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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1902)
Pr n o RNAL. VOL. XIV. HZSSLISOlxT, lTE3aASICA., TiiXJSIDA.-r5 ZDEOiEIrllBIBIR, II. 1902. NO. 24 Harrison Jou r ninn thaxt ft nnTrT A 1 nAIiiildUlN llil rL.NLN i5 i Pat Dunn wan a caller at our ofllce Tuesday. y M. J. Carroll was a pleasant caller at our office lint Friday. ' John I. Davis bought a fine mare ol Frank Lewis, last Hal urday. Ira Thoma, from Old Woman creek, Wyo., wai io town Wednesday. MASQUERADE BALL. Tlire will be a Masquerade Jlall at Andrew's Hall on New Year's eve. 1 'oine Everybody . On lookers 25 cents extra. 1. L'. Dc.NN. Kd Hollingsworth "a in from ranch on Italian cmek, Tuesday. his Sunday school at 10 o'clock; every body invited. W. H. Davis; Supt. V. A. Hunter cume home Saturday evening and returned to Lusk Sunday. News is scarce thin week, and our correspondent Hurely have forgotten us. Just received: A new consignment of a and buys clothing at G.ERLACHS. '. E. A. Estler.went to Lusk last Fri day to assist V.A. Hester iu building the Hall. You are invited to examine ilia IJee Wbizi Washer; Something new at J. II. Barieiis. VjMiss Mamie Gerlach, who lias been Tisiling in Iowa for wuie time, returued borne last Friday. y. Ju Slasnev came down from Ins ranch in Wj tuiiing, last Sundu) , to visit Ins faimlv for a while. ' V Robert Geiser, I ruin near Ai dmore, Bu. Lak., doing huBintrss at the county Mat last Tuesday. II. T. Mclutyre, Hi. Paul, Minn., who has been troubled v ilh a disorder! stoiu act), as, ' 'ham lierlaui'M Stoma, Ii mid Liver Tablets do me more good than any. thinif I have ever taken. For sale by all DtUgglStS. K. F. Howell, of Ihe Cliuiiiberluin kedictne Co., translating business in lUrrtwu lust 'lliursiiui. J. W. Roed and John On-.rr stepped 5 car loads ol cattle I mm Omaha Ust In day a ad unloaded llitm In re. We acknowledge tlie receipt of a nice lot of dried Ii u.t Ijoiu'Mr. iitid .Sirs. J. F. Pfo.l, ol liukrlield, i uhloima. lIoBt Burke came in on the west Wound train Monday. He has b-eu at rk near SliL-rul.ui since lust May, All bouk accounts must be e tiled by cash or uote, by January let., HUM J. 11. Baiieil County Maps. The Phess-Jocrnai. ban primed a lim ited number of maps on Manilla card board which can be secured for 10 : e.i;;i They will also Uo given as a premium to new subscribers. jjfr. and Mrs. O. II. (in-well enmo in on the west bound train Wednesday : They have Iw-eii visiting relatives and friend iu the east. Wearer hid to elciiin- i !' m backhand no doubt Charlie is a much happier .man. In the ndvertise'mmt of Or. Reichard in last week's issue, I be figure J) re versed and read Dec. (i, and we did not notice same until it was too late for cor rection. We hoie our mistake did not inconvenience any one. Th ringing cliiss met Tuesday eve, at 7:30 and hpent a very enjovable hour hammering awav nt Do, and we think if iIim leaders patience holils out w it will get H- later on. Tiuve more new m-rn hers added their names to tlia ro II, If yon want a rinp for your best girl, or anything cine in the jewelry line, call on J. II. Willirnnsflorfer. All warnintt'tl. A.J Sui-ll wanted to attei.d a pity, but w as af i aid to do so on accrual d pains iu his si omach, w hu ll he feared would (;rnw wors". lie sals, '! was telling mv troubles to a lady friend, who said: hainlie, Iain's Colic, hobra and I nlirrhoca Remedy w ill put you in con dition fur ' the party.' i Isaigli'.