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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1902)
WHAT LIQUID KOAL IS It Is a Mack, nil v liquid obtained by the dry distillation of coal and embracing lii borate of Midium, calcium, sodium, potassium and extracts of resinous material with xylol, quaiaool and creobol. Xylol Is a hydrocarbon taken by destructive distillation from theeiupyreumatlcoleoreslnof IJinus I'alustrls. . Creohol and quaiaool are two of the main constituents of creasote. Liborate of sodium is prepared by lixivlatlon of earth, which is Strongly impregnated with borax evaporating the sol u Lion and crystallizing Calcium, Sodium and Potassium are elements of nature The question mlht occur-lf these properties are found in Coal, why n it use coal? The answer Is First, coal does not contain all the constituents; second, th'se it, dues contain are only yielded at a temperature of over 320 decrees r'ahrenheit,and It Is plain that if a hog s stomach generated this amount of heat the hog wou d become roast pork seasoned with fried parasites of hotf cholera. Thousands of farmeis are using this remedy with great suc cess. Our limited space, forbids us giving hundreds of testimonials as we could, which will be furnished you on request. A K! f tquip AL is an article which you will rind daily use for. If you once adopt Its Use you will Ood It, to be Indispensible, and as the price is so reas onahle no family should be without It. Liquid K.,al will cure Corn Stalk Disease, Hog Cholera, Swine riague, liiack I'k. Lump Jaw, Scans in Sheep, 1'lnk Eye. Guar anteed as a Lice Killer. PRICES OF LIQUID KOAL ONE QUART CAN - $1.00 ONE GALLON - - 3.00 FIVE GALLONS. $2.75 PER SAL TEN GAL. KEG. $2.50 PER GAL 25 GAL.. 1-2 BBL., $2 25 GAL 50 GAL., ONE BBL.. $2.00 GAL 32-Page Book on Diseases of Animils Mailed Free on Ap plication. If no Local Agent, Order Direct From Is. We Prepay Charges. NATIONAL MEDICAL CO., CAPITAL $250,000.00 YORK, NEBRASKA SHELDON, IOWA A rattle snake that is L've or six feet in length will yield a lable Bpoonful of venom two or three times a month. It takes its poison sacs at 1 ast a week to fill again af ter they have been emptied. Mew York in a Nulli,ll, The New York World thus sum tnurizes salient features of the "capital of the western hemisphere, The Metropolitan Street railway carries 940,000 passengers a day. ur tnese passengeis 430.000 use transfers. . i Seenty-flve per cent of these rides are taken in the morning between 7 English trades unions ate for di rect labor representat ion In pailia mcnt, The eight hour day. nation alization of land, rallwaysand mines: an!j gt and In one hour in the even old age penslnns, temperance reform, jog, courts of arbitration, are among the In sixty minutes of the evening principal demands. The Hanson arc Happy. Ashley, N. I).. Iec. 8. Cured of that most dangerous of nil diseases, llheti mat ism of the Heart, J. 11. Hanson of this place loses no opportunity of sink ing the praises of Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I am atile to work attain," says Mr. Hanson "And am feeling better than I have for five years. Hroken down and fairly used up d KunVrini: from Rheumatism of the Heart and Dropsy 1 was in very bad stinpe. Then 1 started taking liold's Kid ney fills and -well, you can see ho-v I look and I feel as well as 1 look. My Rheumatism Is gone and the Dropsy with It. "I don't think they'll ever bother tie a?aln. but If ibev do I'll Just get some more of D'.dd's Kidney fills. I know tlmt will fix them." Mrs. Hanson, too. whose health was for frnm (rood, took the S.Hlie and she Joins with her husband In rec ommending Dodos KHlney rum. At the nee of seven, Henrietta rinlitz, of Marlanburg, Frussl awallowcd a hairpin. A few weeks mnn at hn Mfrfi of twenty-two, she bad the hairpin extracted from her leg. When a Russian family moves, It Is usual for the head to carry about half a pint of embers or warm ashes In a closed vessel from the hearth of one house to that of the