Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 04, 1902, Image 7

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Syrup.of Fis
iKe-bt family laxative-
It is pure.
It is gentle. ,
It is pleasant.
It is efficacious.
It is not expensive.
It is good for children.'
It is excellent for ladies.
It is convenient for business men
It is perfectly safe under all circumstances.
It is used by millions of families the world over.
It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians.
If you use it you have the best laxative the world
Harvey Joyce, cf Tlogley, Pa., oc
cupies a Bleeping room with John
Klchler. The latter is a violinist,
out the former never plays when
wake. The other nlht, while in
a somnambulistic state. Joyce took
possession of Richler's violin and
played two tones with musical skill.
Ills roommate was aroused by the
music, and stared at him in wonder.
I J? 'I hir '"' tb" '"'I IM. T.wrr
J"' 1 tooi Kmwmut, i
International Dictionary
of LKGLISH, Biography, Geography, Fiction, ttc
The One Great Standard Authority.
Let Us Send You
"A Te',1 in Pronunciation "
A'fT.i 1-'''M ! u..,r.,i. (.ri9im..
Aiw. -.it'i tl-l . t- it,...
IIJ.'-.rM T-r f'AHfHI.KTm km. 1...
G. 1 C. MLRRIAM CO., Pubi., Springfield, Masa.
Sale 10,000,000
y. can dy rnmnriTir
Pief flief "' '"l1 "a ' " ' ono with i.75 sad asms sad Uiitm
lylll VIII tci jot will itci !
filFT I " tke l"nM The Compi.lon from time anfcacrfptfon It reeelrad
Uir 1 1. is th. .14 trf igra, PREB, IncludlDf tke Beautiful Holiday Ifumbert.
ItllrT 7 Comaaaloa Calendar for im, HtborranaM g twelve Co
VlaT 1 fold a Wagtiful aoureerr. Thee Tke Ycutb'a Compenloa
IB week .1 loos -till Justry, ioi U lor sach
For Bumf and
A Gramatlcal Con'tahlp
Sibyl How did you come to accept
Jack? I thought you said "no"
Ureyl So I did; then he proposed
again and I said '-do'- a second time.
"He asked me to name the day,
spying in school he had been taught
that two negatives make an affirma
tive." Baltimore Herald.
The population of Spain is only
3.000,000 more than it was forty-3ve
years ago.
t'sc the Famiraa ttwl Crow Hall Bine, rge
2-oz. package 5 emits, Tua Hubs Company,
South Bend, Ind
Mm. Wlntlnw'r BOOTHlVt nVRW for chlliliv
ll.j icln, cur w'M c0'. byiM"?.
1'IIh Money
Judlptftu.lT lnTI,i. ran b mudr to earn a hanJuncnp
tn- ofnfi. Kftrruiiff Hj.r of uy tivttiit, an hltrh
km Si percent. tr pruculr-, irfr'Mi
SI Wllllm htn-et, w York City
N. H. U. NO. 748-49 Y0BK, NEB
Boxes a Year.
The Best Christmas
Present for so Little
Money $1.75.
Canyon better
invest $I.7S
for your entire
family circle
than in a sub
scription to the
National Fam
ily Paper
Present Coupon.
colore eel
for Ue
Scald Je
Its component parts are all wholesome.
It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects.
It is wholly free from objectionable substances.
It contains the laxative principles of plants.
It contains the carminative principles of plants.
It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are
agreeable and refreshing to the taste.
All are pure.
All are delicately blended.
AH are skillfully and scientifically compounded.
Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to
the originality and simplicity of the combination.
To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine.
Manufactured by
San Francisco, Cal.
Louisville. Ky. New York. N. Y.
Nertlve Wl'dnm j
"I don't quite undestand that fel-.
low Foodie' said Poison. "He seems
to get along swimmingly in society
but I'm sure he doesn't know much."
"That may be partly true" replied
Tolbut, "but be has a liberal educa
tion in what not to do." Indianapo
lis News.
In Corea a servicable umbrella costs
about twelve cents. The covering is
of foiled paper.
Ijot Twenty Tpars.
Kokomo, Ind., I)ec. 1. Twenty years
1b a loriR time to take out of one per
son's life, but that was ttie fate of
Anna M. Willis of this place. For twen
ty years she suffered all the torments
of Kidney Trouble, and anyone In that
state is not living, tint simply exiMtin?.
