Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 27, 1902, Image 2

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    Ib Him. a Pie&Jjinil
. a Mium,
How many will dare to tempt fate
by uaing a new 13-cent stamp?
It la pretty early for members of the
astralian commonwealth to talk se
rosa I tin.
Strike out "obey" from the marriage
ceremony. This Is the age of revolt, not
Many a woman's tongue Is kept busy
trying to get her ont of the trouble It
got ber Into.
Why should you fear the pandytnak
era trust when your best girl knows
how to make fudges?
8t Paul girls are organizing for the
purpose of marrying union men only.
Vet your working cards, boys.
The clergyman who has a scheme to
merge five churches Is entitled to be
Ailed a theological captain of industry.
The man who gets a wife from a mat
lmonial agency generally has reason
jo believe that the camera lies like
A French expert says the American
oavy la antique, bnt he furnishes no
Spanish testimony to back up bis
When the women of South America
tackle to organize a Daughters of the
Revolution society there will be some
thing doing.
sish s&s stfids h!s n-
pearance in London. It is time the
Messiahs get together and form a trust
to prevent overproduction.
Again we claim that Wu is a heathen.
The Chinese ex-minister has had the
nerve to ask why we don't practice the
golden rule toward China!
The men who sat on the edge of a
rrater and looked down two thousand
feet gave a demonstration of the mean
ing of the term "deep Insight."
It la bard for some people to believe
that Jesus of Nazareth was really great
He died poor in spite of the fact that
be bad many opportunities to get rich.
Don't be too quick to decide that a
thing la impossible. You'd be aston
ished to know how high a fence you
can Jump if you're scared badly
Maud Louise Ray says that ber
'Tank" (abe confides this to Harper's
Magaslne In a poem) is "To Love Some
One More Dearly Every Day." We have
oar fingers crossed.
Don Carlos, pretender to the Spanish
throne, is discouraging his followers
who propose an uprising. He has dis
covered that it Is cheaper and quite as
effective to do his pretending at long
Salt Lake will have married teachers
no longer, believing that a "woman's
first duty Is to her husband and fam
lly." Suppose that for one reason and
another her first duty is to support
them, then what?
On an average every man, woman and
child In the United States has (108 on
deposit In bank. Uncle Russell Sage,
however, holds the proxies of a great
many of these men, women and chil
dren, and kindly saves them the trou
ble of looking after their bank accounts.
The offenses of excursionists who cre
ate an area of untidiness behind them
by having strewn about the odds and
ends of picnic preparations, vex order
ly souls the world over. A recent vis
itor to Tennyson's monument at Fresh
water bad to remove a quantity of
broken glass from the turf about the
memorial before It was safe to sit down,
"Trippers" bad not spared even that
apot, dear to lovers of verse.
"Let ns, then, be up and doing" is not
the motto of all A young Ohio farmer
attributes a piece of good fortune en
ftlrclT to bis father's laziness. A great
Bald which had never been cleared of
stumps was recently taken In hand by
the son, who discovered that the huge
and knotty stumps were of black wal
taut, exquisitely grained. He sent for a
furniture-maker, who realized their
Vain for veneering, and paid more for
the stamps than the former value of
the whole field. Paternal ""dolence la
hot often veneered with such quick
wlttedness and gumption In the son.
Poor boyish King Alphonso of Spain.
