Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 20, 1902, Image 1

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Harrison Press - Journal.
i riARiYiouiN
y Mrs. J. VV. Heed went to Omaha last
Saturday night.
Sunday achool at 10 o'clock; every
body invited. W. II. Davis; Supt.
Just received: A new consignment of
meii and Isivs clothing at GEKLA'TIS.
More and belter goods for the fi;im
Ditoey at Uerlach 'a store than any other
plac, try them. 10-tf
I will commence a Revival Meeting at
Pleasant Ralge Mon lay, Dec. 7; Every
body iii invited to attend.
L. VV. Houton; Pastor,
We acknowledge the receipts of 2
volume of l he collections of the Nebr.
Historical society for which we are v iy
thankful and And them full or inform
ation. If rou want a snap in Ladies aud child
rens shoe go to GfcULAl 'li'.-j where you
can buy them cheaper than in any
astern city. They now have a large
sRobertCofTman, who has len working
for Boh Keel during the past year, and a
brother of Mrs. Keel, left li"t night for
Madison Co. Virginia where he will visit
relatives this winter.
Ueed, J. C. Parsons, Marcus
(Jeo. Davis, N. L. Tip' on and
others shipped cattle from here to Omaha
last Saturday. Thin will proli.it. -y te the
last shipment made from here this fall.
November toe 27th has ls-cn set .1
part as a day of Tiiaiiksyiving. It may
be a sad day for the Turkey, lint should
be remembered as a day to thank our
creator for his many blessings Hint are
being bestowed ujkiii os as a people.
There will be a dance ut Andrews Hall
Tiuiiiksgiviug evening Nov. 21. All cor
dially invited to attend and have a good
K. C. Dunn.
4 Mrs. DeB ck made a plea aut call al
our eanctum Monday. She say s tmt ,
Henry and Herman have decided to locum t
in the Uig Horn country. '1 hey ahd ilieir
families have all been nek miiu they
moved there, the high altitude not agree
ing with them at first.
Cut this out and take it to J. E.
Phinnoy'a drug si ore and gel a flee
wimple of Chamberlain's Stum icb and
Liver Tablets, the best Phv.sic. Hiey
cleanse and invigorate the Stomach
improve the appetite and regulate the
bowels. Regular size, 2.K. er buX.
Harrison. NVhr. Nov. 12. 1102
F'arties holding S.otix county Warrants
No. 183,191,180,190. 191. 177, oi), 112
174, 195, 175. 19(1, 201, 202. m. 170, IS;;
are hereby notified to plreenl ihein lor
John I. Ilavis,
Co. Treasurer.
To thn Public
Allow ma to say a few words in praise
of Cham berlaiuV Cough Remedy. 1 had
a very severe cough and cold and feared
I would get pneumonia, hut after taking
the seCona dose of tins medicine 1 fell
better, three bottles ot It cured my cold
and the pains in my chest disap)eared
entirely. I am most resctfully yours
for health, RaIJ.I 8. MEYKKS, 64-Tlnrly
hvventh St., Wheeling, VV Va. For sale
by ail lui:b'isU.
On 'ast Tuesday moruii'g we uoticed
several of our popular tow ns vioiiien Iss
lug all togged up, und buggies being
Unveil to the dill'eielit les.deiices, aud ol
course we became curious to know what
was going on, but a our sporting Editor
was busy just then, and we ben g a Ih-Uk
diet for these many yeais k pt ipiiuL
until wo uw the procession leave town
in u nouthernly direction, uud we tiien
began to make lii((iirie as to what w is
up. and we were mh. lined these were th
Roy at Neighbors going to tue borne
lr. L'mlt Ibat ihey might pay th
rtniects lo one of Uieir iino.l or, Neikl
lair Un it- -V'liii siigg--.eJ thai In
was woiiiens Kigd's day. we can't su,.
hh I'l thai. Out We will wajer il cookie
that (,'hal can leil soinelliiiii; iiMut
whether their rights were re'pecied rr
not; provided he didn't take to the hay
mow like a scared cut oo lhe approach
of this Royal procession. Among the
tu.iliher present were! Mrs W. II. Phillip
Mr. H. A- Priddr. Mm. w. 11. Davis,
Mrs. J. 11 wilherissilorler, Mrs. Eirnei
Lyon, Mrs, E P. Milne, Mrs. Kl O'Con
nor, Mm Tipton, Mm. Vai.U., and Mrs.
