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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1902)
Hariusop "ST-.,, l FfiS OURNAL. VOL. ZHZIV. HARBISOInT, NEBBASK THURSDAY, OCTOBEB 23. 19Q2. 33 O. 17 lr,T!55r: HARRISON HAPPENINGS Remember the Mala Quartet. Ernest Bunge now l,ve ou hlsppn -a on tilt) divide. J, R. Hunter was a west bound passen ger Wednesday. Fred LeithorT was ill tori lastTuewl.n from Highland. V B-rrn to Mr. and Mrs. J.'E Phinnev las' week a girl. Lf-n Priddy tonk up his studies at school thi Week. Rov, C. L, Smith aliye and well. j So says the Sunday SL.t Journal Mr, Smitli left University Place tun home on i tin) lath d.iv of Man I) for lakeside Nebr. ., ; and lie went rum there witti uu neau oi -,---- - ' jlort.g to Ginnell Iowa anil while on the "BoiiK-To Mr. am! Mr-. Joseph Slasney i ftaj. takeI1 Kll k U11j it .. last Tu.-day. a girl baby. All concerned j U).it Mf .;,,, Hl cou,rol of himself ire dom nicely, even to Joe him elf ,. (lJ wah iVl.ifc-(u t,y shrewd traders to ..oiisidennjc tlna ii his 0t girl. jdi.-puc of his Lows at a considerable . ,,, , I loss mid on going buck to Omaha lie sent You want to remember Ohailes H.j , , , c,u., ,, . Ins famih $i.00 in cash and retained fclbU fully when you come to vow for ha is a .... icjr null sen anil uisappraiirw. ...noiio 'right smart young man and ill look , , . , . were iuhiib to locate mm uui 01 no man afier your interests at Lincoln next n. ..1 .1,. ,,,,,. lata ru utiWU Uvm exhausting themselves in search. Mr. Mrs. Wilhermsdorfer is eagerly w-aiting wandering aimlessly about the return if Mr. Wilhermsdorfer for he1 the country. In June he came to h,m has written her, that he has 2 antelope -completely wo. n out in a Hospital m . ... , , 1 u. small Lown in the mate of Washington .. .-..'i, I., ft. 1.1 ( ' MM 11WKS S HIT III Oil IT lO I County M .ps. The PliJWS-JoiliNAt- lias printed a lim ited numls-r of maps ou Manilla card hoard which cm he secured for 10c each. They ivji.l also be given as a premium to new subscribers. The excitement incident to traveling and charge of fond and water often brings on Hian-tioe:;, and for ill's r.:iui no one should have home iiti,o!,i a hotile of ( h.imberl.un's I c!'C Cholera and lliarrhoea Remedy. For sale by all Druggists. Mr. and Mrs John Herman went o Omaha Monday evening. Fred Witt went to Olen Monday night to work with the bridge gang:. V J. E. Marsteller went to Omaha with a car-load of cattle Monday night. darken the horizeii. We feel a little envious hut no hurt no eat. Irrigated farm f..r sale 4 miles north f l Vnwford. consist intr of 320 i.cres. 100 i..- .10, a. ail in alfalfa. ! mental laose acres Uliu'. .wo , ' - - ' largo tiew house, largo barn. One of the hat hecomeof hit books, papers and . . i. .... Til..'... I ..ii.... I... I ...... dlIiu mum- tiiltre Dear the coast. Assoonashe wasistrong enough to think about Ins coucerus ha wrote a letU r to hi wile lit University I 'lace. Th (list letter written reads as if ihe writer was recovering from a lie ino'lires of his wife, l-st improved farms in Dawes 'o. Piree $10 per acre, iwporftof L ('. L'w. Harrison orCrawfoid Nubr. Sunday whool at 10 o'clock: every body invited. W. H. Davw; Supt. Just received: A new consignment of ru and bovn clothinp at OEULAC'HS. We will club with the Pilgrim, a