Harrison Press -Journal. VOL. XIV. E-ATISOIsr, IsTEBRASKA, THTJBSDAY, 2STOVEMBBE, 27. 1902. N O. 22 I ft J tt a n n to at r t nna - vt a a llAIUUdUiN il:irri!y.N L .N j Mr. Ed Maine ia pluy-iug bachelor thisV, week. Jtie i Henry Rom Monday. tas.in from Sheep cro k Mr. and Mrs. J A. Thater were in front I!. stare on Monday. Mr. Sam Porter, from Pleasant Rdge, Will Mi t)ll a"liesdllV. Bartcll went to Crawford en business Mnhdav evening. Z. I". Antrim adds Ins name to our list of readers, w itli 1 ) i . h issue. F)r. Withers, Omaha dentist will I ii. Harrison, lecember Is I and 2nd. If ha. Thomas and wife, from Black rail yo. were in town Monnay. Monday school at 10 o'clock; every Wdy invited. VV. H. DaVN; Supt. ne ol Mi- new lads is men a socks fn. i women. I here m a minor pre v. i lent I h it some wive wear the trousers, hut noon appropriated invasion ol the wntdrobe of the nit-n there w ill be nog hly low iirliel of wearing apparel that man can call hifiown. i County Mapa. REPORT FROM S-,'HOOL DISTRICT o, bv Mr. Johnson, will pans him in The Phkss-Joi rnal has primed a ( NO. TWO, SiOUX CO. j every branch that is required for a itrd numlicr of map on Manilla card! Uu....t ,r, ,.ur,,n .. i ,n .1. ... ' , ,n . ' Alex. Johnson, a former teacher of : 8econd cerlilicale, and that Hi , Ular 1 which cm lie w ur-d lor 10c each 1 , utn,t '....i.,.,. u-iuun 1... i. . . ... i, . . ,11 -.. . ... , , . 1 lifri,nic, reports Hie school in Dist l,tM H"" given by her as a teacher will ! D subscribers. , No. 2, Si. ..1 county, doing KomJ work. j l,urlmsi! """ 0,1 every c"unl tx, tPl '! I He c-loae the lull term lu tins dislnct j "e' anJ 1 Ul1 lu w,""r Mr- Johnson Professional Cards. W. R. SMITH Buys, Hides, Tallow, Peltn. and Fur. Rather like w inter here Tuesday 'in-rn- j N"V-mUr 'Jil, and will teach the spring mt; Alniut U':0(i ..'. lock Mouilav i.i.-l.t ,Brn sioinniencirig lirst M mday in April. socks woulil. i.Jij bn.ui- wjjjii -'iv, .1 bnnu' wn4e n-wM. HfMl be tiiiei'il.iiuie-baa-buejj betier- tlgm-for Ittl..4,A-,iii..rti,,tritii,i..,la.l..,l... .... . I .. . t t ., Tt .. 1 ! " ........... m. .... j , 1 1 in ui 1 1 1 j lirr .is 1 001 1' to John t 'brit iafi wns sluk i't; trmdswith Iiii nianv friends in I!.irns.Mi Tic-sdav. JrrA Wilt nm' . niwkmitnn buv jnit workiin; (or the rail-road compani mil rA bjTj. ; A tiew coi'siL'nni.'nt of . t. .... - rL-TIT A t 'II.' '.i.t.H . k ..I...I..-V' ii-'. V. A. rixsler went to I.ii'-k Monday to bKin on the Hall which be is to build in thnt citr. If roll w:mt your deii'i'l crk done .v it t-xpi-r, and at rrstMinalile price, m Dr. Witbtis. Mori a"'' better 'or.d for th " inie fr t (!rla h' More tba n anv oi her plc, 1 rr I h 111. ID I f On 1 ft tVunm'HM'ii'f" procMwInur last w.