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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1902)
'.. . V 1 I , .... i v ' 'X, t t .- Tb Harri oa .less-Jjuniil I 9.0. Bl'KKK, FKDrRIKTOB NEBRASKA Mo woman lias ever really thought til photographer succeeded Id dolug er Justice. Gustave Dore's "Heir is to be Staged. This seems to be getting pret ty low down. Marion Crawford has decided to framatize one of hi novels. If it takes well, he will arrange to dramatize ihe other 5H.728. Mary MacLane received 100 offers of marriage while she was in the East. No wonder Mary thinks the East is "a crazy old place." Some ministers are eliminating the word "obey" from the marriage cere mony. It's of no consequence, since ihe world Is meaningless, anyway. The strike has not been without its Ieneflts. It has led to a more genera! recognition of the fact that "antbxa tlte" Is a noun and means "hard coal." While there Is nothing so exciting as church fight, It is generally agreed that it la much better to pray for our brother than to bat him wilh a ver- The United States and Great Britain landed marines in Samoa and ended a evolution. The International arbitra or has decided against them. Blessed re the peacemakers! Speaking of the surgical operation of gastrectomy, or cutting out the stom tci, a writer In the Lancet says he 'does not look upon the operation as a iavorite one." Still he must acknowl edge that it Is very Interesting. A man who attempted to present a aper to the sultan of Turkey was Iwooped down upon by bashi bazouks md cast into prison. He was released ater when it was discovered that the locument was not a bill, but a petition Jot a government job. We are feeling much relieved since Serr von Brand, burgomaster of Bam erg, Bavaria, has declared that the le filing of the United States arms over ne American consulate was the "wan na act of an individual." We there 'ore ignore the act, which were impos sible If it had been an official insult "Our Lady of the Beeches" is the atle of a novel that is just out. If tor "Beeches" one could read "Breeches" the romance would have a strong Interest for various and divers I us bands who are subdued and de precatory when the partners of their y and sorrows are in the vicinity. H. N. Pillsbury, the champion Amerl san chess-player, has announced that je will play no more championship Hatches, but will devote himself to the raetlce of the law. The temptation o make a profession of a sport or a fame in which one is expert is strong lpon many young men. but most of .nose who yield to it soon become un ltted for anything else. .Mr. Pillsbury lets a good example. American women seem to be hold Tig their own In diplomacy as well as dsewhere. The new British Ambas tador to the United Stales married an Imerican; the wife of the uew French imbassador is also an American, and !he Belgian minister married his wife in this side of the mean. But proof liat the women of this country can raceessfully meet the competition of he world was not needed. Every imerican type of beauty is unsurpass ed, and every American lover would jballeuge the world to produce the qual of the girl he likes best. Why should old age be so dreaded ' Pne would think, by the way some eople trick themselves out and try avoid showing the marks of time, liat old age was a crime. Yet old age nt be one of the most beautiful amasj of life Over and over again we Mar It remarked bow good looking Mrs. So-and-8o has become, and that ter white hair has softeued her face tad given her a beanty she never bad before. That her wrinkles, too, seem to add to her charms, for they are scalable wrinkles, and. seem to be a Mrt of reflection of bygone smiles and Kindly, gentle Impulses and thoughts. Old age la really never hideous unless M be Vicious; so why so many people I Weld desire to hide it Is a mystery b many. Every rigbt-tblnking person aspects old age. and sees nothing re alolre or ludicrous In it unless It ssasqoerades as youth. ! apite of the continued assertion (MU enthusiasm for historical fiction lias the wane the number of new pui )Ccatlfas continues about the same, fast reports of others on the way still ' fjsjM In. At the meetings of the New Cftaad History Teachers' Association fta Boston Professor Richard Burton fcsd a) Intelligent word to say on the reject f historical novels. He be iivaa aa Immense interest has been Caatii to the past generally, hot es fTy la ear own national and