w F v V ' r f ! ' 4 i a A SISTER'S VENGEANCE ByCEORCC MANVILLE FENN CHAPTER VII. (Continued.) j "Abel, oiste. I'm ready for anything ; now," said Bart, they went that moiu- j tag to their work. Only say again as you forgive our lass." "Bart, old lad," aaid AM, hoarsely, "I've naught to forgive." "Ha! ejaculated Bart, and then he be gan to whistle softly, a if in the highest of -spirit, and. Joked-lougissly ja the direction of the jungle beside the mud creek; but three days elapsed before they were et to hoe among the coffee bushes gain. When they approached the jungle at last, hoeing more alowly for, much a they longed to go up at once, they knew that any unusual movement on their part might be interpreted by watchful eyes iato an attempt at escape and bring down upon them a shot Bart's voice trembled and sounded hoarsely as he said, playfully: "Now, Abel, my lad, I'm going to talk to that there poll parrot. Now, then, Polly! Pretty I'olly, are you there?" "Yes. yes, Bart. Abel, dear brother, at last, it last!" came from the juugle. "Mary I'olly, my girl!" cried Abel, hoarsely, as he threw duwn his hoe; and lie was running toward the jungle, where a crashing sound was heard, when Bart flung his strong arms across his chest and dashed him to the ground. "Are you mad?" he cried. "Mary, for God's sake keep back!" The warning was needed, for from cross the plantation the overseer and a couple of soldiers came running, every movement on the part of the prisoners be ing watched. "Sham ill, lad; sham ill," whispered Bart, as piteous sigh came from the depths of the jungle. "Fighting, sir!" growled Bart: "rum fighting, tie nearly went down." "He was trying to escape." "Escape!" growled Bart. "Look at him. Sun's hot." The overseer bent down over Abel, whose aspect helped the illusion, for he looked ghastly from his emotion; and he had presence of mind enough to open his eyes, look about wildly from face to face nd then begin to struggle up, with one band to his head. "Ia it the fayver, sor?" said one of the soldiers, whose name was Dinny Kelly. "No. Touch of the sun," said the over see'. "They're always getting it. There, jroo're all right, ar'n't you?" "Yes, sir," said Abel, slowly, as he picked up his hoe. "Sit down under the trees there for a few minutes," said the overseer. "Lend him your water bottle, soldier. And you top with him till he's better." Bart cook the water bottle; and as the overseer went oft with his guard Abel was assisted to the edge of the jungle where huge cotton tree threw its shade; nd here Bart held the water to his com panion's Up. It was hard work to keep still while the others went out of hearing; but at last it seemed safe, and Abel panted out: "Mary, dear, are you there?" "Tea, yea, Abel. Oh, my der brother, y one kind word to met" "Kind word? Oh, my lass, my lass, amy that you forgive me!" "Forgive you? Yes. But quick, dear, before those men come back." "Tell me, then," said Abel, speaking with his back to the jangle', and his bead bent down as if ill, while Bart leaned over him, trembling like leaf, "tell me how you came to be here." "I cme over in ship to Kingston. Then I went to New Orleans. Then to Honduras. And it was only a fortnight ago that I found you." "But how did you come here?" ' "I've got a small boat, dear. I asked nd asked for months before I could find out where you were. I've been to other plantations, and people have thought me mad; but one day I stumbled across the sailors of ship that cornea here with tores from the station, and I heard them say that there were number of prison ers working at this place; and at last, after waiting and watching for weeks.' I caught sight of you two, and then it was month before I could speak to you as I did the other day." "And now yon have come," laid Abel, bitterly, "I can't even look at you." "But you will escape dear," aaid Mary. : "Kcpe!" cried Abel, excitedly. "Steady, lad. steady. 