I. (lriui b. we t iw o.rt l'f Ihem on
lUnr rcliini in Hw tvemng. und from 'hi
Km lies upon I heir faces, no d.iubt the,
hail a j dlv time and n (I u it h n
dicteai Inula d d UiJ.
A numlier of our young folks assembl
ed at the parsonage last Friday night to
participate n having an enjoyable time,
and they were not disappointed for they
were sociably entertained and enjoyed
themselves by play it g games until a late
hour. Ajollygoist time was had all
around, and especially the kis'.iug part of
it, for some of the young men imagined
they were being kissed by some pretty
young girl, but wheel some of them
found out that si young man was doing
l tie ki-S'ng act I h -y were as hot as blazes
but it is n miracle that he is still living.
Moral Hoys don't go into anything
blind folded.
Sly dear superintendent:
I expect to be in attendance at the
North western Nebraska Teachers' Asso
edition to be held at "rawford, Friday
and Saturday , Novemlsr 2H and 29, at
which lime 1 will be pleased to talk with
the county superintendents present rela
tive to matters of interest. Should the
formation of a Union Normal Institute
in your section of the slate le contem
plated for next ear, I will bi pleased to
discuss with tho.-u inteitstttl preliminary
Yours very truly.
VV. K Fowler.
State Superintendent.
On November u:id SO the North
western 'I'tacta-is Association will meet
in Crawford, a- d I suggest, to nil school
Hoards to close your schools so that your
teac hers may is-, .bit to attend this meet
ing, for it is there we will discuss meth
ods & etc. .so the one or two davs lost
will be overbalanced with the informat
ion that your teachers will receive, lor
it will be handed down to the pupil by
the teacher; So I hope that no district,
will feel too poor i Kraut this time to
your teacher. I not on iy hope to meet
all the teachers there, but meiulx-rs of
the school hoards; and patrons don't for
get ibe date for we export to have the
b-sl meeting w c ha v
ever h:ol since it's
J. B. Rurk.
Jo. Supt .
i Adelaice Harris
Vocal Duet ) i raw ford
Mrs J.E. Porter )
The Rural .S hool
(a) In the past , to w hat, extent has
it influenced the cause of edtic.it. on?
(h) Wiwt is It doing now toward
that end'
) What may we expect of it in the
I u t u re?
(d) Is the demand for greater oppor
tunities for the rural pupil the ellect of
the rural teachers' work, or public opin
ion voiced through efforts of city und
village schoolsV
J li. Hurke. ..
Harrison I
Discussiod H. H. Funk Hemmgford
Instrument. i! Music,"I'oll;a I Concert"
Wallaie Mr. lilei.n Moir.it t. . .Gordon
"lii-pi.ations Gleam-d Here and There"
W. F. Morgareirfge Merrimai
Chal. Gathered There und Here,
D. W. II iyes Alliance
" Discussion
Vocal Solo, selected
Miss Georgia Miher, Heiiiingford
What Amount of Familiarity Should Ex
1st Bet ween Ti lo hcr and Pupil
''. L. Hopt)i-r Hay Springs i
Disi ussion Mrs. EE. Ford,. Hemingford
Venal Duet, "Coma Where the Soft
Twilight Falls."
M-s. I. E. Morns, l
- All.ance
M s Grace Whei lei )
yiiartefte Mis. S. Jones, Miss IfaV
huist, Messrs Jones and Fuller.
Violin and P. ano: ",-,(1, ir V.ircilion
ll.ssrs.M- II' ill aid Mo'er Gordon-
Ad.liess of utlcooio
q t frawford
............ ... ... ......
