Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, October 30, 1902, Image 8
STOCK BRANDS. m Jot BIAL UI bltk year brand, like the f elkswlag, for ff (, per Tr. fsch ad a4a'ai araad 7t seats. .vrr tarn.rr or Tanehseea In lUiyi and edtoinlag onmitiee saoald adre.'l.i. their brands lu TJm - ALas it Irclt all ortr the HH. It he tk meaas of iit tur yuu Pres! .-Journal Mot'KKKf A SOSS. Mars teller Bros, ro now jorepiiref i to ahOw AX ELEOANT LINE Turm-iAT. Oct. 80 W)i, C. C IiurUe-, I'rop. KNTKKKI Iff HIP: l-o-T omi'K AT IUU RIMj.N KKBk. ASU-OMI CLAM M 4TTfc.lt J II. I KNsLoVV. I ( 'Ukaerj t attle' brund fey "' ' dl ::nLr:::::e"""m""uat r ish J --- in mi oa run- l r I J aame cut. ejp u, ( kffi) S500 REWftnO. 1 Far the erroat aad eoanrtion of any Prtr ntrUu etealiag or dief If uriiif any brands ' a toek beleaflaf to the undersigned par r. k. jandt. Breads 60.117, or on left hlr on of ttl tteax CoeBty.Hebreeaa. n left Jaw Poet Ofllce, Hewitt, aKOKGE SWABSOS. m left i onlett shou I tattle branded Horses branded Ider, range ou Soldier Creek. Any dock branded at above being Mtray Id from my ra'ige, rtlscoeered by ay body a firing we information will be rewarded. Addieas, Ft. Robinson, Nebraska OFFICIAL PAPER OK SIOUX COUNTY. i rl!it ,lio dri And following- on FT5 ?A V i f!T! One Dollar Per Year. FVSION TICKET. For Governor W. H. THOMPSOX For Lieut, (iovernor E. A. GILBERTS For Secretary of SUte JOHN POWERS For Audi tor r lioraea branded or Juw. K.mKe on hit liixer, oil tU" ol tuve Colville rancb. Willi. tin. Huntley foreman. I'.O. Ail lr.--.: (j.rn, Scbr. For Treasurer J. B. TARKKK. stereos branded on jf attla same on lert keep barnded left (boulder and hip. on back or ak of Skeap. Baagooa Soldier Creek aid White tiiver. Address. Ft. Kobinson. Nebraska. DEEf CKKK LIVESTOCK to I MrflitrlAH n Ift hin nf CutH W I I and on left chee or Horse , MaaaVkM Kanajaoa Deep Craek. Addreaa. Uoap Creek Lire Stock Co,. J. H. Halbert, Koreman, (,len, Nebraska. f HAr.LF. NEWMAN. j The braad raoreaented In this notice and brnudid any where on left aide f cattle, ami over lap .:ut from the riRhtear. Alao the anme brand on left thigh ul horas, belongs to the natte rsigned. ftaage near East Springs, aoutb part fo floai eonnty. UntKt.ca Nkwmah, Itarrieon, Sebrka IAMCEL KMOKI. Cattle branded tai any where on left aide of the animal. Rang on 1'rai lir Hog and Won roo Creeks. Address, Harrison, Nebraska i REWARD. I will siy $5 00 reward for each head Of Dae Vol ville'a horse branrlw ontitherjaw or thijfh furnpf 07r o 7thn Biewr on Runnuit filer, klso 1 100 00 for nrrxif I, coBTict any p-rrxin unlawfully hanclnii koy of said horses. V. J. A. Racm. raaa branded llM oa right thich and shoulder and O. Q. DeFP.AXCE J.X.LYMAX For Attorney Genera! J. U. BROA1-V For Comr. Publ.c lahC at.il Build in,'s J. C. BRENXEN For Supt. of Schools CLAUDE SMITH For Congressman Six listru t P. H BARRY For Senator, 14th DUtrict- A. M. MORRISSEY, For Representative. 