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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1902)
HOME OF VETERANS hot sphincs sanitarium to be thing of beauty, OMAHA MAN IS ARCHITECT RADICAL depasture fhom tional ui. es. CONVEN- INNOVATION OF BUILDINGS buikiMea IntercstfJ Alonj With South DekuUMemhrs torcressman Cannoa a tntaS of Ivujett., it'C. 20. Doubtless there are hundreds of did soldiers In Hie west who fed a vital Interest In ti.e it p ,se I saaitaiiuui w.iich Is to be a uait of i,. branch of the soldi t'h home at Hot Springs, S I). Last winter countess made Hti appro pi iat Inn in aid of the project. With the opening of this session Ihe house committee oo appropriations Is con sidering the architect's tentative plans for the various buildings of toe sanitarium, which contemplate a total expenditure .if half a million dollars. These plans were drawn by Thomas R. Kimball of Omaha, whose ability as an architect Is generally recognized. Nebraskans are well ac qualnted with his work at the Oma ha exposition In which he displayed & genius f"r combining architectural conceptions with pia:tlcal Ideas to meet the requirements of the case. The plans of the sanitarium met the unanimous Indorsement of the na tional board for the management of soldier's homes. Hunt. II. E. Pal mer, of Nebraska, a member of the board, submitted tne tlans to 'Uncle J.e" Cannon, chairman of the house committee on apptopriations. slated for speiker of the next house, who did not hisitate to say that lie was favorably Impressed with the unique features of the plans. To have won Uncle Joe's favor so readily within Itself speaks volumes for the adequacy of the architect's scheme. Conventional Ideas of hospital ar chltecture have been lost sight of Id this case, Briefly stated the plan de fines an elght-spoked wheel, the hub of which represents a court or plaza the diameter or which is annuo 200 feet, a colonnade through which the inmates may walk under cover to the various buildings which stand In relation to It as di spokes to the hub of a wheel. Beneath the colonnade Is a subway, affording a conduit for all plumbing, pipes and as a passage way for supplies which are wheeled upon trucks from the sotehouse. In the cenier or the court Is a fountain into which flows the hot mltuval water whose medicinal pp'petles have made famous the hot springs of South Dakota. Standing at the spoke which points toward the city of Hot Sotlngs Is the administration build ing two stories and basement, with archltectuial adornments, furnishing egress and Ingtess to the grounds. Diaiuctilcally "pposlte or upon the oilier side of the court, is the kitch en, storehouse, guardhouse, bath house, etc., which stands, of course, In the rear. Between these two main structures there are thr e hospitals buildings on either side of the wheel each taking the re aHve position or as many spokes Jutting out from the colonnade. Tnese are two story structures having a capacity of over fittv beds each. They are thlrtv feet wide and possibly 100 feet long. A porch runs al mg one side of each. Inclined planes lead from the colon nade Into these hopsltal buildings, easy of ascent, there being no stair way. There are many windows on both sides, aft rding a siipcranun danee of light The svstcm of venti lation is exhaustive and gceti.iuglv perfect, creating const mtly a fresh supply of purr air. In fact, the con triving idea of Ihe architect seems to have been to attain the maximum supply of sunshine and fresh air Up-to-date Ideas of perfect sanitation) down tot he smallest detail nave been goggested. bnoglig to tear fpproved scientific principles, ns an adbmef to the curative pr. p"itlg of Ihe min eral water which abounds, the valur of which was reeogn1.-!! hv the In dians long befoie ti.e white man found lo them a remedy for many Ills Messrs. Martin and Iturke, South Dakota's repreHcniHlve& In the low. er house of congress, are doing itf'ir utmost to gecuie a-i Increase In Ihe appropriation for this great prj'K'. wHh 'air proinl" of success tt the pieser.t session. It is a rnn'ler which is rngiulng Ihn Bt let ton of t he memlM-rs from several western stale for the (pas-m that the completion nf the sanitarium will an Ideal ,ome for disabled veterans all over the mil-west f .r whom there Is to. day no room In government hospitals. Killed to Savo Ml Life. Heading I'a. Icc. 20. -Antonio Tnddal. an Italian, aged sevenlee... who on July '"St shot John Trayer. Edward llartman tn.d Namtiel Silzel, J(,ur,g men who h ad assiultcJ him after