Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, October 16, 1902, Image 1
t... a,. ' Harrison Press -Journal. VOL.XIV. HARBISOKT, IsTZEBrRASICA., THTJBSDAY, OCTOBER IS. 1902. 38 O. IB 0 HARRISON HAPPENINGS Y Jams Cook K.30dJ. wu io from Agate last I Ed Row returned froi Monday. Sheridan Wy. Mm. Anna Thoroton returned Iowa Tuesday. from JohD Burke is carrying the mail for Ouy Kendall this week. Vj. W, Reed si tipped a car-load of cattle from Crowford last week. Rev. Horton preuched to i gregaliuo last Sunday night. large con- Bunday school at 10 o'clock; every' body invited. W. H. Davih; Hupt. Jutt received: A new consignment of sues and boys clothing at OERLACHS. We will club with the riigrioi, a magazine. Call and get a sample copy Mure and belter goods for the same niney at Uerlach's store than any other place, try tneru. 10-lf Nij. 11. Bradley, Henry Wasserburger, Peter Allison and Henry Allison made Qoal proof last Saturday. COME EVERYBODY. The First ef the season. A Grand Oyster Supper and Feeetlval- Plenty to eat for all at the Hall There wi'l be two table set, one for oys ters and the other for everything else good to eat. Supper begin at 6:1(0 P. M. Friday evening, Oct. 1703. Price 25 cts. each. The follewing are the committees. On management; J. I. Davis, George Williams, Conrad Parsons. On entertainment; Miss Helyer, Miss Tupper, Miss Cassis Oeriach, W, U. Davis. On soliciting; Mm. J. 11. Wilherms dorfer, Mrs J. E. Mars teller, Mrs. T. O. Williams. On reception; J. H. Bartell, J. E. Mars- teller, Mrs. Fiank Wright, Mrs. W, H. Davis. On dish-washing; Miss Susie Tupper, Prof. Stunsou, Howard Burke, George Williams. Collector; J. B. Burke. Given under the auspices of the E. L. Mr. Wickersham shipped a car of cat tle from Sioux City and drove them to bis tauch io lite valley, last Saturday. Fo Sale:-160 acres of land joining the village of Harrison; for further partic iils.ra inquire at Unit olttce. 40 Dr. Seymour, tlie eye specialist was kept busy lust Wednesday m Crawford waiting on his many patients and Sioux county was wtll represented. To the lady getting the right number from a package of Three-Star Coffee now on sale at ManOeller Bros, will re ceive 1.00 in cash. It will pay you to try it. MARRIED. Frank Ilubhard and Bertha Noreisch were nmrried last Tuesday. Mr. Hub bard filed on a quarter suction of land Hie same day, who can beat this, a wife and a home all in one day. The PhEss JocsJNAXi extends best wishes for this young couple's future happiness. DIED- Frank C. Lowry, son of Alex, snJ Alice Lowery, was born Septemlier 27, 1880 at Somerset, Warren county Iowa, and died of Typhoid fever October 7, 1902, at Deer Lodge Montana, ; from Montana the re mains were brought by the father to Harrison on last Sunday, and on Monday morning at 10 o'clock services was held at the church where a large concourse of friend of the deceased, and relatives, had gathered to pay tneir last tribute to the departed one. Rev. Horton preached a very impressive sermon, und we trust the words will be long remembered by those that were present. At the close of the services the face of the departed one was viewed by many of his old associates and friends; The funeral procession then look up its silent march to the cemetery wliere the last sad rites were performed, and the body consigned to its last resting place. The Prksr-Journal extends heart felt sympathies to the father, mother, and relatives of the departed one nnd let us all remember the lesson that was taught by our blessedMaster while on earth that every one is our neighbor that needs our sympathies and help, and as (he ones thai cared for this soul in sickness did all they could to cool the burning fever and ease the aching body, thev learned the lesson of who is the i r neighbor, and will lie rememliered) bv Him when Jhe conies to makeup his Jewels. The excitement incident to traveling and charge of food and water often brings on diarrhoea, and for this reason no one should leave home without a bottle of Chamberlain's folic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by nil Druggists. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. To all to whom It may concern. Tlie commissioners appointed to establish a road, comnieucliiK at the WW corner of section 84, Twp. 33, N. raiiR-e W W., and running- tbence east on correction line to the SE corner of section 4, Twp. 32 N., range 5U W. siid terminating- at that point to be allowed uii'l eHUiblli-hed, and all objections thereto, or claims for (liuiuiKe must be filed in the county clerk's offlt-eon or before noon of the 13th day i.f November A. i. liiOi, or said load sill be established without reference there to. Win. i. A. Itauin, 16.4 County Clerk. V Bodarc Gleanings. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Thomas took the east lound train Monday niht for Iowa where they will visit friends and relatives. They will also visit in Illinois beforu rH turning. Mr, Thomas says it has lieen 20 years since he left there, and might say hey well deserve it vacation. The rill probably lie gone lor 2 or 3 months. If yu want a snap in Ladies and child ras shoes jo to GfcKLACH'S where you raa buy them cheaper than in any astern city. Toey now have a large assortment. GRAND UALL- 'a grand hll4wil be lield at Andrew's Hall on Friday, October the 24th. All mrm inviiad to attend and a nood tinie Is insured. R. C. Duns Catrsy Netioe. Blrayed, one rJan pony, branded 3 T on left hip. Crow on tlie shoulder. Five dollars reward will be paid for his return to Dr. McMurdoat Ft. Rnbinon. C. J. M. McMurdo. Clubbing Offers Wall you are thinking of subscribing r ynar yearly reading matter, reins m br that lb PnaaWoitSAL will Uke .k..iniu,aa ta an naner on earth and sav postage aed time for you. A CAR.D OF THANKS. we desire to thank our kind fribnds for the sympathy and assistance extended to ,. in in ln and burial of our son and bi other. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lowrv and Children. vln Wyoming. 2 As the space in the Press Journal is limited our items this week will neces sarrlv be shirt. irrlv be si Stm Hoi The lelegates elected at the different rimaries to nnmiiiate u commissioner lor the HrstcommiKsinners District will meet , at the school house in school Distr.ct No, 16 south west of Montrose on Squaw reek, on Saturday Oct. 18 1903 at 2, O'clock P. M. Jacob Wssserhiirger. Chairman. Clans Christetisen. Chairman. Old People Have Their Troubles. Mr. Francis Liltleof Benton Harbor, Mich, is over eighty years of age. Since 1H65 he has been troubled more or less with icdigeslion and constipation and has tried almost everything in use for those ailments. Ist August he began using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and was soon feeling much better, in a recent letter he says, "I have ud three boxes of the Tablets and now think I am well," These Tablets improve the p petite and invigorate the stomach, liver and bowels. For sale by all Druggists. Irritated farm for sa le 4 miles north fn.fAn4 mnsisllnr of 820 acres. 100 VM est " f --- ' acres under ditch, 20 acres In alfalfa l. m house, larite barn. One of the t im.raved farms in Dawes Co. Pirc f 10 per cre. inquire of L C. Lewis. Harrison or Crawford Nebr. Democratic Pmmaky Caocct. The voters of War Bonnet precinct are railed to meet t the voting pluco War Bonntrt precinct on the 17th day of October. 1002 at 8 o'clock P. M. of that diy. for the purpose of electing delegate to attend the convention that will be i.-ni Mnntrose on t)ctober 18th, 1902 i... it., nurfmae of nominating a com r.. , missioner for the 1st. commissioners district. P. Lact, Prvfinct Committeeman. The Newport Sunday School it now at that point where any other organisation would be called !. About 10 pr exnt or the number whoanould nt lend do (tend BuwUy rkhool. nd w are in formed that no line will scept Um poal t.ohol aup-nnleodont. It woe Id boa pleiAseot wrprhs. H thio condition of affaire wro remedied by the lime tne Rev. KVHar returned. Will anyone take up tfio burwestl-Vew Port Eagle. we would nufcifml Bro. Ooo-I that j oii lake up M.in burden i " :n c" 11 eh, and give Rev. K.IW a genuine ttrprise on his reture. PUBLIC SALE. I will sell at my ranch i mile east of Kirlley Post Office, Wyo. the following described property to-wit; 1 span of Oeldings 1 SHin of Mares 1 4 year old Gelding 18-' " Mare and Colt 12" " horse Colt 3 yearling horse Colt 1 saddle Horse, 9 year old 1 McCormick Mower 9 sets of double Harness 1 8 Inch Molme Wagon 1 Organ, nearly new 100 Loads of mowed Orain 8 Tons of prairie Hy Also