Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, October 30, 1902, Image 7
iTTlTbou 3&S3!9 SHOES ffir V. L Dotttlat era f ttanlard of l anr4. W. L. Smalaa aaaa aa Mid r ' G4 yaar Walt tBaan rrormai (han la fr gla walk af IMt lata tar alkar auaafartam. Clfl flflli MWaBDwllk,ltaaarewBe I UiUUU ikarate tali attaat. W. L. DOUCLA8 S4 SHOES CANNOT BE EXCELLED. aVat Import ami Amtricam trwthwTI. Hlfl'a Pwtmt Cmlf, CmmI, tot Oclt. Calf, VM HU. Careaa Celt, Mmt fanavoo. faat Color Kyelete aaed. fmmtm I raauloa hava W. 1 DOUOULaT uiw ud prtea atajnpad on taottoaai Mhon by moil, 2.V. m-Jto. (I,. Catalog tm. W. U IKMIOLAS. BROCKTON. MAUL ' Pilos! Pilos! Pilos! j rnrwl or onr rwtnnAnd. CAPHn. k" LKTK it lb only infnJ mm for rf1J y Hl of til kind.. No , Mt. V "l4"nppnitnrtM or turfiral oprationt X S T ' yfr r ry i A PHI LET U a oodM I jV - -T1 1,'iitofiavl trtmnt. Th mch th mUNDX FiIm ihronah ih ttomarh. Vr.em 1 ( r Imi of Wrii for fr book t 9tf? 4tinc full lnfrmtlftii. m,mrmr nt tf4ll L-k I, tatU 0. C arlaaatl.Ok faj.! J iminsni -rJ 70 fo 111. LO III Tha Preferred Stock of tha W. L. Douglas Shoe Co. Capital Stock, $2,000,000. (1,000,000 Praf.rrad Stock. S 1 ,000,000 Common Stock. Shares, $ I OO each. Sold at Par. Odf Preferrtd Slock offered for vk. , W. L Douglas ralalnt all Common Slock. 1 Th Pref itrnl BtorEof tK W. I. IooIm Hhfoin. ny hti ttt th Hurtftirt iUnk. or tnT-rtiinnt dotuu af itf k olTfTevi thf public b rvhinn It morinn a ooiim WOrth Of ftrtUaVl MMTtl. ff. U Io(jrla roTitimi lo own orm fintf of ih tmalnsHHL Brt I to finun the adlre be4 Of the eonrern. Thi hiunnea m not an on (rfl'ipevl proiprt. It ! ft flmiirmiitrmtiM diTldrvl PUT- ft. 7hisHth)ri(rl tuinu tllbf worm trroduritij Ift.-lMaT H M 'Z?'"'Z'"WZ.WX. I"".? tTw jSf'JK," '.' Tmr In th past twelvr whrn In.'nlS'.r! .Ho pur 7 ir rent annual .A .l.- rdBarrHl inrlt r,t SI UtT. D . i,ldlT.anl will Mill I"r ttrn T'r ! Tt. t--trT U now tnrnlna mil ;ot) pin of horn prr I day, a wit) Ir irtnK tnillt which i 1 lnnM th fmiiny to la.nmnaireii h ron I am oflVnna Ih I'refftTM Si IiT rtllT. refftifil Slock for ! Htopr!a!nhlin!i-a. If you wtah lo lnTl in tbe nat aho tni.tnat In tha orlil. whlrh I. rrrnawnl. and r'mrr jht iiit on yimr nioorT. yoa run nnrtiaaean .h.rpormorn inlhn (real KuainMa. HtwI mntrj hr rajhlT rlw-k or wll 11 -tv k, mmA paraMe lo w. I- iMiillaa. If llifra I. no hank In four Iowa, trwa aionj bj aiprra. or H-rt offW monT ortlra. I'roaiwtna iflvtna full Information ahrint tnl. grat sail on-nuMe Nnmm wml nnriti .i.h.-anon. Adilr W. L.IHIl'ULA, Hracktaa, M Honry lmpror Vi IHi Af. Honey properly stored will improve with age and the oidor It Is the bet ter It will be. Hut kept in a damp place It soon becomes thin and watery Nature. Two churclio? in Neodesha. hate offered their bells for sile rest of the churches have none. Mo.. The The church trustees and the pastors agree that tbe bells rue ao unnecessary an noyance. fop, two G GLAS ooa. r. riT ssgi MUSTANG LINIMENT HAS BEEN THE FARMER S FRIEND AND A HOUSE HOLD NECESSITY, PAIN LEAVES WHEN MUSTANG LINIMENT ARRIVES FOR MAN OR BEAST - - - - - - - VVcANDY CATHARTIC --T ANNUAL SALE (Greatest In the Vorld lOLLIOlf AMXRIOAM WTJRSIirO M0TBSR8 t9 thn ud UmIt taUM In plmdld hmltk with OASOARVTS Oavndr 0thartla Tb woadarfal tktefl OABOARVTB do for mMmm au4 thslr bkbiM bmw bMorn kaowa throat k kind wordoftbowhohTtrtthwi.tl mo Xh mio la now .1. a ICLUOlf BOXX3 A MUm kwrnmrn mmm m wao- !--L l!T -!-U Uiuf titT ITT bw milk mlMly porrttT. Baby ZtTui aObot tUtatod aod m ptrt of Its Mtarml Ibod -MTloloo-roduifw-ptrfMtly rTTi! iiraanltai ITn fTtr marAm t hhm tOMiavah. do Bor wind coUo, QTMapa, coniraMopa, warn nSirfiMi AH 4nc,lOo,60twMtnbiiIk. Omala UbUt stmniMd TT Yoatti'a Coanpaaloai Calendar Krea. The pobliahera rf The Tooth's Jaro panion are sending tree to new subacrib ra to the paper for 1IKJ8 i yery haDdaunie calendar, lithographed in twelve colors, with a border embosaed in cold. Tha ei quiaite home arena which forma the prin cipal feature of the Calendar ia suitable fur framing. The Calendar ia aold to oon-auhacribera for fifty cenu. bnt to new uhaerihera for 190ft it ia sent free, with II the iasues of The Companion for tha remaining weeks of 1502. the paper then being aeot for full year, to January, 1904 THE YOPTH'S COMPANION. 