other. there are 70,000 passcgers carried up town. Seventr-two thousand people stand oo the sidewalk to wait for cars at the letting out of the theatres. This much for the surface cars. The elevated roads carry 225,000,000 people a year. This is more than all the steam surface roads of the country carry and it is done on the sixty-two miles of elevated road. New York mails over a million and a half loltets a clay. The posnfllce cartlcs 050,000 pounds of mail a day. . The express companies carry 50,000 packages a day. New York sends 3.50.000 telegraph messages a day. The Atlaotlc cables carry 4,000,000 messages a year. A I'ainly Irmli. Mix six ounces of loosler meat with two ounces of bread crumbs.two bard boiled rggs, chopped tine, a grating of nutmeg, one tablesponf il i f lem on juice, salt and cayenne pepper. Add a small amount of cream sauce and wo'k the whole to a paste like consistency. Fill some scallop shells with the mixture and after smoothing over the tops, add a sprinkling of sifted bread crumbs and brown In a quick oven. Convincing TVoof. Case No. 41,20. Capt. Alfred Q. Itlgler of Hose Company No. 4, Can n, Ohio, says: "I bad a weak back rer since I was a boy. and about six years ago the cause developed Into rather a bad case of kidney complaint. It was not a little backache now and then, but backache which caused actual suffer ing day and night, and the harder I trie.! to get rid of it the worse it be came. "When the attacks were in the acute stage it was difficult to sit down. Hud when down It was Just as hard to re train n ptect nosition. on account of the twinges of pain In the kidneys. I can only describronie of the pangs as similar to that tfcelved from a kuire thrust. "In time, distressing and terribly in convenient urinary weakness resulted, causing annoying embarrassment dur ing the day and loss of sleep durlug the night. 1 took everything which enme to my notice from reading, from observation, pi. I which mv friends and acquain tances advised. I consulted physicians, hut none of them were able to relieve the trouble, let alone stop it. "It became so well known that I l ad a pronounced case of kidney complaint that I often received circulars from medical companies offering to cure nie, and one day eighteen letters were Handed to me by the mail carrier. When Doan's Ki Iney fills attract- d my attention I wanted to try them. just as I ban tneu everyiniug eise. nn.l Mrs. U L'ler WPIIl 111 I'llIIMll ,v Wright Co.'s drug store for a box. lie- lief followed. I knew after a dose or two mat me medicine was acting directly on urn kidnevs from the altered condition of the kidney secretions, and. encourag ed, 1 continue! the treatment. Finally, the backache ana other complications stopped. 'Let me sum up my opinion noom Doan's Kidney I'lus oy saying i wumu willingly pay one month's wages for a box of them If I could not buy them fnr less. You can reter anyone to me about Doan's Kidney fills and 1 will convince them that they act just as represented. Fonr Years After. "Lapse of time has strengthened my appreciation of Doan's Kidney fills. i ..nvo this remedy my unoualltled in dorsement in the summer of IWSi, be cause of the results I obtained from a course of the treatment. 1 can now ail 1 to my original indorsement the ex perience of a number of others who are just as enthusiastic, when they ex press their opinion of Doan's Kidney fills, as I." A FKEK TRIAL of this great kidney medicine which cured Mr. Rigler will he mailed on application to any part of the United States. Address Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all druggists, price 50 cents per box. PIRATES OF LUZON. Famous Malay Itncranrera Rein E- i terminate:! by Uncle Ham. As a resi't of the relentless warfare paged by Uncle Sam's policemen in the Philippines against piracy, there Is Im prisoned in the vll- lage of Legapl, on the Island of Lu zon, a band of 34, which It is thought comprises the last of the famous old Malay pirates. The particular charge agaiust this band is an attempt to take possession of the steamer Dos Her- manos while li was 4 The attempt, however, was by the policemen on duty SISTERS OF CHARITY Use Pe-ru-na for Coughs, Colds, Grip and Catarrh--A Congressman's Letter. Tugboats owners on the Rhine have combined to raise towage rates. Mr WlimlnW, SOOT HI Ml SYKITP for ohlMron elhlnir. !.Mrn Ih irum. ntti'- lntUinUo'i . laln.rureswlnrt colic. 