-k in the bill of 7.. Y. Antrim it read $S 70 litn it l.u!l havorad sf 0.70. Cbarln ,wis a Harrison visitor Tue-day, and rininlrii n In a linan (,tal way whit b 1 alwav appreciated. Breezes from Glen. The thre-heis have l'en t work in our vicinit 1I.0 last few days. They were tbri -Ii 11:.' lor Mr. fry, t lan.lilet, Kr. man, and .jacob.on. Mr. Jiihci M ti's .i ho .l in I'ist No. 2 el'ses Wi-do. ..vii tin L'lj. We wish him aiicccss 111 bn new m-IiooI, We hada'iod Sunday m1VmI last Sim ilar. VS e look t..; ltnv. fciuan to l.e wim us ."uial.13 lilt uiJi ll, Mr. I raiiibu t lias ben bus n.j; up the I to ke s 01 tins ncifcl.Ua hood. lJU(i. same amounl of din living as snow, therefore making it quite- ihnretable. The Mntfintr c lassth.it was organized last spring ill meet at Hie ctiurcit, next Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of reorganizing, and transacting such other business as mav come before it. All ilicinU rs are requested to rw present. The ui'CoVkrmg ol the land frauds in Nebraska is a m?i iou malter, arm so lar as Ibis country is cons. m. d , iioidou .e-ins to have been liie tbn.1' lali.lllig j olace lor sou.e two bur nil. d alow s w 1 10 1 liav !l!d on claim wiih t li i-.H-g-d m ! lit lm ol lians.i rr.iig ill lo the I rger lanchmeii. A tnitntitr ol llla.ts liaVe Is-eu sunpoeni'd from the county to p ;ear liefoie II. Linleii .State . ourt. I ieil lloM, ol (i...oii. liariiet: Ra haiiN .mil 1 ..pi. Aiieis, R.ciiver of tin- Land Ollii'e, til A 1 1 1.1 m , ii re among II. e most I'tvmifit ut v iti.e ,m-s sumiiH'tifd, vlnle soiiik of t,e Unitt d Slale 1 Ilii 1 rs have n..eu !.s.ei.iieil. In the meantime l'resi ilfiil. Roos-vell, is delernonnl to protect the KoVernitifiil lion), 1111 Iroiu the en ci ii.ii bin. ts of la 1 tl rabhers. 1 '0111 r.irx lo the expectation ol i:e ia;i individuals, he not tally upholds Co. Mosb , the giiverunient i 111 a- viewer, but has sent him back here Ki cmpb l the work be was inlerrupi'ri in, in order to personally Collier With the IV. idelll a.'.tlu" situulion ill Northwest Neina-sa. What the up shoT.ol all I bis v. 1 1 1 I, i-cliniins IiiIm.m . A. Biuelow departed for lowa.M.m-J ,mt Ui l; , M nf w,u , fWr by I lie ki.ow leilt-thai the governni'-ni is not goini: to stand idly by w hile an in justice is Is'iig ili.ne ac.am-.t future genera tiu lis. RusbviP Uecoider. A Coed Investment. We have funned a 8locl; t onipany to ( pel le the gohl mine Iliat I h.i e been inteirsi'd 111 tor pst four yeais. VV have decided to erect i stamp mid and 111 order' lo do so e will swll a limited unmix r ol Sl.aiesat tOcnits per hhaiv, per value one tloliar. I he dcvelcpemenl wank is about completed, and i-hown.g si far is excellent. Will be pi. a-d to see any of my hiaiaU and exnlaiu our piojiosilani to them lor a profitable 111 Vestment. E F. ro.VTIt'H, .Scy. ir rvemng, where b. w II Visit for whit, lie will no ilotibl visit Arkansas tfui reluruiuz:. Samuel I'orter and Mrs Errirna '"rrinp re iarri.il lant luesnav evening, lie v. Hoi Ion officiating. THE PliESK Jet I NAt. ejdnals tiest w ishes Yir.Ii r.immirm.n, who has been nb'nl fir .tiniil IKntontbs iililnU'vu. returned! last Monday. Ell savs b ill prohahU liar tbrotih the t inter with us, I will riimiiifni't a Revival Mi-tinj.' at Plaanl Rn'ge MoIi la.V, 1 ec. 7; Evry bedy m invilwl to aiir-id. I,. V. IluliToN; l,wltor. BROADDUS D;ED SUNDAY, He We She: Scturc'.ey el Cr wfsrd in ol Querrel Wnt "Jim" Welker. Bod.irc Gleanings. If yen want fcna 111 Uidux end 1 hilrt re ehoes jo (o (!.RLAl H'S w her you ree buy lhm cheaper than in env ester city. TIk now have a largf aserlaieot. last (Ss.cial to t be Star.) Crawford, Nil... Nov. 24 Hast.ngs Itroailtius was slot Nalurdav l .Jim 'Aalser und (Ltd jesieiday morniiig. wisnrr sted ttsla l?y Marshal Harte .mil Uk'-n In 1 hadion. The men, it is ciaiuitd, I. ad a quarrel, I ih ciuse o w in 11 is not nuUriiniiei t.