lIess -Journal. p- VOL. XIV. ttJLTUELTSOlK, KEEBASKA, THUBSDAY, DEOEMEBR 4 . 19Q2. NO.23 itlARRISON 1 UADDTQnXT Vohn Burke is lea rniiu,' the art of us 'nK hyphens & etc, tills week. Mm. Frank Scott iweomes a reader of the PttKKs-JuKKNAi, with tlnst is-tie. Sunday school ut 10 o'clock; every body invited, V. H. Davis; Sunt. Jul received: A new consignment of uta and bos clothm at GKULA'ilS. Rev. Morton went to Pleasant Rnle last Monday, lo bem revival meulint;. VvxiiiV Kendall, the mini currier, retort lots of miuiv 11 ween here and Montrose. , CTaus ('hristenseii uij'I wife mill Mrs. Jen Meng ci ll.ii rison visitors lust Monday . A ntimtwr itf Indian', camped south went nf town ye-.terd.iy. 1 t-l I O'Connor lioutlt a hoix of I hem. More and better (hmIh for the same Bi.Bty t Cjerl.ii'h'.t store tlmii any other place, try laem. 10-U The tnngin oluss will meet. Friday vetiiii, ow in;; lo the storm Tuesday flight bald meeting was .osl'i i.ed until this date. Lt rtM meii.lieis attend. There will be a h;eilinK mjIiooI ut the Harrison school -home, Friday evening Dec. 12, In-inninK M 1:'.)0 oVI.wk . Adinl.-s.'ii., 5 cents. All ersoiis knowing IbeiiiHelves in debted to us will (dense come lorwanl nnd settle up, for it Likes money to run H new paper as well us any tiling else. VV I r. Reichurd will h-at, Harrison, at t'emmeroial Hotel, Hec (5 to piei.un.d to do all kind i f dental work cli-: pei than any one. L'jaiacla Icelli without pain. If you want a iup in Ladies and child ri ! to GKULAs'li'.-. e.beie you aa buy thorn cheaper than in miy astern city. They now have a l.iru asortoiut. A woman atSe.wurd was nrresltd for bigamy and put in Jul. II all the men in Nebraska who are purity of bigamy wrre put in jail, where wi uld the crowd be? -Stuart Ledger. "Mr. J. 11. Wilhermsdorfer is visit mi' with Mrs. W. II Tblllips th s week, and J. H. looks pretty lonesome, but he says he has eatn Ins own cocking niostof ihe tune during Mrs. W's abs ru e. In cop inir the report freni m Imol i'is trict No. '2 lust week we toi'ol to (.'ive tb Crawford Hullelin cri.'tt. lor the clipping; mi we pardon IUo Lim'.e- manual 1 Vjames M man, ai will try and not do this again. James Met 'arm was up from his ranch last Monday on business and ot snowed in and had to stay with town folks until Wednesday, but as Jim is a nicj quiet fellow we are always j.-lad to have him with UK. H. T. Mclntyre, St. Paul, Minn., who has been troubled with a disordered stom uch, aavs, Chamberluirr.s Stomach and Liver Tablets do me uiore (,'ood than any thing I have ever taken. For sale by all LlrugKiata. County Map. Th PaEss-.Ioi RNAr. him printed a lim Ued number of maps mi Manilla card board whii'h curl t secured tor 10c each Tliy "ill ! W given as a premiui to w aubxr KCoiinty ' v aubteribers. bounty Tras. Davis thought he had closed a deal with a H icU Indut for a horso, but when the ltuck went to con ault hi betur half nh said "no' so the deal a oil'. Who sivs the lmliariH are ot baconili)),' civilized? Stock brand will be ch:crj,r"d for, at the rale tfiven at tlie bend of ,ur brand column, no matter what charges have baen made heretofore, for it seems that a ali(ht nilsiindeTstandinu' has Wen h;ul coitoerniii the cbargr iiilide. Harnsoo Nehr. IVc. I. To ail tin know tlcuusHlves indebted to Clias. J.lliblwlu. will do him a favor by MllliftK