maKine. llnd Kel a wimI,l' C"1'V- J, Neil Jordan and Henry Bros, shipped S cam of cattle to Omaha Monday nKHt. J. C. Tiirsons is building a commodms Residence uti his .ropei ty mile. south of town. Mieorpe and Jjinies Brown each filwl on a quarter ion of Uncle Sam's donmiti lust Tuesday. Prof. George W. Myers camo in on the east bound train last Monday pifcbl. Mr. Myers has lieen working with the U. S. Geological surveyors fnr several months and he looks hale and hearty, alkali water did"ni sem to have much effect on him only to m ike hun more fleshy. He ex pects to continue work with this out II; in their southern trip this winter. More and better (rood for the same i.oev t Gerlach's store than any other place, try them. 10-tf Mr Z. F. Antrim and wifo w.-m in town Wednesday and we acknowledge a plestnt call from.them. C5fc-ore Davis was s Harris-m vinitm' Tifld,v snd suys tha Vans m-. UmC creek m very bbort lr wirilT feed. Sweet Rovervao. Freddie, the. son of a well-known minister, had misbehaved, and to punisii he was notallowrd lo cat at the lamily table. A small table was set for mm m the corner of t he dmiiic room, V In n his .tinner was placed before him Freddie said very solemtiy: ' Umt, 1 Umtlk thee that thou bast spread a table Isdure me in Uie pmsenc; of my nieiiiies." Jud'e. Preaching services S.mday mornin and evening. Everybody invited. " L, i .', Hohton; Pastor. POUNDED. Alsmt 40 projile youiig and old pither a,t ,. il,u i.i.rsnn isre on Tuewlav I iuht jand proceedeil to poiu:d Hie K-v. H.nton and family with all kinds of Kood things unlit the obi kiU-iien table creaked under it's weight. Iha lieverenJ may go alter sinners with renewed er.erjjv for a while at least. ' TIk eviuuti was n, w games and ftfolnM i few fl"v """""If the young folks. All hmU sociable time and tn preachers heart made glad. other belongings, aim asks many more questions that makes the letter appear as tiie awakening of a mind long at ret. He says his mind was a perfect blank af ter experience at (Jrintiell. He remem bers nothing of l 'ue incidents that happen. ed since, and could not say where tie hud been, lie li r.-t. came to himself in the hospital were ha was taken, having as has beeti learned, lalien exhausted on the slieetsul ttietoiMi. A correspondence ..w iMiriiilim with him. aial he was uir,ed !o como bark to his home, bill, he seemed to think he bad disgraced himself and that his family and liends would not receive h.m. llubjgged them to be US iKiiieul with hun us possible and asked l heir f.)i 'g'Vvii.-.. He is now working i,,-.i-i. i.-. 111 at Emreiie (Jr. xon. He ,K-..1; of U.i ma seen P. 11 ('in.pel' in one ot lite places wuce ik a. so iientionr, ti. names ol other Nebrasl-iins whom he knoivs alni has scea. Mr Si 1 1 U ! i n unduly s.-n.Mtive us he uiwa, b is i I'Ul w hope lie will letU:!i to ins htniily and friends who will Oi.h be to gbul to receive him. FOK SaLE-.-IW acres of land joining the village of Harrison; for further panic ula.n inquire at this office. 40 The supper given by the. Epworih i .... ii.t hVuiaV i.iifht vvasa,iialid lll,M ..i.