Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 18, 1902, Image 1

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!1'C33:B.EI 18, 1902. N O. 25
Just received, it lot of i'lnistinas K" ''
ftt Uei'Uich'M.
Henry Thomas was a Harrison visitor
JiLst Tuesday,
V'J. H. Bartell lost a valustl
lust hutiday nie.ht.
David Rose was in from
the lirst of Uii; week.
Henry Rose, from near Hewitt, was in
Harrison last Saturday.
Mont Burke is unending school in (own
now, starting iu Monday.
Mr. and Sirs, Jake Henry were Harri
son visitors' iast Monday,
'Roliert Phillips u-.a le final proof on his
homestead, iast Satuiilay.
Dr. Wro. K. Miller o Alliance was a
Harrison visitor lust Tuesday.
Sunday school at 10 o' I.
body invited. V. II. iJvis
l; ever
Just receiwd; A new consiynuient of
fiiou mid boys clot lung at (iKKI.Ai. I IS.
Jt is reported that tin-re is ah nit 1-V
inches ot snow down near Ar.hoore S. i).
You are invih il to esanone Ihe li. e
Whizz Washer; buim-Unu nt-w at J. 11.
M. C. Founds
vaine in on the east
svl.iv' evening, ;in.J went.
hound Hani, 'i'le
to Win valley ,
If y ou want a 1 'ih'j.i mas sun, Uerlach
liit.su largtt assortment l cii. ap cloHm.,;
from the e is: .
Mr. t'. It. (irerteli cam.' from sli.-p
cretk Ttie4tay , and v,.ht to v .n.u.'i on on
hilsuif s.t on lltu evetmii: tram.
All curre-poud-tios hiii p
:et y our item- to next, v. e
lis we will s'j to I'liMi.ii
t-a- try
IV la..-
i li l a
Ail hook iHOMiiih must t-e j. s l-.i ,fc.
CMsiitiriu.tt, hy dauu,ry i!., ItWii .
"J. )i. i. a. tel.
1 1 K t Jordan, w ljo shipped home hor.s, s
to Michigan alioiH a iimuili v, i.-tinii. u
Jio ue on the .Aosi. tioitn t li.on, .iLioilay ,
All merohandoj to ti
until Ue; lies 1. ul ...e yar
i t ut prun
J. il. Ktrteil.
John VV'ilhums, wim has h. i.-ii working
for 1'. O. Williams lor tue , 1st inoioo,
te Kurt suiylil ai, toe .a..uoo.na..i Jlolvl.
The annual supper v-.i ij tu.t Womi
lllt llolloe Wol'id W 01 ll j,lv,..l O.I J UI
FJ IJikJ, ilies.ipp..r ftiii lii .v.'nis, ve;y
lot' Us meiiihei's, and lii-jtir l.iinu.rs.
Toe slate apportionment, is Very rma.l
for ome reason which we are Hot a'lie lo
t.Xplali ijdio ! .Sal', that SionX t O
fcet j lO lie OlViUetl !llell Tf-hl cl.iatieii
i There never was sii.-n a (.umaml for
Ctitkl, iu ltaliisoli, lis there Is hois, al d
the man that put III ins time last htil
ru-tllihs p't h w,.utl, t an loa.sl Inn shins
mi l be Inippy.
l; ih. rt I l.irrisoii w. ul to 1 'raw lord last
If you w.'inl a ring for your; .-Mli,iy VI,, N, . r ,..i,,. lt
best girl, or anything -ls in nv m tin? .as,, wnh the v,. & m. r h.
the jL-wt'iry lint', callonJ. I J, j ' n. y. Kos...ii,,,.
Willn'rinSttoriY'r. All goods! VV,t .stl.e matl..r with the (i,'-e.
Cautily Mays.
The FtiK'ss-Jta It N At. lias priuti-d a lim
ited nuiiilier td m.iiis on .damua (aid
Uiard w hich cm lie . nr. i io' Id ; .
'II ity will also I gneii ,,s ,1 pi eiiotiiii lo
nub-ci 1 bet's.
TheleWI I li U ,'la -ipn. I'.eie I'.lll III
Andrew's Hull on ,'vw V-ar's ve.
I inue Fvery Ualy . Onhiouris tents
ej.uu. . '. 1 t N.v.
