V I J OURN AL. M1ARRISON 1 VOL. XIV. HAHRISOH, ISTEZBIRAJSIKIA-, THUBSDAY, DECEMBBR 25. 1902. IS O. 26 Press 4 . V s ft. r HARRISON Lmii Larson returned hotue,,Tuesday. ltr.'Sarb Jordan returned home ;last Sunday. , : Just received, a lot of Christmas goods at Griach'a. JimJCook wan m from Agile, the fir t "of tb weak. Oscar Story was in from trie north part of the county, Monday. Mm. Oar;War1 aodibildren visited at Audrewe Urt k. We wish all aur readers a merry Xroas, and a happy New;Yer. John Eber.echer becomes a reader of the PHtcus-JuCKSAL with tins issue. Suaaay school, at 10 o'clock; every body invited. W. H. Davis; Supt. J Joe Hoffaian was in town' rimnday and made a pleasant call at ourlotj The county commissioners will m aa per adjournment oa J.M. 29-103 -v You are invited to examine the Gee "With, Waaher; Something " at J. H, Barlells. E. A. Higelow, who has ben visiting iaTewuaml ArUi;n.n, riturned home hut Friday. If ynuant a Chr.tm is R lit. G.rrlaeh has a large assortment of cheap clothing from the east. J. V. rVfd's windmill Win do n dur ing the storm. EJ Lyon went out to reel it again, Moday. , W ere io a sad plight this week for iws, for it is nothing but snow and tho question, 4id you vrr see lite like? AIT book iiccounfe must he settled by sb er nol, by January Iv0:t - J. 11. IWtell. for Irs Inline at jinHiri. N IT. , where lie will (.pend t'hristniiis w 1U1 Ins p areiits. There will t Mass at Montrose, IlC. Js, uml at Uarrnxiu I'-. 29, Fathnr RlxH:k, 411 merchandise to go at a cut price nil I the first of the year, J.;il. Bartell. This week is vacation week for the Harrison whool. the scholars and teachers will no doubt have an enjoyable time. Nicholas Schaefer came in on the west bound train Monday. He brought his nister Maggie with bim to sjn-iid the holidays. A larte crowd of sp.'clatnrs jjniiered tthedeiM.ttowuU.il the rolarv flow I wnrk it's wav throiiL'h the snow dm ts, ! lut Soaday. Well children do you think Santa Clans will rettwraler you this Christina certainly will if you have beu kind uml good durieg the past year. Alexander Johnson wishes to soy that no offense was intended in his school report of district No. 2, which appeared in ibis paper some time ago, John Berres returned home last lion. day, Mr. Serres went east some two- weeks ago and has been enjoying Ilim tielf visiting friends and relatives. If vnu didn't tret a ring er some other to nice present for vour fst girl at J. H. J faauly domicile where longing and lov Wiltiern tdorfeis you will alw ays be , ne WHrtK wil her coming. U i lu ist eorry for he warrants all Ins goisls. I mas what aa KwnLef in..: of love and . i lonillim for fi l!o i-hip III i dot. bring; The annus I stipjr given by the ood nien of the World will be given on Jan. 13 I'.Mlll. The nppr will be exclusively j for Me members, and their families. Arrcld 1 ep.ra k and Bud Johnon were in f vm eat. Urtt.-reek Mondny un-'l loadeil their bur-en with groceries etc.; reminds us of eastern slyla of years gone by. Ed Ih.llingswnrth came in ten Sun l. iv evening t'ltd Monday ho tKik his fvnily out to the ranch on Indian creek whert they will stay until after the ,olnla . ' John Hr o vnsnd Mmi Wirnio were the gue.tsofMr. mid Mrs. M. J. OVoi.tull W, h.st week. Mild a the r.-atls I'M so bid tl.V will li.ve t.irHinain li.delinili ly but Mr. M. J nnd wile know how to make it .i,aiii, so the time will soon p.i:....y aawulias tlu nu. 10 I MASQUERADE BALL. There will be a Masquerade Ball at Andrew's Hall on New Year'a eve. Come Everybody. On .lookers 25 cents extra. B. C. DCNN. S Sain Knori is- the proud father, of a son. We wondered why Sam held his head so high when he was in town the other day but this accounts for it all. Never mind Sain. t. Newman, our coal dealer, is delivering coal in a baggy; the next thing be will be putting it in paste-board boxes for deliver. Who ever thought the black diamonds would lie so precious? If you want a ring for your best girl, or anything eltw in the jewelry line, call on J. II. Wilherinsdorfer. All