having tried to pick a flght with him. wbl e lie plsylng a t, eel P no, and ah I Urea '''' ! iriseourntly died, was Hcqultlel l.i 1 qier loony TartrlMl claimed WSSXL W - siK Um three oieo U b,B 0WB TRAMP Livto IN MaWSIOH 7 WEEKS i He Sir Much, Ate Plenty aal Enjoyed Hlm Self Huiely-OffercS to Work for It. Philadelphia, Dec. 20. During the last seven weeks James Smith, a vagrant, wh was arrainged before Magistrate Kochersperger in the central police court, has lived in more ease and luxury thau has prob aoly ever fallen to the lot of a tramp. While tramping through Ilelfry, Pa., seven weeks ago Smth happened to pass the beautiful old mansion, Lite country residence of Peter Say boldt, a deputy sheriff. mlth bad geu irnny .beautiful. houses in his extensive travels, but the old mansion Impressed him so much that he decided to make it his residence for the winter. He made such elaborate promises of working about the the place to the old woman who was actii.g as care taker to the house that she did not hesitate to admit him. Once inside the house Smith could nut be iuduced tu leave. He selected the choicest room in the rnausion and proceeded to lix It 1 p tu suit himself. The ocd lo his room was not to hi? liking, so he put an extra feather mattress on it. He also increased tne number of pictures In his room by car-ylng a few from other rooms In the house atd hanging them on the walls or his own room. Each day he. ate three meals. On several occasions the tramp tried to iuduce the caretaker of the house to serve bis breakfast to him In his room. Smith continu ally talked about the wor he intend ed doing about the place, but he never did any. Last Sunday Deputy Sheriff Say boldt. accompanied by his daughter aud till sister, took a trip to Belfry to S"e that good care was being taken of the house. The deputy sherill was surprised and grew angrv when he heard of Smith's presence In the house. Although it was late In the afternoon itaiith was still sleeping comfortably In Ms room an I Sayholdt pulled hlru out of lied without any ceremony, sayboicit s nrst inougni was to th'ash the tramp, but he fi nally decided to have him arrested. Smith admitted to Ihe maglsliate that lie bad b-'eu living lu Savboldt's summer residence, and also acknow ledged that ho had stopped In the nouso of correction for three months. The latter place was thought by the magistiate to be tht best for Smith, and be was committed there for six months more. Boers are Coming to Colorado. , Denver, Coin., Dec. 20. Nearly nine thousand!! ers, it is said, are reparlug lo "trek" to America, and will settle In Col iradi. New Mexico and Texas. The representative of tills movement is General Samuel Pearson, late quartermaster general of the South African republic, whose headquarteis are In New York. Colorado frienos of the Doers have been in communication with the gen eral in regard tu suitanle lands for the settlers, and General M. De VII liers, who is now looking over the binds has expressed bim.tclf as very fjvorably impressed with this state The American Offer the Brt. City of Mexico, Dec. 20. The Mx lean government has received offers fioin New Yors: financiers for a gold loan for public works, the govern ment having the authorization of congress to contract such a loau. The govcinmnct is in no hurry, and is paying for the works out of its am pie reserve iunds, and It Is not ex pecteJ to contract the loan until it can do so on tenns which will be satisfactory. The government has received from abroad Intimations that It can secure a gold loan for eitahllshlng a gold basis of currency, but the loan for such a purpose can not be rontrcleil without aulhuriza tlou from congress. Calls President an Enemy. Chelsea, Mass. Dee. 20. "I want a warrant ror President Roosevelt," said Charles 0. While, a well-to-do citizen, today at toe central police station. Addrcs-lng Police Captain Grovcr. White continued: ' Me hired I'nu MiCarthy and John Farey to assault rue thu other day aud I was nssan'ted bf iliem on East ern avenue. K'Osevelt was there in his carriage and encouraged the men while they were sti iking mo." Then the speaker rambled Into a long Hiring of iimplaluls against President Roosevelt and Die coal quetl"ii. The man whs luboilng un der excitement and resisted arrest, lie was overpowered and a loaded re volver and a rxior were found on hi in. He Is held for an cxamluatlon by physicians. Barrlnger Stabheil tit Ceath. St. Louis. D-.i. 20 J. W. Hsrrln gr, Ji. aged 27 years, n civil engi neer In the em ploy id Ihe