other nrticles too aumerous to mention. Hale to begin at 1 o'clock, October 16th. 1902. TERMS: Cash. , THOMAS B. TATMAN; Owner, E. A. BiOBLOW; Auctioneer. erlleld lost a fl00 horse week ago Monday by getting loose in the barn during the nilit and enting too much rye. This is a b vl loss to Mr. H. as he rial ulready lost his crop by the hail. Miss Ida Snt ton a former teacher here, slid sister of Mrs. George Davi., arrived here from thejeast, veek ago Saturdy and is now makiug her home with her sister. Miss Florence Christian bi,'iin a five months chool in the east school houte on last Monday. This is her second term heieand vi predict for hera model schoi. We wish to correct two errors in our last items. First, Dan Slatterv did not Ko with George I)av is to help gather U his cattle. fiec.nd, Ix Wilson sacked and ricked 1000 bushels of oats, instead of fiOO buslml as rportd. Z G. Deuel killed a porcupine near hi home oue day last week. Mr. Shalto, father of Hill and Howard Shatto, and of M-s. Bnyles, arrived here, from Oregon, onTuerlay of lat week. We undestand that Mate Dtuel is building a house for Jake Mill, the shuep man. Yve unoerslanu lliat lie is putting up a five thousand dollar residence. Boyles Bros, are drilling wells for Jake Mill; They have nlreaJy put down one and are now on the second. There are now but two jobs of thresh ing to be done on the Ridge, Quill ol the Herald, and Philip Freese's. If the weather aernnts it will all be done by the time this is in print. Witt and Weber finished their last job of threshing, on last Friday and pulled their machine home on Saturday. i Chris Christian had the banner crop of wheat From Ave acres he threshed 1(0 bushels. On last Sunday night snow fell again here, but only enough to make the ground look white. But very few have their potatoes dug. If we get a haid freeze this week no doubt some will never he dug, still it dosen't matter as there is no sale for them, and at present they are not worth the diggin't. To late for publication last week. Mrs. S. A. Rose of Harrison has been visiting for a week with friends in the valley. j C. F. Coffee came to the valley Monday bringing with him fromChudron uyoungj man and his bride who will assist John in taking care of the ranch this winter. Nick Schaefer was kept busy last week joing around the valley with his tluesh inir machine, Friday he threshed four hundred and sixteen bushels of grain for John Cotlee. It has been announced that our new neighbor Rev. Wickersham will pretch to the people of Bodarc next Sunday Oct. 12, every one should try lo be present. We are having a beautiful Indian summer now and every one is rnshing to get their fall work done und their winter's word hauled while the roudiand lulls are in good couditiin. Mr. II. Zimmerman sold a hunch of yearling steers to Z. F. Antrim this week. C. F. Coffee spent Sunday at his home in Chadron, returning Monday. We leel a pity for Zekiel living ainoi'g the snow clad hills of Wyoming. Why not tnovejjhack to Hat Creek valley and enj iy the lovely June weather we are having, we have not seen snow here yet tins fall. M. A. C. A SAD MESSAGE. Last Wednesday Alex Lowry received a telenram informing him of his fon Frank's death at Deer Lodge, Montana. Mr. Lowry started, the same day, for Montana and returned with the remains of his son last Sunday, and on Monday the body was laid away to rest in the Harrison cemetery. It is sad indeed lo part with our loved ones when we are near them and know that their every want has lieen supplied, but when we trust to strangers there is always a feel ingthat something more might have been done to make things more pleasant and peaceful in their last hours, but we are glad to say in this case that Mr. Lowry was insures that everything was done for his son that could possibly be done, so far as medical aid and card could do. we must say here, not for the de ceased but for the living boys that have a desire to leave father and mother, that thevmiay have things more their own wav, that when you come to meet that grim mor.ster, (death) that there is not a man living that can give you the encour agement to sneet this ordeal as father can, and there Is not a hand in this world as soft and tender as that hand of your dear self sacrificing mother, one that will