Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 06, 1902, Image 7

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    c p.
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Life out of doors and out of the games which they play and the enjoy
ment which they receive and the efforts which they make, comes the
greater part of that healthful development which is so essential to their
happiness when grown. When a laxative is needed the remedy which is
given to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs
on which it acts, should be such as physicians would sanction, because its
component parts are known to be wholesome and the remedy itself free from
every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and parents,
-weUritiformed, ipjirove and Ttcoaimetid and which the Utile ones enjoy, -because
of its pleasant flavor, its gentle action and its beneficial effects, is
Syrup of Figsand for the same reason it is the only laxative which should
be used by fathers and mothers.
Syrup of Figs is the only remedy which acts gently, pleasantly and
naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanses the
system effectually, without produoing that constipated habit which results
from the use of the old-time cathartics and modern imitations, and against
which the children should be so carefully guarded. If you would have them
grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do not give
them medicines, when medicines are not needed, and when nature needs
assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only the simple, pleasant and
gentle-Syrup of Figs.
Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the combination of the
laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrups and juices, but
also to our original method of manufacture and as you value the health of
the little ones, do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous deal
ers sometimes offer to increase their profits. The genuine article may be
bought anywhere of all reliable druggists at fifty cents per bottle. Please
to remember, the full name of the Company
the front of every pack
age. In order to get its
beneficial effects it is al
ways necessary to buy
the genuine only.
y .j
ki C8 1 v. i
Eoilrhliis; tha Voeanular j.
New York Congressman may not
make the laws of the nation, but the
Ne York gamin helps make the
language "Scrnnger" Is the latest
word. It means "a feller wot don't
wanterglve anyt'lng." Usually not
politician. New York World.
It is as bard for the rich man to
inter the gates of heaven as It Is for
the average man to thread a needle.
The Preferred Stock of tha
W.L Douglas scho.e
Capital Stock, $2,000,000.
11,000,000 Preferred lock.
1 1 ,000,000 Common Slock.
Stares, SI OO each. Sold at Par.
0 .1, PnfjTBd Slori : offsred i for l ie.
W. L, UJUglaS T8U(n B.I buimnun uiub.
f tl
i -MflM
m rri'rra wa, 14
iliillAr'w wr.rth of SHlii
of tiw fmnern.
TKU biift-M u 111 an mikIiv
trXUvl -liTl Ir-M ft ITf f. I .t 1
l.'wtirf'itrM'Mtn iwfirlrt
rjTfKlti in? H-n'i'i'Kr'i virWril
rwinfit ttin suit Athr In
rlitatriftl urH. t'tt tt4
ivri hMn ft in i't riiai
liu tvH urnl in iinji
7 n1 hi t)nrlT f.
1 tr hM tnina it more
rMh mn-tt nvo Ui& inn amniml nrrtnmry 'J PJT "
annul dinlwi I on lh pr-r-rrM .! I ( II " .
ThfiMtiml h nM rv.w n ' ween nnnK'
mmir rlr" I",'
n Hi. plM I" lnr
T-rf rfl U, n I tll
Til' tuH'yrf In now Mmt
iti mT i'k Hpvur ' I" I'L H"T.'. J,',
rwm I m nlT.nn(i ilui 1'retfrrMl 8io. l" i
If too "Hii W In '"' I1 "',n" '"Jl1"
worm, whu-li M nniinl. w) r.l " r;"'
mmT. r"" pnrrhm nn ih '"J.-i
iml(Knil. Knid mr, ' -hTk.
.w. .1 prt of IV (ifiotKy or.l.r. n'l par"i' '
w. I. rxuntiw. frii.- or i-ii wii mtpi t'
t,T rMiiro inIL Fr.x'-fnjnrlnir full Inrortruiiion
, Sir
M 1
( Btrrtf
((pi KL ,r
' . I vmur a r-A ft
"I btVT bmhI ywr vll CAMCA
Til sad Ond Uiem iwrfrxk Couldn't do
without them. I b utml thnm for Mine tlms
for lodlrMtloa snd bllloumm snd sm now com
MtslF cured. IVirommrnd them, to ereryona
Sm trtud. ran will never without Wiem la
ttafraU7. ' KDW. A. MAM, Albsnr, N. Y.
if Vdi' w MWKLS
Timber is being eiprted from
Posnia to Sooth Africa to be used for
leballding farms destroyed during
the war.