- a hotiie and t . le p. ,iiire in slating that two doses cur d me and ecabh d me to have a good time at the party." 51 r. Hm-il is a $ In Wyoming An epidemic of bad cold-i set-ills to h.iv-1 i Mil last, week -I I -s 1 tin seUla.u jfi''. II II t ubiis y niii'.-st cliild is very ic with p,i?n n i. We Ii ipj lo hajr of its reoiV'-ry soon. VVoid was received the last of the resident of Summer Hill, N". Y. This ! week, that Mrs. I tial t 'hurch, who w ent remedy is for sale by all Jiruff tstst. CHAM3ELAI.'f'S STOMACH A.D LSVX TAbi-ETS. Try them When Jon (eel dull after eating. When oti have tin appetite. When you have a bad taste in the nioulb When your liver is torpid. When your bowels are constipated. Wla u you have a head u he. When you feel bilious. They will improve your appetite, deatire and invigorate your stomach and regu late your liver and bowels. For sale by all iJniggists. We notice in the Valentine IVmoerat a - hght scoring givr n tu some of tle-ir !ij cent, hoys and 'rls of that plaee for misconduct in taihlic, and the parent coines in for then share aiso. V can't, help hill say amen to the ! leinocrats sentiments for to inanv pare-it. sen,! foith thei r children to ha ve a gois lini" lire Kpc live of the fK'lu.g and rights of! others; where it, i possibb-, fathers and tiinilieiK slioulil i.i i-oiiipa ny I lieir ctii hl ren, and extend a helping hand to all lend ers, that give their time and strength to make It pleasan t t u r i.ll. V'.'e are soir to say- that we h ive a few of ihe kind of b'i and girls relcrred to hy ttie flemo Hut ri-.on and unl-si ihey come to their s"iises, they may hav a cbauce tO h';;ll that tile ;IV o the ! HI 1 1 Sg rt'SSM 1 1 I is hard, bu'. we hope iha siuh may I he tit" i';ts., for it t h-- e.i -de-t 1 -'re o' The following is Iwing heartily amend by all the mi-inh.sof the fi almiiit : " (rod bless our wives, tliv lill our lives w it b Iiappine and honey; Hum' M.eeul our sock- and ea;-e oir shoelis, but Iy.rd they do hpend immey."-Exchange, gOO'lH , the 'I llt-rent b adeis n, this place, tlia: all .l.oiiid nj iv tiieuieives hill, not nt the cvp-ue of every one except, themselves. More and better tioodn for the same sueoey t Uerlach's store tiiaii any other place, try them. 1U-U All merchandise to go at a cut pru until the II 1st of the year. J. II. Bailell. Tlwre will l a dam and supp-r ut Will Phillips Friday evening lec. lti 1002 Coins every body and enjoy you i selv. it. sJKarcus Valdez and llenrr Moruvek went to their ranch on Lunce creek, Wyo Monday, to look ufler their stock tlieie. Scotl,Metz was at the county seat last Monday and bought a quarter pet-1 ion of land that waa sold by the county Treas urer on, that day . The country is again called to mourn the los of one of her great men. Thomas B. Keed, Ex Hpeitker of the House of Representatives. Hon. C. F. ColTee whs a pnse iiger on (lis west bound train Wednesday nod stopped off in Harrison, where his many friends are always glad lo see U.irns in Nehr. !ec. A. T'J ail that kniw the iii-lves u.iie!.'e! !UCbs. J.liihlicln. w ill ii i him iv favor I, .... ... . DVKCMiise- up wnti nun as s ion as i pfsble. C J. Hibbeln. We received a ciiii.tiiiiMtcatton from Adelia tins ne I; but .'