Bo wants to marry for 1 e. And be
rill not be permitted to do so. The
Land of Prtnceaa Louise of France haa
Loan tendered. But Alpbonso doesn't
tka Louise overly well. He Inclines to
a "plebeian" wife. Whereat the Span
lab grandees are horrified. If the
I u MM King bad bis choice be would
parry an American girL He likes tbelr
tyta. And ha openly flirted with one
taring the coronation ceremonies. On
rartMB oecaato King Alpbonao baa
like the manner In
girls conduct them-
tvaa aas kaa etsly expressed hla
for Cam Alpfaonso's dia
ls at exceeded by hla
frJtotta, C2i tanta la txcaUewt He
ttJ fwJ 3 when kt aeaa it
I J tt trtt fa. Caen tsaiali anaa
who has a tender heart Inside of him
as you bad once, gentle reader) led
about by the diplomats who seek to
strengthen the position and prestige
of Spain by a marriage connection with
some powerful ally. Cupid must go off
and have a good cry when be sees such
heartlessness. Wouldn't you rather be
free to marry the one you love than to
be the King of Spain and compelled to
marry some one else? Would you trade
your sweetheart or your wife for a
queen? Would you?
How all the world loves a baby! It
Is human affection that crops out
everywhere, and it is good for the peo
ple. Tha other day a tired woman
carrying a sleeping infant "was wait-"
lng for a car. The baby was heavy.
One look at the woman told a story
of devotion and care. It was In her
eyes, in the lines of ber face. Mothers
give up much for their little ones. Out
of the corner drug store came a tall,
fashionably attired man, who took in
the situation at a glance. "Let me
hold the baby for you, madam," be
said, and the child never stirred as it
was transferred to his strong arms. It
was ten minutes before the car ar
rived. Hundreds of persons looked in
quiringly at the tall man, the faded
woman and the sleeping baby. No
body laughed, for ail realized that a
good fellow was doing a bit of kind
ness, and other men wished they bad
volunteered. Finally "mother" was in
a car seat, the baby In her arms, and
the tall man touched his hat and went
on about his business, feeling the bet
ter for his act. In Louisville a baby
girl was playing with a rag doll m a
street car. She "mothered it" and kiss
ed It, and all of the passengers were
interested. Suddenly the car lurched,
and the doll fell from a window to the
pavement "Stop!" was the cry from
the passengers. Every man In the car
was on hla feet, and a dozen hands
clutched the bell rope. "Stop this car!"
was the command, and the motorman
brought the vehicle to a standstill. Half
a dozen men started down the track.
The swiftest got the doll after a walk
of a square, and the party proudly
tramped back to the car and gave to
the "little mother" her offspring. The
reward was a smile, and baby smiles
are worth almost any price you can
think of.
C. D. Gibson, the author of the "Gib
son Girl," declares that women are
growing taller, and he is supported in
his statement by certain philosophers
who have loitered on the seashores at
fashionable bathing places for the pur
pose of making observations. These
authorities declare the average height
of the American girl of the present
is 5 feet 10 inches, and they give it
as their deliberate opinion that the
girl who lives to subdue man with her
smile along about the year 2000 will
be more than 7 feet tall. Mr. Gibson
claims to have positive information
that the average height of American
girls has increased at least two Inches
during the last ten years, a fact which
he says Is due to their athletic exer
cises; and he sees no reason why they
should stop growing as long as they
continue to play golf, swing clubs.
swim, run, jump and engage In prac
tices generally that were untbougbt of
by girls of a generation or two ago,
There seems, however, to be no in
crease in the average size of the male
inhabitants of our glorious republic
In fact the reverse appears to be true.
We look back to the time of Lincoln
and further still to the times of Web
ster and Clay, and we say there were
giants In those days. But the giants
have passed. It Is said that the rules
governing enlistment In the American
army have had to be changed so as to
admit smaller men, because there are
not enough big ones to fill the ranks
Whether this is due to clgarrettes, con
finement In business offices, strong
drink or a lack of good cooking is not
known says the Chicago Becord-Her-ald.
The only thing we can be sure of
In this connec xra Is that the conditions
ought to be encouraging. It has for
several years past been feared that men
were giving up the habit of getting
married. The country has more old
bachelors than ever before, and, conse
quently, more unmarried women. But
if the girls are going to be six feet
tall, or even more than that and the
boys are to remain scrawny, scrubby
little chaps we may be aure that mat
rimony will come Into fashion again
No little man has ever yet been able to
resist the charms of a big woman.