Mri. Wln.tow'f BOOTHINU nrUT fr chMnn
trflhlnc. tonens lh inlmi, rwllfM trtmtl(n
klUy tln ram wind eolle. tAe battl.
The present population of Greater
Berlin exceeds 2.&00.000 Just 2,000,-
000 more than Munich.
No matter how long you have had
the cough; If it hasn't already de
veloped iDto consumption, Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup will cure It.
There has been noted In Honolulu
a series of tidal waves believed to
be due to volcanic action.
"Dr. AiiRnt KoeniK B Hnmoure Breast
Tea," write Mr. F. BaUeh of Horlem,
Vi "pnn tiled me to got rid of an obsti
nate eoush; we feel very Rratrful to tho
disrovercr of thia medicine."
It Is said tli.it the southern teitlle
mills employ fAOOO children under 10
years of age.
te Red (.'roiw Ball Blue snd kMBtliem white
11 mow. All grocem. 9e ickge.
A Polish nohlrman and his wife,
being brought up for some political
ofTensc, arrived at the spa of Zappot,
having their heads shaved, accord
ing to the Russian custom In some
trials. Next day all the Poles at the
place, both men and women, per
formed the samo operation on their
own heads as a mark of sympathy.
ITIves are a terrlole torment to the
little folks, and to some older ones.
Easily cured. Doan's Ointment never
rails. Instant relief, permanent
cure. At any drug store, 60 cents.
S. Dclnol's library, which has been
erected at Hawarden as a memorial
10 the late Mr. Gladstone, was form
ally opened Oototer 14 by Ljrd Spen
cer, who succeeded the late duke of
Westminister as chairman of the Glad
stone national memorial committee.
Other distinguished men spoke on
the occasion.
I'm the boat. That'i why they bur R4 Crow
1111 Bluo. At ltt'llfiK grot'-m, 5 conli.
Mr F. D. Hill, consul at Amster
dam, says: "Cocoa butter la manu
factured In the following mariner:
The cocoa beans are roasted, and af
ter the shells are taken off the beans
are ground and the cocoa is pressed
out by means of hydraulic presses."
Is taken Internally. Price 75 cents.
A question settled by force, rather
than reason, always comes up for re
TO ACCOMMODATE thone who are
partial to the use of atomizers In ap
plying liquids Into the nasal paatuiges
for eatnrrhal troubles, we prepare
Cream Balm In liquid form, known as
Ely's Mqnld Cream Balm. Price, In
cluding the spraying tube. Is 75 cents.
DrtiKRlnts or by mall. The liquid em
bodies the medicinal properties of the
solid preparation. Ely Bros., 66 War
ren St, New York.
Albert Lea, Minn., March 21, 1001.
Messrs. ELY BROS.: I suffered
from a severe cold In the head.
could not breathe through my nostrils
and was about dead from want of
sleep. I used your Cream Balm and
woke np with a clear head. I would
not take five dollars for my bottle of
Cream Balm If I could not get another.
Thomas A. Smith, former assem
blyman of Frecport. L. I., several
days ago found a turtle which, when
be was a school boy, he marked with
his initials and the year "186B."
The Inscription wis easily decipher
ed. The Japanese delight in animal
freaks. Tbey train dogs to perform
various kinds of stunts, but their
moat arousing wonders are waltzing
mice Tbe whirlings and twlstlngs
of these little animals arc exceeding
ly ludlctou. The diminutive waits
ers are about half the Use of the
American moose, and piebald In
color. '
Happy to tbe bib wbo eat forget
til U bomb tBlDfs ba kaw a boot
J. ITelnz of Kansas City has Just
presented the university of that city
a very fine collection of curios from
Japan, gathered during a recent tour
of that country. Most of tbcm are
relics of Buddha davs.