.s lin n- was no name attached to it we could not pohhsh it. W are a I w . , n g lad to get the lie w but w i- must ki.ow who we get them from; So wi hope the parly that sent this von'l gel oITend-d. Editor. Ib-ssemer (Mu h ) Free Prtss: A I'e'sse nier woman cured tier husband of slay ing nut iate at nigh', by going to the door when became home unit whispering tbtotiuh the kevhole, '-is tiiat. vnu, Will ie?" I ler husband's ra is Jnhn, and he stays home every night now, and j sleeps w ii h one ev e open mat a revolver; under Ins pillow. Western Publisher. On last Tuesday evening a number ol our young 'ople gut lu red at the home of Mrs. Earnest Lyon, it being her birth day. They all enj ed iheiusrlveH vei y iuch playing games & vie. until iiIkiiiI half past ten o'cloi k, ami after wishriij. her many such birthdays they all depart ed for their homes reeling that the even inir hau lx-n enj lyahlv n nt. STOCK i;EF02T. South Onciiui, Nehr.. 1h-c 10.-l!)iKi Monday bri-itghl v.-ry heavy receipt, af, Chu.igM , ol.O'lti, and a la to 20 lower markel. U ! l;i,tU)0 here lor two da) sand the market s.uaip- u b to 20 c, latl wh'a nihiiiii " I'Cii, nearly a!i 'osi ipiote enroled heel ;j.r,l) to o 'Ja. itli ii nee at !.(!); high grate ve;-rl.ngs i -I 00 lo 4 ;:. go. i.i fair itsrii.-is ii.-lo !o 3.11 common (III to II. II1); cxl r.i good eon s 4. j 00, ciioc H lat co a s :( 1)0 to : .10, lair 2 b() j to ;', 00, , a -is 1 ."a) ;, y..'U: v. al 4.00 lo '"i.OO, I, nils 1. ',"" to .l.'iJ. I 1 Here I-, ipo i: a sh lriai! in h.igs ho I tin- year couip.ired vs In i i.;, lai: ii.. average received here ;h n. arly hlty lh-. Ic-avier. which hoiit makes no for tie deer. ;i?H hi iiumh. r. Ri-ixipts last e. , .W,4"0; t -.o d.n s in this week, lii.ocl Range r !)t) to (i 07. Sheep reports last week, 4"i, teiO, about loOO mure than the week iiefcje. lCe ceipls li.i iluvs Ibis week lil.O 'O. Markvt is 1" lo 20 c higher on fat sheep than ten diss ago, Iml. a httl lower I ban Fi id. iv . Feeders slow. to Omaha for treat incut, has bad an operation pi-rforihed for internal cancer, and pis.v d through it all right. sl,iltle N-dlie N.'A-liii lul a severe at tach ol c il I mi !m lungs, whi.di almost teriuiii.ite.l iu a c.is4 of pneumonia on la' S it ui-.lay night; -ill i is hi V. er at this W i'lllg. hat In came of our items .tst we -k? W cr tliey c.iiL into the oltice. slove or dai they fail lo reach th'i print, s lop? Charles Christian was elected principal of to M civih ) ( :u i !s- i.ilo-gi.1 iv- i eh there week av;o Tuesday; vvage, were rar.s'd lo f I ,ur hi i.kii an i ii; Jm a. six months term, lie is well pleased Willi thu work ami wu predict, lor th. pat runs a s-aioul so.; .ni l to none in ttie coioiiy. Success t.o you Charl le. 1'ivp.ii-alions ur-j being m -da for a Clu ii mas I i-ee anl w-uool exhihr.ion to hn heal in the hall on eve. The i" schools ar- to com : i, lie and no doubt the. en !. '! a ; i ; Mn ii I viil lm ,oott. Inn right, here, coon s along j.v u l j jin k. and puts up a weather table which knocks It all to smitheieeiis. Ii mj s wb'H cet it. in the neck out here on C'hiisiuius day. And along comer, Hah Jordan and ciacos the span ot i! r. idd colts tliai iJa s is i,..uhl. ol John I rainor; the weie ideu'.ilied n liieni.oi Iron whom iiuiint lla.m. nv the I.mui llol v si CUo.lgh as 1;C, p lid gO ill il.1 I'll l-.ll u ill civil lor lilt m, m, J i.t. in,,!. In wih not he the loser thereof. As i, ems are ln-iug winter we aro in tue II. r ies of a bard winter, lie siio a is piled lr.nn t.oive inches lo llire ;ih-! dep. 