-- - n i sit- ci -ib.jth linuicialU and otherwise, j At 6;"h ihe JdU.WAu reporter stepped in I to the room wIk-cj the oysters were tl si,ii,iiig and li." coll'ee pots a boiling and Andrew Happenings. We are looking for some young people from Harri-on Sunday afternoon to be ii esent at our Sunday Sehoo! at 2:00. Miss Lilian Harris tauirht last Batur- day lo make up for time lost when painting tiie school house. Mrs. 1. M. Proctor visited 1 lie Andrews school last Saturday and was greatly pleased with the work done there. The lish car came hero Saturday and brought lish for Mr. Mussel. Two new scholars added to our school Monday. Pearl Shepherd age 11 and U,i lob Shepherd age 7, making the num ber enrolled now twelve. We are sorry to lost one of our best Kcltolars, Carl M.idseii. lie is now hord ing cattle for Mr. Hunter. Miss Lilian Harris and Pc.-irhl Jones Elizabeth's schoul at Glen Friday Oct. 10th and found the school in ood working order. After visiting t be s' hool thev w.-iit. to Mr. Webers and were hos pitablv entertained. '1 hey retimed Sun day atlertioon in time for Sunday School. The Siifalay School at Andrews: was Well attem nl lasl Sunday. Supt. Burke and wife and baby suipris.-d us by sleip mg in. We were all glad to see them and were esiieci iliv delijjhteil to see their sweet iiahy. We hope toe wealin-r will permit them to visit, us oflen. The Sun dai Sch-iol (hank Supl. Huike for his kind won's of encouragement, and the liileres! H g points I ha'j he b' liiiirht out 111! I be less'itl. It le-lph SO H 1 1 ! I 1 1 IM our work here to have Mime one C mie from a ill?-1 r i lice .and speak for u-, especially when we know th life of the speaker. Supt Burke is known throughout the of the charge and they advised him if he was not :rnihy to (jo hack, and he did so and w as arrested as above stated. View ing the case from what we can learn and being acquainted with Mr. Arner for the past 14 years we can't help but believe that Mr. Artier is innocent of the crime charged against him. The was killed but will any reasonable man think for a moment that a. man going across the country with a string of horses to meet a round up would think of doing such a thing, the idea is preposterous and we will have to lit;u.r u different re port than we have before we can think for a moment that Mr. Arner would do such a thiinr. EJ Iee and a man named Tate are the two men that were with the band of -.-beep that stopped at the place where the beef was butchered, and Mr. Arner says they are the ones that did it and asked him to partake of it which he did, and so would any hungry man do an '. according to the custom of round-ups if he had bad a wagon and they had oll'ered him a quarter he would no doubt have taken it, but we are sure ! thai, no two men can convict by their evidence an innocent man which we be lieve Mr. Arner to be. Professional Cards. M. J. 0 Council, - - Co. AttorMf, -o Will Practice in All CogrU. Special Atteutiou Oiteu to Ln4 Of (Ice Business. Col lection and all bcsiaeti tnut ed to me will receive prompt attention. 11 ARiusoN - Nebraska. ENTERTAINMENT. The rendition of the following program bv the Harrison Public Schools will take place in the Hall 1 ndny even mg October 81-1902 U-ginmg at I'M o'c.ock. Admission loots. The proceed of tiie aforesaid entertainment will go lo ward the purchasing of an organ for the Schools. The patronage id the public is tespectlully solicited. Instrumental Music. H-c. latum ..'Our Hired Girl," Karma Priddy. Recitation Basil Guthrie. Song, Pig-i-W, Primary Pupils. Recitation, '-Enterbiiiiing Her Big Sis ter's Beau," Maitie Parsons. Recitation "Seein' Things at Night," Veruie Marsteller. R.,.cilat..on. "Johnnie's First Visit to the Dltno Museum,' Luclle MoraVek. cn,r .Olivette Dunn. J. E. PHINVEY, M. D Phjiscian and Snrfeea. All calls given prompt attention Otllce in Drue Stora. -HAKKISON - NEBRASKA. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all lejfai matters in Justice. County and District Courts, and before the United Slate Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliable sompanies. 3?" Legal papers carefully drawn. Harrison. - Nebraska. North-Westerm LINE F. E. M. V. 11. R. is the to and from the BLACK HILLS, DEAD WOOD AND HOT SrKlNUS, SOUTH DAKOTA. Recitation,... Recitation, Recitation, Song.. F. E, timetable. Goiiie 'YMt. Gointc Eas' Ha. 5, mixed, 10:MNo. v. mixed..- 7:40 Commissioner Mer, wan in Monday to sign the wai rants md fay howdy to his nianv friends in this neck of the woods. A sister of Mrs. Sarah Joidao came in on the west bound train yesterday, and wilt visit relatives i-pd friends fr.r u while. riM PnI.H Their Troubles. Mr. Francis Little of MenUm Harbor. Midi, is over eighty years or age. Since tsi),j he has been troubled more or less witii ii dige-tiou and const. palion and has tried almost everything m u-e for those ailments Ist August, he began using , m t t..;,,vs;i,,i.,itrh nod Liver Tablets i .nam ivi i - -- anil was soon feeling much better. In a e..,-,,t letter he Ha vs. "1 have iwil three boxes or the Tablets and now think I am well." These Tablets improve the ap petite and invigorate the st- inarh, liver and bowels. For sal by all uruggiMs. remarked to the uooS, Mr. Andersouy " , . i' ir,.,k-! work.' t"rts ts hs thai mere was mwui n., 7 - log lot of people waiting tor 'he Word eat io lie Huiiooliced as we have seen in a long lame, but this did not, discourage lue c.oW, ue only Mid, let em come and In. v did c-mi, and lor about 2 bouts all vuu could hear was tiie crunching of holies and the rattle of diMies until all the -. , ... r ai.ii lo hI UiiniiS were la. a ... - n , 1 in Sunday School wOVK.' trsts is hi second vi-wt.tieie, - We thank him for this interest in our behalf. Come again. Ca-ey Items. ' !..,.r, tht lb- R-'riubbcan fttfrei-d last Satunlay St their csih vent inn to biing out Matt Hall on petiliun for coiuraissioner, 8. J. Leeling made the JofHSAh ofllce a pleasant call last Tuesilay. Come a (rain Sam the latch string hangs on the outside of the door. To the lady getting the right number from a package of Three-Siar Coll'ee now on Mile at Ma'stellei Bros, will re ceive $5.00 ID cash. It will pay you to try it. If red want a snap in Ladies'and child rens shoes Ko to (iFULACH'S where you can buy them chear than in any astern city. They now have a lurge assortment. A Typtca.1 South Afriearv Store. 0U. Li.-.;::, of Bay Villa, isundass Kiver, i aw Colony, conducts a store .. . .. ..i ,.f ...,Hi AlVua. at which can oe li oa,i i... in u II l in I o. vlieu I III lo.o. .' - n, come, to eaiii'g chicken the. 1 hur.-vin-lles ran put to r.mie aoj ItK.lioiusl pi -a. -her hvn.g: tin 1 we bel.eve tiie KtV. Horloii w.H are.s wiih us. 'A ell talk aholll. wallci-, Mr.-'i. ones i.a.Mellel', Willian.