;rctence A work by F. W. Theobald on tbe tMsquitoes of tbe world, prepared to lid medical men in identifying the kinda suspected of spreading disease, escribes (0 species, 130 being uew. Moat of these ecies are found in and Irouad towua, or are pests known to travelers and traders. The so-called "waltzing uiice" of China and Japan have been supposed lo owe their dauclug peculiarity to a lieease of tbe inner ear. After thorough reamiaatiou of the ears of these re ai&rkatile animals, Dr. K. KisW reaches the conclusion that tbe organs are per fectly healthy, and that the dancing is in effect of centuries of confinement of the race in small cages. It would seeu to be a very simple natter to dry potatoes, but in Ger aaany, where potatoes are now exteu lively used for making alcohol and for feeding cattle, a prize of 30,000 marks, i bout 7,000, has been offered to the in ventor of the best method of drying potatoes on a large scale. The cost of transportation is enormously reduced by drying, as may be seen from the fact that three and a half tous of fresh po tatoes yield only one ton of dried ones. In consequence of tbe recent develop ments in the use of potatoes, German farmers have gone extensively into the raising of them. When a persons slumbers so soundly that he can with difficulty be awaken ed, we are accustomed to say he is in a "deep sleep." An attempt to measure tbe depth of sleep, in his sense, has re- cently been made by Dr. Sante de Sane- J tls. In Rome, with the aid of a specially designed Instrument which prods tbe deeper with a more or less sharp point The doctor has drawn curves showing the relative depth of sleep in different being allowed to sleep fur different lengths of time. It appears that there are certain times during sleep , when waking becomes easier, and a practical application of this result of the experi ments is suggested in tbe adjustment of the time of morning rising to a natu ral period of minimum In tbe depth of each sleeper's sleep. Surra, an animal disease of tbe Phil ippines, la pointed out by Dr. C. W. Stiles as a matter of great military Im portance. It seems to have been quite recently Introduced from India, and ;s due to a microscopic parasite, which lives In tbe blood and is probably trans mitted by biting flies. It is a wet- weather disease, reported to be invari ably fatal to horses and mules. It oc curs also in camels, elephants, dogs and cats, and more rarely In ruminants, but la not yet known in birds. It is closely allied to the tsetse-fly disease of Africa, and to dreaded maladies of Europe and Booth America. Tbe chief symptoms are Intermittent or relapsing fever, eruption, anemia, emaciation, ravenous appetite, great thirst, and more or lest paralysis. The introduction of tbe dis ease into new localities Is to be guarded against as a serious calamity. Since the Krakatoa eruption of 1883, when the enormous mass of dusl thrown Into the air was noticed to fall aver a radius of more than 1,100 miles, Increasing attention has been given tq tails of dust From a study of the great lost storm of March 9 to 12 of last year, Professors Helluinnn and Meinar dus hare concluded that the One sand was swept by the gale from the deserl region of southern Algeria, and fell In accession In Algeirs, Tunis, Sicily, Italy, the Alps, Austro-Hungary, Ger many, Denmark and European Russia, (a Sicily and Italy the dry dust wai seen, elsewhere it was made perceptibU by rain. It is estimated that 1,800,00(1 tons of dust was transported by the wind, and that two-thirds of it fell U the south of the Alps. A sandstorm ol the present year in the British Isles It rapposed to have had its origin In th Sahara. Men Who Build a, Sky Scraper. Laborers .m Carpenters Concrete layers ..... Biggem and riveters. .KJC .m . 13 TUe layers 3C betriciana 3C K 2C W 2C 23 28 23 20 2 Si SC 10 1 Plsabers . ... Brkfclajrets Plasterers If arble workers .... Hsusesmitbs Psisters Mean fitters , Koefsrs Sheet metal workers Elevator workers Bailer sad engine erectors Mall caste workers.. fetatioaary engineers and fire mea Total Philadelphia North America. .970 Ibost tbsl Were No Kates. Clark So yon want to exchange these abase because they aren't mates T lira. Hogan -Ol do. Plrsbt Ol put anus on me left foot aa' rwor made fet a fslgat: ir thin Ol pot waa on me sskt foot, an' 'twor made far tbe left -Thflatfelphla Ledger. Prosti-ahartBs: Sobeaaes. . Ofesjty-cigst proS t-sfaa ring schemes, tlff I&&28 work people, were la XzZm mat year la this country. 