11. T M.lm.M'e, M l'..u!. Minn, tCii
hia lurll 1 1, in III.' I a .III j ii.sotMe.le'! st . o,
lo II, K , ', "I 11 II. 11 el l ull's Slomaell .,o
1,1 ,vl I a tile l U.i lie lUoli! j.001'1 1 1, an any
tiling . liini, i l.o.eu. I al' sale hy all
I 1 ncis
liee last Fiiuay iolil.
ut w-eiii. il to hive nnn !
Lvtryoin? presi
I utie, .Hid R. raii;
u to si t.eai Iv cw lyoile '
Hull ol spellt-'l th-vt a l.l ew how losl v
till- wold, cat i " jut' tiltll, .st'
ClubhH'lt Ot.nsi
l . it ' e I li.nl. . I.U I'l
i, . ,i I y ii :d iv in.i'
. liih
I a y.-ul
li ini'
ni.H r.hit'j
r, t . e n
"ill t.,to
In,- 'in.'- - d" I
Hot, r p'a.'ni lo -t" o . , r on e.o !,i alio
Mm p ( v ''(' l'"'i lo y.i.
, V Tin? oldest sirl of :.lr. an-1 Mrs. August
lime- "f story, diet la-d Sunliy inuhi.
.J--"Ve. d-Uf JHlt-h'arl! -j-aKt- W litis- - HI d
'? l-.-re
the hoity wii
it In i?d.
N'ALix'ends syinpat Tiles to the lie
ren v. d parents.
f Our winter. since .1 has put in it's ap-
oearsmce. si tins to t,e nl tl.e iretiiiiiie i
article, and Iris the staviiic dualities ol
sn.f' ears -.iie hv , nl ! hoii;li wear.-ex-
peelinu a t,"ut le zi-ph
upon us from I he U c
r to s vv oop do w n
ii.-s tin st an ilav.
Tin? .Mo.i-ni
followin.' clli ...
W.I! i'avis V.
Woodmen td.'i'ted the
s for the eiKinne; vear;
('., I . :..-s- Lon V. A ,
.iolin h'lnl.-y IC. , I )m Mi'
J. 1J. Willi. rnedoi lert
no Wati liman, L. t). i i.o
liartell Manager.
Ward Kvort,
rk, (Irani 'iulh
ii S.-ntrv, J. 1).
F. E & M V, R. R..
- Molidav il.t'l.
To p'liut h w ii inn :JII ) mi , w,
(or Ri'.iiial Trip. I a'es of s;.e
One far
st. I'-I'io.
V and I'-IH', and .Ian. 1
li. tui-11 hunt J in. '' id I'.l'li.
I', i". Foiilm
There will he a ( hre-tinas tree, and an
tr eel onniMiit ,ri veil under t n e. a u-pices
of the Snnila v School i.f ilos p!;i' e ,'ll''!st
mas ev. i he pivi?r- m will Ik? shot t
aid will h" ri'llde-i d l' t ii" little f..is
..I' the Sunday School. Kvery hody in
vited to aMenil, anil all :r .-lcniin' to
in Uii,- presents and put them on the t r-e
for ':.,(U.
1 her", are a in, no r vs I.io sui.si t illed to
the fund to r. pair tie' .1, li c!i wlio have
its ef not paid, 1 li.-fe ii ie a Is.i s. ine uii-"tt;t-.
tails joi I the hoard is ;'ii!m nnx-iimst-i
Pa-.e them settled hy tla- lirst of
i ho i.esv y tar. lo.d will he ftr-atly oh-h-'ed
;f ii d hi,(j..-nt stil si riptions t an
I n paid h' trie (lint time. . They limy I
pi. id to W". M. Iavis at li,..- hank.
lion, J.I;.
ai's ri'a-h
One (,.. I ,-.., hit- (;( t'ifSMM
on left -iref i(.r . ;, .. ,)
sain - talc- to Aan.s. 'a re.?
i. id
h.- paid h.r her ? Iiere-a hoots.
James Tlio.nton,
Harrison, N, hr.
( Try tin an
j When yon f el dull after t-atui;.
; Wle-n yon havn no appetite.
i When you have a had taste in the mouth
When y our I Vi-r Is tor) id.
W hen your h.oels ;n- t onstipatrd.
Win n you have a he idiche.
hen on h-el hdioiis,
They ( improve y our appetit", clean.u
j iiiei m 1,401'ate your sioiii.n-li and ivoii-
Iiite your hv-r and bowels
all i-i hie' ;,u.
Adtilid Items.