85c boltlo. Iridium, which costs $780 per pound, is tne hardest meal known. ELY'S CREAM BALM Cures CATARRH. It i placed Into the nostrils, spreads oror the membrane and Is absorbed. Delict Is im mediate. It Is not drying, does not produce sneezing. IrojgIsM, 60 cts. or by mail. KI.Y BKOS..M Warren St., N.Y. A school boy Id Lyons, Mass., was asked to - write a sentenco wftli the word "hominy" In it. He promptly produced the following: "llowrnlny marobs have you;" Fireflies are sold nightly by street peddlers in the crowded qaurters of Tnklo and other Japanese cities. The Insects sell for three rln each, a rln being equal la value to one tenth of a cent. The Sultan of Tuikey Is a very tender-hearted husband, and cann it bear to see. a wife abused. In his pilvate theater, while a Greek com pany was performing "Othello," he was so much affected at the ap proaching murder of Desdemona that he raised his hand and forbade that she should be smothered. Nearly all the ostriches In South Africa are raised Id Incubators. tt Virac. thwarted Dear that village and the pirates were raptured after a fierce battle in which two of the buccaneers were killed and three of the crew of the Dos llermauos were also slain. The punishing of those men will be the culmination of a enuade which Uncle Sam lias carried on against thes Malay pirates. Two days after the Dos llermauos incident a gunboat was sen: to Napindan, with instructions to kl ! jr capture every pirate found there Napindan Is the last home of thes buccaneers. Here during the last ecu tury they have lived as fishermen an i preyed upon the merchant vessels ply ing between ports in Laguna de Bay and Manila. While the Spaniards controlled tic Philippines no attempt was ever nun lo exterminate these buccaneers. Wlici complaints were made against them th; Spanish officers would promise to in vestigate the affair, and there It wouid end. When Uncle Sam arrived at Manila, however, things begtin to change. Vig orous warfare was waged against the pirates, who had held undisputed sway Kdicf tut: o.i.vs of .-iagcnan. 1 nc lice hooters at Napindan found themselves harassed so that they began to sepn rale and change their modes of attack Harder limn the insurrectionist themselves to capture are the Ma'nv pirates. They will ally themselves with anyone who s willing to take a portion of their booty and who is strong enough to protect them in return. Much to their dismay they have found that Uncle Sam's agents will not accept any of their plunder. Hounded constantly l)y the constabulary, they are beginning to seek other fields. Some of them have gone to Samar. Mindanao, and Negros, while others are plying their trade on the Sulu archipelago. Long before civilization found its way to the Philippines, piracy was actively practiced there. It undoubtedly had Its beginning among the Moslems living on the Sulu archipelago, who levied trib ute upon neighboring Islands and rob bed Chinese merchantmen. When Magellan started out to find a passage connecting the Atlantic with the Pa cific ocean, bis first landing near the Philippines was at a group of islands where the natives proved themselves to he the most artful of artful dodg ers. Several of them stole a small boat from Magellan s ship, and the great navigator gave the name of Ladrone (the Spanish word for thiefj to the Isl ands. After the Spaniards had settled In the Philippines a piratical alliance was ef fected between the Sulu and Mindanao potentates, and piracy was prosecuted with great vigor by organized forces equaling those of the Spaniards. For over two centuries and a half Mussul