never forsake you as long as there is breath in your Isidy, and ufter death has claimed yo-.i she will stand us a sentinel over your character and de fead it whatever your life may have been. We will again say young men stand bv your parents and live in daily touch with them that they may minister to you in time of sickness, and should death claim you they will have the pleasure of knowing that everything was done for you that could be done. The general election will be held in A Typlosvl South African Storo. i .). m)nt u.v)tl house. Frank Church. O. R. Larson, of Bay Villa, Sundays: An(lrew christian and James Rice are f J . . ' l . w. t . n .In.. ' ... w.r, v mym ...;, v......... v - ' the udees. The democrat of this typical of South Africa, at winch can be ; couy have pul up s ood ticket and purvr.aseaanytning.rom .no proven.,,., , flf (.ani,jdalM wjl give the "needle loan anchor. Itus storo is situated in a valley nine mile from the noarest railway station and about twenty fjve miles from the nearest town. Mr, Larson says: "I urn favored with the custom of farmers within a radius of thirty miles, U many of whom 1 have supplied Chamberlain's remedies; all tes tify to their value In a household where a doctor's advice is almost out of the question. ' Within on mile of my store the population is perhaps sixty. Of lhs. within the past twelve mouths, n less than fourteen have been ahsoluttly cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Tnis must ssrly be a retort." For sal by all Druggist. ' Repulrn a close call. Still w hate lo s such good men as M. R. Collins, George Bolln and Tlieron S. Grant slaughlerod at the polls; they are all good business men and no doubt will take their niedicin even though it should he salt. T. B. Tatman will hare a puhlie sale, this Thursday after which he will start for WalU Walla, Washington to join his family who is ulroady there. With pleasure we read Mr. Rice's letter in the Issl Prss Joiirniil. We are I ways glad to hear from Hioux county pilgrims. error and order the clerk to strike the said $00 from the tax list for said year. The Board proceeded to ascertain the information necessary in order to select the names of persons from which to draw a pitit jury to. serve- at the November, 1902 term of the District Court. Th names of all who were dawn as jurors for the past two years were first obtained. The abstract of votes cast at the last general election was found to be 361, which num ber divided by sixty, the number of persons required by law to be list ed for jury purposes. It was fouud that one persou could be listed for each six electors found in each precinct. The following list of persons eligible for jurors was then elected from the several precincts; Andrews 5, viz, Ernest Bunge, James F. Bannon, Frank Lewis, Christ ChriNleusen, and Frank Diester; Antelope 2, John Herman, and Clem Leeling; Howoo 12, A. J. Bogart, Wm. Belden, Chus. Cammenziud, F. W. Clark, John Dieckmann. W. H. Davis, W. L, Hoyt, Carl Larson, A. McGinley, Eggert Roh wer, J. W. Reed, and N. L. Tipton: Ct-tou-wood 6, A. L. Akers, John Brown, John Spease, S. W. Carey, James Ever son, Wm. Glaze; Hat-creek 8, J. L. Anderson, J. B. Bradley, Martin Carroll, Thomas Doyle, Albert Hill, Thomas Hines, Bernard Haas, Neil Jordan; Mont rose 5, Adam;Baunigard, John Henry, Andrew Johnson, August Mader, Jr. John Ootruiider; Running-water 2, J. H. Bisser and H. Harris; Snake Creek 2, O. E. Al cutt and John Curran; Sheep Creek 2, Marshall Bird and John Gompert; Sugar Loaf 4, Joseph Brelty, Jake Foster, Andrew Prycunier, Mike Jordan; War Bonnet 4, Leonard Dout, Joseph Dunn, Wm . Garrettson, Wni. Harvey; Whistle Creek 3, W, L. Ashbrook, John L. Kay, Jack Mettlen; White River 5, Louie Alli son, Julin Blouiberg, John Barngrover, Sam Crisinan, C. R. Lambert. On motion Board adjourned until Oct. 8th., 19U2. Wm. J. A. Rautn, Clerk. lftirrison Sioux County, Nehr. Oct. 8th. 1002. The oflicial Bond of Goodsen Lacy deputy liei-iir was on motion approved. The county Treasurer is instructed and hi is hereby sd ordered to transfer from general fund for the years 1891 $10 50. 1892 $6 07. m'i $8.40,1894 $17.88. 1895 0 20. 1898 $52.89. 1898 $55.14, 1899 $52.89 1900 $203. 