up with bin iH -"u 11,1 boa ble. V. J. Ilibheln. Ocurire Okane. adds his nam our list i-f readers inn "Kain imd Is-cniin'a inlerrsitd in Hioux o. and tier oplii. Hucteiw to vii Mr. Okane, and we hoi yiu iiihV coisb seeud to come and u in the near I -lures wh in your old fn-d. ad writer for the I It raid, if nota rti.idoit of Miou ' '.. nay longer we get few ilvmsfroio Itu In iu I Js n ab 'iit IT A PPI?TrTP.vJ The Woodmen of the World will meet Saturday nmht for th" purpose of elect int; officers for tlie comiig ;ur, and the Mudi it; VVo.'ilmeu vviIT tjiePtonw wek from Saturday flight for the purpose of elect ini$ officers. All members of Loth camps are requested to be present. W.I I. iMVis; Clerk. It was a Missouri man who went to Washington, l. to sell horses and re ports his luck a fellows: "The people travel there or. cars run by cable, or elec tricity and ilu not need draft or roadsters; they ride on bicycles and autoiiiohilesiind don't need fast Hotter..; be gamble by wire and don't nei d race hoists, and the Uuvermeht in run entirly by jackasses so there vou are." Fx. A. J. Knell wanted to attend a p'irty, but was aliaid to do so on account of pains in his stomal h, w hiih he bared would crmv vore. He says, "I was tellinn mv troubles to a lady friend, who said: '. hnmbwiaiii's Colic, Cholera and Ihhrrhoea Kduedy iwil jul ou in con dition for the party.' I bought n Imttle and . kw pleasure in staling that two doses cured me and enabled rue tn have a trood lime at th- party.'' Mr. Sneil is a resid,l ,.f Kii.i- lb::, N. Y. Tlsis rutnedy is for sale h all In tigt;ists. A Cccd Investment. We have formed a Sloe!; Company to operate t he pild mine that I have been interested in fur p-'st, four yeais. We have decided to n.-ct a stamp mill and in oilier to ilu so we il m1 a limited numlier l Shares at 20 cuds p r share, per value nr. dollar. The d-velojiellielit I work is about, cump'e'ed, and shown, I so lar is excellent. Will l-e pit used to ' see any ol my and t-Nnlain our ! proposition to them for a prolilalde In vestment. E F. 1'oNTirs, Secy. A Missouri pap r tells (,f h man named Jones, a new comer, having d posited 10U uoliats in I be pastor' salary box one Sunday recently. The preacher asked why he bad been so en r. i.s mid be said that be bad jn-t i ncaccd in business in I he low n ttiril be w nub d to help along the cause. Then the prmcher iiiiuounced that tie would surely pa'romze Mr. Jones and ar-ked all iie ci .. refjn I ion who e.ot;;d !o likewise lostiiiid up. Then the w hole unnj.rrertl ion arose and the preach er askeii Mr. Jones what his business was ai d be lepio ': "I am .1 silicon keeper." Sle-ridun En'ei prise. chami:f,klai.vs stomach AMI TAL.Lt I S. Tr th rn When you feel dull after eating. Wben otl have no appetite. When you have a bad taste in the mouth When your bver in torpid. When your kiwels ate constipated When vou hav n he; d iche. When you feel bilious. They will improve your appetit. cleaihe and invigorate your stomach and regu late your li ver and bowels. For sa.e by all lJrugists. Are Men Losing Respect for the L&dlos ol Our i-nd? This is a question that has come Is'fore the writer tune and again, and our trip to Cr.iwfoid hist week in pressed more vividly upon our mind that such must 1 the cim-. Wben the rain arrived at It. Robiusou a la" i.uu.lier of