144 Berkeley Street Boston, Miaa. Many years ago, in Persia, it was tbe custom for domestic servants to have two of their front teeth ex tracted. Their absence donated ser vitude. Mra. AnMln-Panrke flour maaea lovely panrakea. mnfflna and gfina. So good you alwars aak for more. The longest continuous stairway in tbe world is that which leads to the tower of the Philadelphia City hall. It comprises 598 steps. V El. LOW CLOTHES ARK CNSIC.HTLY Keepthtm whluwlth Red ''roe Ball Blue. All grooeraiell large 2 01. package, 5 centa. The timber of tbe redwood tree of California never decays. Fallen trunks, wblcb have been overgrown by new forests, are as solid as the day they fell. ir Ton rsr. ball rn.fr. Get Red dots Ball Bine, the beat Ball Blue Large 2 01. package only 5 rent. If great cold turned our atmos phere to liquid air It would make a sea thirty-five feet deep over the sur face of the whole globe. HALL'S CATARRH CURE Is taken Internally. Price 75 centa. Each year about 150,000 is expended In sprinkling the stieets of London with sand to prevent horses from slipping. No trouble to prcpnre qnl-k breakfasts rou have Mrs. aiiihb mmuun flour. Really In a moment. It Is one of the privileges of Chi nese comn an llng ofUcers that they 1 may only be beaten by the hand of their generals. Cures croup, sore throat, pulmona ry troubles. Monarch over pain of every sort. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil. There are a good many "also rans" in the human race Tears Act Tonic. Tears bave their funrtion like every other fluid of the body, Noth- 1d cleanses the eye like a good, salty shower bath, and medical art nas followed nature s law in this lespect, advocatinn the nvlgoraMng solution 'r any distressed condition of tbe ; optics. Tears do not weaken the sight, hut Improve it. They act as a tonic to the muscular vision, Keep- ,'"fi lUe eJB " 1 1 aU "'"I""! in noticed fhat, those In Wb(C eyes sympathetic tears gather quick ly have brighter and more tender orbs than others. FITS T rmi iwntljr I rl. No flu or nr rroon tifr flrrt day urn- of Tr Kllni-'. Orfat v.m Krt'rrr nil for rFK Vi w in.i iwnu .iu t.iwiw DK. R H. KLIKE, M. U ildphla. I'a. An M., I'tilla- F.lwcll Iloyt of Eau Clare, Mich., has the most complete collection of pioneer relics In the central states, and keeps them In a log cabin built at his home for that purpose. The difference between a planet and a sta; Is this: A star shines by its own light, a planet by light re flected by another body. Cupid teaches how to shoot. the young female Efl ERAT I O s 1 In caeoa where bronchitis has chronic fraca want of proper treatment tl the earlier atagea. there ia nothing so geoi aa Dr. August Koenig'a Hamburg Breast Tea, in conjunction with which ia atrong ly adviaed tbe ttae of St. Jacobs Oil aa an outward sppUcatioo along the front ol the throat, from close op under tbe chin to well dawn to the top of the cheat; the one remedy assists the other, and ns in tended, they work in complete unison. The wonderful penetrating power of St. Jacobs Oil enables it to reach the odbe- aion of foreign matter which linea tbe bronchial tubes snd which makes breath ing more and more difficult. Aa theae adheaiona become inflamed and enlarged. St. Jacoba Oil cauaea snch adheaiona to break sway, making expectoration easier and more free. Dr. Auguat Koenig a Hamburg Breast Tea, drank aiowly and very bot. soothes snd beala tbe parts, ia comforting and quieting, atopa tbe cough and relieves the breathing. This manner of treatment (and thre i no other two remediea that will wark together ao auc ceaafuUy) reachee. tbe difficulty from the outaide and the inaide at