colo ' ' 1 fait Be thinks historical fiction J fcaaMaaeiy the study of history, "y wlta the young, and that Its i r J Maat. At the same time fttrra art very careful at ) tt aMtpdag this klad of T Wfttfsa la tao bast stylo. JlZZsa If la a poattloa wall close connection with a leading pub lishing house enables blm to look at the question from a commercial olnt of view, while his former jxtsttlon as Instructor lu a large university has given him experience enabling him to Judge of the value of historical fiction upon the mliids of the young. Wheth er Ihe historical novel is cause or ef fect of the present interest In the past or whether each is cause and each Is effect is hard to say. One thing, how ever, is certain- the amount of poor stuff that has pasM-d current in 'he guise of history ha had its day. The public Is already disii-rning between good and poor work in this line, and only the fittest is to have a chance tc exist. - - - The question what we shall eat con tinues to be an absorbing n to ihe human race. There are moments in the life of many a woman wb'.-n ' (if world seems to her nothing but a va-t market, from which she must snatch j such food as she may. and spend her whole force in nrctmi'ing it, only '.o see it disappear from her tired bauds before the greedy demands of appe tite. Against the depression of this mood there are a few remedies. One is found in the di-terni'nation of the housewife that In her heme the food shall lie so cooked and served as to remove the meal as far as possible from the mere process of feeding, and allay it with the satisfaction of those appetite that we call the higher. The meal swallowed hastily In a hot. tin tidy room, from a table heaped rather than spread. Is a degradation alike to cook and to eater. On the other hand a meal served with accessories so gor geous as to dazzle all the senses is no less vulgar. A meal, be it humble or rich, set forth with the dignity and seemllness which come from clean linen, well-ordered dishes, and plenty without surfeit, becomes a function as worthy of a high spirit as the reading of a good book or the hearing of mu sic. There are two kinds of good cook ing. One of them is represented by the the work of the accomplished French chef. Ills sauces are "creations." and his omelette is worth the price of a week's food for a family. The other kind Is as simple as It Is inexpensive. A dish of green peas prepared by a New England farmer's wife; a Itowl of "hasty pudding" eaten in the kitch en where it was cooked; a plate of maoaroui from the hand of an Italian peasant woman these may be truly triumps In the art of cookery. The conclusion of the whole matter health ful for the tired housekeeper and for the overfed millionaire is that food is a means to life, not life itself; and that whoever overvalues or under values it fails to live fully and richly, Did Pelee Itob (iMl Wells? Speaking of the decrease or almost total disappearance of the gas pres sure which was so long one of the great peculiarities of the Beaumont field, there is a novel theory advanced Some men who study such things say that just about the time of the erup tion of Mont Pelee and the destruc tion of St. I'ierre the gas pressure be gan to lessen and In a short while a! most entirely disapepared. The theory is that the gas which was under the ground at Beaumont ex tended laterally under the earth all the way down through the Caribbean Sea and when it accumulated In large rpiantitles under Mont I'elee the ex plosion came and the supply was ex hausted there. Id support of this wou- derful theory attention is called to the fact that the famous oil pool in the Gulf of Mexico, south of Beaumont many miles, and which has been the wonder of mariners for years and years, is on a direct line letween Beau mont and Mont relee. So the 'M'ople who deal in synclines and monoclines and anticlines, says the New Orleans Picayune, find comfort in believing that the eruption of the volcano is what has caused all the damage at Beaumont. The Genuine Article. A certain lady of title recovered from a rather severe illness. An adept with the brush, and a regular exhibitor of water colors in connection with the lo cal art gallery, it was suppose! she had overworked herself. When the doctor was called In an old nurse, who had been In the family many years, bored the mgdlcal man with her opinions as to tne cause of the attack. "It's them long hours an' hard work of the