'Member you're ill", growled Bart, glancing toward the nearest sentry, and then holding up the bottle as if to see how much was within. "Yes, escape." aaid Mary. "I have the boat ready. Can you come now?" "Impossible! We should be overtaken ad shot before we had gone a mile." "Bat you must eacape," aaid Mary. "Yon must get down here by night," "Howr aaid Bart, gmmy. "Yoa two must settle that," said Mary, eolckly. "I am oaly a woman; but I save found means to got here with a' boat, and I eaa come (gala and again till you join me." "Them bo cautious. Oaly come by Bight." "I know. Trust dm. I will not be I will do aothiag rub. To-night M aooa u it grows dark, I shall be bare exsecttag yoa, for I aball not stir. At daybreak I aball go, and come agaia at night." "And aaiad the sentries." "Trust aae, Aboi. 1 ball not coma m by day for six day. If at the end of ais alghu yoa have not been able to escape, I aball com for aU day by day. booing that yoa may ha mere ececewf ul hi the darllcht; for perhaps yoa will tad that a bold daab will help to fat you way." "Bat the risk-the risk, girt, to yen!" "Abel. dear. I km to rlak erery- I have riakod everything to Join "Yea," ha aaid, acersoty. "Bat after ward. If wa da eacape?" , "Leave tha plan ta ma," aba istd. with a Httle laugh. "I bava beat aad sll. and Che world to vary wide. Oat? Meape. fake car; tha get an nailag tack." lira aayi aaaeed, and cat fatoaawrs vara Bat swat agaia ta me w nag, wnue. 4.. m mmmrm mMmr ISM taaad thai mat eMee at aiaaiag we ptn awi ay aafM vara Fettered by day, they were doublv chained by nigbt. The building where they slept was strougly secured and guarded, and in spite of the newness of the settlement it was well chosen for its purpose, and stronger even than the pris oners thought. During the following week the prisoners were only once in the coffee plantation, and so strictly watched that they felt that to attempt an evasion "was only "to bring destruction upon their hopes, per haps cause Mary's imprisonment f'r at tempting to assist prisoners to escape. "It's of no use, Bart." said Abel at last, desponden tly. "Poor girl! Why did she come?" "Help us away," said Bart, gruffly. "Yes, but all in vain." "Pshaw!" cried Bart again, "when you know she'll keep on coming till she's an old gray-haired woman, or she gets us away." Abel shook his head, for lie was low spirited, and not convinced; but that night his heart leaped, for as he lay half asleep, listening to the thin, buzzing hum of the mosquitoes which haunted the pris oners' quarters, and the slow, regular pace of the sentry on guard outside, there was the faint rattle of a chain, as if ue prisoner had turned in his unquiet rest, and then all was silent again, till be started, for a rough baud was laid upon his uiouth. His first instinct was to seize the own er of that hand, to engage in a struggle for his life; but a mouth was placed di rectly at his ear, and a well-know n voice whispered: "Don't make a sound. Tie these bits of rag about your irons so as they won't 'attle." Abel caught at the pieces of cloth and canvas thrust into his hand, and, sitting up is tha darkness he softly bound the links and rings of his fetters together, hardly daring to breathe, and yet with his heart beating tumuituousiy in his i.ni iety to know his companion's plans. As he was tying the last knot he felt Bart's hand upon his shoulder, and his lips at his ear. "Quiet, and creep after me. Keep touching my foot so's not to miss me in the dark." Abel's heart thumped agaiust his ribs as he obeyed, taking Bart's hand first in a firm grip, and then feeling a short iron bar thrust between his fingers. Then he became conscious from his companion's movements that he bad gone down upon his hands and knees, and was crawling toward the end of the long, low stone-walled building that served as a dormitory for the white slaves whose task was to cultivate the rough planta tion till they, as a rule, lay down and died from fever. Just then Bart stopped short, for there were steps outside, and a gleam of light appeared beneath the heavy door. Voices were heard, and the rattle of a soldier's musket "Changing guard," said Abel to him self; and he found himself wondering whether the sergeant and hi men would enter the prison. Then there was a hoarsely uttered com mand; the light faded away, the steps died out upon the ear; there was a clink or two of chains, and a heavy sigh from some restless sleeper, and once more in the black silence and stifling heat there was nothing to be heard but the loud trumpeting buzz of the mosquitoes. Softly, as some large cat, Bart resum ed his crawling movement, after thrust ing back his leg and touching Abel on the chest with bis bsre foot as a signal. The buildini was quite a hundred feet long by about eighteen wide, a mere gal lery in shape, hich hsd been lengthened from time to ('me the number of con victs increased, and the men had about two-thirds of the distsnce to traverse be fore they cos.d reach the end, and at their excessively slow rate of progress the time seemed interminable before, af ter several painful halts, csused by move ments of their fellow prisoners and dread of discovery, the final bait was made. 