Haver a Life.
Cratitnde promotes publicity and It's
no wonder people testify when life Is
Every reader -with a bad back is In
danger, for bad backs are but kidney
Ills and neglect may prove fatal.
Neglected backache Is quickly fol
lowed by too frequent uriuary dis
charges; retention of the urine, painful
urination, Diabetes, Hrlght's disease.
Head how all such troubles can be
CASE NO. 34.520. Mr. Walter Mc
Laughlin, of 3022 Jacob Street, Wheel
lug, W. Va., a machine hand working
at J. A. Holiday Sc Son's planing mill.
sayB: "I firmly believe had I not used
Doan's Kidney Pills when I did
would not be alive now. I was In a
terrible condition, and although I took
quarts of medicine, and was attended
by doctors, I got no better, but worse.
Friends spoke of my bad appearance,
and thousands knew about It. I could
hardly get around and felt and looked
like a dead mas rather than a living
one. Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at
the Ixgan Drug Co.'s store, were a
blessing to me; half a box relieved
me; three boxes entirely cured me."
A VRKK TRIAL of this great kid
ncy modlclnc which cured Mr. Mc
Laughlin will be mailed on application
to any part of the United States. Ad
dress FosteT Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N.
Y. For sale by all druggists, price 60
cents per box.
A Mother.' CotMtanrr.
There Is an enduring tenderness in
the love of a mother to a sod that
transcends all other affections of the
heart. It Is neither to be chilled by
selfishness, nor daunted by danger,
nor weakened by worthlessness, nor
stifled by Ingratitude. She will sac
ilflce eveiy comfort to his conven
lence; she will surrender every pleas
ure to bis enjoyment; she will glory
In bn fume and exult In his prosper
Ity; and if mlfortune overtake him,
he will be tbe dearer to her through
his misfortunes; and, If disgrace set
tie upon bis name, she will still live
and cherlsb him In spite of bis dig
grace; and, If all tha world beside
east l loo off, she will be all the world
to him.
It li a custom Id Hungary for tbe
groom to glte tbe bride a gentle
kick after tbe ceremony to make ber
realise bar aabjertlon, while la
Croatia tba bridegroom boxes tbe
brldVe ears.
The Late William N. Koach, Once Geo'
ator from North Dakota.
The death of WMHIara N. Roach, for
mer United States Senator from Nortl
Dakota, occurred in New York, after t
nine months' Illness with cancer
Roach never acquired eminence li
statesmanship, but he was at one tlmt
an Interesting figure at Washington,
He was born In that city in 1840 and
was educated at Georgetown College
After the war be embarked in banklnj
and lierame eventually cashier of th
Citizens' National Bank of Washing
ton. In 187'J he weut to Dakota, in
vested largely In lands and became a
prosperous farmer. Then he entered
politics and was a power in the Demo
cratic party. Twice he was the candi
date for Governor. In 1803 he was
elected to the United States Senate
Then came echoes' of a scandal. lie
was accused of Irregularities in hi
connection with the Citizens' National
Bank, the amount Involved being $04,
000, and Senator Hoar offered a reso
lution for an investigation, but none
was ever made and Senator Roach
Rerved his term. Since I8U9 he had
lived In New York, where he was presl
dent of the Cuban Asphalt and 01)
Myntery Surround Original Repoai
torie of Many Precious Stonea.
The natives of India, up the be
ginning of the eighteen century, re
ferred to rock crystal as an "urlpr
diamond. " At that time India wa
thought to be the only hind which pro
iucod that precious stone. It was not
therefore, until the ditwovery of In
31a that the diamond was known to us
Yet as far back as WK) B. C. a "d I tac
tic history" of precious stones was
written, aJid in I'llny's time the supplj
must have been plentiful, as he wrote.