colored sold iers boarded the limn, and so far us re spect lor the laches ihat were Ml the coach Was concerned there was none; The smell of tobacco and loud boihltrous talking was carried on the train reached Craw ford, no doubt the ladies lliut diU not gel ll tin ie Wele as I liankl ill as the ones hal did. On our return the train was bile, therefore ini.sliK the passengers to Walt, in the depot, and It surely was a ver. unpleasant place fur ladies to have In s'av Willi a mixture of w hit' s and negroes, and it seemed, every smoker was trying to outstnoke the other, mid there seemed to be no one that had the authority to slop them, or didn't ll he had, but it dis s strm to us that more roped should Is. show n to the mothers ol our cout.iry than what is. We wiil admit (li. l'e aic a great inunj ladies thatdoli'l i.bjei I to tobacco smoke at tones, but in crowded wailil i: rooms o here in. at mo-phi c is not the pliresl We consider It II shame lllid H tl'sfll'.ice lol Hie ones that do have Ibe i.ntboiil) to stop it am! don't. We do believe that if nomaii can't have all the lights of a iiihii she should have ibsn'it to nay w b. t le r hi r nose shall !.! us. d as .i (.miuiucv lor the tobacco smoker U '.h .ut the la f! ur iiio. i Tuesday morning loiiu-l us all mixed j up in a whirli'ig snow storm, but tins j Wednesday morning finds Us again with I old Sol's lays Wamii.g dow n upon us as if not lung unusual bad liappeiieil. vv line quite a huge urr, mint of snow lell the gn liter portion of it drifted in the breaks am! low place. The east bound passen ger train that was due here at, ti :3 P.M. Tuesday eve. Old nut. arrive iiitt.d 7 A.M. Wedncsd;i morning and then had two engines to clear the track No doubt this hard storm on the. stock while it lasted, but as the stock are all strong there i au't be much loss if any. Mr. J, II. Sturdivaiit and family, w ho are visit ing in Pleasant, Co, West Va., writes us that tbev lost, their little gill three years of ime, on the 21st day of November. She da d of lung fever. Mr. Slurdivant says she was taken sick very sudden, but lingered for near'y four weeks before death claimed her. The funeral services were conducted by Itev. Kelly of the M E. church, and the re mams were inleie l in the Mount Carrm I cemetery. Pleasant county W. V. near St. Marys. Mr, and Mrs. Suinlivaril's many friends in Sioux county will be sorry to hear of the loss of this precious soul, but I lis w ill bedone. The Pl(l-ji JnfltNAb extendssympathies tn the lenavtd parents, Mr. Slurdivant writes that he and Ins wile, will soon re t urn to Sioux i cunt v. 'HE WAS fOVNDEEADINHIS Ut-UI How ol ten this record meets the eye in the ict inon .s of men. The stout, healthy looking man or woman goes siiiiling or chattering to bed, little think ing of the asMilt which even then disease Is S'Clelly preparing to male) oil the citailel of b'e. in the morning the cold anil si i( "..