53rd Disc ( H AS H. TULLY. PUP ski l. Jordan. lioraca and eat t! . !r'.ii'l.e4l.. . eitiirr aiU. aauie as on cut. -ft Wo of mtile. kjiLl Vud thi eft aide of h :ik. And lhi ''Ti.t'l on led ai.lf nd li w. I'ont 'flirt ndilrrHS, ll.trrUbn, Ni lr.i -W ' 9 TV And Cattlt- braiidfi W V, on Ide, kd iloiK-i on left?? J-w. Kl. MAVIS. r ? )(' Ad'ireftw, i:il4rc, Nebraska. Cllftlr Kf..it'l ttt:Ke on Ron 4 hi .i't Adil:-e JOHN T. SNOW. Horses branded branded on lert shoulder and Cattle PIY on left aide i n Post offire Address, Patrick. I aramie Co. Wyo. JOHN A. II AX. SOX Owns the follnw. Inirbrand oa eith er: AKo HG on rnt tlo and iMif.r--. i-anleon 1,-ftslrle horses on left Kuuidir. W-l Kan ire on Silrer SprlriE'" and east of line. Potomce-!larrlMn Neb. ".S AXDRKW e!Ki;-T!AS Cattle branj el on Kft side snio as cut and horses branded on left ihonltle dip li V. rv same as cut are the property or Andrew Christian an ranice tributary to Van T9el Sprii.gs. Addi Kirtler. Wyo. J. H. WILHEBfiSSDORFER,. WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kindr! of Gold and Silver work done. Kings madr1 to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS, SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harness1 made to order. Saddles re-covered. IlhKKY WAKNKKE. ' attle brand ed on left side. Range on Runni-ig Water Creeek. branded oa right Jaw Also, I have Horses branded on left thigh Post Office Address, Harrison, Sioiir Co, Hebraska J 3. TCCKEK. Branded on left shoulder of horses Und on left side of cuttle. on right side Tkls on rigkt side of cattle too. Bange on White Rirer, near Glen. Fost ottlce address, (ilen, Nebraska. A.T. IICGIIHON. Braad soanbt double at rattle. Horses aam boa Iter. IA('(nit oat right dBaJki Cattle all dehorned Baage oa Kyle Creea. e-i-IW-i, ULI a left side right ear cattle, foot Office, Glen Nebraska BBEW9TEE Co. attle braad- K)MMHlkll Bf9 I ae) rat, eltker I Hjf I ff hip WW V aVjl MtaaMlrfrr. Juj Mf ffl km p. O. Addres Ilai rifon. Nebrak. on left side j .11.1.4 Cattle branded lt. Cattle branded Cattle bra.ided BffcT I-f t Hin c ja HENRY Vet.M.. foreman P.O. Addiexa, Olen. Neb unn braaded with any of abore brands. Addreea, J. A. tMit'iai, arriaon, Nebraska. 4. t. Hrwrrr. tksarraadd oa left sile. Addtaat, Karri tow, Hebraska. TZJ AL SI. 00 e NOTICE TO NON-HESIDKNT I.FJTENDANT. To George D. l.niKin, non-resident dfendin : Yu nre hereby notilled, f ImI on the 20, day of .September, A. I). 1&02. W. Chauncy Pliipus and Gwire A. I'hipps, as plaintiffs, Uni in the Uiht ru t court of Sioux count , Xehro:.ka. the.r p-ution aijaiiist you aadefendrttit, the on jwt and prater of which is for a decree fa'islyitiK and dinchaiinr t wo certiiin fnorttcMajf executed 1, th-iir ' you on the lolh day of July, A. ) 101, w.-iir ing the payment of two note ,f iiw date exHcuted bv themto you, oite I,! 