1 1 fctftaf a watch or a locket for a '' laanmlm this ale distinction: 1 antes atast be tbe smallest yoi f aaf tbe locket moat be tbe H 3 C aW seats, tbe oae whs 5 trJk tf riHtSMg la tbe went ItlHtHIIHItll OLl FAVORITES HrrHttH H4trH I I I ! Tbe American Flag:. When Freedom from her mountain height Unfurl'd ber standard to the air. She tore the azure robe of night. And set the stars of glory there; She mingled with, its gorgeous dyes The milky baldric of the skies, And striped its pure celestial white With streaking of the morning light; Then from his mansion iu the sun She call'd her eagle-bearer down, And gave into his mighty hand The symbol of her chofcen land. - Majestic monarch of the cloud! Who rear'st aloft thy regal form, To hear the tempest trump'tngs loud. And see the lightning lances driven. When strive the warriors of the storm. And rolls the thunder-drum of heaven Child of the sun! to thee 'tis given To guard the banner of the free, To hover in the sulphur-smoke, To ward away the battle-stroke, And bid its blendings shine afar, Like rainbows on the cloud of war, The harbingers of victory! I Flag of the brave! thy folds shall fly, The sign of hope and triupmph high, When speaks the signal trumpet-tone, And the long line conies gleaming on; Ere yet the life-blood, warm and wet, lias dimmed the glistening bayonet, Each soldier eye shall brightly turn To where thy sky-born glories burn, And as his springing steps advance Catch war and vengeance from the glance. And when the cannon-mouthings lond Heave in wild wreaths the battle-shroud, And gory sabres rise and full I-ike shots of flame on midnight's pall Then shall toy meteor glances glow, And cowering foes shall sink beneath Each gallant arm that strikes below That lovely messenger of death. Flag of the seas' on ocean wave Tby stars snail glitter o'er tbe brave; W hen death, careering on the gale, Sweeps darkly round the bellied sail, And frighted waves rush wildly back lie fore the broadside's reeling rack, Each dying wanderer of the sea Snail look at once to heaven anil thee, And smile to see tby splendors fly In triumph o'er his closing eye. Flag of the free heart's hope and home! By angel hands to valor given; Thy stars have lit the welkin dome. And all thy hues were born in heaven. Forever float that standard sheet! Where breathes the foe but falls be fore us, With freedom's soil beneath our feet, And freedom's banner streaming o'er us? Joseph Rodman Drake. HE PUNCHED THE BEAR. Kxclted Hunter Forgot His Gun and Heaorted to FiaticnSa. The overland train we caught at Flo rence, says the World's Work, was fill ed with vacation seekers picked up all the way from Boston to Denver, most of them on their way to California, though one hunter of big game with whom we talked had come up from New Orleans to go Into the Idaho Mountains from Missoula, ambitious to kill a grizzly. A whole party were ex ultingly goinj back to" their last year's camp. "Finest spot in the world," said one which was not quite true, because that spot we found later, many miles from Meeker, whither he was headed. He went on: "No mosquitoes; air's too thin for 'em! Plenty of elbow room! There's a million camps in these mountains, near the railroad; ladies, kids an' all that. Nice enough; they have a bully time. But we like room! Trout! An' deer! An' say, 'Billy, tell 'em about the bear." "Billy" wouldn't He blushed. Amid the unchecked laughter that rang through the smoking room be could not save his face. We were mounting the continental divide to the Tennessee Pass. Outside the Arkansas boiled over its Jagged bed and all the wonders of red and orange and purple cliffs made a foreground for vistas, dissolving as we rounded curves, of mountain behind mountain sloping gen tly skyward or soaring In sheer per pendicular lines to the clouds. East to the Atlantic tbe Arkansas hurried; beyond the watershed 10,000 feet high, toward which we climbed, we should burst from tbe long tunnel to run be side the Eagle and the Grand, whose waters reach the Pacific. "'Billy' fonnd an Indian's trail dlda't yon, 'Billy V good-naturedly jeered the one they called "Perk." "Ton see, be thought It was aa In dian's, a bare-footed Indian's." said be expanslrely to tbe room in general, "bot It was a bear's" be said It "bean's." "'Billy was death on bears. He used to tell us how bis un cle killed a griscly out Oregan way with a lead pencll-eh, 'Billy T So 'Billy took a Winchester an' chased bis Invlalble. but trembling, quarry let me see six weeks. I think It was." "Three days, said "Billy. "At last," went on tbe story, "we went out together and beat up a neck of woods where 'Billy said tbe bear bad Its nest; he ssld It was s trlssly with fourteen rattles. Billy' himself sat waiting at the upper end. And we did- start the beast We caught a glimpse of him now and then like a black pig scutterlng through the brush. "He shot out of tbe bushes into 'Billy's' open like a waddling skyrock et and not seeing 'Billy he sat up and looked back. But 'Billy r His eyes bulged ant like marbles. I tell you, gentlemen, bis hair rose so fast his bat went op like a day pigeon from a trap. Ha dropped his gun and la two strides ha waded into that bear hades bent for kaiser. Excited? He kicked, hu punched; be kicked again. His un cle with tbe lead x mil and the grli xly was nothing to "Hill' barehanded mauling that seared, black, half-grown cub. It wasn't ten seconds before the bear found the mill too hot Km was no prize fighter and while 'Billy' chased him Into the woods, rocking' him with everything he could reach, we rolled on the ground and laughed. When we came