(,, i ciji v s It'iit.l y testoh s that its late occupant, was suddenly summon ed to pass it he portals of death at. some unknow n moment iiuriiu the night. The affrighted survivors go forth with sirs lieialei! breath and say to the gaping, busl ling world, ' was found lieau in Ins bed!" Header, should Vol' h- found dead in your bed, would that night of your de p.,rl lire be your lirst ninbt in 1H.IJ. wr your first night in HK.VVKNV Winch? Newport. Eagle. ' . There wns a very good atlendi. nee nt the Nor! h esleru 'IracherV, .ssociu!nn hei.l at I'raw ord hist Frtdav and Satur day, and wi re pleased to sew several teachers there from Sioux county, but. would have liked to seen more. We car) alttaysootinl. the ones that, are interested in education w hen it conn s to ineetiims of this kind, and you will a I v. a, i lira! the learhersthat alt rid these iissucintiot.s thi ones that are getting th" better posit ion-, and well thev niiht, for tin y are interested in the education of oar children mid lie' school boards are not long in linding it out. Among those present from I Ins county w ere; Mn Susie Topper and Miss Ona Ilellyer from Harri son, and Miss Elizabeth Harris and Alex Johnson from (ilcti, anil Miss I'essie Pomeroy and Miss Maltha I'ihnrd and Mr. Clarence Ruiui from Carey. Disappointed In Brysn. (Lincoln Swedish Tribune.) The e iiior 1. 1 the Ol taw a Journal was one of tlw Si. 000 who hea'd Wdha-ii Jen mugs ltr an spn,k al the I 'l.atilaiiqua. He aiiinils that h-anlicipaleil a thor ough fra.y.e of repiibbcanism by t be famous orator but was sadly disap pointed. The Journal comments as lol Ioas: "J'r. HrjanV lalk was not a political speech in liny sense of the word. It. was a classic in the analysis of goviin niental conditions. It sound ov.r and ulsive a political speti n as far as Is the ! eagle's Might beu.nd that of I hi niuawk j ing mud heron, bid Jou ever go to a i bouse of worship, lislen to an eli-quint and hi nut.iful sermon, mid con.e away leehng Idled up, made l etter, will) ciir j ideas eevat"d and purifiefl? lid oi.'; I Will, tli n, otlkno.v the ill'.cl this I talk had on me, It wns Is tttr than a sermon! It was an iii'piralu.n lilled to the hum with hie ami charily lor all I'd rather lie ublii to ilmik Ibe ii" lights of thai talk, and think In on Mtciciv, than hold iin polit,. nl o,i' i u ill tho s ale of Illinois! It was grand! "And they talk about this man lin 'dead one!' No olio who heard bun and could leel, act tin lly le.l.the nuswer Itij' thrill 1 1 lilt went throng' i Hint, great audi. in'. i m to his woids, would ever subscribe to that, Verdict. 1'einl? Well, if he s, then I'd ratlmr by a 'dead one, I ban a w hole ci inpaii v of those wi; j hfiir spoken ol us 'In . ones ' I ralhr (ancy iliitbi-. funeral is a v. i long ay olf. lb: IS a griilHl chill -icier, l. ion " t. in a t in's by h'uiself, nial licit her lias the world proM'cred to him as jet all the glory "r I unit Hint will yet Isi his. Jam a lepubln an, hut fv got my bm n. t t ft to Cob-... I H i :iii. lie's a icnii, ei' ij tei )i ol b:o. " - V'. oi lil it -ii 'I STOCK REPORT. South Omaha, Nebr. Dec. 3, 1002. Chniio bad hii enormous run of cattle Monday, reaching over otf.000. Our re ceipt i re only 10,0(10 lor t wo days but market is weak in sympathy with Chicago. We quote cornfed Ufef 3 Til to 5, .")(), w ith choice at 6.00; high grade yearlings 1.50 to 4 75, good fair feeders 3.40 to 3 CO common a.OO to 3.30- choice fat cows 3. 00 to 3 .10, Ian 2.a0 i... 3.00 canners 1..10 to 2 20; veal 4 00 to .1 00; bulls 1.75 to 3 50, extra good 4.00 Uood steer stock calves 4 tiO to 4 25; heifers 2 50 lo 3.00. Hog receipts moderate. Market about steady. Range 5 05 to 0 10. Keceipt 01 sheep lulling oil hi re. Market Is lip lo day to about best lime last week. Feeders slow and low. Killers Feeders Lambs 4 75 -5 t'O 3 503 HO Yearlings 3 til - 4 DO 3 00-3 25 Wethers 8.253 .10 2.