St. Louis, Memphis St Soul hensturu railroad, as sin obc.l tu dealh by S. M. Mor ton. In thetirari'ts hiil'Hng. Morton, who s u4i a Civil ei glneer, hut at ire n' out of mp rum t. wui arrsted ii d I ik' n to ti e p lice station, lb '" Ii took a dime of poison, from mi cb ue was given relit f at the el y dUpeuaary. J h dead man wa tbd too ofa piomlueut army uOctr. FLEET TO BE HANDY- Dewey Wltnli Striking Distance of Venez uela Not Likely to be Needed. Washington, Dec. 18. Disposition of Admiral Dewey's fleet during the holidays is to be made under the di rection of the secretary of the navy, in view of the increasing complica tions arising In connection with Venezuela, and the wishes of this government not to arouse suspicion unnecessarily by dispatching a large naval force to Venezuela waters. Admiral Dewev cabled toe depart ment in regard to the orders for his fleet during the Christmas holidays. Orders are now In preparation for the various vessels and will be for warded to the admiral in the next day or two. No inflection upon Admiral Dewey is intended by the navy department In deciding to give up the orders fur his snips, Instead of giving him a Tree hand In the matter as It was ex-( ected would tie done That there may be a thorough co-operation of the navy with the state department in the handling or the Venezuelan situa tion, however, It seemed that the question could be more (satisfactorily settled bete, as the navy depart ment is in possession of all the facts regarding the action of the allied powers, and danger of conflicting with the policy of the state depart ment will be averted. ' It is unlikely that men of war will be sent to La Guayra, the feeling .be ing that the presence of American men or war at this time might cuse uneasiness among the allied powers, as well as offer encouragement to President Castro to maintain blffie flant attitude. f On the other hand the sit has grown so acuta within t few days that both state ad., oavy department otlicials are iigre,,ihat it will not be umiss to rendevythe fleet in ports within easy rauge of the Venezuelan coast. Puts Tax on Soft Drinks. Washlntgoo, Dec. 13. Commission er Yerkes of the internal revenue bureau, has rendered a decision in which he rules that druggists and others who sell soda water duoks, claret Soda, or similar beverages to which distill d spirits, wine, or any compounds thereof are added In any quantity, however small, are requir ed to pay special tax for retail liquT dealers under the luteruai revenue laws. . Under the old rulings druggists and others were allowed to add to soda water and other soft drinks and inappreciable quantity of distilled spirits or wines fur flavoring pur poses. The lonncr ruling is levoked to take effect January, 1903. Mistaken For a Burglar. PlatUinoutt:, Neb.. Dec 18. Newi has reached this city of the fag C( death of Henry I'ierson, a former Cus county citizen, winch occurred lc cently i-ear Guthrie, Okla. It ap pears that a burglar had entered bis home and the noise made by the in truder awakened Mr. I'b rsoD, Pro curing a revolver lie pr.,ceeoed to sorcli the house for the burglar. While passing through a room occu pied by a farm hand, the latter, wno. had also heard the noise and thinking Mr. Pin son was the Intrud er, raised Ills revolver and proceeded to make a target out of the crouch ing form of his employer. Owing to Ihe darkness of thu room his am was D'lir. hut one of the bullets lodged In Mr. Plerson's left side. The wound resulted Inhlsdeath tw j weeks later. Awful Act of Insane Man. Lapeer. Mich., Dec. 18 John Dest. nged twenty-eight yeais. 6lnglc, arnsp from his bed during the night hi'e Insane, and cut Jasper Clegg's hea I nearly 'iff with a azor. danger ugly wounded his own mother, wounded nis sister and then shot himself to death. Clegtf, who was sixty years of age, hoarded at the lies', home. Dest was com m It ted to the Insane asylum about a year ago. but six months later was discharged as cured I (est appears to have arisen from his iien and gone first to the leeping room of Clegg. He attacked Clegg with a razor, probably before the old man awoke. The murderer then ev hlently returned to his own room and to bed. At a later hour he again arose and went to the room of his mother He struck Mis. liest a blow with the oaruaged razor. She sprang out of bed. got away fiom the crazy man and made her way to the door. Here she broke away from him and ran lo a neighbor's, where she tele phoned for the sheriff. Returned to the Hospital. Osceola. Net., Den. 