Rs,,.,i,se-j!R 0en ...'.. ...(i-.rd.
ddrrss -V bat should I execl-d of the
credited w hoolsof northwest Nebraska? j
VV. lahireK Lincoln
Violm Soio. l-ieU-cle,-
hr-H A iirn Si i . i hadi i n
l.-s lure- Some K'tucation Piol boiis of
1 ilM Pl-MlOlt. 1 l.l V
,. W. R Fowler, H'ate
Inst ruuieula I, Selelled
MlSM LllslllpV 1 hiiilrou
hATI'MMY MOKMNO. H:30o':lK.'K.
Klection of Ollicers.
V.mHI Silo, "80111 Hong."
Fannie Butler Crawford
A Reading ., Chum r.l wrist ICS of
EdtK'ttticniil Work
Pearl L. Harris ....Crawford
DiscucKion Jeiini Kill Crswfo'-d
Would th- Kn'ahhsbmi'iit of " Adjunct,
'iKinelu" hetielll the weste n counties, I
on), if o how shoulil cotuitv huerin j
.en,ie-.la..dWrr, pi.eeed to filed!
. , imi,
j, W. Bau ngai'dnor Alliance
Memory vs Notelxaik
(a) In the Recitation.
(b) For Future Use.
(c) As it effect the power to ex
press clearly and forcibly.
W. T. Poucher fhiidron
Discussion L M. Oberkot ter,..Chadron
The need of a Stat Normal Heboid in
Western Nebraska.
8,H, Mart in,.,, ... Rusl-ville
Discussion J. M. Stimson .Harrison
Instrumental Solo "Evening Song."
Miss Ethel Kathm, Crawlord
A visit to F'ori Robinson und Social
Vocal Duel lutch Lullaby,"
VVinuie Wilhau s J
v ..Crawford
Helen Ellis. )
Instrumental Solo "Moonlight on the
I i udson"
Hiss Hessie Etsiinaii, Crawford
L i t i iv Problems el Go aler Ameru a."
Dr. E Beiij Au-.bo vs. President Ma'e
Violin Silo Selected
Miss Alma Slu kle, I'hadron
Andrew Happenings.
Mrs. J. R. Huutrtrund son Harold went
lo Damson on No. 8 and returned oil No.
4 t
Mr. Art llaggurman anil family moved
lu Andrews Saturday , K.iy and Roy will
attend our Seiaioi hetv. We welcome
. i
M it: I o .
Mr. J. Jones went to Crawford Friday
and came hack Saturday bringing his
strjy yearling with him.
Andrews School w ill give an entertain
ment the evening el Ho', thriil'h. Lhe
pror.iuinie will consist ol selections
appropriate fur closing and Chi Islmus
day combined, you ure cordially invited
to attend:
Emily Mclotosi h commerced school
November 11th. Her brother Howard
the lL'th.
We have two more new scholars this
week. Rav and Roy HiiLgarman. We
are very ijiad to see them and welcome
ihem in our oud.st.
Mr. Madden can e over from Crawford
Sa-w mill pi May evening and remained
till Saturday. Then with the aid ot
oilier hip loft their old home here for a
Hew one tiioie. We wish them happiness
and prosperity there.
Mr. and Mrs. Proctor and daugiiler Eva
went, to ii.iinson last Saluid.iy, and
report a pleasant trip.
What's the niitier with the school
belle tert? Shi's all rght Uaf cruek
r. porter.
Mr. Robert 'ofruian was an um-xp'cte,:
visitor si Mrs. S E. Jote-s last w.-i-s
lie arrived Saturday evening aUnit f.
o, clock ami stay ed 'nil 2 o'clock Siiuibn
He Ii-js been working for Mr. Ron Keel al
War Hound. VV weie all verv gluil I.- '
see bun hut sorry that he leaves S;oux
1 'ount v.
There were 20 pr. te'it ,11 nur Sunday
S-ho.il las' Sunday collection Sc.
There weiv visitors from Ilarreton as
follows; Misses fd.i Moravik, Dollie R.
n(!dv. M ind Rirlel,. end John W.