'In. u n itry imvviv ar.iiii.u .n u mark, n.e w ind is In t.i.i ,s nilh ial L'8 sl, n,N hv a li.-.a cloud. V.'hoop, who s i vs 1 o 1 1, w .;,t u'l h-l tin Bod.irciois iu a gooil. snhd Arctic winfii? li t'ssind lor Peary to look for tin North Pole. COME! COME! Everyone. t he l 'e.if U rand i ANDRICW'S PROGRAMME 1' OR DfcCiMMK iy. Welcome By Miss L. E. Harris Christina Welcome iiy the School Welcome Kecilai.ioii Eva Pioclor Invocation,. .. Mrs. C. 1). Kassi-t Our (Irtriitiiig By the School - hi'islmas Time Pearla Jones Kecltation, Ray llaggarniau liis Yoke Eisy " By the School Kuciljliou "To 1'revsuta Mistake" Thomas Junes Twenty Frogies By Small Pupils Recitation.. "The Tea Party" Birdie Jones The Song of Ihe 1,'ainp, . .Lilian E. Harris .Song "bllcnl N'lgh . ', (Ill del IlialiJ .Mrs. i .. CliriMeiiseii Song '-Silent Night" and trans- laicd by the Ixhool I Eva Proctor I hoi,, as Jones Mabel ' .hrislenseri t Pe arl.t Jones Song, "The Bogieman" By the School Keciiation,.. "A Mother's Sunt;" Eva Pioci or RdCllation, Mrs fi E Jones Sung, 'There's Music in the Air''..fc)c.iio Uecilatiiili, l"y Haggerinai) " ".Saula cl.tus", Birdie Jones dialogue, . "I'amiy Uray'' i Eva Proctor By . s l hoiiias Jones ( lara i lirisieusen Snug. "My Kitty'' Mabel I Inisteuseii Recitation '1'iesl to know Nothing ail" Pealla Jolies I I! iy liaguerman I)ialogue, - ttoy ) Ralph Shepherd Song, "The VS'oodpecHer" -By the School Rue. "When Ilia Angry Passions U.tllifcl-'' Thoik as Jones " "LiiiuSou" Lilian E. Harris i I lai a i hristeiiseri Sasii 1 trill. By ---- J !'-ai la Jones ) Eva Proctor t .ii.iii -i . tins W. R. SMITH Buys, Hides, Tallow, Pelts, and Furs, ii nd will pay highest .market price. Leave at Marsteller Bros or at my residence east of school-house. Professional Cards. J. E. PHINVEV. M. I) Plijisciuii mid Stirs-pan. Ail (-nils givfcii )ironi)it attenMon iittiee in lii ii Slore. -HAKKISO.N - Nit II It ASK A. (iRANT GUTHRIE. Aftornsy-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all lesra matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the? United State Ijiud Olfice. Fire Inseirniice written in relinblr :-onip:i nies. CST'Legal papers cr refill Iy drawn. Harkison, - Nebraska. North-Western LINE E. M. V. R. R. is to and from the the eet BLACK HILLS; HEAD WOOD AND HOT SPRING. SOUTH DAKOTA. te risen siong, "Tne Huriiy imiiv Man' ,..Sfclan.l dialogue, "Ihe Watermelon Pi klc" By Mi s S E Jones and '1 lamias Jones , "llie Voice within Us" School j cm, " i Lb Rainbow" By M.Uh-I j V. E. & M. V. R. R. Time Table. New Schedule of Traino. Taking eirect Sunday Nov. 2S.. West Bound, East Bounds Morning. Evening. No. 00, Frt. ...2;35 No. 50, Frt. ... 9:05 il Jimmy Mi;I',iiiii anil that passenger tram ",els snow- now what will t.he do " lam winter conies o i? lli-v. If iniei 1 eg.-ni a ed nice! ins at. I he hall hv; i he weather h is b- eries of protract vee's ago M in -ii so mi le in- m .it 1 he I le iila ace i Is not what ll wool if t hat Ann a winter was not upon B h a -id ! 