palntln' what's done It," she re marked directly she saw him. The doctor wag preoccupied and scarcely heard the remark. "Has her lalyshlp exhibited any traces of hysteria V he suddenly de manded, turning to the talkative nurse. "Oh, no, sir," was the unexpecte I reply; "they was water colors, all on 'em real beauties, too!" Detroit News-Tribune. Bridget as a Mrs. Malaprop. Bridget, who came to this country last year, has a limited vocabulary, and, while she Is learning fast, some of the words and expressions that she has ac quired do not always fit, ber ear not having been accurate In getting the right term. Thus the other day she said to her mistress: "Mam, shall I fix that Kansas back duck for dinner?" Again, Bridget was telling a tale of a missing friend In this city, when she exclaimed: "I)o you know I believe when Katie turns np she'll be found In the Potash Field r While at work on Friday a tremen dona Mast near by la the subway rat tled U llanos la the kitchen and the girt cried ovt: TkM goes taat rapid a snai THERE SHONE A STAR. I H, Rt a r t,T the mil- . , lien fold iUwe! i IL'la tbe wide blue spaees we watr-u l)J love; -tars Ilk (mm of sand h.r the n-i. T h r o o g h wheeling clusters of tv-jr.fU "V Hut onre throngi! the g.-ues of heaven ajar, Vh--ii t'hlid was i..irn, there shone a "3 ,nr- V I'hi'fi.-Ti hr - 1 s-m rt,f na'.ace bsti: I . . r , u .1.., ,,.m, r in 1 Vji- "5 the ratiln niu: j ,- To the tpnt, lo (tie i sliip. to the poor mao'i cot - Sirm J ! Uatue- wlu'-re Uod m n-l .Stem not; But f.nee. Jum r.n'-e, tbmnrh the f tr ajar. ;.,1 omd Child came, and there li"oe a Siar. 'iter ; e-t (ilai-ea li (uMi-n llaht Kimi-cjl like a t.irr-h tne livel-ug night; h.iwin; ..w the wonderful f.:it, "n stalely irpK-e-jiion. king anil urtesr. And a tea rvelfius, n-otlng ritratien Sought for the gift ihii had guerd ni'd man, Vfoen. tanners of Kior wsrjns fr, iin-e. for his people. ;.d k'is!d a Star. The Cmperor Mt !n hi piirpte rolie. Holding the scepter thit awared the globe,' Kent the slare to the labfirtng oar l ittle tn him was a sroao the more: W real bed with laurel the conqueror strode. Trampling heart on hia naugnir road. The t ry of the aiiguidhed quivered far, Aod loi In the darkness there shone a Star. Out from a rare in the rlren rock A candle flickered; who mar mock; That thread of flame wits the answer sent From Kanh to the Star tn the firmament. On Ihe silence trembled a HaLe's rlrst hreatb. Child to tie Iird of t.lfe and Heath; Safe a a bird In the tin nest, lu the mothers arms, on the mothers breast; While the lowing klne stood wondering near. And the ang' ls sang on the midnight clear. And the midnight waned, and the dawn's great car Swept In where brtghtir Ibere shone a Star. -Ierc:tret fr.. wangao-r, in vwmtans iiome Contpa n!oD. WON HIS CilLDREN'S lOVE jk BY TnOMAJ HALL. w KIXKI.ES of care furrowed the forehead of John How ard, wholesale leather nur- chiiiit ot aew lork. cs net sat in the library of Iuh homo, and bis hair was tossed into dis order by the combing of his nervous l;n eis. His dull eyes gazed into the red depths of a great tire, hut read no crim son pictures there. This was the man the world bad called "complacent John Howard." Eight years before, when he married, people expected a change in his habits, but they were disappointed. He had merely added another part to his ma chinery. He had carefully chosen the kind of woman who would helplessly be come a part of a machine. When children came they, too, were compelled to become parts of the order ly, silent machine controlled by John Howard. Meek little mites they were. -No one suspected that they were chil dren. There were three of them: Mary, a girl of seven; Anna, a girl of five, and John, a boy of four. By direction of John Howard, good, plaiu names were given to them, names that would wear. Meek Mrs. Howard would have chosen differ ently, but she was not consulted. When the children came, John How ard laid down the rules for their con duct snd keeping: and never aft-nrcM bothered himself about them. If he sar. them once a d.ty it w as by accident. One of bis rules, conditions, wns that he was never to hear them, save when he wish ed. Aa a result John Howard was ,i father withont children ami the chil dren had a living father, but were fath erless. All this would have continued but for one, inevitable little incident in life called death" for death, after ail. is a pa-i of life, and dying very