man junks ravaged every coast. Not a single peopled Island was spared. Pi racy became an incessant scourge and It cost the Spaniards rivers of blood and millions of dollars only to keep it in check. i MMMfMMM&R m IT I I - A--a-a-a a a a a a a a In every country of the civilized world Sisters ot CtiMrily nre known. Not only ili they minister to the spiritual ai'il intellectual needs of the charges commit ted to their cure, hut they also minister o, their hfidiiv needs. Willi so ninny children to taise care oi nnd t protect from climate and disease, these wise anil prudent histers nave found Peruna a never failing safeguard. Dr. Hartiiinn receives many letters from Catholic Sisters from all over the United States. A recommend recently received from a Catholic institution in Detroit, Mich., reads as follows: Dr. S. B. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio: Dear Sir. "The young girl who used the Peruna was suffering from laryngi tis and loss of voice. The result of the treatment was most satisfactory. She found great relief, and after further use of the medicine we hope to he able to say she is entirely cured. ' ' Sisters of Charity. The young girl was tinder the fare f the Sisters f Charity and nsed Peruna for catarrh of the throat with gooel re suits as the above letter testifies. Send to The Peruna Medicine Co., Ca- liimbus, Ohio, fer a free baak written fcy Dr. Hartman. Columbus, O.: a ANNUAL SALE aooaooo BOXES Greatest in the World MILLION AMERICAN BEAUTIES keep their blood pure, their complexion bo ft and dear, their breath sweet and their whole bodies active and healthy with OA80ARET8 Oandy Cathartic The quick effects of OABOARETS aa yetom cleaners and blood purifiers; their promptness In ourlnff pimples, bolls, blotches, liver-spots, blackheads, and In sweetening a tainted breath, have become known through the kind words of ladles who have tried them. Hence the sale of nearly A MILLION BOXES A MONTH. The quickeet, suroet, way to beauty is to oleanse the blood, for Beauty's Blood Deep. The first rule for purifying the blood Is to keep the bowels free, gently but positively. OASOARETS Candy Oathartlo are the onlymsdiclns to dolt All drugirlsrtav 100,2450,000. Never sold In bulk. The genuine tablet stamped C O a Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Oo, Chicago or New York. m The following letter is from Congtvss- man imcckisoii. to iaioieon, uuiu. The Peruna Medicine Co., ' ( iiitl(nipn - have used several bottles of Peruna and feel greatly benefited there by from my ca tarrh of the head, and feel encour aged to believe that its con tinned use will fully eradicate a Wiisense of thirty years standing. Thtvid Meekison. Dr. Hartman, one ot tne uest Known plivsicians and surgeons in the United States, was the first man to formulate Peruna. It was through his genius and nerseveranee that it was introduced to Nlie medical profession of this country. If you lo not derive prompt and satis factory resnlts from the use of Peruna, write at enee to Dr. Hartman, giving a full' statement ef your case, and he will he pleased t give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartmna Sanitarium, Columbus, O. a -tttt 1 David Meekisoh. ' TR.Y "MUSTANG LINIMENT PILES THE GREATEST REMEDY FOR. Ta Whit n tax-, Hands. To whiten the hands equal parts of b'mon juice and glycerine are excel lent. Another old fashioned remedy is equally as good. Take sooie horse chestnuts, peel dry and then pound them In a mortar until they become a fine powder, which can be kept for a long time. A pinch of this flour thrown into the washing water will make a tne lotion for the hands. A vlnyard owner in Algiers dis covered that great nroads were made nightly on his grapes. lie watched for the enemy and found that a large held of turtles were the culprits. A Musical Alphabet. A for Andante, which means rather blow. I! is for liar, we must count as we ko. U for Crescendo, get loud by degrees. D for Da Capo, rcpeut if you please. E for the Exercise, played day by day. b' stands for Forte, as loud as you may. 1 (jraziose, in soft singing style. II the two Hands which we use all the while. I is the Instrument, skillfully made. I for our Joy when we hear it well played. K is for Keys, black and white as you know. L Is for Largo, most solemn and slow. M is for Minim, just two in a bar. N for the Notes, what a number there are. 0 stands for Opera, a musical play. P for the Pedal, use cautiously, pnyl Q stands for Quaver, in a bar there are eight. 