"We drink out of a mass of gems.
nd our drinking vessels are formed of
emeralds." We are also told that Ne
ro aided his weak sight by spectacle
ade of emeralds.
But it is very difficult to determine
whence all the gems came, as discover
lrs took cftre to leave no record. Tlit
nations who traded in them were
afraid of there whereabouts being
known, and even the most ancient
merchants would not disclose any defi
lite locale. All sorts of myths lutv
iceordingly sprung up concerning th
.yrigln of gems. "Diamond" was the
jnme given to a youth who was turned
into the hardest an.l nio.-t brilliant oi
ub?f1anc( to preserve him from "the
.lis that flesh is lieiir to." AnietlijKt
.vns a beautiful nymph beloved by Bac
rhiis, but saved from him by Diana,
niio changed Amethyst into a gem,
whereupon Bacchus turned the gem
nto wine color anil endowed the wear
er with the gift of preservation from
The pearl was thought to be a dew
Irop the shell had opened to receive
AnilK-r was said to be honey melted bj
Ihe sun, dropped Into the sea and con
pealed. According to the Talmud,
Noah had no light In the ark but thai
vhlch came from precious stones.
Not Like fHher Hyenas.
"Considering the dumbness, meai,
less and usually the despicable quail
los of the hyena, the specimen In the
Ion house at the zoo is tremendously
nterestlng," said Keeper Mullen to a
Philadelphia Itecord man, stroking this
Iccldodly queer favorite all the time he
lllated on its peculiarities. "Hyenas
ire usually lacking In Intelligence as
Tell as being mean, but this one Is
lapablc of better things. An animal
xnlner could do wonders with her, and
iven without training she's Dot so slow
?ho'S coquettish, too. See how she runs
i way, half squealing, half laughing, lr
,hat unearthly way of hers, while I pal
ind stroke her. We put her In with
:hosc howling heathen of her own kind
inly once, and then she was nearly
tilled poor tiling didn't know what to
nakc of the brutes. She's likely to pas
he rest of her days here In better com
jany, poking out her paw for a shak
oth morning and evening when I corn
ind go. She may not be as attractive
is some of her neighbors, but ho
leart's In the right place Just the same
Good night, old girl; give me your paw
igaln.' "
Dairying la Ruaata.
The dairy schools of ltussla have
Drought that country to tbe front at
me of the foremost producers of but
ter, cheese and milk In the world.
When a visiting girl says to a young
nan to whom she Is Introduced, "Yoo
ook Just like a friend of mine," tb
fthet young men might as well get oul
tt the race.
Tbe enemy of tbe man 70a hat cat
lo so wrong.
To Tbe Pe-ru-sa Medicine Co , of' Columbia, 0.
Pe-ru-na is All You Claim For It."
Congressman D. P. Wilber, of Oneonta, N. Y., writes:
Tbe Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio:
Qentlemen: "Persuaded by a Mend, I have tried your remedy and I hmvt
almost fully recovered after the use of a few bottles. I am fully convinced
that Peruna Is all you claim for It, and I cheerfully recommend your medicine
to all who are afflicted with catarrhal trouble. "David P. Wilber.
Pe-ru-na a Preventive and Cure for
Mr. C. F. Given, Sussex, N. B., Vice
President of "The Pastime Boating
Cluh," writes:
"Whenever the cold weather sets in
I have for years past been very sure to
catch a severe cold which was hard to
throw off, and which would leave after
effects on my constitution the most of
the winter.
"Lust winter I was advised to try
Peruna, and within five days the cold
was broken up and in five days more I
was a well man. I recommended it to
several of my friends iind all speak the
highest praise for it. There la nothing
like Peruna for catarrhal afflictions.
It Is well nigh Infallible as a cure, and I
gladly endorse lt."C. P. Given.
A Prominent Hncer Saved From Loaa
of Voice.
Mr. Julian WeisBlitz, 175 Seneca street,
Buffalo, N. Y., is corresponding secre
tary of The Sangcrlust, of New York;
is the leading second bass of the Sanger
lust, the largest German singing society
if New York and also the oldest.