Irs. Anna Vtt-rtz tiie lot iner iieent
1 i. tl last Wi-ilnesi'.av to visit he.-
;-.i. e, at IS, -inionl who is n,;eiit at that
pi, 1. e. Mr. Hnrlhnl took her
us; "lit. here.
Inai e as ,
A. V. Rosetihursr. M. I) Jordan, and
I10111, did 11 (h y up las' siin.ii.ei .'
'1 Ho I ItottN
Yt.'tir lilHl Weeks items Were II 1 1 Sil H eti I
Flit TOIl '
We have ofie'i n-i' 'd o'irschea (lie
i m si .on
1 iier r
I llie I i our
pll hie I1II1S,'
i 1 idler-,
nil the
I who
1 1 1 e w
i iish i.s or not
, ct'er stop 'o t llllllt In
the ne.vs
t.iaii i d. in
of a Coil ll I y Reel It IN
lool.ii.o ovr Hoi's iniiit, we lind
anions; ihiiiiv nth" r feellenf. H.fins,
that It is .-on ad.-r. il an net id
l-.oirlest I
to itc un it it. ol news to the editor
oid they print a tl. 'ailed lis! ol whlil.
oi siit.tti-s ii'ws, V.-t (I ere are many
I our I'.euds iu the couii'ry, vtho
li.it'e Visitors COHIH t ri if u the enHt, llllll
ins! I,. s.e Iheni, ithtl tiny take It lor
,.(-.. id (1 th" editor hiis received il tele- j
, I.. -t,.e .....ill nlelil Mini willcli
iIm-iii nbsjit from the tram and when
they look un Ihe laip-r nod lind that
Tl i tens licit 111 tU Wall o n e (lowii
from I'd Ki.'ir. let Kit nutilioii in
made of Wilii.im I hum p't i us who riceiii.
Hrriivd friiiu p.idiiiik, they nre (hit
stnceii nt.J l, link th" j i,) r is no !oihI
any way, II V d k l xv iny Ihilnf lend
'i iiloas; n-Ver mind tbil sfciitie id la r fel
I i mat hn ve in i nk li i ly Kent it. lb
iiictt.l'. r v.e iiim to publish nil Ihe n. ws,
s- me t t,.-i 1 li - I'.'.iis f-cnpii lot, (or
a,lr a I, 'i.ted lor c f -i o"l y ih1 tti oil'
cH (.'
i i mi.-. - li I ) .'ul- it e-.ir.ier
J I IKD - .U he'' home in r.iwfor l, Neb.,
j ui FritUy JVc. S.llMsJ, Laura Mi) Xnrlh-
; iikhi, hjimI 3d years, 8 months, 2(J J.i .
Mrs. Northings m tile if- ol IVttr
, Noi 'In'. ssnnd have ihe biisliaiul i,i,(
six children to mourn Iwr loss. She A'as
ailing tor H iiunih-r ol necks liefnm
d.-atli and sluitilv b-'ore death
1 claimed her she contracted a wvcre ru'
- I '
I a I leu 1 1 1 I eco ver.
Funeral H-rvicnH were h-ld at -tic
onstiejjational church, Monday, con
ducted by Rev. U L. Nhull and the
! r,"'i'in'' " eulerred in the Craw loid
ceioetei y. Hulletin.
Mis. Norlhness as a daughter of Mi s.
Sarah hose and a sister ol Henry R .-e
of this conn I y.
Carey Items.
List Saturday iiihl and Sunday nhi.ini
eiht iiu ij,-, (, ..iiiik foil in til s vicinity .
Si iu.il-.es us r.-.ih.-j In. tt winter is here
NeXt Selk is 1 111 I s t ill Its Week. Ttlllr-
wiil It more li v.-ly o-i co' I on wood av
the Academy y.miij; f.dkn tri expect, d
home on Sat unlay .
I h 'te will I..- a 'hi'ist lias Ireeat ti,-
cliioi Ii on ( 'hrisl mas i.-ve. ili-i to he i
tiewh.i.ir huosl trj.). '.jv-ry h a.ly is in
John Meckeoi h is aliout () ai res ol
corn not pn l.ed. S.i w came to soon
for him.
Timothy .
The Harrison Musical Union met Tues
(lay nijjht at ti e regular hour with tltx it
at ten dance. Tie re was yood allentan:
and in'eivst. tlina.cli ,.nt th" entire ncs
siiai, and it is t-neouiiiceino; m
s.' vera! I here that, have learned the not.--yi
ar:? fie;it for the.-. am tlm oie-s that
i uve in-jural ion to heemm-rs.