-.... ,.i. ..r tt.-.. 1, , ..... ,.. nj it 1 in 1 1 is 11 1 1 n-ii'Ji 1.1 nn.. 1 v 1 1 in iif W .IS j JS jitstilitd He matle no ellort tt escape, the wound at. lirsl Hot being believed to be la til. Not much is know of the dead man. His remains are la-ing held bv tbsau- ohn :'uiou is laking a short vacation III Omaha. Jl. Zimmerman nr,d Nn k .S haefer drove then cat i b to l.al, w 01 1 b 'a tut . J. ('. Shipley, frnm near Marsland, was ttansactine bu-iness at the county scat ; ihoriti, penilmg advices from relatives let Monday. Mr. htupley as atlininis-; none of w hum h.t rt heen beard Irom trator, ban been setiling up the allairs of Krenll FleieuC deceased. The F. E. A M. V. R. R. havo put on a Mots, and girls rever disoltey your paeeiils. If lilt hisiolV of d.sobtdit-ul paesenger from this time forth. Note tbeihangei in time talilt tine week iiiunotber col . 11 idij. train Is-tween llhadroo and j i-'bildten were w ritten. what a sad m-nes f'a-r. o our mails willlw mora regu'ar : "-i-'e-'emes wotiiu nguie 111 me milky volume. teiiave Know 11 pai'.nts who have sini.rd and ilone wrong in them selves tint hate matle the 11 1 st palhedc etl'oris IosIikkI lb- ir children from hirni, Jof.n Brown, of Five Points, id.ii n- 1 -T1 1 UM i'l"ien. e lo such has, leoce d 3 car loads of rattle to Omaha en 1 puriiMnii ny wine unseen power Baturrtav, Nov. 15. and .eceived llm top t""' " v.nbc, 1 u n of that market price. He. is well pleated will, c"" '"" "I b..hleat. l,.rorthy tin countrv bavmjr i aved here last Tatber ai d Ihy mo. b. r Ibat 1 h days mat ' lie loi g in the laid Ahah.be Iiidth' (iisl giv. Hi ihei-," Vfn liiivw known :ie 1I1111. 1.eu lull er to but his 1 bib r. 11 and Bprir.g. He ha 150 I e 1 of ciiii left eml a large (piaiilii.v 1 f f ed of tin. best qualitr to wilder tin rn w ,th Mm wheat yieldett 37 bualiels lo the acre and oats up in 60s. Cut thi out 'id take it lo J, E Phiiinev'a drutf store 11111I get li-.e saieple of Cbainbei lam's Kiom t ii m.d Liver lahlrta, the U-sl Pbtsic, They . .use autl invigorate the Ssiouuich Impiove the pe-iiennd regulate I he boMla. Rr(iiUr sir.e, 1.V'. per box. .llll.U ..lit ,1.-. I . . I. t . . ,t ,. , , 111 iriitiiir iv Ileitis 10 insist on t hen l.vmg I. , u la;. Iiifv. ami 1 , . 1 .. , keep one Irom fseliug m vert lonelt. ha niinitilit'iil II, em with 11. flu. in t s ' that said most en.pl al tally "do as 1 1 We know that friend- in 1 .'oli.ra 10, preach, not as I do," We have known ' Vnt ral t it t , Omaha, and other .,.i.s the ib-toted mother wnrrv b.rej iilsiul who have gout; out from aiming us will the t at unl boy , w laise w ill was strong K''hi to lent n t bat we have U en h.it if 'b. id bis j 11 1 1 incut, yel he so persist-1 '"g some goisl met.igs 111 this little R.