Judging Irons the Sample.
A Congressman who thought that one
of the great national parties was try
ing too hard to find an lasue when
there waa no Issue In sight rebuked
bis opponent by telling this story:
A client of mine has a large family,
and accordingly la rather pressed foi
money. He came to me joyfully one
day, declaring that he had found oil
flowing from a spring on bis land, and
bringing me a sample.
The bottle be brought was one which
be bad picked up In a hurry somewhere
about the bouse. I forwarded It to an
expert chemist and my client and I
waited with a good deal of interest for
bis report of the analysis. In a day
or two we got this telegram:
"Kind no trace of oil. Your friend
baa struck paregoric."
Teas I saw Mr. Buff glance at my
foot yesterday, and then make some
remark to you. Waa It complimen
Jean I don't krow. I askad blm If
be didn't think job bad a pretty foot.
and bo said It waa Immense.' "-Philadelphia
Tnrse-foartbs of tb earth's surface
bo evMratasL awing ta moon
ad barran
Short gtorie$j
M t I I I t l 1 1 I' M I I I
Lord Rosebery once sat next to a
farmer at his estate dinner, and the
confiding man whispered to the host.
when the lee puudlng was brought:
The pudding has been frozen." The
ex-Premier, thanking the farmer, and
looking surprised, called to a waiter,
said something, and then, turning to
the farmer again, said: --Tbj--tel!aie
the pudding has been frozen on pur
When the fretful critic, Cumberland,
said of a performance of "The School
for Scandal" that he was surprised
that it provoked such Immoderate
laughter, as it did not make blm even
smile, Sheridan, the wit orator, and
playwright is said to have remarked:
Cumberland Is truly ungrateful, for
I saw a tragedy of his played a fort
night before at Covent Garden, and I
laughed from beginning to end."
The other day an inquisitive lady
was talking with James Whitcomb Ri
ley on how poorly paid was the pro
fession of literature, "But. Mr. RJley,"
said she, "surely you have no cause
for complaining. You must be a very
rich man. I understand you get a dol
lar a word for all you write.
Ye-e-es, madam," said Riley, with his
slow drawl, "but sometimes I sit all
day and can't think of a d n word."
A photographer who arrived at Oys
ter Bay the other day asked permis
sion to take some views. The Presi
dent was amiable, and told him: "You
are welcome to photograph anything
you like, except my wife and children,
est if I catch you doing that 1 11 throw
you off the place." Those are the or
ders to the secret-service men. They
are authorized to permit kodakers to
shoot at anything they see except Mrs.
Roosevelt and the children.
A New York clubman, whose repu
tation as a conceited and insufferable
bore was a byword, was once attempt
ing to Impress a group of men as be
ing a society pet "What a hospitable
fellow Blank is," be said, naming one
of New York's cleverest men; "I drop
ped In on him the other night, and lie
and his wife fairly insisted that I stay
for dinner. Such a time as I bad get
ting away! Why, when I started to
ieave. they came right out in the hall
and backed up against the front door."
After you'd g-g-gone out?" sarcastic
ally inquired one of his wearied iisten-
Baedeker's Is generally regarded as
a harmless book. Not so In Turkey,
as a German traveler has learned to
his grief. They found in his trunk "a
guide through Turkey," and confis
cated It The next morning the Bae
deker was returned to the Germirh,
but with more than a hundred pages,
containing a description of Constanti
bople, torn out The traveler went to
the censor's office to complain of this
Inexplicable treatment of his book.
But the censor explained to him. with
Irresistible logic, that an accurate de
scription of Constantinople could not
lie suffered, since a knowledge of the
locality was calculated to facilitate an
attempt on the Sultan's life.
Interestinic Array of HarlMrim tbat
Only (students Can Interpret.