There is no . lesMon hut, ivli.il, t-vr
I niejiiiiei- of in,, class c.i.-i Uarn to rer.u
j not-s if Uiey Aaut, t.i; so no -s if you
j ''oti't learn don't Mam-? anvoie ho! 'yo n -
sell 'for you can't idie away ymirti'n.
mid learn loo; The ins vu un nt, has neve;
hei r nanle not never w-jll he made, thai
has t tie melody as has t h . human voj. -the!
ha-i hcen trailed and tail' ivated.
T'.er- .r,? S.I ,!.. jr ), 1 v u.-e-i in ! ini-s'-ii
mil why not etiltivaV tli-m and l.t;
il.t-'ii up t .. ini our r ti r ii i.m.11
j Ihcy slum l.i I.e.. The enruhniei t of li.
! class is now fort , , and every men her
i shoo M ! i-r.-seiit acd not m iss one .-s-ii,.
An invitation is exi-n-l.-,! a iv sh.,t
h sh to join the class,
South Omaha. Nehr; lec. 17, l'.fO.'
Last week 1 r orht ti e uoist ca'l
miiiketfor mi'ity moiiihs, tln pievu.us
wii k's i!,ii , 1 cts. I,.,,,,- taif,,, , 5"
illld to -10 cts.linne with it. Bui fen
feed, t s iirrivms.r. Not iioa-li (a-maiiil lor
ulrit.com" T o tlavs this wet k hrn
fair r.c.eipts here hut heavy in I hicaod,
' ornf. d hecf; fifc'sh.il (.tiers (i.OMo (l.'.'a
j choice 4 25 lo ."1 hi) fair loucod, li.v.yio
I 4 "a; . uiwl li..il'.-r.- . ....i,.u m 1..
' To; ti' d. o.t'll to If ail; dinners i,iM -1 1 f
t.-rs, l.oO 'o 2.-)0: slocke,-s and feeders:
choice steers .'t. o"i to ! 00; lad. IS.OU to
!i .")d; Ini!s2.h0 to :i. r,t); veal calves 4.00
to R hi) Hosts 10 to la ineher t his w.-ek
Il.liue (5 00 to 6.1."l. ! heel, receio lltthl
Fat sheep 5 i ts. hiL'her for Ins I wit-k:
. . .
si roust today.
4 aO
I 00
II 00.-
.1 25- it 75
2 K5- :i."5
1,5b- 2.00
Wrl hers
0 00
4 .
NYK & PtCllANAN I ').
,shi:r:ff"s sal'c.
Hy v i it no ol an order of sale s.in ly
Hi" clerk of the I dstr'cl. (omt 01 -Unix
collntv, Netimskll, lind to tne dlrei'ti d lipov
"decree rel.del-e.l hy d I court, la f;Vul of
W H!is It, Pllile 1 lis plaint If mid nst.dn-t M.
I K. I'.eluuer tormerlv M. K lOaiicy li..se
j true 'eh I 1st! ill iriine p. un u mm n tt. M
I't'tin.-r her liit-teind tvlio-e 1,1 He ein lstiiiii
iiiinie Is iiiknovvii, Vi-iii ih',,1 Mar' afe In
' VesCnelit e(elieil,J , Cie'ide, It. I nidus Iff
eeiver el 'et.i'Lslii Pi el lni-i( t, eonipoiy;
Tll.it I Will on the ItlMi ,,,f ( J 1 11, ,ij- I).
, I :! at one n'.-io.'k In tli" iili'-r 111111:1 of ,d.l
i.a , :.l tile e st Iron!, door ol the Coart
Ho"e Ol Silid etlllilla II' 'he lll ito. of II. .l i t
j (i I ia suld con ity, setl iii pah! ie iii.cl ion to
tin? hltfll -t Ii dder loreish In hand, the
Id IllVt llli .ese ,l,-i -,. (I .,1 ,0, ii, , s,,i v
i eoiial V, Nelir iska, to u lt. : Tin. en-i (,v)
; 01 tile soiillnvest. ipl li ter ( '4 ) mill t)in hi'IIIi
Ollllf ( ! I ill U.r roillli east .Jlliirler I 1 , 1 of
I section twenty two i i-M lii lo iilil thirty
i Ivun'lli' iinrtli ol If.uitte HI iv four (",!) west
nl lie' Hlnta iiliiclinl Merldiim
'll'l Ol'lellll lie i, tl,,. ,,,, ,,f
T.i s.illsfy
t t V -e(,ll
(hllnr ni. (1 twenty ni'vt enls i ,7 t7 and
t sis ii li it ucel ItlliW cost s.
t list pllljlleiitioii, lleetiidii-r IMIl IW;
A t.f.x t.ovtm ,
Mierifl ol sitld coinily.