Barlell. Linl-v R. Poddy. Ah Umphe
nour. Geoige O'connor, and John Burke.
We hope hey can come often and help u
in our singing We look for Supt. Burke
aain soon us Im is always faithful in
Sunday School work.
X In Wyoming.
XOeors Davis, klutipMloiiM err of c.iiC
from Harrison, ui last Saluidiy. H
accompanied them to Omaha.
SJvndrew t'hristiun sbipied t no cars of I
entile from ' rdfee's siding-, on last Salur
dav. Hi- went to Ouiaba a Iso, and i x
IM'cted home on Wednesday of this week.
pyjohii I laWs, Karnest and 'A. (. Deuel
started on 1 uesday of last week for an
l extended out I ng and husl mg tour. We
exfiect that th.-y will be lull Hedged
. . i n i t i i. .. . . r
nuoroiM lino win nuve iiiicyi-u mis oi
K"' ,,v ""T ,vl"rn-
There will be (lance at the W. o. W.
i,,,!) tomorrow night.
Charlie Thomas proved up on his hom-
slead on last S.itunbiy.
Mrs. barb's' Thoiuas received a new
piano last weell.
George Davis has n ut d Janu-s R.ces
places for ilex I. year, o we hear.
H un' Holtei fl.-Id Is.ughl T. O. Williams
1 1 ui ! r claim, ho weain inforiui-d.
Chris Christian nnd Mr. Church eac.n ,
lost a hore by the barb wire route a
short liiuesgo.
tV-n, NilheM. and Nellie T. Chii'ian
at tended quaiterly meeting hi Harrison
u Muuday.
Z llr,,nn"" porls a top b,iKgv
now, 1 1 is bound to be iip-to dale with
no fli'is ou Inm nuw, .
Discussion W. R. Kent,
Mrs 11. Church has been ailing for
Boii-e lime. Dr. Phinnev was called
short timeagowla.se diagnoses of the j (ju motion the county Treasurer is
case, was tumor, and advi.ed an oper- j hereby Insirucled to transfer the follow
fctioil ut once. Sue expects logo to ! i,llf aiuoums Iroiu tlie lollowintr vears.
Omaha for treatment just as soou as
arrangements can I) made for the trip.
Mr. Murphy had trouble with his well
last week and had to pull the pump and
sand out of the wellT
Tom Dunn is having a well put down
on his homestead over ill Nebraska.
A Mr. Zimmerman, from some where
in the east, accompanied by Ed Jones of
Lusk, was working the people out here
for hie insurance last v eek. lie sure
had the knack of workiug Ins jaw to
perfection and thu New York Life Ins.
Co., has a good aenl in lhe person of
Mr Z.
We w..re not v.ry much oil" in our
prediction., concerning tho election re
turns (juv R. hard was reelcclidhy
4000 and Frank V. Mond. II, M C. by faOdO
Plurality, while our couuty olticers n,-id
a close shave to get in. The democrats
elected Klei kwill lor treasure, and
Lowcry for couutv comuiissioiier while
sherilf McDi-rniutl R, just got in by a
light M.tieei:e.
No sister Clio, w e are not , as yet amid
snow i lad hills, hut, ale enjoyinij- the
H ue -t lad that has ever been know n here,
uven by the oidtsl settler.
liliOAi M US. E. L. RI E.
ilotchkiss, olo. Nov. 11, 1002.
We are having tin: fiisl sloi in of me
season and tins Is not loucU ol a slorui.
Il laiinu uui-iiig tlie mglu l.tsl mght .niu
thtr vv.ii .-.(noe Wo.d a part ol lou llighl
W e had two or loivu siui wt'i'.t this loiu
liuoii but no w.ud, and Una alU-rnoou 11
rained .(Uile sieudiiy lor three or I jur
iiours it is still clouily lomgh!, si. ve
may have mure bclore it Is oer butll Is
. ai ui itiid fceiiis more ln.e Sepleiuber
than y. Novemner storm. Almost every
Week w have had llnxal tilings and 1
have thought now sse were going lo
nave a toucu of winter, but it has uut
come yet.
e luu Irom the tent into the hous..