goods? warranted. County Mp. The PitEttt-JocRKAf. has printed a lim ited number of maps on Manilla card board winch can lie secured fur Hie e..i,;h They will also be given us a premium to lew subscribers. ."T. Mi Int y re, St". Paul, Minn., who InC-"!) trouuled Willi .adnordere I st or.i a:hf4Vs, "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver'ablets d' m more good than any thing havo ever taked. For sale by ail Drug's. Clubbing Offer 3 Whi yo are thinking of subscribing fr yojr ivrlv rrfilifi iu.it.t4r revi em her tk4'- the fjHEH-JotluNAk will tako ,ubsi;rfli tons t: any piper oil earth mid ;va M-'.aa and timi for you. ','. V.E .T V. R.R.. All HeMy f!at?s. To pointy wilhi-.i SO'J mf'.e. One fare for Itomid Trip; ' Dales of sfijo Ueo. 2 4th 35th and Sl-t 190-e,-' and Jan. 1st. 190J. Iletuio limit Jan. 2nd K. F. Pontius; Agt. lJt'hn t 'oiree tind Arthur Miller am in f-sj.ewr.". uHe'v HV fayrnw j' say thero.uUare in.pi-sihU h,r twiaiH. John is going to the parental roof for his Xmas, and that is light John, for if there is uny place you urejwelcorn it is at home. Edwin Guthrie returned home from Kearney, Nehr., last Monday to sjM-nd vacation at home. Edwin says he had quite a time getting through, and from the Rreetmg of his old school mat.s here we are inclined to think that.it was a gratitic.Uion to Edwin to at least reach his destination though a day or two be hind w liedule time. L. GerUcu was t he huppy receipient of u line chart, showing the emblems of the workings of Five Masonry, which Hi quite ititer-stiog to every one that . , I 0'u - ... L-.M.rj un.l " ""h' - - wonder LMf appreciates u muwi, ue Iwiig a M. M Lei savs he wouldn't take twenty-live dollars for it, and we wouldn't either if we had it. Estr&v Natlce. St raved from John Han-on's ranch. one red brockb' fiicei cow, Orai'.deU on lft side, and threw yr. old. Slr.Lid Home time in August. $" reward will I ms paid for her where a-boiils. James Thornton, Harrison, Nehr. -J Mis Annie M'llr who has l-een attend inp llie i 'hadroti Acadeniy. chiiio in on the west- bound Irici Mosilav. Muster Arthur met tier here and will pilot the ilirniiL'h the luu;e sno drifts to the futit.r, mother, hi o' her, s sier imil frnu.tis , t, 0.g euotigh to timi nnd lb. ink fr ti.j wonderful daj.llie bnlh of Christ. There lira a.j'reit many ollif s that re going to Is-coine mo ant linless the partus elected tile their ex'lise state ments before the commissioner meet. The county cbok has tent out such (.tatemenl in blank form, mid it is the duly tit evcrv one that is elected to ullu e to lilu this sworn Ktatvnient wuli cletK IwloHi the clerk can Issue a the ier t.illcala of election or even nnd out a bund. If vou rail to get the ofllce you wera elected for don't blame any otic but ,om.elf, Icr this is the law, and your ,. ,t spending anything for I ho el.vtmn ta any i II ce dots not exempt ou Don w,-aring this ataleimiii lloie some one having authority to administrate an o.ith. HAPPENINGS The Editor of this moral educator and his better half left Monday night for Aurora, this state, where they will spend C hristmas with Lew Pfot and family. The paja-r this week is turned over to the printer and office devil, so if you lind anything unusual in its columns this week charge it up to us. Christmas is one day in the year that everyone should feel happy, and we know of no better way to lie lia.ipy than to make others happy by giving some little token, of remembrance. It is more blessed to give than to receive; so let every one give, lt the present be ever so small it Will remind sums on lptt they are not forgotten and you willj.be llij happier. ' , V , CHAMBERLAIN'S STOMACH Aa LIVESl TABLETS, Try them " , - When you feel dull afteratinp i ; When you have ho appetite. V j When you have a bad tasfe iri l'i mouth When your hvi-r is torpid Wheo your bowela ara cont.tif4 d. vvnen you nave a iieaa.icue. A When you feel bilioas. They will improve your ppetit,rclenie and invigarate your stomach a regu laie Jour hver and bonels. all Druggists. i'crjsaie by The worst snow .'