-v. AUjcrl Tiir. i.y of Alt rtl. ee, H. Cak , look the east hound itain lor Ins home lu I M-11al.1t. Rev l'dl'-nt h.c beeii binding a seliesnl uueiiiius at Hie I'.iiI.iic church lor the pal It-n d. t s, lml while Iheie were no vi.sinle col. versions we are sure .Mr I lib-lit 's cat nest, and sincere appeals to his Ji'-hiers in tile name of I he I 'In 1st will not re( urn to him void. It waa our pleasure to meet tins r vertrnd C'-nt it-man and can cohsciuil n.uslv sa v that we have not met a more devol' d, or .. .eaions servant I lam he. We hmpe tlin1 a l that, have laard the uies:i.,-e I bat lie was st at in d-tt rr mat- be laultl- ed up ,11 1 1 ie rai 1 ti Mint i!l not '.niv d.o to live by, bul will last '.br'Higlinut all E'ernitv. We oltiines wonder how the fathers and mothers can resis'. giving Ihtm.sflvi-K fully into the hands of their Uod and Creator. The love Hint, fibs the heart 1. f every parent is a part of the lnvinv that got s to make up the grand and noble trail - of mankind as it is pour . (1 out upon t heirc.iildrrii and fellowinan. We aie sure that if eu rnal life could be purrhioed otherwise than as a Irue gift many would have it that now spina the idea of being a lullower of the lowly Naarene . In reply to the. alxive I will itav that Mr. Johnson, has st lorlb Hie thought, that be has by his integrity caused the a I Inn. lance n more pupils in this I isl net than have; at'eaded in the past, four years, while the at tendance show I his 10 ue utiH 11 aiso snows iiiat there nr. ni"r tlnlttren in the bistni I to goto school than there has b. eu in the past 3 or4ie.iis. In the biain hes taught the on., that h.is !..-n made, sialui.tori , and shall be taught 111 the iuliht; si boo K U.r.iii.'h on' th slate is b-fi out. and this one study v z; Ptiye-nlogy Iihh I cen the cause of nil ihe iroubk with tlisoiie na iiiber of ije scbooi board, not only m iJislrict, No. 2, but m all other 1.1. si r cis ( wh. ie he has livvtl. 1 here, in one thing f tore, Mr. J ihiinin in leaving out this cue j blanch, l as violated the law, unh ssi acli parents b.iva r, .piested him or the school h.iaril, th.it liiey ,. Ij.it t to tin., hr.tu-i be , ing l.iiijjlil ilit iri hiitiivn heshitll teach it, bul the s .-Iwol board cm only do this on reqiiesl of the pa 1 011 1 , and not of a tilling ol Hu ll- o 11. Mr. Johnson peaks of cm reeling errors n regard to il. s s. h,,., bem ,'t bard one ( l manage, w.ll 1 tt Hi have to s.iy Ih.tt 1 Has is so, lift Inn,; i had not. heard, for in 11, y visits lo ihi school, what chil iren thai w.-i- p'.s.iit, telnet: hrigot and ol..-i!it HI in ( Very f.sp.cl. ue, tlollhiu I S I 1 found it was a illt ine p,i;n,i.s, and not the HchiHil. Ihe bnmr uacher Mr. J,. I insoii I eh rs 10 might ha bale all I bat bate laught 01 In. I Dclm-i in Ihe past 1 III Htls, or It.i.el , tail his Whom r. iatl.e l. 'it tins p.ti iicnl.tr one, and the , county Mi.er,ut..i,ieiiL on Hie saiti It. is no. my 1 1 . 