-Now Anna II. Willis h Cully -eeov
ereil. She appreciates the pleasure o
imns aj;a:!i and never forgets to icll
you that It Is all because a friend ad
vised her to try Druid's Kidney Pills,
in miciihiiiK or tier wonaerrut cure
she Kays: "For twenty years I suffered
from Kidney Trouble, The disease was
terrible In Itself and It was ail the
more terrible because I could get no re
lief and my case seemed hopeless.
"But one day I pot six boxes of
Dodd s Kidney Pills and by the lime I
bud taken live boxes my pains had left
me nuu I was a free woman.
The more education s itue men ac
quire the less able they seem to make
a living.
If you Iik Mrs. Austin's famous I'anr-nke
flmir, wun't you lie good? Tell your friends
how delicious .it is.
A fox farm Is conducted by Elijah
Norton, near Bangor, Me. He finds
the raising of foxes more profitable
than the culture of grain ot -vegetables.
Help vnxsr wife to get hreatifnst easy. Take
tinine .Mrs. Ansnn.s Pancake flour. Your
eroeer wans to supply you.
It Is a custom In the Belgian Par
liament, when a member is making a
long speech, to be supplied wlih
brandy as a beverage, at the expense
uf the government.
All creameries use butter color, Why
not do as they do use JUNE TINT
A British army ofllcer, when In
full unltorm, Is not allowed to carry
an umbrella, no matter if the rain
s falling In torrents.
Dr. August Koenig'e Ilambnre Drops.
as a blood purifier, strength and health
reatorer, and a specific for all stomach,
liver and kidnev tr.iuhl ee. lenrla nil nrliep
Kimilur medicines in Its wonderful sales
and mnrreloua confidence) of the neonle.
especially our Test German population.
It la not new and untried product, but
was made and sold more than alily jeure
Ner Forget the Nous or Thank.,
He suref) send a note of thanks
for a gift received at the earliest
possible moment. Wtite It before
your ardor cools. Make it hcart.
spontaneous, enthusiastic. You need
not be Insincere. Even If you do not
like the gift you must like the spirit
that prompted It. Neer defer writ
ing with the Idea that you will thann
the giver in person, You may do
that as well when opportunity offers,
but do not risk deJav. Nothing is
more discourteous than belated
thanks. Ladles' Home Journal,
The man wbo realizes his own pow
er Is the one wbo always knows bis
Is taken Internally. Price 75 cento.
The average number of criminals
Is 38 to the 1,000, among bachelors;
among married men the ratio is only
18 per 1,000,
fkm't fortvt a larjr t-oa. parks Red Crrxi
Rail Bin, only I etnta. The Snaa Cobpmt.
oiU) Base Ind.
i :!
IN ITS ADVANCED nnd chronic
form a cold in the head ia known as
NjikoI Catarrh and is the recognized
aource of other dineases. Hnving stood
the t-st of continued BHeorKW ul Gse
Ely's Cream balm is recognized at
ipeciSc for meuihranal diseases in the
nunal passages. It is not drying, does
not produce sneezing. Price !() cents tit
druggists or by mail. Ely Brothers, 00
Warren street, New York.
(Jive un prejudice and try it.
Messrs. ELY BUGS.: I have been
afflicted with catarrh for twenty years.
It made me so weak I thought I had con
lumtition. I got one bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm and in three d;iys the discharge
Hopped. It is the best medicine I hav
used for catarrh.
I'robexta, Cal.
Itar1hl j,h of'C.eniiin.
Milton s.ild his copyright of "Para
disc Lost" for in three pay
ments, and finished his life in ob
Homer was a beggar.
Spencer died in want.
Crevanes died in hunger
Dryden lived in poverty and dis
Terracne, the dramatist, was a
Butler lived a life of penury and
died prior.
Flatus, the
turned a mill.
Roman comic poet
I'aulGorghese had fourteen trades
yet starved with it all.
Tasso, the Italian poet, as often
distresseed for a dollar.
Otway, the English dramatist, died
prematurely and through hunger,
fiacon lived a life of meanness and
Seeie, the humorist, lived a ilfe of
perfect war fare with bailiffs.
Kir Waiter .Raleigh died on the
Mohammedans do not wear silk.
As it Is the product of a worm, they
consider it unclean.
nmm mm.
Mrs. Frances Stafford, of 243 E.
I!4th St., iN.Y. City, adds her tes
timony to the hundreds of thou
sands on Mrs. Pinkham's files.
When Lydia E. Pinkham's Reme
dies wore first introduced skeptics
all over tho country frowned upon
their curalivo claims, but u year
after year has rolled by and the
little group of women who had been
cured by the new disooTery has
nince g-rown into ft vat army of
hundreds of thousands, doubts and
skepticisms have been swept sway
m by a mighty flood, until to-day
the great good that Lydls K.