.'hckvj jt cA bad for a mini iter of yirs Mtr'tick'Qftj-ott Kri- t day nioiniog a-idynuaul untlSaur- day nilit. Tif-'. hiIow ph'v Joart.iMl from' hadroo in.iturdav nio.-uiiixliud got Saturday nio.'uin.pu(l g us far as the b)y cut east, of tsvi and th'-re it stayt'id'utitd (lie rotary iAme to li-.iiie to cim inued "o hces, its relief on Sfnidy, and thn ( to clear lh trtCK ivS far and night coi-.iiii; on liiey drop; 3 to Harrison uut.il Monday moron, I bick ; when it started on it 'rip of dining tlif trick farther west. We did not jliv any m, ul from tie eiu.t from Friday ioon un til Monday, hut as th trai-l.-'fis now clr ve w ill oin-B iiior comrf 'i touch with the oubr world. The v -itsr was warm during tlin st.orm. that I" "fcidvr ing ihi time of veur, and if ,Jy stock iiianus:ed to kii Iroin uodttr '.f-rf -drift thoy will pull through alt W Vim Vw Add hi IJaYtS. I . Mr. and Mrs. A P. Rosei s1,'i , r,r a'Tom rait. t.y (.''?. A. Irom Heuiint;lord left last, Tbiirxdav to attend the funeral of Miss 11 t'.tie Ring lust Friday. Rnv. (J.tmess ooducting the fu neral i-ervicfs. The Tiiorn exten Is sym pathies to the Iwreaved family. Annie Jelfers the teacher at this'plaoe left Friday evening for her honir in t had ron where she will spenil Xmjs vacation. The voting folks at the section Iiouko (petit a ptfasant eve. at the home of Hilda Rosenborg last Thursday evening. They report having an enjoyable time. Quite a Ktrong blizzard visited this vicinity last Friday and Haturday. There was to have been a dance in Adeha last Friday but owing tu the snow storm t hey t put ito!T. Thk Thohn. THE KNEELING DEER. A traveler through Canadian woods Was hurrying benighted: 'Twits nearly midnight; and the moon His lonely pathway lighted; When suddenly a shadow passed Alonjj the footpath gliding: He paused, and 'neith a low-hung bough Beheld an Iud an hiding. "Hush!" and he held his finger up. While through the umbrage stealing " 'Ti-. Christmas E-!M watch tonight To fee the wild deer kneeling, ' Tne air was still, et overhead The ptovs Wfrr sottlv Mi.ginj.", While glowed the moxn upon Ihe snow Their silent shadows flinging, Ah! we mav say t hn legend old Was but an itlle nation : A Coi nit.li eaantV fancy eild Transplanted o't-r Hie ocean. yt ()H (),.,.( bright ( hrist mas eve, Around the lonely manger, 'Die soft evetl brutes with angels gazed Upon the heavenly si ranger, And he who cans' to show nanlioi 1 Tie true whv nd the narrow, With bis great love and teinlernfrsH Cnual note the falling i-p.irrow. We rantiot, tno'v how fcr arddeep Their my Ht ii; instinct resichelh, Nor what mute sotise of Rn.ht and Iove These poor dumb childiuti teai'ln th. But Iive ihut could r deem and savo, For evil gooil returning, Could hold nil creatures to its heart, The humblest never spin rung. Honor tho voice tful dares to speak, Tin' ru'l j-st unheeding, i'l.r ihosi who cannot sp uk the'imelves A word of friendly pleading. Our Dumb AiiMMaU, A. J. Snell wanted to attend a party, but was afraid to do so on account of pains in his stomach, w hich he feared would grow worse. He savs, "1 was telling niv troubles to a lady friend, who said: ( 'liamlierlain's Colic, t'holera and Dihrrhoea Remedy will put you in con dition for the party.' I bought a bottle and tak pleasure in stating that - -two-doses cured me and enabled me to have a good time at the party." Mr. Snell is a resident of Hummer Hill, N. Y. This remedy is for sale by all Ilruggists. Breozss from Glen. CHRISTMAS TKKE ANI) PROGRAM AT THK (ILtN tHL'K' Mi EVE 1 l'X-. 24 All are invited to attend, ' I'KO'iHAMME. Song "Happy Greeting", By t he ( 'hildn-n Rec. "Welcome", Edward Peterson " "t'hrislmas Greeting" Richard Anderson Invocation Rec "Liltle Snow Stars Ghrihloua Jensen Sleighing Song lly the Childien Rec "t'hildrcns' Servic Clara Mortenson Rec. . R e. ' Rec. ' Rec. . R-c. .."IheNew J5orn Babe irtha Peterson M 'Riibv's Plavthitifs" Edna Peterson 'Tlie Christmas Tree", Roy Weber "Sing a Hung of Christmas' Lauiuiice Petcrstill "In the ArmrCof Niy lit' t )l.ira Mori enson Rec. "A Little Army", Richard Andersoi. Soi) 'iAiiiv Hots and Girls' liv' ClillUivn Wand Drill, By Roy Wrher, 'lara Mr ei,s:m, Ri' li,i;.l And' isoii, M.n lh.i Pt-I.e' I son, and ' 'liristtriia Jensen. j Song "Bogie Man" j Solo "( -hrist mas Lulaby Lilian E. H.i rtis ' D'lilofUO - Sonus ' lieanlilul I' lag , ".Varclung i "I hro' Georgia, By i.'