1 e nl i m to tast any refl.a tions on 1 he mends rs nl Ihe school l,o,nd, hut I t ali not i 1,11,1. Ilt.il, Hie im-iiiU'C ol the st honl in 1,1 toal sl(,i. his name t.) tins stalt mint abov..- rtlitstl lo liit, ughl ol ll Jordan ir,otetl Ihe buildings (rout he Align si jit hi I lat e lust tt 1 1 h on to i .that iisttl to I II e J. I n li. rman ciaitii j w hereie ex pi 1 ts to 11 side in !- ul ute. 1 fin g la btoiiiings just : across the road trom heie he lives at present on to the li, tish 1:111111. We ; iiiiilelsti.nd hi has i,.i pi. , .;,setl I bo old Rn k.ud hou-f w bu b be w ill jo a to Ins other buildings uin! when 01a e m tiled ) again wii have quilt nn 1-slnhiishineiit. It seems just at prestnl there is mine ' prolil in raising hii.s Hani suers; Mr. 11. Ziihiiierti.au itisposi d 1 I a line bog last Saturday that brought him tlnrtv- ight dollars, can you beat that Zekiel? lld'ta Lherspei her, who has been ipiitt, si k lor a cotipl- o wcki., is now u uch brttt-r hint as libit) tn ctuiit! t ill lo ,Mii. day .School last 8'inday . Mr. Wickt r-ham is still I,i.k I ndd ng He will l ave ip, lie a poi lion Sa.ux coniny land urn. 11 I. 1 .- when be gets through. It vi it Z n merit at, lit il w i. , vc ni.v ed mto tl.t-ir 11 tv home nd lis ralher ph i. sunt to lot It out in Ihe evt long and see another lighted wintiiw whose lavs any term during tha past four years. Eiuoilment 7h.iysand 7 girls, ages I rum 5 to 14 years. Only two tardy marks on the register. Only three absent during tha first, two moiit iis. Fur the closing month threo were ab sent two weeks on account ) lagrippe. The last two wttks will show an attend ancn'of 14. Tfle br inches taught were reading, wrd.ng, al iliiinetii-., orl liogiap.'ty , langu age, history , music, geography and map druw ing. Alter visiting with the patrons of this si hov I, .01, 1 sharing Iheir hospraiity. 1 inink 11 in-, duly to correct ei ror winch have Ijccoiii'.- publn: gossip. The sclinoi was represeiiled to me as lieing a hard school 1. 1 manage. The members of the school b.aid lor district N 1. 2, of Sioux county deserve to he Knows 111 put, he as gentlemen anxious to do iheir duty. There seems to h.ive been a sligl.t mis understanding hi I ween (he school hoard mid a lormer teacher. Put si-.logy was the subject in dispute, th" teacher insisting thai ll,e .,'hool lat reipnr.;. physiology lo he l.uu.;;n. 11. lb school , inenile-r of the -chool hoard ol j -i led, for tie' re tson tha: the 1 hiidn 1. w eie Lot old chough to si lid y tins sen no and miggcKted tin,; h. won!, I In, b.-t te,r inr toe scb ". I to six nd Hie tiniH on nther branches of sluly. Well, one word brought on iiuoiher, and 1 suppose lli,. lady bad Hie last word. The stale Snpt decided toal Ihe district hoard, as a board olediic.i' ion, could set tie Ihe mutter. ounl V Soperiu'elid. nt lilll'ke, thll.k 11 g ll .n-as ,'!, his funeral, mid anxious i k-ep peace l Kit.- fit III I It , SIlHi .t I ll.lt lh. nihil.: "I Mr. Fowler, i ,.e tl si re-! ho.od did mil o-.j-'cl. to pfivsiologi or the s'n'e law, bul thought, they had had enoiig for the term and some to knap ov-'r. I lotffcver, its Ihe tail t a- deterrninft! In teach physiology or die, I suppose s'i laugnt il. Rut the children studied their b ssor.s at home. She llhi bed the term and .