'Now, then, what is it?" whispered Abel. Bart was slowly drawing out rough pieces of badly cemented stone rough fragments really of coral and limestone from the nearest roof, of which the pris on barrack was built. At last, after what seemed an ge, faint breath of comparatively cool ir began to play upon Abel's cheek, as Bart seemed to work steadily on. lhen bis hand was seized and guided where .It hardly wanted guiding, for the young man's imagination had painted all to rough opening level with the floor, a hole little larger than might have been made for fowls to pass in and out of a poultry yard. They crept on la silence, and In the midst of the still darkness matters seem ed to be going so easily for them that Abel's heart grew more regular in its rulsation. and be was Just asking him self why he had not had invention enough to contrive this evasion, when a clear and famiUar voice cried, "Shtand!" and there was tha click of a musket lock. What followed was almost momentary. Bart struck aside the bayonet leveled at bia breast, and leaped upon the sentry before him, driving him backward and clapping bia band upon his mouth be knelt upon bis chest; while, ably second ing him, hi companion wrested the mus ket from the man's hand, twisted the bayonet from the end of tha barrel, and. holding It dafgerwiar, pressed it against the man's throat. "Another word, and it's your last!" hissed Abel. "Sure, and Til be a silent a Peter Mullonry'i grave, sor," whispered the sentry; "bat It s a mother I have over In the owld country, and ye'd - break her heart if ya killed me." "Look here." whispered Bart: "it's neck or nothing, my lad. If yoa give the alarm, it will be with that bayonet struck through yon." "And would a Kelly give tha alarm, fiber be aaid on bis honor? Sure, you might thrust me.", "Over with yoa then, Bart." whispered Abel; "I'll stand over bin here, lake tha ma." Bart obeyed, aad Abel food with eac band upon the sentry's shoulder, sod the bayonet close to his throat. i The man scaled the gate si easily ss Bart bad done before him, and then Abel followed; but as be reached the lop and shuttled sideways to the wall, waich be t bestrode, there was the sound of a shot, followed by another, and another, and the fierce baying of dog. i "Bedad, they've seen ye," said the sen try, as Abel dropped down. "Silence!" hissed Abel, as there was the loud clanging of a bell with the fierce ! yelping of dugs, and they dashed off, hand joined in hand, for the coffee plantation, away down by the cane-brake and the swamp. In the swamp they found men with a boat and pole ready and waiting for them, and thus made good their escape. CHAPTER VIII. Had he been asleep and dreamed that he aa4 Abe! had escaped,, and then that he was in the Dells' boat, with Mary poling it along? What did it all mean? Bart was in a boat, and behind him lay back the sol dier with his mouth open, sleeping Deav ily. On his left was Abel Dell, also sleep ing as a man sleep who is utterly ex hausted by some terrible exertion. But that was not the Devon coast upon which the sun was shedding its early morning rays. Dense belts of mangrove did not spread their muddy roots like intricate rustie scaffoldings on southern English shores, and there were no clusters of al ligators lying here and there among the inud and ooze. It was true enough. They did escape in the night, and Mary had been there to help them with a boat; but where was she now? and who was this sturdy youth ia loose petticoat-canvas trousers and heavy fisherman's boots? Bart stared till his eyes showed a ring of white about their pupils, and his mouth opened roundly in unison for a time, 'ihen eyes and mouth closed tightly, and wrin kles appeared all over bis face, as he softly Bhook all over, and then, after glancing at Abel and the Irish soldier, be uttered a low "Haw, haw!" The figure in the boat swung round and faced him sharply, glancing at the two sleeping men, and holding up a roughened brown hand to command silence. "All right," said Bart, half choking with mirth; and then, "Oh, 1 say, my lass, you do look rum in them big boots!' "Silence, idiot!" she whispered, sharp ly. "Do you want that strange man to know?" 'Nay, my lass, nay," he said, becoming sober on the instant. "But you do look so rum. I say, though," he cried, sharp ly, "what's gone of all your beautiful long hair?" "Fire," said Mary, coldly. "Fire! what you've cut it off and burn ed it?' Mary nodded. "Oh!" ejaculated Bart, and it sounded like a groan. 