often the uniu part of living. The entrance of Mm. Howard into the life of ber husband had made no perceptible change in it. II death had thrown every part of it out of gear. There wen- three waifs in hi--bouse who came at his bidding and look ed at llm in a frightened sort of way. How was he to win the love of hi children 7" How John Howard longed to enter that play room! But he never dared. He was afraid bis entrance would drive them forth, and he realized that this room was their own little world. Sometimes, in agony, he listened at the door, and learn ed how different they were from other children. How he longed for them to ask him for something! What Joy he would lake In granting them any wish! But they had been brought up to ask for nothing, to expect nothing, save on one day in the rear. That day wag Christmas. On that day they could expect wonder ful new presents, they knew, from a mys terious person called Santa Clans. The late Mrs. Howard had cultivated this one dear delusion In them, snd so perfectly that they never dreamed that either she r their father had anything to do with the annual midnight visit of the good little fat man. Of blm they talked months before he came and months after e left And with the presents he left they played from one Christmas ijntll the next, patiently waiting for the new wies and carefully guarding the old. Discouraged at. his failure to win even Ae confidence of his children, John How ird hired thit hopeless snUtltnte for a mother, a nurse, to take care of them. With business acumen and lack of or- Jinary common sense he secured s grim New England school teacher for this deli rate position; and in less tuan a week he succeeded, by perseverance and in Instry, in casting more of a shadow over he lives of the three wslfs than ever John Howard had. But the waifs had Keen taught not to complain, snd John Howard knew nothing about It One lingering hope remained In his sreast. Could he make the coming Christmas so happy for his chlldrenMbat could win their love? He resolved that he would take charge of the holiday himself, and the preparations be wade for It were extravagant. The presents purchased for all the preceding Christ siss celebrations st his house were as lothlng compared tn the array that stood sefore him on the floor, on tables and on rhsirs, this Christmas eve when be set so Token In heart before bis grste fire. 8 etli lag had happened. A mistake sad ksaa a ads. The New Baglaad school V -., teacher, io the interest of white winged fnuh, had tnid hi cliihlren there waa no Santa Clou. Thin he I. ad learned while listening at th door of their playroom that afternoon. And he. who bad io care fully rehearsed the part of Santa Clans for the performance that night, felt that it would be a hollow mockery, now that they knew, as we all do some day, too much. With a promptness and decision that lijtd rhnraetrrtzed him alwara in bu!i-nct-M. John Howard peremptorily dismiss ed the New Kttgland school teacher, jsiv- ins her a month's salary and no expla eome to I nation for his wtranire conduct. The chil dren elioiiM hare the hollow mockery of Christmas at any rate. But the essence f it h!k gone. He had heard his chil- drt-n l-e!nre, between soba, that they woiiid never luni up their stockings Hj.-airt, and after ait iris the 'stocking and not the tree that is the essence of Christ inas sail the mystery of mysteries there ef is the wonderful fnct that Santa Onus can spend so much time and take ninth pains in filling the stockings. r.iit John Howard wns hiimfin. He himself had looked forward to tln Christ inas with greater expectations than had toy ef his children. He rose from bed and put on bis Iresa itig gown and slipper. Then, with a little night lamp in hia hand turned very low, he went stealthily into the bedroom where his children siept. Their clothes were laid neatly on three chairs, and from each chair he took a stocking snd pinned it where the sleeping children had l.een accustomed to pin them in previous yea rs. After this he made frequent trips to the library and brought up load after load of toys, candies and trinkets. Aod then he began to fill the stockings. It was kIow work. He had seen his wife do it once. He had watched her then in s mechanical sort of way. It was on the preceding Christmas eve. She was ill ind netTou and afraid to go about the house alone. In a grumbling, protesting way he had accompanied her. i slUnHautms, Wnid Santa