Oct. 2ulii, just three uioulh.s alter we
leached DolcliKiss. VV'e have a cellar
nearly leauy lor the winter stores, the
u-xt ihing will iw a stable; we llud ho.v
ever that almost anything Uowa lor a
statue Here. LaVin'l seen but une llrsl
ciass genuine bum and inat was built by
a ricu mud owner who uoe.sii t live heie.
I torses uon't stem lo lined llilli.ll Mlelfei ,
h. lew los, poles or soim-Lliiug ol th
Kind uiadv lulu iln- i uuest Kitiil ot a siu-i-
li.- w l'.il!i lo be sulllc.eui uV.ll ill I I ell. -
oi her A is pi e ly wtul iuijiioi).
ir. U a e has o. ell loaivHiQ a lev t r : . .
to tlie coal uuuu U 1U uiih-s .. w.iy to
-i t ure v. Intel- I uul. Thy c.iul s eius t m
jn.le ood and ioi-Is Ij; l.io p. I too ,vl lie
nine. . eu.ir wm.u can be .-i-i.uu-d a. .out
i miles Irom ut.ru; it mams pr-li go, u
aood, not (pule so llol, it s OiollX Co. pin.
mil lliucn cleamr. Wo are ni.ol lli.-l
;he coal sll iue does II -l ell-.CI Us, hill, le
joice lor tbu -.ike ol tlie geueial punla
thai il is over.
i have been trying my hand ill packin,
apple.-, wnd hud II as pleasant as the pia. li
pacsoi; Hare aiesKiUieUsliereiH.es, iiic
rtpldu.i aie packed In tlie oi'ciiaid iiislt.ad
id lliu Iruit bousi ale not wra,peu oi
paper Ulid toe p o lo:rs sla.id .t i. toe ladles
uisii ail ol silling as al Liie p .11 11 p,jcsiii
1 he pay is v I -' per day : V. e h. g.o! Oci.
l.Jio. ud l.ie work UI .Mr. .lube's orch-oil
lasted lvo Weiks; must of tlie Lime liien
were SIX pat kel sand 4 pit'K. r-i Willi I , o
or Ihne men 10 n.nl up iliu boxes, nani
t 1 1.1 ,11 III &ec ll.l'l nice Leather. ,1
liltie cool iu Inc mo, mug ., out l.ie ..m,
SoOli W,ir.lll.d l.s lip. 'Ill' ill 's: o ih,
appl-s wele iicn i-.iVis, won .s mc ol -i
Winter vaiirtiev; ,hy are d m i j
grad. s, O'.iy tiie
ft ap l' s go,lig in
iliu lirsis, the hiii. 1 1 h-sl worm lioiw con
signs it to the st i ond.s, und any tiling
w Hit mote than t wo suuiil wo' iii noli .-.
wenl in lhe cutis for cid r liii.idy loi
vinegar for lhe people 1 was working lor
sell no cider.
Our railroad Is going si riglH in Iuaii d
the uiiiiiiilains and it. is tiiongnt that it
will go slr.iigld. through to D-nvi r.
giving us a route 200 miles nearer than
w have hud. liolchkiss is hooiuitig, ut
iie st lit , a good d- al ol budding both of
hllsiliess liollses and rcsldelicl-s g, ln Oil
and every thing -H-ems iri'S,i-rou. New
seitlHrswie coming in and our fra-iaM,
whu have come here Irom Nenraska nil
seem to he doing well. Allot which is
encouraging lo new cotuei s. There has
l-een a good o.-al of Typhoid fever in the
town, but we have a Ibtleretit Wilier
supply and think we are all right.
We are clad to see the reisirt of big
m (l .,, Valley, and shall
not advise any body to move.
Emma L. Rice.