the aame time. St. Jacobs Oil rescbea tbe roots of the ad- heaioa, and aasists Dr. August Koenig'a Hamburg Breast Tes in clearing them; then both remediea act in unison in heal ing and curing. The above remark ap ply with equal force in cases of aathinn. croup, whooping cough, enlarged tonailtt and all bronchial affectiona. Kvery fam ily ahould have St. Jacoba Oil and I)r. Auguat Koenig'a Hamburg Breast Tea alwaya in tbe honae in order that they may be promptly used in the first stasea. Often the maladies develop with wonder ful rapidity, and complications tske place with equal suddenness. It Is announced that the Britlsl) museum has purchased the ten-pounrl aerolite which fell recently at Crura lin, County Antrim, Ireland. Filling Crarka In Ceilings, Whiting mixed with glue, water 01 calcined plaster, makes a good putty for filling cracks in plastered ceil Ings. On the Verce of Brig hfs Di.paM A Quick Cure that lasted. CASE NO. 30,611 C. E. Boles, dealer In irrain and feed. 1505 South Water Ktret-t Akron, O., mntle the following statement In 18'JC, he said: "Ever since the Civil War I have bad attacks of t 1 kidney and bladder trouble, decidedly worse during the last two or tnree years. Although I oonnulted pbynielauB, aome of whom told me I was verging on I5rlf,'ht's diweaHe, and I was contin ually using standard remedies, the ex cruciating aching just across the kid neys, which radiated to the shoulder blades, still existed. As might be ex pected when my kidneys were In a disturbed condition, tliere was a dis tressing and inconvenient difficulty with the action of the kidney secretions. A box of Ikan's Kidney Tills, procured at Ijimpnrter & Co.'s drug store, brought such a decided change within a week that I continued the treatment The last attack, and It was particularly aggravated, disappeared." Three Veara After. Mr. Boles says in 181rSt: "In ttit miring of 1NW I made a public state nient of my experience with Doan'n Kidney Tills. This remdy cured me of a terrible aching In the kidneys. In the small of my buck, In the muscles of the shoulder blades, and In the limbs. During the years that have gonf by I can conscientiously say there havt been no mMirrenepa of my old trouble My confidence In Doan's Kidney Pills is stronger than ever, not only from my personal experience but from th experience of many others In Akron which have come to my notice." A FKEE TRIAL of this great kid ney medicine which cured Mr. Bole will be mailed on application to sny part of the I'nlted States. Address Fottter Milbiirn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. For wile by all druggists, price 50 centr per box. llronifht lllm Aronnil "Thought your dad wasn't going to send you back to college?" "Yes, dad did kick of the expense, but 1 ttreatened to stay at home and help run the business, and he decided college would be cheaper. "Detroit Free Tress. Prisoners when arrested in Morroci are required to pay the policeman for his troutle in taking them to jail. A raalhllf jr. "Squeeze along a little, will you?" said the street car conductor. "Don't you see I'm right up against a big, fat man?" "That's whv I asked you to squeeze along. He can be compresed, nearly a foot more-. Squeeze along." Chi cago Tribune. Home made bread Is responsible for many a crusty temper. Miss Marie Corelli, with her custom ry reluctance to self-ad vertis-ing, dt dines to impart, even to her publish ers, any information concerning he forthcoming novel, beyond anuounclni its title, "Temptral Tower." T. W. Iliggison writes that his mem oirf J.ongfellow is now going throng! the press. He will prepare a brief lif of Whlttier, which will le eontaino in a proposed series to be publisher by the Mflcrnlllan Company. The forty-ninth edition of It. E Blackmore's "Ixirna Doone'' has Jus been announced in London at a popu lar price. The continued demand ii England for low-priced copies of th novel shows its popularity. Abou KiO.OOO copies of a Ixtndon