up to Hilly' he was sitting on the grass with his legs stuck out In front looking at tbe rifle ho had picked it np. And crying!" "Most of that's a lie," said "Billy." according to the New York Tribune, "but I guess I did forget the gun." and, brightening a little, "I landed him a couple of good ones, though." And we all Joined the mighty laugh that went up PROUD OF HIS WORK. His Karly Manual Labor Gave th Noted t arriater Much Satisfaction. The late D. W. Richardson, In an address to working men, declared that work, manual work, and that, too, of a resolute kind, is absolutely necessary for every man. He spoke also of the importance of doing one's work, not merely to get It done, but with a feel ing of pride In doing It well. In this connection he said: I was Invited not many years ago to a lecture at St. Andrew's University, and to listen In the evening to a lec ture by another man, like myself, an outsider. I was not personally ac quainted with this other man, but I knew that he filled an Important judi cial office In Scotland, and was consid ered one of the most able and learned, as well as one of the wittiest, men in that country. He chose for his sub ject "Self-Culture," and for an hour held us In a perfect dream of pleasure. For my own part, I could not realize that the hour bad fled. The lecture ended at 7 o'clock, and at 8 I found myself seated at dinner by the side of tbe lecturer, at the1 house of one of the university profes sors. In the course of the dinner I made some reference to the hall in which the exercises of the day bad been held, how good It was for sound, and what a fine structure to look upon. "And did you like the way in which the stones were laid Inside?" I asked my new friend. "Immensely," I replied. "The man who laid those stones was an artist who must have thought that his work would live through the ages." "Well, that Is pleasant. to hear," hi said, "for the walls are my aln daeln'." He bad the Scottish accent when he was in earnest. "Fortunate man," I replied, " to havt the means to build so fine a place," for I thought, naturally enough, that, be ing a rich man, he had built this hall at his own expense, and presented it tq the university. "Fortunate, truly," he answered, "but not in that sense. What I mean is. that I laid every one of those stonei with my aln hand. I was a working mason, and the builder of the hall gava me the job of laying the inside stone work; and I never had any job In my life In which I took so much pride and so much pleasure." While this man was working with his hands be was working also with bis brain. He took bis degree, wenl to the bar, and became a man honored throughout the country. "We applaud ed his brilliant lecture; but those silent, beautiful stones before him. which echoed our applause, must, I think, have been to him one cheer more, and a big one. t he New Pialect- Ferhaps the tendency of some peopl to turn evsry part of sieech into a verb is a sign of an active nature, but It is an unfortunate tendency. Tbe Baltl more American publishes an amusing rebuke to one guilty of the habit which will please purists and may do othew some good. "We had a delightful time last week," said tbe city cousin, who was describing the Joys of metropolitan life. "One evening we trolleyed out to a suburban home and plng-ponged until rxrarly midnight, and next day we au tomoblled to the country club and golfed until dark." "Well, we had a pretty good tlm last week, too," ventured the country cousin, with a sarcastic smile. ' "Ond day we buggled over to Uncle Josiah's, and we boys got out In tbe back lot and baseballed all the afternoon, and after we had dlnnered some of th men cldered and tubaccoed a while." Dangerous Criminals. "Why," said a lady, reproachfully, to ber husband, "you know when I say Denmark I always mean Holland!" Perhaps the city girl In tbe following story, told by tbe Philadelphia Tele graph, allowed herself a similar lati tude of expression: She was sitting on tbe porch, lazily rocking to and fro, sad watching the fireflies flitting about through th shrubbery. Suddenly she turned to bet companion and said. In a musing tone: "I wonder If It Is true that fireflies do get Into tbe haymows sometimes and set them a 11 re 7" Everybody laughed at what waa ap parently a pleasantry, but the young lady looked, surprised. "Why," said she, "It was only yes terday that I saw In tbe paper an arti cle headed, 'Work of Klre-BugsT It said tbey bad set a barn on fire. Real y." - Faster Instruction Wanted. Wlgg I see tbe automobile la to be Introduced Into modern warfare. Wngg-What's the matter? Isn't tbe Galling gun considered deadly enough -Philadelphia Record. When a baby Is named for a pool man, there Is no higher compliment. OPINIONS OF GREAT PAPERS ON IMPORTANT SUBJECTS Economy and Matrimony. THAT admirable exponent of certain modern ideas, Doro thy lix, has been explaining tbe reason why many mod ern meu i.nd maidens particularly the men du not marry. She says that with tbe well-to-do classes in general it is "an open question whether the