(. ved pay for it t suppose nan-, -is oi tears nave sun-e b-eu sli'd b f -iends u,, matriun.i candidates in sy 111 pa' hy f.,r the piu.ky young laily who taught m ihs net No K C. A Pt'DhY. lureclor. Al-KXlNDKR Joll' SON, Teiichei E. PHINNKY. M. I) PbylsrUn and Hiirfeo. 11 calls slv.n prompt atteatlea Ulllce le Drnir Store. -HA8RI0II - .tEBRAHA. j eun expect Hie fellowship and respect of and will pay highest market price. ,,,ln' "'i."oiis inab win try uj r iei Marsteller Bros or at m' l"K.AJl.sy.-SitlVr-' .repiit.ajiou resaicnce east Occhooi-4soiiser- of a young lady. I made the statement noi,e months ago, if any teacher wa found to be in competent, or morally uolk to leach their children, to report to me properly , and 1 would look the mat ter up irrespective of person. Unless Mr. Johnson can prove that this y oung lady is incompetent, heyond a reasonable doubt, or makes due reparation lor the injustice doue her, he will be no longer considered as a tea'-her of this county, as lor the barrel lull ol tears shtd by sympathizing; adtmr.rs, and matrimonial Oandidates, 1 know nothing ahout, lor all leacbera are the same to me that do their work right, but so long aa God, I givwih me, strength, I n ill protect the characlei, and reputation of a woman. J. li. Burke. Co. Supt. PROGRAM OK TIIK NORTII Vv J'JiASivA TKACULKS AhSuLlAllON. FRIDAY FTSHN'O IN. TPVO 0'C'LI;K. i Atieia-dt) Harris 1 Vocal laiet 1 .Crawford ! Mrs. J.E. Porter J The Rural Sc hool ' (a) ill the past, to what ixlent has it iiillin nceil tlm cause of edih at .01,? (li) Why tin it doing now toward that .-iidr (c) V hat may we expect of it, in the flit llle? (d) Is the demand for greater eppor I unities f..r the rural pupil the, tlTect ol Ihe rural teachers' wotk.or puidlc opiu- tigh i-lfurts of city and Te the Public. enllt (iisnlsyeo li.at lotugope, DIP 'or ser ol H e world R-v. A Tilllney " J"" e t hi. I l.e wasiloing this s I...111I11I an id. lit 1. mn.did him of ,' Iroiu Aber.le. 11 S. has b..iu.iii,hicliiig .'""-gi.Hly in toatngllie . bai g. s t lot t his lolly, when it was too Into. The , I be meet ings l-r eleven siicct-s. te et en Jews Illiib I She M' Sale law, st i.n d I be ir j ULtl-t HUi'I'k lhe ineltiligs clnbl eii to death, rather Hum t u-y : f l v ' ri light to a close and allwsie, should giotv up tod ig rare their part Ms. "orry to say gotsl h to tins earnest wink ion voiced tin' vil age scboi.is? J. I! liiitkc, Harrison il .-1 11K-.11 n 11 H. Funk lierinnAloid ii Htniuieiiial Mil ,ic,' -PolUa lie Concert" iV.tllice Mr. Oienii .Mi If.u t ,. .Gordon Inspi.