slx-penn; edition are said to have been sold then within two or three weeks, about fiw years ago. There is not so great a d mand in this country for rfieap edl tlotis, but there are two or three gooi editions. "Hie Great Round World (New York) In Its Review of the Book Reviews Bays: "Every one is reading Audrey The fact in itself might explain th vogue of the book in the hands of tin reviewers, but It Is also tindeniabli that popular taste is not altogethej WTong In its estimate of Miss Mar; Johnston as the tiest of our historica novelists. She has a style full of cola and she knows her period. If her sto rles are sentimental, the wntlment ir not unwholesome. She is, moreover always Interesting." The Evnnston (111.) Public Li bra r. Board has branded many of the popu lar novels of the day as "unfit for gen eral circulation" and banished then from its shelves. Among the booki which are regarded by the board a; Immoral are "Sir Richard Calmady,' by Lucas Malet; "A Lady of Quality,' bv Frances Hodgson Burnett; "Th Aristocrats," by Gertrude Atherton 'The Secret Orchard," by Egertoi Castle; "A Fool of Nature," by Juliai Hawthorne; "If I Were King," by Jus tin Huntly McCarthy; "Orion and Hli Wife," by Maxim Gorky; "Jude tin Obscure," by Thorna Hardy; "Thi Story of Mary MacLnne," by h'nwlf and "Dr. Dale," by Marlon Harland. "A Pasteboard Crown," says Bool News. Is a novel that deals with lift on the stageand off; and is written bj an author thoroughly qualified to speal upon her subject. Miss Morris, by rea son both of her experience as an ac tress and her skill as a novelist, hai suecewled in writing an engrosslngl; Interesting book, withal, it must bi confessed, an almost painfully depress lug one. On laying it down, which oni does not do till the lust page Is turned one has hardly the heart to be glac that It was written. It leaves behinc It an unfortunate impression of gas flare, of tinsel, of insniffWent ventlla tlon. that oppresses the reader almost as if with the actual physical presenci of the same. Bret Harte, who diet! suddenly ir lyondon on May 5, was a wonderfullj prolific writer, Che list of his work I comprising fort v five titles. His firs" I took was published In 1W,0 and . . - . i .u r.i i tm ch last, "(rpe.ilngs In the Old Trail, JusJ appeared the last week In April. A erj few of the intervening years went i ... . ... .l - nl I Wit no IT me h mien rami- m n i n-ru -" lection of his Western tales. Abroad he and Mark Twain are regarded a the representative American authors ol the last quarter century. Mr. Kipllna has more tfcnn once acknowledged hif lndeMedness to Bret Harte, whos short stories he much admired. Mr Harte has been living In EngUind foi some time, and was in his slxty-t lilrd yoar, lmvlng been born at Albany N. Y., in INtt). "Hob" Biirdcttc'e Itevenge. Undoubtedly one of the most accept ,i ..vnimili.u nf the "clnh wnmnn'l aint i ai.ii.m. ... ..... . . .- - - husband " is found In Mr. Burdette genlnl Bob Burdette. ns he is so bap - plly called for he nit only attends all the biennials, but shows his humoroiu hand from time to time in support of his wife. Not lung ago. for Interesting lnstnnce, the Atchison Globe, pending a visit of Mrs. Burdette to flint town, and In preparation of which the club women were making much ndo, published a sarcastic editorial headed, "Wbo 1 Mrs. Bob Burdette?" When Ibis enmc to the notice of Mr. Bob, he Industri ously set about sending the editor news I-Per c. lugs Hy ibe yard. Each day for weeks he posted nn article aooui Mrs. Burdette's club work or borne life, and finally added a note culling atten tion to tbe fact that In the same Issue with the editorial was a fine write-up of tbe lady on an Inside page. "Head your own paper." was the parting shot to the editor. "I do." Thereupon the paper came out with a second editorial hended, "We Eat Mud," and In conclusion said: "If Mr. Burdette will quit, we will apologlac for our lack of Information about his