STOCK BRANDS. tM Jr B4L will 'iV)llh jrutir brand. Ilka fo.Sawlna:, tor I; , per Tear. ad 4IIUOI arxul 'I inxli. tver farmer ur raeebmen in kieai ami adloitnui; counties 1 'ress-Joi mini J II. 1 ENPLOW. Marsteller Bros Are mow prepared to show AN LC L K G A XT L I N IZ lilllMMY. N'v. 7 JJCrJ. ('. I!urUe, Prop. f Htli bland d nam. iia tu it CL I attle branded on r.'il aide exlne lit til. And also Li OH riht liiji. 1 . r (j:-.t siiuri tder aaoald adarert ,m tbeir brands in lniJi.1 -luu It (IriuUtiM all over the It ! aaav t Id nsn,.ai( v,ni iminpt lor you i tut uu eitli I' aide u Mill KM I :;.! IN I K !'-! uk? i K. A r 1! H Rl-i'V .t r.B. a use ri.A-s i Tr i: X -War w 313 OFFICIAL I'APKR OK SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Yar. $500 REWARD. Pr the arrnl sad coarietion of y prtv r psi Cea sieaiing r disfigMritiz ai. brand aiawk lo the andsreifiued pur Hurt-' Ijt i rt 7 ETSfl r j4W. K . " I W lilt lt, .T. ill 1 1 1 r- )! Ilvn I v-: ! rr.ri.h. Hi'- ! v fiireiiiui). I' ll. AI !n ; i ii, Sikir. FOR MEN. JOHN V. SNliW. SKII. JMRIIAM. AWftity-eipht ruin of cn ; J ll"l f i I 1 1 f- r r ! t V ' 31 0 I t r u r. c. jasht. ' Braad 60, 117, r hlr ft bl of Cattle. - lax CoiiiitT. Blebraakt, n loft J Mir, j on rl Office. Hewitt, 31 on lt'ft thou tatlla WraMrlpd -Jr, isHC on 'l(Jur l jrrk. An tot'lc bra in I rd mlwre btnf etrv- 4 from my rai,jf ti.Hovrrr4 by any bJy ' finny in iu((M-mat!n wilt be rewarded. fia-ai a .A. tloraea bri....e! . ol, ,f-t 1 lilf i lirin.i.(i..v nn4 Cullln I-IT liiiiil,jv on lf I i.Je FIX' I'o.t Oftlr Alilrri. I'MtrH k. I Miuiiiif i'o. nyo. JOHN A. HANSON 'irn th" fnllow it.Eiirimd t R ellh-rr: POP i:orirM aiKt e t- V - -rut;- - Atifl Cuttle branIH Art'irr, Iijli4ir, Ni'tra.-ka. cm 1-ft Jit - - c - f t H j. . fAXKia. Mmn limaded en 'altl wm on Irft wTl Irft shoulder am! hip. i Jheap barmlei) Tyl on Vack or atk of 8hfp. aa(oa Soldier (Tark aad While Itlvrr. Addreai, f t. Koljiuaon, Mrbruxkn. UKKIM'KKrK I.1VKTX-K Co ".1J"- BraiirtU an Irft hip of ( tti r;-rj3 t Ar. liaap Crtak I.ito Mock to.. J. If. Uiliiit, roi'i-maii, (.laa, braaka. HAltl-M NEWMAX. The braail raprearuted in thia notice and braaifwl any whira on left aide at i'atlla, aud wur-lup :at from thr rich tear. Also the same brand on left thich of liorsws, baloMK Lo the nia!erij? nfl. Baage near East Spriuni, ulh part lo loaxcaantj. lim.i.i Ntwu.i, Ilarrian, (ebraaka lac AML'EL KHOKI. Cattle braaded any wbere on left side of the animal. Range on l'rai- I i 1 ct mS Mon loe Crraks. Addreae. Rarriaou. Nabraska REWARD, will pay 15 00 row aril for each hiH of Da Col vi He'd horse branded oaeithrrjaw or thijjii ium.. OTr 'o John Bieas-r on Riirno water, also $100 00 for nrcnjf i coavict any person unlawfully tmiiuiiiiK AST of said hornes. VT. J. A. RAtaf. Mao HG on PHr- t.K IIU1 ,ltP at I lc on li'ft.slilw mrva on luft saouidpr. j W-l 5 -rt jtj Kaage on Sllt-r fprtn;: and eit ofautit j line. l'untoffi.H) Harrison Ncli. 5 M A.NUKICW (T. KITIAN I S? -v. ( attic krn.d tii on i.'t i'l artie as cut and hoif I blaucli-.t on I 1 1 tlioulrle i same n rut ! me thp prawrtj- of Aniirm ( liriitian anr riiK' tributary to Van Ti .