'is -U J ird.m and B id Johns on shais d pie heir ol our li-a'-l.h a wink us on list Sin I iv T iey werrt on t ! u-:r w,iv t. I ; a i . ) ivi.s' ii i : vi'inm An exchange nax?: A young nian who had lieeii converted at a North Methodist caHipme,tiiig declared that all pride and self conceit had been taken out of his heart. To prove il be said lie would go dow n among the audience and kiss no old colored woman. As lie went down the Ulsle the old colored woman rose lo l.ei There will lie a upellmg school at Ihe j ,,,, fcllM . .lA.l) h rr, briuldah, Uarneoil ectiool -house, Frnlay eveiuug I)U ,,, ii, ir)Pi p,,, j ,g; j ,,u Ue. 13, biuuitli,' at 7:30 o'clock. ,Hn'i Hobsotii.e me 'lob all dtse while i.i.... ft , ...i. . .. n",l,'"l , ,, L. .... The eonual I upper given by the Wood men of the Worldwil Ix; iveii on Jan. IS 1903. The supper will be exclusivel y for iU fueiiiber, and their faun lies. Limbs Ysarjiugs VVethers Ews El.lel-S 4.1o- .) 20 8h"i-4 10 3.4--- :I 7 "i, Nvii ili Bi .-I'll) Feeders Il .VI- .i.Wl n oo i. -j.", 2 uo is. 10 1.00 - oo A. I II. polled to war. ii t 'i';r shim i v.rh-in ihe i e., t her w is chi II V. By the way Bud trusted Ins no- a litthr. Kirs. Ellis, mother of Lo Wilson and Mrs. Fred lieucl, who has been visi'ing here since in I-n pt-mhr, left the first of last wiek f,,r an i-jtemled Visit with rela tives in N'e -r isk. i and Iowa. Lo Went as far as Valeii'im with he r. I ZlCKII".!, Georgia Ed. tor Uemarke. Rising hni i()a.) (iazitle; V inr list Wcuks t I us .is vet. us have riot reach Editor. JM,. Lvoe,. s paying Si. falla-r of E l iinri H truest. ii.x ' oiinty a vi-it a h njj tenths of I he niil'Mii v rial," s m e t I.t a it u t he bin s. Mr. Lvntt sp- iks ver result ol given calves li-ingnl highly of Ark, ins is ami says he expects lowed to run nl huge in the society p.. - j lo spend the rest ol les da v s t hei e. We uies without any ) okes on 1 1 em. Tin j j 'Veil a visit limii Mr. Lv-ui, and h d marry and have i hildi en U lore Ibej ilolumtea s,. i.i J i ha I , pol it icn I ami otlnr-liiusliicbi-s; they are lathees of twiii-jwise Mr. Lyon has a pension belore thev nre oroiji letors of . t w o I nun tha ( iovern mettl since h-aviin; I two rum fh pans ol pacts hi. d the litllu gills lnej j w hn U ..i t, w e arc g I. id to annoiitle.', foi e lll'ilpy b.'l leVe " t hat. all old soldiers If yeu waut snap iu Li lies and child rem ehueetfw to UFKL ACIi'.s. where win . buy them cliapci ,lbait in an. tistein city. Thy now huve a luigc Metirlu-eut. ilOIS' ild T( ttm mpreiue couri ii.mi Klfirmed tin deci-uouof the lower court in the case ol Clmrl.e HukmI, ho Churbe'e only hope new he wilti the Uoveruor, iu the sha( o( prdou. imp No OS of Ihe Woodmen of the Wuiiu met last "Saturday iii-fui and Hi lollowiug olll els were elei t-d lor thu en. mill ear! Consul Ouiiin Jllder J. B h.irn, Uuifccr W, Il i.iv,s. AJvwirj LieiileM ml V. A Hosier, Cleik J. I Wis, I iV, it tl.l -tieller, vVitc.l tt.nn . Ii X Ell ler, sa ury L (lerU:ii le singing class mot Fridi y night and nrgani.-d by electing Mrs. Wilherinsdor ler us bailer of the clav, mid Miss Susie Hipper, Treasurer, Miss On.i M llellw i, V'-iatury, and J. M. Slunsoii, Usher. There wan quite un interest shown by (he t eiiils-rs ol (he class present, and sevm .lew members were enrolled, and we pre dict an in'eresliug and instructive time lor ml nieiiiheisol Iheclaas, The leader Mrs. Wilhei msdorfer, has shown lier-ull an untiring worker in ever) thing she has fr ,,. um M.r,,r0 IHV W1 H (,( tuksn purl ill; no the class limy leel ; ihrmselves lucky iu M-ctiriitg ln-r as u inari y me old w oiin n hhloiu the are Iwehly