wife. Mrs. Burdette seems to be a lovely character, nil right." The Tllgrlm. Every love affair la like a progrei slve game of cards. Tbe players hav moved up from another table wheT they had different partners, but th game they play la tbe aame, with tb aame point and tbe aame blunders. It differs from a proffreaalve game ot cards only In tbe fact tbat the pric Isn't at Taluable as tbe prise given a' cards. GOVERNOR UsesPe-ru-na For Colds i n 1 1 1 a. -rt r , ram r .1 CAPITOL BUILDINO, SALEM, OREOON. A Letter From the Executive Office of Oreron. Pe-ni-na ia known from the Atlantic to th Pacific. Letters of congratulation ana commendation testifying to the mer its of Pe-ru-na aa a catarrh remedy are pouring in from every Rtate in the Union. Dr. Hartman ia receiving hundreds of anch lttra daily. All claaaeg write theae lettera, from the higbeat to the lowest. The outdoor laborer, the indoor arti san, ta- clerk, the editor, tbe statesman, the preacher all agree that Pe-ru-na ia tha catarrh remedy of tbe age. The stage and roatrum, reeogniiing catarrh aa their greatest enemy, are especially enthusias tic in their praise and testimony. Any man who wiahea perfect health moat be entirely free from catarrh. Ca tarrh ia we:-nigh universal; almost om nipresent. Pe-ra-na ia the only alwol'tte anfegimrd known. A cold ia the begin ning of catarrh. To prevent colds, to cure colds, is to cheat catarrh out of its victims. Pe-ru-na not only cures atnrrh, but prevents. Every household should be supplied with this great remedy for coughs, colds, and so forth. The Governor of Oregon is an ardent admirer of Pe-ru-na. He keeps it con- Crrrn Tomato Pie. A cjrious pie is made from green tomatoes. Line a dish with good but not over rich paste; fill two thirds full with alternate layers of verv thinly sliced greeD tomatoes and lemons, sprinkling each layer with sugar. The ruid, both white and yellow, must be first pared from the lemon and tbe seeds removed af ter slicing with a very sharp knife. Let the top layer be of tomatoes. Bake without an upper crust, and cover with a meringue when baked. Helpetl Kveryhody. Gainesville, Texas, Oct. 'Si. Mrs. I E. Burton, formerly of Eureka, Kan., has been at 507 GlaiN'Mie street. Oils city, for some time. While here Mrs. Burton has been the means of doing much good by introducing to her sick friends a remedy which it seems Is very popular in Kansas, bur which lias not been verv much heard of in this I neighborhood. It Is called Dodd's Kid ney Pills and in every case where it has been used it has produced wonder ful results. Mrs. Burton has good reason to speak well of Dodd's Kidney Pills, for they have done much for her and her fam ily. She says: "I must tell everybody what Dodd's Kidney Pills have done for me and for as many of my friends as have used them. "I had a very bad case of Kidney Trouble, for which ' had been doctor- lng for a long time ithoitt benefit. I j saw Dodd's Kidney Tills recommend ed- I tried them and was completely cured My mother and my brother were ill and they took them and were wp ..1((,i(rg Kidney Tills have done much for us." Lots of women do foolish things so they can snub those who don't. ELY'S LIQUID CREAM BALM is prepared for sufferers from nasal catarrh who are used to an atomizer in spraying the diseaaed membranes. All the healing and soothing properties of Cream Balm are retained in the new preparation. U does not dry up the secretions. Price, in cluding spraying tube, 75 cts. At drug gists' or Ely Bros., Wl Warren streei. New York, mail it. Scald head is an eczema of the scalp very severe sometimes, but it can oe cured. Doan s umimeni, quick and permanent In its result? j At any drug store, 50 cents. Eight vipers, one of which had two perfectly formed heads, have been klled near Hartford, Devonshire. England. JUNE TINT BUTTER COLOR makes toD of the market butter. Mushrooms generally consist of !K1 per cent water, but the remaining 10 per cent Is more nutritious than bread. W nae P'ao'a Cure tor Consumption in iCfflott PU Wa togton, D. C- May 2.1. 1001. So difficult is the art of cutting gloves that most of tbe principal c ittcrs are known by name and by fame. No one would ever be bothered with c"nstlDatlon If everyone knew how naturally and quickly Burdock Dlood Bitters regulate the stomach and bowels. Water from King Solomon's "Sealed Fountain," seven miles from Jeru salem, Is now supplied to tbe city. It Is conveyed through modern Iron pipes, part of the way, but the re mainder of tbe distance It comes by an ancient alulcewny known as Solo mon' Aqueduct. "What's Rood to eat la bad to eat," says a chronic dyspeptic. A Rood memory comes In bandy to forget with. OF OREGON in His Family and Grip. tin ually in the house. In a recent lattM to Dr. Hartman be says: State or Obegow, Executive Department, Saiem, May 9, 18S8. The Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., ColoaibM Ohio: Dear Sirs I have had occasion to use your Pe-ru-na medicine in my family for colds, and it proved to be aa excel lent remedy. I have not bad oeeaaioa to use it for other ailments. Youra very truly, W. 14. Lord. It will be noticed that tbe Governor says he haa not had occasion to use Pe-ru-na for other ailments. The reaaon for this ia, moat other ailmenta begin with a cold. Using Pe-rn-na to prompt ly cure colds, he protects bia famllri againBt ether ailments. Tbia ia exactly what every other family in the United States should do. Keep Pe-rt'-na in the house. Use it for coughs, colda, m prippe, and other climatic affectiona oil winter, and there will be no other ail ments in the house. Such families should provide themselves with a copy; of Dr. Hartman'g free book, entitled! "Winter Catarrh." Address Dr. Hart man, Columbua, Ohio. ' MADE BY TMC MAKtRS OF SLICKERS HAVC THE SAMt POINT! orexeekLEn and are 0MMeri SATISFACTION. N. N U. NO- 743-44. YORK, NEB Wa Wrong: in Hl Gnea. "Now I rather pride myself on my ability to read character," said th man who was given to buying detec tive tales In the hearing of a Kansas City Star Reporter, "and yet why should 1? It is really a very simple thing requires nothing but close observation. For instance, It is very easy to tell a man's occupation. His facial expression, his actions, even his dress are stamped by bis daily work. You see that man sitting op posite us? Well. I am just as sure as though he had told me that he is a barber." "You are mistaken," replied bis friend; "that man is a butcher." "Impossible," exclaimed the ama teur detective. "You never saw a' butcher with slim, white hands like his." "Perhaps not," replied tbe other, "but he is a butcher just the same.". "How do you kn w be Is?" 'How do I know Why the scoun drel shaved me once." Instructioo in swimming will form part of tbe evening school work in Bradford, England, this winter. Glasgow England, corporation de cided recently to apply for powers to borrow 750,000 for the erection of houses for the poor. "A dose in time saves lives." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup; nature's remedy for coughs, colds, pulmonary diseases of every sort. Bread has been cheaper in York shire and Devonshire, England, since the tax was Imposed on imported ce reals. A man looks anything but merry when the laugh Is on him. The summer season of 1902 will count among the worst in the annala of Paris. It has been a failure In every way. Mra. Wlnalow'r BOOTHINu sYKUP for tnlldraa thing, anftant th ininia, mtnoa InflaaMttoa allayi patn.curaa wlnit oolle. Iftc bottl. The biggest radish known was raised this season by W. M. Matlock, of Liberty, Washington County, Mo. It weighed five pounds, was eleven and a half Inches In circumference, and twenty one Inches In lengt. TbC seed "ai sent to blm by the Agricul tural Department. Wben tbe sky Is blue nobody slat should be. One week In tbe country mates on strong In tbe city Beat Cuugh Svrup. Taatea Good. TJaa I I in time. Sold br drotrilflta. f I