3 is a Kent, count one while you wait I is a fernibreve, to It count four. T is a Trio, three voices, no more. U Una Corda, or played nil in one. V for Vivnce a time full of fun. tV for Weber, whose music is fine. X for Xctll, which Just means to outshine. IT Is a Youth who can piny some rdco things. I Is a .ither. with many sweet strings. Chatterbox. Thn Only Moisture. Tess I'm surprised that those stock ngs should have proved satisfactory. Jess I Just used them for bathing itocklngs, you know. IVss Yes, hut I thought moisture sronld make the dye run. j(.F.It()t then, you know, I don't icrsplre at all. Philadelphia Press. Becking llcfufce In Kngland. Three properties In different parti of Jsmpshlre hove recently been sold to jreuch religious communities who are king refuge In Kngland. The first day that a girl geti ber new )lcture borne from the photographer's be doesn't do anything bat look at Trnn anility. Who does not lofea tranquil heart, a sweet-tempered, balanced life? It does ndt matter whether it rains es shines, or what misfoitune come to those possessing these blessings fer they ire always sweet, serene and calm. That exquisite poise ef charaotei putter." Hew Yerk bun. The French grow chestnuts that are from two to three times as large as the American variety. The sugar cane of Cuba must be delicious, as there are twenty-six different kiads of insects that atack it. Palladium Is mettal used for the mounting of astronomical instru ments and cost $482 a pound. One hundred tboisand visitors are In the city every day. 1 The newspapers nse 1,M0 tons ef white paper a day. The press associations cable 100. MO words a da;. When two cats pull off a fight after dark thej acraich a match. Fortyflve hours constitute a week's w.irk for women and girls in New Zealand. Money that a man doesn't save by remaining a bachelor would probably support a wife and ten children. The best timber known for ship building s teak, a forest tree com mon in India. Peerless Plum Puddings. With the (rost-comes the appetite lor heartier table dainties. Why rnH tim. onH fa bflf when Ufchy's l'lum l'uddinsjs are so delicious, pure, wholesome and so easily secured? Aa yoor Srocer. They are among tbe best at Natural Flavor FOOD PRODUCTS Put op in convi-nient sie Vey-opening cans. Our lillle bonk, 'How lo Mate C.ood Things to Kat," is free. Wrilr ler it. Llhby'a Atlas oi the World mailed anvwheie (or five ac stamps. Li bin, McNeill & Libby, CHICAGO. U e. a. PimjwfimtlyCnrefl. nnntternerTmlnnTie! ilia ftrvt lay' lif". of It. Kiui'n UukU Nrrvs Itw tomr. yoiri'f lit wininw;.-uiriirn. ill. B H. . KMMK Ltd.. Ml atrnHt., l'lilladolnllla I'a 111 la Moasr ndtrloailT InvMfed . ran he made ta earn a handsome noma. Kamlnf power ot my InMtmants, as Sis 4 SS per rant. For particular, addraas JAMKS SII.LIHOS. IT William Ntreai, Hsw Tort City FREE TO WOMEN! l o prove tne nesting ana cleansing power of Paz tine Toilet Antiseptic we will mall large tria.1 package with book of in structions ebsolntelr free. This is not tiny sample, but a large package, enough to convince anyone of its value. Women all over the country are Praia. Paitinn lor what it haa done In local treatment of female ilia, curing all Inflam mation and discharges, wonderful as a cleans- inn vaginal aourne, iot man inrosu, naasu tann, as a mown waan, ana 10 remvra oeno inir and whiten the teeth. card will do to-day; tartar postal Bald t rmif..trm a il la all fry aa, rftxrcv&.iTce ft H. H. U. HO. 749-XO -VOatt L rfcem, and wonder If they are "good,1