'Could a girl with long hair have work ed her passage out here as a sailor boy. and have come into that cane-brake and saved you two?" said Mary, sharply; rml as Bart sat staring at ber with dilated eyes once more, she bent down after gaz ing at Dinny, still soundly sleeping, and laid her band with a firm grip on ber brother's shoulder. He started into wakefulness on the In stant, and gazed without recognition In the face leaning over him. "Don't you know me, Abel?" said Mary, sadly. "You, Mary dressed like this?" He started up angrily, his face Hush ing as hers had flushed, and bis look dark ened into a scowl. ""What else could I do?" she said, re peating her defense as she had pleaded to Bart. Then, as if her spirit rebelled against bis anger, ber eyes flashed with indignation, and she exclaimed hoarsely. "Well, I have saved you, and if you have done with me there is the sea." "But you dressed as a boy!" said Abel. "Hush! Do you want that man to know?" whispered Mary softly. "My brother was unjustly punished and sent out here to die in prison, while I, a help less girl, might have starved at home. What could I dor' There was only one of the two equal to the emergency as the soldier woke up. and that was Bart, who gave his knee sounding slap and cried aloud: "Jack Dell, my lad, you've behaved like a trump, and got us away splendid. 1 only wish, Abel, I bad such brother. Halloo, soger, where shall we set you ssbore?" "Set me ashore?" said the Irishman, nodding it Mary; "what for?" "What for?" cried Bart "To go back." "I'm not going back," ssid the Irish man, laughing. "Sure, I want a change." "You can't go with us." "Sure, and you forced me to come, and ye wouldn't behave so dirtbily as to send me back?" "But we're escaping," ssid Bart. "Sure, and I'll escape too," said Dinny, smiling. "It's moigbty dull work stop ping there." "But you're soldier," said Abel. "T be sure I am a sowldier of for tune." "You'll be deserter if you stop with us," growled Bart "Ye made me a prisoner, and I couldn't help meself." "Why, I wanted yoa to go back last night!" growled Bart. "To be ate up entolrely by the ugly bastes of dogs! Thank ye kindly, sor. I'd rather not" Dinny looked at Mary, and gave ber a droll smile, which made her frown and look uneasy. "Can yoa keep faith with those who trust you 7' she said, quickly. "And la It a Kelly who csn keep faith, me lad? Sure, an' we're the faitbfulest people there Is anywhere. And, bedad. bat you're handsome boy, and have a way wld yoa as'll make some hearts ache before ye've done. Mary started and turned a deep dark red, which showed through her sun browned skin. "I'll trust yoa." she ssid. "And ye shan't repent it, me larl, for you ve done no barm, and were mrer a prishner. And now, as we are talking I'd like to know what yer brother and number nolnety-sivln did to be Hint out of the countbry. It wasn t mtirtner, oi they'd have bung 'em. Was it helping yerselvesr "My brother and his old friend Kan Wrlgley were transported to the planta tions for belting and half kilitny. they said, tha scoundrel who had insulted l" sister!" cried Mary, with flashing eyes and flaming cheeks, as she stood up proudly in tha boat, aad looked from one to the other. "They transported tblra two boys to this baste of a place, and put chains on their legs, for giving a spalpeen like that k b bating? Gintieiuen, I'm proud of ye!" He beld out bia bauds to both, and. In truder, as he was, it seemed impossible to resist his frank, frienJly way, and the escaped prisoners shook bands with bim again. "And now what are ye going to do?" aid Dinny, eagerly. "We don't know yet," said Abel, rather distantly. "That's jist me esse," said Diuuy. "I'm tired of sogering and walking up and down wid a mushket kaping guard over a lot of poor fellows chained like wild beasts. I tuk the shilling bekase I'd been in a skriinmage, and the bowld sergeant said there'd be plinty of fuightiug. Now. ye'll tak me wid ye. only I must get rid o' these soger clothes, and look here. what are ye going to do with them chains?" "Get rid of them," said Abel, "when we can find a file." "I did not think of a file," said Mary, with a disappointed look. To be continued.) IN STATU QUO. PaMenicer's Clever Little Scheme thai Did Not Work. Most people have experienced the eoiljarratisuieiit of meeting some one whose face Is familiar but whose name