-, and V illiermsdoiier assled by Miss Heliyer, Wright, and the gai.aul Conrad ('arsons sur.j iiiailt! llungs hum, .: o ....1 itn. itui'.ntr fooin and Hie ...t.n.a. u threw oil Uicir iiais and UmnbtU, sni'J inlster. all you could see was a streai; nd until GRAND BALL. A irrsind bainwill be held at Andrew's Hall on Friday, October the 'U.h, All are invited to attend and a good tune i iusjred. K. U. I't .s'M Urson says: "lam favored with the . . - I .f custom of farmers wnmii a i.....n ... Hurt v miles, to many of whom I have i. onhed I 'ham lierl ai a" s remedies; all tes tify to th"ir value ill a household whete a doctor's advice is almost out of the Many things have happened since the last items were sent. The threshing machine with it's noise devourec and the i uoV. may C el thank-j and d. 1st has been here and gone and ' , . " i . n . .... I i ,i..,i ..r ,. Bin I ic i( ntrriin j,i.iu in lb. Mrs. Elizi Dove UHmann has Is-en ber.i and visited wiUi h.-r sister Mrs. (J. C. Talb'V for a few dav and gone to the eastern p'iri of thu slate to j.mi her busbatid w here she expects to receive midira. anl. Mrs. A, Pi'iM'iinier is atr the Piru Ridge Agency visiting her daughter Mrs. Boesl. Mr hii.1 Mrs. Ilirtlov S..xtcii are now living in ;hiel,ou where he has secured employment on the radroad. Mrs. Jane (o'lll'i-n has g.m to Wyo. She exo. ds lo make hei home there in the I ui lire. fjarl M Lux gave a hou-,e .var-niin in his new risideui last night. It is reported that tnere was a good at tendance and a pieasiiul time w ag enj )V ed by all. John Dickey left for Ca-per Wyo. on Monday, urnl II Spurgeon started for the eastern part of thi state ou the same day. "" ' Ihttini; here a purchased anything from the proverbial , ,.rA1 h-diered eno.lgll. needle loan anchor.' This store is iat crowd ol happj beings rrtueil situated tn tl valley nine nm" , nearest railway sUlioii and about twenty j ii i r..,..,i itiu nearest lown. Mr live urn." ii.-... to to-, ilali .v.ih lull stomachs, ready to listen to the short progiam thai, had been hastily prepared lor Hie o. caMon. Prof. Dunn wllh hisorcheMia gaver,oii,e tine selections of insli iimel.ou music which was very much appreciated in the faud.ence, and reciiations wne given by in i . -I....I. I 1,,-e Moiavik anil MuS Iieien caai, j - - (dv,c is almost out ol ,,e , f ,,, tl(B (:lmulX of the evening question. nine i my (),.VB, ,njnu :l,,oea.ed o- the the populati.n is rh.p" sixty. fj ' ., i non't ire if these, within the past twelve mouths, no 1 1 A t . less than fourteen have ueci ausonmiy cured by Chamberlain's k ough Uemeily. Tin. must ssrely be a record." For sale by all DrucififU. Theodore Rooeevelt on "The l'r.l,lncv" Before his nominal ion for the Vire- On Saturday Miss. Mdita Spease wunt tu I'hadron to attend the Academy. Frank Curi-inCiiiwhibitil for R-prr sentu live of th 5H Di-lnct Hiri cur street Inst Htitnrdii.v, Frank s.ud wecuuld roasl him if we wanftel lo hut we Won't lor Ihe trip up Salt river wdl be bard enough on him. siace and sunk' ihe, i uon't care if you nuver come hack, and tucborc alter en. bore lolloeU and ou tier lel.iin to the st-ge she I'ei.dereU the song, 1 am certainly livum a ldg ' "oe Id -, with such ellect that Ihe crud cht-etvd hel lo mi echo, aliU the eiit hu-lasm and appterialiou got l'J great lor county ,1. rk Ibiuui and he gl iolied ins hat and Presidency 'Ibeodote Roosevelt wrote tlieiw Was .iiile a hiio.ei ol i'-vr lor a ... ... .... I .. .. i -a il iiilo V.r.".sly for 1 UK I iSTII s I imr iw-i lime, unu no imm .i"" ' arliileoit "The Presidency-'' ' '"-jibe lapol Ouvei , and she w,..i..i .ui.lisbed in the liuuiber for Novemls r ' tlliuj t0 te stage and she down lib. this Is-mg on- of the r. mailin g j Um IOUs w nb cheei al ter i heei by sin ikiy issues of llldi M ht free.tium 'I j mg, Mt.ij ll. ym.r own bu g Yaid. We '..i r. n t., (,. v new mi'" ! -..I u. ai ubI-v one i-dl at'.