(10-3 10 Ewes 2 70-3 25 100-2.00 NYU & FStCHANAN. TROUBLESOME TOfil.'S CQRiiEn. Tommy's Pa Trios to Answer Soma of tro Posers Tommy Puts to Him. Tommy Say , pa? Pa Well, what is it this time, my sin:? ? Tommy Say, pa. would Italy have a r elit io s-nd an army over here if she il.dn't like th uay we treated Ilaliars in this conn' ry? Pa No, my son, cerlainlj' not. I 'hoiild I huik a boy of your age would know that,. Tomim Not if Italians were Ivnclie I is Ib.-y have been several limes, and the wicbi-rs went u,'i!? Pa Certainly not, Thomas. If for ein-rs oon'i like it. in this country llity aecdn'l cioiie here I'oiriuij S i , pa, ha ve wen nyht lo ; 'lid our p'-ople to i tuna it the bin. lon'i a m. I hem t her. ? ' I 'a, ty i eetirsH Tommy: because our ol j' c! is to civibze Ihein iihd introduce I'ii.llelli ideilS. Toiiiniv Why do (be Boxers oppose ibeioining ol lorgeiuers to t hu a? Pa They ari" a delnd-d set. Tommy: 'hey know nothing about, the civilized vol Id, and don't believe in iiuproveiueiits iominy Isn't il uale that Cuuiese invented priii'mg aiid tlei compass and .'Unliowd. r ai d paper; and didn't lhey have the (joaleii Role ages belore wedid. Pa jjnpjuse they did have !he (toldeu Hub, 'I lion, as; Ihej never put it to any practical use. Tommy Bui, how about, us Pa; do we lull, mv the Golden Role when we keep .' out l this country, ai.d then lon e ' hina to let our people go there? Pa Thomas y ou are gelling loo .smart Vv hen j ou hcl a III I le rider oil w ill tarn Ilu.I cin umsl.oa es alter s. Tomnn S;i , , p,i, is a good China, man any wor... than a baJ Italian or a baa i I iini.'iii i.iu or even a bad A merica t,'( pa Tlia''.s not Ibe point, my son i b, y v.c, i k loo cheap. j ion mi Ho y on mean that they do in. .re lor a d olar iii-ui the. Iiahan or the Hungarian or the American? P - Ys, lliats ii. 1 1 n-y don't charge enough for what lhey do. Tommy-Say, Pa, don't we get the best ol the bargain if we Jiay them less than lhey ar-i worth? Pa '1 hat's not it, Tommy. They don't live up to our standards. lhey don't ; pei id their money, but save it. Tom icy They don't buy whisKev or tobacco, do lhey, Pa or paleiit lealhi r shoe'f 1H 'hut's it. Tommy ; they are not desirable citizens Toe my Hav, Pa, if the boys in ( hina threw stones at an American what would w e do? pH Our government, would land some soldiers and collect an indemnity. Tommy But say, Pa, down South didn't some of our people pull the I hi nese minister's queue; and in Pcnns I vann didn't the si nkeis throw sioueis at htm throiiuh th car window; and at Atlnc'ie i lly didn't some roughs give him a ducking? l' l- Yes I belie v) so; but he is a lieiilheu and he deserved it. Tommy lid h complain ol these out rages to his government? I' ,- No, Tommy, be knew it, would oo no good. Tommy Say, pa, didn't be say le forgave those ami thai he real 17.. d that the country ns a whole was not responsible lor them? P:i I ! my hiivi. said soinethitig of I he l;md. Tommy Then, Pa.didti'l be net more according to the Golden Uule than e do toward his pei pie? Pa See h' I'e, Thorn 's; sinca you've b I'll 1 1.! ill).