-pi'Ings. jAiJ'lr', K:r;,-T. Wy. IIKNKY WAItNKKE. 'attle brand- T? ed on lert side. Haitge on lfunni'ir Watr i 'rei-k. "P. O. Addri-.s Ihiiricoii, ?(rhralca. fx-x 3: i ' ' WATCHIrlAKER & JEWELER All kind of Gold and Silver work done. Uingrf made to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS, SADDLES, rx - A ixxxy RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. Saddle re -covert:.'!. in fivf k'r.'at fnct'ii i" rep rcsi-nta sa tiif.ti:tion lo millioiif of nhi'9 ivf-prer. )ir of Hli Mn'e Kine S ho- f jIy i litis t. r r tliirt fact Ti;fy in.ike your ffi-t Uxik woiJ. mi mutter what fiiin you wnar, atiil combine tli filrmn of style witb perti-i-lion of com fort weanngTalua Kisa qualit:zs-lcv fhi Look for the sign o!"Se!z" matks the f'opuhr Dealer. Sflz b!iop for Men. Women and Children are Satittuctory Khoea - rrice-Quality Comfort SlyU. aaa roa ith "Hgrs-jh.oe." Urjesi Mufscirrs af kw aad teeee la lat VaaU. XabZ. Til8 I- 'IV tS3 uomm i It. I I ff I 1 taPUil.l HARRISON. NEBRASKA. 3H j ). ej at Fi Cattle branded entile branded mi H0. fcnir' on ,pft i! 5- - ' . a .fc' SUCCESSOR to C. W. HESTER, DEALER INti:- (I F. CoKFKi I'lvsident. J' W.Ci.aukk, Cashier Tins. ( !. Jauksox. II. S. Claukk. A. .fc(jlLMT Stockmen having use for a bank at this point ?my rfly o us to handle their entire Hanking busines. -hVc are prrparefl to take care of our tndu at all tiinj-Pr. I TIIK I'lONE KR P1IARMAHY. -' a tattle bra.ided f'2;.'. m; l.rlt Hln llf-VKV WfcliK, Korpiuan P. O. Adlr?n, Ciirn. h Ln.iilier, In Billies, ad Macliin-ry Also Wind Mills, Tower.-. Piping, i Coal, Waoj!?", of all kiiids. rump.-?. and everything in that line. 'S3' .raw branded 1M oa riant thigh and ulder and wraadad a rlrkt Jaw Also, I have j ra brauded an left tbifh raatOflica Addreaa. Harrison, giouz (', Kebranka J S. TLCKEK. firaadad on left shoulder of korara .nd on left aide of cattle. ailjzj " rijbttlda rlf bl aide of cattle too. tUvnaa an White River, sjearGlon. Poet Ulrica ad u rase, tilen, Nebraska. A.T. nrGHSOM. raaa aoaibi doubleaaaasawaaa,,,, Aft gl,,. . as eattl Horaet aaaie aboalder. cat oal right . Cttle all dehorned PwWfaTm RET MM rifbt ear cattle, Baage an Kyle ( reea, Poet Office. Ula Nebraska KEWITER A to. Cattlbraa1 ed same a thai a eat, either aaft hla r ea MTt ahoaldcr. 1 List wiw an .r.f.w.t o . , crouji in a violent forin," ta a K,:..r ! W. K.Mi-er-. h 1 't.i-!,tian Kva'tli .t -it 'FiI!b . Mo. -I K'-.Vr I.Kr a (. .v do: of l..uiiin-iiaiir Couli K.'fiidv in.-.! in j a siioi t tene till d.i:ij;r p.iit :md tii clnlii r ov;ied " 'lli.i rno.dv not oi.l-. fiir-s roii, but h. nivtn as a , the first sy inptotiiM apa.r, will pievent i the attack. It conuiim no opium or," other harmful aulwt;ine and nmy be! Kiven aa i-oiillilentlr to ii Im'iv hh lo au ntlult. tor .vile by nil i 'I legists. i aiH) carry ike a h a laie stock of feed, aii'i ' unround. '.iaity vf repairii Wind-mills. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. Rur.KKT K. SFI'.CK J. It. iicnti; RHEUMATISM CURED AT LAST. UuoU New or All .o uffr With itlii uniatiMii Fret-. To nil who aulltr with Hiituin atism I will yladlr neml lr the wondorlul story ol now toy mother wan cured ulU-r .tar of ButIVrinh', toelhtr the nioet elaborate trtaiiae on KlieuuiaiiMu ever published. o mailer what jour form of Iiiieu niatiaio im, hellier atule. cronic, niua- cuiar, inft.iininalory, deloruouu, wm,c, nenraiKia, Koul, l.uu'ijgo, etc no niut ler bo luuny doctors Iuvm laiitd m ..ur iaiw no in.ilter how main m aiitd i (tore cures" halrifd- i wjri. otij to write lo me iid let toe fell vou ho . Cut ie Rraiided k-1 v? nue ou f';1 t;;. 3 la..a. is Jl A on let I aide Hloi-lt Virnd 'If- -' rl(li ! tl rt or I lp. ft on fcarjfl left hip Al-o fattle iir in.lnl Z, ano liner or aide. KitiiK on UunuiiiK Water. I'.o. Addiea Atfl.te, .sebranku. J. I.KVF.R 7 Addreaa, Kd l.i lur, tuiciRun llarriaoti, Neb. (K"AVK 11AIMOS, a!l e bniudeil Cattle brandei lima, labaih. KTMliK lo t a 4Hreia. Chadron Ni b aka. aa s!,on on lelt aide with over bit on W t ei.r. naniffl on Hun iilng Water, r. O. Addreaa, Marluiid, br. 3 D CO J DniLjs. 1 )riiit' Su i itlries. Paints. Oils, Vrir niches, Hooks nnci Stationary. J. E. PHiNNEY, Proprirtor. HIM( NCI TO. Cuttle In and nlde and sunie dr f horaea. L-li.-'l . al hi tlio left ! el t sliou! .J andCu -t! and e A Wo aoine of th" lltir-i, . t- 'i i'i iav. .aldi-r aoinr aa d-:ib- i -it A ed foi ilia nniK Irwiid, tjitl Addreaa. Marriswn. Nabraaka. little. I'.randed A. P.. kK.vaariy. ahfraaas us Rijbt 'a a laouidar P.O. Adlrraa, taate. C-eO-eOOO- O-O-0-K OkO 0&00i0- -Oe 0 f 0 1 QeQeQaQer TAD id II D WORK " JT iLaWty ' -aloraee braadeO with any of abote brand. Astdraaa, J. A. Aaniaaoa, arrlson, Kebraah. J. T. HEWITT. oa left tioe. iTlOa AiAraaa, rTefrteon, Vaaraaka. uiolher wiia fnred. ' 1 h hi limner a hk t. ruor a Pr.fex.'ir aimplv a plain nmn of Idiviness hui I J have a (JUkE for mii. jml f: ant to tell everyone who miller wuh K.ieiinialiMii 1 a'i.h in l learl v in derail m!, nd inmt ilr.l all h i. ' ire aufrrinu' i'h Una lerril.l. on....,' i.iAevt-r Hfipsireiiiiv , . p n ill- r- no! I rure, will r.te to me tlnad.uti I ' veil m ud you bv return r 1 1 : i I ili. ... ,u .f untie liipp. ,, efp.. iHl'- to tbi -l.roiiiMlly til" h urr venrie', . .,! j wuiira'il v:!fi '-d'H fnrrnr" J ul . . 'Hi' wli" Iki' leii ral ii -id.- H- "hi- ' .iir;ih!e," AH K'U hav tiirmjM a'loiit ) R'liiinat miii miif l wrof.rf lyi ,u I. il yen our exa rietue Surely, if vim have It i ii ii H imh, or hay u ii ir 'irx r t :. . rnoo, ii win p.iy wiu ! I 'I Vell;a t." III V olfar, niiysvity, and prove uieae iiaiuia 1 iiilia" ill me tour iddree ttabiy a rUil cui J will do - and I will mail vou Una w..n.l, rful Uir, If, vou havaanv fnerufa miirnn: with Rheuniatiam no mutter arhcre lm nt. -d, send tn Iheir mi lr ajs, uml I w,i o'nl lb)..i ft foiy. Mv id.fSa la VlOTOM kkihiMJH, ttiuvutlitM, iial. Why Don't You? That'" wbt r want to find out. We've