IMnklmm's vefetable Compound
and her other medicines are doing
among the women of America is
attracting the attention of many of
onr lending scientists, physician
and thinking people.
Merit alone could win such fame;
wise, therefore, is the woman who
for s cure relies upon Lydl B.
Pinkham's VatU Oosnperanal.
One to Cover B.OOO Acres to Be Plant
ed In Missouri.
Missouri is to have a 5,000 acre ap
ple orchard, the largest in the world
the Frisco road will bnild a track
throngh it from end to end, and depots
and warehouses will be erected for the
storage of the products. An evaporat
bag plant, a vinegar and cider plant, and
a canning establishment will be erected
and facilities provided for caring for
every portion of the -.'chard's product
on a business basis, the keynote to
which Is like that of the packing houses
not a thing shall be wasted.
The big orchard Is fo be located in
Laelede County, about three miles from
Lebanon, on a tract-occupying a north
ern plateau, nearly the whole of the 5,-
000 acres sloping to the north, a con
dition much sought for by orchardists
It Is owned by a company officered bj
Iowans and which expects to make an
investment od the property of $1,000,-
It is proiKiced to set about 4,800 acrei-
of the tract to apples, the remaining
200 acres being reserved for building!
and other necessary purposes. Two
year-old apples trees are to be planta
on 1,000 aci'Ps next spring, and 251
acres of peach trees are to b planted
these to afford quicker returns than can
be expected from the apple trees. The
peach trees will be supplanted by ap
pie trees later, however. From thi
peach orchard returns are expected in
three years, while for the apple trees
six years are allowed. While the trees
are growing the company will plant the
land to corn, berries, and other crops,
in order to get a return from year to
year. Ktnmp pullers and si earn plows
are already at work, and the contract
has been let for clearing the entire
The apples to he grown will be chiefly
of the Ben Davis and Jonathan varie
ties, which have been shown to be
adapted to that noil and which will keep
well remaining in cold storage for two
or three years. It is intended that the
orchard company shall market not only
the frnit of its own farm, but shall buy
and ship fruit from surrounding grow
ers, thus keeping constantly in close
touch with the markets and in position
to take advantage of every favorable
The Ozark country Is yearly takinc;
higher rank among the apple producing
sections, and one of the promoters of
the big orchard said he was advised the
apple growers of New York and other
of the older States were not replanting
their trees owing to the high values of
land in those sections. He says that
w ith the cheap lands of Missouri so well
adapted to apple growing and so cen
trally located as to the best apple mar
kets, the Ozark region will soon become
he apple producing center of the world,
Kansas City Star.
Pity tho Tired.
A club veranda conversation in New
port, reported verbatim for Henry Wat
terson :
"Isn't It a beastly boah?"
ta-as, old chappie, It's demned
"Why, Chawlcs, yon swoah!"
bo I did; learned to sweah iawst
night at Mrs. Vandordrcxel's pwofanity
linree minutes lapse or conscious
May Geilatine sweahs fwightfullv,
they say."
"Ya-as, she's wemahkably clevah.
expect to maywy her some day."
I pity you, Chawles."
'So does her papa. Wonder if she'll
weah at me. Ilee-hee!"
(Silence of ten minutes.)
"There goes Mrs. Shellmonte In her
flying machine."
"Flying is such a beastly boah."
"Demned beastly."
(Another Interval.)
"I had an idea yesterday."
"How beastly of you!"
"Don't be cruel or I shan't tell It to
((Five-minute hiatus.)
"What was that idea, Chawles?"
"I thought what a clevah thing It
would be for somebody to bwing con-
wess here for a day; have a wegulah
session on somebody's lawn; pay the
beastly old gov'mcnt and all that, you
"How deuccdly vnigah!"
"Ya-as, but think of this beastly
(Coma till dinner.) Newark News.
Arlltlcl il Eyelids.
The latest surgical triumph Is the
rraftlng of a new set of upper and
wer eyelids to the eyes of a man who
rst his original set In a Are. The
cident had left both eyesballs en-
ely unprotected, and there was dan-
r of the victim losing his sight en
tirely. It was resolved to replace thein
by grafting four new eyelids if possi
ble, by taking the skin from the hip
of the pal lent It was necessary to
proceed slowly, but' the experiment
was successful from the start The
'onr new eyelids perform their normal
'unctions naturally.
l'i-nind a Day's Ilcst.
Jn spar What are yon looking so an
loyed about?
Mrs. Jaspar-I expects a day's rest
md didn't get It. This Is the cook's day
ut, but she insisted on staying at home.