-llcd and will lllim o. t.i.-' : - -.-nber who at. i.nce aei.d, I 7.i Ur 'Itn-.'. ,.ng lli evening j , Svw Castle awai . v.f.v'n lil'.t iiilnuie. Uiien t In -i ,,., t, under the auspic-s -.1 tiie I'.j.woniij iiinuel G, gran(-on of S- W. Clnrev, d,ed al. New labile Wyoming Oct. ldih. 1!ID2. Ihs rear mis were in'ered in the Union rs; hi- cemetery Oct. The decca vd speii. hi.-, hoy boo. I day s on I 'ot toii'viiod hiving roun, here with Ins grandparents at the aye ol 7 rs. He was i rs. old at, tin tune ol his death and Uaves many Irieuds lo morn hi loss. 'H.MoTllY. "Fashionable School Girl" Edith Bin ke. 'Contentment," Mabel Zerbe. Gambler's Vife,"NeIlieScott "Building Day by Day," Hurt". School Girls' t. horns Class. Recitation, ...OnaSagesar Recitatiori, "Aritltmetic,"..Diin Davis. Song, "Five Latle Mice," Primary Pupils Recitation, fiues What He Had in His Pocket," Dee Davis. Song, "Two Little' Seven Little Gil Is. Recitation. ."The Turkey for the Parish" Johnnie Lowry. Recitation "The Uollie's Funeral" Helen t'larke. Recitation "IBs new Brother ' Charb-y Burke. Recitation, Who L )Ved Best" I leo Bigelo.v. Recitation, 'Hypercondriao" i eha 1 iaiisoii , Recitation ..."Been.' 1 Have to Go to School," Fred O'Connor. Dialogue "Showing the Album" Dollie Priddy and Ida. Moravek. Vocal Duet, : ---- Helen Clarke and l.ucile Moravek. Hecitalion. "Methtisalah" George Burke. Song 'Yankee Doodle' Intermediate Bovs 'How Mr. Wilson man.iged,' High School. "To Big to Kiss," Elm. 1 'avis. "S.-hool Days" Matilda Hanson. Rec.'al Jwy Barsons. Red hit ion "The Drawing Singer" Bessie Marsteller. Dialogue Ethel B"l'kt3' Lucilu Moravek, Karma Priddy. S,ig "Heavenly rather bear us" Seven Girls. Recitation Maude Bart el I. Song, "Sunshine" By High School. Recitation Muhel Bigelow. yoll American Girl" H gh Si hool Chorus Sung forward i.nd backward. Recitation, "Jane Jones', El he! Burke. Vocal Solo Professor Stimson y,,iv' "llm the corn grows" I'rima; y School. Iustrunieutal music Prof. Dunn. i Song ...O'tvette Dunn, j Recitation, "Good Night" Mary Burke. B. ROHWER. 4' DEALER in; Harness, Saddles, Lumber, Grain, Doors, Sash & WIRE. fea,.tr stai ;&xw.Mj'm&& . - Dialogue.. R -citation. Recitation. mmm if i JWJt.'lfTlHWs. We leirn 'hat. John Arner is now in trial lor i he 1 killing ol a steer wh.cli bclung-d lo Mr. NOTICE TO LANDOWNERS. To all to whom It may concern. The commissioners appointed to establish a roud, eoiiiiiiem-hiK t tlio SW corner i.t section 4,Twp. 33, N. ranife rm W., slid rnn nhig thence east on correction line to the NK corner ol section 4, Twp. 3'2 N., raiiR') 5 W. anil teriiihiiithig nt that point to be allowed anil esuihlWhed, and nil objections thereto, or cbi'.iiis for (liiiiini?es nmst be tiled In the county clerk's otllc'cun or ts-fore noon ol the 131b day of November A. D. ltK, or sidu road will be established without reference there t. Win. J. A. Hillllll, nj.4 Comity Clerk. The teachers of Sum comity will hike notice thai the teachtrs aesociatiiin will be held nl I r.iwford Una year, so watch for date and J. B. Hurt. Co. Supl, THI.:r;!