for the moment has slipped from mem ory. A popular comedian traveling by a Cunarder to America once felt the awkwardness of such a recent re and thus relates the Incident: "On the first day out, as I came on deck, I saw a man whose face was fa miliar, but I could not remember bia name. I saw be bad recognized me. and, as I could not recall big name, I kept out of bia way and pretended not to have seen bim. "Every time I took the other Bide of the dock he followed, and I was kept dodging so constantly that on the third day It occurred to me to look over the passenger list In the hope of finding the name that fitted my unknown friend. I read the list, but failed to see a familiar one. "I kept on trying to avoid the man and felt most uncomfortable till a bril liant Idea Btrock me. I would put the passenger list In my pocket, go boldly up to him, shake bands, and before he had time to open the conversation I would bring out the list and say, They have omitted your name from the passenger list.' Of course he would say, 'Ob, no there It Is!' and point It out 'I did this. I went up to him boldly and grasped his baud. "Why, said he reproachfully, 'I thought you were going to cut me!' "Oh, dear no!' said I. T thought you didn't remember me. By the way. they have omitted your name from the passenger list.' "He loked at the list a minute or so. " 'Yes,' said he, 'so they have!' " Had Nut Htudied Ixtng Enough. Mr. Bascotn bad been looking at bia son's German grammar, and had found therein much food for thought "That Idea of giving sex to inanimate objects now that Isn't a bad Idea, If 'twas carried far enough," be said In an In dulgent tone to Mrs. Bascom as be put e book down. "Of course there are some foolish mistakes, but they could oe corrected If some real Intelligent person was to take bold of the sys tem." He moved a little nearer the table on which Mrs. Bascom was placing a pan of bot ginger cookies, and glanced at them with appreciation. 'Now a table," be continued, genial ly, "a table ought to be masculine, not feminine. A solid, useful, steady article like that belongs to the mascu line gender by rights; anybody could tell that. But now take a window " Mrs. Bascom's back wag turned, and ue moved a trifle nearer the cookies. "A window ought to be masculine, because folks that have eyes can gee r.ght through it" said Mrs. Bascom, itb great briskness, turning from the stove and stepping to the table. "These cookies are for the children's picnic," she said, with apparent Irrelevance, as she bore the pan away to safety. "Well, pa, what else ought to be masculine, according to your notions?" "Mebbe I'll look through the book some otber time, with a view to tha feminine objects," sold Mr. Bascom. joylessly. "I guess that will be my beat plan." The Bight Place. "Ia this where you make trouble?' asked the little man at whose elbow stood an aggressive looking woman. "This la tha Marriage License Bu recti," answered the man behind the desk. "That's what I meant" said tha lit tic man, as ba sighed and reached Iato his pocket for $2. Chicago Post The IMfncalty. "I don't see why ebere should be anj difficulty about arbitration," aaid the voclal economists. "Neither do I," answered the man who delights In paradoxes. "Arbltra tlon would be very easy If some peo ple were not so arbitrary." Washing ton Star. Trrlnst t Fhift tha Blaasa. Anxious Father Do the beat you can for bim. doctor. That la all l can ask. If it li the will of providence Burgeon Don't try to place the re Donsibllltf on providence In oh Is case. Mr. McJonea. You brought the tor Dle- tol for the boy yourself. Chicago Trib une. Be patient with your boys when they are between the ages of 18 and IS Tl'ey are orcery, and can't help It. You were. The grocery lustrr occam unlly gets tne wo-ri ci t; min.icbai y uo gets black bag- with a aioUd iMpbtu. SOLDIERS' STORIES. ENTERTAINING REMINISCENCES OF THE WAR. Graphic Accoant of Stlrrlna Scenes Witnessed on the Battle6eld and in Camp Veterans of the Rebellion Re cite Experience of Thrilling Natare. "I was In forty-two engagements and was scared every time." remarked Col onel George B. Van Norman, of the Eighth Wisconsin regiment to a num ber of his comrades at the Sherman House. Colonel W. B. Brltton spoke up. saying: "Van, you are an honest man; go ahead and tell us something &bou!the Eighth." " "At Corinth, Miss., I got the biggest scare In my life," naid Colonel Van Norman. "It was the day Price and Van Dora undertook to capture Cor inth from