14 to the general fund 1902. The county Treasurer is instructed and he is hereby ordered to apply $28 25 general fund 19'.2 on the tales of the following named persons and issue them tax receipts for the same, M. J. Weber $28.25. On motion Board adjourned until Oct. 9ih, 1902. Win. J. A. Ranm, Clerk. Harrison Sioux Co., Nebr. Oct. 9th. Board met as per adjournment. Pres ent commissioners, Meng, Lewis, Bigelow and clerk. The following claims against Sioux Co. were taken up, examined, audited, and on motion allowed, reduced, or rejected as the case may be. Read the Pros Journal. Professional Cards. M. i. O Co.aell, - - Co. Attsrswy. Will Fractlco la All CoarW, Special AttMtioa UUsa U UN Of flee Business. Collections and All baslossi sotrast ed to ate will receive prosapt attoatto, Habiuson - Noiasiu, J. E. PHINNEY. M. I) Phyiseian tad SarftM. All calls riven prompt attest!, Office In Drug Store. -HAKJHBOH . NKSBASKA, GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all Isgai matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before th United Stat Land Office. Fir Insurance written in rsliaUs companies. tlTLegal papers carefully drawn. Harrison. - Nemlaska. North-Western E. M. Claimed $14.00 4.50 Allowed $14.00 For 4.50 For 197.50 Fo Crawford Bros, bridge plank. 8. A. Crawford bridge plank. M. J. Weber 197.50 building 4 bridges. 28.25 Held for taxes, Aaron Stewart 05.00 85.00 For building and repairing bridges Joseph Konrath 10.00 10 00 For work on bridge Aaron Stewart 179.50 179 50 For building and repairing bridges Wm. J. A. Rtain 2 18 32 18 Clk of Diet, court 20 30 20 30 J. B. Burke 48 00 48 00 services as Co, Supt. Fremont Tribune 10 75 10 73 supplies 28 28 28 28 Wm. J. A. Rau m 259 30 239 36 tax list LINE V. R, R. is to and from the to best BLACK HILLS, DKADWOOD AND HOT SPBIJIUS. SOUTH DAKOTA. r.E.aU.VR.ft. list table. dolus "Tint. Goiuf Kas So. 9, mixed,. 10 :M I No. 4. mixes. . J:S E. ROHWER. Dealer in; Harness, Saddles, Lumber, Grain, Doors, Sash & WIRE. G Dist. court fees COMMIWIONKR PKOCRKNUOH. Harrison. Sioux Co.. Nebr. Oct. 7th. 1902. The county commissioners met us per statutory requirement. Present com missioners, Meng, Lewis, Bigelow, and Wm. J. A. Rauni clerk. Charles Dippert speiired before the Board and made complaint that he was assessed for $267.42 illegally for the year 1888. Upon Investigation and examin ation the coin in issioners llnd such to he the case and order the clerk to strike that amount from th tax list for said year, M. J. Weber appeared before the Board and compliuned that he was assessed for $80. Dollars credit In bank for th year 1899 and after mskmg a proper showing :v llin-ih-tt t!,k lomunssiooeis llnd the same low uu wnneks fevs 4 98 3 TIL 85 6 13 1 96 4 98 3 78 85 e 13 1 96 600 t 00 For For For For For freight and dray age Postage 3rd ur C 00 1 00 1 00 For striking jury and issuing venire thereof. ' 100 100 For salery 3rd qr. Dieckmann & Ucy fl 50 6 60 M. J. OVonnell 75 00 73 00 salery 3rd qr. M. J. O'Connell A 00 5 00 postage Dave Ban lett 300 00 80$ 00 painting C. H. It Keel 5 50 6 30 wood Joe Stimlivant 8 10 witness fees S 10 2 10 S10 For For For For For For A. McCinley witness fees Chas. Lewis witness fees Thes. B. Bnvder -witness fees Alex Lowry sheriff fees Alex Lowry sheriff fees Alex Lowry sheriff fees David Bart lett sheriff fees Pat Lacy . service as coroner J. B. Johnson juror fees M. H. Orn Hans Peterson L. C. Wright J. W. Jacobson Nels Adamson M J. Weber, witness 110 1 10 Hans Peterson Nyholm 1 10 1 10 Charles Bondhotty 1 10 11 10 Louis E. Day .1 10 1 10 Frank M. Botcher 110 -1 10 The following claims war taken reconsider! and on motion allowed. George Benham, bailiff ' 10 00 H. D. Mend " . t4 00 Charles L. Hilbert SO 00 The county Treasurer is instructed and he is hereby so ordered to refund to Aug ust Meier $13 34 tax illegally aswisssd against him for th year 1901 and paid under protest, Th claim of 1. S. Mcintosh for refund of taxes was on melion rejected. On motion Riiatd adjourned Without a day. Wm. J. A. Raum, Clerk. 2 10 8 10,F A 30 610 For-. 8 20 8 20 Fr 8 00 00 Foi' 5 35 6 25 For 1 00 1 00 ' 130 IftO " 14 00 14 00 " 1 10 1 10 " 1 10 Held for taxes 1 10 1 10 3 50 8 80 i io . i io no i io up The teachers of Sioux county will tak notice that th teachers association will lie held at Crawford this year, so wm d for dsl and Progr-vut. Purke. - iV b . r