been telling you for a number of week- that we want you to order acme good of us by mail, and ycu haven't done it. IxtH of your neighbors have and they're pretty well natiH fied. We know there are other store- that you can buy of, but there iBri't a store on earth where you can buy better goods, or where you can do so well for your money. Order the next thing" you need to wear from us and see how well you'll like your purchase If you hare'nt our fall catalogue, write f,:; one. t VKS! Thk Prkss-Joit.nal does Job Work. Neat, o First Class and Up-Tod)ate. t f 5 Call in and get our prices on IJusincM Card, Note 2 Htafls, Letter Heads, KnvelopcH etc. I The Press-Journal. 000C00 C: 045400)araeOKdde OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. f H. KNATOK1 Joarra K. Mil.i.ino ( A. Ii. lMKIKH II Ctl.Ni ItaaMKN I'l.ara J. Bt'kiir.rTRep 1st Diat. IiaviD Ii. llr.m r.B, ep. 2nd Idat. Joa J. Iloiuaeov, Kua ?rd Idat. M a. I., t-raaa, m 4H1 IMt. A. ('. NAi..(aa.Miif H, t n. ,1th nt. S.rii.i.a, Ktia.cth llt eTAl F. fiKKH Kll !'. 4 T. frir, Goveuur.r C. C. STkfl.,, I.ieut, a.Teriinr f.r.o, akii, -ieireiurv of n it t'tua. M mo, Auditor ruu. Aecta w M. SrKI't n, ' ri.ri.nrrr K. roa -.1 h, r.,,,,1 I ubllr lnUni i;n, . ri.orr, ai j iremr,l V' have made arrangement with I ha publi.hwra of the Yount: I'exple'a Weekly one of the la-M HriiHltcala of im claaa, aa Hint, wen fiirniah ajd iiper in connet t ion w ith the l'ie-a..J.irna eaeh one year for theairali aim. of f 1 21 for both paper or I -i tin-, in arrera on ulwrription whn will piy whit thv , sn, 3 ctnln xtr will a.-nd Iti - m -"'-. aj Weekly one yar. Tll'.a who hT paid in n lvam-e for the Trea. Journal ,j wniit ii llrst i h,a p,pr for the Tmin. f- lka inn come in on the. deal alo, by pit i inji 2!i i-enla exira. Tl.e Younir Peop,', Weekly baa re, b a I I'a mnrveloiia aiiirr.i and attained a iri i.I.eioci of ov-r 2 10,000 i-opia. a wek r-i-.iii.e da l otiteiiia ii,. .....i. Ila i..pnl,r.t sllnmla li. bub. i.o.ds and l:. 1 i .i . '.tt IIKKbMAX. I.ibr.rur. I "l'nm'l l" 10 II one of th t.fOHOi hiai .. tv, ..-I. . ' ' ... ,..,,(, ff'l'-jj j fafSjSjsaaaj mJm ,. . mm ' " aS Je- ttt .si r tipi-p im w a. J. A. Htra, i Ink Jtilta I. l'ria.Tr.,,mlrr Aim Lowit, h.-rllf Wa. J, a. K4i;, cieib of Jn-triel ( onrt J. II. IllHaa, I'nhPe Inatruetlo J. II. HtKTtl.l., JllllK M. J. (I'CotiKgi.L, Attorney M. Ki rriao, an, r.yor PaT l.ACT, ( oronar boa it!) op eorriT cuhmii )k,as Jr.S C. M-((l, lat i.'latrlcil I.. C, Litw.s, 2nd IC.a'rlri a A. BlMw, a. taae beat i kem.iu, y ounx folk in j hex (hv loll, ! ,vith tbe a,.j irUt ; thet,, i .., , tor !,,,, viarorotia j tet'.i.,:. uriil praal,aK trull., in Ibwr . no al allra. liVa lutiaj. a liberal orrtn. The und. rained will Hive fi.ra..pla Jof bauiberliiiij', Kiooinili nnd I.iver j ia.i.-ia in ;,n in- wuog I r in. il b,r oisi-n. f ,,f 1( j hiii'iiia., r.r 4., I u- leiie-.!, nod , -! pat inn. Is '1 -.IK. rel miliar a'niii." r, i hi a la (4 Yv ear. a'- hi ''' '-' .,n U 'l'. Am -aav " aaa..' 4'eaVP-'tiai .'JW e.