200 00 due in six months and one for 500.00 due in otia year, both of which ,nole hv vin been fully paid, one of aid ruortjraea trin; on the plant of ftp HarriM.fi pru" J. uii.i', a n 'a- p.ip r . - SM1I CIJUH; J , Ml li I II;,, I' i t, i, t , pr- e, one (...per c,il . !-. !, - mi,!,. . c dtlli Btoria, j",h, (I ,-(;l.l , ,:j,i ; ... . io;udti I -it !i, . u :, nuu-. -j i . tpa-e, ttr, :, iirl :ie - I'cr'f s..r! (liori, ii-- h-irtfr on I' it ti t. n JV li'i' k I W: 2) ,.-f '!l-!o .11 (mow Vllia.;e;i( liaTiM ii, f .rnivrl) Boe-en, in said c jiin ty, and to reover a i-r(.il v f ll'K) ! tor your Ct.iur aiiireliK-il . - id nnrrtgn,; up.di pay i ,n t th- re ', ao I I' (.'fO.vtid. mil f,.,- .,f..:i,,1 relief. An I )i,u jitlui li..-1 in -1 1 ft ' d r Cjiired to ai)er naid pel ,t,ion by lii 1!) uy ul Niivauibair, A. U,VM)Z. Albert W. Critas, , tWjrn or FlanttaT. mmm i mm, SUCCESSOR to G. W. HESTER, 4DEALER INw Lumber, Doors, Sash, Lime, Coal, Waponn, Buggies, and Machinery of all kind.. Also Wind-Mills, Towers, Piping, Point?, and everything in that line. I alr-o carry a large stork of feed, ground and unground. I make a specialty cf repairing Wind-mi lis. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. Cattle Branded HanRe oa ft' Hi MET f. NK Ki K. on left hUU' lio.i.Ipr or ide. iUiiining Ynter. J on left hip '. o. AMrt'4t J. H. UrSTKK. t3 ti J ilcl. si da or hip. Addrem, fd 11: siu-r, Koiouiun iiarriwm, Neb. Cattle brandei J. 1 KVlK. I'i LOT s:ik I W liv lo t e 4 ijrtim, Chudn h Nebi-as. K't A L II AIiKW, Cattle 'hruiidi'd as !iow:i on left eide uitli 1 -f t e;.r elif-ind. It:m(e on Run ning V ater. I P. O. Address, Maialund, Nebr I What it Means. K We guarmi tee everything we pell to wear well. W hat doers that moans It certainly don't mean that a pair of rdioeH will wear a year or two if you put the soles of t)iem on a hot stove. It don't mean that a hat will be goixl after it has blown oil your head and been run over by a team and a load of wood. It don't mean that you can wear a suit of clothes every day to do hard work in and have them keep on and be an good as thy were the day y m . bought tht-m for a year or two. It does mean good wear for a reunon;ibie time more wear for a longer time than you can fret for your money of any body elr;e. If you buy any thing of uh and it don't wear well for the money it costs, we want to know it we'll make the wear part good. Order one of these. tine tyor.-uvl suits we show on page 8 of our low fall catalogue try uh. f f ' u aaw taai'i ' marl rjLtrl f-V tl fl I" IV I L 4 run iviciM. Twenty-eipht years of a aiKvneqfiil hIii tniildinv jr i iPwBBBBaaai m m m I B in five grout factorii-a rep reenta Ht ii fact ion to miihoca of aiii e wearers. F.verj pair of Mon'f Fitie Shots fully illustrate thin fact. They write your feet looU wnil, no mattrr what ize you wmir, ami comhioe tiie ettrcine of Btvie with pcrfcctioii of comfort and wc-aririgvalua KICK QUALiTiZS LCV FR!DJ. Look for the sign of'Selz" It marks the Popular Deler. Selz ihoes for M.'n. Women and Children ara Salibfa(.