who's Klmkspcare?
He was Just a man. Ho won't hurt
you. I don't si any Shakspeare. Just
Imagine you're looking at a soldier
home from the Cuban war, making
love to a giggling school girl on a bal
cony. That's nil I see, and that's the
way I want It played. Dismiss nil
Ides of costume. Be modern."
Iliin'l Head at Itrenk Tuat.
The appalling danger of rending the
morning newspaper at the breakfast
table Is set forth by the London Lan
cet as follows: "It Is the custom of
many households to have the morn
lug's post. Including letters, newspa
pers and rlrcultrs, placed upon the
breakfast table. The plan Is conveni
ent but from a sanitary point of view
It Is appalling. It Is undeniably n dlrtj
practice. The sorter at the postolllce
or the postman may not be ns bad
rlologlcally clean ns Is desirable. The
dust of tho road may adhere to any
exposed gum or tho letters may be
dropped, and the bacteriology of road
dust exhibits some well known patho
genic organisms."
Accnttntlnaj for It,
HI I was surprised to hear that
Meek had been arrested for pick Ins
nil Tea, poor fellow. Ha used f
have flu of abstraction when a boy.
and I inppoM b ntrar outgrew then.
Syr vi
;J !:!! I
It is pure.
It is gentle.
It is pleasant.
It is efficacious.
It is not expensive.
It is good for children.
It is excellent for ladies.
It is convenient for business men
It is perfectly safe under all circumstances.
It is used by millions of families the world over.
It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians.
If you use it you have the best laxative the world
A new anesthetic preparation Is
known chemically as alkyinxypheny
Iqutilndiri. A ctose friend Is one who declines
to lend you woey.
A gallon of water weighs about ten
Mr, WInli SOOTIIIS'J SVKUP for fhtWrvn
t-i'ttilniy, oft m th itnm. ruduffH inflaniatiftn
!Hys pain, rnr'H wln'l eholl,-. Vtr. bottlfi.
The lirst woman telegraph operator
was Surah C. Iiwgley.of Lowel.Muss. .
Noihtni? b;iif flni n Nfr. Austin's Pan
CH'.t fliinr. Ask your grorpr for It.
The first scientific society was es
tablished by l)r. Franklin.
Don't fori-ct to have Mr. Atifctln' Pancakes
(or lirenklnst Your groo r.
Yarn from wood pulp Is now wn ar
ticle of commerce In Germany.
So trouble to set break Ikt quick i yon have
Mrs AuMltii I'mpake flour.
Laurlrr Going to Rom.
Sir Wilfrid Laurler Is shortly ex
pected In Rome to discuss with tho
Italkin government a commercial
convention and further to arrive at
s me understanding In regard to
t ulian emigrants to Canada.
Ileronl of tho I'nst.
The best guarantee of the future Is
the record of the past and over II fry
llioimaud people have publicly testllled
that Iioan's Kidney lillls have cured
them of numerous kidney Ills, from
common backache to dangerous dia
betes, and nil the attendant annoyances
nnd sufferings from urinary disorders.
'1 hey have been cured to stay cured.
Here is one case:
Samuel .1. Taylor, a retired carpen
ter, residing at :U2 South Third street.
;osheil, I lid., says: "On the li.Vh d:iy
of August, l,x:i7. I made mi utlidavit
before Jacob C. Mann, notary public.
Muting my expcriiiue with 1 loan's
kidney Pills. I hud suffered for thirty
years and was euinpeliid at limes H
walk by Hie aid of crutches, freipiciit
ly passed gravel anil sullereil exeru
tiailngly. 1 took every medicine on
the market Ilia I I heard about and
oiuc gave me temporary n I ef. I be
gan taking I loan's Kidney 1'ills and
the results I gave to Ihe public In the
statement above referred lo. At ihs
time, on the I'.lllt day of July l!rj. 1
make this further stateiocni that dur
ing Hie five years wlili h have elapsed
1 have had no occasion lo use either
I 'oan's Kidney I'ills or any oilier med
icine for my kidneys. The cure ef
fccteil was a permanent one,"
A KKKK Tlii.VI. of this great kidney
medicine which cured Mr. Taylor will
be mulled on application to any part
of the II, S. Address I-'oster-Mlllunn
Co., r.un'alo, X. V, I-'or sale by all
druggists, fiOc per box.
Now lllograi by of laben.
Rudolph Liithar's new biography o
Isbeo is the first plot ire hunk uliout
the famous poet. It contains o'er a
hundred p'-rt r ilts of hlin and his
f' ieiids.and pictures of his residences,
1 1-.
liuxes contilnlng supplies to aid
persons accidentally Injured are to
ne cstabllsho'l ail through Paris.
The apparatus resembles a lamp post
letterbox, and It Contains a small
medicine chest, a folding sltctcher
and a tclepliono for signaling Ihe
nearest ambulance station. Access
to the box Is gained by breaking a
glass panel.
Typhoid germs die after a few days'
exposure in sea water.
Takeyoi D.