I.yttnn't rn i-l.on lani-f 1.
The nHBgmii. of tlnj carl of I.vt
ton and Mlw Pitmtda Plowden in an
nounced from Uittdon. ' Tile rati s
th goti of ths itcconl rail of Ly . .
better known ns "Owen Mi m,.,.,
fttid thn granditnn of nuiwer l.yt
the novelist It la raid h lia, ln!i.,
Iteil mtirb of the menlfll raparlty (
hl fullior and Kran.'l.'iiiLcr.
A.J Ki.e II - unlet! tu at '.ml a putv,
lul WHH afraid to do mi mi siecouitl of
iti 1 11 Iiim slum t. h, winch lit? f. ami
would (:mw worse Hi' s:ts, ! was
tllin.; tnv troubles to a lady friend, who
said: ' 1 i:t (11 1 n-.-lit. It" C'ollC, ' liolera and
i uill I'h-a a R ll. .i i i ol
dil ion lor 1 he p-irl y.' ! hoi
oil III roli-
Hl:. i' a ll?ll ; le
lilt! Ihiil two
.1 me to have a
Mr, S-,.)l is a
n. y. n.is
and t ;kc pleasure in sia
doses inreil me and eiethi
yood Uliir at 1 lie p ll-l y."
resident of Suiiinier U i:
remedy is I'm sal.? hv all
B eezes from Glen.
To late for pilhlication last, week.
Mr. t hru Han son, Mr. Wcher. Mr.
Blonihut'c', .111. S Mr. (ill more went to
1 'ra fool on the hand car Saturday al ter
l i on. Khz th.-l.li Harris rode as far as
.Mr. Wright's with them and visited theie
until their let urn.
A t hrstuias tree and 1 lit. rtaiiinient
tit t he (i I 'll chinch, t Ini evening of 1 tec
I'tiii, A II ai e mviti d to attend.
Mr. 1'i.d ly has conl racti d to lill in lie
I a a 11 t he stone; v. ;, Il ;.nd I he tail road
liack, just uhove. Mr, L.'i.C.oii'iher'.s set-ttou
M.ss Fainheth 1 larris t hat, ks I lie school
t.oatd lor eivii;i; h,.- (hi. tnin; tthtcli en
ahleil her to at I end the Teacher's Associa
tion held in ' a'.t a ford. She reports a
pfi'lil.tHe and enj ivahle tune.
1 he sua v slorai iiis kepi s'Vuval from
' t tending st ho. . I the last few days,
A T Tllli (il.KN Hfll II Ev'K .dv,:. 2-t
Al! are iiiviied to attend.
soue-.-H,, ,y lireetnij.'', Hy the ( lniih'en
K"C "Welcome"', KlMurd Fen-rsoii
. " hr.S' maa ( 'reeling''
iochard A ad. i's.111
ICec. ' tattle S'io.v Stars'"
I In istena Jensen
UrC. ...
;i -C
ii- c.
Sons:,. Hv the rhihlren
. '" 'hi 1 ileus' Service''
Clara Morteiison
II,.- Xeiv Barn Bahe"
Martha I'e'erson
ally's 1'lty t (in-o Edna I'.-teis.ai
la? 'hi ist mas Tree ", It 1 y Wcher
Si.ie ;i S . -jj of :hrisl.(ii as"
l.a In t-iice let ei son
... . ..."in the Ann-, of Niu'ht"
l-o - V-., -11
A Lit lie
1,1. .".
Ar.'tit ', ill. Ii.ud An.leiHoe
- a .1 .', is' Jiv liiiilf. 0
ai mi,, !;..
n, h'l. I. ai l
ai d . hi . si
lia Jells
Mo Hi... V
;ie M.S.:
Luiaht '
' hi ist in. IS
Li ha 11 F, 1 (arris
T'ialop-ne j
11 did Fins
, 'Mar.-h'nir
.H t hi ! I it 11
( J
Violin Masjc. t '..ri Hoehr-
Fnel, May Weber and Faiabrtn If irrt;
liecitiil am M.i.siie VVi'iuti'
' Le-'iia I''rv
"... Hetiu L ikais.