General Rosecrans. Our regiment had been on a forced march of about fifteen miles and was making double-quick time the last three or four miles. In order to get to the fort before we should be cut off by the Con federates. About this time General Mower was ordered to take the Sec ond Brigade and advance a skirmish line on the outskirts of Corinth in front of Fort Iloblnette and Fort Williams. During this engagement General Mow er was captured. He told the Confed erates that he was badly wounded and so was left near where some horses were picketed. A little later, when the opportunity offered, he sprung ujion a horse and escaped. When a little later he rode Into our lines there was CHOLT'UINU BEUl.N'U A KTLM1'. a shout sent up that echoed far back Into the lines of the enemy. A few hours later I received my scare. The Confederates had drawn up very close to our line so close, in fact, that at every volley several of our men would fall. About this time I had advanced with my old 'Harper's Ferry nusket and stood crouching be hind a stump, from which point of vantage I was loading and firing as fast as I could. Then the Confeder ates began advancing In a heavy line. Colonel G. W. Robbing bad Just been wounded and had retired from the field. The next volley caught Major Jefferson and be was carried off the field In a dying condition. I was so busy firing that I did not bear the order to retreat Then I looked around. but could see only one Union soldier, Jewell Walker, of Company E. and he was standing behind a tree and firing at the advancing enemy. I naked him where our comrades were. He said they must have been ordered to re treat By this time the 'Johnnies' were very close and advancing rapidly. I turned to Walker and said: 'Let's shoot and run.' Talk about a fellow being scared to death! Well, when we began to run and the bullets began to whizz over our beads we ducked at every sound, whether the bullet was within a foot or ten feet of our beads. Any man who says he was not fright ened some time In battle must have been In the hospital moat of the time. -Chicago Record. Chivalry in the Oli Booth. In 1802, when General Grant entered Holly Springs, which from 1801 to 18C3 waa alternately In the banda of the Federal forces and the Confederates, he arranged to make bis private residence In one of the beautiful homes In that tittle city of north Mississippi He might have occupied the bouse by force of arms; but inatead of doing so, says a writer In the Memphis Commercial Appeal, be wrote a courteous note to Mrs. Pugb Goran, who bad the place In barge, asking the favor of board for ilmaelf, Mrs. Grant aeveral of their children, and a large military family, wblcb Included officers of bia staff and their wives. During General Grant'a occupancy, but while be was abaent on brief visit. Gen. Earl Van Dorn made a raid Into Holly Springs, destroying commissary, ordinance and quartermaster's atores, and otber army supplies concentrated there, and tbua defeated temporarily ibe purpose of the Federal commander, tbe onward march of wboae conquering army through Mississippi bad Vtcks burg as Its objective point Falling to And General Grants offi cial headquarters, Oeneral Van Dorn and some of his followers daabed down to Grant'a private quarters, Intending to search bia apartments. Tbe Confed erates entered tbe bouse and mounted tbe stairway, but at tbe bead of tbe fairs Mrs. Goran, who waa a beautiful Southern woman of tbe finest type, met them. "General," she gently said, "I entreat yon not to enter Mrs. Grant's bedroom. Stick an Intrusion would do for van dals, bnt not for Southern soldiers." "Madam," returned Van Dorn, "It would be a courtesy and not tbe usual practice of war to leave tbe ro ms tin searched. However, wa will not enter, as It Is possible." with a twinkle to big eyes, "that Ibe documents arc oot there." ' Promptly turning, with his trooper at bis heels. Van Dorn clattered down , the stairway and left the priinlsea. i Twenty-four hours later (Jrant'rettirn- 'ed. and beard of the Confederates' call. Knowing what an uncompromising Southerner Mrs. Goran was, he said la , ber: "Mrs. Goran, I owe you a debt of grat ' ltude, for you bnve unconsciously done me a great service. You have saved m mnolim miners. All the doCU- ments Geueral Van Dorn wished were In the drawer of my wife's dresser." Mrs. Goran's womanly Impulse, which prompted her to shield the wife of a generous foe, and Van Dorn'a chivalrous deference to her wishes, had injured