- curt-e LVentfr bi si I.' i I wm've been geirin i ,u si mi i h it : bov piidenils to know man' t 'an his liith.r, soiiie'.lung is wrong Come with nie into the woodshed, ni..l we'll Men who has 1'iv I.. :! of th 1 1: -i;-" ' - 1' . I.llll ilM" COME! COME! Everyone. A N D R KW 'S P R OG R A M M E FUR UKCr.MBKR iy. Welcome By Miss L. E. Harris hristmas Welcome By the School Welcome "Hecitiition.... ."...iiva Proctor invocation, Mrs. (J. lJ. Basset Our Greeting By the School t hrislmus Time Pearla Jones Recitation, . . Kay iiagarinau "His Yoke is Kasy" By the School KeoitiiUon "To Prev.ut a Mistake" 1 homas Jones Twenty Frogies By Small Pupils Recitation "The Tea Party" Birdie Jones The Song of the Camp,. .Lilian E. Harris Si-iug "riilenl Nigh ', (in German) Mrs. 1 .'. Uhrislensen Song "Silent Night" and trans lated by the School !Eva Proctor I iiocas Jones Mill Mabel hnstenseo Pe .rbj Jones Song, "The Bogieman" By the School Recitation,,. ;.."A Mother's Song" Eva Proctor Rdcilation, Mrs S E Jones .Sony, "There's Music in the Air"..Schol Recilalion, Roy Haggeiiiiaii " "Santa (..'laus'', Birdie Jones Jialogue, "Fanny Gray" !Eya Proctor Thomas Juries . Iu'-a 1 ,'hrislensen Song, "My Kitty" Mabel Christ en.sen f -natation 'Best, lo kuuw Nothing ut all" Pearla Jones I K.i y Hagiferniaii Dialogue, '- Roy " ) iiiiijih Shepherd Song, "The Woodpecker" -By the School Rec "When ill" Angry Passions Gather" 1'boii. as Jones ' "Latin Song;" Lilian E. Harris ( I lara Christerisc-n Sash brill, By .... J tai'ia Joiks I Erii Proctor ' j.iiihel , hristensen Song, "Tiie Hurdy tjictly Man",. .Scboc I .'l i ogiie, "lh ; Watermelon PicKlc'' by Airs S E Jones and '1 nomas Jones Sung, 1 he Voice within Us" School .halcgue, "The Rainbow" By Mabel hrisleiiseu, Lva Pioclor, Hoy innil, 1 . liir.i 1 liiisleiisen, Lilian iiarris, i'eiiria Jones, and 'I in 111,1s Jones, lialogue "The tairy Maids" ..By Clan, 'hrist -useri, Pearla Jones, Eva Proctor, llaU-l (..'hristensen. Reciutiou "A Tale vitb a Point'" Thomas Jones The Fl.ig Iiialogue.. By L'li.m E H arris, kirn Chrisi en-en, I bouiiis Jones, Pearle Jones, and Eva Proctor. 1 nalogue "The Census Taking" Pearla Jones and Hans Jensen Song "Ting a Ling" By School blaloi:un "The Interviewer" Mr Tom and Lilian Harris Christ mas Thoughts, MrsiJ b Basset iiaogue "Kris Kringle". . . By Mabel hristensen and Thomas Jones itia. "As with Gladness" By School Recitation .."A Shepherd Hoy's Carol" l Ilitra 1 Ihrisleusen Paper .Mrs S. E. Jones Some Boys and Girls " ,. , ,,. I Birdie Jones 1 la. ''iiirdie s Call ' -i , ,,. j Mabel ' hnslensen "Up in the House Top". .By ttie School ,( Mali"! Chi'is'eiiscn The Daily's Lulaby I Eva Proctor Oration, ..By J M. Stimson of Harrison Song, By Sunday School Selected , ... ., ( Thomas Jones 'The Two Mice , . r.. , , Ralph Shepherd Remarks PySupt. J. B. Burke Song "Christ is Kum" By School Distribution of Pres. in-, Hv Santa Glaus (lliant By Surdav School Vailiu Music By Carl Boehrs Sor.g..By Mr. Chirk, from Runningwater Recitation "Good Bye" Pearl Jones Farewell Song By School Coffee und Cake free to all, al ters arils Merely i .loke, Gufher You may not believe It but I've ttover had nn utiklnd word from my wife In all my life. Hcpppck Oh, don't t.