-atii.il! tileaiied Here and There" W. I '. Morgareitti.e, ...Mel ruiian Chair Gathered There and Here. I). W. IL.tes Alliance ' Uiscussion ..Vocal hjoio, seln't.ed Mi-s Georgia Mili'er, Hr-niincford What Amount of Familiarity Should Ex ist Uct ween Tcai her and Pupil 1'. L. lii.pp-r, Wtiy Springs Discussion Mr. E.E. Ford,.IIemnigford Vocal Duet, ''Gome Wlmre the Holt Twilight Falls." Mrs. I. E. Murrif,, ) f Alliance Miss Grace Wheeler ) FKIDAY EVKNINO, 7:150 O'CI Of X Jtiartlie-Mrs. G S Jones. Miss Hav- hurst, Messrs Joite and Fuller. In viM'11 1 ion Violin and Piano: 3-h Air Vap-dion M. ssrs. M'.Halt and Millet-,.... Gord .i, Address of W.lcome Jones Crawford Response J. E OivHii.. Gt.rdcn Address - What should be expected of the accredited schoolsof northwest Nebraska? J. W. Tillitreo Lincoln Violin Solo Helected Miss Alna Htickle 1 badr, n I.-c( ore Son e Education Problems of the Present llliv . W R Fowler, State Stipt. I list rn mental. Selected Mi-s Iashlet Chndrnii KATtrifDAY MOIiNINll. :!i0()'ciX'K. Election of Officer-. Vocal Solo, "Boat Song'," Faoiiif- Hntler Craford : R" 11 ling 1 'harai tensl ics of Fibicaticnal Work Pear! I.. Harris Crawford Iscussion -Jt'imie F.I I is Crawford 0 old tin- E tiiblish.cenl ,,f "Adiunct islru Is" h.nelit t I'M western emu, ties, ttd. it s.i bow shoiibl c.Miritv Superie lendfiits and teacher urin e i 1.) elfsct the same J Haihcgardi.-r Allium: I -IS' ussion W R. K.iit Rnshvillo M. n.- rv vs Notid.ook (a) la Hie Recitation, (b) For Fill ore Use (c) As il effect the pnwr to ex press (d.-at-l and forcibly. j W. T. Poiieher, ..Chadron I iiscus.Mon-L M. Ob'ikotler,..Chadrun The need of u Stala Nnrninl School in Westein Nt braska. H. H. MArm Rus' ville I iisi ussion .1, M. Stimson .Harrison it st 1 n mental Solo ''Etrmnif Song." Miss Ethel Kat ban, Craw lord SAlfllDAY AnT.HNOiill. fjRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all leg mutters 111 Juatice, County and Diatrict Coiirls. and before the United State Land OHice. Fire Insurance written ia rliahl. sompanies. tSI-egal paeera cerefully drawn. HARRIOIf. - NrBKAUA. F. North-Western LINE M. V. R. R. ia to and fro re the the beet BLACK HILLS, DEADWOOI) AND HOT grKlliai. KOUTH DAKtJTA. F. E. & U V. R. R. Time Table. New Schedule of Trains. Taking eUVjct Sunday Nov. 23. West Bound, East Bound, Morning. Evening. , No, 60, Frt. ...3:35 No. M), Frt...9:W No. 5, Psgr. 10:55 No. 4. Psgr. arnvea I 6:35, departs 7:00 Both train carrr pansengera. K. KOHWER. Dealer in; Harness, Saddles, Lumber, Grain, Doors, Sash & WIRE. tiK4 vi1 W;4r imp Allow m lo any a few words III prnlwrj Jf oh.ili.ia e istte lusl law of heaven, it er 1 ir tint nun, w no pas given u his ef 1 liniiilierlaiiiV I siiigh Remedy. 1 bad j is 1 ipmily ibe Inst l.,w ol the home, si il best a man and w pn acber e believe veiy severe cough and col. I mid fe.unl t w ,n it tines pot le git pain mill misery lie exi ells 111 good w 01 ks; Ins bfartlcll 1 would gel piieiim. mi l. but all-r lai.iiig ; ira Vilably (olli.w, 'I Ins m no my stery ,! siiii.i ns ,ul u n.oi tmi Im.ga, wi Hie smaiuu dose of this inedit me 1 D-lt'it is 11 pal t if I but moral phllostpy that phun and snnpie lint even the il.in.ien tilir, Ihrev laiHles of It cured mv fold 11st d lo 1 i. tail w ben 1 lie bible hh ta light t ii-h- Ll Ci 1st 1,1 1 11 nsl 11 11 11 111 h ,g 111 Ml Ihe puilm III my rlsl, disttppeai ed '. ill I be pn VKle schools, w 1, 11 h lililldated lie Ileal t s ol Hose w In bemil tuition h '" Vicloiy h ,.a i in b ,..i,s it, ml eniuelv. 