Id 18) The Sanger ust celebrated itj
fiftieth anniversary with a large celw
hration in New York City. The follova
ing is his testimony:
"About two years ago I caught I
severe cold while traveling and whick
settled into catarrh of the bronchia
tubes, and so affected my voice that 1
was obliged to cancel my engagements
In distress I was advised to try Penmo.
and although I had never used a patent
medicine before, I sent for a bottle.
"Words but illy describe my surprim
to find that within a fev days 1 wa
greatly relieved, and within three week!
1 was entirely recovered. I am nevei
without it now, and take an occasion
dose when I feci' run down." Juliaj
If you do not derive prompt and satis1
factory results from the use of Peruni
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving 1
full statement of your case, and he wh)
be pleased to give you bis valuable adV
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President o
The Llartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
I I The Youth's 7
W Companion k
will give it readers V'JyP'i
JO during 1903
IV tZ( Special Article contributed Tmifo
. by Famou" Men and Women. mOw
C9f -jrvrv Timely Editorial Articles on,
Xk 'fe Public and Domestic Questions.
yk $ s rrrv Short Stories by the most pop
4rJJ ujaf 0f Living Story-Writers.
L 4 ff( Short Notes on Current Events,
kJJJ Science and Natural History.
'! ''J f ! I In- lAATi Amusing Anecdotes, Poems
' ' 1 j J ' a"d Skl!tch"-
Annual Subscription Offer
Every Hew Subscriber for 10 J who will cut oat this ill and tend it at race
with name, address and $1.75 will receive:
All the Issues of The Tooth's Companion for the remilnlor
weeks of 1902.
The Thankseivinf , Christmas and Hew Tear's Doable lUmbera.
The Tooth's Companion Calendar for 1901, lithographed in
twelve colors and gold.
And The Companion for the fifty-two week! of 1901 a library of the best read
ing for every member of the family. dcm
nnorniffmrnl of Ihe 1903 Volume and Sample Copiet of the Paper tent Free. "
Pain Won't Trouble $ou
Only Keep tv Bottle of
For SIXTY YEARS il haa Proved the
There Is a Rreat paucity of inven
tion Ic the matter of gloves for trav
eling. It Is best to have a kind that
gives freedom to the fingers. Too
hard and too thick glovts are most
distressing, and too tliln suede rub
out at the fingers; peibaps It Is on
this account that people are tolerat
ing tbe idea of thread gloves, but
neither thread, ootton, nor silk Is
likely to be admitted in polite society.
Pilos! Pilos! Pilos!
Cr4 sr taonar rafnnilMl. OAPHO
LKTg la tha in 1 7 inlaraal car far
i'llea of all slad. No aaima. panto,
apaoaltorlas or aorglral operations
a-iasar;. I APSIXKTS la a ooaatt
tatlnaal traatniant. 'I bar nwoh lh
Pirn thronah tka atom an b. Pnrw
psrbMaftl. Writs for fraa book I at
- aitlka h i iBlnrakllM IaIm..ma
Madlaal Co., Leak Bai 1, Slallaa O. ClaalaMll.aD a
MonoKruin Ilrltl'ina.
A belt pin In the foim of a Jeweled
safety pin rvith the monogram of tin
wearer has been brought out to place
In the front of the waist, and not al
the back; many of the enameled
brooches in the form of flowers an
pendant drops of turquoise, pearli
and other stones In the matrix, Tlx
hatpins are rnrst beautiful, and wi
aie showing In everything a prefer
ence for French Jewels.
Idle Manrf
Jmllf-lnniilr InvflHton. ran b made to ram a handaata
my iMVfHtmrnla, aa
in., aildrraD
jamkh niixiaoa
tni-oiMB. Karnlno- powr-r of my Inrvdlmrnla, aa MI0
sm lu per canl. ror particular, amii-ran
17 William Hln-sl, Nra Tor OP)
N. N U. NO. 744-45. YORK, WEI
J mtmra. rWa by drataia. I