marriage that will require the crucifixion of their tastes and the daily and Dourly sacrifice of their comforts will return sufficient divi dends la happiness to-mak it a paying invejtmeat." - Shi also points out the obvious fact that au income which will up port one person iu luxury will not double itself by magic when there are two people living on it, and consequently -ue or both of the per.u concerned will have to alter in taste or go unsatisfied. Sli? also says. "No one would undervalue the beauty and lacredness of love, but it is a cold fact that it is not enough capital on which to get married." Then she goes on to talk about starvation and aliabby clothes, and tbe sacrifice of the tastes and habits of a lifetime, and so on. This expression of opinion undoubtedly agrees with the feel ings of a good many modern young people, married and un married, but it would be a considerable mistake to suppose that it represents the mind of any large percentage of the population of this country, even of the well-to-do and intelligent classes. It is absurd to talk of starvation and privation in connection with a couple living on the ordinary income of a clerk or pro fessional man. The only question is whether they are willing to cut their coats according to their cloth, and take In the comfort of each other's society aud the pleasure of bringing up their children, the recreation which they used to get out of other amusements. If they are not willing to do this, it is quite true that they would better not get married. The coun try can do without that kind of married people. Washington Timet. Training for Home Life. IT is the old conventionality that the business of woman is always to make a home for man, and that man's sphere lies always outside the home, that causes much of modern wom an's discontent, and against which she protests. The purpose of all training, she insists, is to push the boy out into the world and to keep the girl in, and it is from this inequality and injustice that she demands emancipation. The view is a mistaaken one, however, the final object in the education of both sexes being the same to fit them for living at hnnie. In fact, it is and always has been the conviction of man kind that the life of both women and men should be lived at home, and accordingly the aim of parents is to prepare their sons and daughters to properly discharge their duties toward the home. Their desire is to see both happily settled in homes of their own, but recognizing the difference between the rexes, and the greater share of responsibility assigned by nature to the man, they give the boy the training necessary to enable him to found and maintain the home, and to the girl the train ing to carry It on. If the aim of the parents is a mistaken one, it Is at least implied impartially to both sexes, so that there can be no valid claim of injustice on the part of either. If, as the great majority of the world believes, the first duty of woman is to the home, the training of the man con templates also the same duty for him. Philadelphia Ledger. Why Negro Education Fails. ONE of the reasons why education as applied to the black race in the United States is a practical failure is because the purpose of education is ridiculously mis conceived by many, perhaps moat, of those who nttciid the schools which Northern philanthropy has established In various places in the South. Nina young negroes out of ten who go in for education do it with the notion that education will enable them to live without work. For the same reason the ranks of the black ministry throughout the South are always full, being recruited from the product of the schools, which put forth each year a large number of persons "educat ed" to a point where they despise manual labor and are eager to catch at any chance which promises them an easy and semi iUe life, The religions and moral status of these self-elected spiritual leaders of the race may be judged from the fact that a few months ago there were fifty-nine black preachers in the Georgia State penitentiaries. Portland Oregonian. Are Babies Becoming Extinct? THERE Is little place in city life to-day for babies. Land lords prcferto let houses to families that bnTe no children to do damage to the property and annoy the neighbors. Apartment houses are generally closed against the little ones. Dogs may be accepted, but no children. The appli cant for a place as janitor, steward, coachman, or any of a dozen other places of domestic service may be allowed to have a wife mid perhaps bring her with him for service, but the ma hogany doors will not swing open to servants' children. The poor widow who is forced to make the living for herself aud little ones find them a barrier wherever she turns. A MAN WITH "P'INTS.' Old Farmer Found Drummer Was Well Inf.irmed. The drummer who had missed the 'rtrly morning train came into the tluy 7xa Junction station waiting room and glanced about him. Drummers always glance about when they come to sta tions, big or little. They do It because It Is a habit, the same as