Sixty yenrs nf faithful service ipcnt in luccesifully fighting tbe ailmcnUof MAN
and IIIiAST juatly entitle '
Mexican Mustang Liniment
It wna. the STANDARD LINIMENT two generation! ago. It Ii tbe STAN
DARD LINIMENT of tbe prewut generation.
It gromm on one n Old Friend rarht to grow.
p. of
family laxz&m
25c. 50c.
n hnn'.l frnnhlf'M. n
jnw ny a a mtm
ncs. had breath, bad blood, wind on the
Ml in. t li. bloated bowrlw. foul miinili. heml
arlie. IndlzcMtion. iiinil-H, iminn after eat-
Iiibt. liver trouble, aallow complexion atiu niomr,
When your linnrlxdiin l move rejrol'rly j oh are zeltliia
ilck. ' oiiHtipation klllM more, people th" all other
ilHeaaea together. It la a Mtarter for the chronic a.l
ments and long yearn oranfTi-rins thnt eome, arserwarda.
No matter what ails you. atari takinK As "!''J7,i0
dav. for yoa will never ;et well and be well all Hie time
until yon pat your bowel-, right. Take our advice;
start with 4:Afi:AR KTM to-day. under an absolute
taaxajtec to cure or money refunded. 4"
Laundries are unknown In China.
This Is strange when it Is considered
that nine out of eveiy ten Chinamen
who come to the United States go
Into the bitindry business. Through
out all of China the consumption of
starch does not exceed ten ponnds In
i a year.
The new East & West Luha rail
way, huh is near completion Is .'tliO
miles long.
STm Aro vou entirely tintisfled wllh
theiromls sou buy Lnil with tho
Iirices thut you payr
Ovi-r S.OKi.ikiii people nre tridlns with
nt anil Kuttuitf their goods til wliolestiU
Our t ,(mn pn?e rntalocue will bo srnt
en riciiitof IS cents. It teils ti;i: Mory.
WF.SI'I IIS f ANtllA. I.melor
tlio Suh.IOiii. llr.il', l.r l'itf.
Jllrd I arn.lng. 'I III. Hi AnN
1 urn ('mihi.! i in A f.w t.hnrl ii.i.iith.
1 ( ni.,n to Oit i r. 'I' I't. I lij le.rl b
InliMliiB. 0 -mi ti'-'- dou'HK do'jr
ftt II lim-.'it Hny. It ii a wotl littown fhri llmt lim
ni.iri- leetiiMrly I ni Im II ii.Im In wli let' arsin will r.ima to
r, l.-tm. Otw l(wll-r It In. 1 liMwIoiH. l,J imnnil. par
itil.ti I in n hue H iHtl'Iftril a (VI imtiinl. It. llio M3i,t
Ari- nti.lpr i-rwp In rn Cana.la. I ItOX
l,Ur.8HO a.rrfc Vlrbl, I VOX-I I T,IXX.T& t ba.
'I l.v full tliiou, wlilc i rrn!r a coonl i ) "utl'ilM Inr
Mll'rl KHrniiiia Bra: AbunibilK-O of ai;ll fowl,
C!,a-.ip buihl nif nmti-nal. (IikmI (tr t r vl ura and
lluy. A fnrtilaaoll. A .ofllcitit roil' fall .n'l a oIlniMta
u.i .vaiirM'l ki.H a.tM.iiiln tnu. n uf irrowlh.
ah iii- o...i.i.ootia a f...imi in sianr pana r
U Mti-rn Canada, Mann to tlia to lowinti for an AOtia
miner iitartiiiira. ah..win inr.iion.of inn.1 in t,
mmiiFur of i:i-ini.ATi..i. i Mnwa. caiia.ia. or
... .. U1, U t. III. Ill J ,n.k
II vy . v. ni.nnii, ' n im, i."- ""a-i v
1ioii Aatit or Ilia Otwemmanl of Canada.
i Capsicum Vaseline
Put Up in Collapsible Tubes.
A Subatliuie for and .StiinTlnr to Maatardor any
otb.-r plaatar, atel will nt bl titer tbo iitottti'llcui
f k i 11. Tho pain allnvlnii ami enrattvn qttaliliaa of
ttiti ar lo fi art! woinf. rinl. H will nop the tootb
H'hn at one", ami n llnvn ha daf lin mi l icttilK-a.
Wn rec iintn'iid It at lite K it Htnl lafratalb'rnal
eotiitter Irritant kn.iwn, a tin a n external reitio
cJ v Tir ptotii In t! chi'it and ilimtnch and all
rheumatic, nnuraltrto and (runty rontplHlnti
A trial will tiruva what wn Ha m Ittr It. anil H
will be (mind to la lttvnlnitlila In the hniwhnld.
Many penplo lay " It la lb l.t of ail your prrpa-failnna,-
I'rli e ISoenta, at all dntptrlita. or other dealer
or byaendliitt II. Ii antottitl u tta to poitan itampa,
an will ii-n 1 ynti a tutie by tvall.
No artlrla llioitld I aeoepled I f the ptiblln on
lfi tin iiima carrli l our label, at otuwwtM ll ii
not Ri'Dulna.