Clans "To judge by all How glad he wss now that he bad! He j dropped s moderately heavy object Into lh. to. .eh .t.Lin. lo l.M It . ben an orange t uiake it capacious, After this he slipped In a present for the sake of a surprise, snd on top of the pres ent he put a layer of candy. He won dered thst the "tick tick tick" of Hit candUs as they dropped did not awaken the sleeping children. He was slow st the work. It wss early down when he finished. He blew out the little night lamp ft rid sank Into a chair, burying his face In his bands, snd his hesrt in memories. Suddenly he looked np snd ssw his three children standing about him In the arc of a circle. "It's paps," cried his eldest girl, rush ing Into his arms. "Pnpa is Santa Clans. It is papa who has been so good to as and we hafen t loved blm. "It's pspa," echoed tbs younger daugh ter. "Papa P anty Close," said the boy. And they, too, sidled up to hlra and clung to blm, their little eyes beaming with love. And then John Howard knew that l.ia stocking had been filled, also with the love of his children. Criterion. The New Year. Ust, the Kew year bells are rlagtag To sad fro. - Mesas gas of rom fort tirlaglag Clesr snd low. Over ariesd ssd plain sad vaner, Where Ike forest glasu rally. Up throegb psrk sad street sad alloy rstsss mow. Ust, the New Tear bolls sat i o--v , l li r II II V "1 Mt 4 rar aaa CHANGING Like some prayer triumphant falling On the ear, Lo, the past Is past forerer. In this hour Its bonds w sever, And lu clouds shall darken Dever Our New Year. List, the N'w Yeaf htlls ar swarisg .. nigh and low. Pulsing, pleading, praising, praying. As they go. Now may every sin lie shriven. And our hearts from sorrow riven. All forgiving and forgivea Here below. Minneapolis Housekeeper. Making Preparations. "I want to get s turkey, and a bottle of paregoric, and some mince meat, und some pepsin pills, and some cranberries, and some furniture polish, and a quart of oysters, and a package of court platter, and some sweet potatoes, and a fire In surance policy." Here the market man smiled merrily and Inquired: "Going to eat all thatr "No," responded the customer, "but the family Christmas dinner occurs at my house this year." Baltimore Amricju. The Annual Greeting. "A Happy New Year to you!" Tb!a ! the greeting which Is heard on every aide as we cross the threshold of the new year. It has become a custom to repeat it. In many cases It has little meaning, aod Is nothing more than an empty compliment or an idle wish. How much do you mesa SANTA CLAUS' BIGtlOB. ou Christmas eve, in jolly, good, fat glee, these stockings here, they've turned the hose by It? It Is very ess; to repeat the formula. It Is a very simple matter to V... . V v.... L . I . uu . ii I. inn ruuw ii iu sn envelope. But when you send this greeting, or speak It. do you regarj t ss a pledge or promise that you will do nothing to make the recipient of It un happy, and that you will do all In your power to relieve his tniletles snd bring gladness to his besrt? Baptist Union. Trim ml nc the Tree. A Heal aalau Old Seats la so ahasttaai arias the cheer be brlan ears assay llsat IHE SCORE. lis f on me." Christmas rYsstinir i Ourm the middl. ... .t, ,llC ""ddle BgeS the whole funstmas season wa mas aenaon iAn .... ( e. nm, j.,nity. in wbl(.,1 MIm ld ,Irik. j g had a prominent pnrt. The Saxon instinct of our English ancestors led them to make of every holiday an occasion for feasting. Plenty to eat and to drink was their idea of a festival, no matter how sncred might Ne Its associations. On Christmas they not only lined their stom schs with good capon, as did rlhskspesre's justice, but stuffed themselves with sll sorts of rich, nourishing food and strong ly compounded puddings and pics. Origin of Mince lie, English plum pudding nd mince pls both owe their origin, or sre supposed to, to sn occurrence Attendant upon the birth of Christ. The highly seasoned ingredi ents refer to the offering of spices, frankincense snd myrrh by the wise men of the East to the Christ Child. New York World. Oivlng lllm a Chance,. "Harriet, you ought to give me my choice of s Christmas present once In swhlle." "Well, Herry, I'm willing; do yon want a lamp shade, s sofa pillow or new laos curtains?" (battered Her Ideals. Miss Asklt Why la Miss Wander so psesimistic about Christmas? Mlaa Telllt-Bbe bung op a $12 pair of silk hose aa ysar, and soma one stole them. Whst yoa weald not wish doao to a.