In an article on college slang Pres
ident Thwiug of the Western Reserve
university presents an Interesting array
of words which the laymen would try
In vain to understand without the aid
of a teacher or a glossary. Different
languages, he Rays, have different
words and phrases, "and a few words
and phrases are common to many, such
as 'swipe,' 'soak,' 'spike,' 'Josh,' 'hen-
medic,' 'goose egg,' 'gring,' 'crib,' and
tnany others Indeed. But there are
other words tbat are used only at a
few colleges. A student, for Instance,
in one college may 'bat' (make a per
fect recitation) and may sit In a 'bear
box' (the faculty pew In chapel). On
going from church he may become n
'belt chaser,' walking with a 'coed' and
going to bis dinner be has a 'berry
(a good thing). In the afternoon be
prepares himself for 'bib' (that is, for
recitation In the bible). It la possible
tbat the 'belt chaser' walks with a 'bird'
(a girl) to the 'bird cage' (a dormitory
for women students). It Is also possible
that the 'bird' may be a 'birdie (one
who is eager to make acquaintance
with men without an introduction).
"He may prefer to call bis walk a
pike,' and also be may prefer to walk
with a 'plugger' rather than with a
'bird,' and while walking to talk about
polek' (political economy) or 'point'
(political science).
"A student may be a 'moke' (an easy
going fellow), and In tLat case he Is
apt to be 'porky' (very poor) In bis
works, and consequently gets a 'zip'
(a zero In marks), and Is In danger of
being 'rusticated' (suspended). Of
course, he must become a 'repeater'
(one required to repeat a year's work),
If be hopes ever to get his 'rag (diplo
ma). If the man Is an 'elie' (a good stu
dent) he will probably get the reputa
tion of being a 'whale (a phenomenal
itudent). In case he 'bones' (studies)
hard and 'polea' (prepares a lesson by
Sard study).
town Flrat Uniformed Pollcessasi
Canoe weaaer a ad Terror.
The old Inhabitant of town are fond
H exchanging reminiscence of early
lays, Tbk waa the caae recently In a
mm Maw Asglui city and one of
baiaattoff natOoi waa tha attabllab-
tuent of Its police department The
force was small in number, but of Iti
members van almost a giant In size
sis feet four and a half Inches tail
and bradly bullL There chanced to
be a hitch about the delivery of the
men's uniforms, so that only one wa
received promptly and the Goliath ol
the furce stalked forth In his splendor
Naturally he created a sensation. Ae
he patrolled the long winding street
that run the whole length of tie place
there were many comments upon bit
personal appearance, most of which
were discreetly uttered after be had
passed out of hearing. At length, how
ever, a shambling, shabby, sly-eyed,
crack-witted .ne'er-do-well stepped up
and touched the gorgeous figure on tht
arm. '
"Hay, mister," be whispered humbly,
"tell me the safest law to break and
I'll break It for the honor of walking
down Main street with them buttons!'
The Information requested was not
vouchsafed and the giant marched on
In his buttons and his dignity. But a
little farther along a small toy who
was playing In the front yard was no
less impressed, although more bewil
dcred, by the glittering and mighty ap
parition. He gave one look, eyes and
mouth at their roundest, and then dash
ed Indoors, crying to bis mother:
"Qh, mamma, look! look! Is he wat
or the circus?"
Even after be had become a familial
figure to the citizens the huge gardlan
of the peace retained some of his im
presslveness. To one prisoner at least
he so embodied the terrors of the law
that the man submitted to an arrest
which a few words of explanation at
the time could have averted. WBCT),
In court be did at length explain, the
judge inquired In astonishment why h
had not done so before. Smiling confi
dentially at his honor the accused re
"Well, Judge, it's like this: You're
folks; but as for that Bunker Hill mon
ument with a helmet on top, he may
be a first-rate hand-cuBn' machine, but
he ain't a man. I didn't darst argufy
with him. No, sir! I'd as soon though!
of tryln' to make my position clear to
the town fire engine."
The Astonishing Trade in Bulbs.