Mho Btrnck Pay Dnst,
"I see that a Chicago washerwoman
ins saved 140,000 by taking In wash
n." "Ain't thst a good deal for one wom
an to elean up?" Cleveland main
A Ha arrest Ion of Riches.
"Did be look well off?"
1m, he did suggest ricbas: fc wis
A Prominent Chicago Lady Curttf
by Pe-ru-na.
Mlaa Macrgie Welch, aerretary of tk
Betaey Koaa Educational and Benevo
lent Society, writes from 32S North S.tart
atreet, Chicago, 111., the following- glow
ing worda concerning I'eruna:
"Last fall I caught the moat sever
cold I ever had in my life. I conghed
night and day, and my lungra and throat
bacame so sore that I was in great dls
NI0B Haeaia wcl.cu.
tresa. All cough remedies nnuseatud
me, and nothing afforded me relief until
my doctor said rather in a joky, 'I gneits
I'eruna ia the only medicine that will
cure you.
I told mm that 1 would certainly trr
it and immediately sent for a bottle. I
found that relief came the first day, and
as I kept taking it faithfully the couch
gradually diminiahed, and the soreness
left me. It is nne. Maggie Welch.
Addreaa the Peruna Medicine Co.. Co
lumbus, Ohio, for free literature od ca
tarrh. UtieleFs Presents
An Ottawa small boy wbo had a
birthday Wednesday had a big kick
coming on tbe presents his aunt
gave him. "They's two things I
never uses' he said. "What do I
want with a tooth brush and a hand
kerchief?" Kansas City Star. ,
Wonderful Work. '
Case No. 18,977. David M. Bye, P.
O. Address Box 297, Midland, Mich.,
says: "Three months I was almost In
capacitated from labor; could not sleep
at night; had to walk the floor, owing
to terrible pain in the hips, in the small
of the back, in my Instep and ankle of
the right leg.
1 was treated for sciatic rheumatism
n the hospital, but received no bene
fit. One month airo I returned home.'
and was given a box of Do.an'a Kidney
Pills. To-day residents of this city can
bear witness to the fact that I am able!
to work, and can also walk to my work
without the aid of a walking stick or
"In speaking of the immediate ef
fect of Doan's Kidney Pills, I did not
lin.i them to deaden the pain but quick
ly and surely to eradicate the eatm
of it.
"I am of the opinion that Doan's'
Kidney Pills is the best remedy for
kidney aliments. that can be procured.1
"I was especially careful in my diet,1
In order to give the treatment fair'
Play. .
"In conclusion, I shall be pleased, at
any time, to answer any inquiries re
garding my case, from anyone desirous
of obtaining it."
A FKK10 TRIAL of (his great kidney
medicine which cured Mr. Bye will be
mailed on application to any part o
the United States. Address Foster
Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For stole
by all druggists, price 50 cents per
I All Hours.
"My good man. '-'said the prim in
dividual, "why do you idle your time
away? Today is ours, but remember
bornmrow may be others."
"G'wanl" responded Plodding Pete
derisively. "Ain't tomorrow hours,
too?" Philadelphia Peccrd.
A Kudo Jolt
We are compelled to sit on tbe Jury
this week," wrote the editor of the
Spiketown Biiyzard, "and in our ab
sence our wife will do tbe best she
can to get out tbe Daper. As this is
her first attempt to hold down an
editorial chair we trust our readers
will be lenient and not expect too
And this is a sample of the letter
she received from the seveotv-olDe
"Constant Readers," "Old Subscrib
ers," and "Sincere Friends," includ-
I oiz "Veritas," "Pro Bono Publico."
Justitla, ""Fair Play," "Well Wish
er," Citizen" and "One of tho Plain
People," the following week:
io the Kdilor of the Suiketown
Bllzzatd Dear Sir: The paper last
week was better than it has ever
been before- Please, and sit on
Jury all the time and let your wife
edit the Blizzard hereafter. " Chica
go Tribune.
Harolneaa Is the ahaenoe of pain, and mlt
lona Baye been made hapry ttirnuth twins
cured by St J acom On. of RHEUMATISM.
SPRAINS. BRUISES and all rains (or which
anaatemal remedy tan ba applied. It ntrar
fair to aura. Thuuionda who bars bmi de
clared rncurahle at batha and In hoapltala hars
thrown nraytholr cnitr.hei, being cured aftar
ortnf S r. Jacom Ou DtrRllons In slsvaa
hntiaassa accompany rwiry boMls.
sovsrsd with coal 4wt"