Vearsold. Occasimial U mu nl these gosling in aiiiacis tioioiil nil I igbt, but ii. is a dear ias of link. ,i there was a law against loung galoots sp.n ku.g mat mini ii g b. fori? iPi j mVi all i ut then i e teel h, Ve suppos-. tie htl le cusses would eviule it m some wa hut there ought lo b.t sninet lung iigaiu-t ll. It 'H lime finmgb lor Ihese luntains to thoik of finding u pullet win u liny haw tamed nun e tnnugh lo huy a htiidh of Inlhs lo hiiiid . la n bf iDu., , iii,.v see ii g rl w bo locks ctii un. g, and lhi nre afraid there is not goh ; lo be guls enough lo go around, hi d Hen ti.ev bigiii In gi I hi Halt woik nul spr ; nial l eli ie ll -y are uiin i I ti e 1..111, tit t ol the mill llage rclalioi, ihev me hitched ooK-st OVe hat- wen bouoi ."SJiiy disi I i i-elVe II peljsiJU. . 1 ..-!.. ... S a Uia;.s:i nstru, 1'jV'a A roclor, ltoy llat.1--man, v lara . Iiriso useii, L:lian Harris, i'earla Jones, and 'hnaiias Jones. . 'I'.tiogue "'Ihe Dairy Ma ds" ..By Clara .hr-st. tiM-ii, Pi-ai-.,i, Joiiu.s, Eva." Proctor, Mah.-1 (Jhi'ii.ieii.seu. Recitation "A Tale with a' Thomas The Flag Dialogue... By Lihtii E Harris, k. ra l.,iiiiiiisni, I lioinus Jones, Pearle Joni s. and E.'a Brcclor. wialogue "The Census Taking" P. arii Jones and Hans Jensen Song' "Ting a Ling'' By School iiialoeue ... "The Inlerviener" Mr Tom and L I Ian 1 la rns Christinas Thoughts, MrsC I) B--sel ..i.iiogue "Kri - Krmg le" By Mals-i hrisiecseii ai.d I nomas Joins J:a. "As with (iladi.i ss" By Scl.ool ! Recit..tioii .."A Shepherd Buy's Carol" t lara t hrisi i list 11 iper Mrs S. E. Jones 'Some Boys and (I. ris" " " ., i B'rilie Jones 1 M.ihel hrist No. 5, Psgr. 1U;55 No. 4, Psgr. arriven I b:li5, departs 7 :00 Both trains carry passengers. K. ROHWER. DEALER in; Harness, Saddles, Lumber, Grain, Doors, Sash & WIRE. mmmm j .U.ihel linstenseii K-KT.l-'p' fcjt VfUa mBBbJn -.Up in the House Top". .Hy the Kc I 8ppM ,.t, 11 11 - . , , , Mal-I ( Ihrislensen j Kl "The Dally s Lnlahy p,,,t.,r M' WWi Oral ion, ..Bv J. M. Slnuson of lUrrison j lly. Song. Bv Sunday School Selected! fc' A&W'fM. VfrylMffl ... T ,f -. I ihomas. Jones UfMtiW -Ihe feu Mice j ,,,,,,,, SS U-iiiark-, ...In- S.ipt. J. B Burke $4M'iWW..-V'JPiPf'Sff is King- H sc 1 m-mm Distribulion of Pres. ,.-. Bv Santa Clans1 , ":fM'& t- PR&Cj- -" ' S'""l"v S'1'""1 j P;"i V ol,,, Music..: By . arl B-,el,rs. i'V V R-c.,-,on "C ! Hye" ...P-arl J.hiJ n Farewell Song B Sc j frfr' olfee i.ll. I Cake free lo all, ultorwards : or H l list end lltev I 1 it to git up in Ju night mid no uld 1 the ili.cloi, mi fro. hi I..- I ... a i.. ..I . .. 1 I ...... t I I . . .1 it-am-i mi iiiincun. - --ii, lie, 1 j (11 11 iiini ne inn u in .five 1 u o . I 7aI0 o'clock every Tiii--la ev. nu g a l , ,r, )lt , ,.,) ,,K1. , ,t. t,n-lor brcau-i In die churi.h, iiini let all memts rs l- pies- ( dorsn't no, ,,o, u when 'he doctor f nl . for an absent of lure nights lu sue- 1 there, (here is not hough Inn n In tin issioil will cause )ou to lose your house lo w 1 h p lip a dnll-iiby, W'esti i n leiubersllip. 