18, Sheriff Harfrnan took the train from here for Lincoln Tuesday looming, hav ing in cos ody EH Sainuclson, whom he was Inking to the Insane aslviitn al Lincoln. Mr Snrniielson had hi en In the asylum before and was nls rhHrifd n couple of years ago, cured or at least harm less, but lately he h4 got wnrs sgaln and it was thnitrht that wl'b Ihe treatment he would vet at the asylum It would be itiucb better for him to be taare. ASKS FOR HUSBAND DODGE COUNTY WOMAN PLEADED HOUR WITH THE GOVERNOR. AN HERS A NOVEL ARGUMENT IN A COLLISION A FIREMAN WAS KILLED NEAR TABLE HOCK, FELL ASLEEP IN HIS CAB Severe Winter In Hungary Causine Many Dcalbs Daily and Much Privation. Lincoln, "Neb. Novel and unique was tne story or a uooge couruy woman who called on Governor !Sav- agu luesuay arternoon 10 secure a pardon for her hushaor. Hu had been sentened for hoi stealing and tne arguments were distinctly fern lnjue. "My husband was sent to the pen itentiary along with . They both fct Oe hogs. Mrs. told me her hus band would get out f?dav. She don't need hlui any more than I need my husband and I don't know that I'll go away until jou let him out." This statement of the case she re iterated uver and 0"er again. She he gan to cry. ller sobs were pitiful. For more than E.n hour the crying and presisteut repetition of her re quest continued. Finally the gover nor had formed a plan to get his vis itor out of the Lflice. He called a member of the office force. "Tins man will take care of your case," lie said. "He knows that the other man hasn't been let out." More discussion followed. Finally the woman was assured that swine poacher No. 2 had not been released. Then she stopped. ".She ain't got any more rights to her husband than I have to mine." she declared as she was leaving the otllee. Inquiry brought out the informa tion that the woman had been mis informed. When she heard of the pardon of the accomplice of her hus band she went directly to the capi tol. No petlti'jn had been Died and she entered the office of the governoi without notice This is but one of the long string of applications that awaits the action of the governor. Some of Hi em an Informal, but the many re quests have been modeled in accord ance with the statutes. Gray-haired and bent with age. a mother called on Governor Savage. Her son was sick. He would surely die if kept in prison any longer. "He Isn't sick," responded tin governor. "I have takeu the troubli to visit him. I have had him ex amined by doctors ne Isn't even honest in his application. I cannoi do anvthing for him." This statement aroused her indig nation. "That boy" had alway been good. "They swore to lies' when they nut him there. lie was sick and he would die. In the mean l ime a convict was Industriously rub bing his limbs aud pretending to be rheumatic. Fireman Killed In a Wreck. Table Hock, Neb. Fireman Mir icll was killed in a wreck on the Southern division of the liurllngton Tuesday night at Table Koek. The ancldent occurred at 8:30 o'clock. Freight trains No. 22 and No. 22(i. In th extras, met in a "head on" collision on the main track In tin rallmaa yards, the engines of both trains being badly damaged; little injury was sustained by Ihe freight can. According to the Durllngt' n officials in Lincoln the indication.--that the wreck was caused by one of - the engineers, being asleep, although fuilhir Investigation ma) disprove this belief. As Table ltock Is on tho southern division onU meager reports were lecelved at tin Lincoln headquarters. An Investi gation will follow as soou as the Da lies concerned can be bruught tefore the superintendent It is said that Moircll the mae who was killed, claimed Table Rock as his homo. When in Lincoln he boarded at the Arlington hotel. Foodstuffs Held the derms. Han Francisco, Deo. 19. Advices received from Honolulu show thai Investigation proves that foodstuff shipped to Honolulu from Japan and China and San Francisco are lespi n si de for the cases of plague recently ap earing there, Chief Five Crows Is Dead, Pendleton. Ore., Dec. 19. Five Crows,a noted Umatilla Indian chief has been found dead near Athena, It Is supposed that while tnloxi cated he fell off his pony and fioze hi death. He was seventy .tears ol.t ind distinguished himself in the i lan nock war of 1878 by killing th famous lidlan Chief Kgan, of th nako Indiana. He heiiaied Egan ii to the hands nf the Umallllas, who vsre friendly to the white FUEL REMAINS SHORT. Operators Hold Out No Hope for Relief This winter. Surplus Exhausted. Philadelphia. Pa., Dec. 