winking one eye knowingly, poking a crooked thumb over the shoulder or whan one says about once every half minute dur ing a casual talk on crops, weather and so on: "Don't chew know?" These are hard things to get rid of. So is the drummer. But this waa not an ordinary drum mer at least he so impressed the se date old gentleman who was busy studying a time table by the window. The old gentleitan got up, went to the drummer and held out the time talde, asking. "If a train got to Pulaski about 7 In the mornln' would that give me time to visit Elder Sprigglna, who lives jlst outside tbe town, before the other train came along?" There was mourning at the end of the finger that pointed out Pulaski. There was hair in tbe ears of the old man and a misty veil on bis glasses hooked over bis eagle-like beak. There was also a curious dip to bis straw bat not unlike the swirl of tbe busy col lege man out for a risque vacation .V) panania or not Tbe drummer was one of those cbaps of ready speech and quick response and be answered, in a pleasant tone: "If you get to Pulaski on that early train you certainly will have plenty of .line to visit Klder Hprlgglns and enjoy rls hospitality before the neit train owes along." Then the speaker beam d an amiable smile. But tbe old .ranger never bated a wink of tbe eye nor puckered a risible muscle. "And If the way Is clear for real .'nod slppln' 'long the rails at a two orty Klory Temple gait, do you really think a pusson could rearb Carthage before sundown sod In time to help . ,. . ... Fzra Know milk the cows and do the eveuln' chores?" "I Uou't think anything about it I know It can be done. I did it one week ago yesterday and found Ezra well, excepting for a little twinge of rheu matlsin. Always was troubled that way, you know, Ezra was." Tbe old chap drew in his upper lip until the tuft on his chin tickled his nose. He sneezed, gave his straw hat another tip forward, scratched his ear with his lean finger, and asked: "By dolu' a cross-country stunt for four miles and dlvergln' to the left Jlst 'fore crossln' the canal lock the other side of Boonvllle, do you think an old pusson who used to peter out the best wrestler In these parts, back, side or rough-Hu'-tuuible holt, could fetch up 'bout time for dinner at the Yaller tavern on the four corners kept by EH Jones, who can take care of fourteen men and bosses without going to Uie neighbors? Do you think It can be done by an ole pilgrim wbo draws a pen shun of asthmay from the Civil War If be should start now without further parley?" "I took tbe same route day before yesterday and I know It can be done. Eli is still at tbe Taller tavern, doing a brisk business, same as usual" Aud again the drummer tossed the old chap a knowing smile, says the New York Times. And again the old chap never twitched a balr of tbe eyebrow nor curved a bristle of tbe Up. "And If I should take tbe evenln' boat from Albany I'd reach New York In time for break good Lord I lie's gone! Snatched the train on the sip and went qulckern a wink. They're a mighty knowln lot and I'm glad I got Information; for I may take It Into my head to try a Jn'nt sometime my self, flood by. 81. Bo glad I happened along and found a man with p'lnts.". 1 hanking Uncle NrdL "My niece Mary was always a well meaning girl," remarked the old gentle man, "but she would aay the wrong thing every time, and she's got a boy who Is going to equal ber." TUe old j J. ..u,.mia ,,f ritr Ufa turS AU too oiieu, every auy, uo the children of the poor from a blessing Into a curse ui'Ui insupportable burden. All too often are parents that love toeii children as dearly as the rich love their own, forced by bars! necessity to place them iu institutions or desert them, an when the cause is sifted to the bottom the fault is found to w less with the parents than with the senseless and heartless CM toms and conditions put upon them by those who easily could, if they would, change it all. And Uie most pilif ui part of it, from the broader view point is that the world is suffering a lack of development of its besl material for future mauhood and womanhood. It is to the cfail dreu of the poor thnt the world has ever looked for tbe best ll the future. If the children of the city's poor are discriminated against, must it not be said, too, that the children of the city'i rich are being eliminated? The decrees of society render i inconvenient and unfashionable to have children, and mst it the great mansions know them uot. Des Moines News. Work Does Not Shorten Life. THE report of the census bureau, which declares tfcav since 1810 the median of American longevity has in creased 7.4 years, points to many vital conclusions. Among these, it proves that with the introduction uid enormous patronage of the railroads, steamboats, elec tric cars and all other means of rapid transit, we have reauhed and safely pawed that stage in mechanical development wkeo the attendant loss of human life is at the maximum. It Jw speaks eloquently of the progress in the science of medicine and surgery, the improvement and