.soiit, . Mat SV. h-r, Lilian llarr..-. and
Khzalielli Harris.
!'. ciiiHi.-n Fmma Wnstht :
Lilian Fr- 1
Itossie Wr''!r
' "How 1 k- doe- It" Finuiii Wrisvt H 1
".Nearer toy O .1 to 1 hee , si.i,; in de if
Hid diimh liin,;uas;e Elizabeth Harr s
KecMa! i, ii. I l..r,i V. nstht
Z aa Pnddt
" Aid. 1 I'liiio .
Distribution ol presents-, und a treat
f .r a I.
The iihove is not a' of the proe;rMi,
hut enoiieh is niven tosh .w that we will
have a yjuu tune on tins i 'hi', s' nuts eve.
We in a r t he " We I. On. Hell 1" riiuriny
at !di. Pllddl'si pi. 11 e, this Weiine-.dat
CRN': l. i'l'Y i.Ui'.K.Kt
From too Transient Pen of Clio.
Wt have noted l! I. 'I 'e. si t.,( li iiiiw
.-eft llllll HI lie I l'l :S Jot llNAl, We, k ,
tiitl.iV lil r t e, iilid V e l,le so ple,i:-td
"hen Mi's, Ka e si mis a wt-lcoim- let h-i
t lor ted tt. i k's piipi-r has lido u a "lai
oil " s. ,ia w la i 1 ii lie i o.al lis it did no!
leu. h lis r,,.t ol.iiiV , Y 's, We just knew
id Skiiin f 'oiiiity wns "loio hai it." 1 m-s.
day ih .Jl.d; It snowed some p. ie ai d
I lie w iini I h w pi. I ty I ia id nil t.issht : In,
hilt I il .1 h 1 1 j like a Ili ' . I III lill Mill"
It, id ot, (.pi te ell s.'! IM when moi'i' 111!
and it has siiii.nil p.'ctty hud nil d.
today , t he 1 : o, so t here 'S si o w i n.ae- o
How In make ti" 'd sleiish'i Tie le I
lots o( c an still tit "the II Ids lo husk
F. W, li ni shed the lit h - hi corn a i i.aii d
llhllllt tlllllV hllslc s pi., ,leie; II,' deep
listed it and 'his win !ii on., year out
till When sliiiihiW lsei cru would have
In eii Iwdli r You ciin't t"". iduni i
sol .etlllll's tell jlst llo.l III Ii, rill ill Net, r;
lluu yeiir we had inoi'e t un Ih.iu we m a!
ul, anil it look- iio't as if tve nr to hat.
pient t ol sin w, tji' ii vt hut vtill Ha
wen I her .e (.o lH:;:t year We h ,V'.i II. I
S for lii.'l.'s '.I 'l itell' tel.
'I laiiihsit aiitf as ii o-.a iy d:iv, tJni't'i
hi rti" inn Ivld m Iu. I'i .do ii a i,.n
I'iiir.eh and e... h pastor took some part. !
T!:e sermon Has preached h Rev. I'errv 1
of the Friends church, who rerent ly came j
from Ohio. The Kpisropals have a new 1
minister also and eiitirs with the other'
pus'o' s into the wotk, so now all the !
chiirrhes hot the Free Methodists and j
1 V thol ics h re t . I k iiiej t oy ?i ie 1 ' li, J 10 Id
how i;ooil and how pleasant it is tor
hretln-rii to dwell to,;etlier in ui.i'v,"
No .v John don't, eel too many' 'tis pheus
it etc.' in our it.-ms this we.-k. I jo you
like set tmef if he I ter than carry Insr the
mail through a sioru.? Well Mr. lihtor
what, would yon think of a man like F.
W. who for thirteen years hauled wood
Itoui the canyon for luel, and lotis with
winch he hiuit houses & etc. and loaded
and unloaded those heavy Ioe;s alone, and
never met with an accident and last week
he hioke his left hit; loo tinloadui. poles.
1 am aft fully K aid it wasn't his lie, or
Ins hack, hut. it islunny how hard work
it is to put a, load of wood on the wat;oii
1-11 level laud. Iflessed he the hills I say
if you have many tn-i s to fell.
We noticed the last, ol November seem
eci to he huuseiiiovmi; time; If u(? should
w'.tke hp s 1,11 i iiioniius; 111 Sioux county
we noelil he ji In tie hew ildt-i ed il it were
not lor the. space, ilio newsy col l c:-pon(l-en
!s occupy in the (inper.