The mfln with the little garden walk!
round the public park and sees cro
cuses and daffodils, hyacinths and tu
lips by the thousand. He understands
they are imported direct from Holland
by very birge users of the bulbs. It it
an astounding trade as so measured
and taken as an example of what oth
ers do in the same line, as tradesmen
say. Take the Japanese trade, which
comes next In Importance to the Dutch.
During last season eighty tons of lily
roots were sold, and this amounts in
numbers to about 3,000,000. But this
Is nothing to the Dutch trade. If we
take the same basis of weight and
numbers as in the Japanese Instance.
The average sale is sixty tons per
week, which is In numberg about 2,5:)0,
000. " The season lasts about font
months sixteen weeks so that In
weight "50 tons are sold; and thi
amounts In numbers to the almost in
credible sum of 40,000,000. Saturday
A Double Point.
The old question of the scholastics,
"How many angels are supixirted on
the point of a needle?" was once charm
ingly answered by the late lr. Tal
nmge. The Philadelphia Times tell
how. Some theological students wert
laughing over the question when In the
ouiipuny of Dr. Talmage.
"Well," said he, "bow many do you
As no one answered, he went on with
characteristic decision.
"I'll tell you five. Let me prove It to
you. One very stormy night I was re
turning home late, and I noticed a light
in the window of a room where a pooi
woman lived whose husband was at
sea. I wondered what kept her up so
late, and 1 went to see. I found her
hard at work sewing by her lamp, while
ber five rosy children were sound asleep
near her. There was a needle support
lng five angels."
Ixved His IxH.
The venerable Bishop Williams ol
Connecticut for many years presiding
Bishop of the Episcopal church In
America, and who lived all his life a
bachelor, was talking one day with a
young man from the West about a pos
sible tax a Western State waa trying
to Impose on bachelors, the tax to b
Increased a certain per cent for every
ten years of bachelorhood.
"Why, Bishop," said the yonng man.
"at your age yon would have to pay
about $100 a year."
"Well," said the Bishop, quietly, and
In his old-time vernacular, "it's wutb
lt"-New York TImea.
What Ae la He?
The Navy Department la trying to
answer the question: "How old Is
Rear Admiral Thomas O. Set fridge, re
tired r Is be 09 or 100? The records
do not show and Rear Admiral Sel
frldge will not tell. He says It Is no-
liody'a business how old be la. Bnt as
he entered the nnvy In 1818, and must
have been at least 15 yeara old at that
time, the tip)oitlon that be Is be
tween W and 100. The Admiral's old
est son, Rear Admiral Thomas 0. Kel
fridge, Jr., owns to being HO yeara. The
senior Selfrldge wns born In Hub
bard st on, Muss. Philadelphia Press,
America' 1'iwt it Insect.
The chinch bng haa been called the
costliest Insect In America. It baa
cost aa high as $100,000,000 !o feed
during a single aeaaon. A bng hardly
visible to the naked eye and wblcb
will provide GOO offspring la difficult to
cope wltb and Its effenalve odor pro
tects It from other Inserts wblcb stlgM
feed vpoa It .
Bonqorta Are Supplied Bonn t If ally te
CongrcHmcn fend rnatora.
Cut Cowers are supplied gratuitously
by Uncle Sam to a number of person!
and Institutions In the city of Wash
Ington and members of Congress have
come to regard them as among the most
desirable of their perquisites. The
greenhouses from which the flowers
In question come are maintained prin
cipally to supply the city parks with
the plants which make them such a
feature of the city's beauty throughout
the greater part of the year. After the
White House Is supplied the hospitals
and other public institutions receive
flowers. -Maay other worthy caues
also share In the distribution. Fam
ilies of members of the cabinet, the
supreme court and legislative members
come next. This custom, which has
prevailed for years, of distributing the
cut flow era Is still followed.