19. Offici als of the Heading railway company hold out no hope for relief in the an thracite coal stringency this winter despite the leports of the company to mine and ship tu its full capacity. "Under normal conditions,-' said one of ihe officials, "the anthracite production is nevei equal to the de mand duringthe winter months and the Heading and all the other an thiacite c mpanie8 have been obliged to draw upi n the stock at various storage points to help out the de mands of the trade7 ' 'i'liis year there is not a pound of coal at any of these storage points and consumers are dependent entire ly upon the daily output of the mines The big dealers in New England, who usually have in stock at thisi se;iS m of the year from 50,000 to 100,-1 duo tuns, are dependent entirely udou what is being shipped to them by the various companies. "Practically all the leading com pany's collieries are in operation. The company shipped from the mines during the last two days nearly 1.900 cars of coal. This means a daily pro duction of nearly 60,000 tons." It is stated that the Pennsylvania has 3 000 of the Beading company's coal cars on its tracks in the western part of the state as well as 2 500 belonging to the Central Railway of New Jersey, and these; are urgently needed in the anthracite trade. Their non-delivery, it is claimed, is causing much delay in the shipment of anthracite to points west of Harrisburg. Readiiig company officials decline to discuss the question as to whether the advance of 50 cents a ton ma3e in October would hold good during 1003, but they admit that it will cer tainly rule beyond January 1, 1903, the date fixed by Mr Baer for a re duction tc the old rate. An operati r, who attended the meeting nf the operators in New York stated that the advance would be retained during all next year. Washington, Dec. 19. A material increase in the number of cases of pneumonia and severe colds among the people of this city is attributed by physicians to the coal famine. They say that In most of the houses they visit only a few of t he rooms arei neatcd,and even many well to do res- Idents have abandoned their fur oaces. i Tne nrice of hard coal from the independent operators today was! 1 12 a tun. Soft coal it retail brought! $8 a ton and many of the dealers are unable to furnish even small lots to regular customers. Bridgeport, Conn., De,c. 19. At a' secret meeting here today of the Re tail Co'il Dealers association of New England plans for protecting the members were discussed. The secretary, G W. Sears of Ar lington, Mass , said: "We are discussing plans to protect Ihe legitimate dealers against the encroachment of companies and men who propose to sell coal direct from the railroad cars. We, with expensive plants, cannot compete with them. Our association starts from Chicago aud takes in the entire east We propose, to notify members of the as sociation of sales to companies doing business from cars ditect and they will be guided accordingly. It is a move for protection pure an simple " Case Proceeds to Trial, St. Louis, Dec. 9. Judge Ryan, before whom Delegates Sheridan, Denny, Albright, Dersch and Gutke are being tried on the charge of bribery, today overruled the demufref of the defense to the Joint informa tion. The trial then proceeded with i he testimony of J. K. Murrell. also indicted on the charge of bribery, who turned state's evidence and told about the suburban franchise deal Muriel's testimony was a recapitu lation of the well known story of the deposit box and Ihe $75 Otio which he his related at the other hearings. The testimony of Philip Stock, leg islative agent, was eon lined to the sHtne sub 'ct and they did not vary irorn the glory lie has r lated hereto lore. He counted the S75.0O0 In court After neatly every question a-iked the deiense object i d and when i he oojeci Ion was overruled an ex ception was taken. An Iowa Man Found Dead. Boise, Idaho, Dec. 19 The body of a man believed to tie either Eatl ittlle or Andiew Hlttlo of Cedar Itaplds. Iowa, was found near Moon lain lloute, Idaho. The man is sup p sed to have been dead seveuil months In his po k"t was a rail way ticket fioin Cedar Dapid lo I' inland, Ore , and a purse contain ing $i!H) . Th" P'tise bears the name if Andiew Hittle. Progress of Cable 5h'p. San Francisco. Dec. 19 The Assn. dated press has received tho follow ing cablegram from Its correspondent on boa id the riibli ship Slivertown dated at noon today. "Position at no n today, latitude 23 14 north: longjtudQ 133 3D west Since noon yesterday 