1 11111 moi-t respeclliilly ourK-'lbe public school of tt lilt h we me M j mgbl. Vtrignl bis May 11 11 g us "'i be tt told, 1.. 1,1 1 1. I. a 1 1 ting' i.uly . s ..r lK-iiilh, RaIJ-.I H. MRVF.RH, tH-iluilt- pirmd and vet o jfalona as to del nr the as so Miort, nnd are stilish enough to "i's m 1 us case Invt l,t en mane to, Mr. ,ji.i...-.- ., ttlnbt He ,mii., holy may hate not givn true sa t islai 1 101, li, he as a liiemli. r of toe Isj.nd, v. oulil lute tiki d lor h.-r to no, I I Ian lo ate the Ju-alli n i this rt.tle- o,t nl i will have lo say this thai Mr, Ji bi son's moid as u leaibet, 111 uny i if-1 in t he has ia.. gPt in this couny, l.e 1,1 in ! on s 1 1 si iclciy to ..- pat ions 1 ist umenlal Solo iXcipltli -.,ei," 11 s- 11 . li.e'-.his1 Hintsoi," I e si" Y. stit i'i', .... raw ford I, t t, 1' 1 'e, , I D ins 1 I Oi.',iir Ainri lcti , a E Te'i Anliew", PiisaimlMal A visit tn F, i-i Rfibiiion and Social Ini ercoiii ATfKI'AT t.ri-M'KI, 3'lo'flOCK. Vociii I 'ti.'l - "i .inch Liillaby," W U. hie U Plain s 1 .tVawfnrd Helen P.lbs ) In 1, .cut ion Moonbghl on the ..VelilhSl , Vtkeehllg, v Vn. by mii . .nugiate. For ale scnpluies from being taught III theni, 1 k'ikh trill Rk(Ai4r, 1. 1.1 1....... 1 ..... 10 1.. . f viiii wv vtrupi initv pi iiiiii nri. M. A. G. 1 will ll.ake ibis lnlen-i til, nnd Will li It 11 op, ihl llna yeitng laoy reletew Un v.irsiv V'iniiu Solo Selected MiAliwi tmn'slf ' wadtttr NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE, tty virtue of as enter from the county C'.inin islonars, 1 will sell t I'nblie Sale, on tne Itli day of Deoi'inhcr, 1011, ut 1 o'uloek. I'. M.loths liiuhesl titddni- fur cuali, Die folloirii.K desiribed property te-wit: 1 ue SKl4 id the NVi4 Bint the NK.it f t s ,y i and Hi NWt, ot the MK'a and the t, ,,r tlio .NK'tof Sec I in, 1 Iwetitv flt.,1 c,), '1 vt- p. tbirtj lour (Jt, ti.ii tli el k.inne nl ty n t t west, and Hie M-' uf at-vliun teeaty a'. ., i l i. lie 1 ly Hue (il) not Hi of It.uigti niiy tlirtx, i.fi., i t l tab l ime pal tleraliiia. Jolie 1. Davit, il-t Le. Treasarer. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHATlLL MUR1GAGE. kotice la bereliy Kiveu that hy viitmtnf a l llitltrl l.,l,l IgiiKi' (Jilted Sepli lldliT 4, lid. slid uuiy loed in ttin nftke of ilia eotti.t; L-it-i k ol ioux i uiiiily, I.elit'Hskai on liie , . (lay Ol M-pleil hel, liaii, 11 lid e.yi-ail,-il ,y 1,, , Hall Uf t. A. Newlierry to securn liie pa iii'-nt ul lliesiun 01 f :iii! aij ai d upon Wim tin"-- ,s now one tliftsiiiii nl ,i,7.rii 1., ;.ti, 1 I aft bill .made tn the p. . 11, tail ut . m . d 1.0 sun ui nllii-r pi 1,1 n il h.tit t 1 - l, g 1,1 I II II slllllli il to lei oVel mid tie ,' or sl,y pnl l Ihelrot, ila-r. foiu 1 w .11 sell t prop. 1 ty tlieieiii ttust-i ih, ij, to-tvit: 'it. Iiiini.ietl tout of new liny tn kuod coutni,. . and I til up In 1V,'J, ul pnlillc auvilo t 011 s I'j In lee 1. slop 'it, Hi.ne l,:l, In Sioux mini helir: ku, on 1 he 'zu mty of lauaiiiiher, 1 t,;, .1 one o'c.ock p. in. ol said nay. In, led .Novuu.uvr It til, IWU. :. Ni.w KF UIIY Jt I'J It1)v tt i:t', It's dttntai !