Harrison, Sioux Co., NVbr,
Ntv. 14ih, 100'
- l (' county eoiiiin:s-,lclu-i i;,et sm per
cull id county clerk 1'iesenl couinii-
' ,0ners , Meng, Lewis, Rigelow and Win.
a ; j. a. Rium couuty clerk.
lb'J-i 17, l'jii ;j7.(37. 1HV1 10.20, 18
"343 ., l3Ji iWi.a.i, 19JJ Ui to Lhe
general fund of l'JU2. Also lo transfer
li'oiu hpecial debt luud lo general fund of
-KiU2 .4u!U.4ti. AIsj advEi-tisiiig iuiid Us
general luud 10 J2 t'M.Vi).
Ou uioiioii the county Treasurer is
hereby instructed and lis is so ordered to
Irun.sier ail bridge I unds from previous
years lo the general luud of lii02
U'l motion boaid adjourned until No.
lJlii, li)UJ.
in. J. A. Raum,
tiairiMiii. Nebr. Nov. lljlti, ISiUi
Xoe cuuly coiuuiisoioocis uel as per
adj vullliouut. Ple.-t-lll coiololaloiiet.s
.ucoc , ix w is, Lif,elu w and VV m. J. A.
ltaoui clei'K.
lot lolloping claims against Sioux Co
welt: ta.St;ii up, exauiined, aud allowed,
i euuet-u ui rj ii. let! as loo ca.-e may tie
I and uraw wai laiils ugan'isl. lhe general
iu jii 1J0 auU ou budge lunu li0.
Claimed Allowed
Aaron Stewart 40.o0 4.. 00 For
laOur ou bridge
Aiex Lowiy 11.75 11.73 For
money expended in taking F. Fleming to
insane usyiuiu.
i teU Beaiuan
nricge HauK
19.20 19.20 For
Oiuui tjiiitii le
i HiUHiil Ti ibuue
i, .hi
3 00
7 50
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
I n. iiioiil l'l'lbunu
'alliuli Nuiaii
jmlij oi election
u. w. otoiy , Ueturii
J iiln I lei mail "
it. Kiory
clerk ol election
A. L. Ring
clem ol election
Joon 6. Tucker
3 00
7 SO
;( 00
a no
3 00
3 00
3 00
0 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
Judge ol eltcuou
Ueimau E. Miller
Wui tjmuke
Judge ol election
A l' tlughsoo
i ierk ol election
J il Proctor
clerk of election
w B Marsleiier
Held for taxes
6 00 For
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
judge ol rli CCOlt
J 11 VV ilhermsdorlur 3 00
juuge ol election
.N L Tipton
Oscar Ward
i icl'S ol election
.lie bartiett
3 00
3 00
5 10
Held for taxes
3 00 For
5 10 For
3 00 F'or
ihi.l election, and Kcluru
Jolll. .iilH'lO Ill
ju-ig'- ol eh ct. on
; . toe . a ipoly
1 )i en i ad v
J i ge oi election
ii.li 1ms U I il ove
co l K ol t-Ie. t.Oll
ai l M Lua
lers ol election
Z F AotriUi
3' 00
3 00 Held for laxes
A 00 3 UU For
3 DO 3 00 For !
3 U0 3 00 Fur'
70 8 70 For j
and Return
3 Ou 8 60 For!
3 00 3 00 For :
3 00 3 00 For 1
3 00 3 00 For '
3 00 3 00 For(
3 00 3 00 For !
3 00 3 00 For
7 .10 7 00 For
W 1 1 Ziiu merman
judge- ol election
doh.i A Thay er
juuge id en clion
t, I- Wolilhe.er
e lei k oi eh clioli
joon -lles
ci-i s ol eiei tion
Pen I Wi, ia nli-ld
J-nlf.e wl iil'.ctloii
II ji loan Kouial h
j J'lr.e ol election
."s jiouioii lioi k y
I j .dge ol l.-ieCi IOU
! d J Wa-iselilUiger
j c.el ol rletllloll
' Joou ..vliaiio
j.ioi.s ii i . ook
j i'le ol vice I loll
i w j ni k. mi
jntVe oi eiecLioli
W li H niriet
3 00
3 U0
3 00
3 00
Held for taxes
3 00
3 00
3 00
jmle ol eiecilon
reluud UXt;s illegally collected,
j O.i nioliuii tlie i-ouiiiy Treasurer is in
s i ncli d auU is hereby so ordered lo I'e-
loiid 00 lo August tlauuigaid, taxes
; paid under protest. Also lhe sum ol --1.