Besides the greenhouses in charge of
the Superintendent of Public Buildings
and Ground, and the White House con
servatory, other gardeners are those of
tiie Agricultural Department and the
botanical gardens. The latter are un
der the direction of the Senate Com
mittee, on Library. The gardens of the
Department of Agriculture are devoted
largely to the growing of plants other
than floral.
The flowers from the White House:
conservatory are used for daily decora
tions of the executive mansion and II
Is for state functions and all other or
dinary occasions tbat the supply of the
park greenhouses is drawn upon.
Through this source of supply not an
Inconsiderable amount that would oth
erwise have to be spent for flowers for
many state dinners runs well up Into
the hundreds and sometimes even thou
sands of dollars. The floral decorations
for the Prince nenry dinner, which
were most elaborate, would have cost
$4,000 if purchased iu the flower mar
ket As tt was the real expenditure In
the floral decorations was only a few"
Dr. Felix L. Oswald Insists that the
avoidance of water at meals Is a mere
'sanitary superstition." It is not possi
ble for any normally constituted human
being to eat his way to the first quarter
Instalment of a modern dinner of over
heated mnde dishes and greasy viand
without experiencing a distinct longing
for a cooling diluent, and before th)
end of the second course that craving
assumes the urgency of positive dis
tress, but be sufferer Is warned to for
bear. Has not Professor Orthodox enu
merated five distinct sources of peril
from Indulging tbat appetency, and
proved tbat the water instinct is wrong,
and that nature knows nothing about
The most specious of those arguments
lsthe alleged risk that the Introduction
of wild water would coagulate the al
bumen of the Ingesta, and thus compli
cate the labors of the digestive organs.
But Is it not evident that those organs
should be allowed a casting vote In the
decision of that controversy?
Dr. Schrodt, the author of "Natur
neSlkunde," holds, on the contrary,
that our diet is not half fluid enough,
and demonstrates that organic warmth
will soon reduce over-cold beverages to
the right medium, and that a craving
which nothing but fresh water will sat
isfy Is a clear proof that the stomach
Is suffering from an excess of caloric
and a deficiency of moisture.
Just wait, and that distress will sub
side, insists Professor O x. Yes; the
subtle chemistry of the organism will
eventually find means to satisfy Its
needs from internal sources, just as the
agony of a famished man wlllglveway
to a dull torpor; the system has made
another foreod loan on the reserve
stores of Its own tissues, and made the
sufferer a little more comfortable,
though also a little leaner. Even thus
the disappointed stomach will make
shift to lead moisture from some other
part of the organism where It Is less
sorely needed and the distress subsides,
though a feeling of vague discomfort re
mains, suggesting tbat the sort of
moisture reabsorbed from the lower ali
mentary duct is not exactly what th
stomach wanted.
Singular Signs for Travelers.
On the banks of a rivulet near Rtra
bane Is a stone wltb this singular In
scription, which was no doubt Intended
for the Information of stragera travel
ing by the road: "Take notice thai
when this stone Is out of sight It Is
not safe to ford the river." This recalls
the famous finger post wblcb la said
to have been erected by order of a sur
veyor of roads In Kent: "This la a
bridle path to Faverabam. If yoo
can't read this you bad better keep the
main road."
French Happy Home Broken Up.
A Parisian lady has been compelled
by the police to break up ber happy
borne, consisting of 20 bens, CO cocks,
30 pigeons, a goat, 4 cats, 8 doga, a par
rot and a dozen small birds. Hei
neighbors objected to being kept awake
all night by the cats and dogs, and t
being roused up at an unearthly boat
by the crowing of the cocks.
Cltlman-I bear the Popleya bar
moved out near you. Have you sees
tbelr baby? Isn't It a tiny little mltet
Hubbubs Yea, bnt you must remem
ber It passed the first lis months of
Ita life In a flat-Philadelphia Preaa.
A womin's Idea of a bargain Is some
thing abe can't afford when aba needs
tt and wblcb la offered at a rasTwaOoa
aba baa no naa far tt.
Ian't It Mranr.