-y to spring that chcKtm:t on me. I Gurihcr-W'iiiit old cUcftnnt? I Hi'tipcck-V011 w.ti't mr to tiny, I "How did you miiiinge that?" und thvn you'll say, 'T never gnt married." De troit Frt'P Prose. How It Happened. Mrs. Nesdorc My duu.'htor wrs prnrtlclnR lur concert piece Iat night. Did yon hour her? Mrs. Popprcy-Oh. yes. Mrs. Nosdoro How whs it? Mrs. Poppiey 1 nhtiply couldn't fret woy; that' how It was.-I'hlhuleljilila Prose. Jot Itemly to Arbltrote. ; "Stop! Don't f'cTht, boys'. Cnn't w ! lirbitnitp this thing?" asl td ono of th byoliiudorn. "Yes, air." paut.-tl the f !'r-.v who wa on top. "Just 11s ution :;s I've I lacked his other eye!"-('b!c::go Tribuno. Fri:lllss. Little Willie-Pit. M hnt dccn tli'f pa per iiuiin by miyhig II. w;tn 11 fnitticsn BOHVI'll? F:i lh"r It probnl l.v itppll-tt, my run. to the (iii',i; of ",'i) pent v. ho wan loo'-1 .; 1 iiif'-nptil' t. firi r cine aw. Cl.'.'-ill.l.W-'v'.'T. Professional Cards. W. K. SMITH Buys, Hides, Tallow, Pelts, and Furs, and will pay highest market price. Leave at Marsteller Bros or at my residence east of school-house. J. E, PHINVEY. M. I) Phyisciitn hhiI Surgeon. All cbIIs given prompt attention Oflice in Drutr .store. -HAKRISOS - NEBRASKA. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legai niattors in Justice, Coi:nt y and District Courts, and before the United State Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliabU companies. "Legal papers carefully drawn. Hakkiso.n. - Nehkaska. I North-Western LINE P. E. M. V. 11. R. is th Ujt to and from the T3T a mr TTTT T Q DEADWOOI.) ASI hot spkisus, SOUTH DAKOTA. F. E. & M. V. R. R. Time Table. New Schedule of Trains. Taking effect Sunday Nov. 23. West, Bound, East Bound. Morning. Evening. No. 51), F,t. .. 9:0.') No. 60, Fit. .. .2:35 No. 5, Psgr. 11:55 No. 4,Psgr. arrive I tt:35, departs 7:00 Both trains carry passengers. E. ROHWER. Dealer in; Harness, Saddles, Lumber, Grain, Doors, Sash & WIRE. s.V l"'CjHV1lr' . Jf NOTION OF PUBLIC SALE. Hy virtue of ns tinier from the count? c iniii Isiouers, 1 will sell at Public Psle, tm tne ,Sth liny ol iieceiiilx-r, 10P2, ut t o'cloi-k I'. M.lollie liiciii'st Imliler for r.usli, tlm follmiiiiK ilesiribeil pioperty to wtt: llie -K'j ol the .NW'i and tlm Mv if t'ati SWi; .nal llie NW'., nf the SK', aval the WV nf tll.-M'ol .ectllill tVM'l.t V ltve (iTi), !'). tiiirlj -lour (HI) north ef liiiiiK"' (ll ty llve (M west, anil the N K'i of Scrt!i:n tv.enty tlvo."i) 'I'wp. ililrty three (,!:() 1101 tli of ItKnite llfly.. three, (5;i) v. est till) I'llucliiel Merldlim, John 1. Diivln, 21-3 t o. Treasurer. NOril EOF SA1F. UNDER CHATrKI. MOK1GAGH. Notice Isliireliy kivcii that by virtue of chut tel 11 01 tin ilatcil M jiti inlier 4, I'.-OJ ami duly uleil in tin' office of the county clerk ol f mux county, Ncliriiska, on the fall day ol N'pieinlicr, l'.'ifi, and executed by V. L. ih. II to 1'. A. Newlii rry 10 secure the pay 1, 0 1 of the piiiu of ir: i'.i .itt sad upon wlileli He; p I now dm' the slim ol 6:M7ft Default 'lav.i ft Im'i-ii ii.eiln In tl'.e payment; nf iiM -1 in mal no salt nr other proccedlniis nt lew Iw.vli f, torn Ii HIMi ted to recover mild debt, oi nny purl therro) . ttior. fore 1 will sell the irot.rty Ihoroin iVsrrihcit, t)ir1t! 1 hiiiiilict lnn of new buy In (tirod condition si d pin up In l'.ti'i, at raibiic sucttaa on Dee. li tn '1 1'. i.h p ii. U ii;e M, In Blows cenutjr, Nehr.'ska, om the ;fl ny nf Pro'iuber, lft, t iiiino'elni'k p. 111. ol onl't dev. ;utcibNi). en:l;i 1 ilh, IW. 1,. A. Sfr-.TMBtltt. nip 4TOsgsra