. id to Joiiii Anderson, taxes paid Under
On uiolioti tlie elbrk is hereby instruct
ed lo ntnse Iro.ii l lie lax list ol l9U0, the
Village tax lor lual jear, agaiust Jell
i Ou uioiioii lhe clerk is hurebyliisl.rucl
cd lo issue an ouh T to lhe county Ti'eas.
urer to advertise lor three weeks, and
thuh st-li al public auction, the following
di-ci.b. u picpeiiy to Ihu higuest binder
i loi cash; lhe bl.i N W I N hi SWi, N VV 1
' a.i,l.nubiM--i,!,..i.o,, .'5, iwp. 34
norm, liane . west uin p ui., lormeriy
owned hy Eu'leiie Powell, and the NEJ
ol Section !5, Tw p, 33 north Range 5.1
west Otli. ). in., lormeriy owned hy
Ciinloii Metz.
On motion Hoard adjourrud to meet
D.-ci.nitr aOih, 1U02.
Will, J. A, Rail III,
l.o...ty l.Iulk.
Professional Cards.
Buys, Hides, Tallow, Pelts, and Furs,'
and will pay highest market price.
Leave at Marsteller Bros or at my"
residence east of school-house.
Phyiscian and Surgeon.
411 calls given prompt atteeltoa
Offlce In Iirug Store.
Prompt attention given to all legai
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United Slate
Iand Ollice.
F'ire Insurance written in reliable
l""Igal papers carefully drawn.
! North-Western
. E. M. V. R. R. i the beat
to and from the
V. V.. k M. V It. a. lime table.
Golnif ""Bit. Ooing Eas"
iu. a, mixed, 10:.'jfl No. . mixed... 7:50
DEALER in; -
Harness, Saddles,
Lumber, Grain, t
Doors, Sash
Mr. C. A. Puildy and daughter Miss
Grace were Harrison visitors last Tues
day. Win Rodgers, wvs transacting business
at the county seat last Tuesday,
w. S. Nich Uou was up from his ranch
Mr. Fitzgerald's little boy ia much
better this week we are glad to say , he
has been having quiet a tussel with the
fever for the past 10 days.
By virtue of us nter from the county
i c. uiinlssior.ei'S, 1 will sell ut Public Sals, vn
Mil day of Uereiiiher, ltli?, at 1 o'clock
i P. M. to I lie ililKhi'st bidder lor t-iisli, tin
j following ilesei ibed property to wit: TIK
SK'4 ot the NV ' V lill'l the .VK'i ! Ill ' SV .,
. and the S W ! of tlie hKi aail liie SX or
' the SK'4 of section twetity flie fi"), Ti.
tlilrty four north ef Itaiige flliy tlve
west, and tlm , K' "I Sei linn twenty five-'
Tp, thirty three (.W) norih of llmige fitly
j three, (M) west iilli I I liu i pnl &:')'ldhiii.
John 1, Davis,
tl-S Co. Treasurer.
"List winter an ir fant child of mine
had croup in a violent lorm," says Ehtei
J'hn W. Rodgers, a Christian Evangelist
I. .1 P. Hue M,i t't i'iiVi. I.ir H bsW (ioSk.H
- o
of CHamlerliun's Cough Remedy, und in
a short time all danger was past and lhe,
child recovered." This remedy not only
cures croup, but hen given as soon us
the llrst, symptom uppwr, will preve.it
th al tack. Il contains no ( pium or
other harmful n hst nice and may ha
giVrtii Us cotil'deii'ly to h.iby in to Hi,,
uiluit. 1-ot v.e y rt )&i4lm
ir i
'li ll
v4 I
.1 . "rv ..