1 Publisher, Oa !."ii'di ev,.iii)'g w hih R-verend I nile'r li l.bai I,'f'oiug to lit. B & M depot to lake Hi" ll'.iiil for I lelllillgl old hi, fell inlo II trenih Oil tile lllilloiiil grounds and fi ad on d the limits of bis lelt leg, b'iwen the ankle mid knee joints. I r. Lai I e ell let the fractnr. and he is doing M- wi ll ns i nn he expect ll. The Iremcli is en 11 vd on iiccouut ol 1 he wait r pip s It mill g to Ihe water lank heing tnkiii up to be lepl.tced by larger jiipe, 11111I was i lireb ssly hit without 11 duliger signal. Ka' her R hhach was an compiinied to the lb pi t by Mrs. Herman It ,sse, of I ten u.glord who was on le'i I et til 11 la. na ell, r ! !' ng Irieiuls iu I bis vicinilj, , raAford Buie tin, Chifcl-.lng Offer. W tu le vmi 11 r-- I h 0 1 King of kiihsi-rih'n-. i your vumlv leucuig mntlir, itvii 01 !' 'hut the I'nliSs Jnfli.SAh will tuki esi 1 iplions to any p-t on earl h and AO po i.lgv llllll lllllJ llil oll. rm Trails af nnllss. i The city of, Ipxaa, Is to ; be the lavf;e.n drijut of farm imp'.e , niflnt surplic? In tiio worl.l. Every big j wbolrsalo fcrrujie In tbe United SUtos : which en gar; or. In ;'nn bnalnffis of tn;,n ; ufacf.iring tools for the farmer hn Ita t D,-.!la-. Thorn are twanty f:ve rilno-Wory l.:la!insi drvmcrt to thin trad.!. Dali.Ki in tbn vrry heart of Ihn choicest fnrinlns mrrion of Tra.. It in the tradir.r. point of the great hlnc.U land belt of tho iiortlirrn and central counties,, which contilu two-lhlrdu of t.h.- pfrjplo and thro foiirtlm of he ne.-ith of the stcte. NOTICE OF SALE TrNDER CHAT I EL MOKTOAOE. Kotiei In liMftiy (riren Hint r-y Tirt.itenf n j eliHltel mort truce dated feptniibcr 4, ItflJ mi iiitiy iiiru 111 tne onu-e or tun conntv clerk ol loiix ooiinty, Nelirr.slm, on Ihn s)K dav 01 Scpi. t, i.r, line;, n, fXf.rrt (,y (j, lie papa Woiildn't like lo have, tne i "'"""I. A. M herry to .er ll, pay ' ' .,1,.. ; n,'t,i of tint iini of .i;ruA unit upon which around so 1 , gotng lo m: '"'1""' N ,... 1. ,l. , e s, ,,;, r.r, 11 1 id 1 en 11 go to schofl, ride v lit t h- poiil . . lutviiig liicn iiuiiln in the pHJineiil of until fe id the 1 I ill k ns, 11. 1, k 11 1 a I low and j snin i.nrt no suit ur other prneccdluun nt law have lol. of fun.". At th'', teriuiiin ''-v 11 1 ef n Instil 1,1, , to recover ir rt.tM, , , , 01 "' I'm I therent, then fore I mil sell th Mo,, of tins 11,1,1 en ,1 hltlespich. .vin i p.c.,,r..y .rn,n rlhed. lo wlt: one had hiisine'S someH In re else. Nexl ' htindiPd Inns of new lisy In poor rondltlon Shn was a 1 1 1 1 1 1 lot pel h ips s: x ear ,'d, with an .ibunil.ince. of hromi curls A half lure ticket rinding 'p'rou Healricu to Pnll-hlc." was i.iuiied to lit . I sjrp'nj'tj sbnbby hitle clonk ahile a biingag " NJ check was suspended Iron, Inr neck b u lute string. 'I he sigh; j.i nitor lom.c iter on Ihf ib pol pla'forn'i nfier .10. 1 had left and drought her up stairs 11m the tfdegrapa Ifll'.' for sale keeping ,iv, 1 night. A'pba was h. r nanie. Efi ri lunch bask,.', 111 th-room was at her .'i. -posal hen she kuid' v con te-S'-d to b, ing hungry. Wie won Ihe lit ,rls of lb' iitghl lorce by her siel. wins iiecoiu ,ng coi.f idem iu I, she saul to onn of the iiiiik " know Koiiieiluiig Mill don t "Is that so? If II us nil about il", 11, Minna is going lo be married thvt so?'' Yes, ur, it is iind she s iinruing, i,f, . r si eli.g her Hilely (It tin ll. v, rlv, we tiirnestlv hoped that hllle A Ip I uV 1, lit it ',nti d joj h be more Hum nl la r gnu liin n's. Mctook 1 1 I 1 I , 1 i.n. 1,1 u pui ep in 1 ww, 1,1 pniiiip snoUoti on V. U hi Iwwnslilp w, KanvKf,?, hi oiin ronnii NehriMkiwon the lodny of lircomhrr, I'M, s nun o'clock p. 111. nl n, rlny. l.'l e f.VP):).. l Hi, I-. x, M'i n.RT,