JIow many men neglect to reply to
i heir correspondents?
How many women think a roan bns
ne right to refuse to do inem a favm?
How many men lauKbloiily break
an engagement wltb a woman?
How tnany men rudely repel the
affectionate greetings of a wife?
now many women show want of
tact In a business transaction?
How many men are victims tc hab
its which could easily be overoome?)
How many women carry wrot,g!
Ideas regarding men's faithfnness?
now many men like to talk about
the! r self abnegation?
Huw many women are actuated by
selrlsb motives la most things ttiey
now many men have a tendency to
ward flippancy when dlscustng wmn-
eo?-Pbllade)pbU Ilulletln.
Sirs. Hlldcbrandl's Discovery".
Lake Sarah, Minn, Nov. 24.-Mr.
Iliidebrandt of this place claims to
l.ave discovered a complete care tor
Rheumatism and numerous people can
testify that as Mrs. Iliidebrandt bad
the terrible affliction anl Is now a well
woman, she appear to have good'
grounds for ber claim. Mrs. Hllde
brandt speaks of her cure as follows:
"I had the Rheumatism In my arms
so bad tbat I could not sleep at night.
I was Induced to try Itodd's Kidney
Pills, and before I had taken two boxes
I was much better. When I bad taken
four boxes I was completely cured."
It Is only fair to state tbat otb r
have made the same discovery as Mrs.
Iliidebrandt, and that for Rheumatism
and other diseases arising from tbc
Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney nils are rec
ognlzed as the one sure and permanent
Ha Ka w.
Mrs. McCanl-Isn't this little
Johnny Gadaway?
Julio 0 YeS'iD.
Mrs. MoCaul I was just going to
call on your mamma. Is she at
Johnny Ho'ru. She's just went
down to the next block to look for
me. Philadelphia Press.
The streets of Bombay are excel
lent, as ae generally the main roads
throughout India. Tbey are thor
oughly macadamized, or metaled, and,
made smooth by heavy rollers.
Military braid Is a modish Itrim
niing. Powder boxes come In the form of
silver vioaigrettes.
An advertisement of a new nursing
bottle contains the following lucid
directions to insure satisfaction In
Its use: "When the baby Is done
drinking. It mast be unscrewed and
laid in a cool place under a tap. If
,the baby does nut thrive on frcsl
milk U should be boiled."
$3 & $32 SHOES
W. L Owla thoet an (ft ttar4ar4 oj tht w-rltt.
W. I,. Doorlai na4 t wl4 mar men' (ioooV
jir Walt ! KaMad Prwaaa) akataa In tha flnl
tli mnlli ot IHX ltr alliar Maafartiirar.
t1fl flfin kCtl4BltiilllbaMlttii,M
I UiUUll ras larT tkla atatcaaal.
1ST II .lllttl 1
Salt Imporitd ami American Irmtherg, Httl'$
Fatint Calf. Inamtl, tut Calf, Calf. Vlcl Kt. Cwona
Colt. Hat. Kangaroo. Faat Color Kyelrta narrf.
Can'' I Tb imalM ban W. I DOOOt.A
nam- mad prtca atampaxl oo bottoia
Mkna bf mail, 25c. extra, im. VaMUa from
W ar tha bat
Iran larl. fal all llrt
raaanrc Irom It. and
conrantrata It lo lha uttcrmnat. In an onara
ol our hi tract Ihare la an tht nutrition ol
manr poundi ol bral. To grt ooia nalrlaarnl
to Ibc ounct h impoaalbla.
Oar Booklet. Horn to Mist CoodThiafa
lo Eat." aaailad Irra.
UIST. KclEllL 4 LietT. CI.CAS9.
til aa', aaaaiac Maara at aBM Sanaa aaare
kaam Htalaao ataaaa for raalf. aaaaot Saasaty flMav
aaar . r. o. warn arm, awca
Beef (I
u. p. o. . Vatf-at yskx rz