-tory Shoes - Price- Quality-Comfort-8tka. a roa Sell "Llimi SVia." Sr!i "Fr,., El .1. Sell "Horatiboe." U.tH Minuticiarcrs ef mm ad Saeea la aks VesVa. 5CLZ, SCHWAB A CO., ChkafkV -iJiio Oonimerciai Bank. HARRISON. NEBRASKA. DIRECTORS. C. F. Cofkkk, PreMdent. , . ; F. W.Clabkk, Caihier Cjias. C. Jamkson. 11. S. Ci.akke, A. McGlmlb-t Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely oi us to handle their entire Banking busines. ;Wr are prepared to take cart of our trade at all timr-4i i THE PIONEER PHARMACY. i I. of Drunrist's Sundries, 1 flints, Oils, Varnishes, Books and Stationary. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. t It AH VCTTO. Cuttle blende.! aide and aanie der if bor'n Alsoaome nr Hie llorws and I'm Ii Hie lil.nilM on i, ,.J) iiicl l'ie s'loniniT winii! l-i II,- , ! J.ir t:,u liuore IKtiilnl. Addie.n, llurrlv.ii, Nebraska. A. ft KEM5KBY. i atCe" Branded oa Kight tip Skoulder P.O. Address, (raw ford, Nebraska. 4 6 li fl R WORK VKS! -Tiik Pkk-s-Jui kval does Job Work. First Claris and Up-Tod)ate. Neat, ("all in and get our prices on Business Cards, Note Ilt-adH.'Lcttr r Heads. KuwloitcH 'tc. Tiie Press-Journal. aBV 5 ?. CC0CC4jO0OOOOOcX OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. C. H. hKNATOKS Jo.rM M. MiLi-AKti ( 'fl AS. II. IJIITKII H oSi.UK-iXMKN lit.VTitt J. Ht'KKIJT, I(ci ItlM-t. JIAVlIl ll. HlK"K, ,,ep.7nd I'ltt. JoaN J. Uoiiiion, lii :ri l;lt. VI M. I.. HiAiia. I u. Hii DiKt. A. (.'. mi a ti r. s arki.f , t-us. Mb Iiiet. rr M. Wtril IK, fll. Ll tl liiat PTA'l'K OrVIl i.lM KA P. Hivior, i'euniir C. f. rrv.f, I ieut, Aoveriior (,r.o, W.MiHMi, s, i ri tui y of etHtn ( has. Wkhtox, Auditor rub, Aucta. W'a arr.i-rxH, Tiemirer H'M K. oini,M,pt. fnblle InatjuetloB fKANk S. I'autT, AH jr. General (.Foiioa loi I n, ( oin. pub. lands and bld Ul HAkiiVAX, Librarian cot Niy orriciita Wk. J. A. KaI's). Clerk Join . IiAVisirejsurer nil l,iiT, Tberiff W a. J. A. KaI'h, cieik of District Court J. K. In ar, f-upt.i.f Fublie Instruction J. fl. U vrr.i.i., Juilre M J oi o .sti.i., Atuirn.r M Kl'friNu, Mirteyor I'T I.A(.r, Coroner KOAKDOf CDI'STT COeUT te,() t Kl JfiS C. Mi.ii, lt lilatrlrt I.. ) Lkwia, 2nd Kisirltt f. A. Hiiiiio, lid Olalrlel. Dr.REA'S BLACKLEG VACCinE "S'LLA'J ' If yi aWiluU'ly fnmr.ntl (oprotaet roar A-sX Cattle flOIll Itlut lalraT. Raveh rJll a-HTi l,.i.el.i. i- ... TTr'" " ,1 M V iiti Lr.e lt..ttl . IB, - ti'-. i and vac. ur auid '-. ..aT f "Wj 'i,'r'' 7 VI I .uV III lector ruin tfiontn nn.-t d, -- f . . . i oar . fl P H.V 1 ml ouicllv !) i ma-sea, t.i.i 'IT1 nu" d return maiL 8dDt 1.U I no .t,u fbjly prcjjdou rocilpC of pHe. 7..:. kl'ITfit nerra. aa . u viii,ai ror norm 10. oil 1st. ledlseeeau tinio only 1 v ill toailolMof B3T dolUr ii H r. 1 1 j lautt Hijction rrew wttb araa-T nnJtT for 10 doa or mora of HtaokuL WHU for M-para treatise Ue. it to liaa. bit liiiaak in ii a iw...iiu. i nijare aM KM Oil tT Dr. CHAS. L Ra niOTn Cf.