.lnldroi, Violin Music Carl P.ncljr- Duet,. .May Wtdwr and Elizabetn Harris Rf citation Maggie Wright " Iiona Fry " Rena L.il;ins fM..,g .May Weber, L'.lian Harris, and Elizabeth R.-citation... E-Tima Wright . Lilian Fry " Rossis Wright ' "How fie dop It" Emma Wright "JJf:iri-r my God to Then", song in deaf and dumb language Elizabeth Harris Recitation Dora Wright Zora Puddy " Alda Putltly Song DNtribuliou of presents, and a treat for a'l. The above is not II of the program. j but enough is given to show that we will have a good time on this Christinas eve. Andrew'iHappeningSi Ther was no programme given Dec. 19th. owing to the weather. It being ih'pos-iihle for any one to attend. Wo will give the same programme the even ing of Dec. 29th. We still hope the peo ple will make preparations to come for a good time is awaiting them. Come one, come all i 'ome treat and small Ami attend Andrew's "creliall" You'll be hospitably treated And ho one cheated And find it cannot Iw lieated. The programme will lie line So don't f.iil to l on time To hear our merry voices chime, Mrs, Paul Zerb-t from War li. nni t arrive i at our hnrg Thursday evening, Deo. lHthand was met by her old friend Lilian Harris who took br to her hoard ing place, Mrs. S. K. Jiin'es, where she was hie-pitahly entertained un'il Satur day. She came to take in Andrw's mo-ramme. She left for ' home. i i i Mi--s Hjrris acennmnnin-' j Our school just, closed four months I work and wis well app'oveJ by Supt. j Burke, now we have two weeks vacation ' hoping scholars will have recreation 10 I start in to beat the nation. ) Lilian Harris went, to War Bonnet, to viit. with Mrs. Paul Zerbst. She will stay to help in the hnstmas programme there. H ins Jensen waH in Andrees last Thursday. Mrs, O, Ward and her three childreu came to Andrews last Thursday evening to attend the programme tho evening following.' They visited Mia. christen sen wbilo here. Mr, George Haldwin was also a visitor at Mrs. Jones lust week. lie caino to visit, and enjoy t ne programme but " I disap pointed us u pnow storm prevented I the v ople (ri,m ucticj; or atli nding QUEHTIOX. Well Uncle Josh, where are going to? you ANSWER. I am going to J. H. Wilhermsdorfers :) get my girl a (Christmas ring. He warrants all his goods. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue, of an order of salo Issued by the clerk of lint liistrict Court or Sioux conutv, etjiuMka, and to me directed upo w decree ret, dured by sai'l court, in fuvor of Willis It. I'lillea us pi. linl-.T and Hgainst M. K. lirtz.o-r formerly .M, K. (iJimc-y wlioao trim cl-.rixtiaii r.iinie is unknown. M. M. I'.etiii-r her husband wIionh true christiun Haute Ik unknown, Nela-asKU Morfagi, In -vesl uient coiupauy, (,'haries II. Collins )t ceirer ef .briisii.i investment company; I hat I will on the I'.MIi d.iy of January A.I). l'jc:t at one o'clock in the, after noon of said (lay, at the e.;pt front door of theijt.'ourt House ol saitl comity in the, village of llarri--,o in t,iiil ciunty, stdl ai public unction to itae luhc.-t bidder for oiinh in hand, the tollowing descrilKd real-estate in said Moux county, Nebraska, to-wit: The east half (), ) of tne xout tin-cat quarter ( ) and tho eouth let, (X) of lo Miuth-unsl tpiarli.-r (It) of .ect itm twenty two in 'loviiMhii thirty two i'.tij not th of Uauge lifly.fonr (54) we.t oi t he sii in pi inclpal Meridian ; Tu satisfy -aid order ol sale la the sum of sixty seveu d ,,itir.-, and twnnty seven cents i'i7.