2u7 knots ii'ile, have laid, making the totn I ild 0H2 knots. The weather la gooi. nd lie ship's speed eight kootl. Nebraska Notes Fremont Is to have a new demo cratic paper January 1st. Fire did $100 damage to Dr F. A. Bryant's drug store at Norfolk. The four men who robbed Tlayden Bros., at Grand Island were captured at Kearney. The Anderson Mercantile company of Neligh lost $10,000 worth of good in a fire. They bad but $2,000 insur ance. G. A. Baxter, the aged Grand Is land negro, who smothered his child piead-giulty and threw. himself upon the mercy of the court. He was giv en ten years in the penitentiary. The eight children of the lata. Thomas 'Campbell of Waco, have been noticed that they have fallen heir to an estate of $8,000 in Pitts burg, Pa., by the death of an uncle. Henry Pierson, formerly of Platts mouth met a tragic death at Guth rie, Okla. He aud his farm band were searching for a burglar when the later took Mr. Pierson for the intruder and shot him. Mrs. Barton, accused of murdering, her father-in-law at Sheridan, Wyn.r has been released on $2,000 bail, pend ing her trial in February. Mrs. Bai ton was formerly Miss Agatha Stull of Plattsmcutb. The Farmers' Grain, and Elevator company of Virginia has purchased property near the rigbt-of-way of the Missouri acitic road at Beatrice and will comtuense the erection of an ele vator of 8.000 bushels capacity at once. The Dempster Mill Manufacturing company of Beatrice which employ about 400 men, has closed down for the annual invoicing season, during which time only fifty men will be' employed in the offices. The plant will resume operations January 5. Grief over the loss of bis wife is thought to be responsible for the suicide of William Kilkemeier ot Hloornfield, who was found dead in his ba;n He had banged himself to a rafter in a uarn. He was wealthy and several children survive. Fire broke out in tb3 boiler room of the Young Men's Christian asso ciation building at Lincoln, and fir a time threatened the building. Tn firemen succeeded in coulioii.g the tire t'j the double floor separaciug th gymnasium and the boiler room. The water supply of Nebraska Ultyv which had been cut. iff by a cbango in the chacuel of the river is now! fully restored, The water works company contemplates putting in permanent improvements so thai there will be no danger of a repeti tion of a water famine. Railsback Bror. opened tbelr new elevator at Ashland. It Is one of tbe largest elevators in the state and bas been built after twenty years of con tinuous business in Ashland. The building is seventy-five feet bigb and has a capacity in Its twenty-one bins of 80,000 bjshels of grain. To further the advancement of art, hold exhibitions encourage ferfc in the public schools, purchase pic tures and statues for a permanent art gallery and to give lectuies on the subject, the Nebraska Art associ ation of Lincoln, has been Incorpo rated with a capital stuck of $1,000, While Joseph IJostetter was going to his home on the QUtsKi'ts of Har vard, be vvas taken with a heq orrhage of the lungs, lie was seen to fall by some of bis frienos, who. carried him to the home of Mr Gray where he died in a few moments. He leaves cne sister living In Svlts erland. The Rev. Parker bas sued Gage county for 20 per cent of the Ones Imposed as the result of recent clos ing of illegal saloons In Wymote. The tines aggregate $2.'0 aud the statutes provide for the Z0 per cent allowance to thosR who are chiefly instrumental In closing the banooms that bave do authority to he kept open. Inmates in the 'Soldiers' and Sail ors' homes at Grand Island and Mil ford are satisfied and in bai mony with the officers, accoiding to a repirt just made to he gov rnor by John Ueese, president if tho boa'd. Dur ing tbe year Hie men in the (Stand Island home have increased from 341 to 41'). Cheap clothing had tube pur chased for the veterans owlog to lbs limited appropriation. At Mllford I0ii Inmates were found to be exist Ing satisfactorily on an appropriation mado for sixty-eight. The Mliford home needs a hospital, as the build in erected fur that purpose can nut be used. The attendance has decreased to si tne German Baptist church at Omans where the lialie-ltuch. tngeny no cm red that it Is proposed to give us worship The Knights of Pythias order will h"ld a district meeting; at Itestrlc February 4, at whl.-h time tepresen tiitives Irom Wymote, Kalrbmy, LH c'tv, DeWlit, leeiimsih and othei towns wli' attend. Several StaU officers of tho order will slo attest tiie m 'elitig.