the cause for wiien tcey we willing to give their livesbut both acts were typical of the high-bred courtesy of the South of that day. It Is pleasant to add that General Grant paid his "debt of gratitude" In the coin of kindness. When he left Unllv KuriiiLH he cave Mrs. Goran pro tection papers, which are still In posses sion of ber eldest son. ?everai limes thereafter the house was fired by Union soldiers, but the fire was quick ly extinguished when Grant's orders were exhibited. The Tiittere-J Klaa. In the sun-bright dust of the street below Glittered the bnyotieta all a-row, And the muffled trend of a thousand feet Deepened the roll of the war-drum's heat, And the gray old sergeant roused to hear, With his hollowed pslm to bis deafened ear, While the fife shrilled loud and the drums kept time To the nation's heart beats hid In rhyma. lie lifted himself from his old aruichnif And gazed on the regiment marching there In a glory of scarlet, and blue, and gold. And high overhead, like a torn-out fold Of Liberty's robe, with its glimmering stars Heaven's glorious blue on a field of Mars The old flag fluttered, half shot nwny In the storm and stress of that judgment, dny. When through blood-dyed stream, by threatening crng, The Old Line Regiment carried the flag. The veteran looked; and his face turned jrray With the spectre light of a bygone day. He fingered his old gun's rusty lock. He felt the thrill of the battle's shock, And be lifted his head like a stnrtled stag As be saw the ghosts by the tattered Dug, f-'ome were withered and bent and gray. Some were blithe and bonny and gay, And their voices shrilled through the -nar-tlal din "Comrade, comrade, where have ye been? Ye have missed the drill this many a yenr" The call rang sweet to his deafened ear, And his soul broke loose from the crip pled form That hud weathered a nation's years of storm, And he joined the soldiers who ncrel lag The ghosts that march by the tattered flag. Washington Times. A Canteen of Applejack. Several old soldiers were sitting h. the lobby of the Palmer House relating their war experiences, when one of them turned to George Burghardt who served for two years as one of tha escort of Gen. John A. Logan, and said, "Come, George, tell us that canteen story." "It ain't much of a Htory." he replied. "It was In the early summer of 180'J, and our regiment was on Its way to Vlcksburg. We bad reached Champion Hill and gone Into camp to the left of 'Joe' Davis' borne. Along about dusk General Logan sent out a squad to scout around and see what was going on. We came upon a settler's cabin which had been deserted. Some of the boys. Including myself, went Inside where we found several kegs of apple jack.. Of course we all Oiled our can teens and Incidentally put a little nndefl our belts. An hour later we returned, to camp and when 'taps' sounded wo were feeling pretty good and rolled In. Early the next morning General Logan, who bad heard about the applejack, sent for me and I was a trifle scared for fear be was going to reprimand me. When I appeared at bis bead quarters be was standing at tbe door waiting for me. As I drew up In front and saluted tbe general aaid: 'Burg hardt I want a drink of that apple Jack.' "I felt flattered that the general should wlab to drink from my canteen, so I unalung It and handed It to bim. As be raised It to bis llpa there waa crash and tbe next Instant It went fly Ing over bia bead. A spent ball froca, some unknown quarter bad struck It full on tbe aide, making big dent ta If-Chlcago Record. Light aa a Healing Agent. In view of tbe growing Importance ot tbe application of light aa heallnf principle In medical science, the med ical congress which recently convened at Wiesbaden Invited Professor Blc, of Copenhagen, to read a paper on tbe sub ject Tbe lecturer explained the nrln. clple of employing light for healing par poses after excluding Ita chemical af fects. Tbe results obtained by this metis, od In cases of smallpox, according to tbe lecturer, are such that the question la raised wbeiJier tbe light treatment shall not be mide compulsory. Profess sor Hie appro? es tbe apparatus Invent ed by Dr. Flmcn, of Copenhagen, with wblcb tbe littler has achieved such re mnrkalile bucc esg In rases of lupus, but urges that no one but qualified doctor should be allowed to apply tbe light treatment, as disturbances are apt to oc cur wblcb render It necessary to brock It off suddenly. One golden dny redeemc n wtnn ysar.-Cslla TUxter. ? - 'A V' ' "''-.