(ST Of '.ho W.-strfrii Lyceum Bmiu ' '!'" There will !.- I ii'"rt liriu'i Is tn I ha - - f m 'le q iarle', Nov-lllher '.', I 7 :. '' , .,.! lb- l.v'f-' ' atlii K on "1 le lr.-ideuc.v" was written League ol Haiii-o... i one h r-...-. ...... 1,1 I.m en foreseen or drenmed ...,i i. ri veil Ihe solicitors and oloer eviuthat itsiiulhcr fM.uid s.i so .u U c,ti,itte lor labor and ellorls put . ulled t'Mrl I ' lake th-' du'ies ol the p,n. to make this s.ipis r a succes-, and gnai cilice. Fit this reau alone what ,f40.iO, -the r. c-ipls of the eve g ... ..... ......... ..m . . . .... i o u- M ti sncces-. and e Mr It .OMsVell llii I" -ay mean "i ...... triinidii.iirv iiiti red, aid will ag"rly awaited hi ,etsoiis ol to 1 1 ftiudes of pol. H .li oplfdon, A twu e.gbt p (.'. Pio-I - fins f " " HitC .uiio i f'llin Y d TM V nMciMo-i ., i (,.i c...e.-f -.1- I ' r . , I i .- - - Sill' ll-'ll'i Till, vnn'! -. o i rv'i ..')!, Ill lieikil ami!'., hth.un, Mas Url l.lltl Ui U: llnd' t a 1 want to b.Ve ' to , ins ' i mid bis coi , "I t, c'l.ioil.n.i-t-l bv our p-iplti I. d.oii'.l th. to. k HI u.akll'g af, Wl,111 ler i VTV em . I"' "",v " "" i - Foul. Li. Co. Cierk .( H- tts BlulT Co. , From what vve i u learn ahoui. the mat ter Mr Arner '.vas going lo meet the roilul ui; as a representative ol Sheldon & Piuiiy, and It seems that the round np hud Dot reached lle-re yet, but a sheep on-ill. v.u p is-tiiu ih'ough ud Mr, Ar ner lotiild tlel li HI canin it t Ins iil.ux and lone, i ioi. j- ai hers "In-ind I lh.'. had hulcler-d tint animal and liov lor ui-1 I,-, t,, lav it on Mr, Arner add as there Nue Will kbo.V to , rtllir Uus when IheV . ,.i...i,aiit tone, i'rol. luamst him il will cost him i i.. .. .i .... , ne u 'winch our )ii..g lades kiiouI.. 1 e d, ' of th net he went h e k to the r-ucll of tlieil- hiiU, j bin id.a. and Piiiiuy iuid ijuii iui.d iheiu The Dins Doctrine. Tho Iondon Chronicle gleefully di rects attention to the fact that at a rec.nt session of the pan-American ponfereuce- In the City of Mexico a Mexican delegate proponed the "Diaz doctrine" aa pendant to the Monroe doctrine. The latter, as Is well known, prohib its P.uroncan natlohn from making ter ritorial atquiKlilontt in South America. The "Diaz doctrine" goea many steps ! farther and prohibits any atate of the 1 American hemisphere from acquiring j ny territory at the expense of any other American state. , The "Dla doctrine" Is sound In prin ciple and would bo a fitting pendant to the doctrine of our own Monroo Whether It will rnmrrcttd Itself to our f.C-esnien Is ft very different maltor. Haiti .-..ore Sun. L-tlob Prison formerly of this place was- 1 shot mid killed tn a saloon alGiMelte lasl Saturday. Two Irunken men were j lighting with revolvers and poor Bob happened to hem the way of a stray I bullet. Dusk Herald. I Bob will be rememlrt-red by a good i many of our old timers. Job's Wife. To the patience ol Job a whole book is- I devoied: ! To that of Ins wife not an instance is noled. ! Though heaven forbid thtt her griel j we should probe; With Ihe rest of her troubles l also, had Job! I Path Fi(iari.