7 Stata St., New Vork City.
U on receipt of 1& cents. It tells the Mory. a
H The hnn! that, tlli Ihe tnith. )
iV-..!-. . j," ....j.j..lLti- ..,:..lls-'""---;-:"-i '
Its component pnrts are all wholesome.
It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects.
It is wholly free from objectionable substances.
It contains the laxative principles of plants.
It contains the carminative principles of plants.
It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are
agreeable and refreshing to the taste.
All are pure". "
All are delicately blended.
All are skillfully and scientifically compounded.
Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to
the originality and simplicity of the combination.
To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine.
Manufactured by
San Francisco, Cal.
Louisville. Ky. New York. N. Y.
nneitti lr.it in.
Thin Is abolul
w e l,ave
fine In four of th
fiftWOO emi-
grants wbo arrived" h
year could
not read or write.
If you tire coughing, rake Dr. Augsst
Koetiig's Ilambnrg Breant Tea.
The fecundity of the oyster Is won
derful. A single female oyster in
one season's spawning wHl ornduce,
if ihe is of averageslze about sixteen
million regs, while a large specimen
will produce thirty or forty millions.
Of three wires of tho same thick
ness, one made of gold will sustain 60
pounds; one of copper, 302 pounds:
i.ne of iron. 51 pounds.
Insurance ug.iiust automobile
cidetits can now he had.
ant-eil to mire or mnofj ref muled. o buy to-day, two 50c box
ifiiTUj-u riij'Uj'tij'KJu Jrujfi:api;rtiJ'L'jii;nu3'!ij"iij-Kj"-r; Jta't
J Lj
It Is a black, oily liquid obtained by the dry distillation of
co;tl and embracing Hilmtato of sodium, calcium, sodium, potassium
and extracts ol resinous materials wiih xylol, quaiaool and creosol.
Xylol is a hydrocarbon taken by dest ructive distillation from
tbe cmpyri uii'atic oitori-siri of I'linis l'alustris.
're'isol atui quaiacol are two of the main constituents of
liiMorate of sodium is prepared by lixivlation of earth, which
In strongly impregnated wit h borax evaporating the solution and
crystallizing. Calcium, Sodium and 1'ul.a.sbiuui are elements of
The question mh'ht occur if these properties are found In
Goal, whv not use coal? The answer Is First, coal does not contain
J u
all the const 1 1 ticnts; second, those It does con tai n are oo I y y telded
' , . , , . , -. . .
g," at a, t em pc ra mi re of over 3i) degrees Kalirenbeit.and it Is plain that
su If a h"g n stomach generated this amount of ln-at the hog would
r? become roast pork scaHotied with
It'. 1
Thousands ttf farmers are using this remedy with great suc
cess. Our limited space forbids us giving hundreds of testimonials
as we could, which will be furnished you on request.
j u
j u
J u
n n
J Li
Is an article which you will hnd
use you will Bud It lo be Indisperisihle, and as
oiiable no family should be w Uliout It.
Liquid Koal will cure Corn Stalk Disease, ITog Cholera, Swine
Plague, P.iac.k Leg. Lump Jaw, Scat in Sheep, Pink Eye. Guar
anteed as a Lice Killer.
ONE GALLON - - 3.00
32-Page Book on Diseases of Animals Mailed Free on Ap
plication. If no Local Agent, Order Direct
From Us. We Prepay Charges.
CAPITAL $250,000.00
: it
irj BULK
Five Tpan aco t,h
lirt box of
,t I'ASI.'AKKl'S waa
sold. Now it is ovprsix million
boxen a yr. ereater than
mti, MimllHr mcdirino In tli.e
proof of ET'.-itt no-rit. and onr let testl-
imoii ami n u i k.i o ajjiuiuiw,, ka.-
I it:! i 'M.v.1
en, icivo tnem a iiur, lionefl, inu, ua yur Nimpie uir:mru. u
If yoo nro not Hllfiil, aflor cisiiiK one 6Ui box, rerurn the nn
unnd am: box and tbe emi'ty box t o im by mail, or the drueST";
from whom you pore h uaeri It. and rrt your money bark for botn
boxen. Take our advice no matter whnt all. yoo start today.
Health will Quickly follow and you will bleu the day yon first
Started the uae of I Ahl Altt-T S. Hook tree by mail. Address!
D sco very of Vane,
Artificial woodwork will prohably
soob be made cn a large scale, as a
process has been discovered for form
in); sadnst Into a solid substance
more durable than mahogany or eb
ony and eapabte of ,ulte as bnliant
a polish.
Orders for 11,000 gray flannel shirts
have been given to the Guards' Nee
dlework society hr the British war
Si Ttapson'sEyeWater
M. N. U. NO. 752-1, YORK NEB
fried pa raxi tes of hoir cholera.
daily use for.
If you once adopt Its 3 S
the price is ho reas-
TEN GAL, KEG, $2,60 Plat GAL
25 GAL. -1-2 BBL $2.25 GAL
50 GAL ONE BBL., $2,00 GAL
i itilkfcViii.iiiiiilajairiaaC' '"
, i.