Ves, al. A. . . we me htd you have
hecn hat 11, e jood meetiUKs in your little
corner ol the world. Andrews seenis to
he tannine; n;iii. to the I nm 1 ; is it a city
And so George O Kane has heen heard
I rem on. e more. Ves he was a nret tv
sluiip iiiid witty opponent, hut, what
011 lil those tarty days have hteti with
out, some nonsense. To lend some ol
those old papers will drive away a spell
ol the hi lies. (ho. n ud his elm 111 James
iicljuun wei e our lirst callers in Nehr,
The I ailleee closes next Saturd ly lor a j
two weeks vacation; 1 wo of the l'r,)is. I
so to Iow a to spend th ? holidays, and al I
1 he st uiletiis will r.'tui .i to their homes.
They have studied hard nod helore this
tveek s examiuittions are over there will
he some lone; faces r. ml tiled finders.
Idol t.-d ps,',.s aa J iuispelle-1 words, hut
thus 11 will ev,:r b j try lu lo clunh tiie
ladder of lam.). 'U.aio.v Z-kici''.
It Is safer to prune too little titan too
much. :t-s
Moint ctrtli aiid a cloudy dsy for
trnti ;.:;!t. ti;.,;r.
fioosehcrrii's ttr.d currants aro two
easily K"()'A'.i fruits, mid there in koI
doiii no ovci-riiijiply.
The qiusl'ty ami n'.zn of fruit on old
busl.J'M is inticlt iitiproved !y thinning
of the fruit or eevcrc pruniiifr. i
The (anse of iiio:-s ntp -iii-iny 011 the '
stents of apple and other (rait Uwt is
wet. cold, tinilniiiied land or un cxccf;
Bivcly liMinic! cliiiiiite.
In fsitvinf; ttnriit'ii setd gittlicr ivlim
riiK. Im iti.i nllo.v It to hbcll off. The
first immnvd is the best, and the first
miltiired wiil shell first.
A good inulch iifoidid fruit tree
belpa to kc( j) down wct-tis, keeps the
noil loose, moist :nnl porous at all times,
with li'.t!:' labor of cult! vn lion.
The time of Renins,' out of fruit tree
is of f:ir less importance than to see
that the ritiit varieiics lire st lccted,
tiie soil prepared uud irausiiiitiitir.g
well done.
: Wlij Titer Aif Xiit m rtenatifnl nm
j 'ltiej- Once Weie.
I The ciils cf K.i islstsiii- iti f,,riiicr times
v.'eia. t-tiid iti.d cnrrii'd a i;y to the
, Punjab, in liidia. Tiny I'G.muniidcd a
lar'i; price, and paivMtK to inodernto
circiinistahciH for ccet urics past huvt
. been ill 1 ln h.tiiit of p.ti'iin; wiih their
(liidj.hlcM to place tli;'tn.-iciveH i.i easier
I cln liiiisiittit". s, ;tnd th.- (!ti'c,;.;hl. rs havo
g"tu l'iilly hi ell (inile tviht:..; lo c."c.'!p6
from a life of p ditiry ut.d labor- to ono
j Of op'.tletii'i' 0 ml eiiKe.
A Inbuilt!;; ni'iti hi tills jetrt of India
I cannot mm over :2 or :.'"! a niodtli,
w!ill. mntiy rcec'Vi' fir th' lr rt;Mijjltlir
fis h!;:'l an fit 0. Th'Te i:i-' s tin- car.r'M
vr:;-:u- $5.(i I v.iih pui.l. b::t Ihe usi.i.l
plica h:"-: l.i" ;i fr -in .'i'b it to $.i()(l.
The pi'iirfici. le ',':i.n ni (Mntn-in nc
well hm ho t.'.i:a:i,ln.: tl'tit n m-v: to l.ttr
wits oeiet'd pr-i'ilhli In-; ,"i.y onn from
rotuovl!:): ii: y wotui.n from th" et!ii
try. hut It is sit !1 tint the Intadet?
pons on now ns it hint (' .( fur hurt
(Iredft of yeaffs. nnd td Ih'il prai :!:('
mny be chni".-, d tin- fact l!i:it Fn1 tvo
ttu'tt of KtiMhtnlr tire not .-ih hmtillful
n R they mice tvi iv.