increase in the number ol hospitals and public places of refuge. It shows the triumps of law and order, the approximate perfection of our polict system and the growth of all those safeguards with which society surrounds itself. But above these things, It gives the lie to the blatant aJarmlsl who all these years has harrowed us with his cry that tb ceaseless commercial activity of the day, the rush for fortuns and fame, are burning the candle of longevity at both ends, We have been ponderously warned that the American rac was so rapidly consuming its vital energy that each at ui would soon b, at the age of 50, a tottering wreck, mentnilj and physically Incapable. But the triumph over the world lo commercial, scientific and economic progress, we are now tld on indisputable authority, has not been achieved at such I sacrifice. It teems that the harder we work, the lustier wi wax, and the longer we live. Anteus-like, we rise after eacl fall with added vigor and accumulated aggression. DetroW Journal. The Men Who Break Down. WHEN a man standing ut the head of a vast bual ness breaks down the papers begin to talk of th enormous pressure of modern life, especially in th lines of finance and Industrial activity. There an railway presidents who stand a great amouit ) business strain, but they waste none of their energies, and n temperate, as all men of great affairs must be, if they would hold their own in these busy days. While a great business involves large responsibilities, strong man at the head of it will be found to have selected capable assistants, often younger men with great power ol lesisting strain. The railway president, bank president or hc of a trust, has his staff: his business systematized, and a largi part of his worth to his corporation consists In his abilitj to pick good men for responsible places. When one comes to look over the list of men broken dowt in business it is among those having small businens that th greater number will be found. The man in a small way rarclj can afford to have capable assistants: lie muit "do it all him self," and hence worry and over-doing. There Is more f I chance for brain fag in a small shop or agency than in a bi business. Mexican Herald. Honor the School Teachers. THE Gloucester school teacher who has retired from he. work after forty-two years teaching in the schools oi that place, during which she was absent but twice should be looked upon with profound respect An A inert can humorist has said that a good teacher "should lt made a brigadier general and have a horse and wagon to d his riding around in," and the sentiment it that of all wh understand what one who presides over a room in a school building endures. A large proportion of teachers becomt broken in health by the nervous strain after five or six years, and physicians regard teachers of experience as among th hardest patients' to help plrmanently because the attack ol any Illness finds so little of reserve strength to oppose it. Tin world respects Its teachers, but its honor and applause coei to those who do unusual deeds, or acts requiring iiupulsivt courage. It is, however, the regular work of carefully trained and kindly people that upbuilds the intellectual nm spiritual life of mankind, and none perform deeds of more lasting v.ui than the quiet toilers between the blackboards and the desks. Iioston Transcript. gentleman's eyes twinkled, gays the I'lttxburg Bulletin, as he drew from his pocketbook a small sheet of note paper. T swit the boy a toy monkey that plays all klmla of pranks when It's wouud up," Raid he, chuckling. "Sent It to him for his birthday. Now you listen to this letter of thanks I got from him to-day. He's Just 8 years old: "'Deer Uncle Ned, I am delighted with the munkcy, thank, you. He makes me think of you very often. And whenever mamma winds him up and he begins to Jump, mamma and I feel as If we were back at your bouse where all thone toys are, and mamma says. "That's your Uncle Ned all over." Good-hy from your grateful Hal.'" "I think," said the old gentleman, aa be folded up the letter, "that I shall be more careful what I send him for his next birthday." World's fihortest Street. It is tbe shortest In Paris, and It la believed in tbe world. It la des Deg.es. It consists only of four teen stairs, nas no shops, no doors, and no dwelling bouses opening onto ft. No carriages or carts can drive up er down It, and the greater part of oaa side of It Is devoted to an array of posters. Yet the authorities bare taken tbe trouble to give this thoroughfare a name Too Much for the Barber. "You can't guy that fellow," said barber, as tbe bald-headed customer left the shop. "Did you try Iff" asked "next" "Yes. When he got Into my chair I nsknl him If be wanted a hair cut, and he said he dldu't care If I cut both af rhem."-IndlanapoIls News. There Is very little difference between a good person and a bad one. (Jet well acquainted with a good man, and yon will find mucb to condemn, and an Intl. mate acquaintance with a bad man will result la the discovery of muck a commend.