-;7) and cts Mitd ucii uin costs. j- ir .t jiii liiicat ion, lecember lsUi!l!K4 Al.KX LoWKT, .Sherill'.otuid county. War Bonnet Topics. "Snow" is 'he 'rder of the day owing to the snow there "!s not much news to lu had. a rs. Knori presented Sam with a bouncieg boy for a Christinas present. It is rather early but such a present, is welcome early or late 1 guess. tMrs. Paul Zorbst went to Andrews to attend Miss Harris's entertainment last Thursday returning SunJay. Miss Harris accompanied her home to spend the hoi i - lays with friends and her old pupils. BobKocI went up thec.ioton to investi i:nlc the road and when he reached the ilivida he turned and came back and reported the roads to be a (right. J I want to inform the public that Boh Jordan has the grittiest hub woman in Sioux County, She started from the Erdman ranch t 0 o'clock on Sunday morning alter that bbzzard, not think ing the road so very bad, started for Harrison: sh met, with many frightful advent ores sometimes her horse would s.nk Out of flight in a snow drift, and hardly lie able to get out and she wonld have to get olf aad walk, but at last she reached Mr. Scot's' who live on the Bieh i place, at 4 o'clock; Sue was so near g.v out. and her pony was too, she re mained there all night an I went on nsxt morning. We haven't heard at this writ ing how she got through the remainder f her journey but hope she got there all s.rte. I say ''three cheers for Ore-sa. Our school is progressing nicely under i hu management, of Miss Lilhe iJarman, Toero.are 2.1 scholars enrolled but owing to had wvaiher not so very many have been in attendance for a wetk past. Will and Jor G-iminT;ired the blizzard home from school Friday a distance of tfj miles. They arrived all safe but pretty cold. j Tom Plunkott had the pleasure of tak-i-g M.ss Harris to town Tursdar. It 'H bickv for Tomniv that Hob Coffman is fa r a away ll Mr. tirimm 01 tun a rancn was out, i Mr. Grimm of the .fi looking after J l n Arx'ersois cattle Sunday ; he found 23 head snowed tinder hut. oot hurl. He soon succeeded in get ting them out. Jt lui Ardcrn ii has Frank Scott and the rest cs his mules working at the S-E this week. 1 guc-.s I won't tire your readers the Hist thing so wishing you all a merry " 'In istmas" ami a- happy "New Tear" 1 will chiiim again. Vmchjy. W. R. SMITH Buys, Hides, Tallow, Pelts, and Furs, and will pay highest market price. Leave at Marsteller Bros, or at my residence east of school-house. Professional Carck J. E. PHINNEY, M. I) Phyiscinn and Sarfeaa. All calls giron prompt atioiitle Orlice in Drug Store. -HABHISON - NERRASIA. H. J. 0 Tonaell, - - C'a. Att raoy, Will Practice in All Coartn. Special Atfentioa Givea to Land 0! flea Business. Foiled !ou and all basiaru euuusi.. ed tome will recel to prompt aUeuo. Harrison - Nkbhaiia. GRANT GUTHRIE. Altorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to !l iegfu matters iu Justice, County and l.v irict Courts, and before the United Sis; Land Office. Fire Insurance written in tmsf companies. Eflf "Legal papers orefully drs-vn. IIakriso. - VOfftAA. I North-Westei n LINE F. E, M. V. It. R. i, tna tt-V to and from the BLACK HILLS, DEAD WOOD AMD HOT SP!',,', SOUTH DAKOTA. F. E. & M. V. R. R, Time Table. New Schedule of Trait:?,. Taking effect Sunday Nor. 23. West Bound. East li"i, Morning. Evening. . No. 59, Frt..,. 9:0.1 No. 0, Psgr. 10:55 No, 60, 1'rt. ...S "- - " No. 4. Pg ti i v o:a.), d parts v ; Boih trains carry, passengers. v E. ROHWEk, DEALER in; Harness, Saddles, Lumber, Grain, Doors, Sash & WIRE. tbe TO I ;! Lteiita. Faster and Wntbltl " Iflneteenth infantry wbfle i ' the Ulaad of Bohol aome ffh tillered a botiso whtirfl th ..' 1 rebele were aldintj and ae i.,-, u got Inside the floor, havto -1 Into a trap by the Itibuiv ' way and tbe officers wmre Into an opening that bvi,w..- harpened bamboo ntakoa. entered the thigh of Lioi-t. " -and waa broken off In W:i roncue hlraaelf. In tfce t operation a plnco of bru.nh' O Inchefl long wan takn froci it Lieut Feoter's trousers i one of tha larger stake r e with & pRlnful wound In :Vi' 1 nativa rulde who areata twi.;i picTcrrt throtiftli find tlrrnif.t. , rtsrpened ft'kv', was Aa-1 r'- could be rescued. i 1 v. is t r.: WT-..OL i -s 7; . II 4 C" n ' 7 Ml 0"' 4: