Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, October 30, 1902, Image 1

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Remember the Male Quartet. ( Professor Myers left (or his home at
Soribner, Tuesday night; he ordered the
pHFHS-Jof'HNAL writ to him that ho may
keep posted as to what is going on around
and about Harrison.
Peter Wiedenfeld was a Harrison visi
lor last Tuesday.
V. J. Riekard was an overnipht
visitor in Harrison Tuesday night.
Sunday ttfhool at 10 o'clock: every
body invited. V. H. JUVIs; Nupi.
Just roci ved : A new consignment of
men nd boys clothing at OKRl.Ai'HS.
Rev. Young of Chadron hold Episcopal
service at the residence of Mr. Guthrie
last Monday.
Mors and better good for the same
Bioey at Uerlach'a store thai) any oilier
place, try them. 10-tf
Of the Western Lyceum Riinhu Course
of entertainment. There will be 4 separ
ate entertainments in the course of the
male quartet, November 3rd. Tickets
on a.l at th b.-flwr shoo. The date I dinner with Mrs. Ehirsneoher who cpr
Hot Springs S. I . to a well to do resident
of that place a widower blessed with six
children. Mrs. Gilbert was well liked
nnd respected by those who knew her
here and all will join in wishing her a
Inns' and Imppy life.
4jast Thursday Irvin Zimmerman mov
ed the old Burke house down to the
North East corner of what is known as
the Gruell claim across the road from
Mr. II. Z'mmerman's residence. Irvin
has i I so dug a well on his place obtain
ing good water at a depth of thirteen
We had the pleasure last Sunday
w ith ipiite n number of others of fakir?
of the other wiil be given latr.
All school .scholars 2 els; Children free.
XT. B. Tat man left last Monday for
Wala Wala, Washington where he will
meet his family who went some time ago.
Dell OVonner is numbered with the
Harrisonite once again. He has put in
the summer working' for Slatsney &
V .... . .
si raul O. lirewiler came in on the east
bound Irani Tuesday night. Mr. Brewster
will Icon ntier ius tuiere&ls iu the county
lr a time.
All parties goieg through my Pas
ture East of IJe.rrih.in are requested to
shot the gates. If rot I will he com
pelled to nail them shut, I will also pros
ecute unv parly culling mv fences,
there is a county road outside of my
fence. E. Rohwer.
4 We have added a Canon to our office
this week so in will w. rn all disgi untied
politicians and candidates to cool down
before euUring our sanctum.
L. Q-
Jei Inch nnd wife returned home
lust Saturday. Mr. Getlach looks hale
and hearty and no doubt he was glad to
gel back to Sioux county again.
To the lady getting the right number
from a package of Three-Star Colfee
now on .ale at Marsteller Bros, will re
ceive f.VOO in cash. It will pay you to
try it.
D. M. Putton returned from Iowa last
Thursday and he says he had a good time
and had the pleasure of wtding thiough
mud once again. Wei I it is very nice to
drift back to boyhood day even though
we have to wade through a little mud,
but when it comes to Sioux county she
can't be surpass., lor lieautiful weather
and kind and trenerous hurted people,
and w a dare say should our boys dnlt
from her borders they will ever remem
ber the pleasant and joyous times they
had while in their vouth.
tainly ktiows how to entertain when we
saw the table fairly groanm.' will) its
weight of good thitigs we lost our wits
so to ssak so much so that we failed to
distinguish mutton from beef.
Our new neighbor Mr. Wickersham
(who by the way is not a reverend as be
fore intimated) is certainly a friend in
need to the people of Bodarc, coming as
he does at a time when w e are left with
out u pastor as sheep w ithout a shepherd
He has filled the pulpit for several suc
cessive Bndavs and each diseoursa has
Vieen instructive Gospel truths which
must convince his hearers of the sincere
Christian principle of the man, and hi.s
earnest desire to help and benilit all with
whomo he comes iu contact
M. A. C.
We have watched the paper very ! Democrat and Populist-
closely as to the Fusion candidates, Chan. You are now called as never before to
H, Tully, for Representative of the 5;!rd "land by your ticket and especially in
District, and find from all reports that l,,'K county for there has been a great
Mr. Tully is one of these manly men, one ! "'any little schemes worked by conniv
tlial stands by his coo vi.ci ions w ithoot iK pnliticann aud .wen that ara willing to
fear or favor to any man, so voter if you j se" ollT party for a. mess of pottage so
want to be truly represented at Lincoln 1 don't throw your vote and influence to
next w inter place an X opposite the name miin that will only laugh at you and
of Mr. Tully. your folly for being so foolish; we have
able and coropetent men on our ticket
from top to bottom and stand by them
It seems that the Alliance Times 1ms ' for then the victory is ours. Somewise
been making charges against county , acres may tell you of the Kreat things
clerk Smyser, of Box But'e county; for t,iat an ,,B done, but dont he trapped by
drawing money from the county illegally them for the records of both state and
but Mr. Smyser has willed the hanii of j county is what tells the facts, and not
the Times and he now must come to the i little stories 'old by men that know not
center or shut up. Bluffs may go for a "ie trutli nor would they tell it if they
Professional Cards-
tune, but when officers do :heir duties
there is nolhiiig to fear for the records
will show the facts, and not some winny
disgruntled politician or office .seeker.
J An Jrew Happenings,
Mr. Torn .Jones went to Harrison Sat
urday on business.
Mr. Weber, Mr. Hanson and Mr.
Iilninherg came up on the band car Son- j
day to visit. Irieiids. Th.y returned
home in the afternoon.
There were t went -nine present a' our
Sunday School Sunday. Collection sixty
one writs.
If yu want a knap in Ladies nial child Misses Ilellyer, Topper, and Mr. Myers
rem hoe jo to GI-.RLA. li'S where you ! fr(mt Hh.tisoii were welcome visitors
Thev now have u large V.
tan btiv tliem chear.er itian to any j tki Sundav
iMr. Frank Olhricht wa at Andrews
astern city
We learn that Rev. Youngman's health
is so badly impaired that his I'hican
lias ordervd him to a lower altitude. We
are norry to hear this as the Reverend
wrote that be Rtnl hi wife were well
pleased with their n:w locution anM
The excitement incident to traveling
and cliaige of fisid and waler often brings
on diarrhoea, and for this reason no one
ehould Icare home without a hoiilr
of Chanilyrlain's ''olio liiolcra and
Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by nil
Condne4. Acour&ts, He!pfvil
The busiest people read THE YuITUh
ComFaSUH bcau it is condensed, ac
curate and hoiplul. Its weekly -UHi'iiary
of imporUnt Qui s is complete and trust
worthy. Its editorial comment on political and
dooiAatic question is non partisan; it
ami to K'.jkU fact in such a way that
the buiitit person can use them as the
basi of an intelligent, opinion.
It reflect on every page the whole,
win) , induslriout), home-loving, home
making aide of American life, the life of
noble ai'ti and honorable ambitions.
A full Aniiounvarneut of Hie new
vuluiiia w ill be sent to any aldrs on
requt. The new suhecriUr for 1S0!J
who tend $1.75 for the new volume at
once will receive free all the remaining
imuii (or I90J, incoidim; the IJoobl
Holiday dumber lor 1'JOiS, lithographed
in twelve color an! gold.
14 Berkeley Street, B wton, Mas.
Thoma Iveriw-n came in on the train
laRt Tuesdny and he was not alone either
for Tom hu found it to lonesome, going
it alone, no lie just went and done the
rn,!iw thing ai.d got lum a wife While
t. ..re t-ut mrjuamled with In wife we
m- ,'h 'Join mm! leel sure that he Ii.k
iiuiiIu i 0 misinke, mi Ik re I our lx't
i:-i.rfs lo lr. and Mrs. lveison,
Old People Hn.v Their Trouble.
Mr. Ivmicis LiUleof Kenton Harlxir,
Ma li, i over eighty years of an. Hmce
IHIi'i he hi;t len troubli-d more or less
witJi h digestion and cormlipitlioi) and has
ti led ali.-.ost everything in use for those
ailment Iit Auguet Ji lr,-ari using
ChaiittvrUiriV Stomal ti and Liver Tablet
and wa noon Itiehog imn'li ll ler. In a
r .ent letter liiMt ,4J l'av listd llieM
I -'( Iho Tablet ii:d now think V am
wll." Tbe I'rthlel .r.p..v tllJ Ki
jeti und i'ivyoriii to- iloniM .li, .vi
rat IO For ale hy " ''k
j last week visitinj Han Jensen.
Miss rdiaahelh Harris came up to
j Andrews Saturday and was met at the
train by her sister and P-rla Jones. Siie
Visited tier sifter and friend tint il Sunday
afternoon when she left for Glen.
The boarding car came here last week
and is Klill hern,
Missf s Pearla and Hirdie Jones hare the
honor of Uwnt the only one in school
last month that were i.ot tardy.
Mi. 'hriNteuvii and Mrs. Daset
measured the wood Thursday th tt Mr.
T. Jones furnished for the school.
Pearl Sh-pherd stayed oer night at
Mrs. S. E. Jones last Thursday. She
went to school with the children in the
Mr. Jensen went to Gln Sunday on
Mr. S. C, I). Bisset vis'ted school last
Thursday forenoon. The scholar enjoy
ed her talk very much; This is her second
visit. She reports tiz; the school has
mad wonderful advancement and is
doing ncely. We hope she will visit
ofieu ami oiler wolds of sympathy and
Sundar Sc hool at2:o0 every Sundav.
everybody cordially luviled.
Mr. liavi Siietdier I is workinc for Mr.
December in the coal yards.
Mrs. S. C. U. It isst t went to Hat Creek
last week on business.
Ar.tlrews School has made great ad
vancement last month a shown by tin
record of examination. We hope the
vtme interest may be shown and made
known next month.
Mr. T. Jones lielH:l El Schwartz move
Grandma Schwann's house last week.
Mr. Crawford came to Andrews ufter
Mr. Madsen Sunday t.i take him back to
continue work at the saw mill,
The rendition of the following
prog rim by the Harrison Public Schools
will take place in the Halj Friday even-
tng October 1 1U02 benining at 7:;t)
o'clock. Admission 15cl. The proceed
of the iiforesnid entertainment will go !
ward the purchasing of an organ for the
Schools. The patr-n:ig of the public is
respectfully solicited.
Instrumental Music.
Recitation,.. "Our Hired Girl,''
Karma rriddy.
Recitation Hasi! Guthrie
Song, "pi'-i-we'', Primary Pupils
Recitation, 'JCntertniiiing H-r Big Sis
ters lieau, .Mat tie I arsons.
Recitation 'Seein' Things at Night ,
Vernie Marsteller.
Recitation, 'Johnnie's First Visit to the
I 'luie Mieurn, Lucile Mora vek,
Softf Olivette Dunn
Recitation,. ..'Fashionable School Girl"
Edith Buike.
Recitation, "i 'ontent nuiol ." Mabel Z..i-be.
Reci tat ion, '-(iau i bb-r's Wife,"N-lli-St;ott
K""t-' "Hn. Idmg l);.y by l)ay,"
High Kirhool Girls' Chorus : lass.
R-citition, Onu Sau'esar.
Recitation, "Arithmetic," Dun l.'avis.
Song. "Five Little Mice," Primary Pupils
R-citntion, "f Juss What lie Had in His
Pocket ," I lee I )a vis.
Song, "Tiro I.iit ,. Pabl.ils.
.S'Veri Little fin is. i
R-citatiou. ."The Turkey for the Parish"
Johnnie Lowrv.
Recitation "The llollie's Funeral"
Helm i 'Urke.
Recitation "His new Brother'1
'barley Burke.
Recitation "Who Loved Best"
Cleo Higelow,
Recitation, "Ilvpercondriac"
Helta Hanson.
Re:italion ... ' IVcuz' I Have to Go to
School, " Fred (J'Connor.
Dialogue 'Shnwtng the Album"
liollie Priddy and Ida Moravek.
Vocal Duet,
Helen Clarke and Lueile Moravek.
R-ciliil ion, "Mi'thusalali" George Burke.
Song 'Yankee Hoodie1 Intermediate Boys
Dialogue. ."How Mr. Wilson maniged."
High Si hool
Recitation "To Big to Kiss,
Edna liavis.
As State Superiritendent, Fowler has
fisked us lo say a word for him, and
knowing the interest he has taken in the
educational work throughout the state,
we can't help but recommend him to all
voters that feel an interest in their child
ren and the educational work of this
county and slate. We don't think the
educational work shoul I be mixed with
politics, but that it should be the man
and the interest he takes in the work.
Therefore we can't help but'eridnrse Mr.
Fowler for his untiring efforts in build
ing up the educational work of thisgreut
did. Let every Fusion ist come out and
vote that you may vindicate your rights
an American citizens.
We cannot, truthfully sav'thnt Mr,
."urne, who thinks he is running fur the
legislalure isa man tii.il drinks. In fact
we would prefer b-'lit viu tint liquor i
too m;d a si iinul.tnl, for bis kind of
nerves, lie must be accustomed (, "hit
ting the pipe" otherwise, he would never
have expressed himself as dusirous of
seeing1 a law enacted that noulu wipe
everv democrat Ironi off tin; face of the
eHrl!:. No man whose brains are. not be
fogged with somekind of a drug would
ever uiuko such a remark as t hat .
Pioneer Grip.
There seems to he a great change of
heart come over the Republican party in
this slate iu the past, two years. Two
years ago they had a saloon man in the
Held lor governor and the Fusion forces
had a christian man, but at that time in
their estimation he was Uead and shoul
dtr above the christian candidate, but to
day they claim the christian candidate
and O ni ! the pressure they are trying
to bring to bear upon the voter that
wants good government that Mickey is
the man, t.ut we don't think uch tactics
as this will fool the voters this year; for
the rail roads were thedominating power
in the convention that placed this meek
and innocent man before the people, but.
a few honest delegates did not realize it
at th time, and now they will stand by
it or bust a suspender, but our liltl
giant, W. 11. Thompson will be our next
governor, anil if you want to get into
the procession you had ba ler beclimbii.g
on to the band wagon.
M. J. 0'Coiell, - - C: Attirr
. .. . -
Will Practice in All ConrU.
Special Attntioa Ufrea t Laa-4 s
flee BusiBesi.
Collection aad all kaiiatai aatra
ed to me will receire pro-apt atteatlo
Harrison Nuimii.
Phyiscian aad Serraaa
411 call f ireii prompt atteattoa
Ottlce in Drug Store.
Prompt attention givn to all lei;
matters in Justice, County and Dislri
Courts, and before the UuiUd StaU
Land OHice.
Fire Insurance written ia relinry
HTLeal pa)er carafully drawn.
Harrison. - Nebraka..
Vottrdon't forget fj.-n rtarry when von
make, up your ticket, for we iu ed just
such men a him at Washington, one
that can defend your interests as well as
ire has proven that he can help saveyour
country, while he has onlv one arm be
has a sound stomad) and won't, grow
faint heart d wh.-n there is a measure
:omes up that needs his voice, and vole
that his peoples' interests miirhl be pro
tected from the good trusts that have
urown to such an enormous size in the
(last few years that even our chief Ex
eculiv dare not i ross t hem. Put an X
opposite the General's name.
1 'ays1
Mr. AleX Loweiy
Morula v on business.
was at Andrew
Bodarc Gleanings.
John Coffee h.i hi assistant busy
these day biiuliag lumlier from Crawford
Bros. aw mill to be n-'d in renovating
his sheds and out. buildings and otherwise
making limits snug and warm for the
coming winter.
'. K. Rose after Siending a couple of
week yisitiag with his iother Iu Harri
son and I need in tin Valley ,.t mi
l.iur d iv for Big Horn Wyn. acconipiin
w.l hv Mis, R is. mid little b il lie.
Recitation "School
Jlatilila Hanson.
Recital ion Joev Parsons.
Jtecitalion "The Drawing Singer"
Bessie Marsteller.
Dialogue E'hel Burke,
Lnolu Moravek, Karma Priddy.
Song "l!eaenly fnther hear us'1
S-ven (tills.
Recitation Maude Cartel I ,
Song, "Sunshine" Bv High School.
Recitation Mabel Bigelow.
Song "Ameiiean Girl'1
HiL'h School bonis
Sung forward and luck ward.
Recitation, "Jane Jones '. Ethel Burke,
Vocal Solo Professor Stimson
Song "How the corn grow"
Primary School.
Instrumental music Prof. Dunn.
Song. Olivette Dunn,
Harp Solo Daisy Holl.ngHWorth.
Recitation, "Good Night." Mary Burke.
Any one knowing of orphan, homeless.
or dependent children needing a home
will confer a favor on thu children ns
well ti" the Nebraska Children' Home
Mocietv bv reporting the case to the
Home OlhYB 5H Brown Bik , Omaha,
Nuhr. arid the cine will receive prompt
We bear some comment on the qualifi
cation of commissioner Mong of the 1st
District and in justice to bun we must
sav that the ones making such allegat-
ions a re'not .fully aware of what they
" talking about. We must say that
Mr. Meng bus provtd himself one of the
most painstaking comiiii.ssior.ers that
I he county has ever bad, and while he
does not make any great flash about his
work, he thoroughly undeislands every
brunch of work that comes under the
jurisdiction of the board, and we can say
that everything that has conn) before
him has received the most considerate
attention mid his signature was attached
to no bill or document until he was limy
i sat.i-lied that, it was rilit. Mr. Meng a
not in the race for reelection this lali
I herelore we do not i-ay this to advance
bis standing as a c.mdida'e but rei ogrnze
and appreciate .he services he has render
ed us while a servant of the people.
Some of our know it all people are
trying to convince certain ones that the
present county board :i on the extrave
ganl oider; well lets see, up to within a
little over 2 years ago the county was
regi -ttruig all her warrants, and parties
owning same had lo ait lor their money
oi siii at a discount, and the county
then was pa , in 7 per cent interest on
all outstanding warrants. A quarter
section of land was assess d from 8 to 10
dollars, and personal property according
ly , hut since July 1900 warrants have
been casn until October, 1902, and owing
lo levy of 190S being exhausted and
nothing to transfer, the county has to
register her warrants again, out this is
no tan It of th county board, for had
their instructions been carried out there
would lie plenty ol money to pay all ex
penses until the levy of 1903. If any
Voter doutjts this li:t him take his pencil
and the delinquent lax list and satisfy
himself. Tax receipts will show you
what taxes you have paid in former
years, so vou don't ne..d lo take any
loan's word but liure it out for your-
f E. M. V. It K. ia- tba bwU
to and from the
F. K. & M. V R. 4. J1IH, table
Going wt. Going Ea
mixed 10:5 No. . mixed.. 7.50
We h am lint Mr. G lhorl lorinerlv of
1 JoUaic was Married Sunday Oct, ItHh at to Andrews last Sunday.
We are glad to see so many of our
town people visiting Hit Sundav school
in the country every Sunday. We Ivnrn
that une went to Warbonuet and soma lion aud would like to lly a Hag of truce
We understand that some of our cit
izens in the 1st. commissioners district
are try ing lo make campaign fodder by
giving out that Dan Jordan, the Candi
date of the Fusion force, lias not
Qualification1' for a commissioner.
wonder where they get their information
it r-urelv can't l from the reeurd of his
woik forih.it is in Hist, class shape, both
clerically and otlxrwise. Mr. J irdmi's
assessor's book for 19ml shows what kind
of work he can do, and that is what the
people want, ami not gas. We must ad
mit that Mr. Jordan doii'l make any
great ditplay of Ins mental abilities but
we will ray that the people of tha north
end of the county will II 0 1 111 Mr, .lordnu
one that I full able lo take care ol,
biiiis-lf and the interests of Sioux Co.
so don't llieH any such statement but
stand by Mr. Jordan if you want your
district represented by a true Istmocral,
and one that can't he bought and will
stand bv hi color let coma what. will.
Wo understand that the Republican are
Irving to claim Mr. Jordan, but we
understand that part, of It, and we are
not surprised at their uclions, lor they
know they are up against a hard proposi-
Secretary of state Marsh has shown
himself a man unworthy of the office he
now Illls. In filing his certillcate ol
uomiuattonawith county clerk Raum he
also sent .1 sample Ballot, which was
decided hv the supreme court 1 year ago
to be unlawful. The law was passed by
a Republican fiejis'ature in lfj'il, and its
sole obj.-ct, was to rob 'he voter of his
vote and intention. Secretary Marsh
was excusable l-t year, but after the
! supreme court had made this ruling, and
j lie again sands out a deceptive copy, goes
j to show that, the Republican party if
1 they cant get the vote fairly they will
j Invthfiir pi ins to count honest votes out.
The schedule A as is Inid down in the
slatute of 1901 is to place the name
Democrat and peoples Independent in
hnickttt and place one circle t the head
of the ticket for the vol. r to Tote a
straight ticket. Tbis w..ul 1 not interfere
so much in counties where there is
the 1 fusion, but all theeeuntie" through out
We the state dont fuse but nut up a stratghl
Democrat ticket and straight Peoples
Independent ticket and then to make a
cio,s in the circle would leave the
Judges nt a loss to say what was the
intention ol the voter and they not beiag
mind reader would have to count the
'allot out. and by o doing it would add
"tie more vote to the Republican column,
or th question was tnken to the supreme
court, would be knocked out simply for
1be reason that there is no sucha party
as People luib'iiendetit, l)eriiocrat Party.
The Bee makes a paltrv excuse for
Secretary Marsh hut the right thing for
the voter todo i It) retire lum to private
Dealer in;
Harness, Saddles,.
Lumber, Grain,.
Doors, Sash
If s)sibl, hut we are not built mat way,
To all to whom It may concern.
The commissioner appointed to est,.lIli.i
a roinl, eouinii!iielnut the (SW corner ot
section ,'U, Twp. N. nitiife Mt w., anil run
nlng tlieneeeiist on correction linn to the St,
corner of section 4, Twp. 34 N , riinuu It'; W
slid lerinliinthitf ut Unit point to be aHoweij
Hint esiabllsheft, nnd all oti)eellons then to,
or claims for damages must bo. ttleil in the
county clerk' offlceon or before noon of tie
i:it,li day 1 f November A. I), at 02, or siiiil 10 ol
will be established without, referi-nce Miece
to. Win. J. A. liimni,
If!- County Clerk.
A Typical South African Store.
O. R. Larson, or Bay Villa, Sunday s
Rifer, Cape Colony, conducts a s'ore
typical of South Africa, at which can tw
purchased anything from the proverbial
"needle to an anchor.'1 This store is.
situated in a valley nine mile from tho
rn arest railway station and about twenty
live miles froai the nearest town. Mr,
Larson says: "I m favored with thn
custom of lurmer within a radius of
thirty wiiles, to many of whom 1 have
supplied Chainberlaln'H remedies; all tes
tify to their value in a household where
a doctor's advice is almost out of the
Irrigated farm for sale 4 j mile north qlehllon. Within one mile of my store
of t'rawlord, consisting of 820 acres, 100
acres under ditch, 00 acre in alfalfa,
largei nrvv house, large barn. One of the
best improved farms in Iawes Co. Pirce
$10 per acre, impure of L. C. Lewis.
Harrison or Crawford Nehr.
the population i perhaps sixty, Of
these, within the past twelve month, no
lts than fourteen have been ahsolutt ly
cured by Chamberlain1 Cough Remedy.
Tni must arely Is) a record." For
by all I Vimiats.
1 i
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.1! i
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