The iir-i'cs's of tnl:lt':r ;il! t!io hnntitl
fol rfrls iitvity, lei-, intt only I In- or II
nary tind ii'dy oocn to n,:il i iuc the
nice, l::is luiveri'il tlir- sttteih'trd r.f !' ,'ttl
ty. Mntd r.f the woHfti nnd chl tcr
form field labor its much r.f tli" r.i-n,
nnd their i!r tn la of tie1 co.'i'.'R-.'.t :i:,d
jilalnort nm t rln !:. co;e.'sf of n trnr
ni"lit l!!;o n nl'.:b!rowti ittad of wli'tt
cot toil. There Is no effort to h.'tve It lit.
The cot'dilhm of women to Kanlpnir
Is n vrry Fnd ctti, but ( tie frotti whi' li
thef" dfion it t pet rii to be r.tiv preaent
rfterpp. It iH n coo'!;nit -f tn!;',".l! to
live, wlthnttt the 1 nut It ipe of ntjy nc
ct'pittlntlon or of pver ncilns; hotter
The turn only repolvp nhont Ti ppnts a
dry ninl tlir wonted! pepfrnlly ftbont 3
c "i 't. tind Unit will f -i vide only the
cnni 't , ! foiKL- pliliiti't lp! i,t Ituiuiivr. k
Buvs- Hides, Tallow, Pelts, and Furs,
wl1' I.v hifrhest maiket price,
Leaveat. Marsteller ISros or at my
residence east of fehool-hoiise.
Professional' Cards-
l'liyiscian and Surgeon.
A.U call!! xiven proinjit HUennon,
ottlee in lirusf ,Htor.
-HAItltlSON - Kr.ttKASKA.
I . ,,
! JI. d. u tllillcl 1,
- Co, AlUi'Mf,
Will l'raclii'e in All Court.
Special Attention u'ivea t Ln4 Of
(ire, Business.
I nli ret inns otiil oil bM.inK ratrnst
ed to me nil I receive inompt nttentioii,
Hahwson - Nkbraska.
Prompt attention ffiven to all lejrai
iiiatttrs in Jtisitice, (airnty and District
Onirts, and before the United Slut.a
Land Ollice.
Fire Insi-iriiiice written in reliabU
tfj' J u;:i papers c-refuily drawn.
Hakius-on. - Nebhaska,
North-W e stern
l' E. 11. V. 11. R. is th Bet
to and from the
T" T
DKAinvooi) and hot srnisus.
F. E. & M. V. R. R, Time Table.
New Schedule, of Trains.
' TakitiK effect Sunday Nov. 23. J
W'rsX. Hound, East Bound,
I'-l.ii iiiii . Evening,
No 5, Fi t .9;05 No. 00, Frt. 1.2:35,
No. a, 's,:r. lii;&5 No. 4, Psscr. arrives
I 6:35, departs 7:00,
Both trams cany passeiigers.
Dealer in;
Harness, Saddles,
Lumber, Grain,
Doors, Sash
t "i . i ' , ' $k
, .- t It
r -
. ' . :-, 1 l- ' ' A )uf '. '1T9
' I . ' l ..s .s
No" ire Is hi rehy iriven tlmt 1 y virtue of
i li. 1 1. 1 nan t. i dnleil si ptcinlier 4, Itfli
i, o.I o ii ly t: 'oil in the nlllee m thn county
clerk ol .'ii tix comity, Nchriiskii, on the c.iii
d o id ,-eiieiid,(. , iinji, unit eju rtilcd hy t;, L.
Ihdl in t ', ,y. Ni ulicrry lo necure the pay.
ie. ni .if the stun of f:,i;e..Ti nnd iton which
there is l ew due the nm, o jitt.T.W Ijrfiiiut
h.'.Miiit lieeii . Kde In the pn inent of mdd
"inn i ml no suit or other proceedlntni nt Irnr
'"'th V hei-t. ll. st. Int. rt in i'ci.ivi. i.iii( reht,
oi .,y p, i, ilici. nl, then fore I will mdl th
tinipeiiy then in t'ci in ud, to-wlt: Tn
liiindii.a tons ot urn- In.y In uoort rondltlna
i nil put up In t'.m, ni pnlillr iiiiclloi, on fee.
" h' 'b P .2, tlii'i'i e 'It, Iu Hionx ronntj
V-IiilhIih, on the 2ti day ot December, um,m
I, e (J',. ), ( j,. m, ,,) pJ
li.-. Icil i ii pel 'Mil, HO-.'.
( . ,i M.wnr.Ki-r.
1 y I tt i v. ..,( j,, ..tivHMf
! v,
' j